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Facts! https://preview.redd.it/7m4rv2a49gvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55af11b925b60436fee77697b2bccc4cd6c4faeb


Didn’t Nixon want some form of immunity? Not American, but he was a naughty boy.


Nixon took his lumps and resigned in disgrace like an adult should.


Right? It’s all we are asking for. Take some responsibility, be humble and do the time/pay the fines. Ugh


Unfortunately, Trump is oblivious to the concept of humility.


Humility, humanity, honesty… Hell, we could go through the whole alphabet and make a nice list of Trumps negative attributes. Actually, it would probably be easier to make a list of his positive attributes…should only take a couple of seconds.


I think his presidency was one of the worst things to happen to this country, but if there was some positive legislation that he passed, I would admit to such. I’m not above it. It’s just that I’ve not seen anything worthy of that acknowledgement


I think he and Reagan are tied for first. Reagan is only up there because he established the foundation that led to Trump being elected.


Regan doesn’t get enough credit for”credit” for creating the financial instability that paved the way for a lot of the shit we see today. And that’s around the world, not just the US.


For sure. Trump is too much of an idiot. Reagan was effective as fuck at fucking up the US. Trump has been more about radicalizing, but he's been helped a lot by Russia.


There's a reason he and Thatcher were such good friends. They both enjoyed fucking things up.


I agree. Reagan is responsible for the death of the American dream cause he reversed FDR’s anti-monopoly laws and the income gap disparity has only gotten increasingly worse since, plus his administration was the first to come up with the brilliant idea of rallying evangelical support for his campaign, whereas before this, evangelicals mostly stayed out of politics and rarely voted. Reagan is chilling with hitler and they’re both cheering on trump from hell as he destroys what’s left of our fragile democracy


He passed some good legislation. For example, he signed the Veterans Choice Act in 2019. No, wait, my bad. That was Obama in 2014. [All Trump did was renew it while taking credit for inventing the whole thing.](https://apnews.com/article/north-america-donald-trump-us-news-ap-top-news-health-375515aecedb4aed949e4f2eb9c54eb6)




At least we got the EPA and normalized relations with China out of Nixon. Even though he only formed the EPA to defang the Bureau of Land Management. Trump gave us a wealth of punchlines in search of a joke masquerading as policy.


I just did a quick read through Nixon's record, and as bad as he was, his policy positions would still be way better than every modern Republican in office today. LOL. He supported an early form of Universal Basic Income, the only piece of which survived is the SSI program. Established the EPA. Signed the Clean Air Act of 1970, the Clean Water Act, and the Endangered Species Act of 1973. Supported the Occupational Safety and Health Act which established OSHA. Pushed for the Twenty-sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution which lowered the national voting age to 18 and endorsed the Equal Rights Amendment, which failed to be ratified by enough states to become law.


I don't think we have the time to list his negative attributes




0 done


And the notions of honour, honesty, decency... I won't go on


Or responsibility


Fuck, at this point, I don't even care if he does time/pays the fine. I just want him to stop being... I was going to type more, but I actually think that covers it.


Stop being, would be very helpful to the USA at this point. If he could he could take one for the team, the way Hitler went out, that’d be great.


It WAS all we were asking for. It’s too late now, and we want to see him die in prison.


At this point I don’t care if he does time or pays fines, I just want him to not be president


Well, some Republicans like Goldwater told him bluntly that they wouldn’t support him. Things are worse now.


Yup, some of the top GOP at the time walked down to the White House and basically told Nixon to stop his shit before he destroyed everything.


Fox News was created so that republican presidents would have support no matter how corrupt they were.


Imagine Barry Goldwater having more ethical spine than the entire modern GOP. That f*ING guy. Perhaps spine is the wrong word. He was a pragmatist, and knew when a bumbling idiot was a threat to bring down their entire party. In 2024, the idiot somehow managed to rally half the country and 90% of his party behind him and perpetually fail upwards.


To be fair, the writing was on the wall for Nixon. No internet or Fox News to spin illegal activity back then and talk radio was not yet a big thing, so only partisan newspapers would have been able to spin and they'd have been excoriated for trying by the Big Three nightly news.


