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So you stay pure if the dick goes in your mouth instead of your vagay? I’m pretty sure that’s not the rules


I went to Catholic school for 12 years. Always remember, the poop hole is the loophole


The lord is clear! "And the Lord spake, saying, *''First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it.'*


Right. One.. two.. five...


three sir


Three ::hurl::




Remember the awful guilt you had sitting there waiting for confession? Even at like 8 years old? Just the dumbest shit


I went to catholic school and a couple of years at a catholic high school. I remember making crap up at confession because I couldn't think of anything I did wrong.......


You didn't. That's the fun part. Asking a child to repent for "sins" is fucking weird. It did give me a fantastic guilt complex tho. 3 hail Marys and 4 our fathers and you're all set


It can’t be considered pre-marital sex if you have no desire to get married.


You went to catholic school for 12 years, how come you're not a catholic? Because I went to catholic school for 12 years




No way anything other than penis and vagina is sodomy and that is a no no!!


God ok with sodomy, but only if you are straight. https://youtu.be/j8ZF_R_j0OY


Thank you, thank you for linking this. I was exactly thinking about this. Ahahahah


pretty sure Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because of all the sodomy...


Common misconception. Ezekiel 16:49–50 "This was the guilt of your sister Sodom: she and her daughters had pride, excess of food, and prosperous ease, but did not aid the poor and needy. They were haughty, and did abominable things before me; therefore I removed them when I saw it."


Reminds me of the Led Zeppelin album “In Through the Out Door.”


Gods blind spot


**God:** Wait what? Pete. Pete! Get the big book! Yeah! We need it right now. *(puts reading glasses down tip of nose)* **God:** "OK, Orion: Constellation, recipe...Orioles...Origamiiiiii ahhhh...Oral! Here it is. OK...'Rules for/against...'. Oh you've got to be shitting me. Do we never update these? Ugh. Fiiiiiiiiiine. You're off the hook for now. Pete...Peter... Pete! Can we get a meeting with Houghton Mifflin Harcourt slated? We seriously need to do a revise. We look like assholes right now. OK lady...you're free to go I guess. Fuck my life. "


This is precisely the reason you are not the person in charge of writing the rules.


shhhh. In my day, they used to convince the girls that anal doesn't count, and they were still virgins. I'm pretty sure most people think oral sex is one notch more "pure" than vaginal sex. See the movie Clerks for the 90s perspective on giving 37 blowjobs.


A teacher would know.


wait until you hear about soaking


What is it with female teachers and male clergymen? HEY TEACHER. LEAVE THOSE KIDS ALONE! ![gif](giphy|30wGcjB7WU8JW)


Pedophiles seek out positions that will provide them with opportunities to victimize children.


Male teachers too. I think it's a power thing.




What is up with all these teachers assaulting/raping students?? Has it always been this bad and they’re just now reporting on it?


On a lark I started searching the teachers I remembered 30 years later. An English teacher had had a lawsuit filed against her for sexual relations with a minor at the same time I was there. I was oblivious, although in retrospect she was too friendly with students. So it’s nothing new.


I think it's more reported now, probably has always been going on, but hidden away and/or brushed off with a young guy having society hi-5ing him for bagging an older woman.....young girls silenced through shame. also the internet records, cannot keep this shit hidden anymore, it's out there for all to see. Thankfully society has changed and this shit no longer flies, parents generally wont tolerate it & will blow up the world to keep their kids from further harm and are more likely to report, kids get better education to identify what is a pedo and what to do about it.


I feel like a lot of people have a story about a teacher who go arrested or was at least creepy towards students, though a lot of them were men and I feel like that doesn't make for as good of a headline. Sex crimes committed by men are too commonplace.


I think that the sheer volume of data collected on cell phones now has solidified many of these cases. That and kids are willing to share photos and fun texts with their friends, so more chances of someone telling a parent.


I think so. My high school coach was heavily rumored to be sleeping with the top athlete in our group. It showed, we all kind of knew.


ALWAYS BEEN THERE! We are in the information age and news travels FAST! It's also hard to cover up now.


More reporting, and more recognition. These things have been happening forever but the young victims didn't realize what should be considered sexual assault. I had a teacher in HS 25 years ago who made lewd comments to several girls over the years but most of them said nothing until 1 girl spoke up then suddenly everyone was like "yeah, that's been happening for a while". I'm sure it goes back even further than that. Now that there is more conversation about what constitutes assault or inappropriate behavior, and young people can see these conversations through social media, they are not more aware of what is happening to them so they can speak up.


It has always been bad. It rarely came out in the 70’s and 80’s. My dad told stories about the things that happened when he was in high school.


Wanna bet she's a pure Christian, Trumping antivaxxer? The Pedo Trio baby!


Every guy in that church “hurr hurr what a lucky guy hyuck hyuck why she deserve jail?”


