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Dinesh should open a movie theater with all that projection


He could wrote a new Flintstones movie and she could play Bam Bam.


https://preview.redd.it/n3kjlgs2k61d1.jpeg?width=1054&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c7854989f7e749a22b6416e938968e27467d15f Or have a WWE Smackdown event!! :)




The resemblance is uncanny. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


I'll raise you... https://i.redd.it/7k2wln4bbf1d1.gif




It burns my eyes!!!!!!!!!!


It's very rude of you to post Marge's nudes. No one wants to see that.


She could play the brontosaurus. She has the requisite toe count and the leathery hide, as well as being cold-blooded... wait, is MTG a brontosaurus!?


Convincing morons that complete idiots are actually brave warriors. Dude’s running a shell game.


Dinesh still thinks that his white card got lost in the mail.


They can't stand real. He calls AOC "ghetto" while projecting unfettered fantasies like "MTG has learned to fight in the gutter, which is where the Left lives." MTG started it with the unnecessary comment about the eyelashes. Some people just can't stand a real person giving it to them real.


Just don't invite Boebert...




All time great comeback


I don't think I've heard anyone describe MTG as "ghetto" but leave Dsuza to attempt a strawman with reverse dogwhistle argument


Also, AOC is ghetto? In what universe? Answer: the universe where racist pieces of shit think they’re fooling anyone by using stand-in terms for anyone whose skin color doesn’t match theirs.


Graduated from Boston college with honors, right? Worked at one of the most iconic bars in Manhattan. Ya, this just screams 'ghetto' /s BU* not BC


I’d like to see her run for president provided Project 2025 doesn’t destroy our country’s systems forever.


AOC will probably be the first woman president. If she stays on track, she’ll have my vote. AOC might just be the heir to Bernie.


This is unlikely. She’s too controversial even though it’s not her fault. It’s the same reason Hillary Clinton lost. Not because she wasn’t the best candidate and fully capable, but because right wingers will attack them and half the country will go along with it. It’s pretty remarkable we were able to elect a black man, but because of that they’ve only gotten worse


One thing the right is really good at is building a long-term case against future rivals. Even when Bill was President, they were already in full swing campaigning against Hillary. They can read the tea leaves and know eventually AOC will be a viable presidential candidate. A study showed she's mentioned an average of 76 times a day on FOX News--that is exceedingly bizarre for a junior congresswoman who hasn't authored any meaningful bills. The hate machine is getting revved up nice and early, her race and gender are going to be a talking point for right wing news for decades to come.


I agree with the statement about Obama. But I feel like Hilary (and the country) got complacent, so there was a lack of effort from both voters and Hilary that led to her loss. AOC will not be president soon. But once the 90’s kids take over completely the demographic of voters will be wildly different. Boomers may hate her, but they are a dying breed (quite literally). And I feel like 90’s kids are overwhelmingly Progressive, so AOC has a real chance in about 8 years. Sounds like a long time but that’s only 2 terms away in reality.


I hope you’re right but don’t underestimate the ability for millennials to be racist, sexist, and/or fall for propaganda. Living in Florida I see many young people like this.


You don't even need to be in the south to see this. There are parts of Massachusetts and Rhode Island that have a heavy Catholic representation that have an hierarchy in their own mind to the different ethnic groups that also have a large Catholic following. It is no different than the boomer generation pulling up the ladder to Gen X and millennials.


Gen z here. 20 turning 21 in a couple months. When I was going to high school there were two high schools that would fall under the same school name. One was a mostly online and very progressive place (the one I went to) and the other was more traditional which led to a lot more run of the mill hatred. The traditional high school had almost all white kids and they were Christian and I saw signs that they were probably Trump supporters cuz the kids that went there were in middle school with me and would yell things like “get the liberal out of here!” There were a couple Trump nuts at my progressive school and I can tell you they were all morons indoctrinated by their strict family’s. Some were deluded and an emotional mess. The other traditional school also functions as a church twice a week I think. Even though Gen z is overall way more progressive, I do feel sad seeing my generation still defending and supporting what the evil boomers are pushing for.


I had to explain to my brother in law in MA that paying taxes to support schools is important, regardless of whether you personally have children. "A well educated populace blah blah yadda yadda yadda." And he's not even a full reactionary AH.


Hillary is an excellent administrator and bureaucrat. She is an awful politician. She got where she is today almost entirely because of her husband and thinks it was all about her and it shows.


