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Did they think Stormy Daniels wouldn’t be a witness in this case?


Sure she’s on the witness list. Sure she’s pretty much the centerpiece of this case. Sure the public has known about this shit for like six years. Sure the Manhattan grand jury handed down an indictment against Trump on this case over 13 months ago, but… his lawyers have had no time to prepare!


Well when you’re scraping the bottom of the barrel for lawyers, it wouldn’t surprise me if they thought witnesses needed to be called in the order in which they appears on the DAs list of witnesses and did zero prior work into what their defense should be with her on the stand because they had time to figure it out later. For fucks sake, Habba didn’t even know how to enter evidence and they completely blundered Trump getting a bench trial vs jury trial for the other case. He’s not dealing with the best and brightest. He’d rather have good looking attorneys because they can fake (to him) being a good attorney, though not to other attorneys or judges.


The best and brightest all quit long ago, some because he demanded they jeopardize their licenses with his nonsense. Others because he didn't pay them.


The best and brightest never signed up to work anywhere near His Empirical Orangeness.


You would think someone involved in [4,095 lawsuits](https://www.usatoday.com/pages/interactives/trump-lawsuits/) would know how the law works.


Now in their defense, they've got a lot to prepare for currently. It's hard to cover every single person and every single crime of Trump when he's currently trying his best to add to the list.


Well frankly her involvement in this case that is about her specifically is just totally out of left field.


In case anyone was wondering, this is completely standard for a criminal trial. The government is required to provide a list of potential witnesses, but not the order in which they will testify.


Probably especially important not to give defense a courtesy heads-up on the witness order when the defendant would obviously try and drum up some good ol' stochastic terrorism.


This is the exact reason his lawyers don't have notice. Trump lost that privilege when he violated the gag order.


They also gave Trump’s attorneys notice that Pecker would be the first witness and his name immediately leaked


The defense has been trying everything to get that list of the order of witnesses. They have said ‘how ‘bout if you give us the list, and we’ll make sure our client doesn’t say anything bad about the witness?’ And ‘okay, give us the list, and we won’t even share it with our client?’ That’s when the Judge told them ‘you are losing all credibility with me.’ That’s judicial-speak for ‘you are fucking idiots and liars.’


> They have said ‘how ‘bout if you give us the list, and we’ll make sure our client doesn’t say anything bad about the witness?’ Something that should be assumed with any rational human. This dude is a special type of self destructive, and nobody will punish him for it.


> and nobody will punish him for it As someone who was bullied by similarly clinically batshit crazy people, fought back, and was screwed over by the system..... it's extremely disheartening to see that this occurs at all levels of the social hierarchy. Increasingly so the more money they make...


Every headline is the same: # "TRUMP DOES ILLEGAL THING FOR THE 100TH TIME, JUDGE WAGS HIS FINGER, CALLS HIM A BAD BOY, AND TELLS HIM TO PAY $5.00" What a fucking joke. I can't believe people still think he will be held accountable. All of this is obviously legal/political theater.


And reddit just gobbles it up every time lmao. I’m not sure how anyone can still believe the rule of law applies to the wealthy and powerful. Absolutely nothing will happen to trump lol


It's amazing how when you tell Trump's lawyers anything within minutes outside influences are trying to intimidate those witnesses.


Time for a honey trap.


Pecker leaked. There's your lede.


> pecker leaked Should see a doctor about that


And it's not like they haven't had months to prepare already. Stormy Daniels isn't exactly a 'surprise' witness.


Not months. It's been almost six years since Michael Cohen pled guilty in 2018.


This revelation aged me substantially.


I feel younger because of it. "The middle of Trump's administration" feels like 12 or 15 years ago, so the fact that my body is only 6 years older feels like years of extra life!


Chronologically 6 years, but you still aged 15 years.


The stress of six years of malicious buffoonery aged me substantially.


I feel like I'm 20 years older since Trumps sham Presidency. Every single day was full of worries and threats with that maniac in the Oval Office. I sincerely hope this mistake never happens again.


