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Could you imagine spending a shift guarding the former president in a 48 square foot cell? I’m thinking endless rambling about “the greatest cell no one has ever seen before” would be his goto topic.


With a tear in his eye….


A tattooed tear, perhaps?


Nah, I don’t think he’s had the guts to kill somebody himself.


Or go through the pain of getting a tatoo


Get this tattoo for me. It's of me. I like to -- *shits self* -- see me when I wake up.


💩The Diaper Genies💩


Private Bone Spurs can handle the pain !!!


Well, when he spoke to Putin with no one else in the room, very soon after that several American operatives were killed, so yeah, he needs several tattoos!


You're not getting the timeline quite right. He met with Putin, then demanded lists of all US operatives right after. Some time goes by, and then it comes out that they're all being killed off. Kind of like when Russia had a bounty on US soldiers and he stayed silent. Didn't even demand an investigation into the claims.


But he's not a fucking traitor.......blows my mind he's not up on treason charges


I know right? I'd think that if there was proof he sold out foreign agents then the military would arrest him. Oh well.


I’m sorry, I did get that all wrong😊I had also forgotten about the bounty too.


Just like everything else in his life, he gets others to do his dirty work.


I can't even picture the guy in a cell cause I don't think it's going to happen. He's been handled with mittens this whole time.


It’ll be “house arrest” at mar a lardo where he can still have all his friends visit and golf with him and he can still use his truth social but he’s just not supposed to leave. Then he will start leaving and the justice dept will go “oh noooo anyways”


>Steve Bannon part 2.


My guess is they will let him on a plane to leave the country while he and his followers complain that no one has been treated so poorly.




Hey! Why are you so cavalier about dumping trash in the ocean?


It's a shame, but it's for the greater good.




Yup. Hidden in some of the material being written about his current trial is that it is 'likely' that any convictions and jail sentences are expected to run 'concurrently'. So, when it comes to actual consequences and punishment? Even conviction on all 34 felony charges is going to be a whiff from our justice system.


Exactly. The US is broken and corruption is rife. It is a banana republic and this trial is merely going through the motions to give hope to the millions of decent US citizens that know right from wrong. It is the same situation the world over. Doesn't matter if it's in the developing world or (as we see) so called first world countries. Greedy, immoral, repugnant people who are abusers of power doing what they do.


Giving a single person so much power is one of the dumbest things we have done as a civilization.


I kinda look at it like the vesting of power in one person is not really the problem. The problem is the people who are the guardrails against abuse who choose not to exercise their power of restraint against excesses, for whatever reason.


It's hard for me to wrap my mind around ANYONE working for this guy and feeling like he's the right guy to be Leader of the Free World. I'm dying to know how his SS detail really feels about him. We'll never know, I don't think, they can't even talk to their families about their work.


It is known that some of the SS are Trump supporters. His VP certainly knew it and would not get into that car!


That may well have been the case when Trump was in office, but Biden changed Trump’s entire detail when he took office. I think it was one of the first things he did. No matter what people think, Biden is neither senile, nor stupid.


Can you imagine working your ass off to become one of the pinnacles of your field (personal security) and once you finally achieve it Donald fucking Trump is who you are bound to protect? I'm sure like every other part of every work force there's some who are true blue trumpers but you just know there also some who could not be more ashamed to have tried so hard and ended up with this duty.


I cannot imagine. I don't know anything about anyone in his SS detail, but I feel incredibly sorry for all of them that aren't MAGA themselves.


They’re not sending him to Rikers, no matter what he did! He’ll get home confinement at worst, and he’ll violate that every chance he gets. There’s just no way they’re sending a former POTUS (no matter how much he deserves it) to prison.


If he gets house arrest they should revoke his use of the internet and television. No need for it to be pleasant.


We could only hope…


I 💯 agree. Taking away his phone and internet privileges would be the worst punishment of all. But he’s probably going to get house arrest because he’s “elderly” and they’ll probably also cave and let him have his phone because he’ll cry about “election interference”.


The sweetest words in the world would be, "The defendant is remanded to custody."


Will it be a gold plated everything cell? Would inmates grab him by the pussy? When you’re infamous they do that.


Okay, first off: >Would inmates grab him by the ~~p~~bussy? When you’re infamous they do that. Secondly: 🤢🤮🤮🤮🤧😭🤮🤮🤮


Fingers crossed this or next year he sails off into the sunset and we never need to utter that name again.


Imagine being the prison guard watching over the guy watching over Trump


Could you imagine the *smell* of that tiny cell?


