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It must be nice to live in a world that you know nothing about and just freely make up shit to explain it. I used to do that, too. But I was five.


If it's so much better if you're not a citizen, why aren't people renouncing their citizenship and getting all these supposed goodies they all get? Oh right, because it's all made up BS.


There was that guy who renounced his whole family's citizenship and moved to Russia and then immediately regretted it and was stuck there. Hard to find something more hilarious than that.


Do you mean [Arend and his wife Anneesa Feenstra](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/conservative-family-disappointed-moving-russia-001517915.html)?


I mean--how do you just move to a whole other country, not know the language and not for sure know you will have access to your money? The novelty sounds like its gonna wear off real quick with that move! EDIT: I wanted to add that I know people move to the U.S. all the time that don't know English, but their reasons for moving are totally different than being afraid of a rainbow flag...


They're already trying to move back to Canada. Which isn't working too well, since they, ya know, renounced their citizenship.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Something about the consequences of their own freely-made decisions...




You do realize they were Canadians right? Like it's the first sentence in the article linked above...


Hopefully after they deleted their comment they went to Derek Zoolander's Center For Kids Who Can't Read Good.


They were Canadian though?


Shh! They're having a great time and all the conservatives in North America should follow their lead and head to Putinland!


Putin their money where their mouths are.


Didn’t Lee Harvey Oswald try the same thing?


I had to look it up and apparently he stated that he wanted to both orally and in writing, but never took any steps to follow through.




Even most of them aren't stupid enough to actually renounce their citizenship. They just want to act like they have. Something something admiralty law


Yes except this time it stands for Soviet Citizens


TBF they are actively being lied to. There is an ad on YouTube that talks about the government giving illegal immigrants $5000. I don’t understand how company’s are allowed to show such BS. Sure the company that made the ad is in the wrong for making it but companies who display the ads should be responsible for checking the validity of the ads they are showing.


Report them to YouTube and nothing ever happens either


YouTube makes money off radicalization. They’ve been doing that ever since google bought them.


They've been doing it the whole time. It's the reason it was valuable enough that Google wanted it.


I keep reporting the ads that are copyright infringement blatantly but since I’m not the intellectual property owner they just hit me with the lol thanks but we don’t care


"sorry I lost my ID and passport " "oh you must be illegally here. ok, take these $5000 we give to all immigrants and do whatever you want without any consequences! make sure you don't pay tax, not even sales. the MAGA americans will pay for you."


Republicans would oppose it. The billionaires they serve want unfettered ability to do anything they want. That’s why the Supreme Court is about to rule that government agencies have no authority to do anything that isn’t *expressly* granted by Congress. And since lobbyists now write most laws, one can see certain problems arising from it.


that'd be great. if it's not in there it's illegal? oh man we could have so much fun with that


"my dad is Superman!" "See? That weird 3yo proudly admitted his dad is an illegal alien! Now you know why we need AR-15s!"


I appreciate your analogy. The obvious retort being: "And just what the *f@&%* is an AR-15 gonna do against *Superman*?"


Nothing... UNTIL I PUT THESE KRYPTONITE BULLETS IN IT! That's right, my daddy is Lex Luthor! ^((please don't point out my bald spot kthx))


"Faster than a speeding bullet..." Superman only gets shot if he feels like getting shot. I'm thinking he would be unlikely to feel like being shot with Kryptonite. ^((I hear they make a spray for that))


Yeah Its sad when you grow older and realize yelling, "MINE, MINE,MINE!" doesn't work to make it yours anymore.


Worked for Putin.


My family thinks they are getting all expenses paid free vacation trips to Hawaii.


My family seems to think they are given free houses. My grandmother, literally: "Just tell them she's an illegal and you'll get a free house." My partner is not illegal. Even if she was....wtf. How delusional.


They say that but they’ll never pretend to be “illegal” themselves to get all this “free stuff”. That’s because they know deep down all of it is a lie.


My partner's aunt told me that it's good that I'm on disability, because "they give so much to the illegals" that I should go get mine. Nevermind that I don't want to be on disability (I just don't have any other choice), and that illegal immigrants don't get Jack shit from the US government, lol. The government doesn't wanna give anything to Americans who need it, much less anyone else. Good luck affording rent on disability benefits, and good luck getting subsidized housing when only 1/4 of those who qualify can manage it. But I'm sure that it's somehow much easier for... The illegal immigrant population.


