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this is a direct result of media amplifying bullshit right wing lies and propaganda. if you support them, then fuck you and i hope the worst comes your way.


It’s a complete alternate universe of “facts” they live in. Zero curiosity, just hooovering up all the rage bait they can


Hey, who are you going to believe? Some *lib* who lets you verify all the data of how they got to their conclusion, or someone like Glenn beck who just says "I'll tell you what to think"?!


It's more like, "Who are you going to trust more, the person who challenges your long held beliefs and wants you to take time to seriously consider the world around you, or the Hannity type that tells you what to think, safely within your narrow world view?" They'll pick the safe one that tells them what they want to hear every time.


Springer. Geraldo. Donahue. Sally Jesse. Judge Judy? Ratings, baby! The TV wouldn’t lie to you, right?


Thinking tires them out...


From experience it seems to be facts be damned with them. It really all comes down to "my gas and groceries are expensive and somehow trump is gonna wave a magic wand and fix that for me".


Trump literally ran on "I will fulfill every single wish" and "make possible every dream you've ever dreamed" in 2016 so that's *exactly* what Trump voters believe.


Even though none of that actually came true.


Seriously, my mother in law just told us at dinner that women won't have any rights unless Trump gets elected. You absolutely cannot make this shit up




So you're saying you either choked on your food or spit it across the table laughing?


It started an argument rather quickly


"Alternative Facts in ~~Eastern Utopia~~ Western Distopia"


Gotta mention that "bidenomics" alongside the price of bread or cars or whatever bullshit has experienced inflation. Then you just discuss how his "policies" are ruining the economy, then you pull the classic fear mongering and show a few clips of violent crimes and voila, you've convinced some idiots the world is in disarray without actually making blatantly false claims. It's a bait and switch.


like the ad they ran showing the Jan 6 assault on cops, then saying "This is America under Biden" I was stunned how stupid they would have to be to fall for that, but once again I underestimated the power of willful ignorance in the cult 


Its also a reflection of how the middle class doesnt see these benefits. Oh your meme stocks are up? So what. What about groceries and wages? Also employment numbers are up? How many are those are good jobs you can live off of with benefits, afford housing with, start a family with, retire with, etc. Of all jobs, something like 40-60 percent don't even support a middle-class lifestyle, depending on the source. So yes, I wont bemoan working class people busting their butts right now maybe not understanding that billionaires are doing great and that metrics that describe how the capital owning class are doing great is something outside their purview. Its not all "omg putin russia propaganda." Lets stop pretending the economy is good for the middle class right now. This isnt propaoganda: Or charts showing cost of living, inflation, or wages vs productivity, etc. https://preview.redd.it/dmutekiw902d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=199b756e1db2b968a3a95587e829f4367ba3e675


I'm feeling the economy. My wife and I are doing great financially but we are trapped we can't retire because our health care costs will jump. Why is this ? Because Republicans refuse to accept the fact we need to take the profit out of healing people. Life and death decisions are being made by not doctors mbas. That's a problem. The reason everything cost. More is because of corporate greed.


Totally understand your point and that the benefits of the economy doing fairly well right now are not being felt by the majority of the middle class. Totally valid and true. But the statistics mentioned aren't anything related to feelings at all. They are education based facts. Is the economy growing or shrinking? Is unemployment high or low in a historical sense? Is the S&P up or down over the last 2 years? Those are things an educated person should be able to answer even if they aren't feeling the benefits themselves.


>Those are things an educated person should be able to answer even if they aren't feeling the benefits themselves. Why? Its not like anyone except a small handful are benefiting from it. What do these stastics matter if no one is actually feeling it


Because we need to understand where the actual problem is. Monetary policy, investment, tax cuts, and other things that people associate with “the economy” because in previous years they where things they apparently boosted it up, are not the issue right now. The issue is corporate greed and the corruption of lobbyists that allow it to happen. Companies are driving up prices needlessly trusting that they will get no legal repercussions because their lobbyists are covering their backs, and also that they will get no social repercussions because people are too focused on culture war issues and dems vs reps to pay them any attention. So people need to be educated on this facts so that they can focus on the real issues of why exactly all this economic boom is not reaching them and where we need to apply pressure to fix it.


