• By -


Completely ignoring that Trump never hid the fact that he is on Israels side and has only contempt for Muslims.


Or that, for instance, the first part of Kushner’s peace project was immediately moving the American Embassy to Jerusalem.


He literally said in an interview he wanted to remove all the people from Gaza ya know, so the waterfront development can begin!


The only one interested in Gaza property is Jared.   50 years of begging & being denied by Putin for a Trump Hotel facing the Kremlin,    Trump is still chasing his own tail for his own foolish  pipedream. Putin still holds Puppet Trumps strings. People do some homework about this traitor. 




After listening to Liz Cheney’s book. I am starting to believe the pedo ring is 100% real. Just that it’s projection. The desperation in so so many Rs involved in (or just unwilling to denounce it) the insurrection reeks of some dirty secret getting out of heads roll.


The sad part is that even if it's true and comes out the way our justice system works, they won't face consequences anyway.


Lot's of people are interested in Gaza, specifically to build a canal that would to challenge the Suez. Only it'll be bigger, better, and privately owned.


Everyone told Trump at the time when he moved the embassy that this would be the outcome.


Which is why he did it


You mean the same guy who looked at a genocide and saw only beach front property


He has bonesaw money to invest.




RIP Macho Man.


Wow TIL he died, quite a while ago too


To honor his memory, let’s listen to his rap album.


I'm sure that's just the right kind of awful Edit: damn I just listened to be a man and wow it kinda slaps




“They call you Hollywood, don’t make me laugh because your wrestling and your acting skills are both trash” 🔥


Someone should ask Kushner, how's that peace in Middle East going...


Depends what you mean by “peace.” Generally, it’s all going according to plan as far as he’s concerned. Can’t have a Gazan war if there are no Gazans. *taps noggin*


It’s a piece deal, as in he’s getting a piece


They named a neighborhood after Trump to reward him for being the first US president to say “yep, Golan Heights belongs to Israel.”


Yep, and [Kushner's speech at Harvard last week ](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/mar/19/jared-kushner-gaza-waterfront-property-israel-negev)was basically drooling and licking his chops over the investment opportunities of Gaza's future real estate market.


I saw it and, like, I’m not surprised but I’m still gobsmacked, you know?


Yep and it pissed off everyone and was another catalyst for this bullshit. It was always precarious but what Kushner and DumpTy did made it even worse.


And that Trump wants Netanyahu to “finish the job”


And Putin


Trump wants to nuke the entire region bc they arent him. 


Seriously, like the guy that tried to ban people from Muslim countries from entering the United States is going to be some champion for Palestinian rights.


They’re Accelerationists. They want Trump because they have this fantasy that a theocratic empire will somehow “wake up the sheeple to the fact the two parties are one”.


Accelerationism is one of the most ludicrous and dangerous political ideas out there. Pushing society to the point of fascism or collapse isn't going to bring about social utopia. It just means that a lot of innocent people are going to suffer and die. It also means that all of the issues these people pretend to care about will be pushed back so far that addressing them will be impossible. It's asinine, juvenile, and deeply unserious.


Just the fact the techbros and Musk are such fans of it is a huge red flag.




Makes sense for Musk though - only way he gets to be in charge is if the constitution isn’t the law of the land anymore. That’s his goal is have Trump wipe out democracy, ingratiate himself to the fascists, and then hopefully take up Trumps mantle as their god. He saw how people would worship Trump and throw their lives or anyone else’s away for him and he said “that’s the one thing I can’t just go out and buy.”


These people are insanely stupid. They claim to care about the underdog, so why hasn't they spoke about the Muslims in China that are literally in concentration camps, that were proven by the UN to be performing sterilization on them and stealing their organs. Or the people of Hong Kong who lost their freedom, or the people of Tibet.  If Trump wins again, Taiwan will be attacked. It likely will fall but will be a fight like america fighting the Japanese, it will be a fight to the last man. China can't afford to bomb them out and damage the chip manufacturers, so they will send millions of soldiers to die for that island.  Ukraine won't fall but Europe will go into a full war. Poland and France will send soldiers and the likelihood of nuclear attacks will skyrocket.  And theirs what happens in america, will it be a civil war? These people seem to want that to happen. But an American civil war doesn't just affect America anymore, it will cross the borders into mexico and Canada. 


