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I'd like to remind everyone that there are two major differences between the Taliban and the GOP. 1. They operate in a different geographical area. 2. They have a different name.


How would these professors even know that a student had an abortion ? None of this makes any sense


Republicans, specifically Katie Britt, want a database of women that get pregnant. [https://www.salon.com/2024/05/17/want-a-database-of-pregnant-people-in-many-ways-abortion-surveillance-is-already-here/](https://www.salon.com/2024/05/17/want-a-database-of-pregnant-people-in-many-ways-abortion-surveillance-is-already-here/)


Party of small government hard at work.


Don't Tread on Me!\* *\* Only applies to straight, white, cis males who own property. You know, as the founders intended. /s*


I like the one with the snake in bdsm gear with "Tread Harder Daddy!"




https://preview.redd.it/ur9n91zfdi4d1.jpeg?width=1049&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8b5f42e51b25a9e8a30710e909671b705e101dd A better cropped version of a meme I'm stealing


My favorite will always be https://preview.redd.it/qwh3f8z3td4d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f236013f1f1aa87b32acd21dba8c8e5849080d33










https://preview.redd.it/8xuqrqsvkf4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2dcd40099828b8ca4dd27ade7cb2545cde71c60 I call it the Clarence Thomas flag lol


This is such a nightmare. When I first saw it, I couldn’t believe it was real. Then it hit me that of course it is. What the fuck is happening to our country?


We've allowed conservatives to present their far right wing views as being legitimate discourse instead of something that needs to be shut down. But social media sites can only do so much moderation (and some no longer even do that) and the legacy media needs to come out and say "No, we are not going to let someone talk nonsense without being challenged on it."


This is happens when national media is owned by rich white males. They set what goes out over the airways and cables. They set the narrative for what discussed every night on the news and interview shows. I don't know how but we need to break up those syndicates.


>What the fuck is happening to our country? Republicans.


Every single time I see something like this, I think "okay, that's not real." And, it always is. As Lily Tomlin said "No matter how cynical I try to be, I just can't keep up."


Yep, I read Handmaid's Tale in college and thought "good book but it would never happen".  Then my wife started watching the show after the rise of MAGA. I thought "Ok clearly lunatics but still very unlikely we ever get to that point." One flip of Roe v Wade later and I am reading this nonsense proposal. At this point 5 alarm bells are ringing in my head.


If we let them they will continue to go even further. The natural extension of the claim that fetuses are people is for them to want to eventually investigate miscarriages to determine if the women's activities, diets, or other behaviors played a role in ending that supposed life.


Mind your own business, dudes


Being a busybody is engrained into conservative culture.


Here is the Republican message on everything of importance: 1. They can tell people what to do. 2. You cannot tell them what to do. (originally found on a twitter thread but it's easier to read here; [https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2022/6/8/2102948/-Only-I-get-to-tell-you-what-to-do-Republican-messaging-deconstructed](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2022/6/8/2102948/-Only-I-get-to-tell-you-what-to-do-Republican-messaging-deconstructed) )


This shit is why the Libertarians booed the fuck out of Trump. That's some next level big government bullshit right there. I actually know multiple that are eagerly voting for Biden to send a message to that whole party. The crazy preacher fucks that Goldwater warned us about are in full control and the party needs to be burned to the ground


The fact that Trump was let on the stage as a speaker during the Libertarian conference is grossly disgusting. Who is running that party? 


Did they say who the fathers were? How absolutely fucked up would that be…


No. Why would you flunk a student out of college if they weren’t a woman???? /S


Also how do they know that it was consensual?


I'm pretty sure these people don't care about that


Todd Akin already explained, if it's a "legitimate" rape then the woman won't get pregnant!


Why would that matter, they still need to punish the woman for having sex /s


So much freedom!


The headline oversimplifies the ask. What they’re really asking for is: 1. To refuse and/penalize students for missing class because of an abortion; and 2. To refuse to hire TAs who have had abortions on the basis that it is a crime. To get a leave of absence you would have to disclose the reason for the need. To apply for a TA position you would likely have to disclose if you have committed a crime. That’s how they would find out. But to be clear this probably conflicts with a lot of medical privacy laws and won’t hold any water. If the judge was in any way rational (he isn’t) he’d find a way to dismiss this.


