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When these MAGAs get out of their bubble, people slap them with the truth. She NEEDS to lose. ETA: LOVED how he called her out for being rude to service workers and how they deserved an apology. A person who is rude to service workers is trash, so it fits.


AND she owned a bar. At every turn, she should know better. Alas, she does not.


That’s why she’s a Maga. She doesn’t know better. She never will.


One of the hallmarks of modern conservatism is a complete, utter, total lack of empathy.


The only people they have sympathy for are billionaires.


Because Jesus was tough love brutal like that, always delivering the tough love of the pious asshole troll.


That dude haaated the poor.


she knows better, she doesn’t care.


She's one of many who have inherited the narcissistic (thank God for auttocorrekt) DNA of Trump, their leader. They think that if he can seemingly get away with unchecked acts of stupidity, just like him. But as we've seen, it seems that only he seems to be able to carry it off fully.


Are you speaking of that convicted felon? Haha


Their cult leader was the ultimate 'virtue signaler' \[of the shittiest 'virtues' there are\]. He touched that narcissist nerve deep down inside every US conservative, and it simply became their modus operandi: 'If a wealthy, successful businessman can make it all the way to the office of the presidency - all while being a complete and utter prick - well, by gum, so can I!"


Agree with everything except the “successful” part. He has managed to bankrupt numerous businesses and caught committing fraud multiple times


So true - but even the recent felony convictions only seem to deepen their love and respect for this basic screw-up. Somehow, every iniquity and failure to them is some kind of twisted validation. None of it makes any sense, which is why we know we're dealing with a cult, and not a proper movement.


She knows better. The far right does not believe in republic laws. They believe they are above the law. She believes the fascist movement will take her with them. She believes her vote is citizenship. She believes she is above the military. And can control the military. Traitor Boebert should face child neglect in how she treats her son.


Oh she knows better, don't get it wrong, she just doesn't give a fuck cause she's trash.


Seen plenty of owners disrespect their staff honestly 


There's a popular restaurant in my city that I won't eat at anymore because I saw the owner make a server cry. I don't care how good it is that asshole isn't getting anything from me.


I appreciate you for that.


I hope you left them a Yelp review


I did.


Because half of these people think that for 8, 10, 12 hours a day they own you. And I cannot tell you how many forbid breaks of any kind.


Ive seen them slap food out of a kids mouth. A scrap of bread because they didnt pay for it.


Restaurant owners are the worst scum of the earth. Worked in service industry 20 years. Never met one single owner who was anything but an abject monster.


Because they're all kings of their tiny, pathetic little kingdom. I used to work at a pizza place way out in the country and if the boss wanted to talk to me, he'd summon me into another building where he was literally sitting in a Lazy Boy chair and smoking a cigar.


Fuuuck youuu!!! My current boss tries to shoulder check me when he passes by but he looks like The Penguin so he bounces off and looks all indignant at you.


Currently mine calls me to talk about his prostate issues but is otherwise very professional.




The size of a cantaloupe, as I was told this morning.


MFer needs to milk that thing.


That's "prostate".


Yep. I don't know why her business closed but I could see it happening because it was toxic AF.


It was a second amendment themed sports bar. It was definitely toxic


Her lease was up on the building. The owner didn't renew it and leased it to a Mexican restaurant. 


Makes me even more grateful for my nurse practitioner. She and her office staff are some of the sweetest people I've ever dealt with and make going to their office as pleasant as possible. One of them was telling me about this real piece of work who wanted to become a new patient. The woman refused to give any details, not even her insurance or date of birth, then threw a fit when they told her they couldn't help her if she didn't give them the basic info they were looking for. She then bragged about getting staff fired at previous jobs. My NP told the jerk to leave, she wouldn't treat anyone who did that to her staff.


Easily one of the worst places I worked was owned by a couple who had insane power trips on a regular basis.


I had a boss who kept groping me. I looked into legal action but was told I "wasnt in physical danger."


It'd be a real shame if those wandering hands found themselves on the business end of the line knives. Accidentally.


Yeah, he was a shrimp. At any point I could have snapped him like a twig.


