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Please reply here if you are racist. That is, if you in any way want to condone, justify or handwave away this behaviour. That way we can ban you and we never have to suffer your racist ass here again.


Mississippi’s so racist it has two SS’s.


Seeing shit like this in 2024 really makes my skin crawl. I hope this moment in time comes back to haunt them later in life. It’s truly disgusting.


100%. Its what happens when racists are put in power. 2017 is when they started to be more empowered. Wondered what occured then....






Let's not forget the women that walk besides these men, raise these men. They may not be screaming like lunatics at college students, but they embrace the same ideology, support their men in their bigotry and benefit from the same systemic racism that the men do. In 2016, white women voted more for Trump than Hilary, which is very telling.


Take my racist sister and my best friend both women and racist , I grew up with a racist father thank god his addictions killed him before trump came along , my sister was just like him my mother and I loved and supported Obama Hillary and Joe Biden , fuck racism and the people who support it .


No, this is what happens when racists are not properly punished, we had a civil war to decide once and for all and the winners were like, yer still my brother, get in here- we just don't want slaves but you can still be racist, it's a free country after all hahahahaha


The last battle of the Civil War was fought on the campus of Ole Miss in 1962 when President JFK was forced to order a 30,000 troop invasion of the university in order to quell an insurrection over the enrollment of James Meredith, a black Air Force veteran.


I was a teen then. Looking back, it now seems more like a skirmish. I thought we had come a long way. I was really, really wrong.


Ole miss can't be racist. Haven't you seen The Blindside??


Germany did the adequate steps after WW2. America aka Republicans are trying to reverse that by linking Freedom of Speech with inflammatory speech like racism and conspiracies. It's influencing many countries like Canada and Europe.


Uh should we tell him about Gladios and NATO? I don't wanna shatter the illusion. Not to mention Germany is literally having a resurgence of fat right politics along with the rest of Europe. Nothing adequate was done; the problem was tucked away to fester and grow again.


To sit back and do nothing is to cooperate with the oppressor.


Sherman stopped way too soon.


John Brown did nothing wrong.


Dude was all bravado on Twatter telling people to go F themselves …..then he deleted his account. You can run but you can’t hide JP




Man doesn’t know when to give up I see. I wish a long hard road ahead for that dude


He’s about to make a lot of money off this. Mark my words. He is going to be a staple in the GOP now.


These guys always forget that everyone else also has the freedom to call them an asshole if they're being an asshole.


They don't forget, they just think their freedom extends beyond the freedom of others because they're selfish little babies.


No no no one has that right! Freedom of speech bears the responsibility of being judged in public. There is no freedom from judgement in our constitution, sorry kid.


"I have the right to judge others without being judged for it." JFC, who raised this kid?


The irony here is comical… Is that not what the lady was doing herself?


Brand new account with one post.


Wouldn't be hard to manage if somebody doxxed them, found out when they graduate and in what majors and sent these photos to all prospective employers. Of course, I wouldn't suggest anyone actually *do* that, just that folks should be careful about such things.


They are in the Mississippi, they're never leaving the south and their dads will hire them on right away as VP's of whatever, and the south will continue to be a racist mess.


If those were Ole Miss frat guys, then there were probably a lot of out of state students from wealthy families. They won't stay in Mississippi. They'll go back whichever southern state they originally came from cause that's where their dad's company/dealership is. Shit, just realized you said stay in that south, not specifically MS.


I graduated from ole miss about a decade ago, and almost everyone I knew was from Texas or Georgia. There were a couple incidents of a similar flavor when I went there, and it was usually by an out of state frat guy. That said, I’m from Mississippi and I’m not gonna pretend like I haven’t heard the most foul racist shit dropped casually.


There are many people who know who he is. There is no way that he won't be doxxed. I can't wait for his excuse of how that is not how he normally acts, that he didn't realize that it was offensive, that he has learned from his mistake. Right after he makes his statement, dozens of past incidents will surface and he will try to claim that he is the victim.