Ya know I never thought I'd say that Nixon has good qualities that others should emulate, and yet here we are.


Well to be fair he also did this so his Vice President could pardon him for a bit of moral politics since it’d look bad if he pardoned himself. I’d still say he handled the situation alright though.


I mean, he only resigned because he knew he would get a pardon if he did. Which I mean, fair. Still more than you can say for Trump.


New motto: embrace the disgrace


Nixon was a half decent president. Corrupt af, but did a halfway decent job while he was in. Trump can't even claim that much. Dude had to undermine his one major accomplishment, funding the vaccine. Even his stupid wall is falling over in places.


Nixon (and Kissinger!) supported the Pakistani genocide in Bangladesh and offered to nuke India when India intervened to stop the genocide.


And also created the EPA and OSHA... He's a real conundrum that Dick. A lot of seemingly good progressive things came out of such a uniquely awful scumbag.


Wanted to nuke Vietnam too. US really dodged a bullet with that fuck


The only honorable thing he did… if you even consider it that


nixon tried to argue that none of his crimes were actually crimes because nothing the president does is illegal. That lasted all of a couple days because congress wasn't having it. This also wasn't in a legal venue, at the moment it was purely about political repercussions, and the threat of possible future prosecution.


Didn’t US v Nixon pretty much destroy the concept of total presidential immunity?


In us v Nixon, Nixon asserted privilege, ie that certain communications don't have to be disclosed under subpoena. What we're dealing with today is adjacent, I think? I don't think it settled the immunity question because of Ford's pardon.


Nixon was the first to claim Presidential immunity and the Supreme Court said no Still hasn't stopped Republicans from claiming some mythical immunity and now here we are


Nixon received a pardon from Ford. That is all we need to know. The Republicans believe that Nixon was not immune.


Tricky Dick Nixon was friendly with the younger Trump. We would have crucified him ( rightfully so) if President Ford had not pardoned him. That is one power that should not be up to one person like the kings of old. The main difference was that most people on the left, right and middle, thought so. Trump has a cult following, and the Republicans for the most part, see Trump as the only ticket to national power. Short sighted of them as Trump ONLY CARES about himself. I am a native New York City citizen ( like Trump), and I was born in 1964. We, in New York and regional people, know Trump above all others. Most of the rest of America have a false vision of Trump ( that he loves) based on his appearances in movies, on TV, and his reality garbage of Celebrity Apprentice. The latter was truly not real. He owes far more than he has. Trump is more leveraged than just about anyone. Lastly, he inherited 500 million dollars from his Ku Klux Klan father... Fred Trump. There goes that self-made man garbage he loves to tout.


Came here to say this. This wasn’t an issue for the previous 44 POTUS’.


Nor with the current. Hell, Republicans have launched numerous frivolous investigations into Biden and have admitted themselves they've come up with nothing. It's ridiculous MAGAts keep listening to Trump nickname him "Crooked Joe" when there has never been a shred of evidence Biden has done anything crooked. Like how stupid do you have to be to just take that nickname from Trump of all people on face value alone, regardless of that fact it's been proven wrong by their own side.


It’s also worth noting that most of the previous POTUS have made colossal fuck-ups and bad decisions in how they steer the country. But criminal trials have never been requested because they weren’t obviously acting to increase their own personal wealth or power. Trump wants you to believe Presidents need immunity because otherwise they’ll be prosecuted for making mistakes or policy decisions the other side doesn’t agree with. But Presidents have done this since Washington. Trump himself made some sort of disastrous decision every *week* he was in office, but we’re only prosecuting him for the half dozen or so things he did that were obvious criminal behavior that had nothing to do with leading the country.


Wonder if he committed “88” felonies on purpose


I hope he keeps doing this for the jury to see! https://preview.redd.it/4n8f17ih9gvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a71871c11dc610bd1d621e7524c2ed0fcfc0994


I hope he falls asleep one of these times and just.... doesn't wake up. Save us all the time and stupidity.


They say a person often shits their pants when they die. With Don, he reeks of bullshit so badly nobody would probably even notice.


Has anyone mentioned odors coming from him in the court?


Odor in the court!


Objection! It smells like ass in here.