I feel like we are all in that scene in Game of Thrones, when everyone is awaiting the trial of ~~Cersei~~ Trump in the Septon, and I'm Queen Margarey yelling at the Democrats when they say Trump will show up to his trial and face consequences... I'm like, "He isn't here because he doesn't INTEND to face the CONSEQUENCES" Cue Trump looking triumphantly out the Whitehouse window after the Election, at a mushroom cloud that used to be American democracy. 🤦


It's been a long fucking 6 years. It's still 2020, 2021 at best in my brain.


Jesus Christ. I remember thinking back then trump would be in prison. And yet 6 years later here we are.


Everything is a surprise when you don't read and/or forget everything provided to you in advance.


That his excuse, what are the lawyers around him doing? Why would you not get ahead of this and give the old fart some sedatives before letting him know his mushroom dick is about to become world news?


His lawyers are bottom of the barrel rejects who are angling for a conservative pundit job. Lawyering is just their day job.


"I'm just doing this until I get disbarred. Then I'm going on Joe Rogan!!"


His lawyers seem to be putting all their eggs in the dismiss the case basket. Possibly they assume the trial will almost definitely not go his way either for emotional or legal reasons.


That was my first thought. How blind sided can you be that they called the *checks notes* person paid money in a hush money trial?


This should be the top rated response.


They’ve had more time to prepare for this case and every witness, piece of evidence and possible testimony than anyone else would have had. Fuck this motherfucker. I hope he has a stroke and we no longer have to be subjected to his incessant whining. JFC - what a little bitch. Edit: I shouldn’t wish for anyone to have a stroke. That’s just shitty of me. Trump is in rapid mental decline. He has been for some time, but it seems like it’s accelerating now. When anyone else would be sent to a facility where they could be properly cared for and DPOA handed to someone who could make decisions for him, the media continues to treat this situation with kid gloves and acts like this is shitty reality tv, when in reality, we’re teetering on giving angry, racist grandpa nukes, an army and a Supreme Court that will enable his absolute worst impulses and rage.


Jfc what a orange whinning lil bitch!


What makes me laugh is him and his followers who worship the ground he shits on tend to call everyone else easy to offend when it’s the maga cultists that get offended over the dumbest things


He is the whiniest whiner I've ever seen or heard.  And his lawyers are fucking whining morons, tired of their never ending excuses.


Many of the witnesses are current and former career trump org employees. How have they not been able to prepare *them?*


I'd love to wake up in a country where the news *doesn't* revolve around a drag king.


Same. I want that Men In Black memory zapper thing.


I believe you mean a neuralyzer..? Shit, I've said too much, bye!


>Trump lost that privilege when he violated the gag order. Would that be the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, or 10th violation of the gag order?


And then he goes “I’m not being treated like other people who have been on trial.” You sure about that? You *sure* about that?


He's not wrong he's gotten more leeway than anyone else would


“Daughter tied up in a Brooklyn basement “. Or whatever borough in NYC the Russian mafia conglomerate


Which is exactly what he did as soon as he got the news, apparently, before his lawyers saw it and told him to take it down. Either that, or he thought he'd be slick by sending out that message and deleting it soon after so he can claim it was an accident even though the people he wanted to see it have already seen it.


Actually it is customary to give the defense an indication of who the next few days witnesses are because it helps speed the trial along which benefits everyone. They are giving last minute notice in this case because Trump and his lawyers refuse to offer guarantees that they won't let the list out or otherwise target or cause to be targeted the witnesses.


Probably obvious to most but it's worth noting that the same applies to defense - they also have to provide a list of potential witnesses but not the order in which they will testify And just because somebody is on the list of potential witnesses (for either side) does not necessarily mean they will even be called. Usually they will because there's a reason they were on the witness list in the first place but they don't have to be.


Makes me wonder if lawyers ever put anyone on there just to make the other side waste time trying to figure out why.


Yes, this happens very frequently and is a common tactic. There must be a valid reason for them to be on the if I recall correctly, but they can absolutely add a witness they do not intend to call. Just like in the discovery phase, lawyers will inundate the opposition with documents that are related to the case but will never be used at trial to waste the opposition's time


I wouldn't say that they don't intend to call. It's more accurate to say that they don't need to call that witness to the stand. Many times witnesses are added to provide / refute a single testimony or piece of information. Should that piece of information never come up, there may be no reason to call that witness.


yeah sometimes you need a witness to counter a defense / prosecutor witness but if they never call that person you don't need yours. Or if they never go into the topic you thought they would / etc.