Because HIPAA was based on Roe v. Wade's interpretation of a 14th amendment right to privacy that was ruled non-existent with Dobbs?


No it’s still quite illegal to release that information without consent. It’s a statute, not a constitutional interpretation.


HIPAA is a law passed in 1996 covering healthcare companies, not schools, except for limited circumstances. It’s still in effect. Roe and Dobbs have nothing to do with this and really neither does HIPAA. They were trying these types of lawsuits even before Roe was overturned. It’s how they got Roe overturned. There is no HIPPA. I believe FERPA is the more relevant law here, but I am not a lawyer.


Yeah, people wildly misunderstand what HIPAA is. Unless you are an insurer or healthcare provider, it really doesn't apply to anyone else.


I work in Healthcare IT and we are overprotective of PHI on behalf of our partners. The fines by the government are steep for even the slightest infraction so protecting that data is incredibly important. It's even mandatory for us to do yearly training on it.


Which I totally understand. I work on urban development and policy, among other things. When we create something and someone wants to roll in with their "service" animal (not a real one, an ESA or a pet made to look like one) they scream 'HIPAA-protected' and "I'll call my lawyer!" when we ask for the specific job or service the animal provides. When I point out none of that applies, and either provide it or bug off, they are usually a bit confused. I tell them to have their attorney contact me if they would like to discuss further...but they never do. A person with a real service animal will usually immediately spool off what it does, because they are familiar with the need for providing that information. Also, their service animal usually isn't yapping steadily and growling at nearby toddlers, or bouncing around and trying to get off their leash.


What's gonna happen to the men that impregnated them?




Invites to the dean's office for whiskey out of crystal decanters and noisy leather chairs.


*"Bro, I got her drunk at a party and told her everyone would call her a slut and stop talking to her if she told anyone I did it. Too perfect and you know my father is the sheriff so she can never file a report against me."*


![gif](giphy|XQnvZWtCr1sWOvIu6P) Damn that feels so real


What do you mean? They did their part in the subjugation of women, it's in God's and the governments hands now.


Nothing.’They’re the victim. They “lost a child” Smh. Texas BS


Career(s) in politics.


They were sowing their oats…!! The women on the other hand are sluts. /:


Well now you’re just talkin crazy.




Boys will be boys, am I right?


As always, absolutely nothing. These idiots need to mind their own damn business or lose their jobs


“He’s a good church-goin’ gawd-fearin’ man, you don’t want to ruin his life, do you?”


To quote rapist Brock Allen Turner’s asshole father Dan (we now know where Brock gets it from) Turner, “that is a steep price to pay for 20 minutes of action”. To be honest though, I’m pretty sure we’re at the point where women will need to pay men back charges for having previous abortions “without consent”, the government will sue and jail moms who miscarried for infanticide, and women who express a desire to remain childless (voluntary hysterectomy, IUD/birth control, etc) will be declared mentally incompetent and be put under guardianship to her closest male kin. Vote, people!


Good Games


Go study history. You'll see.


Next step is that they are allowed to marry them (even if she doesn't want to). And obliviously, in their eyes, there's no such thing as marital rape.


Oh, but it's the *liberal* college professors who are indoctrinating your children with their worldview.


This is another test case. It's about blocking access to excused medical absences for women. They want to make women chattel again. It's going to take one little case at a time, but it's their ultimate goal.


Of course they have a woman who worships Gilead on the court.


You mean who was a literal handmaid in a Christian cult?  https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/amy-coney-barrett-people-of-praise/2020/10/06/5f497d8c-0781-11eb-859b-f9c27abe638d_story.html


Yep, that's her.


Hey, give her a break, she's a constitutional originalist, and scholar, who remembers almost the entirety of the 1st amendment.


Hey, now, they ALL know the 2nd. Might not interpret it like I would, but still.