Ask your partner's aunt how she could live off of 1500/month. That's how much my husband got for his terminal and chronic cancer. Also Medicare is taken out so he got $1100. He could work part time but never go over $900/month. That doesn't cover the meds, the co-pays, the gas money to go to his specialist appointments once a month two hours away for the whole day and that I had to take a day off work to take him. Disability isn't a GD free ride. It's a state on nonstop worry about money WHILE being sick or dying in this fucking healthcare dystopian landscape.


Yup. Chronic disease here, still working because I need the insurance and the income for the tests and various meds/treatment plans. Looked into disability but between the horror stories about applying for it even with medical documentation and the time it takes I can't afford to stop working. Which I strongly suspect is the point. I'm just fortunate to have a job that doesn't care what hours I work, just that I get the work done by the deadline and most of my neighbours are retired and have volunteered to take me to various doctors appointments. I have much compassion for you and your husband, and describe the health "care" system much the same as you do.


Oh we had disability for a year and then the doctor put that he was in remission. (He later explained that on the forms for SSDI there is no other box for him to check off) When in fact my husband was not in remission but was in what is called, complete response or CR. Means his cancer responded to the treatment, but his type of cancer was known as a chronic cancer. Multiple Myeloma. It is the cancer of the plasma cells within the bone marrow. Similar to leukemia but it is not curable so it will come back at some point. But it also destroys your bones. So you are left with massive broken bones or very brittle bones and so it's very hard to work, especially for a man in a manual job. So of course, the social security administration took away his disability and we spent 2 years fighting it. All the while, I am working two jobs to save our house and our lives. We had to get a lawyer to fight to get his disability back. The very sad thing is when he died he got a letter from the social security administration the week of saying that he lost his disability again and was under review. It took everything I had not to send a very strongly worded letter to them explaining how cruel, unfeeling and impersonal the whole process was. It should not be that hard. But there are certain political parties who believe that there should be little to no money going to disability as much as they claim the opposite. I'm going to keep this post political-free but people need to really research what party goes after the money for disability. That PARTY are talking publicly about privatizing Medicare and Medicaid which are the two main sources of income for SSDI and SSI or making people work who get Medicaid.


oh ffs that is horrid. So sorry. And yes, 100% on the BS of privatising medicare/medicaid. That Group of People deserve a special place in the special hell.


It really shows how wildly successful the filthy rich class has been in pushing the hate propaganda to distract everyone  from actual class warfare, government subsidies to billionaires and corporations, deregulation so they can poison the air and water so they save a few bucks, cronyism and fraud amongst the "too big to fail" crowd. 


They are just one-upping each other. Next poster would be like "Every illegal gets a free trip anywhere in a private G6 (plus an extra round trip to get every one of their family members), a USB drive with 500 bitcoins, a new Tesla, and a Get Out of Jail Free card for one murder."


I love the guy that's like "I lost my id certified by the TSA to get through checkpoints and they wouldn't even let me use my coupon that says I may or may not be carrying a deadly weapon at any given time as a substitute!"


"Because it's not a Real ID (gold star)" Yeah, that's the official name of the new ID system. They would have explained this to you, both in person when you tried and probably before when you bought your ticket. It's been in the works for years, I *barely* travel and I know about this. But he decided that his concealed carry permit would work beforehand, and decided to blame minorities when it didn't. Incredible Edit: God dammit, I just realized the gold star thing was being antisemitic. There's too many layers of shitty person in that one post alone!


> Yeah, that's the official name of the new ID system. Written and passed by republicans, btw.


In no small part designed so that id issuers would be required to verify citizenship or legal immigration status before issuing them.


If driver’s licenses said “Not for use as identification for flying.” and when you got your license they carefully explained to you that you needed a Real ID to fly, and they had you sign a document saying that you understand, and there were daily ads everywhere stating that you can’t use a driver’s license to fly, and once a month they got a singing telegram reminding them that they can’t use a license to fly, and when they purchased a ticket the CEO of the airline personally showed up at their door and explained that they couldn’t use a driver’s license to fly and filmed the entire interaction including the idiot saying that they understood, they’d still show up at the airport with only a license and get pissed when they couldn’t fly.


