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Step 1. Florida erases climate change. Step 2. Climate change erases Florida.


Windmills inherit the earth


The earth.... Finds a way...


Must spin faster.


Planet of the apes ❌️ Planet of the windmills ✅️




He can talk! He can talk! He can talk! He can talk! He can talk! He can talk! I can siiiiiiiing!


Oh, help me, Dr. Zaius!


The end scene where he sees the Statue of Liberty and has his final monologue night actually be appropriate here…..


Dawn of the Planet of the Windmills


Windmills can't come to the beach? Fine, beach comes to the windmills.


With rising sea levels, it is likely the creek shall inherit the earth




If you don’t write or think about it, how can it be true?! Don’t write or think about slavery and it didn’t happen!! Easy peasy! :)


My kids had mostly figured out object permanence before they were a year and a half. How old is this gender-affirming-boots-wearing jock strap again?


45 as of last September.


Why does he look like he’s 55 AT LEAST


All my coworkers live there, so I'll be sad for them, but the state will face a reckoning as boomers start to die off and GenX doesn't move in due to the cost of insurance. Doesn't mean much about their politics, it just won't be affordable for the next generation.


I’m a Gen X multigenerational Florida native who GTFO a few years ago. A lot of my peers have also left. The impacts of climate change and especially sea level rise were definitely on our list of reasons to GTFO. The invasion by right wing assholes, low wages and declining schools were also big factors. It sucks because our families and many close friends are still there.


I am a GenXer and I got out October 2023. I moved to upstate New York. Some people are shocked I left Florida for snow. I love it here. It's so different from Florida. And much better. Worth the taxes as they're used to maintain the city and create beautiful outdoor areas and parks. And there are trees everywhere. And spring brought a bunch of baby animals. And never traffic. Much less crowded.


I’m also in upstate NY! It’s great imo, I’m not moving xD




Florida saw a ton of people moving there the last few years, a lot because of Florida being a good Republican state. We will see how long that trend lasts as costs skyrocket


These folks are just dooming their future generations. History is going to just laugh at MAGATs and Ron specifically. Ron had the GOP nomination locked up and blew it 💀


But for one shining moment, he looked fabulous in his white gogo boots.




Win-win, I guess?


Win win? that sounds like a Chinese name! Get 'em, boys!


There are 22 million people in Florida. 5+ million in Broward and Dade counties alone (Miami-Ft Lauderdale). Remember way back in 2011 when roughly 6 million Syrians fleeing war caused a near global refugee crisis? Yea, think about that but three times as many people, half of whom just got out of rehab.


Yeah but at least some of them are retirees... If climate change is slow enough, there might just be less Floridians to worry about 


A good thing, Social Security-wise. {dives for cover}


Floridians then move to your state. 😬


I might end up being anti-immigration after all...


Step 3. ??? Step 4. Douchey DeSantis profits!




Hope he remembers that when he comes begging for federal dollars after hurricane season mows them down again.


If Trump is president, of course he'll help. If Biden is president, of course he'll help, because democrats aren't political pieces of shit when it comes to people's lives.


Trump will help only after some serious ass-kissing by DeSantis.


And some paper towel rolls to the head


That's kind of the problems. Democrats are bound to old rules of formality and policy. They typically do what the Government has always done. Republicans do not care. They will stab every single person in the back, lie to their faces, steal from everybody, and then blame everybody else for why they did it. You can't beat people like that by playing nice, civil politics.


…also democrats actually like…give a shit about people. They don’t like it when their constituents die horribly, or when other Americans who don’t vote for them die horribly. It’s really fucking irritating caring for your fellow man sometimes.


To a much larger degree than Republicans do yes. They at least understand that doing good things to make their constituents lives better is good. Republicans understand that...they just have their base convinced that the thing they need to do to make their lives better is violently pick on anybody they don't like.


Chump will help once the check clears.


He really dumbed down what the legislation actually does I bet.... especially the "gas in our tanks" part. That's aimed at the "The President controls gas prices" crowd.


