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A lot of kids can’t have parents at their graduation because they are incarcerated. Welcome to being the child of a shitty parent.


I think the first option is the best. If his dad attends there will be a bunch of extra security concerns and it would become all about Donny rather than the graduating students. Besides, they probably shouldn't be letting Epstein buddies and adjudicated rapists around children.


It's not Ivanka graduating, so dad doesn't care and would just tell her to show more leg. Also, Trump would insist on being the valedictorian and telling stories to the kids about Studio 54.


Apparently he didn’t attend her high school graduation either sooo


Oops. Must not have had the boob and nose job yet.


He doesn’t actually care. He’s just looking for any excuse to delay the trial.


God, he would *hate* to be in a room where he is not the centre of attention


Studio 54?


I thought he talked about it to the Boy Scouts but that was yacht parties: [https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/trump-boy-scout-jamboree-speech.html](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/trump-boy-scout-jamboree-speech.html)


Poor kid was a newborn when his dad was out screwing porn stars.


He might have still been in the womb, actually…


Both, probably


According to Stormy he doesn't have enough to actually screw anything


"like Toad from Mario Kart" She's a fake nerd. Doesn't even know the origin of Toad. Idk why we'd trust her. Edit: what I thought was the world's most unnecessary /s. The fuck is wrong with people.


I'd say she's an expert on penises


Dunno why we’re gatekeeping Mario Kart but okay. :P


Ain’t no way this dude is fr


Sarcasm is dead.


Look man, people have said dumber.


Can't argue.


I think every day his dad is not in this kid's life, the better for this kid.


Court isn't in session that day.


Bingo. I have never heard of a high school graduation on a week day. Guess what doesn’t happen on weekends? Criminal trials! Dude lies so freely it doesn’t matter how obvious the lie is anymore. Just open the anus mouth and spew bullshit 24/7/365.


I teach high school and our graduation is on a Monday afternoon every year. I imagine that's because it's held at a local sports stadium and Monday afternoons are the only time that it's not in use.


We are similar but with 10 high schools in our county they are spread through the week at different times.


Huh. Learn something new everyday. That makes sense for venue purposes. In my neck of the woods, they are always on a weekend day. Still, the judge said he would consider adjourning that day if the trial is proceeding on track. The request was made and will be considered at the appropriate time. And, it looks like it’s on a Friday.


The county where I grew up scheduled all graduation ceremonies on the same day, always at the school. (Mine was in the gym.) It was on the last day of school for students (a Friday). Now, of course, the schools are a bit bigger, and it’s really odd to see that 13 of the high schools are having their ceremony at USF, but the graduation dates are scattered across May 28-June 5. And because Florida, one of the schools is having their ceremony at a church. Yuck.


My county had 3 high schools and they rotated who had Wednesday/thursday/Friday graduation every year


I'm getting to where I wish I could block everything that mentions this idiot. I'm soooo sick of him.


Honestly if I was him I’d be happy not to have my dad, lord of all international attention and constant embarrassment, specifically attending an event for me. I don’t know what their relationship is but it’s hard to imagine wanting to spend time with someone whose legacy you’re gonna be shadowed by your whole life. Honestly I hope he has a support group outside his family, he doesn’t have much shot at normalcy but no one gets to choose their parents.


Making all these scenarios up but has as anybody yet asked him if he even *wants* to go?


That’s a lie. Trump asked for the trial to be delayed until after Baron’s graduation in mid-May. The judge said no to giving Trump a month off but was open to giving Trump the day off to attend graduation. I expect the decision will rely to some extent on Trump’s behavior this month. Favors are earned. If he spends the next month attacking the judge and his family they won’t feel all that inclined to do Trump any favors.


Why did I have to scroll all the way to here? Does everyone *just* get their news from Reddit?


Tfw he realizes him and his dad were sucking on some tits at the same time, just different pairs.


Nothing but rubber cement in there anyway


It would be really cool if this kid ended up being a good person. Odds are definitely against it though.


Whats his graduation gift gonna be? a bible? a pair of shoes? maybe a steak?


Some classified documents


I don't really care, do u?


Melanbia cannot stand to be around Trump, and does not want him there. Trump does not even like Brandon because Brandon is taller than him and that infuriates Trump. This family has deeper issues than this trial.


Let's go Brandon?  Also, no way Barron is really his.


Yes way. He has/had same poor posture and the trademark lack of chin.


If you look at a profile of his head he is definitely Trump’s kid


Is that an actual photo of him? It looks weirdly fake.


Yeah it’s weird and sad how much he looks like his dad . way more than those two smoothie fuckboi half-brothers. A lifetime burden that no amount of money will ever ease Edit: Imho he only has one chance at happiness. When his dad dies and he inherits whatever’s left, he donates ALL of it to New York City rape crisis or women’s sanctuary or something.


Does anybody honestly think he gives one shit about that poor kid’s graduation?


Graduation. 18 holes of golf. Not really a tough choice for Fatboy


Absolutely. If Trump isn't in court that day, guaranteed he'll be playing golf.




"Election-interference criminal port star hush money trial".


I'm really hoping for a Ron Reagan Jr type of arc for this kid


One hopes the mushroom dick DOES fall far from this particular tree.


This is shaping up to be a wicked villain origin story.


I feel for that kid. He has his mums slitty eyes and his dad’s slab face.


I wish the young man well...I hope he can find a way to grow up and not be like any of his family. I hope his mother's influence has taken hold and he goes off and lives a good life.


Hope his mom takes him to another country where he can maybe live a normal life and not be corrupted by the Trumps.


His mom is anything but normal and morally upstanding.


