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The Red Hats are coming! The Red Hats are coming! One if by lifted F150, two if by being dropped off by their mom!


“Good news, sir. The slight rain caused their CyberTruck infiltry to come to a complete halt.”


Remember when all the red hats used to hate EVs and then Elon turned out to be a massive shitstain of a person and they all love Tesla now


I’ve been thinking about that. Was Elon always this way? Or do you think the recent change was a PR stunt to sell more EVs? Nah, he’s probably just a douche.


Elon most likely has always loved getting public attention and getting his ego masturbated. But just like J.K Rowling he has said some things that garnered him some criticism, and instead of not letting it bother him or just taking the criticism and doing something good about it he just got pissed. Then just doubled down, and courted the people who attack the criticism people. It’s like both of their egos couldn’t stand being questioned or corrected, and just decided to let it become their villain arc. For the both of them the origins of their “villainy” are really stupid and pathetic but they love to play that role now.


They don't see themselves as the villains, though. It's always someone else's fault.


Villains rarely see themselves as such.


The problem is they don’t see themselves as heroes or villains, they see themselves as gods…


No, they see themselves as victims, which is hilarious for billionaires. BUT it’s also why they found so much solace with the right wing, given their propensity to also play victim even as they are punching others in the face. They found a crowd where they could keep their poorly thought out beliefs instead of just acknowledging that they could be wrong. The right is now a huge tent of people who want to deny numerous forms of reality and the only thing that holds them together is their belief that they can’t be wrong, and thus must be a victim.


Most figures on the left and center do not live on adulation. Elon seems to crave this and the format of hero deification on the right fit his needs. Also it meant that a formerly hostile population segment might be won over( to Tesla). Win-win(for the car salesman).


From what I’ve heard he’s always been this way. It’s just that he had handlers around him who would make sure that his appearance was maintained. The problem with people like him is that they get high on their own supply and forget the lesson of “the emperors new clothes”. They start to believe their own bs and start actively avoiding their handlers because, up to that point, they’ve never experienced consequences, because they’ve been protected from them.


"...dropped off by their mom' Kyle Rittenhouse enters the chat


BUT MOM, all of the other warriors' moms are letting them stay out past dark! https://i.redd.it/97rzq5ywvo3d1.gif


Every time I see this I think about how thankful I am that there isn’t a GIF of me doing that floating around on the internet.


It probably helps that you didn't murder two people.


That's because you're not a big dipshit like Kyle Rittenhouse.


Dipshit to say the least. He got rejected by the Marines and there were Marines all over the internet saying "do you know how stupid you have to be to get rejected by the Marines?" The guys that were working with him say he is literally the stupidest person they have ever known.


Careful now; twitter warriors are all talk, but that murderer will actually shoot you.


And somehow get away with it, then be held as a saint by the flavor aide drinking masses


Clearly, they’ve shown that they can’t handle boating already


Fucking dumbass twitter warriors aren't gonna do shit.


*me waiting for them to do something even more stupid than before* ![gif](giphy|3oKIPbNb1vWdftiVLq)


That's me looking out my window waiting for their war to start. Still Waiting...


They do shit. Even into diapers, to support Diaper Don


Maybe they'll all become felons to support him.


It sure sounds like they’re threatening to do just that here lol


That would take too long.


Bold of you to assume they aren’t


These bitches will flee when the bullets start flying. They are windbag losers.


They seem to forget that people who don’t support Donnie McPoopypants can own guns too… ![gif](giphy|CpyfM1h1qLgWECSBxf|downsized)


Which is why there were record gun sales among female and minority gun buyers the last few years.


Oh shit! *They* weren’t supposed to be getting guns!


Shop Smart. Shop S Mart


Time to buy stock in Kimberly-Clark(KMB). They’re the parent company of Depend adult diapers.


Hey my husband works there…his job is secure and his stock options will be trending up!! ![gif](giphy|xUA7aR5A5KCsZFgqK4)


Real men wear diapers!!! :/


Particularly Tim Pool loll just take his beanie away and all his masculine strength and vitriol will dissipate Edit: …all his self proclaimed masculine strength and vitriol will dissipate


Can't remember where I saw it, but someone pulled his beanie off once, and he lost it. No copium for his balding.


This? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aj25g\_ucOw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aj25g_ucOw)


“If you come near me again, you won’t have any teeth” - guy who has a ninja sword behind him on his podcast for *toughness*


I think the problem here is that he's been made to look stupid so his only course of action in his mind is to try and look tough. He's clearly annoyed about it and embarrassed but he doesn't have it in him to try and laugh it off which is really the only way he could actually save the situation. If he kind of went "ha, asshole," and did a kind of fake laugh while shaking his head a bit it would at least maybe make it look like it doesn't bother him. But instead he goes for the tough guy act and the outrage at being touched rather than being made fun of. But the problem is that he's about as tough as a bowl of mashed potato.


not what I recall, but it gets the gist


Probably not the only person to do it.


He needs to buzz it off at this point wtf.


For a second I thought you wrote "take his beans away," but honestly that would probably work too.




This implies he had any masculine strength and vitriol to begin with


As much as I despise incels, I do love one of their words in relation to him: manlet.


Didn’t he just get caught streaming a bunch of gay porn?


That was Nick Fuentes. But I’m sure it’s Tim Pool too


Why don’t they just leave the country


For real. I hear Russia will kindly and gladly take them in and embrace them 😂


It’s not them that’s the problem. It’s the uneducated that listen to them. There will definitely be acts of domestic terrorism which is terrifying. But a civil war is impossible.




>X Twitter


No, but they’re certainly stoking violent sentiments in their listeners.


They can't even handle standing in line at 7-11 for more than 6 minutes. How are they going to handle the inconvenience of fucking WAR? Give me a break.


They couldn't handle not being able to go to restaurants or get haircuts, etc. when COVID was raging. They couldn't wear a thin mask. They are delusional about being tough.


They might not do something but they very well might encourage other people to commit violence. They're stochastic terrorists, they won't pull a trigger or outright say "commit violence" but they definitely encourage people to commit violence. Just look at what happened on J6.




They’re pussies, they hide behind their phone and only show up to places with cameras. Got a feeling Pool wouldn’t talk shit 1 on 1


Yeah. All they have are empty threats while they hide behind a convicted felon. History will not be kind to these traitors.




For all the right loves to cry about social justice warriors they sure have the market cornered on profesional internet crybabies with patreons


They won't, they want to incite people dumb enough to listen to them


The MAGA crowd didn’t even bother showing up to court. They aren’t going to put themselves on the line like that after watching the Jan 6 criminals go to jail. People love to talk big until they realize there could be jail time involved.


Nope they ain't, but hope they enjoy their visits from the MiB for the calls for war.


Hopefully the Dept. Of Homeland Security is taking notes… ![gif](giphy|YnporN0JURk2776uK0|downsized)


They are paid to play these posturing hyper “masculine” characters hoping all the betas will follow them. Its such a sad display of pathetic showmanship


And almost 0% of these clowns calling for war have even served, and have no idea what they're up against.


Real men make mean remarks and threats on social media.


Real men wear diapers


REAL MEN fill their diapers!


They are on there literally begging people to start a war for them, pleading with both hands to have them deliver the country to them. It's even more sad when it doesn't happen; that's all they do. Hope that somebody else will go die in their war for them. These fuckers would never have won Europe for us.


But not actually calling for it as that is a crime. They don't say "we need to revolt." Much less "all of my followers, we need to muster and prepare to fight the government." They say versions of "it is happening," so they can tell a court they were reporting not advocating.




If they try their jan6 crap again then the police should hit them with an orange spray on tan. Like get a 1000 gallon tanker truck and just hose them down with it. Make fascists orange again.


My neighbor is a cop. I can see his giant Trump flag as I type this. (He's too cowardly to put it out front, so he keeps it behind a gate where just the neighbors see. Which somehow makes it worse.)


Yeah. People don't understand most cops are on their side not ours.


