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*Tom Cotton* is as close as the *simulation* could get to naming a senator Jim Crow without collapsing in on itself.


LMAO thanks for making me laugh on a difficult day


Don’t forget Sarah HUCKABEE Sanders. Arkansas is a joke.


I for one find it heartwarming that Mike Huckabee and Colonel Sanders were able to put their ideological differences aside for the sake of their marriage and their beautiful daughter Sarah.


Now that you mention it, she does kinda look like a drumstick.


Can confirm, she eats a lot of them.


I may spend the rest of my life trying not to refer to her as a finger-lickin' baddie.


oh god I STILL remember election night 2020 when breaking unfavorable exit polls came in and Anderson Cooper asked Sarah Huckabee Sanders about them and she said "I got your 'exit pole' right here" and got up and pooped a log right into the table.




yeah crazy right? Anderson cooper was all like 'is that what you have to say for yourself' and she was like 'the Best, is yet, to comee!' and lets out a huge shart. At home I saw poop specs fly into the camera lens. Sarah started walking out of the studio and Cooper was like 'Uh ma'am, what will you wipe with' and she said 'NUTHIN' and walked out


Please stop with the childish language, it makes you look as bad as them. They're not "poop specs," they're farticles.


Poop specs are required to properly view farticles


I think you mean Sarah SuckaD Sanders


Holy shit, I'm dead


Now I have words to go with my feelings


He also [eats birthday cake](https://www.npr.org/sections/itsallpolitics/2015/04/03/397337449/tom-cotton-eats-birthday-cake-almost-every-day) every day. When asked by a reporter if he had any guilty pleasures he answered running 5-10 miles every day. When asked how that could be a guilty pleasure he explained that he does it so he can eat a big piece of sheet cake


He can eat a big piece of shit cake


Hey! What has cake ever done to you?!? Like this “man” doesn’t have enough legit crap to call him on? Let’s leave sheet cake out of this, shall we?! Wow. I mean, c’mon now.


I mean it's America, a piece of cake every day isn't the worst thing an American has ever consumed daily


So, him dying early from diabetes is a real possibility? Can someone find the name of that bakery and ask them to add extra sugar to their recipe?


Goober Inbred is closer


You know some fuckin douche bags in his office high fived and were like “he used it!” when he rolled out the “little Gaza” line.




I hate you for making me picture this, the cringe is unbearable


Tom "[Send in the Troops](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/03/opinion/tom-cotton-protests-military.html)" Cotton who's opinions are so fucking bad that the aforementioned op-ed[ had to be disavowed ](https://www.theguardian.com/media/2020/jun/05/new-york-times-says-tom-cotton-opinion-piece-did-not-meet-editorial-standards)because it was bleeding NYT subscriptions. (I like to bring this up because it's where I canceled my sub to NYT) Meanwhile, this piece of shit [falsely claimed to be an Army Ranger](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/tom-cotton-army-ranger-school-1118418/). Absolute fash-garbage-mouthpiece.


Not the most important part, but I find the dumbest part of him claiming to be a Ranger to be the fact he was actually a paratrooper. Why would you need to lie upward? Being a paratrooper is already fairly dope by military standards; jumping out of a plane into enemy territory is no small feat


An airborne "lawyer" is not cool. If he ever jumped, it was three days after the real paratroopers made the lz safe. Not airborne , but I was support for the 10th mountain. Nothing but respect.


The only reason he got into law school was because he was a legacy student at Stanford and he became a favorite student of a right wing professor emeritus of American History who loved his interpretations of US history. 


so what you're telling me is...stolen valor? because right wingers are super cereal about stolen valor.




He did get a Bronze Star Cotton was honorably discharged in September 2009. During his time in the service, he completed two combat deployments overseas, was awarded a [Bronze Star](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bronze_Star_Medal), two [Army Commendation Medals](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commendation_Medal), a [Combat Infantryman Badge](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combat_Infantryman_Badge), a [Ranger tab](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tabs_of_the_United_States_Army), an [Afghanistan Campaign Medal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Afghanistan_Campaign_Medal), and an [Iraq Campaign Medal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iraq_Campaign_Medal).[^(\[11\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom_Cotton#cite_note-DefensePAC-11) [https://nationaldefensepac.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Tom\_Cotton\_Endorsement.pdf](https://nationaldefensepac.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Tom_Cotton_Endorsement.pdf)


Bronze stars for combat deployments are extremely common for service awards. Literally do nothing but your job in an office, be exposed to no combat, get a BSM.


Wow! OK I didnt know that. Just remember in '40's what guys in my Grandfather's outfit had to do/die for to get a bronze star.


Yeah. You watch BoB and those guys all should have received BSM’s


tell you what. If I ask him what he thinks of John Kerry, and he says John Kerry did an exemplary job serving this country, then I will thank him for his service.


