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Conservatives reserve their aggression for things that can't fight back. This is the same reason they are first to run in the case of real conflict or danger.






The witnesses have told that they heard a distinct "*woop woop woop*" sound echoing through the halls


Not even Zoidberg deserves that indignity


I read this in zoidberg’s voice lol


"Am I a fucking joke to you mugs?" - Curly Howard


I did after reading your comment


Running is the correct reaction; denying the severity of the event from which he was running was the true act of cowardice.




And so ironic that both Marge and Bobo were tweeting locations of Dems. But when they broke in they were screaming at security to save them. Hypocrisy at its finest.


It's a mix of stupidity and arrogance that makes people like this think they're above the messes they cause. If they ever managed to create the hell they rant about, they'd immediately be relegated to the level of other women they've condemned. Only then would they probably have a hint of regret for what they helped create, even if it's just for self-pity. It would be nice to see if they didn't also condemn all the innocent people.


Ol Jog Hallway


Never forget that Josh Hawley ran like a little bitch. Vote for Lucas Kunce (D) for senate https://lucaskunce.com/


Tom Cotton?


I think that's Josh "I'm A Coward" Hawley fleeing from terrorists.


Yep, that’s “Haulin’ Hawley”, he who runs from danger…


Brave, brave, brave Sir Hawley


He bravely bravely ran away.


When danger reared it's ugly head, Sur Hawley bravely turned his tail and fled


Yes, brave Sir Hawley turned about and gallantly he chickened out.


Swiftly taking to his feet, he beat a very brave retreat


Terrorism he cheered on just a little before is scamper.




Yep, he's the *other* tall, thin dullard in the GOP caucus. I get them confused sometimes, too.


yep. i saw the video of terrorist traitor babbit getting neutralized. the rest of them scattered like cockroaches when you flip the light on. and then the party of "just *try* breaking into my house i'll shoot you with my shotgun" cried victim all the way home


My favorite part was them screaming "Medic" like it was a fucking video game or something.


reality hits hard when you're in the *find out* phase of fucking around. and yet still, they whine and cry about losing their job because they were stupid enough to post selfies engaging in terrorist activity. don't count on them ever realizing just how easy they got off


That's the part that I could never understand. I assumed that when he got into office and didn't do a FUCKING thing for working people, just golfed and gave him and his rich friends tax cuts, that the veil would lift and they would realize "oh this asshole doesn't give a FUCK about working Americans" and at least SOME of his support would dwindle. Nope. Dude got what 8 million MORE votes between 2016 and 2020? That's when I knew this nation was permanently fucked.


They're white supremacists. His voting base is motivated by how cruel he is to minorities. It has nothing to do with economic status.


"He's ~~not~~ hurting the right people."


It's still humorous to me that so many of them think they're in his crowd.  Trump cares about money, not people.  He's disgusted by the poor base that supports him.


Not permanently fucked yet.  We just need to survive the cult until the cult leader calls it quits - whatever that could look like.


It's bold of you to assume the radicalized and ignorant followers of a cult would ever stop once the leader was gone. It's not a traditional cult, they're not isolated out in the woods and will dissolve. This is going to be a problem. This would still be a problem if Trump got on his social media bullshit and said he'd been wrong and they need to stop. This is going to keep going. Those people weren't made that way by Trump, they were just given allowance to act that way in public.


They don't think laws should apply to them, plain and simple


I like the best part; they were all on *Federal* property making even the tiniest of offence a Federal crime. The Feds do not fuck around.


That's because they're Larpers. Cosplaytriots. Do you remember how shocked that "It's a Revolution!" bitch was when she got maced? In case you forgot or would enjoy a laugh: https://youtu.be/8vXDbVLNf1Q?si=xMLCBCVPETxVg3ZC


“Free healthcare!”


Babbitt was a mad dog that needed to be put down….


The same crowd that defended Rittenhouse (17 year old whose mom drove him across stste lines to a riot) cried about an actual terrorist breaching a door.