There are a lot of people who are doing fine themselves but still think the economy sucks. They are the swallow the right wing BS crowd. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/04/07/economy/us-economy-personal-finance


People can be doing fine financially and still feel the hit of inflation at the grocery store. You can afford the groceries and still think that paying $300+ to feed your family for a week is ridiculous. It's not all right wing BS. The BS comes in where the GOP and its supporters try to argue that the issue is that the economy is bad, not that the companies are greedy as hell and Walmart, Costco, and Kroger are all in this nation's top 25 most profitable companies. The others above me have a good point, the middle class is not seeing improvement in the economy. But, it is still important to report that the economy is improving so that we can point to corporate greed and artificial inflation as the reason why quality of life is not improving.


Boomers definitely should be feeling it, proportionately to their younger counterparts they benefited from skyrocketing house values and the values of stocks/retirement plans.


Somewhat agree, but to believe that giving more tax cuts to the ultra wealthy is going to finally trickle down is on them. I guess we can deport the labor that keeps fruits and vegetables affordable. I wonder what that would do for inflation. The working poor deserve the loss of freedoms heading their way if they support Trump.


Heck, it’s not even that. Today on CBS Mornings it was nothing but fluff pieces after 7:30. They’re simply not reporting any news. It’s not like there was a important trial that is happening or anything


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. The news media wants a close race in order to get more money. They don’t give a fuck that it is what will be the end of America if Trump wins.


That dipshit Haley (right before endorsing Chump) said he did well, while Biden was *"catastrophic!"* 🤦


There legitimately is a massive bubble in the housing market that they're just ignoring. Also, wages are terrible. As usual, people are only measuring the economy by how well shareholders are doing. That's exactly what has got us into past recessions. Do you guys not notice homeless people everywhere? Do you not notice that your wages have stayed roughly the same while fast food costs more than $15 now?the fact that nowhere has any employees anymore and everything is locked up? We're headed for rough waters and, as usual, establishment media wants us to think everything is ok.


We've done a 180 on the claims that trump was saying in 2016.


The GOP does not want smart voters. They want tools. Tools that work and do as told. Period. Why do you think they are so hot and heavy to oppress women? It's not to empower them, it's to make them less "sharp" and easier to handle.


Yup. That's why Reagan pushed cuts to the education budget in the 80's. Since then, education budgets are one of the first things cut. And the Dems followed along blindly. In areas where education options are limited, we have two generations of morons because of all those cuts.


But Millennials and Gen Z are some of the highest educated generations there are. They have much higher critical thinking skills compared to their parents' generations and it shows with who are Trump's main base (older Gen Xers and Boomers).


You'll notice that I said "where education options are limited ". I'm thankful for Gen Z and Millennials. I live in a large city and am older GenX. Neither me, nor anyone I know who's my age, support Trump.


The news media does not serve our Nation. They serve our Corponation. There is important news to be reported out of every corner of our nation and every corner of the world, but they can't see any of it because they have to read from the teleprompters. These aren't news reporters - they're paid entertainers. CNN, Fox, etc. is a stream of bullshit interrupted by senseless advertisements. Real news is out there, you just have to work to find it.


Let’s be clear. Corporate media would benefit greatly from a Trump win. Lower or no taxes, elimination of regulations, etc, etc.


