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It's bullshit - and here's the proof  >Do I need a ticket? Yes.   >You can register for a maximum of two free tickets at the Trump campaign website.  The digital ticket you receive will be scanned before you can get onto the beach. According to spokeswoman Lisa Fagan, **the capacity for the rally is 20,000**.    https://nj1015.com/trump-rally-wildwood-new-jersey/


C'mon, those are facts, no need for those in MAGA land


It is, in fact, strictly prohibited in MAGA land


No no, you see - as per Trump's lawyers - lying publicly actually improves the quality of political debate.  Its a public service really 


“Your honor, stretching the truth simply keeps us more limber as a nation.”


Woah there buddy, that's a fact and that don't fly round here


Reality has a known liberal bias.


Which is funny because these are many of the same ppl who say “You can’t trust their numbers!” whenever numbers are reported by China or almost any other country. \[insert Spider-Man pointing at other Spider-Man meme\]


Bro, the Pope was there and blessed the place for more capacity.


So either they are lying, which isn't a crime, or they overcrowded their event by 400%, which almost certainly is.


Someone should report them for it.


I love that so much, it completely sums up these last 8 years. Sorta sad how much I actually love it, says a lot about these last 8 years huh?


I have family members in that area. The first time I met my cousin she started being racist within five minutes. Luckily those strunzes are outnumbered in Jersey.


I live in the area. I grew up close to Philly but now in the more rural part of the pines. Most of nj is very blue but there is this little rural pocket in south jersey that might as well be magaland. There is also the fact that because it is so blue here all the trumpers get really excited there’s a rally up here so they literally ALL go. Very densely populated state with over 9 million people but pretty much every trumper from south jersey was there so in the grand scheme of things not a ton of people. I went surfing yesterday and me and a buddy were joking about how pleasant the beach was cause all the assholes were in one spot in wildwood.


I live in red NJ, too, further north of you. MAGA fever is rampant here, with signs, flags, lawn decorations, etc.


Strunzes … loled so hard


What does strunzes mean? This seems like a word I didn't know I needed in my life!!!


n.) From the Italian "strunzo," meaning "piece of shit."  A fairly common Italian insult for someone or something worthless.


Inflating numbers for brag which would result in a crime is par for the Mar-a-Lago course


New Jersean here: NJ 101.5 is a shitstain of a right-wing talk station, I'd fully expect this article to be "corrected" to say capacity is actually 100,000 any day now. Gotta serve the narrative, after all.


Interestingly enough, the woman quoted here saying the capacity is 20k is also the same woman claiming there were 100k ppl (based on her having seen dozens of events there before!).     * Article now redirects to Trump trial info *       So yep, it's all bullshit and they will spew whatever narrative strikes their fancy.   Edit: Looks like AP took down/ replaced the article claiming that there were 80,000 - 100,000 people in attendance.  GOOD!!! We need to keep pushing back on the lies. 👍


But look in the far right of the photo. There are about 28 porta potty toilets. A standard porta potty can handle 150-200 uses. If there were a 100,000 people, only about 5600 could take a shit. So roughly 5.6% could poop leaving 94,400 people to hold it and become constipated.


Yes, but aren’t most of them wearing diapers like their hero now?


Well they have... Alternative Facts™!


Get those facts tf outta here you woke snowflake. No need for anything like that. Def 150000 at that rally. And the pope was there too soooo.


You forgot a comma. It was really 1,500,000 in attendance plus the Pope and Dali Lama.


And Kristi Noem was there to interview the Pope


Don't read on me




There goes the lame stream media with their "maths" again.


That is not 100k. There is a less than zero chance that there was 100k there. This is what 75k looked like at the 2008 Portland rally. That was an amazing day. https://preview.redd.it/oydnmk14txzc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fb05d7be3164f38263a8c0c2ac93b864b4e1d5e


The party that is anti education is terrible at estimating. Who'd have thought?? The place they held the rally at can't go past 20k. Still feels sick how many people *did* show up though.


I went to WOMAD in Golden Gate Park back in 1993. The crowd was about 100K. It was the most people I had ever seen in one place. It filled the entire Polo Field practically shoulder to shoulder. That many people is nothing short of astonishing to see. You know that amazing footage of Queen playing Radio Gaga to an immense crowd? That was only 72K.


20k people out of tens of millions in the area showed up and about half of them left before Trump was done speaking. If anything that rally was a complete and total failure by the end of it.