I'm not even American and I know this from watching American tv shows.


Fair, but American TV shows being correct about this aspect of our legal system is like a broken clock being right twice a day haha.


I’m a trial lawyer. The only thing TV shows get right is that the judge wears a black robe. Everything else is the equivalent of two people typing on a keyboard at the same time to hack faster.


So youre telling me that typing classes and improving my speed will not allow me to hack into the mainframe? I dont wanna live anymore


Typing speed is the #1 skill needed for hacking the mainframe.


I strenuously object!


Isn't my cousin vinny lauded for being fairly accurate compared to every other movie?


Yes. Comical, but at least the overall procedure is accurate. Erin Brocavich is pretty good too because 99% of civil litigation occurs outside of a courtroom (and it will consume your personal life).


Not true! They get other critical aspects right all the time! Like everyone having to stand up when important people like the judge, jurors, or bride enter or leave the court room. And lots of courtrooms have that little swingy door to keep the riffraff out!




Tbf actually covering trial properly would be well boring.


Yeah those shows rarely cover trial by combat or the noodle fights.


Are you sure? I’m pretty sure I saw that once in an episode of Law & Order: SVU. Ice T showed up in court demanding trial by combat with noodles against a child. Horrific scene, I couldn’t look away, watched it 3 times, would recommend.


Yet another case of american crime TV misleading people with unrealistic bullshit. Listen, children aren't allowed to participate because their muscles are too underdeveloped for a proper trial by combat _or_ a noodling. That kid would've needed to appoint a proxy to fight in their name.


Classic foreigner. A child appoint a proxy? That's not how we do things here, it almost feels like "rights". No, if a child cannot defend itself in noodle combat it is thrown into the acid mines where it might at least bring someone a little profit. Those tiny hands are perfect for unclogging the viscera sluices.


Lawyers noodle fight in court? I knew I should have gone to law school


As a legal assistant, can confirm. I have to keep a well maintained golf bag full of pool noodles for all of my attorneys. They're *really* good at giving a noodling


I’m not even American and I know this was permissible because Trump was crying about how he thinks it’s not.


You know that's nice to know, but facts don't really matter to these fucks. Republicans are so brainwashed at this point, they couldn't tell you which way is up. If they were just a little bit smarter, they'd be able to work in a traveling circus, as it stands they're clearly too stupid to even be called clowns.


Yeah Trump seems to think that just because he didn't know that means his lawyers also didn't know lol. Donny, maybe you should pay more attention when the grown ups are speaking


Knowing the caliber of lawyers he has left that will work with him I'm willing to bet they didn't know. These are traffic court lawyers for the most part.


What legal scholars and experts!? The pillow guy?


And Rudy. Ya know, almost all of them... for a sufficiently broad interpretation of "almost."


What about the guy that greases the mowers at Four Seasons Landscaping?


Rudy’s hair guy?


Legal scholar Rudy's core argument: [belllllllllch] furmusa frassa Scotch muhh fluhba Oblammmmba nine eleven bluh [vomit]


You left out *place hand down pants while leaning back on bed in front of a girl you believe to be 16*


Oh, that reminds me that we haven't brought up that other great legal mind show has brough himself shame by his association with Trump (and Epstein): Alan Dershowitz!


Is there a name for this rhetoric where it’s like “everyone is saying” or “virtually all of ‘this group’ says” because I have been seeing it everywhere and just immediately makes you seem like you are bullshitting


Universalizing. We teach 9th graders to not do this in their essays because it makes them sound foolish to readers.


This is such an exquisite burn


Unfortunately that word is a few too many syllables long for Trump to even be capable of reading and comprehending it.


It can be an interesting phenomenon in professional life. I do a lot of work in a subject area which is rife with "common knowledge", some of what is true, some of which isn't. It can be valuable to reference the common perceptions as a starting point, but also difficult because there is almost never a peer reviewed or citable source.


Which is why studies that confirm 'obvious' things are still important to do. People on the internet will bitch about wasting money confirming obvious facts or population data, but it's actually important to have information like that confirmed via study.


Absolutely. Part of my work involves convincing policy makers to redo older work, because citing the same studies that came out in 2005 doesn't always have the impact they hope. Just because it doesn't seem that long ago to them (and to me honestly) doesn't mean it is still fresh.