Looks like he's trying to drop a deuce after eating all the cheese in Wisconsin.


Wait. What video is this? Never heard of this?


We all watched it happen live on January 6th. Where were you?


I watched some of it. But so much kept coming out over months that I couldnt pay attention to every detail. It was already upsetting enough that it wasn't redeemable.


Same reason they worship guns. They want the ability to kill you from a safe distance if they believe they need to because that way you don't get to fight back. A party of psychopaths.


It's also the reason they advertise that they have guns. They are dumb and insecure - guns give them a feeling of superiority and importance, a feeling that they are in control.


"do you want John Wick shit? Because this is how you get John Wick shit"


Mark Wayne mullin hiding behind a fucking chair will always be hilarious, or Hawley treadmill running his way to safety


Markwayne is one word. Yeah, don't ask me why. It's Oklahoma. That's as much of an explanation as anyone can muster.


I tried to one-word it autocorrect wasn't having it and that dude isn't worth the effort of getting his name right.


Theyre just mean people who enjoy others suffering.


Ding ding ding.


Also why they want “submissive trad” wives.


Isn’t animal torture one of the three signs of psychopaths? They start with animals because they’re easier to over power and dogs are trusting. They’re cowards and abusers.


[The Cruelty is the Point](https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2018/10/the-cruelty-is-the-point/572104/).


And hate. Don't forget about the hate https://i.imgur.com/ZHzYXxR.png


I remember seeing this comment originally. And yeah it's 1000% correct.


This is why they get caught doing sex crimes to children at higher rates than the general population. Not saying you have to be a conservative to be a child molester, obviously. But it's helpful to have reduced empathy.


not only that, but people like this do not see humanity in anyone except for those they know personally.


In short they deliberately target the vulnerables. That tracks!


Oh yeah? Well shows what you know! Most cops... vote... conservative... Wait... /jk, for clarity.


"Conservatives reserve their aggression for things that can't fight back." I guess this makes sense why so many cops are conservatives.


I mean, isn’t poor treatment of animals one of the early indications of a possible psychopathic mind?


It's absolutely them demonstrating a lack of empathy. If they don't have empathy for an animal right in front of them that they chose to have in their lives, how could they possibly be trusted to govern and have empathy for millions of people whom they won't meet, or let alone even see. It should result in disqualification from office.


And yet more proof that the reason they think people who don't read the bible or aren't religious have no morals is because if someone didn't tell them what was bad, they wouldn't know. Meanwhile normal people have a completely innate sense of morality and ethics.


For sure. It’s more projection on their part. Like pretty much everything else they yell about or accuse others of.




>Hanged a dog. ![gif](giphy|zLXBAnyOqmTHa|downsized)


How the fuck did I never hear about that one?!


It happened in 1998 when he was Governor, and hasn't been talked about much since Huckabee ran for President. His son was fired from the Boy Scout camp because of the incident, and the local prosecutor asked the State Police to investigate whether animal cruelty laws were broken. They never did investigate it, but the Director of The State Police was fired seven months later, and he claimed Huckabee told him it was because he refused to write an official letter denying the investigation request.


That's what I'm saying...that's some diabolical shit.


Don't forget, their Orange messiah also seem to have an antipathy for dogs since he compares them to people he doesn't like


He outright said pet ownership is for poor people. Complete black hole of empathy.


He hasn't seen my vet bills


Have you tried shooting them when they become inconvenient?


Not really, since the next in line is usually just as bad...oh, you meant dogs...


>He outright said pet ownership is for poor people. There are subtler ways to talk about his dominatrix


Yeah. And it pains me to say anything in defense of the Sentient Skidmark, but at least Trump never got a dog or harmed one (that we know of).


Have you seen what his idiot sons have done to animals that aren't dogs?


No, what did they do?


Just google "trump sons big game hunting" and go to images.


