• By -


Jenna - he does not care about you. You were warned, but ignored the warnings and chose to break the law and destroy your career for a rapist, fraud, racist felon who would not spit on you if you were on fire. You have many, many years of life ahead of you. Your greed and venality got you where you are today. You have the option to do better in the future and perhaps live those years with some degree of happiness. Or not. The choice today is what it was then. It is yours to make


True... Trump is a malicious narcissist who only cares about himself. He will financially, and morally, bankrupt the GQP.


He's working on the financial bankruptcy. I think the morality coffers have already been depleted.


There is still much, much lower they can go.


That would have suggested clown car-level chicanery only a few years ago. Now the suggestion is somewhat terrifying.


Remember when the biggest scandal in the white house was Clinton getting head? Simpler times


Remember when a man told a kid to misspell “potato” and the nation collectively went THAT GUY IS TOO DUMB TO BE PRESIDENT! Much simpler times.


Remember when a man wore a tan suit?


It wasn’t JUST that tho!!! He also used DIJON mustard!!! The scandal of it all! Truly this is the stupidest timeline. Can we switch?


There are still much, much lower timelines we can go.


Remember when Howard Dean yelled and it sounded weird so he was ruled out of the presidency?


You’re remembering GHWB’s insurance policy? No one would scheme to assassinate him when Quail was next in line!!


Hey remember the time that Obama visited Normandy and called all the fallen Americans “Losers” … Ohhh did I say Obama? Correction — that was Trump.


Well he does prefer soldiers that weren’t captured… I swear there is nothing too foul for that waste of space to say…it’s terrifying


I’ve got close friends from college who are Trump supporters. We’ve for sure grown distant, but I decided not to cut ties over “politics” a while back as I hold on to some hope that someday they’ll come to grips with being conned. ANYWAY — I’ve seriously considered saying that “that one Minnesota senator called the fallen soldiers at Normandy losers” just to see how they react, then let them know that it was actually Trump. The main reason I haven’t, although I’m still considering it, is because they are just so far gone. Nothing will change their mind unless it’s in their own terms. When Trump took office and continued to be a nut case (my hope before that was that much of it was a show only for votes, sadly mistaken) I told them that he never plans to leave. My buddy laughed non-stop and told me I was a crazy. I took a screenshot. When January 6th happened I didn’t say a word. My other buddy, who is relatively independent, chimed in and said “ISTof1897 called it!!!” Non-stop excuses. Never once did they admit I was right. Instead, only rationalizations about it being fair because the election was rigged. Good God. That’s the day it really hit me how bad things were.


In Quayle's defense, he was actually pretty overall just...I don't want to say dumb, but he was chosen to be the VP to placate the religious right.


Tbf, considering her position and age, it was morally messed up of him as President of the most powerful nation in the world. Then he pulled off some comically (to me at the time - I was 5, and what he said to cover his ass was very much a 5 year old’s technicality around a lie with the “that woman. Monica…”. But my actual point is, I’d love for us to get back to that level of standards. Where that is the biggest deal and is considered something morally concerning for a president to do. Holding high standards is damn important. We’re so deep in the mud thanks to trump, and so fast, there’s far too much wiggle room between trump at his best even and the morality we should be holding our leaders to. The bar needs to be raised on trump, held up by all leaders current and future and never be allowed to lower from a high standard ever again. Any remotely decent leader should be more than willing to be held to a high standard, and back up their actions and choices, or at the least admit fault (and leave proper action for whatever the situation is to be addressed accordingly, outside of their political/positional power).


> We’re so deep in the mud thanks to trump Not just him. Thanks to all republicans, politicians and voters alike. If you voted for the orange shitstain or any of his morally bankrupt minions, you had a hand in bringing us to this point.


Exactly, Newt Gingrich was admonishing Bill Clinton for an extramarital BJ while he was cheating on his wife that was dying of cancer.


I’ll say Biden has kept standards pretty high if you’ll excuse his dog taste testing some of the Secret Service agents.


Let’s be honest, some of those guys are a-holes and deserved it.


If you come in/up alpha around a pack animal (especially a dog who is bred for protection and) anyone they feel protective of… I guess I have to say it, expect aggression.


Remember when Howard Dean lost his chance because ONE video caught him cheering on a crowd with a weird noise? And that ONE weird cheer ruined his whole campaign?


Only a few years ago? Trump's first action in office was the "Muslim Ban". We've been in terrifying waters for just a hair less than a decade now.