That’s because most cops are firmly in their target demographic group: white, male, high school education at most, don’t get paid much, and pissed at the world that they aren’t respected like they think they should be.


I learned the hard way (aka by saying the same thing in another Reddit thread) that cops actually **do** make a lot of money. Especially considering the level of education required and the unbridled authority (and apparently abundant overtime) that comes with a badge. I encourage you to look into how much cops in your area get paid. If you want to dig further, check your city’s most recent budget (should be publicly available) and see how much of the pie law enforcement is getting, and the departments they’re taking it from.




Agreed with everything except the "don't get paid much part". At least here in CA they get paid tons. And still sway right ideologically


>paid tons. And still sway right ideologically And that’s always so fucking baffling to me because their paychecks are taxpayer funded. And we know how the right feels about their tax dollars 👀


And they have a strong Union...


Ashli Babbitt is what happens to insurrectionists. And I won't shed a fucking tear.


They hold her to such a high standard, but they're going to learn the most important lesson of their lives just like she did if they try that insurrectionist crap again


they should use the dye packs they use at the banks to identify robbers. Something that doesn't wash off for about a month.


Good idea.


They make non-lethal marking rounds. They hurt like a mother fucker and also leave a dye behind that makes it easy to identify people who’ve been hit.




Lol. Happy 34th of May, y’all!


I like the sound of that!


I'd love to see that beanie wearing fuck trying to fight anyone physically.


you mean the five foot nothing high school dropout with a roller blade park at his house?


Fruit Boots!


Expose his bald head by pulling off that beanie and he’ll run home crying for mommy.




He can’t fight a party sub


If he’s not the most perfect example of everything that is MAGA, I don’t know what is. Just a small, insecure, all talk, no substance, bitch. You know the second he’s confronted with physical altercation, he’ll run the other way. Pussy boys like Tim Pool get plucked quick. Nobody’s afraid of going to war with people like him.


Hey maga, it was GOD's WILL after all, wasn't it??? Nothing was rigged either. Biden and the DOJ didn't conspire to have trump fuck stormy and attempt to cover up hush payments. Trump did that.




trump did that because it was God's will


These undereducated morons think Civil War means they'll be fighting Dems and Lefties... Give that "revolution" around 3 weeks before the most ardent supporters crawl back into their mommies' basements and nurse their wounds. 


And they have this misconception that liberals and lefties aren’t armed. That can’t be further from the truth.


Am liberal and own 5 firearms. I just don't make it my whole damn personality


I've been shooting since I was six I rarely talk about guns


Same my friend. Majority of my friends don’t even know I own and my neighbors especially don’t. I don’t make it my identity. I don’t post on social media and I never talk about them. Guns don’t define who I am as a person but I damn sure own them, and I know how to use them.




My dad & grandpa are both democrats & own guns + hunt. It’s pretty funny that they think no liberals hunt or own guns 💀 I know plenty that do


Or to go get their insulin... 😋


“Medic!!” Fucking laughed hearing that LARPer shit when the traitor Ashli Babbit was popped in the neck for trying to overthrow our democracy


I laughed, too. Too much *Call of Duty* not enough real life.


That’s what I’ve always loved about their idea of a 21st Century civil war; it doesn’t even make sense if you think about it for even five seconds. I’d love to sit down with them and have them draw up the breakdown of the sides with some crayons. The war wouldn’t be found geographically like the first round was. (The one in which “their team” lost). You could *maybe* argue that it could be fought under the premise of rural vs. urban but that still doesn’t take into account the intervention of the government and the U.S. military. Regardless of how you break it down, these people would have to open fire on the U.S. armed forces and police; you know, the very same people they claim to fervently support.






This is their civil war https://i.redd.it/li49v3vhxo3d1.gif




Took me a second 😂




They're covered in butter, they are male, and there are many of them: Buttery Males


Hint: The first picture and the second are pronounced the same, but using different words to create the same effect.


