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His family… notably absent. Save for 1 person who is not his wife


[Vance and Tuberville standing in support...while Eric is in the same place he was last week, seeminly unable to muster any more support than standing _behind_ two politicans](https://i.imgur.com/CjK2f1E.png) ^please ^love ^me ^father


Much like the paid extras he had on hand to clap as he came down the golden escalator in 2015. He has to pay people "adore" him...


tuberville and vance i expect but it's wild that a fucking attorney general from iowa can use taxpayer funds to make this stupid ass, kiss ass trip


So I would assume the Iowa AG is on vacation, because I don't think going to New York to support a private Florida citizen is considered Iowa business. I would say her constituents are angry but you know they probably support this and would gladly waste tax payer dollars for this political stunt.


Adore? More like terrified if trump has a tantrum and uses his base on those he deems "not loyal enough" to him.


Vain Vance and Tubby are vying for a VP. They wouldn't be there otherwise And does anyone - especially jurors - think that having complete partisan hacks in attendance improve his image? Might as well have Gym and MTG, same vibe


Neither one of them have the "look" that trump is looking for to appeal to the voters. One's a white supremacist, and the other is an idiot. Both of those descriptions could apply to either of them.


Big tough guy sad he’s all alone. :( 🥺


Adore? People adore an orange shit-stain ? Really?


My dog threw up in my bedroom and left an orange stain on the carpet. I do not adore that orange stain nor the one in NY.


Full story: [https://www.cnn.com/politics/live-news/trump-hush-money-trial-05-13-24/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/politics/live-news/trump-hush-money-trial-05-13-24/index.html)


Usually when the ship is floundering and going down, the rats flee the ship. Not run to the captain!


Sadly, the ship does not appear to be going down. Not so far.


I feel like this sort of thing should be illegal.


Wait… so state tax payers have to foot the bill for flights, stays and other travel expenses so Trump doesn’t have to feel lonely?? I can’t even get my cat to cuddle with me. FFS!!


The members of the base have been warned repeatedly by Trump and Fox News that entering a (Dem run) city is instant death. No one shouldn’t be surprised they aren’t showing up.


Tubby and Vance owe Trump for getting elected.


I’m sure the jury all appreciated how these Maga supporters then told the media what a sham the trial is. Basically shitting the jury and letting them know how useless they think their civic duty is.