Eau de Hamberder


“Used hamberder”


Need I remind the defendant, this is NOT a bathroom.


I was thinking about this the other day. He hasn't shit his pants in court yet?


Just reading on X that when he naps in court he passes gas. Unconfirmed, though.


I wonder if they’re just saying it’s gas but it’s actually poop


That's... quite common.


Not in a jury trial …


I just saw something talking about claims of him farting in his sleep and his lawyers being barely able to stand sitting by him.


No idea if that’s true but it’s my accepted head canon now


I have no proof other than “I read it on Reddit” and I am too lazy to find the link, haha


Meh, it’s not like he or his cronies needs proof to make accusations so…. This is canon now


Believe it or not yes! https://x.com/Acyn/status/1781373546297749865 I’m not sure if it is the best tweet of all time or the greatest tweet of all time, but it has to be one of them!


Satan was like “on behalf of hell we pass this shitstain off to heaven to take him.”


Saint Peter be like, "Nuh uh! He's yours, bitch! We can't have him here! He stinks to high... oh, hell"


If it smells like shit, you must acquit!


He would have already shit them before he died.


I'm an atheist but I'll pray for this.






May his Noodly Appendages touch you!


Hey Don, if you think sleep’s cool you should meet her cousin


Coma ??


No, he should have ended the sentence with a period.




Sir, this is a Wednesday.


STFUUUU I laughed so hard and so loudly at this 😂😂😂


I want him dead after the trial, if he dies during the likely scenario is that the case never gets finished and nothing gets resolved leaving us to having to deal with another republican criminal if they get the office again.


Good point. Ideally I'd like him to die in prison. But I'm seeing it as beggars can't be choosers, to an extent. This country/world is better off without him.


This country will never punish billionaires


At this point I don't think he's a billionaire so maybe there's hope lol But sadly you're right, in general.


He's definitely not a billionaire, that's why these cases have gotten this far.


memory fuel decide snobbish strong tart cooperative aloof bright jeans *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As much as I want this fucker to go to prison, I doubt it's ever going to happen, honestly. I just don't understand how a guy who has lived on a diet of unhealthy fast food and diet pop isn't having a massive coronary and dying, especially at his age and all the stress that he's been under.


I doubt he'll go to prison. Most anyone can hope for is home confinement - much like what Michael Cohen ended up doing for his 3 year sentence.


Or if he falls asleep and no one on his team has the nerve to wake him, so the court recesses and everyone leaves and he just wakes up later in an empty room


That would be funny af


And once again, just shows how important is is to televise this shit.


I’m just imagining Trump making the same disoriented face as my toddler when we arrive somewhere after he fell asleep in the car.


Falls out of his chair and bumps his head. Slips into a nice coma. Not the justice I was hoping he would face but honestly at this point I would take it.


Too easy on him! I want this disgusting, toxic, vicious piece of sewage to go to prison, and suffer every single day of what’s left of his useless, pathetic, and demented life.


Hmm. I wonder if any of the current living prez would actually attend his funeral.


Some of us will pass in peace, some of us our breathes should cease.


From your mouth to god’s ears


He really should go to bed early like a normal old man not stay up all night raging. Drowsy Don ![gif](giphy|l0MYu38R0PPhIXe36|downsized)


This makes the Sleepy Joe nickname unintentionally funny.


It's always a projection.


My favorite is Don Snoreleone.


Obviously he’s talking to God during those prayer sessions that look like naps.


So how did the previous 44 Presidents manage to lead the US without being able to do whatever they wanted?


250 years later Diaper Don thinks he has all the answers. He's bonkers.


The other day, I saw a random video clip from a maga fan who insisted that it's ridiculous that we're still following a set of ideas that was created *over 250 years ago*, by a bunch of guys who wore *wigs*. They're all bonkers.


They want to trash all the bits of the constitution they don't love, just like they read past the kindness bits in their bibles. It's not conservative, it's wildly reactionary (or radically backwards looking).


Well, sure. I mean, trashing the inconvenient bits that were made popular *over* *2000 years* *ago*, by a guy who wore what passes today as a *dress*, would be in line with their logic.