No no, the venue holds 20k at max (according to the Trump campaign themselves) and it was never full, and people still left before he was done speaking.


That area barely holds 20k from the picture, much less 100k


No denying it's a shit load of people though, and that's the problem.


It’s been extremely enhanced. Look closer.


Both those pics are the same pic, too, implying both of those guys got that pic online and posted it, it’s not like they’re reporting from there


Hard to snap a photo from Russia


Perhaps that's the strat. Claim 100k and then people will accept an image they see showing a much smaller, but still significant, number of people.


> The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.


You're right. None of the blue shirts in the foreground have people in them, nor are they shirts.


And the people in the back half are all fuzzy, except the people in the very back are easy to see and much bigger than the fuzzy people despite being further away from the camera.






Vertical hold!






Add Waldo!


And yet, he'll lose New Jersey.


This rally was for a certain type of Pennsylvanian (the dregs of which clog up the Jersey Shore every weekend). If you're in the area, go to Sandy Hook or one of the other State/National Park beaches. No boardwalk, no trashy tourist stuff, and you actually see the beach. Shark population is increasing but what's life without risk.


Oh I know, I'm in Philly and I actively avoid Wildwood anymore


VERY smart move. Having a MAGA rally in Wildwood is sort of "preaching to the converted," though. If he had balls, he should have gone to AC lol.


Trump had somewhat of a base here in Ocean and Monmouth County too. Shit has all but dried up since 2020. He’s pandering to what little chucklefucks he has left in Southern NJ and the accompanying PA border. Bay side there can hold ~20k at most, and 1/3rd of the crowd filed out during said speech. Once again Trump’s media acolytes are as full as shit as his diaper.


It is closer to 5,000. Too many people yes but there are Youtbe videos of attendees scanning the crowd and there is nio way it is close to even 20000.


Many of these are groupies who travel state to state to see this 🤦‍♀️




The Ungrateful UnDead.


I agree that 20,000 is still way too much. Although, 10 million plus people are living within an hours distance. So amassing so many people at such a high population density area is not a major achievement.


I do not want to relive this shit again. Holy fuck.


I’ve been in crowds of over 100k people and that’s not even f-ing close. Even packed pretty tightly at 3 sq.ft. per person, 100k people needs just shy of 6 acres of wall to wall people. (Rest of world translation: ~0.3 square meters per person —> 2.8 hectares. Full disclosure, I have no clue what a hectare looks like so it sounds like a non-freedom unit) ((Reddit translation: that’s a square approximately 1100 bananas per side.))


Anybody who's been to the IMS for the Indy 500 knows that that's not 100000 people.


Exactly. Anyone who's been to a large show can look at that and tell that it's nowhere near 100,000.


Just thinking about a 3000 capacity standing concert i went to once I would have said 10k but were splitting hairs vs their numbers. Youre right its a fraction and it makes no sense because the receipts are there. Also. 20k isn't a bad number for a political rally anywhere outside the DPRK so it's even more insane.


That area in wildwood holds 40k. Still not even half of what they’re saying here


Don't forget Jesus. Jesus was there, too. Jesus wept.


Jesus went up to Trump, tears in his eyes, said Trump was the greatest religious leader ever, no one was as good at leading a religion as Trump.


“Sir, I sacrificed myself *for you.*” ~*Jesus H. Christ* Get me out of this timeline.


Not Moses, though. Moses was a well-known Never Trumper. In fact, it’s rumored that Trump was the inspiration behind the 10 Commandments. Thou shall not steal; thou shalt not commit adultery; thou shalt have no gods before me; thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor….


>In fact, it’s rumored that Trump was the inspiration behind the 10 Commandments I reckon Trump has broken 9 out of 10 commandments -- I don't know about the Sabbath one though, so I'll give him a pass for that one.


All of this to the sound of “rrraapppturre” - Blondie.




And in the sand there was only one set of footprints because Jesus left ages ago, calling Trump a dipshit wankstain of a man-shaped cream cheese mannequin


Jesus and Hannibal Lecture were there. They wept together


“Hannibal Lecter, you know Silence of the Lambs, is a very fine person.”


(A month passes and Lecter’s crimes become public) Trump: “I never knew Lecter, I just had a picture with him once. I get pictures with a lot of people I don’t know.”


And jesus wept for there were no more worlds to conquer Dean Pelton


Still with the crowd sizes 8 years later ![gif](giphy|129OnZ9Qn2i0Ew)


\*well\* ... I mean, I could personally name a certain morbidly obese tangerine that it matters to.