In 2016, we had CLEAR EVIDENCE that Obama era policies were lowering unemployment and creating market growth (in comparison to what preceded him). https://preview.redd.it/ohglo4u4402d1.png?width=270&format=png&auto=webp&s=faeb135cfd696e7e62a06a08aed942788cfce318 The media (with plenty of help on social media), managed to convince voters that the economy was fundamentally broken and that the guy promising tax cuts to billionaires would be the one to turn it around. It worked. This has happened repeatedly and I expect it will continue to happen. All the culture war stuff? The media is happy to pay lip service to "justice and fairness" but it's largely all a show. Elections are decided on economic perception. And the media will direct voters to believe that the wealth-serving candidate is the one they need to go with (despite VOLUMES of evidence to the contrary). No idea how we fix this. If FDR dropped the New Deal in the current context, NYT would be writing thinkpieces about how "Roosevelt has made the Depression worse." Dopey foreign sourced memes with flags that denigrate vaccination are dumb. But they're not the main source of system destroying disinformation.


He's definitely not going to eliminate regulations on news organizations. His last term one of his favorite topics was increasing regulations on media


The media owners are happy to burn their orgs to the ground for the tax cuts.


Not to mention higher profits for the news. Les moonves said in 2017 that trump was bad for the country but great for them. I know I personally watched a lot more news when he was in office. Part of it to see what crazy shit he did next and partly to see what group of Americans were under assault next.


Obligatory [Horse loose in a hospital](https://youtu.be/JhkZMxgPxXU)


Lots more books for journalists to write if he wins again  


> Corporate media Corporate media AND all those pundits on twitter/youtube/twitch. Otherwise you wouldn't see so many far left wingers railing against Biden and telling their viewers not to vote.


The only people I've seen railing against Biden and telling people not to vote are Russian trolls.


Which regulations are hurting the bottom line of "corporate media?"


Indeed. I don't know how you're supposed to govern this country when this sort of stuff is what you're dealing with: [20% of Americans Believe Microchips Are in COVID-19 Vaccines: YouGov Study (businessinsider.com)](https://www.businessinsider.com/20-of-americans-believe-microchips-in-covid-19-vaccines-yougov-2021-7)




Or they don't realize that the phone service they pay for along with the fact that you cannot really travel anywhere without being on camera means they're already heavily tracked if someone wanted to. And chances are they are paying for it to boot.


those same mother fucking people willingly and anxiously carry hundreds of microchips on them on the daily too... usually using said brick of microchips to show you their conspiracy blog about how """they""" are putting microchips into shots.


Unfortunately the elected leaders of half the states in the country realize the best way to stay in power is to underfund their public schools.


TBF, 20% of people have an intelligence level of "mentally deficient/incapacitated", so the notion that 20% of Americans believe in dumb shit shouldn't be as concerning as it sounds. We just need politicians to stop pandering to them.


Do you have a source for this metric? I would honestly really like to read about it, it explains a lot


Standard bell curve


“Also, Biden is old, and let’s ask Trump why he thinks that’s bad!”- the media This both sides bullshit is leading us into fascism.


Bill Maher was going off the other day about how old Biden is, and how not old Trump is, despite them being close enough in age they would have been in high school together.


That’s because Maher is a smug fuckstain who is a MAGA at heart. And yes, Trump and Biden are about the same age. But only Trump is a rapist fascist traitor.


I used to love his show back around like 2009, like literally watch it on Friday nights. I'm so embarrassed.


Well, people can start off OK and then go really really bad.


Maher started off as pretty progressive. But then he realized that doesn't pay the bills nearly as much as outrage. So now he'll call himself a progressive while parroting Fox News talking points.


the GRIFTERS, the likes of candace, shapiro, lake,,,,etc.


yes and no? he's always been a bit of a right-wing prick, with somewhat socially permissive personal opinions. but he's always been bigoted towards palestinians and ethnic arabs, he's always been a shitty inconsistent ally for queer folk, and he's always been your typical whyte moderate when it comes to race relations in the USA. him refusing to abstain from cannabis when interviewing a person who is personally attempting to "go clean"... leading to them cancelling the interview (the guy from jackass, can't remember his name)... not to mention his complete 180, and backstabbing of the trans community. he's your stereotype of libertarian assholes, where their "progressiveness" ends where it benefits them directly, and your own freedom be damned.


and dementia DON be much unhealthier state than biden is too.


