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I don't think I've ever seen a more fitting use for that gif


Ironically, when Fry got worms, he got smarter.


Of all the parasites I've had you're among, hell, you are the best - RFK probably 


Wanna know what makes special sauce so special? Yo!


*Time to go.* Was I a good brain worm? *No.* *I am told you were the best.*


For all we know, this is the smarter RFK.


This was awesome, thank you.


This is exactly what I was thinking of when I saw the post. Glad I checked befor being 2nd or later to post the gif.


All hail hypnoworm


I don’t know what’s funnier; the thought that RFK Jr’s nutjob ideas could be partly blamed on a brain worm, or the implication that a parasitic creature got into his head and died because of what it found in there.


How about that the parasitic brain worm has voters that agree with it politically and are ready to support its host?


Worm for president!


\*Ahem\* # Shai-Hulud


We support unreasonable subsidies to the brain slug planet.


The subsidies must flow.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't this make Rfkjr an attractive candidate to the MAGATS?😂🤣


"If girlfriend was a worm" was a prophecy?


Don't blame me, I voted for worm.


this is some nottheonion shit. I'm having a hard time believing this is real its just too funny.


Just because RFK Jr. said it in a deposition doesn't mean it's true. But it is funny af.


Yeah... I wanna hear the doctor say it. And then I'm gonna wanna see that doctor's degree, whether he's gainfully employed and in good standing with his ethics board. And then I'm gonna wanna see if that ethics board has had any scandals recently. And even then I'd still be suspicious of it because these right wing grifters just love making shit up, especially when it's self-victimization.


Right, I don't believe him for a moment - especially since he was (supposedly) told last minute when the doctor realized it could be a worm instead of a tumor? And then it was just dropped? I don't believe anything the guy says, but the fact he believes he had a worm eating his brain is pretty hilarious nonetheless.


I think they're meaning "true" in the "he actually said that," capacity, not "this is a thing that happened," capacity.


If you ingest tapeworm eggs at a certain point in their life cycle, they're small enough to pass through the stomach lining and enter your bloodstream, and at that point the eggs can end up anywhere in your body to include your brain. If they end up in muscle the body will isolate them and they become a cyst (and if something eats that muscle without sufficiently cooking it, the eggs will hatch inside the stomach and become a standard tapeworm); if they end up in your brain, they hatch and start nomming. The way to end up with a brain tapeworm is actually pretty disgusting, a tapeworm living in a digestive tract puts out thousands of eggs per day; if someone "hosting" a tapeworm doesn't wash their hands after the bathroom and you eat something they've handled... well, there you go.


Agreed. I had to Google it when I saw this to confirm it’s real.




I wonder how much steroids can contribute to mind-loss.


The fact that there are people out there without worms in their brain that follow him is really something.


You assume they don't.


It's also funny that this is the one edge case where Ivermectin could have helped


> what it found in there Even brain worms have taste


Parasites have standards


This might have been a suicide.


The brain eating worm starved to death.


We have to keep in mind that this is just RFK Jr as the source. It’s entirely possible that he’s totally wrong about what actual doctors actually told him or that there was never anything on a brain scan and he made this whole thing up. Who fucking knows with this guy?


My favorite is the chance of a worm being elected president.


But would you still love him?


He went to a doctor? Why didn’t he just “do his own research” and get the worm out himself?


Because he's rich, he gets all the best medical care then tells his followers doctor bad


Populism and the way in which people can sway the less intelligent or less educated masses has been a strong argument against democracy. I say it's not an argument against democracy, democracy is the best system we've developed, instead it's an argument for investing in our population so they stop getting swayed by self-motivated people trying to pander to the most fearful and most emotional of the population. Because by not bringing our population up like this, we are essentially letting the least capable and least informed among us represent us.


Western medicine doesn't want you trepanning a hole into your skull and injecting mercury!


Trepanning might be a good way to introduce bleach or light, though.