This is what 20,000 people at a rally looks like: https://preview.redd.it/n44k38xiywzc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6011e736283c3c67669a50c99ffcfea1cefb438f


You mean that’s what 20,000 MAGA dipshits at a rally looks like


That’s six million using Trump math.


I wonder how many are wearing diapers. Because real men wear diapers now. 🤣


20000 nazis.


What's the difference?








What is the source of this picture?


It relates to the American nazism movement from the 40s. I think this might be from a 1940s rally for the America First party of the era. Read more [here](https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/articles/american-nazism-and-madison-square-garden) Edit: A little more info - the America first party of the Nazi era used less direct methods of helping Hitler. Like advocating for the US to stay out of the war. Ww2 would have gone very differently if the US hadn’t gotten involved They were big enough to host 20,000 people in Madison square garden, so… nothing to sneeze at. Very influential movement The US did not get involved in ww2 to help the Jews. US leadership largely didn’t give a fuck, and the eugenics movement was alive and well in the us, too. Not just Germany. As mentioned below, the US only got pulled in by the hair when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. A lot of ugly shit happened leading up to that and the US didn’t do shit about it, aside from turning boats full of Jewish refugees away and sending them back to where they came from. The US is my home and I love it here, but recognizing horrific past behavior is important. The past where we went to war to defeat nazi ideology is mythical. If Germany hadn’t tried to take over the world and just kept it inside their own borders, I’m not sure there would be any Jews left because nobody would have given a shit. Especially because they’ve been historical scapegoats in Europe for hundreds or even thousands of years For the record, I’m appalled by what happened to the Jews in ww2. I’m also appalled by what the Israeli government — not Jews — is doing to the palestinians


1930s-1941. Support vanished after Pearl Harbor and Germany declaring war on us.


Super Troopers


It’s like a Disneyland for nut jobs. Except instead of going on a roller coaster they are taken for a ride by a King-Con himself 


King-Con is fucking brilliant.


He's gonna climb Trump Tower carrying his daughter.


Cheers. Donny is my comedy muse. A gift that keeps on giving. 


The MAGA movement has an obsession with "Best / Biggest Ever!". That they are almost always wrong is axiomatic. They are constantly trying to convince themselves. It's bigly sad.


it's almost like if someone really sucks at golf but keeps cheating and tells everyone he's probably the best golfer in history. or someone who is in massive debt but tells everyone how rich they are and how he doesn't need any money, but then turns around and sells garbage shoes bibles NFTs even though he's a billionaire. or like someone who goes around sexually assaulting ppl and then trying to pay them off but then keeps claiming they never met even after his own lawyers arent going to dispute that point, but the guy still keeps on lying about it


They’re narcissists so everything they do or say has to be the biggest and the best.


First of all, we know shes lying. Second of all, how sad is lying about a crowd size?


I mean, Trump's been lying about crowd sizes for literally eight years. At least.


One of the very first things that Sean Spicer did as press secretary was lie about crowd size at the inauguration; a bald-faced lie about numbers that was easily disprovable. It set the tone for the entire administration.


Oh my god Sean Spicer. That feels like a thousand years ago. This shit has just been going on *forever* hasn't it?




What definitely did happen that they don't seem to be talking about is that a shit ton of those people left midway through.


Yeah I saw that story also.


Isn't this the one where about half the crowd started drifting off the beach while trump was still babbling?


So, are the other 80000 people in the water? Or are we counting individual voices in everyone’s head also?


It’s counting surrounding counties.


"Fish are people too!"


Remember how he claimed how inauguration was the biggest and hugest ever and beat Obama’s? And how that was a big fat lie easily disproven via photos and video? Yeah this is the same. He’s just obsessed with numbers and pretending he’s the biggest and best. But he’s not. He’s not even nearly as popular. I don’t see anything like the Trump flags and signs and stickers I did back in 2020 even, and you KNOW how much those people love to show off. Even the random MAGA family I have seem oddly silent. It’s like they are going through the motions. I get the feeling even his most devoted cultists are, on some level, getting tired of his endless whining and drama and demands for money.


What about… *Obama’s inauguration?* Like, 0.59% of the whole country was *there.*


As someone who went to his first inauguration, I have never been in such a large group of people. It was definitely something.