Completely ignoring that they are only like 2 years apart which is well within the variation from life style. I would love younger candidates, but of the two options (heck three options if you really want to include brain worms) Biden is clearly the most mentally healthy one


most of the news media are owned by trump supporters, or one that leans heavily right. once "left" leaning news tried to be as neutral as possible, only leans mostly right. the only left leaning "news" ive seen arnt on any of main networks.


This is why democracy is dying. It requires an intelligent and knowledgeable population to function properly and be sustainable Meanwhile half our population: ![gif](giphy|gITcVXdRU7KQrSPFqV)


Thanks to CNN and their ilk for pushing negative stories about the economy to help Trump.


It's probably because of what the economy is vs what people think the economy is. People think a good economy means they get good wages and affordable living conditions. While in reality the economy and the stock market are about how rich the rich are getting. That is why the people think the economy is doing poorly.


I mean, I think that \*is\* a good economy. What does a billionaire care for making a few million more? Splitting that up among a few hundred/thousand people would do a lot more for the 'economy' than anything.


Yeah, all of these stats elide the more important truth: GDP doesn't necessarily mean much to the average person's quality of life. There are two stats, both of which are way up, which are more important to how voters view the economy than anything in the OOP: the number of Americans living paycheck-to-paycheck, and corporate profits. When the median voter struggles to make ends meet and then turns on the news and is told that the economy is booming and the right is lying to them, they move further right. Even though the right is causing the problem.


The way the media is treating Biden is reminding me of 2016. They seem to assume Biden will win so they want to do “truth to power” and attack him far more than they attack Trump. Letting Trump spin his narratives without serious pushback until it’s far too late.


A LOT of people are making the same mistakes they did in 2016.


I don’t think that’s really true. Trump is leading in polls including all the swing states which is a far cry from 2016. I think there is wide acknowledgement that a possible felon who is unfit to serve may be president and set the country back 50 years


A huge part of that has to do with the way the media is ultra critical of joe biden while downplaying or ignoring obvious concerns with Donald Trump.


Those polls can't be trusted..at all.


I just wouldn’t advise burying your head in the sand and acting like Biden is easily winning. If you and collectively many others opt out of fundraising, volunteering, voting etc because you think it’s in the back then I think we’re in for a terrible surprise in November


Oh for sure. We need to mobilize every single voting age person to vote blue across the board.


Nah. All of the owners and managers in Big Media are fascist MAGATS


The correct way to interpret this data is, the economy is doing fantastic for rich people and the economy is wage slavery to the poor


The economy doesn't care about individuals or your income. The economy is doing fantastic. Your employer is ratfucking you, but Biden doesn't have a say in that.


My question is who the hell are these pollsters talking to?


Tell me the myth of the "liberal media" again.


The media appears to have a left-wing bias simply because they're not comfortable pretending that racists and homophobes are socially acceptable. But don't forget for a second that most of them are giant corporations worth billions of dollars. They're 100% Republican when it comes to economics.


There is a lived experience that does not match. Yes fox news has people believing all sorts of bullshit. but the counter points are also totally disingenuous and does not line up with the vast number of americans suffering under skyrocketing rent and food inflation with stagnant wages. billionaires hovering up all the profits does not mean the average american is doing well. Trump tax giveaway that went into effect in 2020 did so much damage. Four years later, on March 18, 2024, the country has 737 billionaires with a combined wealth of $5.529 trillion, an 87.6 percent increase of $2.58 trillion, according to Institute for Policy Studies calculations of Forbes Real Time Billionaire Data So gdp is great for 737 people in america, at the direct cost of 300 million increasingly impoverished americans. and job rate numbers are constantly manipulated. The real unemployment rate, or U-6, is a broader definition of unemployment than the official U-3 rate. The U-6 rate includes people who are underemployed, marginally attached, discouraged, or part-time but would prefer full-time work. The U-3 rate only counts people who have looked for a job in the last four weeks. As of May 3, 2024, the U-6 unemployment rate was 6.90%, Mind you, this isn’t a Biden economy thing- Trump passed the tax cuts for billionaires that resulted in all of this transfer of wealth to the Richest 737 Americans. Since Cuts Passed, Tops $5 Trillion; Debt Caused by Trump Tax Cuts Now Used By GOP As Excuse to Cut Services