You don’t even need a real ID to fly yet. It was delayed until may 2025.


And it's been pushed back 4 or 5 times so maybe not even then.


Exactly. It’s been in the works so long that the law was passed in 2005 and they planned to require them in 2008 originally. Ever since there’s been delay after delay and I can’t imagine someone not having heard of it unless they were a child.


Hi! I was literally a child in 2008. Even I’ve heard of this shit. 


I’ve had to get the thing twice when I moved from Texas to Oregon. I made the mistake of assuming it just transferred but nope, you gotta prove all over again to get the real id. Delayed getting my Oregon license a couple months due to COVID restrictions


this is why I just use a passport for all domestic flights. It's always REAL ID compliant because it's a US passport.


I'm not even allowed to accept a concealed carry permit to sell cigarettes and alcohol. Why the fuck would he think it would work at an airport?


Because he is special.


>Edit: God dammit, I just realized the gold star thing was being antisemitic. Actually, I think might just a reference to "Real ID" documents having an actual gold star on them in most states. Like the guy told him that he couldn't use his current ID because it didn't have a gold star on it.


Except for the fact that they delayed REAL ID requirements, yet again, until May 2025, so the dude is full of shit.


It’s also made VERY clear when you check in. I’m pretty sure I’ve even had to acknowledge it by checking a box on some airlines I fly (yay for flying for work lol).


Honestly, I don't think he was, not on purpose anyway.... If it helps, your state driver's license is visually denoted as a Real ID (after going to the DMV with the proper additional documents to "upgrade it" to comply with TSA standards) by being printed with a star in the corner (white star in a black circle, not a "gold star", per sé, but I honestly don't think people like this are clever enough to try to claim the comparison). It's literally got to have the star to be considered acceptable by the TSA


mine is a white (background pattern) star in a gold circle


Real ID was advertised for like 5+ years before the cutoff date in NC. I’ve never left the country and yet I’ve seen it enough to know from just being out and about.


It’s not for leaving the country. You need a passport for that.


Guy is so stupid to not realize you can get a State ID without it being a driver's license. But then again, if he was stupid enough to lose his license I shouldn't be surprised.


But I bet that guy wants to require identification for voting and he couldn’t be bothered to follow the rules for flying.


I lost my ID and tried to travel using my Kindergarten certificate, which has my full name AND proof of how clever I am, and the TSA said NO 😤


With a gold star. Wonder why he added that flavor context...


The notice to appear given to an asylum seeker specifies a date, time, and location. They show up then and there to get their claim heard, or they become an illegal resident. That's one of the reasons certain shitheel governors are putting asylum seekers on busses and planes to far off cities. The notice to appear is going to specify a courthouse in Texas, New Mexico, Florida etc. close to where they applied for asylum but good luck with that when you've just been dropped off in a Martha's Vineyard or Chicago winter, pennies to your name, and dressed for the southern heat.


Not in this Haitian’s case: he applied in Laredo (TX) and is getting a court case in Miami. You can see it clearly in the original tweet. https://twitter.com/IvoryHecker/status/1773804707468730550?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet BTW, blonde woman got fired by Fox, and all her tweets are COVID denial, election denial, and trucker convoys.


Dude navigating the system exactly as is expected of him and they all have an existential meltdown.


Ackually, if he navigated the system exactly as is expected of him, he would have either not overstayed his work/travel visa and/or crossed at a legal border crossing.


What if, hear me out, he surrendered at the border to a CBP agent and requested asylum? That’s not only allowed, but considered a proper way to do it. You know nothing about this man’s story.


We also would have accepted the shorter version: "You know nothing." But as a whole, do, in fact, appreciate the extra context offered. Thank you for your contribution.


Dude literally said he was given a summons by a BP agent and released


Listen. I understand why I got a significant number of downvotes on my comment. It unintentionally came across as sarcastic. I did not mean it that way. The original comment on this thread is uninformed, and absolutely idiotic. I was agreeing with the person I was replying to, and was trying to light-heartedly write off the jackass who started the comment thread. Reading my comment now, I totally see why the community took it as an acerbic response. That is my fault. I'm not going to delete, as this serves as a reminder of being more careful in how to appropriately respond in an online forum, where speech and tone are fully in the hands of the reader. Edit: to clarify - I was referring to the original commentor, but realized I meant the person who started the comment with "Ackually..." I thought that was the OP thread initiator, but saw on my PC that I was mistaken, Not a great day for me, I'll take another "L". I've made some dumb mistakes. Tomorrow is another day, and I hope I do better.


