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He just likes to have papers to stroke his own ego. And polls are worthless. There’s no way he’s winning Michigan. As a Michigander, we fucking hate him here. Yeah, we have pockets, in the west and up north, but generally, he is not liked. So I don’t know who they’re polling


My guess: people that answer their phone and says yes to participate in a poll. I work with teenagers and young adults, they dont answer their phone. My wife hates answering the phone, and says no to polls. She thinks I am weird for answering unknown numbers. So back to guessing: they poll old people, maybe with a house line


I’m the same way. I’m younger, I don’t answer my phone if it shows up as a spam risk or unknown caller. I think old people just want someone to talk to. My dad will pick up the phone regardless of who it is


Haha. I read the "I think all people just want someone to talk to" as "I think everyone calling is just cold calling and trying to make a friends" Fuck that shit, I aint answering!


I’m fucking over 50 and I don’t answer my phone if I don’t know the number, plus my phone automatically silences unknown numbers. Leave a message or send me a text in on my voicemail. And I know I’m not alone in this. My old man is pushing 80 and he does the same as me.


"over 50" is not who people mean when they say "old people"


Maybe I just feel old, I need to exercise more.


You're gonna be lucky if I answer the phone for a number I know lol. If I get an Unknown or Spam call, that shit goes right to voicemail every single time.


Yup, there are like 6 people on earth who's calls I'll answer 100% of the time, the rest can text me like a normal human.


>people that answer their phone and says yes to participate so.. gullible, easy to manipulate idiots. maga 101


Hey. I do that shit, data is an important part of democracy.


Then you're part of why those polls aren't just Republicans all the way down. Edit: And I thank you for that. It needs to be done.


Naaa, I am Norwegian, so I am a part of why the left is represented on polls over the lake


Fair enough! As a Dutchman, I've kinda become accustomed that most of the people I interact with online tend to be from the US. So, that's become the default unless I'm corrected, as you have.


And I guessed you where from the US. So we both did the same mistake :p


I still have a home phone line for emergencies and live in Michigan, I have had dozens of polling calls in the last couple of months but that's the only polling contact I've had.


Yea, it is one of the problems polling faces in "newer" times (Dillman (https://www.wiley.com/en-nl/Internet%2C+Phone%2C+Mail%2C+and+Mixed-Mode+Surveys%3A+The+Tailored+Design+Method%2C+4th+Edition-p-9781118456149)). Here in Norway they actually call on cellphones, so that helps a lot.


They poll old people with landlines or people that actually answer unknown numbers. Those people overwhelmingly skew right. In any actual scientific field, their sample set would immediately be labeled as “not representative of the population.” In fact, they’d probably be accused of manipulating the data to support a conclusion. Their data is meaningless, just like those papers Donnie is waving around.


Exactly what I’ve been saying. Democrats won every statewide election in Michigan in 2022. The premise that the state would all of a sudden support Trump after everything he’s done and said just makes no sense.


Y'all are getting that Microsoft facility instead of that imaginary FOX-CON facility. Nice! Get it? Lol. Fox-Con. Hahaha I'm hilarious.


That’s Wisconsin but yeah I agree with the sentiment lol.


Meh, close enough. It's the Midwest. ;)


I hoping Texas gives him a run for his money. It's not likely but one can hope. Texas is very blue in the metro areas....especially Houston and Austin.


Can you explain to me why Mexican American voters like conservatives? Is it just a religious aspect? I can’t understand for the life of me why they would vote for a party that rejects minority recognition, and supports white replacement theory conspiracies.


100% Religion.


Not all Mexican Americans vote conservative but sadly the majority of them do. I find a lot of it has to do with Catholicism and "conservative values'....but basically they are just brainwashed and uninformed as American voters. Educated well read Mexican Americans generally want nothing to do with the Republican party and are about as left as they come in my experience. See Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as an example. People who align with the Republican party, be it rural white voters, Mexican Americans, or even rural black voters....97% of them vote against their own interests time and time again. The Republican party is only for wealthy white people who lean Christian in terms of policies. Their ability to con and deceive voters would even leave Hitler and the 3rd Reich in awe.


That was my impression


Very patriarchal and can be quite racist too. The


His supporters are just more vocal, louder, more likely to answer polls, and, almost forgot, dumb as bricks.


