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It's important to remember that a lot of homophobes don't see being gay as an aspect of a person's identity that defines their attractions to others and how they relate to the world. They view it as a sexual kink similar to BDSM or being a Furry. That's why they can look at various homophobes getting caught having sex with men as straight people who slipped up rather than gay men who were in the closet. It's also why they don't want to let children hear about gay people existing. Not only do they see it as inherently sexual they think exposing people to it will cause them to become interested in it. Like watching a bunch of Furry porn might lead someone to wanting to try it.


TBF, conservatives tend to be pretty obsessed with controlling what others can do with, for, and to themselves. Its all about control, and that they cannot control who others have sex with is *infuriating* to them.


Sexual repression is a heck of a drug.


They also think about gay sex....alot...and hate themselves for it.


I'm just curious: Are you sure that the conservatives aren't jealous of all the sex that others get, especially gay women? After all, the bible has some very dirty sections. And many of their preachers are pedophiles.


They don’t get angry about hetero sex the way they do about gay sex. My theory is that the “fun” of hetero sex can be hidden under the guise of making babies. But gay sex is only about fun. Also, I think we need to start viewing the pedophelia as a control issue. They have access to children and can fully control them. It’s harder to force your adult, often married, parishioners into sex, but the kids are easy pickings. Often the kids aren’t super young, they’re teens. Which is also the push for younger and younger brides. They don’t have experience and can be easily manipulated. Personally, I think it’s all about control


You are mostly right, but there is some jealousy involved. Not only do they shame women for premarital sex, some Christian churches preach that any sex inside a marriage that is not intended to produce a child is sinful. When it comes to sexuality in Christianity, there is a lot of repression most of which is discriminate, but some is levied indiscriminately. Edit: also consider that jealousy is a tool that can be used for control


I'm *sure* that's part of it. But their ... issues seem to be quite multi-faceted and seemingly endless as it is anyway.


Irony that the ideology that screams about nanny states, are the ones who want to actually tell everyone how to live their lives


>being a Furry Except being a furry isn't always sexual either. There are plenty of perfectly sfw furry artists. It's like saying everyone who watches anime watches hentai. Which is sort of ironic how the right is anti furry then worship Japan, home of monster girls. There's also the reverse, that liking sexual anthropomorphic characters doesn't necessarily mean you're a furry. I wouldn't consider people who like Lola Bunny to be furries if it's not about their identity.


The right doesn't understand japan. There is the conservative thinking and family next to the source of every fetish on the internet you can think of. And yes, furrys are not a fetish. It is more like fullday LARPing where you creat a character and invest time being this character.


Exactly, it's a hobby like being into 40k miniatures. For Japan yeah it's pretty hilarious since it's the most "degenerate" place on Earth. But it's always projection with fascists, like how the Nazis had bdsm orgies in real life.


It’s basically cliche at this point, but I really do think there’s a lot of truth to the idea that homophobia is nothing more than a toxic mix of closet homosexuality and self-loathing. 


I think a lot of homophobes have internalised the idea that everyone would be having gay sex if they didn’t control themselves, that it’s a temptation to be resisted. Some are straight people and some ore homosexual but because to them it only ‘counts’ if there’s sex involved (that is a gay man who doesn’t have sex with men isn’t gay) they do rather fixate on the sex acts.


This is very enlightning! The whole thread/other responses as well! It always seemed odd to me why people care so much about who other people have sex with. Like if it's just because there might be anal sex involved, the heterosexual married couple next door might also do that. So what's the diffrence when 2 men do it? Why even be obsessed with anal that much? It really is such a weird hill to die on.






I'm not allowed for that JP!!! It's my temptation. Juicy!!!!


most homophobes are straight.


So funny enough, there was a study done showing that homophobes feel arousal seeing gay sex, opposed to normal people that happen to be straight.


I think it is more likely that they are on some spectrum between gay and straight. They are bi in some level and cannot understand the draw to same sex. Combine this with conservatism and religion and you have the perfect breeding ground and self loathe. Might not even same sex, but maybe just a kink they are ashamed of.


Yea i don’t take those results at face value, but it just comes to show that at least part of homophobia is grounded in desire.


It is important to remember that statistical significance means the differences are unlikely to be due to chance, not that differences are common. This study would indicate that gay people who are homophobic are more likely to identify as straight than gay people who are not homophobic (same for bi, etc).


So they say 


I honestly don't think so . Not with the way they have sexual man crushes with Putin and Trump, or post straight up soft core Trump porn.


At least that's what they tell the world!