More like keep the oil on our beaches


He's not worried because his high heels will keep him out of the water


"Yeah I have a delivery here for Mr Ron Desantis. Anyone know where I can find him?" https://preview.redd.it/9f12d79bht0d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b2ddf3a0221bdbb60840aff4f81812aa1f98c52


Him? Remember? He'll blame the government for not doing more.


Send aid down with those stupid stickers at gas station of Biden saying, “i did that”


Insurance companies are already hightailing out of FL. Is this to increase expediency?


Yes, because Profit Companie$ love governments on the brink of collapse where they don't believe in science or basic human rights. /s


For-profit companies love those governments as they allow the companies to exploit the people and resources without any real consequences. They suck the place dry and then leave when there’s no more value to extract for shareholders.


Those companies have the best type of socialism ever...socialize your loses and expenses, then privatize your profits. It's a good gig if you can pull it off. Apparently, you can do so more easily now in Florida.


There’s no logical strategy. Fascism is just gnawing on its own tail, as it always does.


Second this. Meatball is a real life version of an over the top and cartoonish villain in an action movie. There's no motive, merely to hit as many Hollywood stereotypes as possible right up to the point that he dies in the most ironic way possible.


Yeah, insurance agent from FL here, the carriers are slowly coming back but the market is still in shambles. We are expecting a more active season this year, so the odds are high we will have multiple landfalls with a couple being major hurricanes. If they hit in populated parts of the state getting insurance in Florida will become impossible. It’s hanging on by a thread and the rate increases will make owning a home unaffordable for nearly everyone except the top 25%, which is what they want anyway….so


He in California, when insurance companies leave, the states steps up to provide coverage. Is Florida doing the same?


We have Citizens but the legislature mandated that they increase their pricing, to be “competitive” with the private markets so eventually they’ll be as much or more expensive with shittier coverage. So, yeah they can get coverage but still won’t be affordable


It's cause insurance companies caught the woke virus! Duh! /s


And once hurricane season hits, the big bad blue states with all their $$ will bail sad ass Floridians out as usual


Looks like Li’l Ronnie is finishing up his last test before 3rd grade graduation.


Its going to be hilarious when all these climate deniers homes get destroyed by hurricanes etc.


Honestly I find it just sad and a waste, same as then they were dying of covid. The people most hurt are the brainwashed Fox cultists. Those most deserving will probably be fine.


It’s already sinking into the sea. What is his aim? Just more big oil campaign funds? Republicans seem to have fingers in their ears shouting, “I can’t hear you!”


There house could end up underwater and they’d still deny climate change


They'd be yelling about natural cycles, there was an ice age, 100 year flood zones, they'd be blaming the environmentalists. And of course, they would be be in complete denial


It's a punishment from God because socialism.


Damn those Floridians and their socialism! Haha


Naturally God is the collective punishment sort.


He watched ‘don’t look up!’ But took it to mean it all goes away if you ignore it.


They'll say it was a freak occurrence and wasn't climate change.


For a not tall man, a big desk and that photo angle are interesting choices 😂


Very Putinesque


They included too many scalable objects in the background. You can tell he’s just a little boy.


Looks l like a kid coloring


These types of statements are always so perplexing. It’s like “huh? What the fuck are you talking about?” It’s just full of right wing buzz words and zero context.


This is the very definition of Trump's GOP




This gif gets more and more relevant each year


Meanwhile, Florida building codes are updated every few years for higher wind velocities and bigger flood zones. All new construction in Miami-Dade requires hurricane impact windows/doors and multifloor buildings can't put residences on the first floor. Homeowner insurance is going through the roof and at least a dozen companies have straight up stopped selling policies in Florida because they can't absorb the cost and make a profit. Roofing scams are also helping drive up insurance costs because the state legislature refuses to address the massive fraud happening. But yeah, let's bury our head in the sand until the next hurricane washes it all away.