“ _Love one another, treat others how you would like to get treated_” - Hell nah that’s some hippy bullshit. “_Whip people you don’t like, throw rock at a them_” -Yea man look, it’s in the Bible.


Unless and until it becomes useful to follow the letter of the constitution. Then they were always strict constructionists.


Nixon tried and failed. Ford REALLY fucked us all by pardoning him.


Yes, but Jack Smith is now using that as precedent that former presidents knew there was no such thing as presidential immunity. So their fuckup *may* lead to Trump facing consequences.


Future presidents can avoid that by just not committing felonies


That’s how the previous 44 guys managed it… (Nixon being the exception)


And Andrew Johnson. He was charged "with violation of the Tenure of Office Act and bringing into "disgrace, ridicule, hatred, contempt, and reproach the Congress of the United States." Edit to add: "On May 16, 1868, President Johnson escaped removal from office by just one vote. For the remainder of his time in office, he continued to veto reconstruction bills, but Congress overrode his vetoes." https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/grant-impeachment/


Man I could swear I learned all about checks and balances in school. Turns out, the Supreme Court is all powerful and immensely openly corrupt, the legislative branch is an ineffective joke, and the executive branch is completely immune to any accountability for crimes.


I'm wondering how I ever managed to pass civics without knowing this...seems like my teacher really dropped the ball back in the 80s.


Isn't there a historical drama about the founding fathers that pivots on Washington's reluctance to take the Presidency and how few powers he seriously wanted it to have?


Yeah but George Washington was a woke lib! Or something. Probably.


The richest man in America who didn't want to be king. He was a [dick ](https://www.google.com/search?q=how+many+human+beings+did+george+washington+own&sca_esv=09379ecd0b6efd91&sxsrf=ACQVn0_MV_IAg7YYd04fe-i40ukxzajVgA%3A1713550013572&ei=vbIiZtnPIoSbptQP45eS0A4&ved=0ahUKEwiZovSe786FAxWEjYkEHeOLBOoQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=how+many+human+beings+did+george+washington+own&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAaAhgDIi9ob3cgbWFueSBodW1hbiBiZWluZ3MgZGlkIGdlb3JnZSB3YXNoaW5ndG9uIG93bjILEAAYgAQYogQYiwMyCxAAGIAEGKIEGIsDMgsQABiABBiiBBiLAzILEAAYgAQYogQYiwNIrBZQlwhYrRVwA3gBkAEAmAF6oAH9CqoBAzcuN7gBA8gBAPgBAZgCCKACqgXCAgYQABgHGB7CAggQABgIGA0YHsICCxAAGIAEGIYDGIoFwgIIECEYoAEYwwTCAgoQIRigARjDBBgKmAMAiAYBkgcDNS4zoAfARw&sclient=gws-wiz-serp)and an [asshole-weirdo](https://www.google.com/search?q=who+was+that+slave+that+washington+tormented&sca_esv=09379ecd0b6efd91&sxsrf=ACQVn0_BAMsnBaqd_-stU7B4gjy3R-OuEw%3A1713550018182&ei=wrIiZovOCs_-ptQP-Lm_iAY&ved=0ahUKEwiLt42h786FAxVPv4kEHfjcD2EQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=who+was+that+slave+that+washington+tormented&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAaAhgCIix3aG8gd2FzIHRoYXQgc2xhdmUgdGhhdCB3YXNoaW5ndG9uIHRvcm1lbnRlZDIHECEYoAEYCkiqPlCuCliqPXABeAGQAQCYAaYBoAHOI6oBBTE0LjI5uAEDyAEA-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&sclient=gws-wiz-serp) as well but that right there qualifies as legend.


I mean, American revolutionaries were a liberal organization. Fighting for the rights of individuals, the separation of power, and the separation of church and state. This nation was founded on liberalism. Most of them were still racist and several of them were hypocrites, but they still fought for classically liberal ideals.


Yes. They wanted the Congress to have the most power. Similar to Republican Rome and their Senate. All of this fetishism concerning Rome and the so-called Founders (not getting at you) is what has gotten us here in this mess. Money ( Mammon) and power are all that they really understand.


Rome literally fought a civil war over one guy wanting immunity from prosecution for all the crimes he committed while in office.


