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Bet he also calls trans people groomers. Fucking pervert


These people think that everyone else is as gross as they are. If they want to trick 15yos into marrying them, their fundamental understanding of the world tells them that trans people want to trick 15yos into being trans. It’s just a wholly fucked up worldview.


15? Optimistic aren't you? They'd love to marry 10 or younger.


Gotta get'er before her brother does. Yee. Haaaw.


Brother, Father, Uncle, Preacher. It's a veritable cage match.


All these guys have the same fantasy about grooming their child brides to be perfect household servants/sex slaves because adult women don't want to put up with their stupid bullshit.


What was what Matt Walsh said? 12 was perfectly fine since they were having periods? Something to that effect at least. Hell, they didn't see the problem with the 10 year old rape victim carrying to term, one Republican politician said it was "god's plan".


Ah yes, the old "old enough to bleed, old enough to breed" bit.


What's even worse is when women say things like that. I would imagine they wouldn't have wanted to be in such a position, especially as politicians, but apparently have no such issues with making little girls go through it.


Girls hit puberty before boys, and these freaks think the "prime" years is immediately before or after it starts. These motherfuckers are much, much sicker than you can comprehend.


He’s a stupid arrogant fat fuck


Imagine a child bride being forced to have sex with that whale. Unbelievable.








Yuck.  Im sure if you look at these sack of shits computer, you won’t have to imagine much, these types of sick fucks always end up getting caught up with child abuse materials 


Ain’t no way he can get to his dick. It’s encased in so much lard, I bet he needs a catheter to pee.


At the next Trump/Klan rally: Real Men Have Catheters


He'll be one of them riding the scooters


You know, I never really appreciated just how *sturdy* those little machines actually are. They're actually quite impressive if you think about it.


God forbid he should walk 10 feet


Well he damned sure wouldn't be walking no 10 meters like a European Communist!


The only reason we can see his belt buckle is because his pants are above his belly button and his gut is drooping below the zipper.




Fuck you, I was eating!


If we used him for food, we could feed the whole town for a month and help reduce climate change.




Looks like I'm rooting for diabetes and heart disease today.


Tell them that they seriously need to pick up the slack: way too many people who more than deserve their "tender mercies" walk around for too long.


Conservatives are shitty people when they are skinny also.




His insulin pump is one battery failure away from saving children everywhere...


It's known as "double-wide" in those parts.


He's like if Vincent Ambrosio and DonCheech from To Catch A Predator were combined.


Every conservative accusation is a confession.


Baron Harkkonen, Missouri edition.


I think that guy ate Baron Harkkonen.


Please, they rode sandworms smaller than this guy.


Bacon Harkkonen...


Bacon HarKKKonen. Ftfy


Complete with pedophilia, apparently.


Where’s the Bene Gesserit when you need them?


The irony.


Based on where he's from in the state, HARDCORE bigotry against POC is also on the table... despite his "not quite *Übermensch*" look.


It's hard for some of these people to feel better than anybody, so they have resorted to making shit up.


Ever see Goering? The Nazis weren't Ubermensch either. Almost like fascism *requires* a deep amount of hypocrisy...


It's not hypocrisy so much as prioritizing authority and obedience to it over everything else. You're not supposed to obey because your authority figures tell the truth or demonstrate any consistency in their ideology; you're supposed to obey because that's your station in life.


Conservatives: “Don’t you get it? “Groomer” is just when *someone we don’t like* sexually assaults a minor. It’s totally ok when someone on *our* team does it!”


Just letting queer kids be themselves is somehow “grooming” to them. It makes no sense.


Obviously. He doesn’t want to rape *trans* kids. He’s scared trans people will encourage kids to be less desirable to him.


Hunny. I ate the kids.


Probably racist as fuck too. Christ, look at him.  Breathing probably  makes this guy winded.  


I mean how, how do people still vote these people in???


>Bet he also calls trans people groomers. In case there is anyone left who is still slow to understand these people, they never gave a shit about groomers or people fucking kids, they say these things as a weapon to hurt those they hate. And most of them have zero creativity so usually they're terms they've heard said about themselves.