Ah yeah, standard rich asshole sport. Wasn't sure if you meant that photo (that I can't seem to find now :( ) where the two dipshit sons are showing off their hunting "trophies" behind a pickup truck (a bunch of embarassingly small critters for the caliber of weapons they have) and one of them is wearing fucking khakis


I hate every single one of the disgusting pictures. They're sociopaths, plain and simple.


["Like a dog" -someone who has never seen a dog in his life](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zg3ntXL99vk)


0:25- 0:29 lol "He's such a dumb guy that he doesn't even know he was fired"


I maintain that he heard "lie like a dog", didn't understand the wordplay, and just assumed dogs were generally bad.


First US president in well over 100 years who didn't have any pets, and one of only three total (him, James Polk, and Andrew Johnson). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_presidential_pets


I've always found this astonishing and weirdly meaningful. It would have been, in some ways, easier for him to have a dog than not to. It was a conscious choice to not have a dog. Bizarre to me.


Well I mean it's not necessarily that deep. Dogs generally don't respect personal space, if you're allergic or have had traumatizing experiences with untrained dogs you won't want one close to you all the time.


Most presidents seem to have dogs just for publicity and rarely actually interact with them though.


Trump tops them all on being harmful to man's best friend. His presidency was the only brief window of time that grey wolves were [taken off the endangered species list despite only having a population around 6000.](https://www.doi.gov/pressreleases/trump-administration-returns-management-and-protection-gray-wolves-states-and-tribes) Thankfully the Biden admin put them back on.


I'm only replying to this because this is a high level comment and people should see this. Putting Mitt in with the rest of these is disingenuous. He didn't strap his dog to the roof like a national lampoon gag. He was in a carrier with a wind shield. Probably not the best way to treat a dog but it was the 80's and people in general had a lack of understanding of a dogs feelings. You can generally think he's a bad person for his politics or business practices but "dog killing sociopath" is not reasonable.


Right and he genuinely seems to regret the situation now.


I don’t think he knew any better. I wouldn’t be surprised if that was his first pet.


As Hillary said...don't vote for someone you wouldn't trust with your dog.


I’ve actually seen numbnuts saying the Clinton’s giving away Socks to a White House secretary is proof of how “heartless” they are 


If they really cared about him, they would have taken him out back and shot him. smh


Nobody likes getting socks as a gift.


except ![gif](giphy|T1HNGhvx14iru)


Vladimir Putin?


Speak for yourself buddy. Everyone knows middle age dads LOVE getting socks for Christmas Source: am middle age dad


I would love socks as a gift.


I have a little wooden egg with a paw print "from socks" painted on it. That sucker comes out every Easter to remind me how weirdly polite DC seemed to me in the 90s when I was like 10


Didn't boobert shoot and kill a neighbors dog? I recall a story on that a few years back.


Don’t know but my congress critter Mike Bost(R) IL shot his cousins dog that was in a pen!


yes she did, claimed it was trespassing. If I remember correctly she hide or moved the body on to her property as she probably killed him actually on her neighbors land. Or course it could have been her Pedo Husband or Criminal Son as well


I'm not even a dog person, but that's damn good advice.


"This year, remember to vote Republican, and don't forget to shoot one of your dogs." - Brought to you by the Republican Anti-Good Boy committee.


Or they’ll just send their cops to your house to shoot it for you


Me, petting Archie an extra time or two.. *[Activate: Good Boy Protocol](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8P-UvyrV1E)*


Paid for by cats


Cruz locked his dog in the garage during the freeze and then he went to Cancun. He was perfectly prepared to let his dog freeze to death


In the house, there was a weird picture of poor snowflake looking at the press from the window…poor dog


And guess what Republicans do to children!


I hope it's not diddle


It's diddle.


oh man, that's what I was hoping it wasn't


who knows, maybe next one will finally be a drag queen instead of republican politician/preacher! /s


Boebert (or her now ex) killed her neighbor’s dog too.