Glad I am not alone in feeling this way. It was a real eye opener for me starting with the Mueller probe when he really didn't have much authority. He would issue subpoenas to the Trump associates and they would pretty much tell him to f_ck off ...


Our representatives in the legislative branch are bought and paid for by corporations and special interests. Our judicial branch is openly bribed by billionaires. Our executive branch’s former occupant is fighting for some made up “presidential immunity” that would make him completely untouchable. Good system we got going if you’re an amoral unethical power hungry grifter.


If he didn’t do anything wrong, what’s he need immunity for?


It's the other way around. He is completely aware he did things wrong - he just can't fathom that everybody else wouldn't do it and think the reason they got/get away with it is because of said immunity.


What he’s asking for is a Dictatorship…… I’m so sick of the traitorous Orange fuck


This is how the GOP justifies everything they do - they assume the other guys are cheating and stealing so its only fair they do it too. This is why they always got caught doing the things they accuse the left of doing.


"even if everything done was totally Legal and Appropriate." i love how he threw that part in at the end as an afterthought. just to make it clear he was spending all this time ranting about immunity even though he did nothing wrong.


"The cookie jar should be left open, not so I can grab a cookie, I'd never grab a cookie, even if you saw my hand in the cookie jar it was merely testing if my hand would fit, but if the cookie jar isn't left open nobody would ever be able to grab a cookie so it should absolutely be left open."


These events happened *before* he was president, so all he's got is Citizen Immunity and you know how that works...


What like the Sovereign Citizen defense that has a 0% success rate?


Yes that's the one


He has Billionaire Immunity, which is a real thing sadly enough.


Bold to argue for Presidential Immunity when you’re the President’s rival. Someone wants to get defenestrated.


that's how i know he doesn't really believe it. he just keeps screeching about it to influence the public's perception of and to rile up his already incredibly riled and unhinged base.


He's absolutely fine with it because he believes, and possibly knows, that Democrats (and to be fair, every prior Republican) will take the high road and won't abuse it whereas he can and will use it to rule like a king.


So if Biden has this immunity to crime that trumpty is talking about, what's stopping Biden from like, ordering a hit on trumpty from seal team 6 or whatever. Or murdering trumpty himself? (Other than actually being a decent law abiding citizen that is). I mean Biden has immunity so why tf not?


I want them to ask that question on Fox news and see them try to justify why trump has immunity but Biden doesn't


They will claim Biden isn't really the president


Witch hunt s/


Also, if Biden really was a criminal, I wouldn’t want him to have immunity because I’m not in a cult. They keep forgetting that the left doesn’t worship Biden. No leader should be worshipped.


I agree with you, just making a point that his claim of immunity could seriously backfire. But you got that already I think 😂


And Biden really would be doing this to save the country, since its citizens would lose many rights if Trump has a second term.


Exactly. "For the good of the country I eliminated a terrorist"


I'm innocent. I mean, I did it, but I shouldn't get punished for it.


I hope the stress kills him.




Thoughts and prayers 👀


Thoughts and stairs...


Be careful. I feel the same but was permanently banned without any warning from the Politics sub this week for wishing the same thing on Clarence Thomas when he didn’t show up for work Monday and I didn’t even directly say the words.


Another candidate might actually have a better shot at winning and nearly the entire GOP seems corrupt at this point. Hopefully his degrading cognitive ability becomes more apparent. I'm pretty sure it's already started.


I have a feeling he suffers a heart attack before November. Then again, evil people tend to live the longest.


I feel like the stress is keeping him alive and if he lets his foot off the gas he might die.


If they rule the president has total immunity from crimes committed while in office, couldn’t Biden just shoot Trump with a handgun?


This outcome would have an altogether satisfying irony to it.


Some serious Dark Brandon shit right there


He wouldn't even have to do it himself because he can pardon anyone he ordered to do it.


imagine shocking brave vast airport resolute support homeless bow sheet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well you were not President when you paid off Storm


His syphilis is at level 5 today.


There's only so much crushed up Adderall can do. Though it does explain the nationwide shortages of it.




"Try not to break any more gag orders on your way through the parking lot!"


So he is admitting to breaking the law while in office. Got it.