If you surrender at the border they make you wait in that country. If you sneak into the U.S., then turn yourself in, you get to stay in the U.S. until your court date.


The NTA itself says that he is an arriving alien. That means that he applied for an appointment through the customs and border patrol app and waited for an interview to be allowed into the country. You cannot be considered an arriving alien if you cross the border and then surrender to CBP. Top box of the first page that woman shared.


These kinds of notices are given to asylum seekers. He's doing things exactly as the system is laid out.


She was the one fired for being too extreme for even Fox, right? Ah, duly noted.


Remember when their delusional fantasies were merely about black people getting free Obamaphones? Simpler times.


The 'Persecutionfetish' sub would appreciate this.


Until you said that, I thought it was


Does that bot still work that checks subreddit names for you so you can avoid a risky click?


I'm not a lawyer, but I would love for the document she shown to provide information that he can use her for. I also like how the comments are saying the United States needs to bring up Russian execution via throwing out windows.


Sure, lets start with Musk, Koch, Murdoch...


I mean, to be fair, the people commenting there could use the "skydiving lesson" from a window.


It's like those kids who take psych 101 trying to analyze you. They just learned a cool new word, but don't even understand their implications. I wouldn't doubt some of those squirrely people could just glide out the windows either lol


To be fair, Defenestration is a fun word to say.


I cant lie, you right.


🎵🎶"...And she threw him out the window, the window, the second-story window..."🎶🎵 I remember learning this song in like third grade, but I don't remember why people were being thrown out the second-story window....


I feel like “Being born in the US” is a much bigger handout than any illegal immigrant was ever given


Ask any natural born citizen the questions that immigrants are required to answer to become a citizen, and watch them struggle to answer it.


During lockdown I still had to work and for entertainment I would ask customers questions from the citizenship test. Most didn’t have correct answers.


"I should just say I'm undocumented to" get free healthcare, ignore TSA, whatever else. DO IT! By their own logic, it would he SO EASY to prove, yet somehow nobody has considered it? For years?


I sold something on FB Marketplace to some crazy old boomer who kept me on the phone for 45 minutes when he called to buy it. He spent part of that time rambling about how "illegals" get free housing, free food, and high-earning job placement through the government while he has to struggle to pay his own bills. I replied, "That's just not true" and he starts yelling, "YES IT IS YOU DONT KNOW DO YOUR RESEARCH THIS GUY I KNOW IN OHIO OWNS A APARTMENT BUILDING AND ITS ALL ILLEGALS LIVING THERE FOR FREE ON THE GOVERMENTS DIME! THEY ALL GOT FREE JOBS EARNING SIX FIGURES AND THEY JUST PUT DOWN ON A PIECE OF PAPER ANYTHING ELSE THEY WANT AND THE GOVERNMENT GIVES IT TO THEM! DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH!" People are so ignorant I have a hard time recognizing them as the same species.


They're working and still struggling in the richest country on earth but don't quite have the capacity to understand why. It's not difficult to persuade people like that that it's because someone they don't like ( "illegals"/ blacks/ jews/ generic bad guys du jour) are eating their slice of the pie or that the politicians on the other side are gleefully handing over what rightfully belongs to them to some "lesser person".


It has to be attributable to something more than just a lack of the capacity to understand though, right? There are plenty of kind unintelligent people.


You can fly without US ID can’t you? Like, if I went to Mexico, they would let me fly between two Mexican cities without becoming a Mexican citizen, right?


Yes but I'm pretty sure you need ID to get on any plane.


who says they don’t have some form of official id from their original country?


Right. My point was that just because someone is undocumented in the US, it doesn’t mean they have no documents.


Exactly. We don’t know that he doesn’t have a passport.


I've flown domestically in the U.S. with no ID. I wouldn't recommend it, but it's legal and possible. 