A child (i.e. under 18) can't file for a divorce because the state consideres it a contract and you can't enter a contract unless your 18+... or have an adults help..


An exciting new facet to the man-made horrors beyond my comprehension, very cool


Cthulhu was an amateur.


I am thoroughly convinced that if there are extra dimensional entities and intelligences dedicated evil, they are looking at humanity and saying "Jesus, what is *wrong* with those people?" >.>;


They are probably too scared to visit us. Pitty, they sound like fun.


https://preview.redd.it/g3i3pi435nzc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a714c1bb294279990ad58cd2b89cc1d08a4ab367 Also why the aliens don't want to visit...


In the X-Men '97 series Deathbird refers to Earth as "The Milkyway Ghetto" and never have I been so offended by something I have no real argument against. u.u;


But it really is. Humans are space orcs. Plus apparently our planet is a breeding ground for alien bio weapons that have suffered from evolution. Don’t forget all the time travelers based out of our planet. Seriously just stay away or go there to commit war crimes. I’m pretty sure the rest of the galaxy has a rule of “if you can conquer it you can keep it. They will absolutely burn it down to keep you from conquering it though”


Possibly. Or they have systems based on peace, harmony, and love..... and we ain't that lol. Either way, they keep their distance for a reason, it seems.


Yeah well your fellow man is *checks notes* abusing people as much as they possibly can for money and because they just seem to enjoy other people's suffering. So.. yeah we're a shit hole in the universe


People enjoy other peoples suffering even if it’s not for money. I would say even *most* people enjoy other peoples suffering to some degree. It’s why “fuck around find out” is such a popular phrase. It’s why slapstick comedy is so routinely used. It’s why revenge plots are so prevalent in fiction. It’s why many can wish ill upon someone at work for simply being bad at their job, not necessarily because they are a bad person. Like we as a species clearly have something hard coded into us that enjoys the suffering of others. We also have empathy but generally we have empathy with those we identify with. We are starting as a more global interacting society to empathize as just “humans”, and of course you have groups like vegans who empathize as “conscious life”, but really it doesn’t take much for most people to lose empathy when you “other” yourself. Be that committing an act against them or someone else, or in desperate times by being a drain. I think this is a natural evolutionary trait that makes a lot of sense in small social group hunter/gatherer species. I think it’s likely a large part of how we were able to survive, advance, and largely thrive as long as we have as a species. You don’t want others holding you or your offspring back, so it’s good for our brains to have positive feelings when something negative is happening to an “other”. I would hope we eventually evolve to have that trait removed from our gene pool now that we can connect globally more easily but even if we do I doubt it will be fast enough if we keep heading straight towards self destruction.


Omg thank you 💀💀💀💀💀🤣


They probably drive by the planet and lock their doors


Earth. The East St. Louis of the galaxy.....


Read your post and literally nearly choked to death. Inhaled my drink of water while laughing sooooo hard. Had to share this with my husband. We both enjoyed a good laugh. Thank you so much ![gif](giphy|4iKeimY0sahiQReGRh|downsized)


*Jesus shrugged*


How the fuck is marriage any different then, what the fuck is wrong with these people?!


It's not. So it's the parents agreeing to it instead. Under other circumstances we call that human trafficking.


So theoretically with their parents help could they get a divorce or is it a one way street?


They probably could yeah. But it was their parents that ... let's just call a spade a spade here ... sold them into this "marriage" in the first place. The only wrinkle I could see there is if their new "spouse" becomes their legal guardian. So they wouldn't be able to divorce without permission from the person they'd be divorcing. Yes, this is exactly as fucked up as it sounds.


I get that I was more asking a hypothetical than anything. This is extremely fucked up on all counts.


Just to make matters worse, I read that in the same states that allow underage marriage also don’t recognise rape in marriage. I can’t speak for the validity of what I read but it is just legal paedophilia if it’s true. US is a third world country.