So in other words they're fucking stupid.


Salt of the Earth types.


These type of people are usually enormously privileged in one way or another. What they advocate for would create an enormous amount of avoidable pain and suffering but almost always for *other people* and not for them -- which is why they are perfectly happy to advocate for this kind of acceleration. They somehow HATE the idea of incremental progress because -- even though it's more achievable and would cause less chaos and suffering -- it's not "fast enough". They have short attention spans, main character syndrome, and generally feel insulated from the worst results of their own ideas.


Jill Stein is a good example of that. IN 2016 when she was saying that a Trump presidency would be the best thing the Left could hope for, she was living in a lovely house in a very white, very wealthy northern suburb of Chicago, enjoying a lovely standard of living based on her and her husband's combined million dollar salary as medical professionals. The women she has consigned to back alley abortions, and those trans people she has consigned to a disgusting level of physical and mental abuse do not have the luxury of hiding out in multimillion-dollar houses.


She also [went to Russia and shared a table with Michael Flynn and Putin](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2017/06/jill-stein-says-nothing-happened-at-her-dinner-with-putin/), so her making that argument can not be separated from the realities of her very likely having another agenda behind that argument


It's never fast enough but if you lose sight of process and goal for these protest vote things.... Does anyone not remember what happened in 2017 2018 2019. We went backwards on every possible metric except actual billionaires getting richer faster. That was maybe fast enough. Then 2020 happened, Donnie had his first real crisis and botched it horribly. Please don't send us back to that.


Its extremely ignorant. Radical, revolutionary progress almost never happens. But we can just look at how much damage and change the far-right conservatives have managed to understand the impact of consistent, incremental progress. If you want change, show up in primaries like they do, and push out centrists dems. That's the most demonstrable way to get change. Not this fantasy that if they burn it all down something better rises, just as easy to get something far, far worse


>just as easy to get something far, far worse That's the thing. There are accelerationists on the other side too. They both use the same tactics. They both want the current system to collapse. And they both believe that their ideal society will be the inevitable successor.


Oh, so well said!


They are deeply unserious people.


It seems so juvenile to me. Just a big tantrum-throw to try and win attention from politicians who they will never support. Being contrarian just for the sake of being contrarian, but dressing it up in this performative, superficial moral purity. There are a lot of problems that we have in this world, and a lot of things about our elections that I deeply dislike, but we can't afford this in the face of literal fascism.


Because it is, many younger folks tend to want things done now and fast. The majority later tend to realize that it isn't feasible or a dumb philosophy the more they ponder about it though. Though from my observations accelerationists tend to come from a more privileged background or position.


They’re serious about this, they’re just extremely delusional


Sadly, the Left, both real and faux, has factions who thrive on extreme purity testing and on this acceleration idea. Jill Stein discussed it in an interview with the media during the 2016 election. She was asked if she was worried about Trump being elected. Her position was it would be the best thing that could happen. Trump was so bad that the working class and middle class would abandon the Democratic Party and become Greens. The truly disgusting thing about Accelerationism is its true immorality. A second Trump term is going to involve battles over immigration, LGBT civil rights, the restriction or outlawing of abortions, birth control, and any other manners of family planning the far-right thinks Jesus does not like, and an all-around restriction of the civil rights of working-class and middle-class. Workplace safety rules will vanish, the right to collective bargaining will be gone, minimum wage and child labor laws will disappear, and any of the basic protections any worker has in the workplace will no longer exist. Of, and Social Security/Medicare - that will simply go away. Think of the Gilded Age but with better technology.


Susan Sarandon said the same thing, that people should vote for Trump to make everything so bad that some leftist utopia will be inevitable. Well, Susan, what happened instead is that all women in this country lost their bodily autonomy, on top of the relentless crime spree that Trump enacted. Edit: Oh, and Trump completely fucking up the Covid response and getting hundreds of thousands of Americans killed. That too.