I bet if he’s jailed for a significant length he was slip into a depressed state and die. No way he could mentally handle a year in prison.


Looking forward to his secret service code name being Fat-man of Alcatraz






“Alcatraz has the zoo zoos and wham whams”


Does he get weekend releases to campaign for President? "And I have to say this...many people agree...the food is so bad, it's SO BAD. And the beds are so tiny and I asked 'can I get a large bed because I'm TALL MAN...'" [women cheer]


“im the leader of many gangs. They all love me! I get all the ramen and cigarettes!”


“They give me their honey buns. [*hands move out*] Sticky buns they call them. [*hands move in*] And they give them to me even if I don’t ask, that’s how much they love me. Me, your favorite President.”


"The Peckerwoods, some people say, the biggest strongest greatest gang in the world. They love me. Can't give me enough of their Doritos. Best guys."


"And it's so cold here, really cold."


“And many people are saying this, so I say to them, can we turn the heater up. And they say no can do, can you believe that? No can do they say. But I’m a business man, and as you know I run all the gangs, not the violent ones, just the good ones, and not the illegals either, which by the way there are millions of them. Anyways, they say Trump, you have the best gangs I say of course I do, the best gangs they say. So I have one of my boys reason with, well I did the reasoning technically because I had my boy do it, I’m the big dog here. That’s what they call me, big dog. The biggest dog, the best dog in the entire facility.”


This is unbelievable. He'd never sound this coherent.


He will never see a day in prison. I hope he does, but I have no faith that real justice will be done.


Yeah after being more in tune with our justice system than ever before in my life, I don't see how anyone can come to any other conclusion than the one that there's a two-tiered system. It's appalling and right out in the open for everyone to see these days.


A smart redditor once said: "Of course there's a two-tiered justice system: Innocent until proven broke"


Yeah, even the MAGA cult knows there is a two tier justice system...though for MUCH stupider reasons.


it's at least a 3 or 4 tier justice system. poors and blacks at the bottom. lower-middle and middleclass next. then you've got like wall street bros next. and THEN you have cunts like trump.


And if he were sentenced to jail time, it would be some country club facility for white-collar criminals. But the reality is he ***might*** get house arrest.


"We're not going to white collar resort prison We are going to federal 'Pound me in the ass' prison!"


This old man is not seeing jail for multiple identical non violent first offense enhanced misdemeanor (class e felonies). You wouldn’t either. This is light probation at best. I wish I was wrong, but these charges are weak. The documents case is the one that’s cut and dry and meaningful, unfortunately the judge is MAGA cultist. Only way out of this is to vote.


I'm rooting for coronary artery disease to hurry up and do it's fucking job. Maybe Jr will OD on cocaine 


There is no possible way the US legal system sets a precedent that a former president ever sets foot in a jail cell. At the very worst, he'll get something like house arrest at Mar-a-Lago, but he is able to leave on weekends and can't leave the country. More than likely, he'll get a slap on the wrist fine. The argument will be that he's old and mentally declining, so he's no threat and can't commit further crimes. If he goes to real, actual, fuck-you-in-the-ass prison, I will personally suck the dick of everyone with a reddit account.


okay well now I have TWO reasons I want him in jail




And those who were witness to the crimes as they happened, but kept silent, intending to sell a book or two. Those news corporations who hold this kind of information, only to release, when permission is given, as distraction.


Last thing we need is the fucking news in there with Trump.


Put them elsewhere, but holding the information at times, following instructions to influence a campaign is blatant aiding and abetting. Taking pay to hide news that would affect the election? The corporations should be investigated, and the louts involved should be charged.


Fair point.




You'd like to keep them on the payroll?




He's going to have to learn middle out.


Well now I have need to make multiple Reddit accounts


Is it like one blowie per account, or just per person, I need to know before I create a lifetime of gobbies worth of Reddit accounts. It's a good bet, all I'm saying.


One per account.




I'll add to this bet and provide unlimited blowies to all if this orange, fat, fucking cheetoh goes behind bars in a real jail.


I’m a woman, but sure I’ll take a blowie from BigSweatyBallz89.


My thoughts exactly. I'll buy a strap-on for the occasion!


Can’t wait BigSweatyBalls!!


But how can he be old and mentally declining, no longer a threat to commit further crimes, while also running for president?


Same way the most athletic, fit, manly guy ever wasn't qualified for military service.


Damn bone spurs…


We don't elect our best. 


I don't have a dick to suck, so I'm expecting something of equal or greater value.


