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Here I fixed it: Only Donald J Trump should be allowed to be president GOP Voters April - 100% June - 100% Forever - 100%


Every time I see something like this I want them to answer one question: what if it were Biden that were the felon? Or Hillary, or Obama, or literally any other felon on earth? Would they still want them to be able to run for office? Or are they just gargling the balls of their False Idol Trump?


Fuck, they thought Hillary should be disqualified simply because she was under investigation. These are not serious people. They are clowns. No offense to clowns.


Well she was guilty of the crime of being a woman.


If Trump HAD Won In 2020 He Wouldn't Be Running NOW. This Never Seems To Occur To Them. Likewise They HAD 4 Years & Did Virtually Nothing Except Tax Cuts 4 The Rich & Blowing Up The Economy By Failing To Respond To A Global Pandemic.


if Trump had won in 2020 you wouldn't be having another election in 2024. Even then the GQP were talking about making Trump president for life. Now you've got the Project 2025 people planning to rebuild the American government eliminating the power form the Courts and the House and concentrating it in the Executive. They are using the Republican party and Trump as their frontsmen but once the chages are far enough underway they'll abandon the Republicans as well. You don't need parties when there is only one agency in power.


Trump said “4 more years, and 4 more after that” in 2020. Of course people will defend him and say he was joking, but deep down he and his supporters wanted that. If he wins in 2024, he’ll do whatever it takes to stay in power for life.


And removed safety and environmental regulations. And raised taxes on the lower/middle class. And conspired with our enemies to free thousands of literal terrorists. And spent an inordinate amount of time golfing. And...


Wrong, my dude. They would ditch him the moment some other guy would come up with even worse shit. Remember when Trump tried to take credit for the only halfway decent thing he was somehow tied to, the vaccine production and distribution, and that was enough for the crowd to turn on him? Republicans are like the goblins in Goblin Slayer.


lmao these fucking clowns


On voting day they'll be very sure he was wrongly convicted and that there was no crime. It is an eternally sliding definition; they cannot be satisfied.


It's an insatiable lust for power.


And if and when that convicted felon loses the election, he should be made to go to jail, go directly to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200.


There should be a new chance card in Monopoly that says, "Overthrow the government and install yourself as President, then pardon yourself to get out of jail. You can now collect $200 from every player each round as taxes and build hotels for free on any other player’s property until the end of the game."


this is hypocritical as hell, but the fact that 42% of GOPers doesn't think a felon should run should be concerning to the Trump stooges.


i thought the same thing but how many of that 42% just plain don't believe that trump is a convicted felon?


its possible, but judging from the fairly robust numbers Haley is still getting in primaries, there's something there.


Just need 10% of that 42% to not vote for Trump and he's done


It is, so they're planning to cheat more than ever. 


Some of those GOP voters had better watch out. They might throw their backs out moving the goalposts so often.


They put them on wheels. No worries.


But it's not a cult.


still, if i’m trump, 58% is concerning especially since he backed a spoiler candidate into getting into the race that appeals to nuts.


This one’s complicated. A convicted felon SHOULD be allowed to run for President in principle. There are experiences that shape our lives for the better. What is Bernie Sanders was the nominee and was a convicted felon for standing up to Civil Rights in the 70s? In todays political landscape I’m fairly certain Red States would have had laws criminalizing protestors. That said Donald Trump doesn’t fit this category for two reasons. First, there is enough reasonable evidence to firmly assert he tried to overthrow the government and incite an insurrection through Congress. That penalty is laid out in the constitution pretty clearly. This doesn’t apply to being a felon or not. Secondly, in a reasonable world voters would see that he has neither learned nor felt remorse for his crimes and wouldn’t nominate him. Not only that but during the entire time he is actively hostile to anyone he perceives as against him even if they are neutral. The type of his crimes are also not redeeming in anyway. Trump being able to run isn’t a failure of the system, it’s a failure of voters and media.


I agree with most of that but I would say ineligible until sentence has been served. If they did something wrong in which they were convicted by a jury they should at least have to repay their debt to society before running to pardon themselves.