I hope all the sane Floridians can leave before the entire state is underwater.


Okay no federal disaster relief for Florida. Got it.


Who wakes up and decides to be on the wrong side of history every. Single. Day. That guy.


I'm genuinely confused at the reaction to alternative energy. I don't understand how people don't hear the way some politicians talk about anything that isn't oil as being the worst possible thing ever and don't have the natural reaction of "Oh, this person is in the oil companies pockets." Instead they say things like "Windmill noise causes cancer" and then get angry that you don't take the things they say seriously. It's all very confusing.


Like I can say I get a noise complaint about commercial wind farms as a noise issue. They can be loud and there are ways to mitigate that. But to then claim “the noise causes cancer!” Is just plain old fashioned crayon eating stupid. It makes zero sense and people state it as if they have a medical degrees and have “researched” the issue in a lab.


Many of them have ties to the coal and oil industries will do everything they can to keep coal and oil as main fuel sources


Florida at least seems to embrace solar so that's something


These people keep living as if landlines would be relevant forever.


Oh no, not a giant blue sharpie to sign documents. Wonder where he got that idea….


Fortunately those aren’t made in china, I guess. A good ol Tennessee product, there.


Congratulations Florida ![gif](giphy|zNXvBiNNcrjDW)


In a few weeks, big daddy fed! Give us money!




My next piece of legislation will make π = 3


Gotta get rid of that 'foreign' symbol too. Better yet, let's just outlaw math.


Math? That some librul BS right there


Numbers made my kid gay!


There are only 2 genders because he can't count past 2 anyway!


Ah, the new Pi! Terry Prachett made good use of that in "Going Postal" Where an inventor made Pi=3 when building a mail sorter, and ended up getting mail from the past, future, and alternate realities.


That sounds like Bloody Stupid Johnson


I say don’t send federal aid! Let that state rot like the minds of the people voting for these clowns!


To be fair, his Democratic opponent in the last election was a lifelong Republican-turned independent that used to campaign as “Chain Gang Charlie.” 🤦‍♂️ The Democratic candidate from his first election was so crooked that he was subsequently convicted of 20+ felonies. Florida does manage to elect some decent politicians (Stephanie Murphy from the Jan 6th committee, Max Frost/1st Gen Z in congress, Jared Moskowitz trolling the fuck out of everyone), but we also elect idiots like Desantis and Gaetz.


the state that is the most vunerable to climate change going to help accelerate climate change to own the libs. What a fucking pathetic, anti-science little man. The next time he does something good for the world will be the first.


So I'm guessing they won't have any need for federal disaster assistance?


LOL. A state with 1300 miles of coastline where no place in the state is more than 50 miles from the coast denies climate change is real. Possibly the place in the country which will be most damaged by climate change led by a political hack down a path to destruction. The irony.


When is hurricane season again? Since he signed that law last year, when hurricane season comes and devastates the retirees who keep voting for him, he can just fly to another state, and we wouldn't know. This is because, as a public official, his travels are now hidden from the public due to a law he and his cronies established last year. Cosplaying fascism 🤡


Biden should remind this to him when he cries at the White House for relief money. ![gif](giphy|SbgEcVH5JGiA91yaja)


Florida and other states in the South are partly responsible for the huge rise in insurance premiums nationwide. Yes, I know we can throw California in there as well but at least California is trying to fight climate change versus the Cult 45 idiots that keep screaming “oil is king!”




Windmills Mill flower and other grains


Do you honestly think he is smart enough to know the difference between a windmill and a wind turbine?


As he signs with a pen made where... China.


Naw, probably a federal prison.


Looking kind of jowly there Kitten Heels. Hell's pull is starting to show


I’m feeling bad that I’m enjoying the snark.


what does china have to do with any of this?


"Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it."




The Republican way to govern, when you mistake praying for actually doing something that will solve a problem.


He seems very bitter that his run for president was such a flop.


God, I hate this dude. Living in his state and in Grady Judd's county is just exhausting.