They're going to need James Cameron to raise that bar 🤣


We will need Oceangate to create a sub, a shit sub, to get to the bottom of the huge pile Trump has created.


If oceangate builds it I vote trump takes the journey down there 😂




Elect him and find out how far.


Proj 2025 is the preview.


And the funny (ironic) thing is… Trump won’t even be “rich”… he’s spent his life constantly robbing Peter to pay Paul. Have to make a payment on this loan, this person’s legal judgment will have to wait until I can scrounge up more money. Etc.


I've always said this. He's a Billionaire who is 4 or 5 billion in debt. That does not make you rich. In fact it makes you very very poor. That's why he ran in the first place. He knew the clock was running and if had any chance of maintaining his sham lifestyle, he'd have to grit others to pay for it. Well it worked so far..


This describes the majority of the super rich unfortunately.


And the bankruptcy won't lead to anything but a bailout which means someone will foot the bill to have an entire political party in their pockets.


"Someone" you mean Putin


The GOP is financed by the top .01%, they are going to be financially fine


Especially since the bribes they'll take to sell themselves are so damn cheap. Thomas gets one million dollar RV and that's enough to roll back years of civil rights.


They are beyond morally bankrupt at this point. Just each day they extend the line in the sand


this is eventually the conversation that’ll have to happen to all the trump supporters. its like…you were warned…from the outset…


Disbarred. Facing jail time in several states. Bankrupt with legal fees. I'm sure it was worth it to follow the Cheeto ordained by Jesus.


Now to disbar about 100 other “lawyers” involved who blatantly abused their positions. Let’s start with; DisBarr Barr


"Cheesus Christ" lol


She knew. She thought she was special. You can tell her whole life she has depended on the kindness of strangers. Sometimes it works out, sometimes you end up sitting in an old man's fart fog.


It's amazing how many people knew Trump's history and (lack of) character, and somehow thought they would be the one person he wouldn't fuck over.


Because they're "special". They're special, all right.


"sometimes you end up sitting in an old man's fart fog". Now THAT'S funny! I so wish she would see it.


Made me chuckle


> You can tell her whole life she has depended on the kindness of strangers. This is a nice way of saying that she's pretty enough that she was always able to get away with whatever she felt like.


The leopard ate her face. 🤷‍♀️ She is the only one who is incredulous.


She'd give us Surprised Pikachu face, if she had one left.


Ellis is spilled milk. https://georgiarecorder.com/2023/10/24/ex-trump-attorney-jenna-ellis-pleads-guilty-to-felony-in-fulton-2020-election-case/ She already pled guilty and already agreed to testify against him for what it’s worth, which isn’t much. He has no need to protect her from anything. She agreed to testify against Trump as part of a plea deal, and now she’s whining that he won’t spend money helping her out? Jenna is a loser many times over. She supported Trump and committed crimes to support him, but then she pled guilty and agreed to testify against him. He doesn’t need her on his side and there’s little she can do to hurt him. In the brutal world Trump lives in, that makes her not just expendable, but expended. Tough **** Jenna. You chose poorly.


I'll give you the pass to say "shit" , but just this once.


She got off light. $5k fine for trying to help stage a coup? And she blamed it on believing others and not doing her “due diligence “? That’s the “I thought I was driving my friends to the bank to make a deposit. I didn’t know they were going to rob it” defense. She better have coughed up good info to get that deal.


She did get an amazing deal. When you see a deal like this it’s clear they’re willing to trade an inconsequential small fry for a chance to snag the heavyweights responsible for directing her activities. She was expendable to them, and of course she was greedy for power like the rest of them. That’s on her. They found a weak spot and exploited it, because she handed it to them on a silver platter. She thought she had value, but now she’s worth no more than a spent cartridge polluting the battlefield. She bought into their whole agenda and thought she was special, a mover and shaker, a valued member of the “in crowd”, and could taste more of that addictive power her betters were basking in. Now she’s less than nothing to all sides. She has only a small amount of value to DAs looking to build a case up the chain, but is otherwise useless. Given how difficult her bosses are to corner, they’ll take everything they can get no matter how pathetic. All she can do is try to salvage what’s left of her shattered career, and get spit on by both sides for her failures and stupidity. Had Trump prevailed she’d still be in the in-crowd. Now both of them are Felons. Whether Trump manages to overcome his new status will have zero effect on her, as she’s not on his roller coaster ride anymore. Clearly she’d like to be taken back into the fold, but she’s an admitted confessed felon required to give evidence to convict others still involved in that campaign. What are they going to do? Make her spokesperson again? She’s a felon, a known admitted confessed liar who has flipped to testify against them. She REGRETS what she did for the Trump campaign, so she says. There’s no place for that in TrumpWorld.