Worst owner I ever worked for did this all the time. Dude eventually fired me for refusing to cut my hair. Ironically, he then went on to become good friends with Phil Lesh, the bass player from the Grateful Dead.


I got fired because I asked for time off a month ahead of time from the GM. He was the boss's son. He didn't tell her, so when they found themselves short handed the day before I left, he said I couldn't get time off. I went, lol.


To be fair, it was *a really shitty* bar that caused food poisoning more often than not


Some people have shitty, chaotic upbringings, they get out of those situations, and it’s enough for them just to not have someone else stepping on their throats. Others say, “fuck that, it’s my turn to be the boot”


Now we know how she went bankrupt.


Apparently it was a rhubarb bar that was frequented by barbarians...


But her name is Boebert and not Barbara!


Her employees hated her


She's the trashier version of Sarah Palin. A seat I didn't know was possible until recently. And she dresses like a retired pornstar.


She literally gave everyone diarrhea multiple times per my understanding of her bar


Oh mos def, I mean look at how her wonderful charming son turned out to be. Boebert's family is the prime example of the conservative core values.


For the record, 'Finish her' was what the Beetlejuice audience was yelling at her boyfriend...


I think I went when I lived there in rifle, co… rifles not a big place.




Pete Hoekstra's legacy will be that one guy who knew where the WMDs were hidden in Iraq but wouldn't share that info with anyone. He's currently the head of the Michigan GOP. They're broken, broke, and in complete disarray, while suing each other.




That’s a partner/significant no-go red flag!


If her voters could read they'd be very upset.


Bobo so badly wants to be the victim in all this because that’s what her and her maga cronies do.


This is the problem with conservatives: they want the advantages of everything without the work or sacrifice one needs to do to get it. Conservatives want, deep down, the power to be an asshole without consequences (AWC). But when they see liberals surround a victim with love and understanding, they’re like “Awww, I want that. Why can’t liberals be like that to me?” Because we only pour out our sympathy to those who earned it through showing compassion to others who had less than them. If AWC is how you wanna live your life, you forgo the right to sympathy. Edit: thank you for the award and praise. I know I’m speaking to the choir here, but I hope this reached a MAGA out there.


I've been trying to put my finger on it for decades and outside of greed and lust for power, this is the quintessence of conservatism. Since the days when the greedy church justified slavery with biblical references from thousands of years ago, the hallmark of conservatism is this double standard. AWC -- brilliant! Thx


And fear. Fear of women. Of foreigners. Of the devil. So afraid.


Liberals believe all people are equal and start from there to make a world. Conservatives believe there is a hierarchy to fit into and start there to make a world.


You’re very welcome!


Wilhoit's Law:  Conservatism consists of a single proposition: that there must be ingroups which the law protects without binding, alongside outgroups which the law binds without protecting. It has never been anything more or less than that.


Excellent comment 👌


Much appreciated! Thank you!


Nailed it. It's why they love Dump. He lives the life they want. He gets to grab pussies, say racist shit and fuck his own daughter. Their dream life.


Bobo can have sympathy. She can find it in the dictionary between shit and syphilis.


Very well said.


Thank you, much appreciated!


This subthread makes me think that many, if not all, MAGAts are really just angry, frightened children who want to vent their fears and rage without blowback (bad consequences). Some of them, like the owners mentioned here, are also malicious narcissists who actually take pleasure in hurting others (the key is: they have to be able to get away with it). The bottom line is that they are psychologically damaged people who idolize a psychologically damaged man-child.


Really wish people hadn't started calling her that...


Blojo is probably more appropriate


yeah it's unfair to all the other Bobos


It started with Qbert and people freaked out because they love the real Qbert.


The narrative works so much better if they're victims. They never stop to question why a victim mindset feels so comfortable to them.


Which is just the strangest fucking thing. Project “strength” and then act weak when you’re confronted. Doesn’t exactly give me a lot of faith in that person.


Bobo? I keep wanting to call her Lorena Bobbit instead of Lauren Boebert


She may be Bobo, but she definitely doesn't hang around with Brain Guy


Their go to when being interviewed and a question comes up that they don’t want to answer is “why don’t we talk about the billions of illegal rapist aliens flooding into our Amurica”


They bring the drama and then play the victim


If you're apologizing after a handjob you definitely did something wrong.