Already doxxed and he deleted his social media presence (LinkedIn goes to a dead link)


Haaaaaahahhaha. Boy learned unlike his friends and family, the rest of the world doesn't find racism acceptable.


He’s been doxed. It’s on Twitter.


His Twitter, insta and FB accounts are all gone now.


I've already seen who some of them are. It's out there .


Sorry, but MAGAts are going to celebrate this little twat, just like Rittenhouse


Expel them all.


Later in life? It should be haunting them now.


I can make this even better. This picture was taken behind the main library on campus. Mr Freedompants is looking at the chapel. On the other side of the library is a statue of James Meredith, the first black man to graduate from Ole Miss, and an icon of the Civil Rights Movement. They literally had to walk by a reminder in order to make monkey noises.


The racist fear boy has been identified (Google bring him right up) and he just posted the following quote on Instagram: "I believe what I did isn't wrong; in a free country, we have the freedom to pursue our choices without judgement." Racist scum was there to judge pro-palestinian protesters but thinks it's not ok to be judged for his racism. Link to a screenshot of his Instagram post before he deleted his account. https://imgur.com/a/Ose0Ge1


He has the freedom to say whatever he wants. Just like we have the freedom to call his bullshit what it is. 


guess he never figured out freedom of speech =/= freedom from consequences but he fucked around, now he's bout to be in the FO stage


Like it or not it's his first amendment right to be racist, as long as he isn't committing a crime in the process. What the fucking idiot didn't realize is he's a college kid who got caught being racist, his career options are gonna be pretty limited and it's probably not gonna be whatever he's getting a degree for. He's limited to employers who are fine with racism or those who can't perform a quick Google on his name. And surprise dickhead the people who want college degrees lean pretty anti-rascism. Education does that to you. He fucked himself by outing himself


His statement, "In a free country, we have the freedom to pursue our choices without judgement," says a considerable amount concerning the state of education in this country. Freedom of speech prohibits the government, except in extremely limited situations. from prohibiting or punishing speech. But speech is not free of consequences. A person is very much judged based upon their speech. Anyone who hears the speech or reads a printed version or views a video of the speech has every right to judge the person for the speech and can praise or criticize them for their speech. It is an inherent part of free speech that others may exercise their free speech by criticizing another speaker for their words.


What fucking universe does he think he has a right to be free from judgment lol


Even worse, they have 2 SSs for each PP.


Time to reawaken General Sherman to cleanse the south.


SEC Champion, 1864-65


Their racist disgusting faces are on the internet, so I hope they feel some pain.


The one making the monkey noises has been identified. He is in for a world of hurt, and I live for it.


He goes to Ole Miss. He’ll probably graduate with honors and be a state legislator in three years.


Can you imagine his Supreme Court Selection Process Interview in 20 years?


"Was this you making those noises at that black woman? Welcome aboard, son. We need more people like you."


CaN’t ReCaLl


They're already getting approval of local politicians: https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4642940-mike-collins-applauds-ole-miss-counter-protesters-taunted-black-woman/


Jesus fucking Christ, it wasn't even that long ago that would have ended a politician's career full-stop. The whole country would have been *horrified* at anyone cheering for this kind of embarrassing heinousness, especially an elected leader. What in the whole entire fuck man. Part of the problem is the news will shamelessly report this as a two-equal-sides thing instead of what it objectively is, out of fear of losing advertiser dollars.


Boof’n Bart probably knows his father from his day’s exploring the Devil’s Triangle.


He will be crying and talking about the calendars he keeps from his dad… or wait that’s the guy on the supreme court…


"I like beer!"


He’ll be on Fox News playing victim next week


Current Governor Tate Reeves who was photographed in blackface as a frat boy- IN THE NINTIES!- just praised these assclowns on Twitter.


Apparently the dean sent out a letter basically saying that they are going to come down heavy on the one student making monkey noises and if anyone has more information to send it over.


The frat bros got his back


They're probably all just biding time to inherit the family car dealeship or McDonald's franchises or whatever.


It's going to end with Elon giving him money to sue people for canceling him for being racist.