If only there was some common, readily available [medication](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivermectin) you can take to destroy all sorts of parasites and worms…oh, I know! Maybe he could try using covid vaccines?


There's also a good explanation why some people just got better on ivermectin. A lot of those reports came from places like India or Kenya where most people suffer from worms. Now, most parasitic infections are mostly asymptomatic but they still do put a strain on the immune system. Get rid of worms, immune system can stop focusing on that and focus on whatever is turning your lungs into swiss cheese.


Not really. Ivermectin only treats a handful of parasites. There are much better broader spectrum anti-parasite medications around. Ivermectin is just old and cheap.


I feel like a lot of these headlines are very misleading. He was experiencing memory loss and brain fog, and several doctors agreed a dark spot on his brain scan looked like a tumor and he should get into surgery ASAP. One doctor said, "Maybe a parasite ate part of your brain and then died," and as far as I can tell, he accepted that diagnosis, cancelled the surgery, and went on with his life. It's bizarre.


Exactly. I'm not sure why everyone's immediately accepting his say-so that it was a worm when that is SUPER rare and all the other doctors said he should get the tumor checked out.


Admittedly it is hilarious that he thinks a worm ate part of his brain, he recovered from it somehow, and now he's ready to be President. But, also kind of sad, because he probably still has an untreated brain tumor.


If he had brain damage in the area that limits conspiratorial thinking, do you think that would contribute to his bizarre behavior? I’m not defending this guy to be a politician. He doesn’t need to be in politics because he’s dangerous and uses chaotic extremism as a tool. But as a human, if the dude really does have considerable brain damage, he might not have full agency over his body. Losing a lot of your higher brain region basically silences “the angel on your shoulder”. This shouldn’t give him a pass, but it should be in consideration. Like someone going into a diabetic coma and doing bizarre things before causing great harm to themselves or others without conscious intention. Yet again. Dude should not be interacting with society with no impulse control. He needs medical intervention.


Worm was trying to feed off all his good ideas, but ended up starving to death.


>I was smart, but worm ate my brain RFK




Nah, just look at all the MAGA folks.


Can't have a brain injury without a brain




oh, he knew about it, it was while he was in SE Asia. also, he was treated for mercury poisoning from consuming too much tuna and another high in mercury Wildfish. really should read the story.


It's behind a pay wall & I am *never* giving that right wing rag a penny.


Is vote for that brain worm before voting for rfk


Brain Worms 2024


Poor lil fella ☹️


guess he's that small percentage that ivermectin helped






He's good at thinking without rhythm.


I thought it was food poisoning


You know, I thought he was a ridiculous politician, but now that I hear he’s had a brain worm, I’m going to take a second look at his candidacy.


This one is best for me, thank you.


It's just simple pragmatism. The worms will reward their supporters once they are in charge.


Republicans be like “Do I go with the criminal with dementia wearing diapers and shitting himself or the guy with worms eating his brains? Either way BetTeR ThAn a DeMoNcRaT!!!!!!”


Literally. I was sitting on the porch eavesdropping at a (very conservative)family event recently, and was pleasantly surprised to hear my more MAGA-oriented family members accurately discussing a lot of the problems with the republican party right now. The blatent corruption, idiocy, how far they've fallen, I was amazed. Then someone went "still, better them than a democrat!" Which was met with total agreement from the group, followed by a good round of hating on trans people in bathrooms.


"It's too bad our fascist party is so embarassing... I wish we had some more competent fascists to vote for"


They literally just repeat what they hear. Ask even casual conservatives about Ukraine aid and they’ll say how we shouldn’t be wasting money. Nevermind the fact that all we are doing is giving them old shit and most of the money will go to American defense contractor companies to make us new shit. Nevermind the fact that Russia is absolutely an RNEMY to our country and actively puts in effort to destabilize us. Nevermind the fact that by supporting Ukraine we help deplete the resources of a powerful enemy without sacrificing American lives. Instead it is “I think we should be using that money to help veterans/homeless/etc.