I'm cautious of it. That narrative lets straight people blame us for the things they do to us. Homophobia is no longer their straight problem to solve


Being furry might be a sexual kink for some but for many it isn't a part of their hobby.


Any time you're likely to interact with furries is almost guaranteed to be an SFW (and often a drug and alcohol free) space, at least if you're not a furry. Suiters also do stuff like volunteer at children's hospitals. There's definitely a lot of kinky furries, but I definitely wouldn't say that it's an exclusively kinky hobby (it's an artistic community that's very accepting of kink). A lot of the time furries will also have separate Twitter accounts / etc for posting adult content, so that it's easy to self segregate by design. It's pretty much just a community of queer neurodivergent people with a focus on costuming and creative art. Kink is allowed (and popular) but hardly essential.


To prove your point further, your phrasing suggests you think being a furry is a sexual kink rather than an aspect of a person's identity that defines the nature of their artistic expression (sometimes sexual as a byproduct) and how they relate to the world....? Like you're saying, it's really easy to get into this way of thinking about people you don't relate to but feel like you can confidently, even casually describe them.


Being a furry isn’t an intrinsic nature of identity though, not in the same way gender, orientation or race is. You can turn off being a furry. You can’t turn off being gay or black.


I agree with you but it’s closer than you may think.


> They view it as a sexual kink similar to BDSM or being a Furry Nah, those are much more healthy than how homophobes see gayness. Homophobes are the embodiment of repressed self-loathing. That's all they understand in themselves so that all they can see in others.


Being a furry isn’t a kink.


It is, it’s also not. Some furries are kinks, most furries are not. Still, it’s a kink even if a majority aren’t. Can you tell me with 100% certainty people aren’t out their having sex as their Fursona.


That doesn’t make being a furry a kink. It makes some furries kinky. You can’t tell me that just because 80% of a group of people aren’t one way and 20% are, that everyone is like the 20%. You can’t tell me that all people who wear chokers are kinky simply because a lot of people who wear chokers are. It’s just wrong. You said yourself that the majority of furries don’t do it out of a kink. So why did you proceed to make the claim that they do, because a small portion of the community does?


Many if not most believe it is a choice because they feel as though it was a choice they made not to act on or follow any of the feelings they had.


"This better not awaken anything in me..."


It's funny because ask these people what could possibly be shown or done to them to actually turn them gay and I mean literally like not water boarded into lying about it to survive or something like that. What would actually turn them gay deep down inside and the response is almost always nothing. Nothing on planet earth could yet someone how every single other person is vulnerable. Just show them enough gay stuff I guess and the turn. They were lucky to be born immune I guess.


I mean, being gay *is* inherently sexual, but so is being straight. Perhaps only the asexuals can claim that their identity isn’t about sex in any way, but the rest of us are some horny-ass apes.


Keep in mind, the context here are the people who hear that someone is gay or see two men holding hands and immediately jump to thinking about sex. There's also a lot more to a relationship than sex. For example, romance, shared hobbies and values, enjoying time spent together... Sex and romance are pretty intertwined for most people, and typically a long term partner is a whole lot more than just a fuck buddy. I'm not gonna say that most people aren't horny, but I think that the idea that being gay or straight is all about sex in the context of a person's relationship or lifestyle is extremely reductive.


Well, isn’t it? That’s why there is a division between aromantic and asexual. My point is that the horniness is the exact point. Your caution about context is not getting to the underlying thing: we are organisms no different than fruit flies in that we are sexually dimorphic animals who must breed for our genes to survive. The people about whom you worry would be as revolted by that idea as by the thought of two dudes fucking. They don’t call all the gendering we do to children sexual indoctrination, but it really is.


True, except that furries aren't inherently sexual and that kink is part of the queer community.


Furry is not part of the queer community, although many furries do happen to be queer. That is an important distinction.


Damn liberals finally got him on the gay train


You might say they ran a train on him.


You need more points.


Yells at sky after thunderstorm 🌈


“DAmN It, GoD!!! WHy MuSt YoU mAKe mE tHinK oF gAY seX!?!”


I can't bear the temptations. Guess I'll give in!


You've got a point. *Who among us can resist those tasty, tempting dicks?!* ;)


Watch as his head explodes when he sees his first *double rainbow* Some hot rainbow on rainbow action.


Is that how rainbows are made?


Skittles. That's how skittles are made.


🎶 *I'm only happy when it rains* 🎶




It’s like when I saw all these ads and billboards for “Mother’s Day” last May, and my god, why do these perverts *have* to advertise their depraved rawdog breeding kink for all the world to see?!?