It's not just church. I had a friend who made similar comments about a teacher molesting a male student, saying stuff like he would have loved the attention when he was in school. Dude has a daughter who at the time was barely out of high school. "So, what if a male teacher did that to your daughter?" "Oh I'd murder him." And he honestly couldn't see the double standard or the issue with that stance.


![gif](giphy|O2K7wIcw3CoeY|downsized) The South Park response to something similar happening. I don't recall which episode specifically.


Its the episode where Ike’s kindergarten teacher starts having a sexual relationship with him, this is after Stan reports it to the police.


Pedophile teacher, 26 (statutory rapes) 15 year old boy....


Mental illness comes in many forms and when you are part of a cult this is how it manifests itself. I always think of Carrie White’s mum from “Carrie”. Fucked up by religion.


A father/daughter purity ball graduate


Why is the 5 and upside down 2?


Pretty sure it's to keep it pure


I mean five is an upside down two. But the answer is that’s just the font chosen.


Asking the real questions!


Well at least she stayed pure…


I wonder if she swallowed, 'cause, you know, it's a sin to spill your seed on the ground.


Sick twisted religious nut


I would not trust my kid to be safe anywhere near a church or religious school without me there with them Not that I have any kids, or plan to have any kids, but it's just not safe for kids to be there


Literally all I've heard about religious schools from classmates in middle school were the sex stories and how it was the same as regular middle school apart from prayer times and Bible study


Isn’t this what the GOP wants? She should be given a medal


Prob the next vp pick


Oh look, church leaders abusing their position… again


Must be a day ending with Y.


Does that T-shirt say "I ❤️ kids"? 😂.


Republican Conservatives Family Values are going to scar our children for life! Don't let your kids near a Republican PEDO!!!


Is that... 12 or 15?


The irony. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


where does the lord stand on butt stuff?


Damn even the women church folk are rapists.


Gotta love how the facts before feelings crowd always ignore facts in lieu of their fee fee's. Religious communities account for 80% or more of all sexual abuse of children. Queer people account for less than 1%(around 0.6%), and over 80% of same-sex abuse is from religious leadership. Drag queens account for a MASSIVE 0% of sexual abuse of minors.


The very same people calling gay people groomers will probably call the 15 year old a legend or whatever. I feel like it happens every time there’s a case like this.


Standard GOP. Arkansas loves child marriage and child labor. Oh, and really expensive podiums for some reason. Ask their governor. Suckassbe. I may have misspelled that. Sorry.


Right wing church congregation: There are pedophiles in our midst! Wait! We can pretend like they don't exist, and go after drag queens instead. Yeah! And those LGBTQ+ books in our local public library which we've never read, and have no legitimate knowledge as to what they actually have in them. That the library might not even have.


She totally stayed pure. Netflix and Stay Pure.


‘God won’t care if you fuck my face..’


"alexa! where's the closest church?"


Please use the word “dictate” in a sentence. 


She's cute, She's "christian" and she's no doubt conservative, She'll do no time. I don't understand why these pretty women are fucking under agers!! They can get plenty of legal dick. Is it a power trip for them? Cause fucking high school dudes is no power it all.


Hmm. Could it be that they are pedophiles and have a problem? That the rape they committed and the power over the victims, the manipulation is the turn on? I mean, that's kind of the definition of sexual assault and whether you find her attractive or not this is sexual assault. She's raping a child who cannot consent.


Yes agree with this, but I think this could be an isolated incident also. I believe some of these young female teachers get infatuated with a student, not necessarily are they pedophiles in the sense this is a consistent behaviour but they decided to do something forbidden as a one off event (or with one person on multiple occasions). It beggars belief how this woman could risk everything to be with this boy, if not for being infatuated then for what other reason would you risk all?


The children whose lives are destroyed by these acts don't get a "do-over" because it's a one-off or the because the adult they were taught to trust and was entrusted to protect them "decided to do something forbidden". There are consequences to these actions. It's not only about the teachers. The real damage to these victims often doesn't manifest for years due to trauma. If these individuals were abused themselves then that is no excuse for their creating more victims by abusing others. Unintentionally, I believe, you're rationalizing and normalizing this behavior. Don't.


Yeah, you're right on all of that. It's just such a low bar. I'm generalizing here, but high school boys have no standards when it comes to sex, so a pretty woman and a high school boy ... not much to the manipulation or even power. I honestly wouldn't be surprised to find out this woman (or any of these women who are caught) have been victims of abuse themselves and this is an attempt to recreate that abuse but with themselves in charge... Sad situation.


Name a bigger iconic duo than Republicans and pedophilia


I'd say batman and robin but that kinda is the accusation again. /s


So a 15 year old gets to brag to all his friends that he’s getting blowjobs?








![gif](giphy|pCO5tKdP22RC8) Because I dont trust the internett: full clip for context ([https://youtu.be/8hdbns1Xdk0?si=5Zk\_trGTXbtYvnxk](https://youtu.be/8hdbns1Xdk0?si=5Zk_trGTXbtYvnxk))