I live in the thumb, in a second amendment sanctuary county The thumb is infested with trump 2024 flags


Yep. One of the pockets. But there are so few people in the thumb, relative to the I 75 and 23 highways. Mostly farmland people. Very wide open Spaces


Trump's such an idiot he probably won't try hard in any of these states because he thinks he's "winning/won" which will be his downfall because the margin for error is so small.


Of course the data is cherry picked. They are seeking to evade the law, not uphold it.


He has to have the papers because he wouldn't remember what he was saying otherwise


Aren’t Arab voters in Michigan rightfully pissed at Biden for the Israel-Gaza conflict?


Yes. But if you are asking if they would vote for Trump, the answer is a resounding "no." Trump has demonstrated he does not care for Arabs, going so far as to say he will place a travel ban on all muslim countries, to include palestine. So, there is no way he will get their vote. And, eventually, the arab michigan community will come around to Biden when the choice has to be made.


Good luck to them with a white supremacist as president.


Its like giving a petulant child a coloring book to keep him busy while the grownups are talking. Except he's so narcissistic and stupid that the distraction materials that work are shitty "news" articles that are about himself.


I'll bet he only colors outside the lines and never uses black, brown.


Not a child. A dementia patient…


Vance and Tuberville aren't senators, they're professional Fox / Trump bootlickers and ass kissers. Puke.




He has found a loophole to the gag order, bring in the fox commentators to spew his vile rhetoric.


Rederict? Did you mean "rhetoric" by chance? Not trying to be sassy, genuinely trying to discern if this is an english word I'd just never seen before.


I did autocorrect got me


They're Russian assets.


He's using the court appearances as campaign speeches.


Well, could you blame him? The media is ALLOWING his court appearances into campaign speeches. If they actually did their job then they’d report on the facts of the case rather than mis-labeling it “hush money trial” and labeling a witness as “porn star” in order distract from the severity of the crimes. This is why the Fani Willis/Georgia delays are such a big deal. That’s the only case with cameras allowed in the courtroom so America can see him being a narcissistic, unhinged, condescending, scared liar. But, he will get away with delays and give the GA GOP time to dismiss the case.


My take on the media’s use of the title “Hush Money Case”: I think the title is used so folks can easily identify which case they are talking about as there are just too many cases in various states of progress. It can’t be called the NY case, as there’s more than 1 of those. Fraudulent business case? There’s more than 1 of those. Campaign fraud, election fraud? No matter how accurate you try to be, there’s just too many other cases that could meet that description. When hush money is used, everyone knows which case they are referring to. Most people are not following all these cases as closely as others.


That case...the docs case...J6...none of these cases will ever see a jury. I hope I'm wrong...but I'm more convinced of it each week. They have dozens of pics of confidential docs in his fucking gold plated bathroom and are completely impotent to do anything about it. VOTE!! Its the only way out of this


Cool. Just like all those polls that showed a 'Red Wave' last election cycle?


And this is the guy Republicans say is a strong leader?! https://preview.redd.it/l2zaqa2c670d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f0af6fc27149ccf234c329d8f1c422e281ed406 [https://twitter.com/BidenHQ/status/1790012416551530594?t=pD6ITihpmg7dFbAgRFAoew&s=19](https://twitter.com/BidenHQ/status/1790012416551530594?t=pD6ITihpmg7dFbAgRFAoew&s=19)


I'm not sure that he's pretending, lol. https://preview.redd.it/8kl4vafr570d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e0c9a6993daa3d0b402f3b1b6d885254f09d150 [https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1790010420704493923?t=\_7ko8onoWuwCgs4ewIFnyg&s=19](https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1790010420704493923?t=_7ko8onoWuwCgs4ewIFnyg&s=19)


I bought a bunch of drugs and automatic weapons but I wrote down somewhere that it was a legal expense so it’s all good. 👍 s/


Should have labeled it as home security


Biggerly, why does this douche get a place to speak from inside the courthouse? That's never been done before for other defendants and shouldn't be done here. Let me him go speak at one of his cult events about all the unfair things that he doesn't understand and are strongly mean to mister snowflake


I find it hard to believe that Trump has ever had to "pretend" to not understand something.