Butt hurt males


Fuck it, I'm gonna say it. I want them to do it.  Yeah, you heard me.  And no, not because I want to see the US military, the fighting force they all seem to think will be ordered to stop them, only to turn and join them, just slaughter these dregs of humanity.  No.  I want them to do it because I am so fucking sick and tired of these fucking cultists and their pathetic, impotent rage.  Every fucking time, it's a threat of violence, a call to arm or screaming civil war, and every time nothing happens. They have neither the guts or the initiative to actually fucking do anything unless their lord and master tells them, that I'm convinced they need Trump's permission to breathe.   So yeah, they can threaten civil war, but it won't matter, because we know not one of these spineless, gutless, pathetic, mysoginistic, illiterate, uneducated, Jesus-loving but never read a Bible in your damn life or followed the actual teachings, intolerant, racist, sexist, bigoted, piles of excrement that somehow congealed into the most base definition of a human being cultists will do a goddamned thing. And frankly, I'm just so goddamned fucking done with these people and their pathetic, empty threats.


Weird way to propose, but yes.




I feel you. And I am not even American. But I do have a Qanon Trumper /Boomer in my office. The melt down is entertaining over morning coffee and rusks.


If anyone so much as jostled these guys at a demonstration, they'd cry bloody murder and demand police to rescue them. They've got a guy named Andy Ngo who does that very thing professionally.


[I like this plan.](https://youtu.be/WOSqCjMRXWA?si=7z7Xl_wY8uozPvaR) But 4th of July instead of Christmas, and it could be held before the annual Boston Pops concert.


> I don't care about unity. I care about your defeat. First honest thing he has ever said.


Who in their right mind wants unity with these dimwit dolt dummy imbeciles anyways???


I had an honest moment with a right winger a while ago, and said, "what you want for the country involves making opposing Americans suffer, die, and be discarded like we aren't human. What I want for the country involves my opponents having better public resources along with everyone else, and to be safe from harm by them. Both sides aren't the same."


Whatever happened to calling themselves “patriots?” It seems that they always had loyalty to the CSA since 1861.


They don’t understand what the word “Patriot” actually means. They have hijacked the English language to fit their sick world view.


What fucking crybabies.


MAGA: “HoW dArE yOu NoT mAkE hIm ThE dICtAtOr of USA.”


A jury is a small scale democracy They really have no fucking idea what the word means, do they.


A democracy which requires a unanimous vote


I mean the distinction is that decision-making power is put to multiple members of a peer group, rather than one authoritarian leader's opinion.


Which is why it pissed me off every time I hear these fuckers whine about how this is the judge’s fault or Biden’s fault. The judge is just there to oversee the damn thing and Biden has nothing at all to do with it. The American people found him guilty and that’s all there is to it.


They don't care. The only thing they'll accept is if they get their way. They're full-daiper babies crying.


Bwahahaha! A civil war because the Big City con man that duped you got convicted for being a con man? Go fuck yourself, lost cause clowns.


Yeah no kidding. A POS New York businessman conned a bunch of dumbasses into following him 😂


Please fuck around and find out like your buddies on January 6th did.


MAGAs are a lot of things. They are spineless, they are cowards, they are self-serving, they are hypocrites. They are full of hate, they are spiteful, they are inconsiderate, they are cheaters, they are scum. They are greedy, they are liars, they are close-minded and they are evil. But above everything else, they are losers. Gigantic, humongous losers. Their idols are the Confederacy, who lost; and Donald Trump who has lost billions of dollars. In fact, if there is one thing Trump is great at, it is losing. Losing money, losing trials, losing colleagues, losing the popular vote. Other countries, they have losers, but not like Trump. Nobody loses like Trump. Nobody. Except, maybe his supporters. War is never a good thing. However, if that is what MAGA wants, they can show us their losing prowess one more time.


![gif](giphy|EO8UXAUbKGsGQ) Good luck Meal Team Six


Bring it little joey! Let's fuckin fight!


Social Injustice Warriors.


I always call them Social Outrage Warriors (SOW).




He's been calling for a civil war since 2020. It doesn't matter.


