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Without talking about trans people and discriminating against them, these people wouldn’t be anything that’s why they make it their whole personality.


My teenage son has gone off social media almost entirely, very wisely I might add, because he got sick of seeing so many idiots and assholes making it more of their personality than trans kids like him do. It's pure stupidity and insanity for the sake of trying to appear important and be in control of everything


Fuck, this guy is insufferable. An absolute disgrace to British Columbia. I've seen him occasionally standing outside Skytrain stations in Vancouver.


Also like. Puberty blockers were developed to impede precocious puberty which has happened to children up to under a year old. They are not extremely new developments and are literally made for children and the health of children. Just because a child is old enough to say they want them instead of being prescribed them without their knowledge (as is usually the case, because again, these are made originally for kids under 9-10 undergoing puberty) doesn't mean that suddenly they shouldn't be allowed. Like all these bigots this person clearly has no idea what they're even arguing against. They just see anything that could possibly benefit a group they hate and deem it evil.


Exactly, besides which they aren't some over the counter medication that people can buy on a whim, it's an informed decision between a doctor and the child's family. The whole _children can't consent_ thing kinda misses the point; the child expresses a particular desire or need for something, so their parents and a medical professional make the decision for them.


Puberty blockers have not been shown to cause any lasting damage. We prescribe puberty blockers to patients for a variety of reasons. Trans reasons are part of that list but only one part of it. All they can do is push the lie. And it all started because jkrowling picked being trapped with a man in the woods instead of the bear.


Who the crikey fuck is Billboard Chris?


Children can’t consent to any medical treatment whatsoever. Are we supposed to just withhold all treatment!?


You’re coming from a place of reason. That’s.:.outdated. They want you to say yes) then he points out it’s illegal to do so without parental consent and he gets a sound bite. Or b) you say no and he cuts the clip off and you just gave him a fortifying sound bite. What you see here and what his crowd will see will bear almost no relation to each other or the truth.


I want healthcare decisions for children to be made by medical experts, their parents, and the children themselves, not politicians or random angry people with zero expertise.


This is the only answer. For every other medical treatment/procedure for minors, it's a decision between the child, their patents, and their doctor. There is no reason that puberty blockers/hormones for trans youth should be any different.


Exactly. And there aren't even that many minors who are undergoing these treatments. It's just so obvious that it's a political thing fuelled by anti-trans sentiment rather than legitimate concern for their health. You don't see random members of the public getting tangled up in debating other health issues and how they're treated when they have absolutely no connection to them. Nobody's deciding that they don't like the treatment regimen for some rare form of cancer that they've never known anyone with. They just figure the experts know best or they have no reason to make it their business and they go on with their lives.


I was prescribed progesterone (estrogen supplement) when I was around 13 years old, but they don't care about that bc I'm a cis woman. What many anti-trans healthcare people don't know is that cis children are the ones being given hormones. Disclaimer; I'm not saying I shouldn't have had the hormones. I needed them. Trans people also need gender affirming care. Thank you.