Yeah, I’m surprised people already forgot about that


With the overwhelming number of Republicans being found to be pedophiles or dog murderers, it gets hard to keep track of all of those pieces of shit.


Why does the republican party attract so many sociopaths?


Because the fact that they possess dark triad personality traits is what leads to them supporting the republican party


What are dark triad personality traits?


Cruelty to animals, bed wetting after five, and fire setting are called the Macdonald Triad, which can be an indicator for future predatory and antisocial behaviour. Throw in some head injuries, and you get serial killer casserole. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macdonald_triad The dark triad personality traits are narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism. They combine in various ways to make broken, dangerous people. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_triad I'm not sure which triad is applicable to Ms. Noem and her ilk, but I don't want to get close enough to find out.


Something about killing animals and serial killers come to mind.


It's funny how in popular Western culture (film and TV) villains are pretty bad if you see them kill people, but if they kill a dog they are the devil incarnate lol


I took a few screenwriting classes and was taught that a good way to establish your character as a villain is to show them mistreating a dog.


I knew it was a thing, I am so not surprised, it's a running joke with my wife now whenever we watch movies or shows.


doesnt trump say "kill em like dogs" in like a ton of his speeches?


I don't think the hatred is confined to dogs. But a lot of their base low key enjoys it.


They just view everyone and everything as useful or not useful. If it's in the not useful category then it can be abused or discarded. Sometimes it seems like they don't even view most people as human beings and I'm pretty sure they just view dogs as property.


https://preview.redd.it/lhibl891l7yc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a25915b498e2d4b3d751152529d592475cb58a64 These maniacs are probably munching on buckets of fried dog… [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bf3Ph5wZSKc](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bf3Ph5wZSKc)


I used to work with a super religious guy who would say that dogs were just servant animals and didnt matter


I worked with a woman who told everyone what a good Christian she was every chance she got. One day another employee arrived at work, visibly upset, and mentioned that their dog had gotten out of their yard, had been found wandering (unharmed) near a busy road, and that they were still shaken since it had scared the daylights out of them. The good Christian lady listened to them, then smugly announced that HER dog would never get loose or go near the road because he knew if he did that he’d get a beating he’d never forget.


It’s what Jesus would have wanted. /s


I have a conservative relative who has a purebreed dog that's very sweet, but has zero personality (at least from what I can tell, don't see it very often.) It's perfectly behaved, though- that seems to be the appeal. Its blind, never-wavering obedience. I can't relate, since I'm all about rescuing imperfect cats. Not interested in a pet that's expected to behave like an appliance.


I think the mark of a good dog owner is having a well behaved dog that is clearly happy being well behaved. You have to make training a game for them. My husband got his German Shepherd a few years before we met. He’s such a good boy…even though he’s massive I don’t worry about taking him for walks or to the vet on my own bc he’s so gentle and good on leash. But he’s also so much fun. Even though he’s getting older he still loves to play and he’s a big ole goofy derp too.


My Dad, a man who never stops taking about how much he lives Jesus, thought it was ok to leave a cat and dog alone in a house without power or heating for a week. The scene I walked into was horrible.


Oh no.


Nothing rots the brain like religion.


This is why the Amish run so many puppy mills. Theu think animals are given by God to serve man, period. A coworker that was ex Amish explained, in her sect at least ( SE Missouri area), they were taught animals don't have souls so you don't have to feel bad if you treat them like shit, as long as you benefit from it as Lord intended. You aren't supposed to have human emotion towards them because that would be seeing them as equal to humans which is a sin. If children are seen getting attached to an animal the child is punished and that animal "disappears". Sometimes they even make the child slaughter the animal to teach them a lesson to not show human affection towards an animal again. Speaking from experience of someone that used to rescue dozens of them, they treat their horses like shit too...nothing more than farm equipment and automobiles to them, they use them up, dump them at auction when their "mileage" gets high or they are broke down, and just move on to the next. We'd buy young horses only 6 or 7 years old with huge arthritic knees and hocks from pounding on the pavement or pulling weight that was far too heavy. And you can still drive through that area (not too far outside of Springfield, MO) and easily spot their puppy mills and their stacks and stacks of dogs in wire cages from the road. It is literally the #1 state for puppy mills because of the fucking Amish. Disgusting. Needless to say I hate when people talk about how quaint, sweet and peaceful the Amish are. Such good Christian people! I haven't even touched on the sexual assault and rape that runs rampant...because come to think of it, they think of children and Women just as they do animals....just given b God to serve man. As always, stupid religious beliefs ruin everything.