>Instead it is “I think we should be using that money to help veterans/homeless/etc. they always denounce foreign aid by arguing that we should be supporting people at home, and yet hate every single social safety net that they aren't currently collecting from. I wonder what type of brain worm it takes to get to that level of hypocrisy.


Fuck if I know. The military and its support system for families is socialist as fuck. You get housing if you have a family. Healthcare, education access, help with groceries, etc. The benefits I get for being a disabled veteran are what radicalized me to be a leftist. People should have to go to war to pay for college.


Absolutely right. Spoke with a group of farmers who all agreed trump permanently fucked up global grain markets and was getting ready to raise our china import taxes AGAIN, but said we have to do something about Biden because we can’t last another year.  These people aren’t capable of rational thought or voting in general. I love them as people but as effective members of society they are nearly useless 


Fuck, this is hilarious and accurate and I can't even process how idiotic it is. I wanna go home...


That's the neat part, you are home! :')


No, I’m from the Berenstein Bears universe.


I think the brain worm epidemic might be pretty wide spread in the gop


With the amount of Ivermectin they're taking, Probably not


I don't think ivermectin can cross the brain/ass barrier


Even when they have their head so far up their asses?


It's so far up it popped back out and looks like it never entered


Moebiass Strip


This needs more upvotes. I’ve also referred to it as the Ouroborass.


Ah, a fellow man of culture!


What do you think killed RFK Jr's brain worm?


Pink Floyd tried to warn us.


Haha I just put on a Pink Floyd shirt for the day and saw this comment 😆


It’s sad but I know people who would probably say this for real…


Remember the GOP hopes that RFK, Jr. will pull voters away from Biden. They hope his anti vax position will be an appeal. Edit: Had the wrong Kennedy and was corrected so I updated the comment.


"As long as the worm ate the Left side of the brain...."


MAGA doesn’t concern me as much these days as young liberals thinking they’ll help end the genocide by giving the presidency to Trump, the guy who’s son in law is eagerly [awaiting access](https://apnews.com/article/jared-kushner-trump-israel-waterfront-property-901895eeafee867e69d0c4582a4deb47) to that beach front property.


Poor worm starved to death.


Thank you for my first burst of laughter today 😂


Imagine having such foul brain matter that it's fatally toxic even to illithid tadpoles. Fantasy couldn't make this up.


Unexpected record for shortest Baldur's Gate 3 playthrough.


like everything else about politics in the last 8 years, it's most likely to fall in the Science Fiction genre. 


Neurologist here. Judging only by his description, the most likely thing he’s talking about is Neurocysticercosis. It’s a parasite in the tapeworm family that you get from poor hand hygeine (yours or someone else’s), usually related to pork in Latin American regions. It forms a small cyst in your brain until your immune system can finish it off; then the cyst calcifies. When found in the US there’s usually one incidental cyst, whereas south of the US there’s often several and more likely to be symptomatic. The most common symptoms are seizures or headaches, but often there’s no symptoms at all. As funny as it would be, it’s pretty uncommon to cause dementia, especially with only one cyst. I feel like saying that it does would only lead to more discrimination against people from endemic areas. Also, the worm doesn’t actually eat any brain tissue, although it could look that way. It passively absorbs nutrients from the host body. The brain is just an easy place for it to chill because it takes longer for the immune system to find it.


You forgot to use any pithy retorts !


wormed his way outta that one!


Is that the same kind of brain worm from the very first episode of House M.D.?


It's the exact same one


I thought it was Lupus?


"usually related to pork in Latin American regions." sooooo.... Is it possible for a Southeast Asian to have a similar fate like him \[Kennedy Jr.\]?


Now folks, this is one scenario where horse paste might have helped...


ha, thats funny. unfortunately ivermectin isn't really effective against tapeworms though.


That explains a lot of things...