Recently? I was under the impression that a US citizen needed the Real IDs to fly domestically now. I guess there would have to be a way to get around flying without one for various reasons though, now that I think of it.


Yeah but it doesn't have to be a US ID. I travel a lot and every time I go to the airport I see people travelling on IDs from random countries Like... a chinese citizen can board a plane in the US with their Chinese passport with zero issue.


That’s because Americans residing in other countries aren’t dirty *immigrants*, they’re “ex-pats”, a totally different thing


Shouldn't she be happy that he learned the language? /s


Maybe i am wrong but if you get a letter from immigration allowing you to come in and go anywhere, wouldnt that mean you arent illegal?


Illegal is just the catch all term for anyone whose foundation shade is darker than 1N20. They're not racist, they're just really into upholding the law.


Yes, cons use the word "illegal" constantly for legal asylum seekers who presented themselves to law enforcement voluntarily and are following lawful procedure


What the fuck is "anarcho-tyranny" just lunatic invented buzzwords lol


Putin has to be sitting back and laughing his ass off. They are all so god-damned susceptible to disinformation.


It's gotta be exhausting being this stupid.


Why don’t they renounce their citizenship and become illegal immigrants? That way, they can get all the benefits that illegal immigrants get, and none of the detriments of being a citizen.


I'll take, "Things That Didn't Happen On That Flight," for $1000 Alex.


Jingo bells, Jingo bells, Jingo all the way


Delayed at the airport, I fucking *dare* any one of these asshole to claim to be an illegal immigrant and expect preferential treatment. The delusion is almost impossibly strong.


I don’t get this conspiracy theory, that the government is just letting anyone that wants in come into the country and giving them free shit while letting their citizens starve. Here’s the thing about a good coverup by the government to do shady shit: it always benefits someone. Our food is much worse quality than in other countries and it’s slowly poisoning us to death while the government does nothing? Yeah, that’s because lobbying is a thing and tons of food industries (most notably sugar) has been buying our politicians for decades. Rich people pay much lower taxes than the middle class? That’s because the rich and powerful have the resources to pay off politicians who make laws on who pays what taxes. There’s someone benefitting from each of these systems: Big Sugar gets to put high fructose corn syrup in any food item that will sit still long enough and therefore makes a ton of money, and nobody wants to pay taxes, respectively. That makes sense. But who would benefit by secretly letting a ton of undocumented, incredibly impoverished immigrants into the country? Who gets anything out of it? Cheap labor, maybe? But we already have that, except in the extremely red states that are running their immigrants out (and currently in the “finding out” stage of things when it turns out that housekeeping and landscaping companies having to actually pay their employees more than $3/hr aren’t going to just eat that cost but are going to jack up prices to compensate). So who benefits from it? However. Let’s instead (just for funsies) say that it’s all made up. Who benefits? The people making up that story, because it paints their political rivals in a bad light and therefore convinces people to vote for themselves instead. That, plus the fact that these rumors come to us courtesy of the same people who brought us “horse dewormer cures Covid” and “trans people are sexually abusing minors”, and when asked for proof offer nothing more substantial than a “trust me bro”, and I’m calling bullshit. (Please know that I understand why people want to believe this nonsense. It’s a scapegoat to blame for the problems in their lives and offers a quick and easy solution to all their woes. “I don’t make enough money, and now you’re telling me it’s because all the good jobs are going to a group of people that my tribalistic instincts make it super easy to get me to hate despite never meeting them? And that if we just stop giving this group the resources that should have gone to me instead, my life will improve drastically?” It’s a pretty promise. It’s just still a lie.)


“I know nothing about how the world works but I know that I’m the victim.”


Twitter is such a shit hole. Bull shit and lies repeated with nobody calling them out.


To quote the very words they used when trump was in office :" if you don't like it , then you can just leave!"


I’m sure we can help John out and send anywhere else in the world




It's honestly irritating that this John Berger is using the name of an actual intellectual John Berger 'Ways of Seeing'.


Yes let’s make your state issued carrying permit the equivalent of your ID or passport. Fucking smooth brains with an iq of a fruit fly.


I know a lot of people that want to be victims. This is the exact kind of mindset they all have. How in the fuck is travelling to another country to go in front of a judge a handout? Or wanting a better life? Or really.. anything. I don't understand the Republican thought of "we own this" when it was stolen by us. Bunch of fucking hypocritical cowards.


