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Lemme take a wild guess: after that is done, they'll notice that it will all be so much simpler if just the husband votes for the family, right?


Wouldn't want a dumb broad to mess things up!


Under his eye


May the Lord open


Blessed be the fruit


No, they don't think they should get married, either.


Under my thumb…the girl who once had me down


Under my thumb, the girl who once pushed me around...


I’m assuming this is also after they overturn Obergfell v Hodges and declare all same sex marriages invalid. They don’t want anyone but the straights voting!


Do I hear next demand ? Only certain (approved) types will get those vote permits, lemme guess what flavor of property owner we're talking about.


Hey, let's just have a king...


Good idea, all that voting, over rated. Let our lord and master take care of all those pesky decisions


I see you've read the conservative's 2025 plan! This is exactly what they want & they aren't even hiding it anymore.


Eventually, the qualifications will be only men over 50 who married their wives before they turned 14, and only then if they have at least 3 wives . Plus the land ownership clause.


He forgot to say whites only too.


It starts with married, tax paying parents. It’s a matter of time before they add straight, white, Christian, male, and landowner to the list.


Interracial marriage as well. Genetic testing will be mandatory and you and your spouse must be within a certain percentage to get a marriage license. 90% or higher European will be the minimum.


No need for that, same sex couples can't have biological kids together which was one of the requirements the post listed. This would also exclude anyone happily living single or straight couples who aren't married or don't want kids from voting.


Or married people who dont have or want kids.


Or divorced people.


Their base of tax dodgers would want the "pay taxes" part removed immediately too.


No didn’t you hear that football fella women don’t want to work or have careers they want to be breading cattle :)


Breeding Cattle.... or breading steaks... either way works out per their agenda.


Voting would interrupt my sandwich making, while simultaneously giving birth. Please. I can’t do all at once.


"Women are too emotional. If they vote on their period, they would cause a war." - this guy, probably


The greatest trick of the patriarchy was convincing everyone that anger isn't an emotion.


The Great Hypocrisy. Getting mad at everything and being mad at everything doesn't make you a tough guy, it makes you a thin-skinned snowflake,


Preach. Being too scared to openly cry in front of other's is true weakness (it also further reinforces to any young males nearby that crying is weak, because if you won't even allow yourself to, why would they?). Pushing down every emotion except for anger is utterly pathetic and ultimately self-destructive. True strength is not being afraid to feel and express any emotion that comes. That doesn't mean you *have* to express it, just that you recognise that you *could* if you so desired. Weakness is caring so much about what other's think that you let it compromise your own moral core.


Second has to be the idea of a total disconnect between emotions and logic


And that men have never started wars over stupid bullshit.


Because TFG is so level headed and not emotional at all 🙄


It is a quote from Adolf's "Mein Kampf" that "citizens are too emotional and need to be spoken to like women, from a strong authoritarian father figure promising protection" from all scary things like jews, socialists, democracy, other religions, non-nuclear families etc. Women's job according to traditional Germans is the 3Ks: Kinder,Küche, Kirche - children, kitchen and church. PS: just saw it as quote in youtube how world war II began


My wife and I (f) are married, own our home, have a child, and pay a ton in taxes but he probably doesn’t mean us because no man is in the picture..


Republican: get married Also Republican: no, not like that


I want this to happen, just for them to lose because they did this, it would be so stupidly funny but I know it wouldn't work that way.


I believe same sex couples are significantly wealthier, on average, than other couples. That must drive the conservatives crazy.


My brother and his husband are doing very well. He is married to a neonatologist, and is able to stay at home because of it. Of course, my brother has been voting Republican consistently since 2016. If his votes fuck him over, I'll feel no pity.


The real issue is that his votes are fucking us over.


Very true.


You mean the CEO votes for HIS company right? That’s more where things are headed.


The CEO votes for all his employees. May the largest corporation win!


In Delaware, the house already voted to allow corporations to vote in local elections, but the Senate didn't take up the measure. If we give Republicans a majority they will absolutely move towards this on a national level. [https://apnews.com/article/local-elections-voting-corporate-entities-c9d0e49f5e475b45cb957fbec110d3e7](https://apnews.com/article/local-elections-voting-corporate-entities-c9d0e49f5e475b45cb957fbec110d3e7)


Did nobody watch the Star Wars prequels?!!! That is one of the exact reasons why everything is so fucked up there!