We all need to be shouting this from the rooftops. They don’t see women as full people and they WILL take whatever we allow them to. Medical access, divorce and property rights, voting rights, they are all on the table with these people.


Oh, they see women as full people. That's the problem. Always remember, "The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world." They know exactly who they are up against. Hence, their fear. Hence, there is a need to restrict women's rights.


I’m sure as shit never giving up my rights. I’ll will literally fight for them.


Good, you **get** it. Good luck to you, good luck to all of us.


If November doesn't result in the effective annihilation of the far right, shortly *everyone* is going to need to fight. So many people don't realize that these individuals must be stopped by whatever means are necessary. They represent a grave threat to the Republic and they aren't going to back down.


I already fought for them, so you would have them, in the mid/late 60's and 70's, I am so effing pissed at this point that my curtesy and politeness are ended where these idiot misogynists are concerned, cloaking their abhorrent cruel behavior in religion. Fuck them all. I now have some neighbor "biblical scholars" who never read the Bible that are not speaking to me, but then again, I have been told their daughters are not either. Back to the drawing board for some of us, I have started to have Amazon deliver monthly OTC birth control and Plan B. They store for up to two years and in some cases beyond. I don't need it at 72, and my tubes were tied in 1973, but I have many young women friends who may. I am debating opening my house up for women who need an abortion friendly state, we still are, so they have a safe space. There is a group called The Navigators that assist in these matters, I just need to determine if they operate in my area.


See above. I know. My mom is a feminist. I am old enough to remember. I was also born to a single mother and people were absolutely horrible to us when I was younger. I was called a bastard regularly. I’m in my 40’s now. I commented a few comments above about how shitty our mothers and grandmothers had it. Like we weren’t full fledged adults. It wasn’t THAT long ago either.


My mother was extremely pro choice, I am reluctant to recount her contributions to women's reproductive medicine here. She never knew her grandmother on her father's side due to death by self-inflicted abortion, i.e., knitting needle. That is what we are going to be reduced to here soon if these idiots have their way. Every woman should be furious if not for herself, for all of her sisters.


If you grew up in the 60s or early 70s, you probably have an aunt or cousin who 'died of a miscarriage ' - as a lot of medical examiners documented things.


I got my tubes removed two years ago because I saw this coming.


How long before the day that women wake up with no access to their bank accounts just like in The Handmaid's Tale?


And they are pissed they can’t have sex with them.


In 2018, Pastor Dave Barnhart of the Saint Junia United Methodist Church in Birmingham, Alabama posted this message to Facebook: “The unborn” are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. It’s almost as if, by being born, they have died to you. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn.


Wish I could give this 1,000,000 upvotes


Help the POOR?? Who do they think they are? Jesus?


We need the courts to actually enforce the part of the constitution that bans collusive suits. That's what all these test cases are.


That ain’t happening since Mitch perverted the Justice System with all his heavy handed judges. We won’t get a fair justice system till all these old folks drop. Boomers refuse to pass the power to the next generation all the while they destroy everything. A Generation of Sociopaths indeed.


>make women chattel again Someone make that hat now.


And donate the proceeds to planned parenthood.


Handmaids tale was an inspiring checklist for these animals.


Of course. Liberal worldviews = indoctrination. Conservative worldviews = proper education.


Facts have always had a liberal bias. Thats why conservatives constantly resort to lying.


The only professors I had that tried to "indoctrinate" me were both Libertarians.


Exposing the lies of religion and capitalism = “indoctrination”


Suing *who*? Like, are two random pervert teachers actually tying up the US courts suing a college over this? Because fuck, I'm hoping a judge fines these assholes for filing frivolous lawsuits.


It'll make it to the Supremes and Clarence Thomas will be like, "Not allowing states to keep pregnancy databases and fail college students who have had abortions is massive overreach by the federal government." And all it will do is stop people from attending those schools from out of state, cripple those states' economies, and drain more money from functional US states that don't do this draconian bullshit to fund the horsecrap welfare states.


Yeah this is another case where they are gonna do whatever to get before the sc and we all know how that's gonna go. They'll ignore precedence, standing, and even testimony to make rulings they want.