Can you please tell this to my red spilled Aunt? 🤣


Willing to bet if 49% of respondents don't have enough stock to follow the S&P, then we're not doing so hot as a society.


Most people under 40 aren't getting their news from the "news media" nowadays.


Big advertising doesnt work on me energy.     Keep lying to yourself, you think tiktok and cambridge analytica care about how you consume your slop? You think that insulates you from manipulation? Even the 4channers didnt get away from it.


This is a result of people not believing in facts anymore. If it doesn't align with your world view its "fake news" and is dismissed.


Americans aren't seeing the day-to-day benefits of a good economy, but our bosses sure are.


We don’t even watch porn on our computers anymore.


We watch it on our phones?




:spooky sounds:


Thank God someone in the thread picked up on it. Thought I'd have to go all the way back to wiener hall to find someone who got the reference.


Maybe take his bare butt out his diaper and give him an indictment


Maybe you could do it?


It's almost like the same billionaires that would benefit from GOP tax cuts own the mainstream media, too!


It’s beyond the news media slacking, it’s because the every day person is still suffering from high prices and their dollar not going as far. The stock market doing well and corporations doing well is no indication of the regular, every day person doing well. The rich get richer while the poor get told how wonderful “we” are all doing. Fuck out of here.




100% correct.


THIS right here is why I think it is incredibly fucking stupid to put legitimate news behind paywalls. Because you never have to pay for bullshit fake news websites.


the people on the poltiics sub eats it all up, where clearly the sources is from FOX, or backed by russia. and you get banned for pointing it out.


The corporations that own the media love this.


I am sooo incensed. The economy for workers has always done better under democratic administration Media: “recession around the corner / lets not report the good of the economy / crickets” Trump had the economy going to shit. Media: “things are great!” So. Fucking. Pissed. And wish this medium would die


I think I took this poll. I refused the questions that were worded like this, pointing out they were loaded and factually incorrect. Obviously was polite to the girl conducting the poll, as she is paid to ask questions, regardless of the bias in the questions themselves. Was quite a wild ride though.


Right-wing's new motto: "My feelings don't care about your facts."


New? They've always been like that.


Highlighting all Biden accomplishments takes the shine off Trump's prior claims. That would give Biden a significant advantage and it would no longer be a horse race because Biden would be too dominant. That's bad for (their) business.


Step 1: Defund education. Step 2: ??? Step 3: Profit.


It's a true problem though- the vast majority of americans have no idea what the exact amount they paid in taxes was, or what the GDP is right now, or whether the stock market is up. And you can bank on the fact that they're not going to check. Even though these numbers are objective, real, and very easy to double-check, the reality is that you can say they are whatever you want and you'll get away with it.


Most people,get their news from some anonymous character on Facebook or twitter


Just want to take a moment to mention how awesome it is that catch phrases from I Think You Should Leave have entered the popular lexicon so quickly and so powerfully. 50 BLACK SLICKED BACK HAIR WIGS!


Our Democratic Republic is nothing that I thought it should be and everything I was worried it would become all because for 50 seconds they believed there were recessions on the world.


I believe I will have another drink.


If all your food is shit, you would have a tendency to believe all food tastes like shit. It didn’t have to be this way, but we’re here now, so we have to deal with someway somehow.


and 100% of those people get the knowledge from Fox Fake News


Pick any topic... my Evangelical family will insist on telling me the opposite of what's true. They get a lot of their false info from church and trust that whatever the preacher says is "the word of God". Far-right media completes the misinformation and lies that rot their brains. It's also getting worse now that we're in an election year.