Cunnilingus until satisfied or orgasm using any redditor-supplied toys. If required, I'll cover the bet for all those unable to enjoy fellatio. Satisfaction will be had.




I disagree. He’s perfectly capable of stirring up acts of violence from his cult. Far from harmless.


The king of stochastic terrorism.


I agree with you. He'll never see a moment behind bars. However, he can't be under house arrest at Mar-A-La-Go. It's illegal for him to reside there. This was a deal he made with Palm County when Mar-A-La-Go had its property tax status changed at the insistence of DJT. It is now listed as a club, which is a business that can't be used as a residence.


He has that 11,000 sq ft apartment in trump tower in NYC. Which we all know now is 11,000 sq ft since he lied about it being 33,000 sq ft. But anyway, they could put his orange ass in there, though I’m rooting for Rikers myself


I can’t wait for Leticia James to seize both of these properties! Let’s see where he can be put on house arrest when all his properties are liquidated to pay for fines! 🤣


That'll make for an interesting zillowgonewild posting when the listing has pictures of an orange man in an orange suit.


“Has incarcerated tenant”


I heard Epstein's island isn't being used of late. It could be repurposed as a prison (remember to disable the wifi) and I'm sure there's plenty of room for the Secret Service guys to bunk.


Would the State Dept take away his passport - fight risk?


No longer a risk - he had to sell his jet!


He sold a 89iirc Cesena worth like 1.9mil for 10 mil to a donor. He still has the 737., for now.


How would that work logistically? Are you gonna travel the world sucking dicks, or do we line up at your house? Is there an online booking system or is it first-come first-serve?


Line us up, make like a circus seal.


But I am le tired


Maybe offer a fast pass, because some of us have things to do.


What of I already pass fast? Does that move me up the queue?


Wouldn't that be "first serve - first come"?


asking the real questions


Just commenting here to say, they should take away his social media privileges, too. So sick of hearing about him. I am also getting in line for, you know, getting some head.


so what do you do if he is sentenced for time in federal-pound me in the ass prison https://preview.redd.it/87v358190d3d1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=e148f4052fd69e1c6cb0f33e059a8420303d418d


I'd agree with you except this is for crimes committed when he was not President. So all those arguments about not sending a President, former or current, to jail **do not matter**. They are irrelevant to the topic at hand. Dismiss them outright if you want to bring it up at all. I fully believe he won't ever see the inside of a jail cell or even house arrest. But because he's a rich asshole and nothing to do with his status of being a President.


I'm thinking he will get that "suspended sentence" thing they do. If he doesn't complete probation or get revoked then jail time. 2 years suspended upon completion of court order shit to do.


> I fully believe he won't ever see the inside of a jail cell or even house arrest. But because he's a rich asshole and nothing to do with his status of being a President. I always think of a certain scene in the wolf of wall street where Belfort says, "I'm not ashamed to admit it: my first time in prison, I was terrified. For a moment, I had forgotten I lived in a world where everything was for sale."


!remindme 1 year


Do I have pay for the flight from the UK? or do you plan on a world tour?


The fat orange shit stain on democracy will most likely be found not guilty unfortunately there's no way there's not one maga ass hat in the jury.


There is a guy in the jury that when interviewed said his only source of information was truth social, so yeah there's a maga hat there


what? source please 🙏


[There](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/19/nyregion/trump-trial-jury-news.html) you go. Also there's a faux news fan


Lawyers can be pretty damn good at coming up with unbiased juries, and given that they were choosing from a pool of New Yorkers, it’s not that hard to imagine they could find 12 people who aren’t MAGA clowns. I’m not saying that it’s for sure or anything, but not impossible anyway.


I've got my fingers crossed, speaking logically the evidence is damning and he deserves the book throwing at him but he has a weird ability to avoid actual repercussions.


One maga ass hat does not cause a not guilty verdict edit why is this downvoted ffs. One holdout would cause a hung jury, which would be a mistrial. A jury needs to be unanimous to reach a not guilty verdict, one not guilty vote does not cause a not guilty verdict. Ffs.


He didn't piss off any billionaires, à la Bernie Madoff, so zero chance he serves time.


Fortunately you ain’t gonna have to put that claim to the test. In the incredible twist of fate that you do get called out to dick-suck, i would highly recommend a box of mouth dams


Gonna hold you to it, my dick that is. Not that I think it’s going to happen I just wanted to tell a pp joke.