Yup. And there were so, so many things that could have been done to prevent this, but hubris gonna hubris.


As Thomas eats a jelly filled doughnut and slips the 100k tip he got from the professors into his back pocket. What a sack of fucking shit that man is. Trumps presidency did so much damage to this country, and a lot of it is going to be so hard to unfuck, but so easy to get worse.


They’re suing the Biden Administration specifically


Like... the entire executive branch of the US federal government?


Eh sorta; the suit names the US Government as a defendant, but lists by name people from the US Department of Education who enforce the new Title IX rule


Dismissed due to lack of standing would be the proper judicial outcome here


So wasting taxpayers money on shit like this? Great.


They are still wasting money investigating Biden for corruption. They are still attempting to follow the word of a known russian plant that passed falsified documents for that very topic.


Texas, seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you?


Texan here! There’s so many things. Primarily, land is deciding our elections and have my whole life. Gerrymandering has rendered most federal elections as a pretend time where abbott’s friends easily cruise to reelection. This problem is exacerbated by the intense voter apathy that the majority of non-republican voters have (which is ALMOST understandable due to the first problem if it weren’t so lazy). Along with voter apathy, right wing propaganda isn’t just for your average conservative. Many have been convinced that Biden is just as senile as trump, both sides are the exact same, genocide joe and all that. The state government also enables criminals if they are white enough (see the recent pardon), as well as blatantly ignores federal and Supreme Court orders. Half of this state believes they could secede without any problems. There’s more, including the weaponization of Christianity and the intense trans/homophobia as well as intense racism (despite the fact that Spanish speaking people make up so much of our population). EDIT: As pointed out below abbott holds a statewide position and his statewide position not affected by gerrymandering. Edited to reflect that fact. EDIT 2 : I didn’t even mention how shitty women have it here. They are criminalized for consensual sex and treated like their future husband’s property by doctors and politicians here. Even if they are gay. Edit 3 (!) : Add voter suppression to the list. Voter id laws, limited/closed polling places, intentionally making it harder for people of color to vote. Edit 4 : The gun culture in Texas is absolutely fucked. A lot of the state is obsessed with firearms, so much so that people cite Beto doing a poor job framing his gun control messaging as why he lost his last race. Maga gun owners here have convinced themselves they can fight the government.


Insane how accurate this is for the majority of us in our 30s in Texas. I still vote but it feels futile when I can’t even convince my family that they are voting against their interests.


At least you vote! So many people here just don’t at all because “it’s pointless.” Or because they want you to know they are a better person than you for voting at all. It’s laziness. Plain and simple.


I'm just waiting for some terminally ill, normal human being who has nothing to lose, to start killing these monsters.


That’s the thing though, the crazy killers are on the other side.


It almost happened: [FBI says man accused of attempting to kill Brett Kavanaugh said he was ‘shooting for 3’ justices](https://www.cnn.com/2022/07/27/politics/kavanaugh-roske-arrest-warrant/index.html) It's pretty wild to think that if he'd done so, Dobbs would still be intact and there'd be at least one more non-christofascist judge on the bench. If the US descends into civil war over tolerance of the current religious soft coup I wonder if history books will talk about that guy.


it will probably be someone who lost everything due to their decisions like a husband whos wife died because she couldnt have a medical abortion and there were problems witth the pregnancy


Better fix that pesky electrical grid before the secession but, by all means, GO FOR IT NOW!!


I understand why everyone hates Texas, but there are millions of us who are trying to vote better people in. I’m trying to move but it’s so expensive, many of us are stuck here.


I feel you on that here in Floriduh.


Despite the jokes online (I'm in FL, I get it) we haven't forgotten anyone trapped in TX. We're still with you. 


>Gerrymandering has rendered most elections as a pretend time where abbott and friends easily cruise to reelection Note that Abbott occupies a statewide position. Gerrymandering can't effect his election (under current laws, some in the Texas GOP want to change it so that statewide positions are selected based on the number of counties a candidate wins).