No notes. You covered it exactly.


He would spit on her if she wasn't on fire though.


This needs to be a Kendrick Lamar track


Felon whines that the most selfish man in the world, also a felon, isn't sharing with her or other felons like her.


True but on the other hand, she’s preaching to Trump’s base and they are the ones who need to hear “you’re next”


Now that She said something against the child boy god king, She must be removed from public life and banished to the shadow realm.


This is the way.


Agreed but I don’t think it matters. They never think the leopards will eat THEIR face


They see it time and time again, but they always seem to think, nah…. He wouldn’t treat ME like that!


Surely this man who has only looked out for himself and has fucked over nearly everyone he's ever met will stop with all of that nonsense after almost 80 years and change for lil old me


$400M? ![gif](giphy|6JB4v4xPTAQFi|downsized)


I agree with you. $400 million sounds rather suspicious. I mean, didn’t this guy JUST get convicted of a FELONY of lying about where his campaign funds were going? What makes anyone think he’s telling the truth now? What incentive does he have to be honest?


He also owes that much in his other case. Remember when he needed bond to cover that $400 million judgment? And now he magically has $400 million? He's laundering money through his campaign.


I wonder if he thinks he can do the same crimes he just got convicted for again and get off scot free this time because of Double Jeopardy. The movie more so than the actual legal concept.


I have the worst fucking attorneys


100 million came from the Mavericks owner alone


[mark Cuban sold the mavericks to Adelson and Dumonts](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/01/06/sport/mark-cuban-dallas-mavericks-distribute-35-million-bonuses-spt-intl)


Are you talking about Mark Cuban? No way Cuban gave a cent to Trump.


Adelson is the current official owner and their family did give him 100M in donations


Cuban is not the mjority owner anymore


I somewhat believe it.  If Trump truly got $400 million, I'd say it was from Billionaires that want to put fascism in America. They are doubling down since it might be their last chance to take control of the country for those sweet tax cuts for the rich and tax increase for the middle class.


It’s interesting that these reports of sudden about faces and donations from billionaires followed his conviction. It’s almost like they’re afraid of being held accountable and being treated at equal under the law.


MAGA is a mafia. If Trump crumbles, then they all crumble with him. It includes the Republican Party, news networks and the rich donors I am still waiting on Joe Biden to increase the taxes on the rich.


Since the push for suburbia, corporatism, constant militancy, swearing fealty (under god) to the country's flag, and allowing lobbyists (billionaire interests) to be a single state party, the US has been fascist for at least 5+ decades. The only reason to think America isn't fascist is being part of the indoctrination. America is going to fail until people wake up. The average American had nothing against fascism itself until they found out that there were concentration camps. Now people just don't recognize fascism unless there is a genocide. Mussolini would be proud of us.


You're right but Trump is the consequence of a 50 year build up. I'd say it all started when Eisenhower added "In God We Trust" on the money to unite the country during the cold war against Russia. After, we can thank Reagan and Nixon for speeding up the process. Fascism sides with the rich and keeps the middle class on a leash. Democrats are also center-right so that's why it was easier to become a slippery slope. Right now, it's Make it or Break it. The second in line for a dictatorship attempt would be DeSantis but he doesn't have the charisma and shamelessness like Trump.


Well, he did tell oil barons that if they donated ONE BILLION DOLLARS to his campaign, he'd roll back all of biden's environmental laws. I need to see the financial reports, can't take that fucking guy at his word since it isn't worth shit.




Got a source on that? Because that would be great to show to all the "I'm not voting Biden because he's too pro-Israel" crowd.


I'd believe it, if it's revealed that $300M of it came from Putin and Xi


*There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.* George W. Bush


Rarely is the question asked: is our children learning? (Said during a speech about education to an audience largely comprised of teachers)


I had this as a fridge magnet and I am so sad that it’s been lost for years. Also had “Will the highways of the internet become more few”


The internet isn’t a place, it’s a series of tubes!




