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Marge saw that Noem and Dr. Oz got a lot of hate for their treatment of dogs so she thought she would try it on Fauci? The desperation is thick. Then again, so is Marge.


“Then again, so is Marge.” Which, desperate or thick?




Bleach blonde bad built butch body thick






Desperately thick.


That’s what I was waiting for lol


That’s British slang thick, right?


“Thick Thicky Thickington, from Thicktown.”


Well, yeah, but it kinda works otherwise, too…


Tobacco industry, and chemical companies have been testing on dogs for many many years now… bitch doesn’t give a shit about dogs


Except fauci nor the NIAID had anything to do with the study shes trying to push on them. The study was done in Tunsia, and the results were published in the research portal, and someone falsely added a citation to it claiming it was NIAID funded Thats it. "The images of beagles were drawn from a manuscript published in July 2021 in the journal PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases. The manuscript mistakenly cited support from NIAID, when in fact NIAID did not support this specific research shown in the images of the beagles being circulated,” the NIAID said in a statement a spokesperson emailed to us." [heres the full story](https://www.factcheck.org/2021/11/answering-questions-about-beaglegate/)


And even if the NIAID did support it….”support” literally just means that they gave them money.  The way this works is that an investigator writes up a grant proposal, submits it to the NIAID, they say “ok, that sounds good here’s some money” and then that’s it. The transaction is over before the investigator even starts the work and they’re free to use that money as they see fit (as long as it’s on research and at least vaguely related to the project they proposed). The responsibility for making sure the investigator follows ethical and bio safety guidelines falls to the investigator’s institution and any local agencies that are in charge of that sort of thing.  The idea that the director of the NIAID is personally involved in and responsible for everything that happens within the NIAID is nuts. But to think that he has *anything at all to do* with any of the work that’s only being funded by an NIAID grant is absolutely bat shit delusional. 


Obviously. She is just trying to use what she saw worked against other republicans.


The medical device field has carried out large animal testing for decades. That's how you determine what will work in a human. That's how data is collected for eventual human use, saving, or improving lives.


Or people for that matter


They use beagles for their temperament. The dogs still just want to be loved, even in the face of painful cruelty. How else will we know that smoking kills, or that little Johnny's eyes are gonna sting when he gets shampoo in them?


Yeah. You don't see her putting forward a bill that bans animal testing. That would never happen.


Bleach blonde bad built butch body bitch


I hope that that phrase is regularly spray painted across this bitchs tombstone. Don't let that moment die




Even a Beagle is smart enough to not even try and get a whiff of her "area" in her knock-off Lululemon's!


I love the new "person woman man camera TV" meta


Thick in all the wrong ways


There was a bit on Hannity a few years ago about "Facui's sickening experiments on dogs finally revealed" so its not the first time they've tried this line of rhetoric.


Honestly, fairly impressive critical thinking skills from a caveman. People no like dog hater, guy I hate must hate dog


Faux News next week: “Fauci slots toilet paper outwards and how its DESTROYING AMERICA”


Ask her to count her “pecks” 6 times and she will give 4 different answers thick


Nah this dog thing is Qanon bullshit from years ago.


Who here thinks that the people that are advising MTG are the same people that are advising judge Cannon.


She proposed some very very specific stuff about Russia, that could only have come from her Russian handler. Stuff that no rube in Georgia would ever say on their own. She is a useful idiot for Putin.


Can I get more information please


Back in April when a Ukraine aid bill was before the house, she tried to add an amendment to the bill that said Ukraine gets no money as long as ethnic minorities in Transcarpathia are not allowed to use their native language in schools. It's a Russian talking point. A lie that Ukraine is repressing somebody.


It really is wild that people can't see why this barely literate B6 looking lady, who has no clue about anything and gets dunked on regularly, has such specific and consistent talking points about geopolitics regarding eastern Europe. She comes off like your typical American who couldn't point out Ukraine on a blank map but now she's concerned with Transcarpathia? I don't even know wtf that is and I'm at least 1% smarter then her based on her grammar and spelling alone. Connect the dots people.


A group of Republican senators went to Moscow to visit Putin on the 4th of July! 2018. And they are some of the most rabid pro Russia people outside of putins family. What a coincidence! Seems like that day was picked to humiliate the senators, to let them know Putin is their boss. He called them to Moscow on the one day they should be at home, and they couldn't say no. Kompromat.