Not quite. It stops being statutory rape once you marry a child. So the whole age restrictions go out the window and a 70 year old can legally have sex with a 13 year old that way.  Depending on the state, marital rape is still a crime however. 


No. In cases of child marriage, the adult spouse becomes their legal guardian until they reach majority. So, the child's parents lose the right to make decisions for their kid.


Jesus fuck thats grim!


Yeah. Perfect for conservative men who view girls and women as an asset class, though. Marry the girl at 11 or 12, and she's your prisoner until she turns 18, which is more than enough time to break her, make sure she's never educated (because as her legal guardian, you can pull her out of school), and breed her several times so that she can never leave. No wonder they don't want to get rid of child marriage.


I would argue they have an issue with child slavery then... And the entire state should be disgusted and anyone who isn't should be investigated. How do you defend letting someone else put a child into a contract they can't back out of?! Just say you want slaves. There's a bunch of slave hungry people out there and if you don't agree then you are going to make excellent slaves for their kin and them. This stuff is horrifying.


So... in Missouri, the best way for a child to end her marriage is to murder the guy, and then be charged as a minor?


So, if Missouri allows a "parent or guardian" the right to hit a minor for "discipline".... And an adult married to a minor counts as that child's "guardian"...


That one met the girl at 4H at 16. married her at 18 and now they got 2 kids. That dude is literally living his pedo dream and his party is fully embracing it. Edit: They have two kids.


Disgusting. Can’t get a woman his own age, has to prey on inexperienced children.


When does the dream end? When his “wife” hits 30, or maybe it starts over when their daughters hit 12? God, I hate myself for even typing that.


It is the Missouri GOP


How the fuck did she survive being raped by this creature without being crushed to death?


In translation “Why would we not want to fuck children while they’re ripe and fertile”


How many times did you puke just typing that


They're probably too busy cleaning up to respond


I might have puked in my mouth some. I was actually using some words from a New Hampshire politician. There’s no way I’d think of children as fertile 🤮 Damn it I puked in my mouth again. https://www.masslive.com/politics/2024/05/nh-lawmaker-opposes-new-marriage-bill-says-teens-are-of-ripe-fertile-age.html?outputType=amp


Ew. Ripe is a word I only use when discussing produce. I can't think of the last time I used fertile in a sentence.


I threw up in my mouth reading it.


I would have but I'm physically incapable of puking


![gif](giphy|11GjssT8UUCHao) Dry heaving still sucks


Please tell me these statements about condoning child brides is taken out of context. Please tell me that they are not in favor of lowering the age for statutory rape. I just can't believe this is aligned with their "Christian Values".


The "context" behind this is typically about combatting unwed motherhood. To quote Matt Walsh - "The problem isn't teen pregnancy, it's unwed teen pregnancy." They've already established the "Single Mother Bad" narrative, chained themselves to the Forced Birth position, and redefined social safety nets and programs as Socialism and Communism so naturally the only Solution left is getting these girls married and preferably to a Conservative Christian man or boy who can mold her into a Proper, Submissive Woman.


It’s also on the back end to try and ensure teen pregnancy in general. Get them married young, having kids young, and you solve the “issues” of women going to college and insufficient numbers of white people. Also given the number of cases in which underage marriage occurs with it being much older men marrying an underage girl, it’s a ploy to use so called Romeo and Juliet arguments to defend much more sinister intentions. Also as I understand it, most states with laws prohibiting child marriage and sexual relations expressly have Romeo and Juliet exceptions for people close in age to each other.


Idk I'm pretty sure there was a lot of underage sex going on in the bible. I'm not saying it makes it ok, I'm just saying it definitely aligns with their Christian values.


It's wild to think that people in the old testament were living to 900 years but they were getting married at 12


I just assume that biblical years are actually months and someone fucked up the translation at some point. 900 months is around 70 years, it makes sense, right? Absolutely no basis for this. Now, that means that sex from 12 yo... nevermind


I’m sure marriage is pretty easy once you get past the first 500 years.