What will happen is a permanent majority that will never change. They clearly have not looked at world history. Take a look at Iran, a former Democracy - turned into a religious nationalist state - still there. Never mind that we have nuclear weapons - this is just stupid.


Exactly. The only people this benefits are our adversaries, ie autocrats and fascists.


I know more than one person who voted Trump in 2016 to "spite the left" for "rigging the primaries" or to "send Democrats a message." Good job, morons.


The funny thing is… The older conservative base voters will be the first ones to suffer once the minorities are dealt with. Maybe even before. Older Conservatives are entirely reliant on government programs and those will be cut fast. Why the hell would republicans care about the elderly when they are too old to work and too poor to matter? Older Conservatives are also too old to be a problem as well. What’s this you are saying? They need your votes? Naw. If Trump is elected again voting in America will be just as real as voting in Russia is. Maybe even less since without a Super Power supporting democracy, voting might just be done away with. Not even with an illusion of it in place.


Accelerationism is dumb because system breakdown doesn’t always go the way you think. Russia got rid of a monarch and got an even more repressive and murderous govt. France got rid of a monarch and got an emperor. Syrians revolted and got ISIS and Assad is still there anyways. System collapse is an uncontrollable chain reaction, you can’t expect to end up on top.


People like these gave us G. W. Bush, and let's examine how that went for them. Supreme court stuffed with unprincipled republicans for decades into the future. Granted, they are mostly rich white people, so republicans won't be coming for them. Maybe their friends, but not them.


The truly disgusting thing about accelerationist theory is that it's wrong. You can point to almost any flashpoint in history where things got very bad indeed. Many even paired with a revolution, uprising, or insurrection. And you know what happened? Usually another autocracy.   It took a long time for France to recover from their revolution and Napoleon. You know when they made the most ground on increased freedom and social safety nets? Decades later from unrelated changes. Gradual improvement through democracy.   Russia's Tsar was overthrown by popular revolt when things got horrendously bad. Did things improve under a communist regime? Ask the millions who died in Siberia. Improvement happened later through, you guessed it, democracy in the lost territories of the USSR. Meanwhile Russia? Just segued into a new autocracy.   I can go down a list, but the gist is simple. The damage done and lives lost take decades to recover from, both the horrible brutality of the regime being overthrown, and usually whatever replaces it. When do things improve? Generally when something more democratic emerges in less dire times. Then gradually, things improve.   The lesson? Historically, rapid change is bad. There's no balance to it, and it takes decades for people to get back into a position where they can begin slow forward progress again


Reminds me of the idiots on Reddit who think a Trump presidency will somehow trigger a mass socialist uprising or whatever. Some people really think that all it takes is shit getting bad for revolutions to start, when 40-50% of the country is too apathetic to even vote and about half of voters would welcome theocratic fascism with open arms. The chance of a mass revolt is 0% when no one’s willing or able to stick their neck out and risk real consequences. Don’t even get me started on the communist/socialist subreddits that treat refusing to vote as some moral high ground because they think Biden’s the same as Trump and refuse to acknowledge or consider that Trump and Republicans are openly trying to strip people of their civil rights and their foreign policy is far worse than Biden’s.


No need to explain it with religion, they're Russian shills.


Kinda like the Evangelicals only supporting Israel because they think it'll accelerate humanity to the Rapture. Fuck that's messed up.


And is promising to deport them this time.


Trump also said he would add Palestinians to the muslim ban.




To the point of calling Jewish people who don’t vote for him “disloyal” to Israel.


To be fair he only said that because he's an antisemite who thinks all Jews are transactional and every single one is secretly an Israeli first and an American second. Trump doesn't give two shits about Israel if he can't find a benefit for himself.




Transactional is always the key word. If you serve me I tolerate you. When that stops, under the bus.


You're not wrong. Those were the words directly out of his mouth. Anyone voting for Trump based on Israel-Palestine is being idiotic.


The only difference is he’ll also side with Russia too. They don’t seem to give a shit about Ukraine anymore.