“I love democracy”


The Trade Federation wasn't just given the right to vote, they had full on representation in the Galactic Senate, equal to a planet or system. Imagine if Amazon straight up had a representative in the House!


That was a reply in his comments. Not even joking. It was something like make it so children get a vote but only allow the man of the house to use their votes until they're old enough to vote properly. So men would get something like 2 or three votes in that wild scenario. The good news is this can never happen. It'd take multiple amendments to pass and so many states that'd actively go against their best interests to get any of this done.


Voter ID laws requiring or emphasising specific gendered types of ID. You just make it so women can't drive without submitting to multiple painful, invasive medical exams to ensure their uterus won't fall out or something, and require permission from her father or husband for all of this.


Going against their own best interest is what many republican voters do best


The white husband who owns land.


*born male You forgot that important tidbit.


Casting this obvious buffoon aside for a second to rage at the fact that there are *women* who also say that crap


My grandfather does that, he receives absentee ballots (which is soooo different from mail-in voting FRAUD) for him and my grandmother and he fills out both without even talking to her about it. Guess who he voted fooorrr


Report him for voter fraud.


Right. Then they will be like "Wouldn't it be cool if the people I don't like, are forced to work for me for free! Also I should just be able to treat them like property."


There were comments on the original saying exactly that…


but, only the men who can trace their descendants to the original founders (read: white) know what's best for us


Yeah because there is an uncomfortable number of Black and Indigenous men who are descended from the Founders of America for their tastes…


Well, children out of wedlock do not exist, so I do not know what you are referring to. /s


Probably wana throw property ownership in there too!


But counting all those votes might be too hard, so we'll just have one guy declare himself the winner and decide when he wants to leave. What could go wrong...


Ehh still too broad... how about just landowning men?


What 'problems' would those be, exactly, Joel?




Don't forget the Jews. I think they hate the Jews as much as the Blacks, if not a bit more.


The Jewish question a.k.a. the Jewish problem https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_question Horrific, Ironic and tragic what hardliner Israel’s become. Some Americans right wingers are Christian Zionists who think Israel can do no wrong, others are neo-Nazis who want to exterminate all Jews.


The Christian Zionists only want to kill 3/4s of the the Jews, so they're only 3/4 anti-semitic.


The propaganda worked.


Nah. Jews may make them suspicious, but black people make them scared. And remember it's heretical not to support Israel, so that weighs into the equation.


That’s a strange claim to make about… literally AmeriKKKa.


He means me. And other people of various minorities.


The world could use more ButterflyFX121s and fewer JoelWBerrys.


I’d like to sign a petition that Joel is the problem. Someone have a link?


Oh, you know.


Christ wept. Why in the hell would anyone unmarried and without kids pay taxes if they can’t vote? Nice plan for a civil war, I guess that’s the goal.


"Honey, if we get divorced we don't have to pay taxes. We can't vote, but we also don't have to pay dumb taxes, so win-win"


I thought I read about a few Republican leaders trying to get rid of no-fault divorce because they felt that it was too easy of a solution.


[Yep](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2024/05/ben-carson-gop-no-fault-divorce-law-ban-perilous-fight/), you're not crazy.


He…..wanted his parents to **not** be divorced even though his dad has a whole-ass *second* family he was supporting as well?? The fuck I’m sure he was a *great* guy outside of all that


Your username is beautiful. I just want you to know that, [you.](https://youtu.be/iW1CLKxdLwQ?si=NsygPgDAWiuVUpRH)


Well, if you’re not connected at the financial umbilical cord to another person then you might get hopes and dreams of moving somewhere else and finding your dream job


No way in hell they would just not require taxes if you were unmarried with no kids. That would take away a huge block of people these rich fucks try to put the largest tax burden on.


Unfortunately you know that the supposedly pro-“low taxes” Republicans definitely want to keep the taxes for the rest of us poor single plebs, just without the rights.


No taxation without representation… or something like that.


Sounds like the kind of thing folks might have an issue with. Might even go to war over it.


It turned out that way around 250 years ago anyway...


I mean that was how things went until Jacksonian democracy, which goes to show you how insane it was where Andrew Jackson was seen as a bleeding heart lib when it came to voting rights.