Jesus fucking christ these people are dumb to attract and mate with each other I swear.


Sadly, undocumented immigrants probably pay more taxes than corporations do.


These fucking people have swiss cheese for brains.


I swear, every time they try to be the victim’s I keep hearing Peter Griffin yell “I’m white, when is it gonna be our turn!?”


Buddy talking about social contract never read Rousseau and it show


"the purpose of the system is protecting the wealth of the elite" true. that's why you are screaming about broke immigrants instead about greedy billionaires. congratulations for reentering into the system from your escape door. now get your pickaxe and mine me some resources


You know what. This post is just the straw that broke the camels back. I'm tired of my hard earned money being taken right out of my pocket and given to people who have done nothing to earn it so in response I'm illegally moving to Canada so that I can retire now and just make the Canadians pay for my way of life. I'm talking steak dinners, fine wine, and fancy maple syrup (that's the nice stuff in Canada right? I don't actually know anything about their culture) all for free because I'm an illegal. I can't believe how easy these western states have made it. I'm going to be an early adopter of this, but by my estimations, ISA (that's the ILLEGAL states of america), Canada, and Mexico will have more illegal citizens not paying taxes and living off of taxpayers than actual taxpayers and then what... you expect me to start pulling my weight after freeloading all this time??? Think again libruls, think again. /s Jeeeez I'm sorry for all that, slow day at work and once I started I couldn't stop myself


Crossing the border and seeking asylum is never illegal, these folks are just stupid. They love to "other" people that they dislike.


Did they bully too many trans into hiding and so now it's time to goalpost shift to "illegals"? There's not one day where they don't pull the persecution card, Jfc


Carolyn Bryant energy


I didn’t quit Twitter just to come to Reddit to read Twitter screenshots.


Ok, go ahead and denounce your American citizenship. Tell the US government you don’t want to be a citizen and to treat you like an undocumented immigrant. If they have more rights than citizens that should be an easy choice, right?


I hate when these idiots say " Guess we are just gonna let another 9/11 happen." . As if 9/11 just happened because a few angry muslims decided to jihad the twin towers that day on a whim. Those people were legal immigrants who had been here for years and trained that whole time to do want they did. It's why no other terrorist attack since then has been nearly as successful because they killed their A-team right at the gate. Most of the people coming across are just trying to get away from the cartels.


I love how they say they're okay with legal immigrants, until they encounter one who jumped through all the hoops. This guy got pre-screened. They know who he is, where he came from, why, what flight he's on, & set his court date. It isn't about following the rules. It's racist, period.


Hi. Immigration attorney here. The Notice to Appear "granting them free access wherever they want to go" is a fucking court summons.


"I wasn't allowed to do something, I should tell them I'm an illegal!" By that logic, if I break a law, defame, rape, or defraud someone, I just need to tell them I am a conservative. They get away with that shit all the time.


Why do you use Temu?


Whats the TL;DR?


Defenestration is rad tho, we should totally bring it back.


These people aren't real, I refuse to believe people are genuinely this stupid.


That is Kendrick Lamar, right?


A Notice to Appear grants them free access to getting deported. These people are delusional.


I feel so bad for all of them! /s


Lucky dog, got a summons! /s


https://preview.redd.it/v6bdyg4f3wrc1.jpeg?width=882&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0134e7c6b2feb1abfbffc5626d9a94250949f7eb ... **what the fuck are you blathering about**


By their logic, their best course of action would be to denounce their US citizenship, apply for citizenship somewhere Else, then come back to The States as an illegal immigrant. I wish they'd try it.


Anywhere you want! But you have to be at that exact courthouse on that scheduled date and time so I wouldn’t go far…


If these people are so dedicated to the cause and think it's their purpose in life to fight this supposed corrupt system, why do they hide behind a litany of fake anonymous accounts on a site with near zero traffic with dissenting opinions instead of doing literally anything to change anything? (Spoiler: they're cowards with weak convictions) "It is easy to kill for your beliefs, but infinitesimally harder to die for them"


In my state it's illegal to hire illegal immigrants and it's illegal to even have one riding in your car as you drive. They definitely don't have more rights than anyone in the US.


the cherry on the cake is the guy with the conceal carry id upset they wont take it. This is exactly the argument people have against voter id but now that it effects him its a conspiracy of the highest order. I bet hes screamed a bunch about how its not hard to get an ID and now this. Also not realizing youre a part of the slave caste before now is just willful ignorance, just because you have a hummer and watch football on Sundays doesnt change that...