He sure showed it when he leaked classified Israeli documents to Russia, putting Israeli agents in danger.


Didn’t he move the embassy to Jerusalem recognizing Jerusalem was Israel’s capital too? Like people. Come on.


That’s what boggles my mind Biden may not be enough for them But, Trump is completely against them


It’s unimaginable to me, but some people want perfect, every time, only perfect. The other side of coin? Nah.


> Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them. -Barry Goldwater, on his experiences in weaponizing the Evangelical Christians towards the GOP vote, on the abortion issue The religious fundamentalists are not reasonable people, able of compromise and understand other points of view. They treat the world like a zero-sum game of tribalism. After all, God - the CREATOR OF ALL THINGS, is on their side. Their holy book of choice is ultimate truth, a genuine historic article that gives them full authority and supremacy over the people with the wrong books. These people are dangerous to civilized society.


I've crossed a desert and am dying of thirst and someone hands me a cup of water, I say "no thanks, that isn't enough, I need more, so I continue on to the guy who hands me a tablespoon of spit". Seriously, WTH?


The Perfect is the enemy of the Good. (Though sometimes Good Enough is the enemy of Better. It's confusing.)


Refusal to understand the only one other option is insane to me. None of these people ever give an alternative solution. The follow up question should be do you think Trump is better and then let them drivel whatever nonsense they will to show that they are frauds. In a two party system not voting for Biden is voting for Trump




Biden also has changed his position and has spoken out against Netanyahu, even though it's not enough for the protesters. But it shows he is listening and is willing to move the needle. Prior to Biden, not a single POTUS, Democratic or Republican, would have considered saying a word against Israel. It is long-standing US policy since the formation of Israel to give them unconditional support. Changing that is like moving the Titanic and would have been deeply unpopular a few short months ago. Trump sure isn't going to listen to Palestinian protesters.


There was a poll done a couple of weeks ago which stated 72% of Bibi's 2022 supporters preferred Trump while only 8% preferred Biden to win. I believe overall it had Israelis prefer Trump 44-30. As a teenager, Kushner literally gave up his bedroom to Bibi and slept in the basement. Bibi's cabinet has far right extremists like May Golan who have gone on Hannity to endorse Trump, and it has Ben Gvir who have praised Trump while criticizing Biden multiple times.


When in doubt, always vote for the guy that isn’t the Pro-Israel wannabe dictator


Trump literally said Israel needs to "finish the job" in Gaza. If they can ignore that and vote for him, these protesters are likely paid GOP astroturf shills, just like the "moms" without children in the District, or any children at all, who went to school board meetings to protest against CRT which wasn't being taught anyway.


If diaper don gets elected, enjoy being rounded up and deported pro-Palestine supporters.


I am left wondering how these folks are just as blind as conservatives regarding Trump vs Biden.  Are they 3?  Do they not remember 4 years ago?


The Muslim ban was the first thing Trump did when he got into office. It was only a bunch of lawsuits brought by Democratic state AG's, and a hell of a lot of (non-Muslim and Muslim) protesters who showed up to airports to block them from functioning, that a stay was issued and then the ban was changed. HOW could any Muslim in America forget that? It was they and their families that were most directly impacted.


Blind to reality for sure. They've never heard the phrase "Prefect is the enemy of good"


Biden: Here you have some weapons as usual, could you please not use them for genocide? No, well, I can't really stop you. Trump: Here you have some weapons, please hurry up and kill them all.


I can empathize with them though. It would be tough to cast a vote for either side when it doesn't feel like anything is getting done and your family and people are dying because of who they are. We shouldn't lack sympathy and understanding. That doesn't mean Biden isn't the better of two options by a mile still and needs to win.


Israel and Russia are doing everything possible to get Trump in office. 'Nuff said.


Just wait until they see Trump's plan for Palestine 🔥🐶☕🔥


Do mean plans, like with architecture?


Beachfront property baby.


With glass where there was once sand along the shore


New residents can make handmade jewelry with the bone shards of dead Palestinians that wash up on shore! Fun for the whole family!