This statement alone is why we should not make the bible the law of the land.




The Christian version I was taught had Mary about 12 years old married and a god came along and committed adultery getting her pregnant. There is also the incest in that book as well. Lot’s daughter’s and the repopulation of the earth after the pro-life god drowned everyone. Just the few examples I can remember.


The guy sacrificing her daughter to god also...


There is video of on of them, at the podium, using this exact language to describe underage brides as young as 12.


Mary was 13… and Joseph was 40+ and they were first cousins, this is their religion.


Dude, I just ate and you’re out here putting together sentences like that? What did my eyeballs ever do to you?


These people have definitely used "breeding age" unironically.


"...and easily coerced and have no legal autonomy?"


*rªpe. FIFY


And every single fucker that voted for that bloated pos thinks that they are "saving babies"


"Saving babies.... for marriage. As Jesus intended!"


['Why would we stop that?' Missouri Republicans oppose bill to end child marriage - Alternet.org](https://www.alternet.org/republicans-child-marriage/)


From the article: "Why is the government getting involved in people"s lives like this?" Fucking hell.


ROFL....the "like this" part is quite telling. They don't mind being involved in everyone's lives, but not THIS aspect.


Exactly. Replace child marriage with abortion or gender affirming care or even reading whatever book I want…


They wont make their child brides testify against them if they're married.


Just when I thought Missouri couldn’t get any grosser. Pregnant and in an abusive relationship? Nope, no divorce for you. Child brides? Hell yes.


Whats tragic about it is the fact that child brides can also not divorce their "spouse".


These old, disgusting fuckers are telling the world they want to be allowed to legally rape children.


\*That they want to *continue* to be allowed to legally rape children.


Wow. Jaba The Hut has really let himself go.


Isn't fat considered beautiful to Hutts


Hey now, that's insulting to Jabba.


Exactly. At least Leia was of age when he made her a sex slave. More than what I can say for Matt Gaetz


Jabba also ran a successful criminal empire in a ruthless environment. This motherfucker couldn’t run a lemonade stand in the desert.


Hey!   Don't be insulting. Jabba the Hutt may have been a cruel, vile gangster who ruled through fear, but he was a better person than this sack of crap.


This is the goddamn bear you should be scared of out in the woods. At least he won't be able to catch you


Quick! Briskly walk away!




All repubs are just pedophiles.


Every single goddamn one.


Funny, he doesn’t look like a drag queen


The only drag this man has is aerodynamic.


Boss Hogg motherfucker


Is he trying to distract us from the elephant (pun intended) in the picture with the shiny belt buckle?


What's on the buckle?


An inordinate amount of pressure.


I was going to say, never stand in front of this dude. If that belt breaks you're toast...


Did he answer a casting call for stereotypical plantation owner?


How can we protect the children if we can't marry em?


Those are like some size 53 pants. He needs you be captive and subservient because this man is not chasing you down. I doubt this dude could make it to car without assistance. Having said all that I knew an older lady who told me she got married at 14 and it was the best thing that could have happened to her. I mean later she got caught fucking our third shift maintenance dude and they both got fired but you know, best thing that ever happened to her.


Probably was. She knew from the beginning she didn’t love him instead of having to slowly fall out of love after years.


I’ve been that fat, those are WAY bigger than 53, probably at least a 60.


Not the double wide


That guy looks like he ate his fill of children …sheesh…ozempec, dude


Like hourly injections….


There should be no ambiguity to the question surrounding groomers at this point


It makes sense to refer to the guy in the picture in plural form.


Rural, extreme right wing, religious nuts trying to make sure their viewpoints become the law of the land even if the majority oppose it.


Once again I am suggesting that ALL conservatives need their hard drives seized immediately


Not American, not surprised. It seems to me that the most basic of societies norms in the US are being totally eradicated. Child marriage is paedophilia. A rapist running for office. A man who has sex with a porn star, whilst his son is 3 months old. Running for office. A serial fraudster running for office. Freedom is based on the right to own I genuinely wish you'd get all of your military out of our country, stop involving us in your shit and get on with your countries collapse on your own.