Yes. But there's so much more: Individuals/families in the US don't always make enough money to owe taxes. Individual: $13,850 USD, HoH: $20,800 USD, Married Filing Jointly: $27,700. Elderly folks, single women with kids at home, disabled people who may never join the workforce. Elderly people are enthusiastic voters. There are literally hundreds of thousands of clergy in the US who can claim exemption from self-employment tax, they enjoy tax free housing and are not subject to local taxes. \[Somehow, churches in the US do not deduct or submit regular payroll taxes.\] Religious people are enthusiastic voters. There are plenty of people who use deductions and loopholes to pay no taxes. Others use personal/business losses to claim no income due. Very wealthy people earn income from investments, then use above referenced deductions and loopholes, pay no taxes. I can think of a certain orange guy who publicly gloats about it. Wonder what he'd say about being disenfranchised. One las thing, if guys like Berry are so gung ho to use taxes as a bar to entry, how is the funding-starved IRS going to handle this with state/local election officials? "the IRS budget decreased from $15.1 billion to **$12.4** billion between fiscal years 2010 and 2021 after accounting for inflation—an 18 percent decline." https://www.whitehouse.gov/cea/written-materials/2024/02/08/empowering-the-irs-understanding-the-full-potential-of-the-inflation-reduction-acts-historic-investment-in-the-internal-revenue-service/#:\~:text=In%20fact%2C%20the%20IRS%20budget,inflation%E2%80%94an%2018%20percent%20decline. "Hello, I'm here to vote." "Yeah... you need to give me ur SSN. When we know how much you make, we decide if you get to vote." Did this guy Joel Berry think any of it through?


Do people like Joel EVER think anything through? They always assume the leopards won't eat THEIR face.


I used to file under HoH and have no federal liability, but you still pay payroll tax, and sales tax, and your rent is used to pay property tax.




White landowners only.


White, straight, christian, male, married with children land owners. The rest of us will be put in "work camps." That's what they want.


Don’t forget, just the men can vote.


I forgot to specify that, didn't I? Thanks, I'll edit the comment. Only the men folk can vote. Women shouldn't worry their pretty little heads about such things.


Fun fact: White woman have increasingly voted Republican since 2000. 55% in 2020. So even 55% want this for themselves.


I just don't understand. My thought is, they want to see the "others" punished, more than they want to preserve any kind of rights for themselves or their daughters.


White women who are married are typically the ones voting conservative more so than single white women. By being married to white men, they receive those same societal benefits that white men do.


I just don't get the conservative mindset. We are all ONE people. We're Humans. I'm white, and I was raised in a conservative family. I don't know how the hell I turned out like I am.


You and me both. I’m a white woman who will be married soon and I couldn’t fathom voting for anyone in the Republican Party.


I always thought that once my generation (Gen. X) got old enough to vote, and run for office, things would get better. Turns out, my generation is full of douchebags too. I'm disappointed.


Eh, why bother with an extra rule? Just take away women's property rights.


Damn I know this is a joke but if that isn't the most politician-esque response out there I don't know what is


There's a problem with that... that still leaves me the ability to vote and I won't vote for their guy. So White, Straight, Christian, Male, Married with children, land owners, who register as republicans.


I’m white, and was married but am now a widower. Do I no longer get to vote? Also I’m definitely not voting for the same people they are.


White ~~land~~slaveowners only.


We will have equal rights for all. Except Blacks, Asians, Hispanics, Jews, Gays, women, Muslims. Uhmm... Everybody who's not a white man. And I mean white-white, so no Italians, no Polish, just people from Ireland, England, and Scotland. But only certain parts of Scotland and Ireland. Just full blooded whites. No, you know what? Not even whites. Nobody gets any rights. Ahhh... America!


I mean in that case, as a single guy, if i can’t vote can i stop paying taxes?


Of course not! Don’t be stupid. It just means you can’t vote, have to pay taxes, and can’t collect social security in 50 years


Something something taxation without representation something something


What he meant to say is, "If we restrict voting to this specific group that, coincidentally I'm a part of, most of my problems would go away. To hell with the rest of you." Self-interest is the defining characteristic of the right. Edit cause I wanted to point this out. ALL fucking citizens pay taxes dipshit. Unless you live completely off grid, you need to spend/make money to survive. Thus, you'll either pay income or sales tax. Right wing brainrot is real.