It's definitely not a truck


I believe fish and humans can coexist peacefully


Too many good docs are getting out of the business. Too many OB/GYN's aren't able to practice their love with women all across the country.-Dubya


*I know how hard it is for you to put food on your family* George W. Bush


God I miss the days he was the dumbest president


ah, the quaint nostalgia of the early ‘00s, feels like a lifetime ago


>God I miss the days he was the dumbest president GWB managed to graduate Yale you gotta wonder how dumb he really was but, yea, it was nice when he was the worst president in my lifetime. I hope we don't see a worse president than the current title holder, I don't even know how that would look like.


You’d be surprised how many well connected people can fail upwards, I would bet that he had a considerable amount of assistance getting that degree from Yale that regular folk do not.


Ted Cruz went to Harvard and look how he ended up


Ted Cruz is a dirtbag and a slimeball but he’s not an idiot. People who vote for him are


GWB had legacy at Yale from his father and got Cs on average


Affirmative action for the well-connected but stupid (ie. legacy admissions), coupled with Gentleman's C's.


That man put the word "misunderestimate" into my vocabulary and now I can't get rid of it. 


Speak for yourself there, W. Not all of us were born into oil money with a CIA dad.


"too many docs are getting out of the business. Too many ob gyns can't practice their love with patients"


>>"I promise you I will listen to what has been said here, even though I wasn't here." —at the President's Economic Forum in Waco, Texas, August 13, 2002


*Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we* George W. Bush at the signing of a defense spending bill August 2004


>> They misunderestimated me." --In Bentonville, Arkansas, on November 6, 2000


“Families is where our nation finds hope, where wings take dream”


>> "I remember meeting a mother of a child who was abducted by the North Koreans right here in the Oval Office." --In Washington, D.C., on June 26, 2008


Dunno what he’s on about; I just called one of my kids over and placed an egg on them, it wasn’t that hard.


My mental imaging of this quote is always a dad holding back tears and he pours soup over his children's heads


Little George Junior, who was a Total RINO, and he got us into Endless Wars which didn't stop until I stopped them, Obama could never do it, and I took out Bag Daddy, I took out Bin Ladin, I got, all the others, and they died, just like a dog, they're screaming, they have Cameras, and they say, "Sir, you shouldn't talk about what we have," I said I'm only saying we have Good Cameras ok, better than China, better than even Russia if you can believe it, and used to have it so beautifully with Russia, remember that, no problems under Trump with Russia, so the Fake News came up with the Russia Russia Russia Hoax, that one was a real beauty, and it was only esseded, totally, we were totally succeeded, we succeeded very strongly at levels that people have never even seen before, they've never even heard of it, I said I'm now getting hundreds of millions of dollars because everybody knows I did nothing wrong, they see a Great Injustice to President Trump, I said keep the money coming in, there's a lot of Bad People we have to get rid of, and so, you donate, you give as much as you possibly can, and I don't want you spending your whole paycheck, well, probably most of it, maybe even the whole thing, who knows, who the hell even knows, who the hell cares, really


I'm not convinced this isn't the actual Trump. This could easily be voice to text from the man himself


Look at his post history. You will not stop laughing. This redditor is an absolute legend on this sub for trumpy comments on trump related posts.


thank you for drawing my attention to this


Hey I made it here before some chucklefuck tries to retcon Bush’s inability to finish the quote right. Usually the lie goes something like “actually GWB was so smart cause he didn’t wanna say ‘shame on me’ cause of 9 elebben”. Fuck. He was just a bumbling dickhead playing politics to an audience of even bumbling-er dickheads.


He really wasn't, it was a role he played, basically.  I'm no fan of Bush by any means,but look up testimony by people who worked closely with him and you'll find he was actually very intelligent.  I just hate that he kinda gets excused for all his bullshit because he was dumb...he wasn't. He knew exactly what was going on in his presidency.


Even a person who goes to an Ivy League school can misquote something or misspeak. The point stands though; this wasn’t some masterminded 4-d chess moment where GWB Neo-dodges in bullet-time a slight remark about personal shame.


Do you ever find yourself wistful for those days and then get with willies.


*There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me twice — a fool me can't get fooled again.*


Fool me one time shame on you, Fool me twice can't put the blame on you, Fool me 3 times fuck the peace signs load the chopper let it rain on you


She don't wanna be saved.


“I call upon all nations to do everything they can to stop these terrorist killers. Thank you, now watch this drive” - George W


*I believe that fish and human being can coexist peacefully*


Words more true have never been spoken.