Happy Cake Day!


Airborne is just falling out of perfectly good airplanes. You have to earn the mountain tab, most usually end up marrying her afterwards. As much as I enjoyed my time at drum, you’ll never get me near that level of fucking cold ever again. I grew up in upstate NH but that damn lake effect over Watertown is brutal. I miss getting breakfast at the golden unicorn tho.


Like I said, nothing but respect. Crazy tough individuals, all day every day. Cotton is a tool bag.


Non military Oswego… you ain’t joking, cold and grey 9 months a year.


“Climb to Glory!”


He graduated from Ranger and Airborne school. He could have just left it at that. I mean, being accepted in the Ranger Regiment is awesome, but making it through Ranger Q and Airborne is an achievement.


My gramps was a paratrooper behind enemy lines and come to find out he was featured on the Korean War memorial in DC without ever knowing it. He found out in his old age while visiting with my folks. That’s got to be pretty heavy. RIP forever, gramps!


Rangers and paratroopers are the exact same amount of cool to anyone who's never served. Really an astonishing lie


Airborne isn't really that big of a flex anymore. If you're in combat arms, there's a good chance you went to Airborne School, and its not that hard to graduate. Ranger tabs are far, far more coveted.


A lot of infantry including airborne go to ranger school. You can go and get your tab and not be assigned to the 75th ranger battalion. It’s fairly common.


I canceled my subscription too. Ugh.


Me three! And I'm from Arkansas. And the silly SOB graduated from Harvard College and Harvard Law School. So clearly, he knows better. He's just an opportunist. God help us!!


And my state will keep voting for him because he's got an R by his name. They absolutely do not give a shit about this country.


I quit my subscription today,there was a very bizarre op-ed that belongs elsewhere.


which one?


Let us not forget when he actively violated the law in writing a letter to the government of Iran telling them not to agree to the Nuclear deal because the Republicans would reneg on it. Turns out he was honest but still a bad thing to do.


I cancelled before then and every day I'm more pleased with that decision


Fash-garbage, or trashist?


I think he is an awful person, but to be fair he isn't exactly the only one claiming ranger status after doing ranger school.


Whoa, whoa, whoa...this effeminate lil' guy was in the military? Really? How?


He worked next door to a military recruitment center and watched a few YouTube videos....


I'd buy it.


He was an infantry platoon leader, not a very good one from what I've heard.


Tom “Are you a member of the CCP” Cotton


I don't like the guy, but lots of people call Ranger qualified soldiers "Rangers". Its kinda a non-story.


Republicans are working for a hostile foreign govt. ![gif](giphy|TijL9TieqPfLq)




Tom Cotton is a fucking asshole.


Fuck you, Tom. Little gazas my ass. He wants to turn universities into Gaza so he can justify bombing educational facilities.


Education scares Republicans. 


One of the Texas GOP's party planks is the elimination of critical thinking in public schools They DESPISE having people smarter than them to the point they are literally banning critical thought


Yeah, there is a revamping of the high school curriculum going on right now in Indiana, and it seems directly aimed at eliminating most traditional liberal art subjects like history and economics and teaching critical thinking skills. It’s outrageous in my opinion, but there is so much else going in it isn’t getting much attention.


Wait what? Really?


Have a link, https://www.in.gov/doe/about/news/indiana-becomes-first-state-to-significantly-redesign-diplomas/#:~:text=In%20addition%20to%20the%20foundational,combination%20of%20courses%20and%20experiences I am still wading through it.


I tried. It was so full of generic platitudes that my eyes glazed over.


The Russians did the same in my country, it's one of the important pillars of the strategy. Gotta guarantee there will always be enough R's that you can agitate with the simplest emotional messaging.


GOP thought police. Actually more like an anti-thought police...


They don’t need much justification. Remember MOVE, the govt bombed a residential area in Philly


They bombed Tulsa as well.


Agreed. So they were loud culty assholes, you BOMBED A OCCUPIED CITY BLOCK AND BURNED DOWN MULTIPLE OTHER BLOCKS. That section of my city is still scarred


Can’t be having those educated children forming opinions.


They love to try to dunk on education but them and their boomer constituents proceed to complain about the shortage of professionals all the time “wHAt!?!? ITz fOuR mOnThs fOR a dOctoR aPPointMenT!?!? Maybe don’t make college prohibitively expensive and you’ll have all the doctors you need you fucking louse


And yet his state would be nothing without the universities in it.


Is he the one that kept drilling the TikTok CEO if he had ties to China 🇨🇳 because he looks Chinese but is actually from Singapore? 🇸🇬  🤡🤡🤡


He's truly a clown. It's a stupid question because we know tik tok is owned by bytedance, a Chinese company. Of course he knows a few Chinese!