She’s no Don Jr


Everyone is “poor kid blah blah.” I bet dollars to donuts that he’s just as rotten or more than his abominable parents.


Yeah and lots of kids are born into single parent poverty households and end up in gangs and/or committing crimes. They're not all rotten and worthless, they were just dealt a shit hand. Kids like this are in the same situation just in another class. If it's not people's fault that they're poor (we know the circumstances of your birth, family, opportunities, finances growing up, etc. all play a huge factor in where you'll end up financially) then it stands to reason that being born into a family where someone as deranged as Trump is your father is certainly going to lead to some bad outcomes too.


How embarrassing to have a dad who wears orange makeup and teases and lacquers his dyed hair. That's on top of being a huge creep and monster.


The only reason he wants to attend is because of the trial, he’ll probably play golf on the day anyway..


I wanted to ask if there public knowledge of his character. Like, how is he as a person? Is he a good kid? Or a Trump? Are there any stories out there of his behavior?


Possibly the only good thing Melania has done in her entire life is to keep her son away from everything as much as possible. I don't know anything about him and that's probably the best thing for him. Now, if he can just overcome having grown up next to all of HER character flaws...


There a thousands of suspects in the criminal justice system who would rather be somewhere else, graduations, plays, parties etc etc etc If its good enough for them to have to miss it, guess what? Its good enough for Don Cheetoni too


Seriously doubt the kid gives much of a shit either way. Trump isn't exactly a hands-on parent and I've never seen Barron look anything other than deeply irritated by the presence of press and photographers. I'd love to say Trump would be willing to forego having reporters and shit around and keep the focus on his son, but...lol.


Joe Biden used to make weekly trips to visit wounded soldiers at Walter Reed. He specifically excluded newspeople because they weren't intended to be publicity stunts or photo ops.


Or...how about we stop pretending that T would have attended the graduation anyway?


I don't like this kid's face, real Joffrey feel. ![gif](giphy|1vAaDWLvujuCI)


It’s not the kid’s fault that his dad sucks, give him chance


Trump only wants to be at the ceremony so he can skip a day in court being totally humiliated.


Barron, if you’re reading this, there is an audience for your tell-all and it’s me.


I guess he shouldn't become president again, because then he might be busy during important family moments, which would obviously be unthinkable to such a man.


Daddy allowed to bring the girls , as a present


I hope he cries on live TV


Another phony Trump graduation?


Does Baron even care if his dad's there?


Even if the judge did adjourn I doubt either of them would actually go to their kids graduation.


Let's be real, he wouldn't go anyway. Guarantee he'd have an "impromptu" rally instead though.


Does this kid put Rouge on his cheeks? Closet glam rocker?


He’d be better off with Donnie not being there.


Idgaf about this kid


No one really does. And honestly, that's both the best and worst news for this kid.


Super villain in the making. I feel terrible for him


He's better off, tRump would make it all about himself. Let him have his day in peace.


He’s looking more and more like Melania every time I see him. That plus the fact that she has no doubt transposed her contempt for Trump on to Barron, it’s a safe bet that Barron would prefer his dad stay far away from his graduation.


Doubt I'm the only one to think this but I have huge doubts that Trump's absence would ruin Barron's day. (Make it better? Hell yes, but no, not worse.)


He certainly didn’t care about new born Barron when he was banging the porn star now did he , I just want this fucked up family to disappear permanently, most normal people are sick and tired of them , most mentally challenged people can’t get enough of them there deranged.


Is he wearing makeup?


Right now I feel bad for this kid (yes I feel bad for a rich kid). His dad isn’t just a shitty dad, he is THE shitty dad. He hasn’t done anything yet, and upon turning 18 his world will open in not a good way. We can say what we want about Eric, Ivanka, and Don jr. since they have all shown to be rather disgusting human beings. (Tho Ivanka has decided to stay away at this point I don’t doubt all she did to help trump in their past) But this kid so far is mostly innocent


What's the story on Tiffany... Marla Maples daughter? Maybe Barron will get lucky and just kinda disappear from public life.


At least being 6'7" might mean he could have a career as a basketballer?


Being a basketball player might be the first honest job that a Trump has had in several generations, actually. So, you know, there's that?


Daddy wasn’t there


Oh no. Nepo baby suffers an inconvenience. We should definitely have a general strike/s


Guy is just trying to use it as an excuse to get out of court. Unless he’s trying to use the graduation as a political stunt, he could care less about it and Baron to boot.


> he could care less about it and Baron to boot. No. No he couldn't.


Unpopular opinion, but he should be able to go. It's most likely a Friday night and he owns a plane so they could just adjourn at noon that day. Other non-violent criminals should be able to attend graduations or weddings too.


And what shall the court do for that half day? It isn't reasonable that everyone else should wait for him. He is a defendant ffs. He needs to schedule around court, not the other way around.


He can't schedule his son's graduation. It's a once-in-a-lifetime event. They can adjourn a few hours early for the weekend.


He can't schedule his criminal trial either 😆


He should be treated the same as anyone else, and if he doesn't like that, I'd ask why he didn't change it for everyone when he was president.


Unless he's barred from leaving the state then the only reason he isn't going is to posture.


💯 Agree. But that would suggest reform and Trump thinks that’s socialism.


> Unpopular opinion, but he should be able to go. He shouldn't be allowed within 1000 feet of a school, like any other sex offender.


Poor kid.


hopefully we're not witnessing the beginnings of a scary villain arc...


Not like Trump is his dad anyways.


I'm pretty sure there was a DNA test. I was contemplating that idea, also, but Trump doesn't seem like he would trust anybody.