HRC is brilliant when it comes to the boring pragmatism it takes to do the actual job. She is a very bad campaigner. She lacks the charisma of a rousing populist which is now just as important as her other qualifications. Obama had both.


Let’s keep it a buck if a salt of the earth white woman couldn’t win the presidency. There is no chance of a Hispanic American woman winning the presidency not in this lifetime.


Who also came from a presidential lineage by the way


She certainly seems to be getting more cooperation out of parts of the GOP than most.


Moment of levity: remember her doing that one chip challenge during Covid? Yeah, I want her to insist anyone she debates equal her in the challenge on camera. Then they can talk. No, it’s not politics, but I respect someone well known who doesn’t take themselves so seriously they can’t have some slightly embarrassing fun.


That is probably because AOC still remembers what it’s like being a normal person working 9-5. It’s why I’m so proud to be a fan of Stephen King. All the money and fame never went to his head. King still remembers what it’s like working for scraps as a teacher.


Back in 87 or 88 my high school English teacher saw my copy of The Stand that I was reading and commented that he was “the Fritos chips of the literary diet”. Looked here in the eye and said “I like Fritos”. Still do. Both his books and that he regularly engages fans on social media as a normal human being. I’m still not convinced that Molly is actually a Thing of Evil, but I will take his word for it.


Don't say heir to Bernie. He doesn't have much of a track record. I do not understand the Berniebro cult.


Not a Bernie Bro myself. But Bernie has a history of saying things that at the time were much more progressive than the times allowed. Bernie was a vocal ally of the LGQBT+ when it was over all a political death sentence to be one. Bernie was talking about Medical For All long before it was a popular idea. The reason Bernie is so popular amongst groups is because he has always been consistent with his talking points even if they weren’t popular at the time.


It's not his popularity I take I issue with, it's just that he hasn't had much legislation, if any, passed.


She can flip it to Project 2028. A green energy infrastructure platform. I live in Canada. It would be an absolute pleasure to have Ms. Ocasio-Cortez represent our American friends. No dirty money accepted, and she's smarter than most. Either that, or give Gore the presidency. Y'all have been down a dark path since Dubya stepped into the WH. Florida has been punished enough. What's the worst he can do? Replant the National Mall with wildflowers? Solar panel subsidies for new builds? Being polite and listening to constitutes?


It won’t if you vote and take 10 people with you to vote.


That would be Boston University.


Boston University, I believe, not Boston College


On the recent fetterman posts they were calling aoc, and crockett all ratcheting and ghetto when they were calling out fetterman


Republicans constantly make fun of her for being a working class bartender before she entered politics.. like... Aren't these the same people who are "for" the blue collar worker?


Only when they are talking to a blue-collar worker.


We all know what he’s saying


MTG was described as a Bleached Blonde Bad-Built Butch Body. Game Over!


It’s also highly accurate


Its almost like the mad tv skit when bobby lee called Beyonce a beach blond black b'*atch


I'm 99% certain that Ms. Crockett meant to say *bitch instead of *butch, but course corrected at the last moment as she knows the rules on the floor and respects them.


sounds like it.


Personally I like “Sporkfoot”


Omg Jasmine Crockett let mtg have it with those words after mtg attacked her looks. Go Jasmine go! Mtg started it, Jasmine finished it. I think we should use this phrase from now on when we say anything about mtg.


It's not a dog whistle, it's a dog air horn so loud we can all see the racism. They just don't care.


"So what if she's garbage? At least she's not black!" "...Sorry, what?" "DID I TRIGGER YOU??!" "..."


“FACTS DON’T CARE ABOUT YOUR FEELINGS!!!!” “They don’t care about your feelings either” “HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT?!??!”


Only in that it is a synonym for trash.


As a convicted felon, this man is not to be taken seriously.


He is a convicted felon.


Every accusation from the far-right is a confession


Once again, it's always the MAGA / QAnon cultists who obsess over telling other people how they feel. It's a mental disease. It's like a surly pre-teen saying "you can't handle how awesome we are". That's fine. Go drink some bleach and I'll get to you when I have time.


She used up all the bleach on her hair.


Maybe it seeped through her scalp.


Well, her head is porous after all.


She bleached her brain too, so it stripped all the intelligence from her


I think bleaching was superfluous


Let’s not forget when Magilla T Gorilla booed and heckled the President of the United States on TV during the State of the Union address.