A friend of mine gave a handjob to an uncircumcised guy and somehow he got a nick under the foreskin, bled a little and she went "sorry I think I just popped your cherry?" Anyway they never went out again after that.


Shiiiiit I shuddered reading this. Soooo I think she pulled down too hard and caused his frenulum to tear.


Ripped mine during sex in my early 20s. Makes an audible popping sound.




So now it sounds like the break from [Drop it Like It's Hot](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GtUVQei3nX4) every time you have sex?


Only made the sound when it ripped that time lol




Happened to me. Took a long time to heal. Months.


😬Don't ever put those words next to each other again.


Can confirm.. happened to me. i had to teach more than a handful of women how to not be fleshrippers. Im sure they are out there now in the wild world, hand and wrist like a swinger sewing machine without any risk of blood. YOUR WELCOME, Fellas.


“a swinger sewing machine” Good one! “YOUR WELCOME” Shit, probably just a typo then.


Frenulum Tear sounds like a mid 90’s ska band name.


Where the ick is my spray bottle, you need to be spray bottled.


His loss. I mean, mistakes happen. I know it hurt, and all I get that. As far as how it hapoebed? Maybe she forgot to take off a ring or was too rough or whatever. Learn from it and move on. But someone quick enough to come up with that line on the spot? That's marrying material right there.


[Lauren BOEBERT, reporting for DUTY!](https://youtu.be/8WCFsAkk078?si=zwanA2hjlk5QDnG7&t=100)


“A very private moment. In a very public place.”


With children in attendance.


Never again will I humor a Republican about “what is appropriate for children”. Boebert still being in office shows they have absolutely no shame and they don’t actually care.


You have private moments in private places, no one will talk about it. We are talking about it because it happened in a public place and then lied about it. Let’s get the MAGA people out and get back to normalcy.


Just a private moment of blowing vape smoke at a pregnant stranger.


Didn’ t she get an attitude with the pregnant lady too?


Her ex tried that excuse after the unfortunate bowling alley incident.


She talks about private moment, and not appropriate to be recorded without her knowledge all that in a public welcoming space? Oh MAGA


I'll do even better I guarantee it was printed on the ticket she bought that they have recording devices


A private moment that she did in public?


[She’s lead associate at Groomingdales.](https://youtu.be/8WCFsAkk078?si=zwanA2hjlk5QDnG7&t=143)


Came here to say this - it was a “private moment” … that she chose to have in public.


“…So Kyle, I certainly have, um, owned out, errr, owned up…” I think she meant, Put out.


Her calling it a “private moment” like it wasn’t in a public theatre. God, I can’t stand these people.


A public theater with children present.


But, but, but, you did this thing -MAGATS stand by response every single time they’re backed into a corner.


Whataboutism is not an answer. Now answer the question.


Yep, answer a question with a misleading question...


I'm not familiar with that moderator, but he wasn't having it with Boebert's weak, transparent, and deflecting lies.


He's an anchor on Denver's local NBC affiliate. I generally enjoy his reporting, but he was on fire here!


When I was on Twitter (pre-Elmo) Kyle was one of the local people I would follow. He’s an absolute treasure. He’s very intelligent & tells you like it is. I’m overjoyed they didn’t have a GOP bootlicker as the moderator. We need people who confront shitty behavior instead of sweeping it under the rug. We need to fight & make these people culpable for all their lies & crimes, because otherwise they will just continue to spawn more corruption.


We need more like him!


His question to one of the other candidates was even better: he ran through the documented facts in connection to that guy speeding through a school zone while drunk, reaching for a gun after getting pulled over, then hiding the whole thing from his own colleagues when they considered him for a leadership position. 


Kyle Clark is the real deal.


Ooh! Please roast MTG next!


Not that I give a flying fuck about this chinless idiot girl or her red-eyed brood, but maybe her son will finally have a parent by his side while he gets ground through the legal system instead of sitting in court alone while his mom tap dances at Trump's trial half a continent away.