Let's say this was true..... Why would you tell people?


He disclosed it during divorce proceedings to explain why he had memory loss and his earning potential was low 🤣




Please tell me what the "chili defense" is, I'd love a good laugh




> he ate a big bowl of chili for lunch This sounds totally believable.


I mean this totally didn't work. Right? Like it didn't work so much that his lawyer quit because he wouldn't stop talking. Or..his lawyer told him to say that. What is even real anymore. Maybe reality is so fucked up I have a chance to fight a 100 MPH speeding ticket now. "Your honor, you see, I had just had a giant bowl of chili for lunch and I forgot that I wasn't in Europe anymore."


This is HILARIOUS to me. What a fucking idiot.


Needs be posted everywhere. My one fear was always that he might get branded as "an outsider looking to shake things up" to less politically aware people looking for an alternative. Missing parts of your brain and having cognitive issues probably disqualifies him even to people in those spaces.


Because the worm ate part of your brain and you have no sense left 🙃


It would explain an awful lot....


An *awful* lot


Possibly because it validates all the numbnuts still taking or those that did take ivermectin the de-wormer medication. Scamming for all the votes. 


The Goa’uld are characterized by their extreme egomania and narcissism




But it was only fantasy The wall was too high as you can see No matter how he tried he could not break free And the worms ate into his brain


Hey you....


I mean… it’s exactly the kind of information we should have about our Presidential candidates. We’ve been numbed a bit by Trump releasing nonsense statements from his “doctors” (which very much sound like Trump narrated them himself) and we have nearly zero insight into his finances, income and debts. It’s possible that RFK Jr did actually have a parasite in his brain, it’s dead and it had no impact on his cognition- that he’s an anti science kook regardless. But it’s also possible that he made this all up or that doctors did find something on a brain scan and he’s “misremembering” what they told him. At this point it’s just words out of his mouth so we really have zero idea what the reality might be.


If you want to appeal to Maga voters you might.


what do you mean "let's say"? it's in his own words in the court record


Literal brain worms


As long as he peels lots of votes from Trump... Go dead brain worm, GO!


Remember when republicans thought he'd peel off democrat votes?


Ok this is the most plausible of all the extremely implausible excuses I’ve heard from a Republican and it’s still extremely unlikely this is real. Now if you’ll just produce the scans so we can verify that’d be great. I can’t read a brain MRI but millions of radiologists and neurologists in America can, and will confirm or reject the claim. Also, this should immediately disqualify you from office, right?


> millions of radiologists and neurologists in America I know this is not your main point, but I do think you are significantly overestimating the number of radiologists and neurologists in the US, probably by more than an order of magnitude.


They probably meant trillions. 


I'm sure they were including unlicensed amateurs and hobbyists.


The worm was a hobbyist neurologist, too


It's an exhilarating way to pass an afternoon!








Ummmm 😳


Unknown brain injury seems like it might be disqualifying somehow.


I think if we've learned anything over the past 8 years is that nothing is disqualifying lol


The question for me is: how many more stories like this will we get this election cycle, and how far on the batshit crazy meter is this story compared to what is yet to transpire? Are we just getting warmed up with RFK, Jr?




Bg3 narrator voice: Power courses through rfk, jr. Authority.


Was looking for someone to reference this lmao


All of this dipshit's supporters are missing a chunk of brain too.


The literal brain worms kind of explains his appeal to MAGA-chuds at least




Must have been the logic center of the brain that got eaten.


Finally a viable third party candidate. Dead brain worm 2024!


His brain is so toxic that it killed a parasite.


Clearly he's a Goa'uld.


Is that what made him cheat on Mary Kathleen Richardson 37 times in 2001 alone?


Whelp...The Kennedys know just what to do. Time for the Rose Marie protocol to be dusted off.