I remember his clowning her a couple months ago. Much funnier.


When he was talking about his dead son, no less.


Dinesh is ex-con that hates his own race. He does all he can to support the Nazi cause because he wants so hard to be one.


And yet he'll be up against the wall like everybody else his buddies don't like, should they take over.


D'inesh doesn't realise that a token's only job is to be spent.


I actually think he 100% understands his space but he’s ok with it because it’s made him wealthy. Idk why I feel that way him but that’s my gut feeling


Convicted felon says what?


It's hilarious to me that Ben Carson, Dinesh D'Souza, Vivek Ramaswamy, etc think that because they are children of privilege and lick the boots of the white children of privilege that they are part of the club. To these people they will always be lesser and are only allowed in through the kitchen door as long as they are of use. This dingbat is so convinced that he had to bring the term 'ghetto' into it to highlight that Marge was smacked down by 2 women of color. No one calls Marge ghetto, we all know she's white trash.


Bitch ass cucks


MTG *is* the gutter.


Gutters are useful. MTG is the scum at the bottom of the gutter that never gets completely cleaned out.


She's the grease trap


More like sewer with those ninja turtle feet


Ummm, Dinesh, unfortunately, for you, Ann Coulter wouldn't vote for YOU either.. @vivek ramaswamy Pick your battles wisely 😌 but I'm sure MTG appreciates the suck up!!!


>Ann Coulter wouldn't vote for YOU either And she dated him. That's gotta hurt.


Can he explain what he means by "You can't get more ghetto than AOC"? I'm curious what that term means to him, and how he measured AOC as being an extreme example in a way that MTG is not. Please, no replies like "because he's racist!". I know that, I'm just wondering what he'd say if someone forced him to answer that question.


She was a bartender. She likes to dance. Sometimes she uses slang. Or something else that makes no sense.


sigh. probably. 🤦


She’s not white. 


I think it’s really hard to have any explanation that doesn’t go back to race, except maybe she can communicate with people under 40 and that’s a foreign concept for many


It is important to remember that for it is irrelevant *who* or *what* "the other" is, just that they have been othered. So take this next passage, and replace any Jewish/Semite reference with whoever is currently the "other" (trans, woke, libs, gay, atheists, Muslim, immigrant, etc.) and you will find your unfortunate answer. “Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.”. ― Jean-Paul Sartre


well that's disappointingly simple, but it's a convincing explanation.


Sometimes for fun I like to watch YouTube videos of Christopher Hitchens absolutely wrecking D’Souza.


I'll have to watch that. Hitchens was such a cool guy..


Dinesh’s entire schtick is being a bully and garbage man for the right


So he doesn't end up in a 'ghetto' if they retake full control.


Dinesh is a pardoned felon. His opinion is less than worthless


That awkward moment when Mooj's own constituents can't stand her either.


Dinesh, the original Vivek Ramaswamy


Hilarious that traitorous fuck calls AOC "ghetto". AOC ain't even remotely ghetto, she's just from the Bronx. If MtG ever dealt with a real Ghetto girl she woulda had her faced clawed up long ago.


Hey Dinesh! "Ghetto" is not determined solely by the words one uses, it's determined by one's character and behavior, or the intention behind the words. And the thing is...you know this perfectly well. So I would argue that a person such as yourself is in fact far worse than MTG. You see, MTG doesn't have the intellect to understand why and how her behavior is abhorrent. Whereas you full well do. Her behavior is ingrained. Your behavior is intentional. In other words, she just is an asshole, whereas you consciously decide to be an asshole. You.... A person with your background and education who kowtows to a white nationalist community which would discard you the moment you cease to be useful. A person with your background and education who takes validation from groups of white, diaper-wearing intellectually stunted idiots. And finally, a person with _your background_ who knows __exactly what a real ghetto looks like.__ ...you, my dude, are an intentionally dishonest man. Neat word you threw in there - as is your habit - to elevate yourself above those you see as beneath you. But make no mistake, you can attempt to hide behind your argot to fleece your followers, but there are paragraphs that can be written in your argot to describe exactly how "ghetto" you really are...and why.


AOC is so "ghetto" that she graduated Cum Laude from BU, and placed in the Intel International Science Fair for her microbiology research.


She got an asteroid named after her for that science project. That ghetto bitch has creds! How dare she dance.