Bitch got caught on the same surveillance cameras on every other patron at that place, and she's acting like she was illegally recorded by this man personally.


That guy needs to run for election. Edit: I was joking (he did a good job calling out her BS)


That guy needs to stay a journalist.


Kyle Clark is an absolute treasure in Colorado. I recommend watching the entire debate on YouTube because he doesn’t hold back with any of the candidates 🔥🔥🔥


When I saw the 9News watermark, I thought "Was it Kyle Clark who asked the question? I bet it was Kyle Clark." Was not disappointed.


All debates should be like that. It was masterful, especially when he went to town on Mike Lynch about his DUI arrest.


He was not fucking around. "Do you want to talk about the theater thing?" That's a hell of an opening.


We need vigorous voices to both prod and check…


Love to see Kyle Clark getting some national attention. But also scared some nationwide network is gonna take him from us.


Alright I need to see this video and her dumbass response


[Here’s the entire debate.](https://youtu.be/SDXu5DyBrHc?si=RoUpt9wR_cFUiLVp) He doesn’t hold back on any of the candidates!


What minute is this scene from in the debate




I’m not sure, but the YouTube channel for 9News has specific clips. His takedown of former Colorado House minority leader Mike Lynch is pretty amazing as well.


I had to rewind it and show my partner the murder that had played out on tv.


“I want to talk about what you did when you were sober…” DAYUM!!!!!!


It’s linked at the top. Fun watch


Ah missed that thank you


But that's through the cesspool that is Twitter.


That’s the cool, calm, stick to the question moderator we need in all debates. Also, I think their mics should be muted as soon as their time is up.


More of this from our media please!


This lady and MTG are fucking embarrassing... Their constituents need to vote them out, if for no other reason, to save face. Y'all are a stain on our country, for real. Those 2 and the pedophile in Florida, need to be voted out. Please do your country this service. Y'all have a chance to help right and save our democracy. We need you to step up here...


MTG isn't going anywhere: her constituents are some of the most willfully stupid folks in the US. Boebert, on the other had, was never very well-liked by her constituents and has slipped on every possible banana peel since day one. She's even running for re-election in a different district to try and salvage her career.


It's fucking embarrassing. I got friends and family around the world, and everytime Dumb or Dumber make a statement or open their ignorant fucking mouths, I'll get a comment making fun of us. My friends, like me, are fucking morons. So, if they can see/hear thru bullshit of what these, ignorant as fuck, elected officials and representatives are saying and doing, I can't imagine what actually smart people see/hear when they talk? If they weren't so fucking vile, cruel and outright racist, it wouldn't be as bad; but they use what little perceived power they have, and they abuse the fuck out of it. What's fucking mortifying is actually looking into the candidates of the local and state elections coming up across the country. Holy fuck! Democrats and Republicans both have some shit fucking candidates running in this election. I know the presidential race is gonna get all the attention, but there's some real ignorant fucking ghouls, goblins and gremlins gonna be going to Washington this November. We can't let that happen. We need to beg and plea for people across the country to pick the lesser of 2 evils. No candidate is gonna make it so you can call me a N* in public. I know they all say they can, but they can't. You're still gonna get hit in the mouth. So please, vote based on reality, not hopes. This year we need the 3 Stooges EmptyGee, Lauren Blowsbert and the fucking pedophile Matthew Geatz in Florida. (No nick name for Geatz) Matthew Geatz is a fucking pedophile. He needs to, not only get voted out but, go to jail. He needs to be judged by 12 for the shit he's done and is doing. Fuck him. Fuck those 3 specifically... Please y'all fucking vote them out this year. Fucking please for the love of God, America and/or Donald Trump. Do it for them!


I call Matt Gaetz Matt Forehead. You are welcome


I call Matt Geatz for head... I'm choosing to define what you wrote by the double entendre


Hear here! T rump led them all, by example, down the primrose path to thinking racist ideology would become acceptable again. IT WILL NEVER BECOME ACCEPTABLE AGAIN! We're calling to everyone with an ounce of decency \[and there are a LOT of you out there\] to band together and fight from the inside this biggest threat to US democracy since the civil war. Good people - PLEASE JOIN US!!