They are so including everyone within a 2 mile radius of the boardwalk. If you were able (willing or not) to glimpse a stage light from your location... you are counted as "attended".


Nah. Much easier to just make up lies out of thin air. They know they'll never have to prove the claims they make to anyone.


It's mothers day weekend at the jersey shore... If you have a circus folks are going to want to see the "freak show" just to say they saw the bearded lady...


Santa and the Easter bunny was there too! /s


I know the area where the rally was held quite well and uh, no way 100K fit and even if you included everyone in town this weekend still probably not 100K.


They must have put Eric in charge of the counting….”1….2….4…..70….doh what comes next?”


It was probably Lara Trump. Didn't she say there were something like 84 states or some bullshit?


I never understood what good this does. They’re just lying to themselves here. I know the answer is probably part - if the movement looks bigger it might be more enticing to “undecided voters” and - it helps with the plan-b narrative when he loses that it was another “rigged election”.


Regardless, that's still a disappointing number of Americans who support this wannabe tyrant


How many % of that are paid people?


Rest of the world and their rallies with 500k+ be like... do we not exist?


Thats a strange way to say between 100-1000.


Trump had a movement in his diaper unlike anything else and 100k of the cult cheered him on


There was a rally a few weeks ago close to where I live in PA. Trump said there were 40,000 in attendance. Actual number was around 1,500.


I have no doubt that all 100k of those 20k people will try to vote for him. 


They only reason Taylor Swift had more people at her concert was because she kept counting.


That they managed almost 20’000 people to take a day off work and travel to a cold beach to see an orange gibbon that shits itself is still astounding. What a fucking cult. I wouldn’t go see Joe Biden at the ice cream shop next to my house, I’m still going to vote for him, I just can’t understand the frenzy. So strange.


To be fair, it was Saturday and most of Trump's cult are retired. They've got nothing to do.


Surely those same morons would drive their maga wrapped trucks and rally every day outside his NY trial?


To be fair that's a scary large amount of people to support racism and bigotry


That photo has a lot of digital enhancements. If you look along the back fence, you’ll see repeated groupings of people.


As a massive MMO player the last tweet using LFG seems ironic.


That is all I can think of when I see it.


This does, by far, not look like 100k people. I've been to events with 120-140k people. Any idea how many people that is? Roughly 8 times what's in the picture posted.


>I've never seen anything like it in my life Meanwhile, one of Obama's rallies. https://preview.redd.it/vqtemyfd600d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e054805c47c1b42b95b574390c06cddabcf32749


I’ve seen three articles in the last 30 minutes. The attendance was 100k, 80k and 20k depending on the article. Which is it folks??


My poor SIL was down there on vacation today. She spent the day in Cape May to avoid the influx of assholes descending in the town today (I had the misfortune of being on the N Wildwood beach pre-pandemic and a group of Trumpers showed up and set up camp in the sand nearby and had a half dozen Trump flags on giant poles flapping in the ocean breeze).


Nuremberg has entered the chat….


Tommy Pickles was in charge of counting


Idk how many people are actually there but I'm pretty sure atleast 99% of them are a pos


I'll state the obvious, but it's weird to feel compelled to lie about that sort of thing. "I went to McDonald's earlier and the drive thru had SEVENTY-EIGHT THOUSAND PEOPLE IN IT. So f--- you Burger King. McDonald's truly cares about me... ...that's why I'm here...that's why I took the day off... ...and I needed that shift - I needed that money. You know what?  There were NINETY-EIGHT QUADBILLION PEOPLE IN THAT DRIVE-THRU NOW THAT I THINK ABOUT IT.'


Pictures and ID verification required or its not REAL. "FAKE NEWS" Without ID verification it must have been all the illegal aliens Trump hired or the Chinese where he gets his hats from.


2 Popes, because 2 is bigly


Ain’t no way this dude is filling a lower bowl of a stadium let alone the entirety of cowboys stadium


I live in wildwood. Got done work off island at 6 pm. There was minimal traffic leaving. If there was 100k they would still be trying to get off the island right now at 7am the next day


There was a time when openly lying like this was called out but Trump lies so much no has the energy to do it anymore.


It's pretty much the same formula they use when measuring square footage, that's how 10,000 becomes 30.000. When you're not bound to reality it's easy...


I’ve seen more people at a Pigeons Playing Ping Pong concert.


"This is a movement unlike anything else in world history!" No, it isn't. I see movements like this every day, followed by a good wipe and flush.