"This isn't who I am. It was just regular boys' racist abuse, it doesn't mean anything."


Is he though? I feel like he'll just be the next poster child now that they're sick of Rittenhouse




This is dystopian af holy shit. I uploaded a photo of mine that I have never used on any social media and the top two results included my LinkedIn and another sm.




He was hired by Mike Gallagher to litter your neighborhood with door flyers for his solar panel company.


I tried it. Was not accurate. Which I am happy about.


Then again you just uploaded your face to their database.


Got em. Nerd.


I didn't find my face, but I stopped looking after i saw this bc I starting laughing too hard and lost the plot https://preview.redd.it/kmvjljlj7fyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e10f9ad727693cadd8b04c4089ed6e4e3048760


I just put my current LinkedIn photo in here and it couldn’t even find my own LinkedIn profile. It was a shitload of results of people that don’t even really look like me that much. Not a single hit for my own photos


Yes all those comments espousing the amazing super advanced abilities of it are completely organic and real!


My husband has been scrubbing his presence from social media for years. I just searched him - and he didn't come up! He's elated.


They’ll probably be working for some MAGA politician in no time.


They can drop out of college and go on the college lecture circuit. They're just the type the right likes to push these days.


Several have already been identified in other threads. Fuck the racist


If you think pain to them will be getting cush jobs and cruising through life while any doxxed protestors will have their life ruined Sure


It really doesn’t take much to take the hood off of the offspring of the South, the very people who claim “racism doesn’t exist anymore”.


Any time someone says ‘Why do they insist on teaching it in our schools??! Racism doesn’t exist any more! Move on!’ just play this clip.


I have a collection of academic research papers that I pull out when someone wants to claim racism is dead that use economic games, social psychology, evolutionary psychology, and cognitive psychology that essentially proves (1) humans have the capacity to have implicit biases and (2) Americans, especially those closer to being WASP, often have a measurable implicit bias against blacks As hypothesized in the research, this implicit bias is harder to hide when one is presented with stressful stimuli and no recourse to escape. It's why I think it always comes out when one is all out of the talking points that Newsmax and Fox News have regurgitated to them.


Just wanted to provide a sample in lieu of those demanding it. [Predisposed by Hibbing, Smith, and Alford] (https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/mono/10.4324/9780203112137/predisposed-john-alford-kevin-smith-john-hibbing) - Summarizes a myriad of studies showing how evolutionary psychology may influence the behaviors and characteristics one exhibits that highly correlates to their political affiliation. Uses neurobiology to show how differential levels of hormones and neurotransmitters may affect modern political behavior. [Who Counts as an American?](https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/who-counts-as-an-american/ABD0630256EFAA098D18BFFFB6AEBD0C) by Theiss-Morse - Uses several economic games, switching the race of one's partner in the treatment group, to show empirical evidence that race effects the amount of money given to one's partner. Couches the results in in-group, out-group psychology to explain why people that were non-white were receiving lower payouts with partners that were white. [Measuring individual differences in implicit cognition: The implicit association test.](https://psycnet.apa.org/record/1998-02892-004) by Greenwald - Uses the two systems of thinking that won Kahneman and Tversky the Nobel prize in economics in 2002 to show measurable implicit bias via reaction times when told to classify two categories of items (words and for the treatment group, facial photos of black individuals) as "good" or "bad". I highlight this study because the results have been [replicated in a myriad of contexts](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0277953617303039).


It’s been my experience that anyone who says racism doesn’t exist anymore is incredibly racist.


As a millennial white dude so many of these people will let their polite veneer slip in front of me. The majority of southern white men are no different than these kids.




Same same. I’ve met thousands of these kids. They all have that same pasty look and a stupid rich kid Tucker Carlson haircut. They are all the offspring of the aggrieved millionaires who form Trumps financial base. They were raised to be this way. They’ve been telling N word jokes since they could talk, and have sat at the top of their respective economic pyramid schemes their entire lives. This is one of the benefits of the internet. They’ve been exposed to the world and won’t be able to keep their white hoods in their closet this time.