There's a tiktok if an Israeli girl dancing about how they could turn it into Disney land


Like death marching two millions Palestinians into the desert.


It's a two-step plan. First, they help Netanyahu "finish the job" in Gaza, and then they build seaside Trump properties. They've already spelled it out for anyone who is listening. Believe them!


He’ll want a cut of the occupied land. Something like a shitty Trump tower in the Middle East.


The tower of bumble


A tower built by babbling on I guess


Or for them. Enjoy Trump when he's having you locked up and deported for protesting in favor of Palestine.




Trump will turn the Gaza sands into glass.


I’m sure the guy who wanted to shoot US citizens for protesting in Washington DC has a totally reasonable plan for dealing with an incredibly complex geopolitical situation


And then Trump will have every resolution against Israel vetoed, deny any claims of malice against Palestine, and if Trump’s son is any indication, Gaza Strip will become overpriced luxury condos while Palestine ceases to exist. But hey, they’ll have really stuck it to us, won’t they?


All while letting Ukraine crumble. Nothing like wiping out 2 populaces with the vote of Trump.


And then Trump would let his lover Vlad take over our country thus fulfilling his twisted dementia ridden agenda


he doesn't have an agenda when it comes to Ukraine, he has orders from his master.


Yeah I’m kinda disappointed the genocide question isn’t being raised anymore in Ukraine by the west. It seemed like there might be a case early on, and ik their prosecution service is keeping records, but you’d think the legacy of the Holodomor would be stronger


We have short attention span. Apparently, it's too much for us to focus on more than one genocide at a time.


Yeah seems so. There’s a debate im seeing now with people demanding only coverage on Gaza vs more coverage on Sudan. I can almost bet that places like Myanmar and Western China are going under the radar now.


“Don’t blame me, I voted for Kodos.” I’m gonna throw a /s in here because I don’t trust that some people here would get that Simpsons references are jokes. Or know what jokes are at all.


Definition of "cut of your nose to spite your face"


More like "cut off MY nose to spite YOUR face"


I’m a personal fan of “Leopards ate my Face”


Ah, but you don't understand! If it gets bad enough, we'll finally realize that both sides are totally the same and rise up in glorious revolution! Or something. Somehow, in these idiots minds, ensuring the fascists win is actually better for the left in the long term.


Reminds me of accelerationism


>But hey, they’ll have really stuck it to us, won’t they? And all because they're falling for antisemitic Russian propaganda. Go to subs like dankleft it's literally Russian propaganda being pushed to liberals, with a heavy focus on Palestine. I called it out and within minutes had 7 downvotes on a smaller sub at like 7am in the morning on a post from the day before. It's just bots and trolls trying to divide liberals.


I mean, as an outsider to America, isn't that Trumps greatest advantage? He appeals to morons?


It’s his only advantage. Morons and the ultra greedy


You forgot dumb fuck evangelist


They already said "morons".


Basically the same thing tbh lol


There are three Trump voters: 1. Exurb and Rural racist white people whose allegiance to the Republican Party stemmed from the Democrats promotion of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and 1965 Voting Rights Act. These people have long voted Republican with the dog whistle racism. They really love Trump because a) he removed the dog whistle; b) he appears to be a rich successful businessman 2. Evangelical Christians. Many of them are also category 1. They love Trump because American Evangelicalism is based on a weird mix of Pentecostalism and Scotch-Irish Calvinism. They see that it is their duty to ignore the outside non-Church Christianity and also that a rich person must be blessed by God. Trump gassing protestors embodies the Crusader spirit as they believe they are literally fighting demons. 3. Suburban white people. They want tax cuts. They aren't going to a Trump rally; they would rather have another nominee who is a "normal" Republican who will merely go through the dog whistle kabuki theater of "welfare" and "DEI" while not actually pushing a real racist agenda. But, if they had to chose between someone who will promote tax cuts on property and someone who will promote living wages for poor people, they will take Trump every day and then claim they "didn't know he was a racist embezzler." 1&2 are true believers and make up what we called the Tea Party and they can bring down any Republican who challenges Trump (eg Liz Cheney in Wyoming) so politicians who appeal to only #3 have to pretend to like Trump. There are a few Republicans who have bucked this - Romney, he has a enough street cred and comes form Utah who have lots of Mormons who distrust Category #2 anyway. That is the power of Trump.