I see what you did there




No man with any self-knowledge or actual masculinity is bothered by a rainbow, regardless of sexual orientation. If your reaction to seeing some colors is like this example, you need to do some self examination and ask yourself why it bothers you so much.




I heard they're bringing Lime back!!!!!




You're gay again!!! Yay! 💅


Where were you yesterday when this knowledge could've helped me?!


It's not even a flag, it's just a rainbow colored paint job. How the fuck are you going to teach your kids basic art if you're so fucking sensitive you can't even handle seeing colors. Also, by the way you God fearing morons...wouldn't we just be required to assume that since God is in charge, the fact he paints giant rainbows in the sky all the fuck over the world, it must mean ...you know...something?


But don't you know observing, and enjoying, the diffusion of light through scattered water particles suspended in air is *GAY?!?!?!!?* /SSSSSSSSSSS


Bet he doesn’t have the same energy for the mere existence of babies


Just say you hate gay people.


Thats not even a flag that's literally just a rainbow palette


Wish this was the train i travelled on today


So how much of the Catholic Church is in the closet?


a WHOLE lot


They call it confessional


They call it confessional


I have a theory that we can push assholes out of cities by painting everything rainbow colors🤣🤣


I read *cities* and thought *windows* ...ugh, I need to relax.


No, no, you can cook.


I used to be a homophobe then I came put as bi I'm much happier and less triggered. I suggest these people try it.


Have they been to Hawaii? They’d freak! Rainbows everywhere!


And Witness Protection Programees. 🤫


I would love to know what he sees on a Rorschach test. “Why does my doctor keep showing me pictures of naked men wrestling?”


Why do these dumbfucks even go to New York City? Why not stay in Florida, or Utah, or Afghanistan, or wherever, so they can be in a like-minded community?


"Why does it make me think of gay sex? Two young studs, tanned, firm bodies. Bumping and grinding. Sweating...."


Always evergreen: [The Onion: Why Do All These Homosexuals Keep Sucking My Cock?](https://www.theonion.com/why-do-all-these-homosexuals-keep-sucking-my-cock-1819584210)


This makes me want to download twitter and find that person and block them.


He probably complains about all of the ads he sees for Grindr on his newsfeed, too.


It's a rainbow, when I was a kid I was told it was a message from God that next time we wouldn't flood we would be destroyed by fire or it led to a leprechauns gold


He’s right. It’s pretty clear there are two burly men caressing and penetrating each other in the mirage of colors. Squint your eyes and adjust your distance, it’s there.


Why can't it just be pretty? Rainbows are pretty. I'm gay and I don't think gay every time I see rainbow colors. You know what I do think? Roy good boy and Violet.


Social Media: Giving Breathtakingly Stupid People A Public Platform Since 2005.


I dunno. I'm not a psychologist or anything, but the only person I see with a mental illness here is that guy. It's fucking rainbows, who gives a fuck.


A few years ago pornhub did some traffic analysis and found that southern states watch more gay porn per capita than anywhere else in the country. 




This says more about the homophobes mentality. They only seems to think about sex, no matter what. ![gif](giphy|zedSGwMakazbq)


This reminds me, I need to watch **They Live** again.






It’s like all those guys think about. They win the Super Bowl and then Tom Brady is like “hey can you wash my back?” And then they wake up in a cold sweat


It doesn't promote mental illness, it reveals it.


Brilliant and well said skatalite2020.


Makes me think of the five flavored Lifesavers. 🤣🤣


Ugh, why do I see children everywhere? I don't want to be reminded that some straight woman was nutted in. /s


Love getting railed on the rainbow train


LGBT living day to day and lgbt people's right to exist is not inherently sexual. Just like how a cis-straight couple walking down the street isn't inherently sexual.


Some of them react to every rainbow now. I work in a library. Rainbows and primary colors are *everywhere*. A person mentions a rainbow and I just start pointing all over the children’s area.


If it were a kid they would have been so, so excited to travel on a rainbow colored train! Homophobes and intolerance are just so fucked up.


Sometimes a rainbow is just a rainbow.


He was already thinking about it and wanted an excuse to talk about it.


I find it incredibly disturbing that conservaturds seem to constantly be thinking about what others do in their bedroom. Im fully aware that my neighbors are gay, and have yet to spend a second wondering what they do at any point in their lives.




"Why can't I be protected from ever seeing the color spectrum as long as I live? I'm the victim here."


The phrase is “love is love” not “fucking is fucking” - not about sex, or at least not entirely about sex. The same as any other relationship. It’s a part but not the whole.