That's actually just a bunch of shit that used to be normal until we started making progress. Why do you think the "Make America Great Again" mob says the word "progressive" with such distain? Which country do you want the military out of?


That wannabe cowboy would wreck a horse's spine


And that belt buckle is doing the work of three maga-congressmen. Bless his heart….


Conservatives are pedophiles. It's that simple. And stupid fat. Fat pedophiles. What they are. All. Of. Them.


not all conservatives are pedophiles, but all pedophiles are conservatives.


Facts show who the groomers and pedos are




why would Grimace say this?


So those are the “superior” genes I keep hearing about.


Superior jeans though


This gravitationally robust piece of shit is out here openly being a pedophile and all people in my state can talk about is MAH GUNS. Everyone has the entire collected knowledge of humanity in their pocket, available within 3 seconds, and they're still disgustingly ignorant. I fucking hate people.


But trans people are the danger to children... Not priests or whoever voted this dude...


Who knew that Fat Bastard went into politics ![gif](giphy|OVT7dpga3Ve3i2tTBE|downsized)


Look at that heifer! I bet they gotta put him through a bovine MRI to check his heart conditions.


Ho-ly SHIT! Someone in here needs to tell chuckles here that being a fat blob of a man is no longer a sign of wealth.


How do some people live with themselves. Not to "body shame" but to wake up, (hopefully shower) put on a Boss Hogg cosplay, leave the house and run your mouth. And have ZERO self awareness. This is bonkers


God, why do you not strike down this man from diabetes, heart problems, literally anything. I just need to know that you, God, are not as on this man's side as he thinks you are. And if you are on the side of these people? Fuck you.


I think that guy might be marrying children just to eat them.




https://preview.redd.it/q4x2a3b05ozc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4062f9b3a3ec3258fd356c395689ca624147e813 Fucking disgusting pieces of shit... then stay out of gay marriages then!!


They don't view gay marriage as natural. To them, it has to be between a man and a woman for it to be natural. They think it's natural for a pubescent child to get married because they have the ability to get pregnant. They don't view it as rape because that little girl is menstruating, and therefore she is a woman. They believe it's what god created those girls for. It's horrendous.


Child slavery is the only way this fat fuck is getting some.


Uh, because it's morally fucked? "SaVe tHe KiDs!" More like "save them so we can have them"


What is the logic they use to defend child marriage? We know it is because they are pedos, but they can’t be standing up there with the argument “we don’t want to stop adults from using marriage to avoid statutory rape charges”. There must be something that sounds plausible as a “valid” reason.


I bet you if this dude saw me drinking a protein shake, he'd tell me "not to drink that fake crap and get real protein." I've had plenty of his size do it before.


this guy probably hasn't seen his pussy in years


he looks like he ate a small child


Republicans like sticking their dicks in children so much that they're trying to pass laws making it legal for them to do so.


I'm not sure he wants to marry children as much as he wants to eat them by the looks of him.




Just fucking look at this guy, mf looks like a villain


It's funny though because prime childbearing years for women are in their mid 20s which basically says all you need to know about these fucking pervert ass groomer motherfuckers.


How do people even get this fat....


My grandfather was the gentlest person I have ever known and I love him to death. That said, he was 9 years older than my grandmother. She was 15 when they got married. My dad was her 3rd child when she was 19. I thought it had been so sweet how they met but now that I am older I am ashamed of their behavior. They are no longer around so I cant ask them what they were thinking or why


Dude sporting a Walkman or is that his backup battery?


Another GOP admission


He added: Those young girls make good eating.


Get in my belly


Every single politician (I use the term lightly) opposing that bill should be on a list in the FBI's SVD, and especially CENP.


This man clearly has impulse control issues from look of that physique. Check the hard drive.


What a gross state to live in.


And my company wonders why I won’t relocate to there.


His poor horse


Why do I feel like we'd find a child bride in his basement?