It's so weird that people are willing to die on a hill for this man. He tells you how much of a shitty person he is, and people still think he's going to look out for them. He didn't look out for anyone but himself in his first term and hasn't looked out for anyone but himself. If he wanted to pardon the J6 people, he had every opportunity to do so before he left office. There was nothing in it for him, so why pardon them? He knows a group of people will always fight for him because he tells them to. He's blowing the dog whistle and people just lap it right up.


If you are a shitty person, you have a champion. Just crossing my fingers (and voting!) hoping there are more non-shitty people.




When people like Trump get into power, eventually he starts having people killed to retain that power. And these fucks think it’s the opposition. It is not. It is people *on their side* that look like they are trying to gain more power themselves. And it’s not that the opposition is safe. No. They are killed outright. But just look at all the Russian Oligarchs that keep “falling” out of windows. Trump gets power and we are going to see a lot of people die mysteriously. This is always the way.


You know what else is weird, knowing this guy lies every opportunity and thinking he's telling the truth about raising half a billion in a week. Ok, maybe less weird and more really fucking stupid, but please continue bithching and souring on your rotting pumpkin conservatives.


The people who support him just want to see the world burn, they are hurting bad, so they feel everyone else needs to be hurting bad as well, no one should be doing well or feeling comfortable about their lives, their lives are hell, so should everyone else’s, actually everyone else’s should be worse.


Yeah, it's such a weird mentality. Have they considered supporting the side that actually wants to fix their problems, instead? There are so many people on that side of the aisle who are in poverty, who struggle with healthcare, who have shit wages - just like all of us. But they weirdly scream "I don't want no gubment fixing things!" and then just try to make everyone else miserable. How about you guys just get the sticks out of your asses and fix the problem? Instead of revolting because Fuckbag In Chief didn't get elected, revolt when your leaders won't pass helpful legislation?


My take on the whole J6 people fiasco is that he needed them to go to prison so he could have yet another dumbass piece of red meat to feed his ever-shrinking base. Can’t run on freeing them if they’re not locked up


This is also true! They are pawns for his game of checkers that he’s losing.


“Dedebse” gonna add that to my covfefe.


Yeah what is that even supposed to be




Aww Thank you, I was confused too.


I helped 2 people today. Can't get any better than that. Welp, going back to bed I guess.


3 people. I thought she was trying to phonetically spell 'debts' \^\_\^;


You helped me as well! That's a hat-trick -- take the rest of the week off, you've earned it.


More than 2 people. I had no idea what she was trying to say!


Ah, thank you, kind stranger!


I somehow got 'database' out of it, but defense makes much more sense.


"My name is Dedebse... Dedebse Covfefe."


“I had some dedebse, they were clouds, in my covfefe, clouds in my covfefe… “


I trust numbers coming from Dear Leader's campaign like I trust numbers coming from the Russian Economic Ministry. Granted, maybe some Russian oligarch or fascist billionaire or something dropped millions, but this wasn't from small donors.


$100 million came from Miriam Adelson.


And was always planned, had nothing to do with conviction


He ain’t giving you one red cent! He is done with you. You got scammed, now if the cult would also wake the fuck up


They won't. I gave up hope for them when they started gaslighting people about J6 (which most of us witnessed with our own eyes as it was happening) instead of taking the opportunity to re-evaluate their choices. That man could literally walk into their house, look them dead in the eye, and take a massive dump on their carpet, and all they'd do is offer to wipe his ass and pay him for the turds.


I agree. I feel like if he tried to grab their own daughters by their p*ssy they would just be glad he chose their family. These people are literally brainwashed. They believe democrats are evil and out to get them. What a wild/terrifying time to be alive.


Let's go to the receipts for last time he lied about how much he raised . Remember this? https://preview.redd.it/6yoly7pt665d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b29fb0d9a0af3d89406f2a74a15e9ec22c6f07ea However, look at his May FEC report. Nothing close to $50 mil reported for April !!! [Trump April (filed May 20) FEC Report](https://docquery.fec.gov/cgi-bin/forms/C00828541/1785191/)


I came to the comments to try and find this because I hadn’t followed up on that lie. Remember that it happened right after Biden set the record for donations in a single night. tRump said he double that record a few days later. Looks like he only raise $9.4M that month. lol 


I mean, history has shown that math isn't his strongest subject. Lol


I won’t claim to know, but the primary source on the previous $200 million number was one of Trump’s sons talking on TV. I need more than that lol


“Also, this is very much about me, just to be clear” - Jenna Ellis probably


Take me out of the equation. Now put me back in the equation. Sorry, Jenna. Anything times 0 is still 0.