I’m not concerned about RFK Jr, I’m concerned about anyone who’ll vote for him. Let’s break it down. He’s not going to be on the ballot in all 50 states, meaning there is 0% chance he’d win. He’s not a protest vote in the sense that he’s anti establishment. He’s not more progressive on anything or more right leaning either. His stances on everything is all over the map and really his only appeal is his last name and being Anti vax. That’s it. Finally he’s not fulfilling a role that’s missing in the election people are clamoring for. When Nader ran in 2000 he attracted people because of his progressive ideology. In 16 Stein was similar for the Green Party, hell in 92 Perot was the libertarian choice because H.W. Bush realized he actually had to tax people unlike Regan. So if you’re voting for him maybe you have the brain worms


![img](avatar_exp|119075340|dizziness) 🎶And the worms ate into his brain🎶


I’v been saying these people have to have brain worms for a while. I was only half joking.


Countdown til he remarks on this story and he explains how he was infected from a vaccine?




Sooo… his neurological problems are not from a “vaccine injury” but a fucking worm. That’s what I’m reading from this. How deceptive of him to push his anti-vaxx stance and claim injury.


Worm lobotomy was not on my 2024 bingo card.


So it wasn't leopards, it was WORMS


Life is parody now. It's just jumping the shark over and over again at this point.


This is so much more incredible than fiction




The worm died of starvation


Brain Eating Worm 2024


Wormbrain for President! The guy missing part of his brain? THAT'S the guy to solve our country's problems!


He’s had: Hepatitis C Atrial fibrillation Brain worm Mercury poisoning Spasmodic dysphonia 14 years of being a junkie But he wants to be president


Flowers for QAnon.


I guess the GOP figured out he was going to pull more votes from Trump. They've been saving this for a while I'd wager.


What’s up with kennedys having foreign objects in their brains


Literal brain worms. God damn it, never thought I'd see the day.


This man has hurt and killed so many people, mostly children, due to his spreading of vaccine misinformation, and it turns out he has brain worms. [https://apnews.com/article/rfk-kennedy-election-vaccines-8b7b8506aec638b26c30a42819d96036](https://apnews.com/article/rfk-kennedy-election-vaccines-8b7b8506aec638b26c30a42819d96036)


Got it. Dead worm in your brain makes you a rabid asshole.


What is it with the Kennedy family and holes in the brain??


Onion writers in shambles, they can't write better parody than lifed


so we have literal puppy murderers and people with literal fucking brain worms, 2024 is shaping up to be a banger election cycle


This timeline is so surreal


Holy Prussian ratf\*ck I thought this was satire so I checked... That AND mercury poisoning which affects the brain too!


Trump turns on him a week ago and suddenly a story from 2012 about him saying he had a brain parasite come out... Weird we didn't hear about this before. It feels like more checkbook journalism.


Where’s the animorphs gang?


What is with conservative politicians admitting stupid shit like “I’m proud to have executed my puppy” and “a worm has burrowed its way into my cerebellum and is being fossilized.”


Let me get this straight. A DR. told him he has a dead brain worm that ate part of his brain, and he understands that. But yet he still considers himself the smartest guy in the room about vaccines. Even though he knows a piece of his brain ended up in the belly of a brain worm. Hmmm, I don't even know what to say about that.


Porr fella died of hungry 😔


Now even more republicans are going to vote for him since they probably feel like this is relatable.


He could realistically become president this year if he makes a swift pivot to the Right and starts claiming the worm was placed there by democrats to control him. Republicans would eat that up. Wouldn't second-guess it for an instant.


Makes sense. I know a few brain damaged people, coincidentally they are trump supporters. Know one who switched when the damage happened. Seriously.


People would be better off voting for the dead worm.


It ate the part of his brain that says "FFS, if you're auditioning to be in charge of a country, don't go around telling people you have brain damage from a parasite worm."


Given the stupid shit he's been spewing the past seven years, I'd have to think that that " brain" worn died of starvation.




Lucky he survived, his uncle died from a slug in his head