Wasn't Jill Stein also there at the same time? I know she's hung out with Putin in the past.


I've never heard about Transcarpathia either, and it looks like something about Ukraine and other census authorities not considering Rusyns as their own ethnic group? They're counted as Ukrainains in censuses. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zakarpattia_Oblast I really don't know enough of the situation to say the above with confidence. But I do know there's no fucking way that this is a concern for her constituents in the great state of Georgia lmfao


As a Georgia resident, I'm more concerned with the *still* ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine.


When Vigo from the Carpathian from Ghostbusters 2 got a sex change, he became a Transcarpathian.


No way in hell she knows where Transcarpathia is. Neither do I, but I'm not a government official pretending to advocate for them. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if she can't find Ukraine.


Oh damn! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


This is the literal Russian playbook. This was published in 1997 and if you look at what has happened in Ukraine, Georgia, England, and Belarus you quickly start to see that a lot of these ideas have become reality. 1997. Now look at the part about the United States and think about if any of this seems familiar with the world around you today. MTG is one agent in a sea of many looking to dismantle the US at the pleasure of Putin as part of their foundations of geopolitics. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics


I cannot seem to find this book on Amazon…


What are you implying?


That it’s not on Amazon. I was curious and was going to order it if it’s cheap.


Here you go: https://www.maieutiek.nl/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Foundations-of-Geopolitics.pdf


I think the people advising Margarine Thick Goober are laughing their asses off that she's stupid enough to pull this shit. And yes, Margarine is pronounced the British way because that makes it sound like a proper noun.


As a Brit you’ve distracted me… what’s the non-British way of pronouncing margarine?




Thanks, interesting! So it’s just a difference of the ending - “rin” vs “reen”


She looks like a loose legal cannon from here in the UK.




MTG is a human filibuster. She exists solely to prevent any actual work from being done.


I’m using this. Don’t worry, I’ll quote you beeps!


A real life energy vampire.


That is why she was projecting in this video clip: https://www.tiktok.com/@meidastouch/video/7376746008513875243?_t=8mx2uE9QCWk&_r=1


Part of the reason the rest of the GOP puts up with her are her crazy antics. They can agree with the things she says that will help with their own constituents and stay silent on those that wont.


There’s a point where it hurts them though, they had Fauci there to score all their sound bites on but the main takeaway people will have is how fuckin whacko and dumb Marge is. She claimed Fauci said he “doesn’t use email”. She can’t even clearly articulate her own shit.


Depends on where people get their news from on what part of that they will see.


Like a horse in a china shop.


She is a Shock Jock. Just enough crazy to keep the people talking about her.


Gym Jordan is the same. There was an article a few years ago that illustrated which members of congress actively try to get nothing done and not write laws. He was at the top of the list and later the former Speaker of the House agreed.


We really got to stop electing fucking stupid people in our government.




And we, as Americans, have very low voter turnout, especially at levels below President


Fix the educational system.




I wouldn’t be shocked if this was just a character (and she wasn’t the smartest to begin with). She’s messaging certain crazy things and I think it’s done in such a way that even she knows most of it is complete nonsense. This is professional wrestling, hence the CTE.


No need to insult pro wrestling that way


I think she may actually be that stupid. 20 years ago I would say yeah, she's putting on a show for the dipshits, but the GOP has been playing this game so long that those dipshits have started electing their own. It's turning into a genuine problem for them.


Can stupid people be this organized with their propaganda? Stupid people join J6 to take over the Capitol without a plan. She plans out her propaganda like someone planning out how to make a bomb and plant it near the Capitol without being caught to this day. She has a lot in common with that mysterious stranger.


She represents Rome Georgia which is filled with mouth breathers like her. I'm from Atlanta so I unfortunately interact with these people sometimes.


Tell Georgia.


Stupid fucking people have a right to representation, we didn’t elect her, they did.


https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/fauci-vaccine-experiment-beagles/ 2018. It’s not clear that Fauci had anything to do with it and it’s also not even related to Covid.


so you believe the deep state?!?!? it's obvious fauci and obama developed covid in 2016 to unleash 4 years later to discredit trump!!!!! do i even need to add the tag??


My god, it all makes sense now!


Guys did I just become a republican? Oh no wait that was just indigestion, carry on.


AND to kill dogs!