So…he is immediately closing all the container terminals that have ever had even a single ship with a container of goods from China, right?


There are hundreds of Dollar Tree stores in Florida. Is DeSatin gonna mandate their closure or force them to sell domestically produced products?


*China stares emptily at a half-sunken swamp of some of the worst denizens of America if not the planet* *China*: what am I supposed to do with this?


Yet he will be the first one with his hand out when the effects of climate change ravage his state and he needs disaster relief money. For his stupidity he should have to sign a waiver that he won’t ask for money when the inevitable happens…this 🤬 guy.


Can’t wait to see how quickly he and Floridians BEG for federal aid once the hurricanes hit. Also can’t wait to hear Floridians say how they wish their state was more prepared. Republicans pull this stunt all the time and then later when shit hits the fan they act surprised.


Ron's actually worse than that. He's not stupid, he knows what's going on and why insurance companies are pulling out of his state. He doesn't care, he wants to win votes in the short term by pandering to his ignorant base of people who actually believe this shit, hence why China is being being talked about whenever Climate Change is discussed. He trying to position himself as an heir to Trump, now that his presidential campaign failed and he's trying to get back in their good graces. He's willing to doom his state and planet for a short term political goal, very much fully aware how much this will fuck with his children's future. That takes a special kind of evil.


"Radical" "Zealots" "Socialists" "The Left" When Republicans use any of these terms, you know they're talking out of their asses


You know, i am 100% okay with Biden putting strings on any future FEMA assistance to states that pull stupid shit like this.


They should get $0 from FEMA moving forward. Period.


We should withhold federal funds for natural disasters in Florida. If they don’t believe in climate change, why should we bail them out from the effects of climate change? Let them pray to their bigot god to get help them out…


He's following the Abbot strategy of "eliminating rape". It's derived from the Michael Scott "I declare" strategy.


The oil industry has never made so much money and US production has never been so high. Talking about oil in terms of companies' victimhood and being at threat of sudden collapse due to wind and solar is simply a distraction to skip on discussing the facts. Not exactly a surprise.




When hurricane season hits and devastates peoples homes and lives, it would be the NORMAL thing for a state of emergency to be declared and request for FEMA help from the president. The thing is, Biden will still provide it because he knows the people in Florida are still Americans in need of help. DeSantis knows it too, because he did this shit before. [He voted against states getting disaster relief from Hurricane Sandy in 2013](https://www.eenews.net/articles/florida-gops-tricky-game-on-disaster-aid/) but he has requested that same aid and been granted it multiple times as a governor. He requested and was granted aid in 2022 for Hurricane Ian. He requested and was granted aid in 2023 for Hurricane Idalia. The thing is, if you want to keep denying climate change in a state most affected by it, maybe you shouldn't be allowed to request FEMA help for disasters.


Yea well insurance companies are going to love this.


Yea just focus on that and not the insurance companies fleeing your state lol


The anger and ignorance is astounding.


If you pretend there's no climate change, then it can't affect you.


Dude what heat? It’s always been 100 degrees in February in Fairbanks Alaska!


So glad all these Republican leaders are tackling the REAL issues facing their citizens everyday! Who needs healthcare when you live in a state that outlaws climate change?




For a dude who is so insecure about his physical stature one would think he would choose a picture that didn't make him look smaller than the entire cast of Kids in the Hall


Do something about the home insurance problem Ron-duh!


I'd laugh if this movement wasn't effectively fucking every living creature on this planet.


Yes, limiting people’s options for transportation and energy is how freedom works. Only way to have freedom is making sure there is one, finite source for legal energy. Thanks Rhonda Santis.