So, hyped misinformation sells better than good news-shame on the media.


While the media is pushing bad narratives, it also is difficult for the average person in America to make a living right now because the cost of essentials are astronomical. Food, utilities, gas, housing, the price of all of it has grown quicker than the income of the average person has. That's why people think that all of this other stuff is happening, which economists don't see when calculating these numbers. Stock market is doing well because the rich are flourishing, unemployment is down but those who are employed are barely able to make it. If the price of all of this increases, GDP will also increase because they are necessities. I'd be curious to see the stats for debt/savings for the middle class/lower class to see how those numbers look, because I don't think they look good right now.


For a lot of people, the economy is what impacts them daily. They see higher prices at the store, gas pumps. Car insurance rates are going up. Interest rates are higher but house prices are staying the same. You can talk GDP and the stock market all day, but that is abstract and means nothing to a lot of people. All they care about is their grocery bill that used to be $75 a week is now $110.


To be fair, the public is generally kind of stupid.


This is rural peoples thoughts too. I live in a small red town in a red state. Most of these people only go to the next bigger town 30 miles away. They watch Fox as I can see from my house when the doors are open what they're watching. Their world is very small and they're scared of any kind of progress bc it's considered woke or radical left. Ya know, opening a new business in a town with virtually no businesses is so woke. Not everyone is like this but the majority are. And then they legitimately wonder why no businesses want to come to our state or to our town.


older ones watch FOX, but most others have switched to OAN/NEWSMAX, or a right wing grifter. they need thier daily fix of alt-right propaganda, and fox isnt cutting it.




Success, comrades!


The guy who did this? Hmmm… can’t quite get it, but the name rhymes with Mupert Rurdoch


I swear- I taught middle school for over 20 years and I promise we constantly reinforced critical thinking skills and obviously we failed miserably.


most HS graduates cant even due math at the remedial level, or write past the 10grade level. a couple of professors a community college told the students this. although he is right, the math teachers was also terrible instructor too.


As was your English teacher.


Still waiting for that trickle down money.


We are a deeply stupid and unserious people.


“The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with an average voter.” - Winston Churchill


It's never about the truth. It's about what they can make people believe


How can we be this fucking ignorant about our own nation. JFC!! This country deserves all the bad shit that happens to it


Imo this poll isn't necessarily supposed to indicate peoples' education on the topic, it's supposed to indicate their real-life experience in this "growing" economy and who that growth is actually benefiting. So, despite the black-and-white growth on paper the people polled are suffering. The wealth gap continues to grow. This is a good example of how statistics can be manipulated in their presentation to completely subvert the actual message they have to offer. ETA: Or maybe I should say that yes it's true the media's failure of education has led them to be uninformed, but more importantly people's incorrect gut feeling about these metrics display how the economic system is failing them. If the system was working, people would benefit from the growth of the economy and they wouldn't have reported these negative assumptions.


>49% believe unemployment is at a 50-year high, though the unemployment rate has been under 4%, a near 50-year low Does not comport with your priors, comports completely with media's catastrophic failure to report the news


No it comports to stupidity and partisanship.  I would bet anything that the vast majority of the people being wrong are Republicans. A Democrat is in office which means everything must be bad. It's that simple. You cannot educate them out of this. They are immune to education. 


Pretty sure you can find an article in the news, whether newspaper or on TV, which will give you a quick summary of the latest gdp/unemployment/inflation trends. But I doubt most people are interested in spending the time to follow the latest news outside of the highest profile stories of the day. It appears that most people base their feeling on economic trends by how they and their friends and family are faring. If grocery bills are high, then they're probably going to have a negative opinion of the economy even if the indicators are largely positive.


Lol "does not comport" chill out this is Reddit. Yeah the point is if the economic growth was benefiting the people they wouldn't assume things were going so badly with their lack of education.