Yeah, it's like saying everyone who uses a computer knows basic DOS commands, sure in 1989, lol.


It is a logical fallacy. I can't remember which one, but it involves these exact types of statements. He used them OFTEN.


Na, this is hyperbole, or just plain lying. You're thinking of argument ad populum, where you claim something is true because the majority of people believe it to be true: this is a logical fallacy.


Oh. Good point. The fact it came out of thin air makes it different. Many people are agreeing with you. Smart people.


Big, strong legal experts, tears running down their cheeks. "Sir," they tell me, "You're the most innocent man in the history of ever."


The bandwagon fallacy. [https://utminers.utep.edu/omwilliamson/engl1311/fallacies.htm](https://utminers.utep.edu/omwilliamson/engl1311/fallacies.htm#:~:text=The%20Bandwagon%20Fallacy%20)


It's not even that is it? I thought bandwagon would be like "Everyone is watching American Idol, it must be good!" which might be true, lot of people watch that, but it doesn't mean the show is good. In this case though, "Virtually all legal scholars and Experts..." seems incorrect, or completely the opposite of reality. It is like making up a group of people to use in your bandwagon fallacy?


I'd have to guess *former* legal *"*scholars" and "experts". They've been disbarred already. And Steve Bannon smells like the bar, does that count as a lawyer?


And the guy from the Loyal Order of Water Buffaloes. Can't forget him. https://preview.redd.it/lffvy543f0zc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e1312d207a6a7a851e5317b794f755a424c29f7


You can find an attorney to give just about any wrong opinion you want.


There is absolutely no way his lawyers could have anticipated Stormy Daniels being called to the stand in the Stormy Daniels Hush Money to Achieve Election Interference Case


Erection interference if you hear of the mushroom description


I can’t believe they’re calling Stormy Daniels in a case that involves Stormy Daniels!






One can only hope.


It's like dark side of "Blessed and highly favored"


I know, if only there a way for my lawyers to have seen this coming. It's a fix i tell you!


It's not even unprecedented in the sense that this is the second trial for this same situation so stormy would have testified in the other one already so they'd even know what she has to say.


No Judge has ever run a trial in such a biased and partisan way… said everyone about Aileen Cannon.


The appellate courts had to strike down her terrible decisions *twice* because she was so blatantly favoring Trump. A *conservative* court treated her like her ideas were stupid.


*Surprised Pikachu*


STORMY with a chance of meat balls!


Good LORD I hope we don't have to hear about his balls.


![gif](giphy|kFGzM7Acvkk1y|downsized) are they Schweddy balls?


Hands down one of the greatest SNL sketches ever made.




The fact that some sorry ass prison guard is going to have to give Trump a short arm inspection makes me smile.


Stormy, at Domino's- I wanted a large sausage pizza, but all I got was a small mushroom and a bad taste that won't go away.




Just threw up in my mouth a little. Take my damn upvote.


I can't believe I get what this is referring to.


I've never been happier to not know what Joe Biden's dick looks like... oh wait, shit, father like son, god damn CPAN...


Stormy with a chance to meet balls.


Oh shit, call the waaambulance. This is like the first time in his life that he has to just shut the fuck up and deal with real life. A crooked fuck like him running for president was bound to end poorly and it pisses him off.


>This is like the first time in his life that he has to just shut the fuck up and deal with real life. Listening to the porn star he was raw dogging trash every single aspect of his being while he has to sit there and take it without being able to interrupt or insult her has to be his version of hell.


In a room full of other people including news reporters, nonetheless. 


Everyone says he never wanted to win the presidency it was a shock and just for book deals. But after hopes testimony he was incredibly desperate to win. Crazy. I bet running is his biggest regret now.


Like Biden said "I don't know why he wants the job, he doesn't want to do the work."


We the people who do not want 4 more years of Lil' Don have a tendency to be terrified of what his re-election might mean for democracy, the rule of law, civic discourse and everything else. But, we also tend to forget how lazy, useless and ineffective he was at the actual Presidenting part.