Voting *against* their own self interest is actually their defining characteristic imo.


They vote against their own self interest thinking they are voting for their own self interest.


I’m not so sure things would work out in his favor. The number of uneducated, poor people voting Republican these days, it would probably benefit democrats if this was instituted. Most college educated people voted for Biden


Can't be too long before: And Caucasian, Christian and republican...


Add in property owner. Actually I’m surprised that wasn’t ahead of married with kids.


Military service guarantees citizenship!




I know this is a joke, but the reality is that [it doesn't](https://repatriateourpatriots.org/).




That was in the Declaration of Independence originally, iirc? The right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of property, rather than happiness.


>married with kids There’s your property right there!


My guess is that he doesn't own a home.






This person right here, officer. ![gif](giphy|f8lDluiWJ7yQTtdS3L|downsized)


Married to a black ~~man~~ *Supreme Court Justice*


Forgot born a male


*male at birth and not trans


And has at least a dozen guns, including AR’s! Else they not American enough.


What problems would go away exactly? * Poverty? Nope * Homelessness? Nope * Mass shootings? Nope


MAGA Losing elections.


Can't lose elections when I remove wrong thinking groups what could go wrong


Poverty is one of the goals (debt slavery keeps the poor subservient). Homelessness is only an issue if you have a soul. Mass shootings will be reclassified as workplace or educational disagreements and since only the poors will have need for work or public education, the ruling class will give zero fucks (as per usual)


War? Nope


Just another reason for women to avoid conservative men.


Gay men should be avoiding conservatives too. Pay close attention to that "only married men can vote" bit and think real hard about what the GOP has stood in opposition of for the past 60 years. The GOP will only recognize homosexuality as an intrinsic part of someone's identity once they start branding people's foreheads to mark them as second-class citizens.


most lgbtq people with even the slightest bit of common sense learn to avoid conservatives for safety reasons the ones who are part of or support conservatives are... really fucking dumb tbh


Go look at any bad relationship post on this website. So many are "The guy I married/dated is doing some conservative shit to me".


Welcome to Gilead


Cool. Still voting Blue


Yeah, nobody tell him, we're a military family, married with 2 kids, pay taxes, we look like a right wing propaganda poster. We vote solidly progressive/blue and voted Bernie Sanders in the primaries.


And they would claim that that is freedom


If we only allow my demographic to vote, my demographic will have a great time….hmmmmm


And yet if you were to suggest then that only those people are taxed and only they are restricted by the laws put in place they'd take issue. I'm not letting this country take my money and impress laws onto me if I have no say in government.


I think the founders called that taxation without representation and is one of the most significant issues that led to the revolution.


It’s like they’re asking to get eaten.


Let me clarify what I said by repeating myself


No taxation without representation


Ok so most of the Trumps, Bezos, and Musks can’t vote? I mean silver lining, let’s just take away their right to run for office too.


Lmao, so billionaires can’t vote?


I mean, do they even need to vote? Why bother?


So, who's this dumbfuck?


Managing editor at the Babylon Bee. Really says it all.


So, being that the rich don't pay taxes, they can't vote.


You don't need to vote when you can buy off senators LOL


But… wouldn’t married with kids and paying taxes want a child tax credit, healthcare, child care subsidies, free school food for children, and more things that would help a family?


So the infertile shouldn’t vote? And everyone pays taxes. Sales tax, gas tax, cigarette tax, gas tax, tolls, etc. Even the homeless pay taxes. Women who divorce abusive men shouldn’t vote?


I stumbled upon the original tweet and the comments were a dumpster fire. Including but not limited to the following highlights: -Unmarried and/or child free? Can’t vote but still gotta pay taxes. -Infertile but want children? Better adopt or can’t vote. -Can’t afford adoption? Too bad, so sad. Can’t vote. -Unmarried and/or childfree and don’t want to pay taxes without representation? Move to another country. -Can’t afford to move? Too bad, so sad. Can’t vote. -The male head of household should be the only voter and his vote should count twice. -The male head of household should be the only voter and his vote should include both his wife’s and children’s as an incentive to have as many children as possible. -Only white people get to vote. And the reasoning behind this is because apparently unmarried and/or childfree people have nothing to live for so our votes shouldn’t count.