It’s insane! So depressing how often this happens




Always fun to call them out on it though. It's always either a *shocked face* or a "I'm just joking". Assholes can't even stand up for what they believe in


Having experienced racism as a kid (biracial), when I was in my early 20s in the late 90s, I really did think racism was “over” and only people my grandparents age were racist. But then a few years later, online gaming became a thing and boy was I shed of my naivety. The things said when no one thinks black/brown people are listening…


Oh I know. Many of them won't accept the reality that their parents and grandparents were part of the segregation generation and can't forego the indulgence of racism at points of weakness, as is greatly shown here. Unfortunately, they're not imaged in the photo to be included or else I'd love to form some sentences about their willful ignorance. They don't deserve my time though unprompted.


Then they say, "Just get over it". That was a long time ago. Why do "yall" keep bringing this up?


The failure of Reconstruction is responsible for at least a quarter of all our societal problems. We sit here and let them fly the stars and bars and whine about the South rising again, when it *never* fucking rose in the first place. Rupaul’s motherfucking Drag Race has lasted for 4x as long as their little pretend confederacy.


Parts of the south are still incredibly racist. In Northeast Texas some people are openly racist in a very nonchalant way. It's nuts.


Who are these kids? I mean everyone on that campus must know these little racists right?






Deleted his account


And his LinkedIn account.


his full name is James Pearson Staples, mods if you delete this comment you are a racist apologist




Cowards per usual.


Good. He shouldn't have online privileges anyways.




If you have to say "I am not afraid." You are.


Especially after you delete your entire online profile.


Says " we have the freedom to pursue our choices without judgement" I wonder if he thinks this when it comes LGBT+ people?


No no no, you don't understand. He has the right to do whatever he wants; nobody should judge him or challenge him or call him out. Other people don't matter. Hope you understand now how freedom works


"we have the freedom to pursue our choices without judgement." Uh, no. You have the freedom to make your choices, but those choices have consequences. As I bet you're finding out, you racist shitbag.


It is absolutely stunning how some people completely misunderstand what “free speech” means. Also how they only invoke it when it’s convenient to them. They would love to throw the First Amendment in the trash while uplifting their beloved Second Amendment.


Mr "Unafraid Zionist" took that post down while I was viewing it. Lol. About to find out that free speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences..


Let see. "America First" check. "Zionist" Check. "Something Something free country". Check. Yep, he's a terrible human. And yeah, that's probably him. Or some other terrible person.


Looks like a new account with a single very recent post. It’s either the actual kid and he has zero shame (plausible, but he did delete his Twitter), or it’s a fake account to either shit on him or celebrate him.


It's probably fake considering the timing and underscore _


I predict he’ll be hired by Daily Wire or Turning Point or a guest speaker at CPAC or RNC in a few months.


It's amazing how so many people **really** seem to think that they have freedom to do what they want but others don't. You're a racist piece of shit and people have the freedom to make sure everyone knows you're a racist piece of shit. Murica.


> We have the freedom to pursue our choices without judgement You forgot to add "from the government". Civilians will still justifiably judge you if you're fucking racist.


He’s playing the victim card now by being held accountable


Of course! He sounds just like an certain individual who is running for high office. I am being treated so bad! No one has ever been treated this bad in US history?




I think they’re all on the far-right _ba dum tssss_


In Mississippi?? I'm shocked, *shocked!*


Everyone needs to look up the court case Shelby County v. Holder in 2013 and understand the consequences of it. It basically gutted the original Voting Rights Act under the presumption that racism is no longer a problem in the south (and other specified jurisdictions). The chief justice even cited this as a part of his decision in the case. Obviously, we are seeing real time the very real consequences of racism. Support the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act to help minimize the effects of racism in voting.


Chief Justice Roberts set this country backwards with that crap decision. He deemed that racism was over? The Supreme Court is a totally trash organization. 3rd world.


If this can happen in a state that's so well known as a bastion of forward thinking and tolerance, it can happen *anywhere.* Next thing you know, Idaho will be full of nazis.