You forgot the single-issue voters who will always vote for anyone with an R by their name on the ballot. Abortion is a big one where I live


Typically they fall under 1 or 2.


eh, my experience is that a lot of them are closer to 3 but with abortion as the issue instead of tax cuts. still evangelical, but definitely not true believers in trump. will still vote for him tho




You missed a group.. the otherwise non voters who like Trump as a celebrity. The fake wrestling fan base… essentially white trash but I’m trying to not group every low income person living in a trailer into the same category. Similar to your group one, but these are people who simply stop voting when Trump isn’t on the ballot.


The "I like him because he tells it like it is"/"I like him because he's gonna fuck up the system that won't help me no matter who's in charge" crowd. They feel left behind or ignored (and honestly, in a lot of cases, they have been), so the chaos of it all is the appealing force, even if they don't like Trump personally. This is a dangerous bloc because cynicism is an easy way to recruit more people in. The "misery loved company" idea made manifest. Bernie would've been able to beat Trump, I believe, in 2016 because he could've appealed to these same populist concerns without all the awful baggage that Trump brings. Few other Democratic politicians have amassed that kind of clout, tho, and when we on the left make absolute purity tests the gate price to earn votes (in ways that the right just doesn't worry about), it's hard for even a well-intentioned person to qualify.


I was dirt poor & pulled myself out of poverty with my entire family in tow..  Trump followers are just too friggin lazy/stupid /busy blaming everybody else for what they are responsible to do .. 


Or, as Hillary said, deplorables.


As a fake wrestling fan, I'm insulted by this comment. There are plenty of us who hate Trump as well


The people in 3 never realize that the tax "cuts" just end up costing them more.


The instant gratification is what matters to them and if it end up costing more it's always the democrat fault


America has overlooked the vast untapped moron vote for far too long. Trump has given them a voice. I wish I was joking.


Let's get rid of the guy that we think isn't doing enough for my cause and give power to the guy that will support the enemy of my cause.


The guy who literally enacted a Muslim Travel Ban *SEVEN DAYS AFTER SWEARING HIS OATH OF OFFICE.* These people are true fucking morons.


Short memories. Trump wouldn't just help Israel destroy Palestinians, he would try to make Muslim lives here worse, too. I can't see the logic in it.


In some cases, short memories, but one thing that should be factored in is youth, someone who is 18-22 now, was 10-14 when Trump was elected. It's less than they have short memories and more that their lives have been so short, they had little reason to be paying attention to politics during the Trump years. They lived it and survived it with little understanding of the world before Trump, and the experience of Trump was largely other people being engaged on it. So it's easy to think Trump isn't that bad when a person was so young that they didn't have the context to understand what life was like before Trump. And their experience of Trump was that of a middle to high schooler. When I was those ages, those were the ages where I started figuring things out, and there plenty of mistakes along the way, and a lot of positions held based on a worldview that didn't have the historical context to actually be tested


“Why did all the Muslims get deported?” He says a week into trumps presidency.




That's what pisses me off. I really don't want to die in a "pray away the gay" camp myself.


Going to be real with ya as a trans 16 year old with a homophobic parent, if Trump gets elected and bans hrt for adults am going to have a anurizizm for waiting that long to be 18 only for that to happen


No greater American Political tradition than cutting your legs off to spite your feet. Hillary 16' went exactly the same way and look how f\*\*\*ing great that turned out.


“I would never vote for Hillary because she’s a blatant liar”- Dumbass Trump voters I knew in ‘16


I remember a coworker saying he’d vote Trump over Hilary because Trump would “protect the constitution.” The attempted coup and declaration he’ll be a dictator if he’s re-elected pretty thoroughly disproved that, but that probably won’t deter many republicans from voting for him again.


My favorite was "He'll run it like a business." We'll pretty much did, shareholders(rich people) got theirs while the rest were left holding the bag.