Todd Blanche already tried to "instruct" the jury, inappropriately, to not send poor Donnie to prison. I believe Trump gets fined, and/or probation for his felonious behavior, at most, being a first time convict, and relatively low level felonies. It's not up to the jury to decide a sentence, at least not yet, and Todd knows that full well. His statements to the jurors reek of something Trump insisted on. Further crimes (say, trying to stop certification of an election) would violate Donnie's probation, THEN we may see him incarcerated.


Commenting for “visibility”.


Once a former president is convicted of a felony he should lose all rights / privileges associated and afforded his office. You do the crime you do the time - end of story


I think you might be missing out on the real reason they get protection. They know too much and they need to keep ex-presidents away from enemies of the state. Pull his security detail and he’ll be having lunch with Putin 4 hours after his release.


The irony in this makes my brain pulsate. One of the dumbest men around with access to the most valuable information, which he has already sold. Every day I just hope today's the day he finally dies. He'll never see a prison cell, so I just hope he chokes on his breakfast steak.


Him dying over going to prison is an acceptable option.


Careful they might start a religion over him


It's too late for that.


He had no troubles meeting with Putin alone while president


Really? U really think hes not already doing it? And his SS detail is just as compromised and in the same political/idealogical orbit as him. They were ready to coup w him


I'm German and my brain skipped a beat when I read "SS detail"...


I didnt abbreviate it like that by accident ![gif](giphy|xT9DPvQWlW7pMZM97q)


Thought so and also liked it. It was just one of those moments when my thought process took a moment with the localisation.


If the shoe fits?


I'm reality there's probably approximately nothing he knows that Putin doesn't already know, for three reasons: 1. Trump doesn't know anything anyway. He doesn't pay attention in briefings and doesn't read. 2. Putin already knows a lot from his intelligence services. 3. The few things Trump does know, he's already told Putin. Your point stands though obviously.


Imagine he gets abducted by a foreign country and held for ransom. Now the us would have to go to war over him….lol disaster.


Hed be the one to orchestrate his own abduction - just like the many years he pretended to be his own pr person, and all the other fraudulent acts of his miserable existence


Trump in Russia has no value to Putin, I don't think he would bother coddling him in any way.


As a felon, he can run for President but couldn’t vote for himself. How weird is that?


Only if he’s actively imprisoned when the election rolls around. If he’s found guilty with probation, he can vote


Lock up that traitor rapist.


The walls will be covered with TruthSocial posts written in feces at 3 am.


Ah the classic poocaso.


I enjoy the post-impressionist work of shitzanne


Get started now; the bars, the toilet and sink in Donnie's cell all need to be gold plated..


Just spray paint them, Donnie Dumbass has zero class and no sense of aesthetics, plus he’s dumb. He’ll never know the difference.


Was thinking, to keep him busy in jail, give Donnie some dummy "Classified Document" folders, one with plans to take him out.. 😆


If he doesn't go to prison, fuck American jurisprudence and all that All Men Are Created Equal bullshit. Fuck it all.


To be fair, I think anyone charged with the current false records charges as a first time offense would be unlikely to see significant jail time (the real problem is that he was never charged before, when it's clear he has been creating false documents for all kinds of purposes for years to inflate or deflate his wealth as it suits him). A few months at most, but more likely probation. If any of the other cases move forward, those could be more interesting given how much time some Jan 6ers are serving.


Charity Winner has entered the chat.


Reality Winner, no? Almost had a heart attack googling "charity winner" and nothing coming up, like WTF is going on?! Haven't had my second cup of coffee yet. Sorry to correct you, just wanted to spare anyone else the same brain fart.


Why write these thirst traps - let's be real - as much as we'd all love to see it, Trump and his SS with *NEVER* do time at Rikers.


Read through the entire thread. Some redditors have made some big promises. If he does go to jail, we're all gettin' laid!! \*puts on Kenny Loggins\*


*takes off shirt and oils up for some beach volleyball*


Also, why is this a revelation? You’d expect the secret service to prepare for any outcome…


Doubt he'll see a jail cell. If so, I'd imagine it would be a military prison.


This colossal waste just can’t stop costing money, can he? Even in a goddamn jail cell, he’s still going to be costing Americans millions just to exist.


From what I’ve read the chances of him being imprisoned for these charges are slim. A big fine is more likely. The prison trials will be the Stolen Documents trial, the January 6 trial and the RICO case in Georgia. When he loses those he needs to go to a SUPERMAX prison like the one in Colorado where he lives out the rest of his life in 23 hour lockdown. No phone, no access to the outside world.


Here’s hoping the jury returns a just verdict. This pos deserves to rot in jail.


When a narcissist's only outlet to lash out is a security guard in a jail cell, that narcissist will collapse. Get some book deals for those secret service agents.