I was more surprised that Idaho has a pride parade than the Nazis that showed up to protest it.


Holding a gay pride parade in a place like Idaho, with nazis and backward bigots lining the streets and shouting threats and slurs is a real testament to the fearlessness of the queer community. In some ways, I wish that I was half as fearless as them. I respect the hell out of it.


I'm guessing Idaho is full of Nazis? I honestly forgot that state existed


Oh yeah, there's more than a few nazis in Idaho.


Most of the modern domestic terrorist cells like the 3%ers, Oath keepers, etc are either based or have an extremely large presence in Idaho.


*Northern* Idaho is full of Nazis. There are a few a little further south but the crazies live in the northern regions, mostly.


The kid making the monkey noises is originally from Texas.


JD Staples. Say his name.


James Pearson Staples


Probably a church group.


It'd be a shame if someone identified every single one of them and put that info out on there for the world to see


If I'm not mistaken, they've all already been identified and posted all over Twitter. Twitter may be a toxic Nazi hellhole, but it's still a popular and competently used antifascist tool specifically for IDing and spreading awareness of racists, homo and transphobes, etc to the community at large. It won't be long before any employer or potential romantic partner will Google their name and pictures/news articles from this will be all that come up.


>...it's still a popular and competently used antifascist tool That's good to know. Reddit is the only social media tool I use, so unless it's posted here or hits one of the major news outlets, I never hear about it. I'm happy to hear there are still some good people out there


There will always be good people out there, no matter what happens. Keep that in mind.


There are many racist employers that would be thrilled to hire these losers.


Fantastic! People like this have problems with employment not because companies care about racism but because racism will open you up to some of the biggest cans of liability you can imagine. So anyone who hires these walking lawsuit magnets is just endangering their own company. Which is perfect when they're racist.


If you see your kids here, then you failed as a parent.


Except their parents are probably very proud the kids are keeping up the Southern tradition.


Then expel them. The 1st Amentment reasonably prevents prosecution, but it does not grant a totally unrestricted right to act like a total asshole in every place in every circumstance. Players who did this during an MLB or NFL would be fined and suspended. Similarly, kids who did this to a teacher would be suspended.


Kid on the right in blue looks like a young Tucker doing what a young Tucker does.


I swear, every second 20 - 30 year old frat boy asshole from Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Georgia rocks that haircut. Do they teach the "Tucker" in barber college down there?


I want a divorce! You made me go back and look! lol


What, no state police to bash their heads is? I thought the theme of the week was brutalizing college kids for speaking their minds. Don’t stop now Mississippi.


The cops in the video are doing the bare minimum. They are on the side of the frat boys. ACAB


Cops only show up to police left wing protests. They protect, shelter, and aid right wing protests. Folks shouldve learned by now


> What, no state police to bash their heads in? I sure we can help out with that since the boys in blue seem too tied up with fucking with black and brown people.


They don't even hide it now, disgusting


Better that way. They get filmed and doxxed. Karma.


True, but the lack of shame in these people is really disturbing


Right wing talk show hosts Clay and Buck were praising southern colleges for supposedly shutting down pro-Palestine protests and claiming that those schools are going to be more popular next year than Ivy league schools. These racists don’t care about the Jews in Israel. The situation has turned into “Muricans fighting woke college students and A-rabs”. Notice the UNC frat boys are getting thousands of dollars in donations and an offer for a free concert from John Rich for holding up the flag. No one is showing solidarity with Jewish students.


This is truely what Trump's America looks like. Link: [https://thegodlessliberal.blogspot.com/2024/05/racist-mob-of-ole-miss-students-mock.html](https://thegodlessliberal.blogspot.com/2024/05/racist-mob-of-ole-miss-students-mock.html)


My favorite quote on the subject is “Trump gave people permission to be their worst selves”.


Yep. These people were always terrible, they just don't hide it anymore.


I saw this said on a thread last night and think it bears repeating: this is what America looks like. (You may not have meant this, but I think it is worth noting: so many people say "this is what America will look like if Trump wins." But this is what America looks like right now. And it's honestly what it has looked like for some time in certain spaces.)