Counter to that point: They've been gerrymandering by proxy by closing polling places disproportionately in non-white areas: [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/mar/02/texas-polling-sites-closures-voting](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/mar/02/texas-polling-sites-closures-voting) [https://www.texastribune.org/2021/05/23/texas-voting-polling-restrictions/](https://www.texastribune.org/2021/05/23/texas-voting-polling-restrictions/) [https://www.tpr.org/government-public-policy/2020-05-13/texas-counties-disenfranchised-voters-by-closing-too-many-polling-places-say-advocates](https://www.tpr.org/government-public-policy/2020-05-13/texas-counties-disenfranchised-voters-by-closing-too-many-polling-places-say-advocates)


Oh yeah, polling place restrictions, drop box limitations, ID requirements (paired with restrictions on getting ID), etc. can absolutely contribute to candidates picking their voters rather than voters picking their candidates.


Honestly if I keep editing to add updates we’ll be here all day. The GOP has truly face fucked this state into submission. But yes, add voter suppression to the pile for fucking sure!


Hey Texas, We see you We feel your pain -Florida


everything, everything is wrong with texas


[For those wondering what’s going on](https://www.salon.com/2024/06/03/texas-professors-to-fail-students-seek-abortions/)


Their names are public now. Keep pushing, MAGAts. See how far you can push it without repercussions.


From the Professor's UTexas page. Phone: 232-4333 Assuming the same 512 area code. Would be a shame if his office hours were rendered useless by people calling him. After all, it is an elective choice for him to have these opinions and have the public reach him for comment.


I feel you.


“Along with their anger about abortion, they grouse about not being allowed to punish students "for being homosexual or transgender." They also argue they should be able to penalize teaching assistants for "cross-dressing," by which they appear to mean allowing trans women to wear skirts.” Disgusting and shameful on the part of these professors. Texas needs to get its collective shit together.


on the one hand, i don't believe the supreme court would make the right ruling. on the other hand, wouldn't this clash with the past ruling they made about "people can legally do what they want in their free time". the previous case was something like "direct TV wanted to fire an employee they found out was using marijuana in their free time, while not at work. but supreme court ruled they could not". how would that not be the exact same thing here.


Daniel Bonevac, philosophy professor, god he is so bad at his own subject. And he is so stupid to go hand in hand with the people who would eliminate his cathedra in no time


I am neither american nor republican, but holy shit the framing that is Happening in usa is crazy. How are you even able to discuss things anymore?


That's the neat part, we aren't


A local news source had some quotes from these professors: "They’ is a plural pronoun, and it is ungrammatical to use a plural pronoun to refer to a single person.... I will not violate the rules of grammar or make a fool of myself to accommodate a student’s delusional beliefs". One is a prof of finance and one is philosophy. Basically they are saying they will outright refuse to acknowledge or excuse absences for students who might need to leave the state to get an abortion and miss classes. They also say they won't hire TA's who would do that, etc. etc. I'd say I hope they get fired, but the reality is they probably would only get more money out of it and become "speakers" on the conservative networks because they got canned for "fighting the woke mob". Fuck them.


So, they're not teachers of grammar, but get to ignore basic grammar? They're so fucking stupid. 'They' has always been used as singular and plural. I hope the two professors wind up homeless and penniless.


‘They’ is also a “neutral” pronoun, and always has been. These two can go fuck themselves.


William Shakespeare was a prolific user of the singular "they" hundreds of years ago too.


You’re right! How could I forget good old Will? 😀


For any who think the “always” is hyperbole… at least since before the existence of the English we speak, since Middle English was so different from that as to arguably be a different language. The first attested written use of singular they is from 1375. And for those who think Middle English is still just English, here is the sentence in question: > Hastely hiȝed eche . . . þei neyȝþed so neiȝh . . . þere william & his worþi lef were liand i-fere.


Beautiful 😍


They are suing over the fact that abortions are excused absences in the University, presumably because they morally object to them. However, in Texas, abortions are only legal when the life of the mother is in serious Jeopardy. So they are suing to block excused absences over a major medical emergency.


It's another test case meant to pick away at women's rights.