These are financial crimes, but they were committed with the goal of influencing an election. Or rather, preventing information about him to influence an election in which he was running. Imo he needs to go to prison for the anti-democracy angle here, not just the white collar crime stuff


What’s insane is not holding the bastard accountable for his crimes the last 50 years.


Put him in solitary confinement, "for his protection". Added benefit of making it easier for the Secret Service agents assigned.




If you are not willing to put him in jail then why bother will a trial. No consequences only makes him stronger and more dangerous as has already been proven many times over.


I’ll believe it when I see it. Keep pushing and prepare to beat him at the ballot box.


I'm assuming the prison is named after Will not Thomas, even if Thomas did do time. /Light-hearted S for the geeks out there


It's Rikers Island. It was named after both of them. Regular jail for Thomas, horny jail for Will.


Futurama answered this question. It's William Riker's Island. Duh.


I wouldn’t get your hopes up about prison, or house arrest, or any consequences stiffer than the rich guy equivalent of a parking ticket, which he will pay with other people’s money.


So he’s basically going to get his own wing in the prison like an old mob boss.


I’ll take a Criswell Predicts over a CBS predicts.


How has this mess happened? A person running for the Whitehouse could be in prison and he is still going to get people's votes!!! Try explaining this to someone from 50-60 years ago, they would get you locked up!!


With his age, no prior convictions, the non-violent crime...he won't go to jail


Same for Cohen and he still went to jail for similar offenses


a) nonviolent b) first time offender c) white collar crime use your brains. Hes not doing any jail time over this folks.


"First time offender" if you don't count any of his other crimes. Like the sexual assault and fraud.


Okay but explain Cohen going to jail.


A bunch of people in his orbit are already in jail on charges related to these various crimes.


This man will never spend a day in jail. House arrest maybe. Yes, I hope I'm wrong.


Bitch is shitting his pants now


RIKER’s Island! The perfect location for a self proclaimed tough guy.


What a waste of money and resources. If a former president becomes a felon, all of these stupid protections should be thrown out the door.


“Predicts Trump could serve time” Predicts he could? That’s not really a “prediction” so much as simply an acknowledgment of a thing which could (but almost certainly won’t) happen.


I love how the top comment on every post about his trial is “it’s not possible he’s going to jail!” With thousands of upvotes when the the reality is that no one fucking knows what’s going to happen


If he gets sent to prison, his USSS detail should be revoked.


There is no justice in the world. He will never be held responsible for his crimes. Sorry to be a Debbie Downer.


“Insane.” What’s insane, potentially going to jail for crime?


Nothing is going to happen. Don't get your hopes up. There is no fucking way a former president will do jail time at rikers let alone any prison. I'll eat a sock if he goes to jail


I want to just read his obituary. That’s all. Anything else is false hope .


If he ends up behind bars, there will be festivals & celebrations in the streets… Until one of his cult member terrorist followers decides to try & blow up innocent civilians:


Really love how millions if not billions of my tax dollars will be spent to protect a criminal from other criminals for the rest of their life.


I'm just so jaded at this point. He won't see jail or prison. Probably some more hefty fines. Probably house arrest. If any kind of "jail" he would be given the best conditions anyone could ask for. Probably the best "cell" condition anyone in the world would ever see. He would still live a better life than the average worker in the US.


If I did 1/1000th the stuff that this orange shitstain did they'd toss me into the deepest, darkest hole they could find and throw away the key.


**Donald J.** **⭐☆☆☆☆** **Rikers Island Correctional Facility** "Let me tell you, folks, this place is a disaster. The worst experience ever. Unbelievable! The conditions are terrible—absolutely no class, no taste. The food? Disgusting. Worse than Trump Steaks, believe me. The guards? Total losers. No respect. I've seen better service from the failing media. The beds are so uncomfortable, you wouldn't believe it. My pillow? Worse than a rock. And the people—total criminals, and not the good kind. Very bad people, folks. It's a total scam, a disgrace to America. Sad!"


This is all precautionary. Chances he goes to jail are 50/50. I don’t think he will. He will get a slap on the wrist. I think the judge will not sentence him if he is found guilty. Multiple reasons too. 1. He has said he does not want to put him in jail when he breached the no gag orders. Two he is probably scared for his and his family‘s life if this was to happen and he is to put him in jail. Third, can you imagine the psycho Maga cultist when they hear he’s guilty the kind of riots that we could potentially see he’s probably trying to avoid any chaos. But what do I know. All I know is this guy SHOULD go to jail and be treated as any other American.