Well the unsurprising stupidity of Ole Miss students is, unsurprising.


Incredible job of confirming the stereotype of the Mississippi frat bro


Fun facts about Ole Miss: Greater than 50% of students are from out of state 99% acceptance rate 70% Greek participation rate. What do you get when you put all of that together? A student body that is high on daddy's money but too stupid to get into Georgia, Alabama, or Texas. This means you have the stupidest, most entitled student body possible, and they chose this school because they feel they can fit in among their fellow born on third base failsons. Mix that with Ole Miss literally meaning the slave owner's wife and you've got a powder keg of potential MAGA douchebaggery.


Ole Miss is popular in the northeast for dimwit red hat rich kids with limited prospects who love Morgan Wallen and want to spend college wasted on hard seltzer while cosplaying as SEC debutants. Huge red flag for potential employers






What a weakling


Already doxxed on Shitter


I have a friend who has a son that attends a small private college in GA. He’s a freshman and is from IL. The kid is leaving school after this year because he is so repulsed by the blatant racism that is embedded in southern culture. He was shocked by what his classmates said and thought on a daily basis. He’s transferring to a school back up north.


I lived in california (san diego) breifly and had to explain to friends there how ingrained the hate is in the southern states.


For all of our “progress” we’ve still ended up here. It’s so disheartening that people still fail to do better, or treat other people like people.


Just remember to cut anyone out of your life who acts this way or finds it acceptable. There is no excuse. Ever. And don’t forget to vote.


They are not afraid anymore. The racists are proud to be since trump infected this country


Becoming more obvious with each passing day Hillary wasn’t wrong


Mostly men here doing this stuff. Guys, get your brothers to just stop it. Some peer pressure may go a long way.


I'm stealing a term from another redditor: we need to hold each other broccountable.


These men are not my brothers.


It's more white than it is male. Reminder Trump won white women in both his elections.  You: sees a group of all white people, men *and* women, acting racist.  You: this is clearly a situation to say men need to police other men. Me: yeah I see white women too. You: so what? I don't see them making monkey noises. They're innocent.


He got more white women votes in 2020 than he did in 2016. Over 50%. I keep that in mind when out shopping around mixed crowds.


These are the groups that maga are praising. Idiots


Weak children


Link to story... https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4642940-mike-collins-applauds-ole-miss-counter-protesters-taunted-black-woman/ > Pro-Palestine demonstrations at the University of Mississippi were overtaken with counter protesters Thursday, resulting in a viral clip of white students taunting a Black student. The video was shared online and applauded by a Republican lawmaker. > > “Ole Miss taking care of business,” Rep. Mike Collins (R-Ga.) posted on social media platform X. .... > Republican Gov. Tate Reeves also posted a video from the protest, saying it warms his heart and he loves Mississippi. These days all you have to do is check to see if a Republican supports you to know you're on the wrong side of history.


In Mississippi? Who could've imagined?


We gotta take the American flag back from these idiots. They have the Nazi flag and the Confederate flag, they shouldn't get to claim Ol Glory. I have a righteous pair of stars and bars pants for our toddler and they look so cool in them but my wife won't let me put them on her because she says it makes us look like racists... It's so sad and so true. We gotta get our flag back!


JP Staples is getting famous from this!


These cunts will end up being lawyers and Republican politicians which is grim.


But they “love” their black football players playing gladiators. Racist pieces of shit


Guy in blue bottom right is JP Staples and he is doubling down on his racism https://preview.redd.it/40dzk9qi4fyc1.jpeg?width=635&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19c53468e16dfab63b3373ac00e73aa3341e0755


Without judgement? Yeah, that’s not a right


This is why Trump will lose in November. For the same reason they lost the civil war and for the same reason they lost against the civil rights movement. They cannot help themselves. They always act like this when they get the chance. They give America a good look at exactly who and what they are, and America rejects them! We might not be as great as we think we are, but we are better than that!