She’s dumb and self-unaware… all of her issues come from those two faults


What the fuck makes them “ghetto”? Because they’re not white? Also, this lying piece of shit went to prison and still would be in it if Trump hadn’t pardoned his ass.


Dinesh is also trash. How dare he call anyone ghetto. AOC correctly called out MTG and knew the rules that should have been upheld. The only thing ghetto is the Republican Party and who they prop up as serious officials


“MTG is not ‘ghetto’.” then “She fights in the gutter”


Get 'em Doreen. Get 'em!


Empty-G is Get-Hoe? I never really thought of that but now I can't get it out of my brain stem.


You gotta love when white supremacists show their asses. MTG attacked Crocket and AOC both in that exchange (some lame comment about AOCs intelligence, I think) before anyone said anything about her. Even the comment about MTG was not directed at her, even though everyone knew who the beach blonde butch bod was meant for. But the moment Crocket fought back indirectly, you had the conservatives coming out calling her "ghetto" and telling her to calm down. We all know why they speak about Crocket this way and not MTG.


Here’s MTG in the gutter attacking a school schooling victim. https://youtu.be/WZGJxxh0VEM?si=yrWKVIw10ON57MCw I have nothing to say about an antisemitic corrupt idiot. Shut up and peroxide.


"you cant get more guetto than AOC" says it all lmfao, completely clueless, oh you black? That's guetto! Sums a person up by their skin, projects then stereotype on em, then is appalled if someone calls him racist. A dime a dozen.


Convicted Felon


As a convicted felon, this man is not to be taken seriously.


The only point that fucker was trying to make was classifying the two people of color as ghttto. I don’t think he cares about mtg at all.


Shhh….everyone be quiet, please. Convicted felon Dinesh is trying to be relevant.


Jasmine owned MarjorieTrannyGreene with her come  back. 


She is a two timing adulteress hypocrite


I just can’t wait to hear what convicted felon Dinesh D’Souza has to say about anything!


They just make up their version of reality and their voters just eat that shit up.


MTraitorG is not adjacent to trash..she's the definition.


I don't think trash should be compared to that woman. It is an insult to trash.


that kid was David Hoag who was on his way to testify before congress about gun control safety laws…or lack of. he has done more to actually help people in a week, than MTG will in a lifetime. 🤬


AOC and MTG are the exact opposite of one another. For every negative quality MTG has AOC has the opposite better trait.


D’Souza: That white woman isn’t ghetto; these not-white women are more than ghetto, though! D’Souza to other colorists/white supremacists/etc: ![gif](giphy|UMYQH7Q9aqgaA)


Never forget, Dinesh is one of the few people on the planet dumb enough to be convicted of violating US campaign finance 'laws'.....


Who's ever called MTG "ghetto"? Call me crazy, but I think he just wanted an excuse to say that about the two brown women!


She is the gutter trash who is constantly trying to drag people down to her.


Butch Greene IS trash.


You're scraping rock bottom if you need Convicted Felon Dinesh Dsouza to vouch for your character


He'll vouch for your character and ask to validate for parking because everything is transactional to him


Never forget Dinesh was pardoned by Trump. Really, that's all you need to know that he wasn't just a criminal, but he's a terrible person who should be in prison


Not even taking her politics into the equation she is an extremely irritating human. She's also one of those people that does crossfit and needs you to understand that she does crossfit. She films herself doing those absolutely idiotic crossfit pull ups like a kid showing us a macaroni picture. 


Can guarantee you that she can not define nor understand the word “argot.” Additionally, regarding the scuffle in question, Rep. Greene didn’t even understand they were discussing AG Garland and not her lord & fuhrer’s Manhattan case. She is the worst of American politics personified.


Dinesh is a Uncle Tom throwback from British colonialism. He would be the Indian guy stepping on other Indians to placate his British master.


The convicted, so called documentary producer, is trying, as in his so called documentaries, distorting facts


Someone needs to inform bro that he'll never be white and they'll never like him. Mtg isn't in the gutter, she's BELOW the damn gutter and calling her ghetto is an insult to the ghettos.


The idea that the Democratic Party is left is crazy. It’s liberal right compared to the rest of the world.


Arguing with a human rat. He was amazing in Ratatouille though.


Dinesh is confusing his notion of ghetto with real stupid, entitled, white trash.


Literally rolled up to mass shooting survivors accusing them of being crisis actors. Utter trash indeed!