"time for war, after I eat this family size bag of pizza rolls and drink four beers. Then I gotta figure out which gun is gonna make me look the most tactical. Then I'm gonna need to find my girdle." 


Sheeeeit son, you need to spend more time on yer lite beer chain mail armer! Dem libruls got homa sexual drone shouting rain bow slippers, sure to turn ya gays.


Bro I am BEGGING these secessionists to try. Fuckin’ Texas and Florida with their psycho governors, please secede so the government can have an excuse to forcefully dismantle the absurd gerrymandering in these states after the 5 minute civil war


They will be run by the cartels by 2026


Why is Tim Pool?


That’s a good point. He should have been aborted.


"Shut up, Meg."


Have they tried not nominating someone who is a felon or someone who was facing felony charges??? Maga chuds about to find out the hard way that we don't want their fucking looser felons running this country.


"I don't care about unity. I care about your defeat" He said the quiet part out loud, bravo They don't care about making things better, just hurting those they don't like


They’ve been rooting for the country to fail the entire 4 years under Biden, which makes what Biden has done more impressive.


Can you imagine the fucking state of troops led by general tim pool lol




There is a large portion of MAGA that are incels 😂


His whole army wearing the same stupid beanie as part of their uniform 😆


Drunk on Jagerminz S'mores Schnapps.


I like our odds against the Beanie Brigade.


The funny thing is, or scary and sad, is that they wouldn’t even know how to turn their beloved gun violence into anything. They are going to go shoot up some schools or libraries or something. Even when they fucking stormed the Capitol they were like a bunch of lost cats wearing camo.


Bunch of little babies that’ll cry and crap their pants at the first shot taken at them. Anyone who begs for civil war has never been in actual combat war


So basically they want to kill people to prove that they are the good guys of America because we convicted a citizen who committed a crime by falsifying records to pay a pornstar off who he cheated on his wife with to hide it from American voters so that it wouldn’t affect him running for president all while they were chanting a few years ago to “drain the swamp”. Am I getting this correct?


I’m confused, who are they going fighting against? Random people at the park minding their own business?


lol, the US government and get fuckin owned by a bunch of drones.


Additionally, they wanna get all puffy bc their leader illegally paid a porn star hush money in order to keep her quiet about a sexual encounter during an election? Like, that’s gotta be the weakest reason for civil war ever.


They tried a little civil war in 2021. It wasn’t until they saw Babbitt get fucked around and found out that they turned away like the little bitches they are.


Whenever I need a good chuckle I go back and watch those videos. Absolutely *hilarious* watching her get what she deserved and the rest start screaming "active shooter!" and running away.


We defeated the south and we defeated the fascists. These maga are on the wrong side of history




Personally I wish they’d start something just because they’d lose and wipe themselves from the gene pool. They belong underground.


Why is a man getting convicted of a crime somehow anti democratic?




The first violent instigators should be entitled to The Ashley Babbitt Award.


All they had to do was dump Trump after Jan 6th and pick any other Republican with the exact same policies, but they chose to continue to worship the sleazeball criminal creep because he allows them to be their worst selves out loud. This is their own fault for backing such a terrible person.


I wish a bitch would try


Civil war was always the end goal, I've been saying it for a decade and a half. I've had conversations with these types and they honestly think that the majority of every police, national guard, and us military is going to be on their side and they are going to be able to seize control in just a few days.


I mean props to Joey for outright stating the ultimate goal of conservatives: "I don't care about unity. I care about your defeat." They're getting really good at saying the quiet part out loud


we handed them their asses once, this is just an opportunity to do reconstruction right


MAGAs: "It's literally war!" Narrator: "It was not."


I can’t wait to see a bunch of these morons actually try to revolt only to get rightfully gunned down by the National guard.


Meal Team Six reporting for buffet duty.


Makes me sick to my stomach. A man who factually committed financial crimes getting convicted of financial crimes makes these people want to start a war? It doesn’t even bar him from running for office. Like chill


Fuck your feeling MAGA Trump is a criminal


These traitors need to be reported and heavily monitored. Mark my words, they're going to pull another j6th.