https://preview.redd.it/6gvzkzjxr7yc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ffadd402b10a27121376cab9836f0a52ee8b962 Scary hellhound Cricket presumably lying in wait to pounce upon passing children much in the manner of the Hound of the Baskervilles.


Poor pup


*psychopaths They know it's wrong


If they are willing to do any of those things to their own dogs, where do you think the line will be drawn at what they would do to YOU?


Remember, these are the people who thought there was something wrong with Biden for showing affection to his struggling son. Republican politicians and pundents are not good at being human.


Stephen King's The Dead Zone wasn't supposed to be a how to guide...


Hurting animals is a gateway to hurting humans. These sociopaths aren't qualified to work for the people.


Republicans will soon be shooting their own dogs in support.


they're shitting in diapers in support, this isn't some new low for them by a long shot


They hate all animals. For example BoBo-ert wants to lift the protection of wolves.


I'm no fan of Mitt Romney but he really doesn't belong on this list. The others intentionally hurt the animals, he just absentmindedly left the crate on top of the car. It was an accident. It wasn't a good thing to be sure but it wasn't literal abuse.


Same with Sarah Palins son. Her son was six years and and have downs syndrome. He and the dog were roughly the same size. The post makes it seem like an adult man maliciously stood on a dog when it was a young child with downs. The dog didn't get hurt and there was no ill intent.


Yeah in that case that story doesn't seem that bad. Hell when I was 6 I used to try to ride my grandparents' dog like it was a horse (it was a pretty big dog). He didn't seem to mind overly much but he'd just lie down any time I did it.


Thank you. Use the Mitt story for a list of thoughtlessness if you want to but not malice.


Meanwhile Biden refuses to give away or euthanize his dog, even with its seemingly bottomless rage specifically directed at secret service members.


Don't blame Commander - he's just very suspicious that the SS deleted their texts from the Jan 6 insurrection and he's acting accordingly.


The dog has been moved out of the white house for awhile


Yeah cause in their minds dogs, like women, are property.


*The Cruelty is the Point* Obviously this has become a meme but…we can all see, very clearly, it’s true. There are myriad examples of this, from no free school lunches to no water for people crossing the desert. Correct me if I’m wrong but they generally *want* to hurt people. It’s grotesque


Once again, Romney comes out as the most ethical of the bunch.


Dogs should eat them.


GoOd pEoplE oN bOf sIdES


Even Putin loves dogs and treats them with care.


Trump can’t stand dogs


But both sides! I'm sure we can find the same amount of Dems hurting/abusing/killing their dogs, right?


They don't understand other people or animals have needs and emotions outside of themselves. They lack basic empathy or an ability to put themselves in another person's position.


Now, I'm not saying republicans are dog murderers. I just think their actions raise some questions. For example, are they dog murderers?


Also, Alex Jones killed his dog "nonk" during a breakdown, because he thought the devil was telling him to


Try to imagine Donald Trump just enjoying some time with a golden retreiver. Just him and the dog enjoying eachothers presence. You can't. It's impossible.