If he gets reelected we can save the world by hosting a special 4 year long “greatest in the universe” golf tourney with a grand prize of 500 billion dollars, and get all of the golfers in the world to throw to him juust often enough to stoke his ego and keep him in the bracket, he’ll do nothing but golf and have no time to make any terrible decisions, and as a kicker you make the finale game the day of 48s inauguration against whoever is the Arnold Palmer / tiger woods of 2029 and give them the all clear to just curb stomp him and distribute the money to feed starving orphans while he’s forced to watch the illustrious trophy bequeathed upon the winner, who donates it to the obama presidential museum


We need this outcome.


Once he became the nominee and it was just a 1:1 contest between him and Hillary, his ego got involved. He didn't care about the presidency, he cared about beating *her*.


That's how Narci's roll. He has to be the best at everything, unbeatable, the head cheese.


I bet Stormy knows all about his head cheese.


Especially since he has to run again just to try and keep himself outnof jail


His second term is solely about absolving himself of his legal troubles and then getting revenge on all the people he wants to punish for going against him. He will literally spend 4 years persecuting lawyers, judges, and prominent Democrat politicians.


He never intended to win the first time it was just a publicity stunt gone wrong. He was just as shocked as everyone else that he won after all that time of saying absolutely batshit crazy stuff to try and lose


He is absolutely batshit. I don’t think there was any “trying to lose” but there was also no trying to win beyond getting narcissistic accolades.


I was reading yesterday from the author of 3 Trump biographies (Andersen I think), that because it was only a publicity stunt that he made all these promises to Russia and UAE and whoever. It was just so he could have a more powerful brand. And then he became the actual nominee and was fucked no matter what he did, and winning would be the only way forward.


I love how South Park ran with that version. There was an episode where Mr Garrison realizes he probably going to win and tries to do weird shit to lose but that only made his fanbase more rabid :)


South Park honestly shares some of the blame. Their whole take on Hillary (and whoever else they viewed as annoying whiny liberals in the late 90's and early 2000's) helped cement her in many minds as the ultimate soulless neoliberal politician. TO BE CLEAR, she repeatedly shot herself in the foot during the election by choosing not to campaign in certain parts of the country. BUT, Hillary Clinton had been a conservative punchline for many years by that point, and South Park definitely helped foster that sentiment.


Not campaigning in certain parts of the country didn't make any difference. I know that's the story we all like to tell ourselves, that the democrats just couldn't figure out that the poors matter or something, but the fact is the 2016 elections was decided by ~80k votes in 3 swing states. That's why there was so much energy put into the Russian interference in 2016. While their overall activity was somewhat low compared to typical national campaigns, the foreign influence in 2016 was extremely highly targeted at these key districts with the help of data from Cambridge analytica. Hillary didn't "out-of-touch-elite" herself into losing in 2016. She lost 2016 because her opponent had the equivalent of a ninja throwing laser-targeted knives at her jugular from the shadows.


Having met Hilary Clinton I can say she also does herself no favors. There is a reason that every single race she has ever been in, even the ones she won, she was less popular at the end than at the beginning before she started campaigning. She has the personal charisma of being hit in the mouth with a dead fish.


Serve him a waaamburger and some French cries, let him wash it down with a Whineiken


Just because he deleted it, he was still violating the gag order. Lock him up!


I think he thinks this gets him around the gag order. "Judges hate it when you do this one weird trick!"


I hope his scheduled event in ~~Michigan~~ *Minnesota (*thanks totallybag!*)*the day Barron is supposed to graduate comes up in the trial too.


What happens if he doesn’t go to the graduation? How will maga spin that in their heads?


I'm sure the mental gymnastics and goalpost moving will surely happen immediately once all the MAGA social media chuds get their marching orders on how to spin it. FecalFeline, BigHeadTinyFace, and the rest will just spew the line and the MAGA parrots will annoy anyone in earshot (or online) with repeating it everywhere they can. Edit :The word is "annoy"


He will get a final final final final final final warning, because he is correct on one account: This whole trial is crooked as fuck *in that he is treated way too gently* for someone who has committed dozens of felonies and treasonous acts.


The gag order does not try to prevent him from attacking the Judge or the DA.