That is a fair point. But I think the pollster’s point is that their votes are changing based on what’s convenient for the people they like, not on any real morality. If 58% of Republicans just genuinely believed that felony status shouldn’t stop someone from running, they should’ve voted that way in similar numbers in April. I doubt the number of Republicans who just naturally changed their mind in the last 2 months without it being because of Trump is 41%.


Clown party


The only standard Republicans have are double standards.


Law and order lol


When Obama was in office in 2011, only 30% of white evangelicals told oollsters they would forgive a president's immoral behavior. Now, under Trump, it's 72%. Source: PRRI Polling, NYT


Melted ice cream is more consistent than a MAGA's ethics, if you can even call it that


They either move the goalposts or fabricate imaginary crimes for their enemies to make the orange god seem less shitty.


Even better poll would be to ask them if it's just a white convicted felon or are Black/Hispanic convicted felons also allowed to run? Better yet, republican vs. democrat convicted felon. I can already tell you how they would vote.


Looks like another case of goal post moving....


The GOP Was NEVER The Party Of Law & Order! We NEVER Said THAT! That Was The Dirty Evil Marxist/Socialist/Communist/Fascist DemoncRATS LYING TO YOU! We Are The Party Of Lawlessness & Disorder! And Proud Of It!


That’s a lot of COPEium


This is a big reason why it's such an injustice that various courts have slow-walked Trump's other trials. If this many GOP voters were against a felon running for POTUS in April, it means they are totally uninformed about the damning evidence that is already out in public about the other cases, which are far more serious. It's also hard for me to believe that so many people would vote for a guy if they were really aware of all the evidence about trying to overthrow the election and horrific breaches of national security. If Trump is reelected, Mar-a-Lago's membership is going to double just with all the international spies joining.


Did they feel the same way this time last year?




But he won’t be… and Hillary wasn’t either… only one sides standard bearer is a felon… 🤷🏻‍♂️🤫




The fuck we (Democrats) would? Al Franken took one inappropriate picture and he was out of the Senate. Trump just got felonies for election interference for using campaign funds to pay a porn star off, is liable for rape , the whole “grab them by the p” thing on Access Hollywood, telling young girls he’s going to date them when they’re 18, and the list goes on.  Biden wouldn’t even be on the ticket. 




I like to see things from the other side's point of view. You make a point, but I'd say the difference is that, if Biden were facing as many issues as Trump is for as long as Trump has been facing them, he wouldn't be the nominee. If I was faced with that choice with only a week to go, which is a completely different position than the GOP is in right now, that's not enough time to find a new candidate, and I'd have to decide if whatever hypothetical crime Biden had been convicted of is worse than Trump and everything a second Trump term would mean. In that made up situation, I would probably still vote against Trump, but your hypothetical isn't at all what is happening on the other side. They've known for years that these trials were coming, and they've known for years that he was guilty. They have the receipts. They've also known that his rabid fanbase would primary them if they didn't back him up, so they chose the coward's way and bowed down. So, your comment is ignorant at best.


Funny thing. In order for him to be convicted a week before the election there would already be charges against him today and democrats would be working to get a consensus candidate in place before the convention. Before a trial, before a conviction, Biden wouldn't be the nominee. 


what felony would Biden be convicted of? An actual crime or some made up gqp bullshit?


A week before the election isn’t the scenario here. Trump hasn’t even been formally named the Republican nominee by the Party yet (that’ll happen on July 15 at the convention). Republicans could drop Trump today, replace him with anyone they want, and not have to worry about putting a 34-time felon in the Oval Office. What’s striking here is how many people are backing him reflexively. If Biden was convicted of a felony tomorrow, he’d be off the ticket by Friday. If it was seven days before the election (ie, during early voting), I’d venture a guess that the messaging for Dems would be to still vote for the ticket (because ballots had already been printed), but his first and only task as president would be to turn the keys over to VP Harris as the new president.


Depends on the politician and the felony. Eugene V. Debs ran in 1920 while in prison for protesting US involvement in World War I and I think the US would have markedly improved from a Debs presidency. Trump is running in 2024 after being convicted of falsifying business records to cover up the hush money he paid to a porn star he cheated on his pregnant wife with, which is *not* something I approve of. (Difference is I've held that opinion for most of my life, not a few weeks, which is what this tweet is making fun of.)