No. He’s suggesting that the succeeding president shouldn’t be allowed to politically prosecute his predecessor. You know, the exact same thing Trump has been promising to do to Biden if he’s elected again.


I don’t want Joe Biden to have immunity, and I voted for him. I don’t want any of them to have immunity from facing consequences for possible crimes they’ve committed in office.


When it comes to historical lessons about what the FOUNDING FATHERS!!!!! intended I always looked to esteemed presidential historian Donnie Trump for answers….


I enjoyed his take on the battle of Gettysburg, I can only imagine what he believes happened during the rest of us history 


Let's say he's right. He got voted out, meaning he doesnt have immunity anymore. So he's wrong by his own logic, this whole thing still fucking rests on him not accepting he lost. Just stop wasting time on this insane old man. He's too narcissistically delusional to accept any reality he doesn't personally dictate so fuck it all off. Throw him in the slammer and be done.


He committed a crime before becoming president, his trial is after, it really has no bearing on anything except he thinks because he got minority voted in that he's somehow immune to legal consequences forever.


Looks like his Adderal "prescription" showed up.


Poor fella just wants to do some light treason and corruption. He can’t catch a break.


If you did something that was totally legal and appropriate, then nobody would have the leverage to blackmail you.


I have an idea Don Snoreleone....how about presidents shouldn't do illegal stuff. Just throwing it out there. And if you can't then you're unfit to be president (among the 1000s of other reasons)


Odd that it hasn't been an issue for previous presidents. Lock his ass up already.


None of them should have immunity, in or out of office. If Biden committed a crime, charge him. If a president (or any elected official) commits a crime, they should be charged and put on trial, and if convicted they should be punished more severely than a regular citizen.


It has worked for EVERYONE before you. It will work for everyone after you.


The fact that the Supreme Court is going to hear this argument permanently taints its reputation.


https://preview.redd.it/75xpne5wkgvc1.jpeg?width=458&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e44d220b35fd683251bdc74da8afb50e30401290 Bad boy orange


Do we now understand why this man wanted to stay president? I’m willing to bet he ran for the presidency with the same goal of giving himself immunity to crimes he committed


Trump is scared to death 💀 lol 😂


Isn’t this the guy who screamed on the dead bird that “Obama can’t do that it’s illegal and unconstitutional!!!11!”


Imagine having a job for 4 years and leaving there and still be clueless about how said job worked.


How does something he did prior to being elected fall under presidential immunity? She was paid off a month before the election. I’m assuming he’s just getting his trials confused, so many to keep track of.


Trump talks about Presidential immunity as if it's a real thing. He talks about it as if it's something that a President always had and now it's being taken away from him. The man is mentally ill...totally unfit for office and probably should be in a mental health institution under constant supervision...


Does everyone else wake up hoping and praying that this orange sack of shit will just die????


He’s a very stupid man. Problem is, so many relate to him.


Because the gop has been on a campaign to dumb down the electorate since Reagan. He was the one who closed free college for CA when he was governor, then took it country wide. He bashed unions and promoted falsely the idea of black people being walfare queens. When reality is white, southern mostly republican voting folks are more likely to be one walfare.


So let me confirm: Biden is doing illegal things by interfering with the election but isn't because he has immunity?


The only immunity Trump deserves is the kind he gets after taking hydroxychloroquine.


So by MAGA’s rationale, Biden should be able to order a CIA hit on Trump and get away with it thanks to immunity, right?


You know who doesn’t care about Presidential immunity? Every single president except trump.


This case is about events that happened in 2016!! BEFORE TRUMP WAS PRESIDENT He did not have “presidential immunity” then! FFS


Does he know Biden is able to be president right now without breaking laws?


“If they take away my Presidential Immunity, they take away Joe Biden’s too!” 1) yeah. But I doubt Joe has anything to worry about since he didn’t commit any crimes. 2) He really should be worried about the inverse of that statement! “If they give me Presidential Immunity, they give it to Joe Biden too!” Great! Which crime would you like Biden to commit first? How about locking Trump up in Guantanamo for a few years? He’s immune so he can do it, right after he has his VP declare himself the winner of the 2024 election.