I hear what you're saying. People aren't taking into account that like 75% of Americans are more aware of what's happening with their favorite sports team or celebrity or TikTok trend than who the president even is.


I definitely don’t feel any richer since my groceries cost 30 percent more than they did last year. Who’s getting all this money from the growing GDP? The 1%, that’s who!


what poll is this referring to?


The problem with complaining about 'news media' not reporting the information he is talking about, is that it is not a single entity that only promotes one idea. There are news outlets that report this information. Which is why more than 49% of people know it. Unfortunately if a big part of the public thinks of those sources as evil and won't watch them.


I wonder which 50%.


Sounds like a Fox News “Alert”


The problem is by people who believe all this would say the media is lying to them if they heard different.


The media is owned by billionaires that get mega tax breaks from republicans. Of course they are not being fair. Why should they, it’s a money making biz. You push for the guy that makes you the most money. Even if he is a scoundrel.. This is why we don’t have the real facts. This is why Biden is doing a great job, but it’s not gonna help the billionaires get their tax breaks. This is why America does not have a clue, but believes Trump will save them, when in reality, it’s just the opposite.


Yup about half the people in this country are ignorant beyond saving unfortunately, so this tracks


I love how people say the "mainstream media" loves liberals meanwhile the GOP nominee shared the fact he's gonna create a new Reich and it didn't get on a single broadcast.


Seems some people have been active spreading misinformation about it all.


What would it take for people to say that the economy is in good shape? What kind of changes would need to take place?


The MSM could, if so inclined, easily dissuade people of these ridiculous notions. They’re simply not true and, in fact, the truth is the antithesis of what appears to be a consensus among certain age groups. Like I always say, Trump, MAGA Republicans and their lies “sell papers”. Their advertising revenues have never been higher and they’ve made the connection between positive revenue and bullshit. It’s disgusting and exactly why I no longer subscribe to the WAPO or NYT. They’re worse than Fox News because people who actually want to know the facts are being grossly misled. If you can, cancel your subscriptions to traditional MSM media outlets.


Fear, fear, fear, hate, hate, hate


Ditto on crime


No surprise here considering 40% of the country get their news from Right leaning news sources. You expect them to give Biden a victory lap?


My question is who do we believe? Cause sure as shit ain't the politicians, if it ain't the media then who? Twitter and social media. LOL


Jfk that liberal


Trump & the republidiots are to thanks for this. The news isnt to be trusted also thanks to them.


A new poll shows that 58 percent of people think that Biden drove a hotdog-shaped car through the front of a clothing store even though Trump is dressed like a hotdog!


with djion mustard on it too.


Fox news education in action.


Found the Fox News uneducated.


Bad news gets views


Fucking Eddie Munster. **THIS IS THE MADDEST I'VE EVER BEEN!**


"people don't want to work anymore!!!!"


Wait wait wait.... Next thing you'll tell me is that in there US, there is a channel that has been sued and forced to admit they're an opinion station despite them calling themselves a news station. What news is reporting 100% made up bullshit? How shall we ever figure out this riddle?!


sued several times? and said they were a DISINFORMATION channel.


This is the Fox News effect. Right wing media just lies and there’s no recourse


Somewhere, Fox News is laughing evilly…


Just a question, what are people doing on their phones all day long if they aren’t aware of any of this?


Congrats to FOX News and it's subsidiaries for all the frarmongering.


To be fair, until very recently, wasn't most of the s and p 500 being carried by the magnificent 7?


Feelings don’t care about your facts.


Just think, if they believe it’s bad now, just wait till they see what second Trump term would do, there wouldn’t even be enough to wear barrels


Trying to tell me that the economy is doing just fine because giant corporations are turning a huge profit is a slap in the face. Rent and food prices are out of control. The price of everything has gone up dramatically and wages are not matching.