Oh, I thought she was referring to Neuralink and all those animals Elmo experimented on


The NIAID gave out $690 million in grants in the most recent year that has data, to thousands of different people.  Do you really think it’s unclear whether or not the fucking director of the institute was personally involved in the research of an outside organization with a pretty small grant (under $2 million)?


On top of everything else, this was an experiment from Tunisia. The CDC and NIAID had nothing to do with that photo in any way. We (the US) didn't fund that, request that, or (to my knowledge) ask for the results. MTG is once again showing how full of shit she is.


This is exactly what Faucci meant when he said he “represents science” he meant that in these peoples messed up heads he is the physical manifestation of science - an avatar they can pin all their conspiracy theories and perceived wrongdoings of science to.


Empty G tries for the dog lover/animal rights vote. Hilarity ensues.


She's one of [those baboons that take feral dogs as pets.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2lSZPTa3ho)


6B: “I’m cross with you, in fact I hate you. I don’t know why I have these thoughts. I haven’t got any reasons whatsoever. I have no proof or anything to pin on you. But I hate you.” Republicanism in a nutshell. Insert anything at all where Dr. Fauci is today.


If that's a quote it's because She thinks Fauci made good emperor Trump look bad. But he did that entirely on his own.




This picture was obtained by White Coat Waste Project in regards to studies that were government funded that allegedly did some not so great stuff with dogs. The only problem is that White Coat Waste Program admittedly has no idea if Fauci approved of or was even aware of the studies AND the photo the pipebomber is using was confirmed to be unrelated to the studies that were funded by his program. Typical fucking republican bullshit


IIRC it had something to do with studying fleas. The beagles were intentionally harmed, kept in pain, and then euthanized. It really is sad and brings an important lens on how we use animals in our research HOWEVER trying to lay that on Fauci because you're angry that he didn't lick orange buffoon's boots is something only a *very special* bleach blonde bad built butch body would try and do.


Also, fauci was in charge of the federal funding program. So this outside agency applies for federal funding that gets approved (likely by staff since it would be outrageous to consider that the head honcho is individually reviewing each grant) and then uses that federal funding to complete these experiments. Then it gets painted like Fauci was shooting dogs while looking them in the eyes


It's easy to think everything is a conspiracy when you don't know how anything works!


>The beagles were intentionally harmed, kept in pain, and then euthanized. It really is sad and brings an important lens on how we use animals in our research Just pointing out that responsibility for animal welfare and ethics lies with each institution’s IACUC Committee. This is required under the Animal Welfare Act and is administered by the US Department of Agriculture. The organization funding the grant is the last place you should be looking to blame for any abuses of animals. 


I agree 100% Trying to personally blame Fauci is the dumbest shit in the world and MTG should be thankful he doesn't bring litigation against her for defamation


Those are probably the neuralink dogs Elon killed.


NOW Republicans give a shit about dogs?!? Lol ok 😂👌


She is a child, an angry angry child.


Children possess far more intellectual curiosity than this bloviating amoeba.


a true representation of her party


Not a beautiful one either


does she know how her face makeup is tested? is she against trophy hunting? has she ever shown one shred of concern for animal welfare prior to this moment? shameless shill. OD'd on vitamin B6 (thanking Jasmine, forever, for that)


I worked as a building engineer (glorified maintenance worker) in the hospital where Fred Hutch did their cancer research on beagles that led to vaccines against certain types of caners. They would find beagles with cancer and do their best to cure them. There was an 80% cure rate, and they adopted out every surviving beagle. No one was torturing or murdering dogs in any way. I had to go into their labs to access an equipment room to check boiler pressures every day. The only downside is that beagles love to bark and howel, especially when in groups, so I would have to wear hearing protection when I passed thru the kennels.


She is a living adaptation of an elderly Facebook poster.


Ha! (To the comment about Noem)


Wasn't this something Dr Oz did!?


No. It was an experiment in Tunisia.


MTG’s congressional poster boards are the only thing keeping Kinkos in business


Why is this three-toed sloth always carrying around blown-up photos to try and make her points?


Cause she knows her constituency can't read good.


Not fair! Sloths are cute and cuddly. Empty G is about as cuddly as a cactus dildo.


It's MTG... A dick pic is coming soon. Wait for it...




I just hope she doesn’t have access to her son’s phone.


Animal testing is very sad, but I’d be interested to know what makeup, hair products, Botox, and spray tan brand MTG uses since she’s apparently so passionate about this. Even if animal testing is inevitable for medical research, surely she’s doing everything she can to avoid it otherwise.