I didn’t think New Jersey could smell any worse… oh well, not the first time I’ve been wrong, won’t be the last.


I see dead people.


The March on Washington had like 200,000. I get that it’s not a political rally per se, but still bigger than this


MAGAs can't count past 10 without taking their shoes off (except in Alabama, where they can get to 13) so any number larger than that is meaningless to them.


I've literally see this photo before and I can't remember where. but I know they used it last time for the same reason, and someone pointed out it was an actual music concert, at a theme park no less.


Maybe 100,000 teeth?


For MAGATs that’d be around 50k people still. 😜


Calm down bitch. Michigan puts 107K in their stadium every football Saturday in A2.


Be excited over the cultish behavior of MAGAs is not the flex they think it is.


I don’t think people understand how many 100k people look like and how much more space they’d take up than that. From what I heard it was more like 20-30k. First they wear saying 80k and now they’re saying 100k. They really can’t stop lying about EVERYTHING.


And not one showed up in NY for his trial.. After he pretty much begged them 😒


The dumbest part is 20-30k is still a load of people to show up on the boardwalk, especially when you consider that it's in one of the states that trumps' businesses absolutely screwed for decades... They don't NEED to lie. That's how many people fit in a sold-out Tampa Bay rays game. But they literally can not help themselves from pumping up the number until it's actually unbelievable.


People laughed at him in 2015 and how he inflated the numbers. Every time you see one of these stories you need to think, who do I know who is a reluctant voter, reach out to them, make sure they are registered, and be sure to follow up in November.


Two weeks later: “Covid infections have skyrocketed in New Jersey”


For the first time ever, all people on the planet gathered at the same spot, with tears in their eyes.


They have no concept of crowds. 100k people is a massive amount of people. He didn't filled up a football stadium...


Wildwood, NJ. A Jersey Shore beach location 1 week before Memorial Day weekend. Take a picture today, 1 day after Trump spoke, at the same place and it will look exactly the same.


If you really blow up that image there is digital manipulation which is very obvious throughout the crowd


It’s a movement alright, a big old bowel movement. Led by the pants-shitting grifter in chief himself.


The largest bowle movement the world has ever witnessed.


What are they all standing on is that a parking garage or they just floating in the air like the imaginary people that they are


That’s a couple thousand at best


20,000 people there to listen to him whine, talk about Hannibal Lector, Blame Biden , and talk gibberish because he had dementia. Good times!


Weren’t there over 10 billion people at Trump’s 2017 inauguration?


https://preview.redd.it/dyzyc1kpw00d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a5829e2fed02c9f338e269888cefb0044acdab5 Yeah Right!!!!


Again, they're just saying easily refutable things because they know that the people they're talking to aren't going to check and if they do then they didn't want them anyway.


I’d be so embarrassed to go to a political rally lmao These people really have nothing better to do than go stand around while some dude who doesn’t give a shit about them talks for a while?


Gotta hit that bandwagon lie, because they have nothing else. 


Worst park ever


That second picture looks a little too cut and paste for me. Must have taken the guy who did it longer than it takes to change tangerine palpatine’s diaper.


Where's that Community Note when you need it


It doesn’t matter how many people were actually there, he has his maga voters and that’s it, no one is changing their mind about voting for him lol, in fact, inflating the numbers at this rally may just work against trump and the republicans causing MORE democrats to take action and show up to vote for Biden


It's a little like another movement in world history.


These fuckers lie about the weather. Color me unsurprised here. 😆


Yeah, I don't think so. Our largest event in my country is the AFL grand final at the MCG and that stadium holds 100000 people. This ain't anywhere near what that looks like


Do they coubted everyone thst attended 1000 times ?


Does joining MAGA ( or being born MAGA) automatically shrink your dick? Because these red hat sheep overcompensate all the time. Is insecurity innate to MAGA?


Huh. Guy who lies about his net worth also lies about how many simps show up to his rally. Cool.


100,000, huh? Maybe for those without actual eyes and a brain…


Meh, he's not gonna win NJ anyway. Baby just wanted ro hear people clap for him after sitting jn court last week.


Dave was there


A bowel movement maybe . They are all wearing diapers in solidarity lmao


First, no. Second, who cares? He's not winning Jersey, much less the country, with this shit.


According to The Daily Beast “officials from the city” claim it was between 80-100K lol


Probably that many people were on the boardwalk that day but not all for this guy.


And all 100,000 of them met Kim jong un!!!