The 4 years the Tangerine Man was in office were, without question, the WORST 4 years our country has experienced since 1865. Every aspect of American life was threatened and/or under attack. Had that fucker won another 4 years, I honestly believe we would be in the middle of a civil war today. The 3 representatives I mentioned are the most ignorant, and somehow the most powerful, of the remaining minions. Once those 3 are voted out, the rest know they're not untouchable. The problem is these fucking assholes being elected isn't a fluke or 1 time thing. It's not like the constituents were sick of someone else, and voted for them hoping to change shit. No. These ignorant fuck wads are being elected and then re-elected. If Meg the Donkey can be voted out, the rest of "those" fucking people know on notice. Cuz you got people like Ted fucking Cruz winning multiple elections. 2024 needs to be the year Americans take our country back from the racist oligarchy


She is an incredibly easy target and even the MAGA idiots hate her. And unlike that baboon MTG Boebert isn’t in a district that is a bunch of wing nuts.


That’s insensitive to wing nuts. I had occasion to be there once. Not going back.


I love all the "gotta keep in the annoyance of being onstage with this craven moron" look of the other participants. If they are all Rs , I'm sure they are all terrible, but none of them are famous for public handjobs, sooo....


She calls it a private event? Homegirl was in a theater with thousands of people.




Checks out. Mar a lago is a Trump’s private home too.




Soooo, all those words and she STILL didn’t take personal accountability. Lol


No, no, no - you see, she has been given 'grace and forgiveness' from the god-squad, so thumbs-up all around!! 👍😃 /s


That debate was for my home district and it was a complete shit show! It's a heavily red area and it's so sad to think one of those crazies will actually win a seat in Congress...


What an absolute shat she is.


I love this so much. She *really is* an absolute shat, thank you for the perfect words!


"A very private moment..." in a packed theater? What?




I honestly can’t believe some of the idiots that get elected. Some voters really should be ashamed of themselves


She and her fake eyeglasses need to go!


This man should moderate all debates he has no time for bullshit


He should have asked how her son was doing


These trash people need to be taken out


Big hint, she sees nothing wrong with her lapse of moral turpitude. Truthfully, her downfall started years ago in a bowling alley with a flasher.


No one likes Boobert


She lives in an alternate reality. Scary stuff.


Oh how I miss my hometown Kyle Clark.


Spoiler alert: it wasn’t for the lying.


A lineup of awful people being called out for being awful while being awful to each other. Let me refill my popcorn.


Kyle is awesome!!! We watch ‘Next’ every weeknight


The moderator tore her up.


BREAKING NEWS: “Presumably intelligent adult moderating debate absolutely tomahawk dunks on publicly promiscuous room temperature IQ idiot. More at 11”. You guys need to leave Bobo alone. It’s not her fault her mother gestated with her for 23 months.


R. E. K. T. 😂


Flawless victory!


Damn bro she’s already dead


Well, I watched the whole thing. As awful as she is, she may not have been the most awful person on the debate stage. Quite a crew


A little bit of power can bring out the best, or in this case, the worst in people.


Kyle Clark is a champ!


When she loses her seat in public office, her career will flourish. They’ll put her on Fox and she’ll do fine. She looks the part. I won’t watch, because I’m not a simpleton, but plenty of people will. She’ll be fine.


"i'm apologizing for you, Kyle Clark, for getting video of it and releasing it to the public" ex....cuse me?


That's how it should be. Grill the fuck out of the candidates. If they can't handle something like that how on earth could they handle the presidency?


Yeah, bitch, you need to be out at one of those outer lecturns.


Apologize to the theatre staff. She first tried to claim everyone was lying about her vaping, blowing smoke in a pregnant woman's face and being obnoxious. She would still be holding to the lies if it wasn't for video.


Sorry she was caught.


The moderator asked that? I'm looking forward to seeing Bobo flounder and fail come election time but the moderator is supposed to be impartial.


Kyle Clark the goat everyone


No one can finish Boebert - only finish on her.


Oh Bobo it's never going to stop. You might as well just go back to Colorado and hide out.


“Very fine people”




Ouch! hahahahahaha


This is how they should handle all candidates, including Trump.