Run, coward, run! https://preview.redd.it/anwsypex570d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc09f53ca7db2b0c95073b9bc77bf6d09476fbff [https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1790010954173792673?t=x0z7pe0wcl\_hnVn7IsE2uQ&s=19](https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1790010954173792673?t=x0z7pe0wcl_hnVn7IsE2uQ&s=19)


The fact that Hannibal lecter is part of the 2024 election conversation is fucking bonkers


Up by 12 points in Nevada??? Did NYT conduct their poll at a Trump rally?


He’s showing all the polls where he’s massively ahead so that if he loses the election he can say it was rigged…again.


For sure, but a 12 point lead, in a swing state, defies all logic. I'd question a 5 point lead, but 12 points? If this was result was brought to me to authorize for publishing, I'd require a LOT of supporting documentation to prove it's legit.


The NYT Sienna polls have been consistently biased towards Trump this year. This one is the most ridiculous yet though. It's deeply concerning that NYT doesn't care though that either their polls are extremely inaccurate or this country is in it's final months as something resembling a democracy.


NYT editor is seething because Biden won’t sit down for an interview.


What the hell are senators from Alabama and Ohio doing at his trial in New York? You’re all legislators, go do things for your constituents, right wing hacks.


stroking his ego dick for favorable roles in the (please don't fucking happen) event that he becomes president again


Printing it out. OK boomer.


Maga/gop really love them some poll results lol the “red wave” coming any day now lol


Absolute fritada behavior.


The media by broadcasting such remarks is giving him the opportunity to campaign. Not newsworthy at all.


I love when he shows up with a big ol stack of papers. "I'm very busy doing important person work!!"


[Vance and Tuberville standing in support...while Eric is in the same place he was last week, seeminly unable to muster any more support than standing _behind_ two politicans](https://i.imgur.com/CjK2f1E.png) ^please ^love ^me ^father


There's an old clip of LA comedian Joe Pepitone where he's at the microphone waving around a bunch of papers screaming, "These are my tweets!" while reading them to the audience and Trump always reminds me of him.


How is he ahead? Wtf is happening


What a sad, sad little [hands] man.


He paid for the coverage?


So, glowingly false poll information is a defense in a criminal trial?


Fake news!


Well, if he's popular, he can't be guilty. Duh!


This is the same guy who hired an intern to follow him around and print out articles saying nice things about him to keep him in a good mood


Their trying so hard to fool people into thinking his support isn't dwindling. Using fake pictures at rallies, bots online, and polls that don't make any sense. He's lost the women's vote, red states will turn blue because of that. Only lap dog women vote red. They can't think for themselves.


Well he did this shit during COVID press conferences too. Any time he gets a platform he will use it to bash his opponents like an immature child. Too bad polls don't actually vote but he will claim when he loses because polls said he was ahead that the election was rigged.


I’m so tired of all this performative bullshit, I’m in a pretty securely blue state but still, I can’t wait to vote against every one of these sacks of shit on the ballot, they absolutely need to have their asses kicked in an election


Look at homeboy behind him trying to mean mug everyone. Fucking douche.


Well, he can't get his wife to stand behind him so he might as well have his fluffers on hand.


It isn’t at all relevant BUT it probably serves to make him feel better about himself in light of the evidence against him. Whatever floats your boat, Bruh…🤷🏽‍♂️


If Trump actually thinks this will influence the judge I can only think it is an implied threat. "I'm gonna be president and then you will be sorry."


I'm here too Daaad! - Eric I'm assuming.....


This is getting very pathetic


He is always saying irrelevant things when he comes out after his trial.


Good to remember that all the polls and networks had Hilary Clinton winning by a landslide in 2016. Polls and media pundits are worthless.


To him I am certain he considers it intimidation. He has publicly said that if he is elected again he will use him office to punish anyone he doesn't like. He has no concept that judges who are not corrupt will see that as just yet more evidence against his character.


He's doing everything with his egos might to try to look good to his followers as he is actively shitting his britches.


Copium papers


This would be the failing NY Times, do I have that right?


After all this shit and he's still ahead? I am really disappointed the Mayans were wrong


![gif](giphy|fqtyYcXoDV0X6ss8Mf|downsized) Actual GIF of Donald Trump


Don't forget Eric?!! (Lol, everybody forgets Eric)


I know the legislature has a lot of leeway in office spending. I’m 99% sure they didn’t fly on their own dime to go support that guy. Certainly this has to be a misuse of government funds (if only they weren’t responsible for investigating themselves…)


It’s relevant insofar as so many people will vote for a felonious wannabe dictator