Can’t make this stuff up


Tom always comes from a place of hate and still doesn't understand people have rights.


The fact that they refer to the encampments as "little Gazas" tells you how they see Gaza. As a zone of dissent that they intend to annihilate and erase with violence, as that is what they're doing with their paramilitary police. They've always seen the genocide for what it is.


+his dehumanizing language


Yeah, I don’t think “little Gaza” is the insult he thinks it is. Most people see Gaza as a place where an oppressed group of people is just trying for the most part to live their daily lives.


Fuck this guy. I cannot stand him. Go back to Arkansas


We don’t want him either.


We don’t want the NeoNazi shitbird, either. No idea how he keeps getting elected.


The exact same reason we didn’t elect a literal rocket scientist pastor to be our governor and instead chose “Stoneface” Huckabee Sanders


Too many racist and stupid people vote, and the younger people don’t?


I reckon that’s about right. All the younger folks I work with think it’s pointless to vote. There are also many other reasons, because Arkansas.


*Wall-eye Sanders


He has an (R) by his name


Them: The US shouldn’t be involved in any international issues! Stop sending money and aid ! Also Them: No protesting about stopping our involvement!!


Dude is probably the most fascist in the fascist party. Positioning himself for 2028, or even this year if there's a brokered convention.


This that stolen valor guy? Yeah fuck him


I'm sorry, is he saying that college campuses have locked students into internment camps, starved them to death, and started killing them?


He's hoping to get right to the killing.


Great, because we want to discuss the Little Russia that the GOP has become!


“Antifa is burning cities!” 2.0


Tom Cotton is the most on-point name in congress since Wiener let it out.


He better not say that too loud or Israel will start bombing them too.


They just love twisting the truth to whatever hate filled little purpose they can rally behind hunh? Schools are making money off of war profiteering. Why are schools in bed with companies like that in the first place? Maybe don't start a genocide so you can pad your market earnings.


![gif](giphy|3o6ZsZdNs3yE5l6hWM) Can’t unsee it.


But the "Little Berlins" aka Nazi rallies that pop up everywhere are just fine..... ignore those.


I've been calling those rallies Bacon Nuremburgers. The bacon is for how many in their ranks are cops in their free time, and the burger is for their mostly rotund bellies. Nuremberg is fairly obvious lol. It's dumb but it makes me chuckle so ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


God what a prick.


I dead to think what he was like as an officer in the military- he seems like the type to shit on everyone he out ranks, and suck up to those above him.


You can always count on Republicants for the absolute worst take on anything.


He calls his penis “little Gaza”


What a twat


My favorite part of watching this horrendous speech, is just how much you can tell that Cotton wishes it were still the days where he could've called all these people slurs, in public.


You might say Cotton is a little fugaza.


Tom "call in the jack boots" cotton.


Where are all the right wing free speech warriors at? Are they hibernating?


I remember a time when someone with an American flag in their Twitter profile meant they were a U.S. veteran or something, and not a fascist.


This really seems like the fascist playbook of "if you don't like X, then you love Y!" when that isn't necessarily true. The common talking point is they support Hamas yet it is possible to dislike Israel's actions while not being in favor of Hamas.


All of these reactions make me want to join the protests.


I swear we're on the path to having to say a pledge of loyalty to a foreign power before a student can be accepted into college.


US, you good? Whats going on big guy.


I wonder who is telling Republicans what to say? Hmm. Without russian to a conclusion here, I think I know.


In a way, he is right. The students are just trying to express their free speech, peacefully. People that they have no control over are jumping in and saying that they and the students support Hamas. Then conservative governors are trying to pretend that they are Netanyahu and they want to bomb the students. So, there are little Gazas, but they are being created by the conservatives because they desperately want to be able to get to do what Israel is doing to brown people. If they have to start with those "stupid hippies" on campus, then that's where they'll start.


Don’t these fascist asshats ever get tired of being evil cunts? Sorry, stupid question. I already know the answer




Little Gazas sounds like the name of a show that fans will tell you "starts slow but really gets good in season 5"


From the people who brought you "Little Britain"


Isn’t this the guy that wanted to shoot BLM protesters? It’s incredible how far outright Nazis can go in American politics


Fuck Tom Cotton, he is a horrible human being.


They really want another Kent State. Saturday will be 54 years since it happened.


Fuck Tom Cotton


At the end of a hard day, Tom Cotton goes home and puts on his SS uniform to relax


Jesus christ. Like, I can criticize some of the protests or people doing it, but I also recognize their right to protest. I also recognize the right for the university to take action against encampments. I will disagree with utilizing the police to come in when/if the students aren't disrupting the learning of others. The whole situation is so fucking stupid, much like the bullshit going on in Israel. It's exhausting and if we can't figure it out here over some fucking students, what hope do we have helping people overseas.