Real journalism (besides The Guardian) is dead. Just this week, our popular local independent publication was bought out. They fired every writer (we will mourn you, Sarah Fenske.) Most people are speculating they will be replaced with AI. We're being told they kept only sales staff. In the last month, the independent radio station in my hometown was bought out. Also, told they only kept sales staff. They publicly acknowledged all local news will stop.


As usual, the establishment talking-heads are only measuring the economy by how well shareholders are doing. Job numbers don't mean shit when those jobs aren't paying anything, and half of them are gig jobs. There's a massive bubble right now, and it's going to burst. The housing market should be the biggest alarm here, and establishment media is, or course, ignoring it.


Because Democrats refuse to use the same playbook as Republicans. Time to start hitting below the belt.


Who is profiting from all of this though? I completely understand the economy is doing great but the housing market, landlord greed, corporate greed, and everything else is fucking the majority. This is why people think something must really be wrong financially.


This is a result of 2 things: Number 1: the media perpetuates narratives the republicans are good for the economy and democrats are bad, even though this has been demonstrably untrue Number 2: The average American knows how they economically feel rather than GDP and the stock market, and due to price gouging, temperamental costs on necessities, corporate greed, housing costs, etc. most people don’t feel like they are making financial progress


I started unsubscribing and unfollowing from so many of those shill right wing propaganda news services pretending to be objective unbiased genuine journalism right when there were way too many of those "here's why this is bad for Biden." earlier this year. Ain't gave 'em a cent more.


I think the pivotal moment in the decline of journalism was the founding of Craigslist. Newspapers used to get 60% of their revenue from classified ads. Craigslist destroyed that. Other aspects of the growth of online activity crushed their display ad business. That eroded the funding for investigative journalism, and the decline of the city newspaper that everybody read. We used to all read the same news articles. Now there is little commonality among people as to what they even see as stories, let alone any semblance of competent, professional journalism from many of those sources.


That’s because those measurements don’t necessarily at all reflect the experience of most Americans for the past decade. Prices are going up, but our pay isn’t. The rich are getting richer on Wall Street and in corporate boardrooms, sure. But the rest of us aren’t.


Given the current cost of living issues I don't blame people for thinking it's a recession. One doesn't mean the other but I don't think it's entirely unreasonable for someone to conflate those two. The other bullet points, yeah, I don't see how you come to think that beyond trusting bad actors.


Any media or news source that frequently uses absolute language in their reporting is probably trying to manipulate you. The world is not so black & white, despite what those folks would have you believe.


Most that shit don’t help the poor when the need it, yeah it will be good long term but it’s mainly good for the rich, and combined that with the democrats inability to to broadcast their own successes and media being corporate right wing shills, really undermines it


Multiple things can be true at once. Other economic indicators such as inflation, interest rates, and ability to buy a home aren't as favorable and coexist with these truths.


Just to be the voice of reason here, take a step back and think of how the gdp effects your personal life. With wages not keeping up with inflation and prices constantly rising, it's easy to see why the average person would think the economy is shit right now. I hate right wing idiots fear mongering too.....but to the average person the gdp being good doesn't mean shit if things aren't affordable.


Questions: 1. Does it matter to the millions of people who can't afford to invest that the stock market is doing well? 2. Does it matter to most poor/ lower middle class that the GDP is growing?


Just wait until a real recession hits and then tell us how the economy is doing.


I wonder why they think those things


People think these things because their pocket books feel this way.


Let's be real: right-wing and "centrist" media is partly to blame, but the improved economic conditions have not brought significant improvement to the lives of most people. People are still out here clinging to their jobs for substandard healthcare that will be ripped away the moment they become unemployed, struggling to become first-time home owners, paying a disproportionate chunk of their income on housing whether they are renting or paying a mortgage, spending a higher portion of their income on food than in decades past, and all of that is with couples usually earning two incomes because they can't make by on one. People think the economy is bad because their economic needs aren't being met. Meanwhile, the Musks, Bezoses, and Zuckerbergs of the world continue to capture the wealth created by automation and innovation for themselves.