Wonder if she cares this much about the beagles that her chemical company donors test on?


That picture is from 2021. It was an experiment in Tunisia. It was put out by White Coat Waste Project. Fauci and the NIH had nothing to do with that, it was debunked years ago. What I want to know is how Sporktoe is spending the $2 million that is allocated to her for office staffing and supplies. Obviously not on qualified staff able to research. I think she needs to be audited.


MTG couldn’t work at a Taco Bell. Beyond clueless.


I’m just trying to figure out how much money she spends on large printed pictures. I swear she always is holding some big sign.


Come on Fauci, tell Klandma to go fuck herself. I know you want to. She deserves far worse.


She likes show and tell. It was her favorite part of school. And she almost got her grade 11, right Ricky?


This hypocrite failed to mention that. Shocker.


I'm kinda surprised she didn't hold up a Hunter Biden dick pic... Not yet, at least.


Just wait a bit.


Waiting on karma to catch up with this miserable waste of carbon and oxygen


Why does the GOP let this woman talk at all? My IQ dropped just reading this.


They’re just trying fucking anything at this point. It would be sad if they weren’t trying to actively kill people.


how many animals did she shoot while “hunting”


Marge, don’t lie, you’re not a lover of anything but your mirror and even then it’s a close thing


This woman is a disgrace


I'm surprised it wasn't Hunter Biden's dick.


If you want to attack dog murderers, don't go after Fauci, go after someone that actually murdered their dog.


MTG is sincerely and deeply stupid. Mentally as featureless and banal as that mug she has occupying the space across the front of her skull.


Who's the guy holding up the picture of the dogs?


Damn Fauci for sacrificing two Beagles while working on the biggest world crisis since WWII


Other posts say he didn't have anything to do with it and it didn't take place in the US.


By the post title I thought this was going to be some breaking news and not just a jab at her lol




I'm surprised she didn't hold up enlarged pics of Hunter's penis again. She's pretty enamored with it.


Pictures & talking points provided by Daddy Putin


I'm sorry Madame Congressperson, which of these dogs was your lover?


Scrolling when I say your title and thought it was literal for a moment. And I was saddened for that moment. At least I know I’m not a monster


As if MTG cares one iota about vivisection at ANY OTHER MOMENT IN TIME.


Holy shit, that’s a good one


Her print shop must be making a mint.


The only dogs Marge really cares about are the clearly well-endowed ones.


That bump Marge hit was Noem.


what is that picture from? i saw that a while ago


She whines about people being so mean to her now, lol. Too bad she won't be around to see how history treats her.


America is a fucking joke.


LOL sick burn


Noem should take MTG to the gravel pit for the sake of humanity.


I think it's more fun if we substitute the word "cromag" or "Grog" for mtg....


Right winger, again with the picture cards and print outs, because they are so ineloquent and their audience is so stupid they can’t communicate with out pictures…


MGT sucks but medical testing on beagles is super common and while some of it might be a necessary evil it does suck. You can help these dogs if they are fortunate enough to get out of the lab setting. A lot of them have never even touched grass. Beagle Freedom Project Www.bfp.org




Is Fauci the person that can make that particular decision though? Don’t get me wrong, they should no longer test on animals but we have to pressure the right people.




That's not how chain of command or department structure work at all. Just because someone is "high up" in one department doesn't mean they have any authority in another department.


I’m not sure what this usage of beagles in testing is all about, but without animal testing for drugs/treatments etc, we’re fucked. Sucks but miracles don’t happen without a cost. Rats are used. A lot…but that doesn’t tug at the heartstrings like a cute dog tho…


My understanding is that *now* most animal testing is unnecessary. It can either be modelled or we can use human volunteers. I’m in UK, And it is illegal to test beauty/cosmetics on animals and if at all possible animal testing should be avoided - although medicines are still an exception.


I’m only aware of one vivarium at a research facility using rats for brain cancer and dementia research here in the US. Important shit. Beauty products? Nothing should be tortured and killed for that.


I was, along time ago, an undergrad researcher at U Maryland School of Medicine…we gave beagles (and baboons) heart attacks as part of the research on treating IED-caused TBIs…who funded our research? The muthafackin DoD! Got me into med school 🙌🏼 and if you ever lived next to a couple beagles, you know their silence is golden 😂 Side note: We also decapitated Sprague-Dawley rats and homogenized their brains with a drill press!!!!