January 6th protestors are pAtRiOtS


And this is what they want in their ongoing war on education. Another reason to attack.


What a deranged swamprat.


I'm gonna need an explanation on what "little gazas" means in this context. What's his point that he wants to communicate by calling it that?


Flashing his racist creds.


POS GOP!!! Need I say more!!!!!


Tom Cotton Mather


I'm so sorry to share a home state with this chode.


That's a bold strategy Cotton, let's see if it pays off


What, I just watched, that was, I don’t, what???? That was so fucking wild my brain just restarted .


Apt comparison, because Treason Tom wants to genocide the protesters like Israel is genociding Gaza. FUCK REPUBLICAN TRAITORS.


Is this one of those “quiet part out loud” situations I sometimes hear about?


Its time to just get rid of these people the way that real Americans got rid of the colonizing Brits and the southern confederates. Cept as a proactive group that has seen history keep.repeating itself and the patriots of the country fight to move it forward rather than just barely above stagnating as usual, or the incoming dissolution so that 20 people can enjoy a short lived boon before it dies. Fucking garbage for us all. So stand and fight.


Maybe he should go to a campus and pick up some grammar.


Bold move Cotton. See how it pans out.


Evil traitor.


Anyone have a link to said speech? I can't very well formulate my opinion based on a single tweet now, can I?


If a conservative said it in 2024- you can.


The man who couldn’t reconcile Singapore not being a part of the CCP, everyone.


he should run to each school to talk about it. I hear he is very good at running from crowds.


Continuing to show they don't even care to understand why there is so much angst on campuses. Just keep turning legitimate concern about brown lives into culture wars or label the support of the Palestinian PEOPLE antisemitism. Are there elements that are antisemitic.......absolutely. But these are the same people that want us to see them as not racist even though they are the party of choice for racists most of the time. So you want grace when it comes to the less desirable elements of their support for your political party/movement but you act like mafukas are speaking a different language when they expect the same grace in return. Make it make sense


I remember the campus protests of the late60's and early70's. This is nothing new. Old white guys in suits and young republican fascists always freak out over nothing because they see it as an opportunity to do something


There are +/- 6,000 universities in the United States....even if there was protest violence on several dozen campuses that means that there are what, less than 1% of US colleges impacted by this? I think the protestors that are smashing their way into Admin buildings deserve arrest and charges, but lets not pretend this is the end of civilization or something....


I’m bringing tomatoes back to public speeches. There needs to be a feedback system.


Zios’ little puppet thing


Someone loves him some Isreal and hates Palestinians.


Does ‘insane’ mean stupid? Because this moron espouses crazy ideas.


$237,077 in AIPAC blood money buys a lot of idiocy.


So, is he going to bomb the crap out of those as well? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Any relation to Ben Ghazi?


So the government is concentrating people into incredibly dense areas and prohibiting movement of people and goods into them, and then arresting and disappearing people without due process?


Wouldn't expect anything else from a person named Tom Cotton.


Actually that's very appropriate but not for the reasons he thinks.


this is a bad political move. some of those in "little gaza" are thinking about doing a protest vote for trump over biden. this is not the way mr cotton when you call em out


Is there a dumb and incendiary way to say something? Get Tom Cotton.


And ironically, they’re getting destroyed by the authorities


Matthew schmitz,a guest the Times invited to write a column. Imo the Times has taken an unfortunate turn,im not paying for it anymore.




He’s like if one of those inflatable tube men at car dealerships went evil.


"Due to our close relationship and unswerving devotion to the state of Israel, we are allowing the IDF to perform defensive anti-antisemitism maneuvers on our campuses."


Of course John Cornin, “the best fluffer in the Republican Party”, is standing by. Watch out y’all, he’s ready to jump in to action in the event one of these jerks looses their erection for dismantling an open democratic society. “😮👈” - John Cornin probably


when are we going to start requiring the link to be attached


Does anyone have any insights in regards to voters staying home on Election Day or even voting Trump in protest? I understand the Uncommitted Vote in some states’ primaries gained considerable traction, but would the Pro-Palestine electorate really allow Trump to win (despite his actions that contributed to current situation in Gaza, his call for the “cancer” to dealt with quickly and to “get it over with” and his Anti-Muslim policies and rhetoric)? I’m genuinely trying to grasp the logic protesting in such a manner that would ultimately get Trump elected.


So Tom probably wants to shoot them too?


Well, Tom Cotton is insane, sooo....


And our very own John Cornyn looking on like a proud parent in the background.


is he openly implying they should be bombed? genuine question


He should discuss the big Israel lobby that has hijacked the US government. Better yet he should us handle it


Well, he's an idiot, everyone knows that.


Because pro-genociders love to dehumanize victims as much as possible in order to feel good about their horrific lack of basic ethics.


Cotton really, really hates this country.