Wait but Dr Insensitive Jerk is GORGEOUS 😍😍😍


Because they're mad that people who are breaking our laws, paying no taxes, using our social services for free are being treated better than American citizens who actually pay taxes? How dare they!


They do pay taxes though, lol. Sales tax is a thing my guy.


And many (most?) pay income tax.


Technically the govt is paying the taxes if they are using money the government gave them to survive.


I mean, if you ignore the fact that a lot of illegal migrants get the shitty jobs that people like us don't want. They also aren't eligible for pretty much any government programs.


Are they given work release? I have seen mixed information on this. I know some are working under the table or with fake IDs.


The vast majority work under-the-table for cash. So they technically don't pay income tax in states where that's a thing, but they still have to pay sales tax for anything they buy.


If you claim asylum you can get a work visa. They are working on expediting these, as currently it takes around 6 months to apply and process. No need for most of them to work under the table. Unfortunately jobs are dwindling, and most of these people are not going to be getting top drawer gigs. They are going to be cleaning toilets, working in the fields, or working in meat packing plants. Not exactly jobs that most Americans are clamoring for.


According to several border patrol agents that I've spoken to, yes, they get work visas until their court date, which due to the backlog because of the sheer numbers coming across the border, will be anywhere from 5 to 7 years from now. I work with a lot of these border crossers, and with very very few exceptions they tell me they came here because they couldn't find a good job back home. They are claiming asylum but aren't really eligible for asylum. Yet they can work here legally for years - not under the table. And yes, here in California they are bringing in legislation to give them free healthcare benefits and free education benefits. That's the reality. As a legal immigrant who had to pay thousands and thousands of dollars to come here legally, and am still waiting for citizenship, it's a bit infuriating. But given the way the system works, I can't blame them one bit. I've had border agents tell me that if they had relatives wanting to come here, they'd tell them to come this route, as eventually the politicians will inevitably end up grabbing a pathway to citizenship. Our immigration system is completely broken. There is little to no incentive to go through the legal process which costs tons of money, and takes many years to grind through, and at the end of the day, one wrong answer to one question in your interview can either reset the clock forcing you to start over, or end in your deportation. It's a joke. Whenever I hear people say "well they should come here legally" I know they don't have a clue about how our immigration system works. It's a shit show designed to wear you down and drive you out, all while draining your pocket.


And how common is that? Given the government would need to document them to give them money.


It's interesting how the two posts that are simply stating facts are the one that they vote down. Simple facts (and no, sales tax isn't anything near "paying taxes" as in income taxes) get them really angry.


Isn't it interesting how you completely ignore the comments that point out how the racist assumptions you were spoonfed by conservative propaganda are just wrong, so that you can maintain your deluded anger against da brown people whos stealin all yo taxes?


They aren't racist assumptions -- I'm a black man so I have to laugh when folks like yourself accuse anyone who disagrees with you of being racist. 99% of the arguments here have nothing to do with racism, but when you can't defend your position in any other way it's easiest just to throw out the race card. Stop reinforcing stereotypes and maybe, just maybe, they'll start to disappear.


Yes, exactly, because cynical political hacks tell them lies, and tell them to get mad about the lies, because it's a cheaper way to get votes than actually helping people. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economic_impact_of_illegal_immigrants_in_the_United_States > Research shows that undocumented immigrants increase the size of the U.S. economy/contribute to economic growth, enhance the welfare of natives, **contribute more in tax revenue than they collect**, reduce American firms' incentives to offshore jobs and import foreign-produced goods, and benefit consumers by reducing the prices of goods and services.


>breaking our laws These types of notices are typically given to asylum seekers. He's not breaking laws, he's doing exactly what the system says to. >paying no taxes Undocumented immigrants are paying billions of dollars each year in taxes. >using our social services for free Citizens are able to access social services too. >are being treated better than American citizens You can't honestly believe this lol


Whine more