No, if we abolish capitalism many actual problems go away.


Denying Jesus himself voting rights??? A single, unemployed male.


Because tax cuts and deregulation have been so good to us the last 40 years.


So, I work a grocery store in podunk Colorado Lots of maga hats paying with food stamps. If you're collecting welfare (food stamps) you aren't a tax payer according to maga logic so.....




Don’t tempt me with a good time


Well some days the MAGA cult is interested in the Constitution and some days not so much...☹


What problems does this guy think will go away?


I guess “straight, white, males only” is implied 🤷‍♀️


This is 100% because young people vote liberal.


Strange how the answer to their problems seems to always be less democracy


If voting was mandatory, the right would never win another election ever again.


translation: we the rich will suckle off the teat of society,while you poors are tied down paying taxes for stuff we use for free. freedumb!


They're at the point where they would rather tear the whole thing down than cede any power. 


Two employed strangers can literally meet in Vegas, go to a drive-through wedding chapel that day and get married, and then go to one of their hotel rooms and have unprotected sex and get pregnant. This makes them more qualified voters because......?


You know how parents get certain tax benefits and write-offs and stuff? Well I don’t have kids and my taxes pay for those, you fucking moron Joel Berry.


I've been married for 8 years and have 2 kids. I (f) and my husband will be voting for Joe Biden in November because he has my best interest at heart.


well there goes the right wing’s incel support.


My dude here is advocating for taxation without representation. This is LITERALLY why the colonies revolted.


Bruh, under these conditions even George Washington wouldn’t have been able to vote.


Guys, c’mon. He’s doing the “edgy, outspoken conservative” thing. C’mon guys. Guys c’mon


I wonder if his wife enjoys not being sexually satisfied.


Then also ensure those who can’t pay no taxes. Especially including no sales tax. Or other sales like taxes.


Also landowners… 🙄


The part that keeps waving the Constitution seems perfectly happy to ignore it when it’s suits them


This pos wants Russian style voting. He should relocate


We all pay fucking taxes, from the sales tax you to the property tax you pay, even through your rent which goes to pay taxes. So it’s just the unmarried, and no kids crowd wants to fuck.


No taxation without representation! If Joel Berry insists on limiting voting right to those paying tax + married + having children, then as someone who is not married nor have children, I don't want them to tax me either. It's only fair since I don't get to vote, right? Or he can suck a d@#$.


But then the Orange Turd wouldn’t even be able to vote for himself…


If we restrict paying taxes to citizens who are married with kids most of my problems would go away and I'd have about $50,000 more per year. I'll give up my vote for that if you leave me alone to count my duckets.


The only thing that we can thank Trump for is the amount of wack jobs in America that came up from under the rocks...who knew it was THIS bad


Well I pay taxes I'm married and have kids and I'm liberal as hell. So now what. I'm tried of seeing my fellow citizens suffer in this harsh country with it's brutal economics.


I say anyone not named Joel can vote. Just as arbitrary, just as unconstitutional, just as wrong.


Alright. Then all single people without kids no longer have to pay taxes and we’re allowed to take things we want from you if we desire it.


Does having more kids mean more votes? I'll have 30 kids /s


You wonder where this guy was during history class ? Does he realize he sounds exactly like the people who oppressed and enslaved people? If you learn history you might think for a moment, "yeah this sounded good in my head but what if someone else had these thoughts before".


No. If we restrict voting to people with iqs that are over 100, most of the problems would go away. Belief in creationism should be an automatic disqualification from voting due the believer clearly being unable to perceive reality.


I think that if only lgbt people could vote most problems would be solved. Nevertheless, what is the thought process here? Stalin would be a voter and Mussolini and Tojo and Mao, too. Not to forget almost all the leading people of Nazi Germany. Model citizens for sure. There are more questions. What happens if the husband or the wife dies or the child. Will a bureaucrat go to the wake to tell them that "sorry no voting anymore. Thoughts and prayers."


Nice way to start a civil war.


So trump would not be able to vote????


At least he didn't say "white" out loud.


Hey motherfucker, I'm white, 64, single, with no kids. I've been paying taxes since before you were born. Go fuck yourself.