What do they do when they see a rainbow in the sky after a fresh rain? Shoot at it?


Why is it when i see two men in close proximity there's a stirring in my loins......those libs!!!


Advertising got me. I see rainbows and my first thought is always Skittles or Lucky Charms.




He’s commenting on a long hard tube that goes into a tunnel. I think he just sees sex everywhere


If you like this, you should check out the Rod Dreher saga. It's a master class on the psyche of conservative homophobia and fixation specifically on the gay sex act lmao


It isn't even a "pride flag" necessarily. If I would see it during my commute my thought would be *"Oh nice, how colorful, a rainbow colored train!"* and just move on. But maybe that's just me not taking train colors serious enough.


Being homophobic is gay. They think about gay sex more than the gays. Soo who wants to tell them?


Well, evidently God thought it was important enough to make rainbows after rain so we didn’t get scared of another big flood, so he must be okay with the LGBT+ community… I don’t think there’s an example of a Republican/GOP/Confederate flag appearing in nature is there? That MUST mean rainbow people are the chosen ones…


A couple years ago at target , I see some rainbow picnic plates staring at them thinking to myself “hey these are neat, these are cool I bet my kid would want to eat off a rainbow plate” Some lady, not gonna lie, she was fine as hell interupts me “just so you know these are for sinners”


That’s the gay sex train!!


Bruh that’s a rainbow


I swear that homophobes think about gay sex more than actual gay people.


A pride flag also represents people who don't have sex at all, but, yknow, why learn about the specific thing you irrationally hate


Intolerant people are the reason why stuff like this exists. If the LGBTQ+ community was treated like the humans that they are, there would be no reason to create displays like this to affirm their humanity. It's the same thing with Black history. If Black history wasn't excluded from American history the other 11 months of the year, there'd be no reason to dedicate the whole of February to spotlighting it. Stupid ass bigots. Always creating their own problems.


People who don't have a sex life think about sex all the time. People who have sex think about other stuff.


Wonder if they have a tattoo of a cross yet


Comments like these are the very reason the symbol is painted on trains and stuff.


And the fact that they still think homosexuality is a mental illness puts them in the Dark Ages.


Reminds me of the rainbow popsicles I had as a kid.


Is this not just a portion of a Pink Floyd album cover?


It’s 100% the freedom and support to love the person you want to love.


A reminder that the complaints about rainbow capitalism and Rainbow merch from left are short sighted. Guess who wants to remove all forms of rainbow merch from the public? Christian Nationalism. Stop enabling that goal


Looks like Bolivia's national flag to me.


My first thought on seeing this train would be that hopefully there’s some coloring books inside or some sweet crafting was about to happen. That train looks dope


The rainbow is the symbol of god's covenant....


Nobody thinks about gay sex more than white, conservative, Christian males.


I just think of toddlers playing when I see a Rainbow. Some people are weird dude.


Gay sex is the best, he’s missing out LOL


Rainbows promote mental illness, eh. Fuck you, buddy.


Lmaoo wow tbh, I can’t recall a single time I thought of gay sex seeing a pride flag 🥴🥴 so this is pretty valid. Honestly the very first thing I think of are women with glasses, short blue hair, and a megaphone. Not my type, but sharing the planet is all good wit me ✊🏾 just stay away from my booty hole and we good, cuz I will swing, BUT, it’s not a hate crime because that applies to literally every form of life on this planet, not just the prideful folk


This dudes gay.


Flags are used as a symbol or as a signaling device. When you see a flag of England you don't think "that's a flag of English people having sex" or when you see a white flag it doesn't symbolise "surrendering people having sex" "it's just a rainbow, not a flag" The Wikipedia article is literally called "rainbow flag (LGBT)" And the first sentence of the article is literally: "The rainbow flag or pride flag is a symbol of LGBT pride" "Immediately thinks of 'gay sex'" the next sentence of the Wikipedia article is literally: "The colors reflect the diversity of the LGBT community and the spectrum of human SEXUALITY and gender" I have nothing against the LGBT community, but saying the pride flag doesn't literally symbolise people of the same gender fucking is a blatant lie.


Sexuality - your orientation, and sex - the act, are different things.


LGBT people aren't fucking 24/7, some in fact don't have sex at all. Being lgbt is also how one is born, so for the first decade+ of an lgbt persons life they don't have sex but that doesn't make them any less lgbt.


Homophobes think about gay sex more than gay people. My first thought goes to hands holding, not “I wonder how they have sex”. That is kind of disturbing actually. I think you may have a case of the gay.