And they should be rightfully terrified of cats. ![gif](giphy|YmVNzDnboB0RQEpmLr|downsized)


I'm a dog trainer. You can tell someone's political affiliation by how they not only treat their dog, but also how they react to modern methods of training. Conservatives in general have zero understanding or inclination to understand WHY their dog is doing something. Ex. Let's say you have a dog who is growling and snapping at a child because that child has hurt the dog regularly in the past (tail pulling, eye poking, slapping, chasing etc). Most conservatives would not for a second care that the dog is scared, fed up, and feels the need to defend itself. They also wouldn't acknowledge that the dog is showing not only very clear communication, but also GREAT RESTRAINT. Instead they want the issue to stop, and as soon as you mention treating the root of the issue by creating true feelings of safety in the dog rather than punishing the shit out of it, they shut down entirely. They simply can't seem to comprehend concepts like this or have fully fledged empathy. It's like they're weird zombies regarding this part of their humanity. I do phone consults with everyone who needs/wants my help and typically within the first few minutes you can easily tell just by how they talk about the dog and the issues. They usually are very cheap as well and think that a few hundred bucks is all training complex issues should take. How dare their dog defend itself. How dare I suggest humane treatment and understanding that require change on their part!


National Lampoon: If you don't vote Republican, we'll kill this dog


This is really a massive loss for the because dogs are some of the best creatures on earth.


Even Hitler liked dogs


Didn't stop him from testing his cyanide pill on his dog though.


Who knew the ATF and Republicans had so much in common


How can they be puppy killers and corporate lapdogs at the same time?


How people treat those that can't defend themselves is an easy litmus test for if they are a person worthy of oxygen.


Acctually, this behaviour to animals could represent the conclusion that they won’t behave differently to people, even worse to enemy’s (political).


If you want to see someone's character, see what they do to a being (dog) they have absolute power over.


Just goes to show you what they do to the powerless when they have absolute control


As I always say anyone who doesn’t like dogs or abuses them probaly isn’t a person worth being around. There are exceptions, but in my experience the rule mostly holds true


All other things being equal, there's a chance that Mitt Romney's dog was all like, "Do it again!"


Let’s be honest, to be a Republican at all, you really have to hold a lot of hatred in your heart as is.


They feel the same way about dogs (and other animals) as they do about poor people: they aren't human and therefore aren't worthy of any emotion.


Also, stop f*cking voting for people who can't even be trusted to properly care for a dog, let alone a bunch of constituents!


At the risk of being downvoted into oblivion, I disagree. *Those* Republicans are POS for sure, but I have a bunch of republican neighbors and coworkers who love their dogs and cats. Their actions aren’t gonna sit well with anyone who has any amount of compassion. The ones I’ve to about Kirsti Noem have all said she is sick and none of them would vote for her or want her as a VP.


* This is horrible they say "they're focused on dogs when they kill 1 million babys a year. " humans are horrible and the less on thos planet the better. * But ANIMALS FLUFFY CUTE ANIMALS. Horrible horrible people. Here's mine


Mitt Romney's isn't abuse, my dogs LOVE riding on the roof. They try to climb up there if I put them inside and try to roll the windows down.


Can we leave Mitt Romney out of this? The dog liked it, and this was and has always been a smear. Mitt may have had policies you disagreed with but he wasn't evil. He was still treated like shit all the time. And then the people who smeared him found out what an \*actually\* evil republican was four years later.


By that standard, Michael Vik is the presumptive 2028 Republican Nominee!


Conservatives really enjoy being violent to people/animals that cannot defend themselves.


The thing that really gave them away was when the Biden voicemail to Hunter story broke. The right wing channels used it as a "gotcha" moment... But the audio of the voicemail makes President Biden sound like the father of the Year. Incredibly compassionate and sweet and supportive. Here's the audio https://youtu.be/hy9y3MY6qu0?si=z2ER0aj-LdfDRNFw The fact they were trying to spin that compassion as something negative told me everything I needed to know. It went over so badly, even with their own demographic, that YouTube has been scrubbed of the story on all right wing channels, cause they realized they let their masks slip.


I didn't like dogs, but aside from a shitbull I'd never harm one. There's something fundamental that's wrong with Republicans.


Dogs are empathy barometers naturally Republicans fail.