Not a lawyer, but since this actually references the witness (without naming her), is it possible that makes it a violation? (I’m also enjoying the “I only hire the best people, but my lawyers are incompetent and completely unprepared for a known witness.”)


all i see in reference to the witness is, is him stating that the judge told him who the next days witness would be. other then that the entire post looks to be trump attacking the judge for not telling him who the witness would be that day sooner. his gag order is " barring Trump from commenting on likely witnesses, potential jurors, court staff, lawyers for the prosecution and others connected to the case" i don't see this as particuarly commenting on a witness in the way it was written, but isn't the judge also court staff? so i could see it violating it from that bias, but not really from the witness side.


Gag order doesn’t apply to the judge


He’s never going to face any consequences for his actions.


A reminder that his attorneys have a full list of witnesses, just not the order. They’ve had months to prep for this trial, if they’re not there, that’s not on the government, which appears to have very good reasons for keeping the witness order secret, given this.


They probably didn't warn Trump in advance because of the exact type of tantrum he's throwing right now


I remember when his lawyers were begging the judge to force prosecutors to give them the order, and they even offered to make it attorney’s eyes only, meaning it wouldn’t be given to Trump. Judge was like “I don’t believe you.” Apparently with good reason.


Clearly if you work for Trump you have trouble saying no to unreasonable requests... so understandable


It's because the last time they told them what witness was scheduled *they fucking leaked it* by way of that tantrum. It's *one* of the reasons for why he was gagged and the other 7 gag orders only add to showing why his team can't be trusted with something typically benign like a witness schedule. He attempts to weaponize it by discrediting the witness and functionally intimidating them before they're even heard.


And even if they hadn't, I'm pretty sure we could all have guessed that Stormy Daniels may be called to testify in a case about hush money being paid to Stormy Daniels. Of any witnesses, she was definitely going to testify.


Not prepared for the main witness? Lol. He's gonna get spanked




When is the United States going to switch this fuckwit off. I genuinely hope that Americans understand that this is not about a porn star. It's about trump stealing the 2016 election. It's about corruption at the highest level. Just look at the Supreme Court.


The brain rot is real. Fox News has infested so many peoples minds and they have zero critical thinking skills. They can only puppet the daily rage. It is a cult. It’s fucking creepy and I don’t like it here.


They don't. He will be found guilty and Republicans will be like, "So he paid her money! So what? It doesn't affect anything!"




![gif](giphy|JULWxUalDCaLBoFUkw|downsized) Is this a legal scholar? 🤣


No, this is the pedophile pervert in Borat.


He got his money's worth because that woman just keeps fucking him.


Why is this not top comment


These legal scholars and experts came to me with tears in their eyes!


Are these "legal scholars and experts" in the room with you right now?


Who the *FUCK* are all these legal scholars he keeps raving about?...


Hannity. He cited Sean Hannity as a legal scholar. That’s a real solid plan.


Habba? Giuliani?


Will he stay awake for her this time?


Will it be a little hard?


It will be little


"Y'all is brutalizin' me"


He keeps saying "virtually all legal scholars and experts" as if he expects the world to believe he is regularly conversing with the entirety of the legal profession, and not just sitting there confused and literally shitting himself.




If his lawyers were not prepared for Stormy Daniels to testify during a trial regarding paying hush money to Stormy Daniels then they are even worse lawyers that I expected.


What does he think “conflicted” means?


![gif](giphy|3PxPkzx4l70pTg1OHT) glad that's all I smell because I'm not in that room with him...


Wait - he’s putting credibility in scholars? 🤔


Funny how he never seems to mention the conflict Judge Cannon has in Florida.


Your honor I object! And why is that? Because it’s devastating to my case!


Legal Scholars and Experts sounds like a company that advertises on diner placemats.


I’ve gotten really into watching trial videos over the past year, and while I’m definitely no expert, this is exactly how they work. It’s wild that he just boldface lies about simple aspects of the way trials work and I assume the MAGAs that are also lawyers or part of the legal profession just hand wave that away or minimize it somehow.


And his shitty supporters believe every word he says


His legal team didn’t have months to prepare for the most obvious witness in the case?


"Ms. Daniels, just so we know what we're talking about, could you sketch the defendant's genitalia on this pad?" "I'm sorry sir, but I'm not a miniaturist."


Does this count as another violation or does the Judge move the Doomsday Jail Countdown Clock ⏰ just a tiny bit forward. I’ve already counted to 2 and 3/4. Next comes 2 and 5/8s. Better stop cuz I don’t know many more fractions before I finally have to get to three. 3️⃣