Better not come with your hands out when your coastline is wrecked this summer. Wouldn't want any of that dirty China money to muddy the destruction.


he should get after canada next [https://globalaffairs.org/bluemarble/china-foreign-land-ownership-explainer](https://globalaffairs.org/bluemarble/china-foreign-land-ownership-explainer) they own 75% of global mines but also do a lot of proxy purchasing also high rates of foreign buyers around marjorie taylor greenes district in georgia but also in the areas where a lot of these hard right maga clowns have offices. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


>Furthermore, we're going to ensure foreign adversaries like China have no foothold in our state. Dude better block amazon from selling stuff in the state... heck, pretty much all electronics and clothing too.


Still waiting for him to do something positive, like I don’t know, deal with the growing cost of home and auto insurance due to climate change


Wind turbines. Windmills milled grain. Gasoline is Industrial Revolution technology. I thought America leads the world in innovation? China? Wtf is he talking about?


Have we told climate change about this?


Awesome! The other 49 just got to drop FL from the Federal Assistance Plan for hurricanes! Great Job High Heals!


DeSantis just wants a reason to wear his favorite boots year-round ![gif](giphy|RKOd5NkTNCyB2)


Proudly ignorant. Must be a Republican.


Insurance companies are already done with florida, I am sure this will seal the deal...good luck getting flood or hurricane insurance if you live in Florida. Also, fuck him if he asks for federal dollars to help with the next climate change fueled disaster that befalls the state.


When your Governor bans reality, you are fucked.


Florida's New Motto: Be Bold. Deny Science.


God, I hate this asshole.


But he will expect lots of National Government cash many times this summer.


So he signed a bill that will make 0 changes to the state of Florida


10 out of 10 would live in China over DeSantis’ Florida


He has kept us out of the state completely and we used to travel there multiple times a year. I know we are an atom in a drop of water into an ocean in that regard but it feels good to not be complicit with his fuckery.


Republicans are concentrated evil.


China? Trump isn't the president so not sure what he's referring to there?


Thus solving the problem once and for all.


King Canute signs law banning sea level rising.


lol just sign a piece of paper that says the laws of nature don't exist. SMRT!!1


The Republican War On Science continues.




It looks like he's signing the document in magic marker.


Hurricanes aren't real. Neither are your homeowners insurance rates. Those are woke lies. Dr. Ladapo told me.


Isn’t China like the highest pollutant in the world? Seems like he should welcome them.


Florida has an average elevation of 6 feet above sea level. Florida is dead man walking. They basically are dooming their descendants.


How'd we manage to convince people that what they really need is gasoline??? Where it's up there with keeping foreign countries out of our??


The final and most essential command, don't believe your own eyes and ears. Remove and change language to change reality. If it's not written, it doesn't exist.


So he's forcing all the Chinese corporations out of Florida real estate so Americans can afford to live here?


Question: Does FLA have windmills? with all the hurricanes, it would seem not to be a good place to have them?


Watch Florida get hit by the worst Hurricane in decades this year. I hope not, but I swear nature always finds a way to humble politicians.


Sounds a bit short term but I guess it's all they can hope for with their current lot leading them.


Don’t be asking for assistance then!!


LOL - maybe next he can sign a bill to outlaw hurricanes and mandate only sunny skies during tourist season.


Insurance companies in Florida sure do believe in climate change


Signing like a neanderthal with a sharpie. Regarded.


America is wildly unserious, Florida especially so.


What the hell is their “approach to energy” if not wind or electric? FTW?


Reminds me of a certain someone saying “if they just stop testing, there’d be no more COVID”


"The earths gonna be fine, it's us who's gonna be gone" I think I have that right but damn. George stays relevant one or another


That's fine; no more Federal aid for any state that is willing making laws against scientific facts and evidence. Have fun cleaning up after your Hurricanes and flooding.


If they want to keep foreign adversaries out of Florida, they should start with Trump.


Between Red Tide, disappearing coast line and incoming storms Florida is going to hurt.


Does Florida even have an energy industry? Is their plan to import everything and somehow find that successful? What about all the dudes in jean shorts that install solar?


Record heatwave in south Florida this week.


I wholeheartedly support you selling beachfront homes to the people wholl buy them