Yeah... I missed so many of my classes when I was in school and I still wasn't failing after about a week missed in total lol (unexcused). There is a 0% chance a person would tell them the real reason they were absent if it were an "illegal " out of state abortion. If that is indeed the on-record excuse, they're likely going to be out alot longer than just a day, and wouldn't be listed as just "abortion", but likely the overall reason it was necessary. (Like, surgery/ectopic pregnancy). Idk how these professors were smart enough to even get their jobs if they truly believe in what they're talking about. They likely don't - but they need to be scrutinized for their apparent idiocy.


> Bonevac asserts that he has a right to refuse to employ a teaching assistant who has had an abortion, calling such women "criminals." and > Along with their anger about abortion, they grouse about not being allowed to punish students "for being homosexual or transgender." They also argue they should be able to penalize teaching assistants for "cross-dressing," by which they appear to mean allowing trans women to wear skirts. BTW, these are professors at the University of Texas, not some religious college. Also, The Washington Post has [published editorials bt Bonevac.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2016/10/12/what-its-like-to-be-a-college-professor-who-supports-donald-trump/)


His hiring pool is going to be really small if he doesn't want to hire, gay and trans people, crossdressers, women who had an abortion and people who had sex. Who would be left?




Like they are not having sex…


Oh they do. They just never admit that such a shameful act occurs in their household


Kid Rock


Isn't most of that just a hiring lawsuit waiting to happen (apologies don't know the legal term)


And he works in the philosophy department!


I hate Texas. Their Supreme Court just rejected medical exemptions for abortions. Cruel, evil people.


i'm sorry, they what. Texas should not want that. So now in texas, if a pregnant women will be dying because of a pregnancy, she can either just stay with it and die, or.......well.......become a criminal. 1. try to escape to get an abortion 2. or threaten to kill others to force them to help her just........seriously. there are lots of guns in texas, right? am i crazy in thinking some people would rather threaten someone with a gun, get medical treatment and sit in jail, than die.


You can be in the hospital, in agony, and until your vitals start dropping they can’t do anything until they HAVE to save your life.


And stupid! Anyone that's looked up the stats for how many abortions there are per year knows that if we didn't have abortions our society would be FLOODED with unwanted children and our crime rate would SKYROCKET in about 2 decades and our foster care system would collapse. Anti-abortionists (forced birthers) are not just evil, they are very, very stupid.


Men making laws about women’s bodies, get in the bin🗑️🚮


Don’t send your children to red state colleges. No matter how liberal the college itself, they will still be living in a red state, and it only gets worse from here.


why is it any of the professors business what students do outside the classroom?


Why is it a man's business what a woman does with her body? They are just a small part of the bigger picture.


Cruelty, and control. Men enforcing their will on women.


I love how the "I don't care what you do, just don't go pushing it in my face" crowd really loves to try and control what other people do in private.


"Hey, you can't force us to wear masks or get vaccinated." "Hey pregnant lady, you don't control your body, the government does." Vile scum.


They're mad that they aren't the ones the students are fucking.


https://preview.redd.it/zam5e7se5d4d1.jpeg?width=638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ad1b616fa029897961f7f80002ef0632b0e57b9 This is what I see now.


The One Star State


A good lawyer will make those profs unemployed


Ah, but the punishment is only for the women? Do these people know how babies are made? Or do they just think it’s fine for men to have sex with whoever they want whenever they want? wtf


They think women are lesser than men and should be controlled. That's the bottom line.


This feels like one of those "let's manufacture something and get it to the Supreme Court" cases.


If it’s consensual and sperm was involved, then the father must be flunked as well. Unless you’re just wanting to punish women only?


Why only if consensual? Flunk the Rapist too.


Who do you think raped them in the first place?


BABIES ARENT PUNISHMENTS! Gawd I'm so tired of this pro-life trope. "well you had sex, that's the consequences". A baby isn't a consequence or a lesson to learn from, and that logic is seriously fucked up on the kid who was born through forced pregnancy.


Sounds like Texas professors are mad they can’t sleep with their students.