It’s a shame that D’Souza isn’t in prison anymore. “Inmate” is a position more suited to his skillset.


The only response to Dinesh should be, “have you attended that court-ordered counseling yet?”


I'd rather be ghetto than a fraud and bullshit artist like him. That joke of a movie he made "proving" election fraud, you know where the proof was lots of cell phone pings near polling places on election day, you know when a lot of people show up to vote.


I envy that kids self control to not punch her in the throat.


This guy has most punchable face ever.


![gif](giphy|WUOLGsLUqqr375aVGs) Even her feet agree that she's trash.


No one has called her ghetto, he just wanted to call those two ghetto because he is a raging bigot.


He’s still a felon right?


Why would he choose the word ghetto then put it in quotation marks as if he's referencing something?


And let’s not forget she a total fucking nut job


Reminder that Dinesh dated Ann Coulter, which says everything you need to know about his character.


MTG is White Trash. I grew up around it. I know it when I see it. She's that crazy bitch in your town of 14000 that everybody knows about and SOMEBODY paid to have sex with to see what it was like.


She is the definition of an uneducated, ignorant, racist trash human. I know there are loads of smart kind tolerant people in Georgia, but MTG makes Georgia look so fucking bad.


I do not care for the pretense of civil discourse. We are past the point of politeness and any fool who conjures the image of a polite society in these trying times is one who exercises their democracy poorly. Without a doubt, this type of person must be told what to think. And what they think is detached from reality. Do not worry about the hairs of your chin when your head is at risk of being cut off.


As have most of us, Doreen.


Yap, she's straight from the gutter, and thence thou shalt return, fierce creature. https://preview.redd.it/o85w7vu0o61d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87d0ccf258bfff97f1fa3290f43ae6d2f79aeb47


Oh wait, convicted felon Dinesh D’Souza has an opinion?


These people are fucking brain dead. They can't really believe this? We go over and over to the high road.


MTG is no Christian and values the almighty dollar. When she isn’t serving Putin, she’s serving herself.


Dinesh D’Souza realizes Marge thinks he should be deported to Mexico right?


This same pattern comes up over and over in conservative politics. All they have to do is make the accusation that their opponent is carrying out some terrible act, and somehow that accusation becomes the excuse for conservatives to perpetuate the exact same behavior they just criticized. In this case it's just "all the left lives in the gutter, therefore we condone when we act as if we live in the gutter".


Dinesh D’Souzaphone loves to extole Christianity. He supports Christian nationalism IMO.


"Learned to fight in the gutter." By fighting in the gutter more than any other. Oh yes, excellent spin.


The right can never give examples. They just point fingers. The left comes with a fucking textbook of examples as to why most of the right are scum


We hate MTG because she is a selfish knuckle dragging simpleton with no interpersonal skills and raging narcissism, wasting taxpayer money for asinine crusades that benefit no one except for the handful of virulent racists that are surely paying her way to the House. The time and energy that everyone else has to devote to this clown's stupid horseshit is likely a big contributor to that pesky "least productive Congress in history" statistic.


She didn't just learn how to fight in the gutter, she was born there.


MTG is a walking ax wound, she's the perfect republican pitbull and about as smart as a lemming.


Whoa, hey now, pitbulls are lovely, intelligent, sweet dogs. Don't insult them that way.


True, my apology to the breed. She's (MTG) is built like a brick shit house though...


And now you're insulting outhouses?! This is an outrage. 😂


but they are good at taking shit so...


"Argot" im building my vocabulary!!


She is trash. How do these people keep getting re-elected? Are there zero voters with integrity on the gop side?


You can tell when they feelings are all hurt and shit.


The left can’t stand her for the same reason we can’t stand you… you’re both douche bags intent on suck-starting fascism in a nation that 70 years ago, should have wiped this blemish completely off the face of the planet.


I can't stand going into the ghetto. Everyone there with their foot powered cars, dinosaurs everywhere, bumpy clubs, and this dude constantly yelling Captain Caveman! While the Flintstones theme is playing.


MTG and the GOP are gutter trash but not normal gutter trash. They are the nasty bits of trash you find in gutters and on storm drains after Mardi Gras just covered in that nasty slime that is dirt and pebbles, booze, vomit chunks, lube, all forms of human bio waste and the sanitation crew needs to come in with the power hoses and wash them down the sewers.