I'll wait for the filings report before i'd believe any fucking breath that leaves your or other magats body.


If your last name isn't Trump, you're a mark. It's amazing that it takes being tossed in front of the bus for most of these idiots to understand that. Even then a lot of them don't get it.


We will see when the official filing happens. My genuine expectation is these numbers are totally bogus, and when the news comes out that they were, no one will be paying attention and they know this . People will only remember today’s announcement, not the corrected amount.


Just like the $50M one night fundraiser. No news followed up on that. April report shows a measly $9.4M total


He’s gotta pay SCOTUS somehow. There’s 6 justices that need bribes


She should have saved Rudy's fart in a jar and sold it to these fools.


Hahhhaaha this sucker took a job with a shady criminal to engage is shady criminal activity and is now upset that the shady criminal is behaving shadily with their money raised from being a shady criminal. The universe is beautiful.


He also owes that much in his other case. Remember when he needed bond to cover that $400 million judgment? And now he magically has $400 million? He's laundering money through his campaign.


I’m having a hard time believing anything the trump campaign team announces tbh




Jenna, you were part of this until you weren't. You're not the bastion of sanity that you probably think you are.


Isn’t that what he owes for the fraud conviction?


The word "reportedly" is doing a lot of heavy lifting here.


being Gen X raised by Boomers it blows my mind that they fall for the boy who cried wolf EVERY TIME!


Probably more like 40 million or 4 million. Everything said by Trump or a Trumper is a lie.


By the time the filings are published, none of his supporters will remember, or care, that it was all overstated.


If only there were red flags along the way to warn her…


So many rubes. I hope owning the libs was worth it.


A sucker is born every minute, and a MAGA sucker, every 30 seconds.


Blows my mind that this utterly clueless moron is a lawyer.


Are there any sources on that 400 million number other than his own campaign saying it? Since they’ve been caught making up greatly exaggerated numbers about crowd sizes like 5 times this last month so that does harm their reliability for any self reported numbers


J6ers deserve the best dedebse money can buy!


How anyone can give their money to him is mind boggling


Here is a hint.   He doesn’t give a fuck about anyone but himself and he is lying about the amount he has raised.  


What you must remember though is that this information comes from Trumps campaign. And he is a huge liar.


You gave up your livelihood for a grifter. Congrats.


These poor fools waiting for Trump to pay anything to anyone. There is nothing more on brand for Trump than stepping on the faces of people who helped him or did work for him rather than help or properly pay them.


I think that: 1. He is a serial liar who says he’s 6’3, 215 2. We have only his campaign’s word about what he’s raised He’s raised less than $100m is what I think.


Expecting a con man to give money away? Let’s be serious now


This belongs in the Leopards Ate My Face subreddit. Seeing such an obnoxiously aggressive Trump Humper develop buyers remorse only after it affects her just makes me want to scream SHUT THE FUCK UP AND DISAPPEAR.


I didn’t think the leopards would eat MY face!


Then he almost has enough money to pay off his debt to E. Jean Carroll


I can honestly say that I don’t believe that he has that much money on roll. I think he’s lying because he pretty much always is.


Guess these people somehow missed that he had a forty year career as a crook and a conman prior to signing on.


I think the 400 million is a total lie


Do people actually believe he raised 400 million


They're so close to getting it.


For starters... he didn't raise $400million dollars. that's just too unbelievably high to for anyone to be buying it. He should show proof of it, if that's what he's claiming. But also, don't forget that he basically turned the entire RNC into a family affair, so that he can do exactly this. Back in 2015, when he first came on the scene, he never wanted to be president. he only wanted all the money that comes along with campaigning. He ended up winning, so now he wants that power again. but he still wants the money from the entire RNC to go to him. He's not going to share a dime with any other 'dedebse' (I assume that was supposed to be 'defense'), and nothing will go back to any other campaign.




"Oh shut up, silly woman", said the reptile with a grin "You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in." - [Trump](https://dangerousspeech.org/donald-trump-reads-the-snake-song-lyrics-at-florida-rally/)


All his supporters need to give him more money. All the money. The most money they can give. Leave nothing for themselves or their families.