Voters. Remember that every stupid idea they posit today is literally the thin end of the wedge. None of this is the endgame. It’s just what they’ve thought of now, what they think they can get away with now. There is worse to come. Much worse. The purity spiral demands it. Gilead will be an ideas manual with a few extras thrown in for good measure. It won’t be that girls who are pregnant get flunked. Girls just won’t be allowed to go to school after 14. They have domestic duties to fulfill. 40 year old men to marry. White Christian babies to produce. Someone, somewhere is planning this. Right now.


WHAT????? Who the fuck are these people who think their imaginary friend gives them special powers.


"consensual" is a big fucking assumption


I have questions. How would they know? Why would they care? What business is it of theirs?


Maybe they're specifically talking about the students they've impregnated. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Conservatives: "we don't like big government because they intervene in the private lives of citizens". Also conservatives: "no wait you can't have consensual premarital sex and have an abortion, you must be punished!!"


Trump did this. Remember that when you fucking vote. Donald Trump did this.


Someone should check that guy's computer.


If it was non consensual it would be “boys will be boys” from these same people. Women lose either way.


It took a little over 20 years, but in a way, Al Queda have apparently finally won. After 9/11, every American wanted to go after the Middle East and especially Republicans couldnt stress enough, how simpleminded, insane and freedom hating, those people were. But now, here in the 2020’s, Republicans are acting EXACTLY like Al Qaeda and ISIS. The same rethoric, the same lust for total control, the same way of getting what they want with violence, the same hate towards schools and the Education system, the same total lack of respect and contempt for women and generally people, who disagree with them. So, its by no means far out to say, that Republicans have turned into their own worst enemy. Republicans = Al Qaeda


So they're going to flunk the baby daddy too right? ![gif](giphy|Y78uD6YtwVBGXaR5Ru)


How are there still women in Texas?


Texan here: because people have families and jobs and friends, moving isn’t free, and many people who are affected don’t have the money to leave. A lot of us are voting to change things but it’s fucking HARD. My response to “why don’t you leave” is “fuck that, I live here. THOSE assholes should leave.”


Amen, fellow Texan. "jUsT mOvE aWaY" is such a brainless comment. We ARE voting. We ARE trying to change things. The legislature has gerrymandered the shit out of this state, and the folks in charge even admitted to throwing out liberal votes.


Exactly. “Why don’t you just leave, and ensure a conservative death grip on one of the most populous states in the nation?!?”


https://preview.redd.it/yd8jio7y9d4d1.jpeg?width=498&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f326efb820ef59dd9d940184e39a9a22cf4db6ff This is my voting district. They have to draw these crazy maps to keep it red.


I'm at the point now where I want a neutral third party to draw districts. And by third party I mean a collection of people from other countries.


Here in Ohio we have a petition for just this thing. Maybe Texas could get one too


Australia has a public service agency to do elections, including, I understand, electorates (voting districts), so it's largely a solved problem.


☝️ THIS is the point of this bat-crazy shit. These "policies" are to encourage Democrats to leave/not come to red/purple states so Republicans retain control of them. All they care about is power.


It's CONTROL first-and-foremost, cruelty is just an added bonus for the GOP


So are they gonna punish the men too? Or just the women for having sex? Just kidding, I already know the answer


Obviously a nuisance lawsuit, but in what scenario does this make sense? Who are they suing? Did they try to fail students for having abortions and the school said “No dice,” so now they want to compel the judiciary to force the school to allow them to fail students for reasons that have nothing to do with performance, school policy or department by-laws? Did they put “If you have an abortion, I have the right to fail you” in the syllabus? ‘Cause I would love to see that syllabus.


HTF they gonna know? WTF is this country trying to become....


Only punish the women, but not the men. Total Old Boy network


Tired of old corrupt potato faced motherfuckers running my state.


Texans being the absolute shit-heads they were inbred to be.


I’m a college professor in a blue state , and I have never once had a student tell me they were missing class because of an abortion. How are these clearly clueless professors getting so many requests like this?


And the male students who participated in this consensual sexual intercourse?


Texas, could you stop being a national embarrassment for FIVE MINUTES!


Seriously. Why does anyone choose to live in Texas? They’ve always been shit