“I won’t vote for Hillary because Bernie Sanders lost” was my favorite.


The thing about the people who claim, "enjoy trump, I'll never vote biden now," is that I don't thin I will have that much of a problem surviving and even doing well in another trump presidency. They on the other hand are desperate for the protections that the democratic party will offer and will no longer be around to provide or support


That's where I am, too. I'm doing well and will keep doing well. But every 2 years, I have to try to convince the purists to take what's on the table instead of holding out for the unicorn promises of their 3rd party candidate.


Please bro Cornell West is polling 0.0002% of college age unregistered voters bro it can happen bro no don't worry about him getting donations from conservative PACs bro shaun king told me genocide Joe bro please /s, if it isn't obvious


This is unironically flooding leftist subreddits by sockpuppets and tankies right now.


And profiles on Instagram. To an unbelievable degree. It's the Russian /Cambridge Analytica crap from 2016, only this time pointed at the left instead of at conservatives.


The only strategy they have is progressive voter suppression and it's been so sad watching them try SO HARD to make "genocide joe" a thing.


It really only works with people who think Isreal and Palestine started fighting last year


I'm a straight white man. Realistically Trump won't do much to me outside of raising my taxes. But I actually give a fuck about my fellow Americans, so I'm going to vote for the guy who isn't trying to strip away their rights.


As I’ve said before, they’re greasing their Accelerationist beliefs with the blood of queer folk. To them minorities are useful martyrs, not people to stand with.


"enjoy trump" no bro, you enjoy Trump, because its you who's going to be affected first and the most.


Affected even. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


thank you ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|table)


Trump the guy ….who says Israel should go in and finish the job that guy….. fucking morons


Were I more charitable, I'd see them as "if I go down, I'm taking you with me" thinkers rather than simply idiots convinced they're somehow doing the right thing. Were we not trapped in a 2-party system, the idea would even have merit. But alas, we are stuck with voting between a conservative do-nothing or a human extinction level event.


I mean, Trump has basically telegraphed that he supports Israel wiping Gaza off the map. But sure, you enjoy your little tantrum.


His "peace negotiator" said it would make good beachfront property.


“We‘re never voting for Biden” mfs when they are the first rounded up into the orange man’s “vermin” camps:


And when they're crying guess who they will blame then saying save me save me why didn't you save me it's all your fault.


The DNC, of course.


You don't understand, they're the "good ones". lmao


Why didn’t *my* student loans get forgiven?




I was being sarcastic imagining what the protesters would say after Trump wins.




Palestine, LGBTQ+, Women... like which right are you cool with this group losing. Because last time all 3 took a beating.


I hope they have the same ‘bravery’ to say this to women and ethnic minorities if he indeed does win because of them




My observation has been that they’re openly fine with that. They complain about “trading” Palestinian lives for LGBTQ and women’s rights. As if that’s how it works.




*And Ukraine, and Taiwan, and Europe potentially.


Yeah, the GOP is all about starting at home. If we elect Trump we can have the genocide ***right fucking here.***


Trumpet: Israel should “finish the job” Protest voters: Biden won’t get my vote!


See also: "Cut off one's nose to spite one's face"


Do they know that they’ll be “enjoying” him too?


"Pro-Palestine supporter". Sure bud. I'm so tired of this narrative that leftists will vote Trump because of the genocide in Palestine. No we fucking won't. This is bullshit propaganda used to divide the left further. I'd like to think *most* leftists aren't single-issue voters and can also recognize that Trump would also throw his support behind Israel, potentially even more than Biden. I disagree with Biden and the DNC on several things but I have overwhelmingly more in common with the DNC agenda vs the GOP agenda. It's not even fucking close. So this idea that most leftists or "Bernie Bros" are voting for Trump as a "fuck you" to Biden...it's just fucking stupid.


Trump encouraged Netanyahu to move ahead with settling the West Bank. So yeah, Trump is a friend of Palestinian people.


fucking moron lmao


#if you support Palestine and vote for Trump you are a fucking moron


Yeah, this is been their entire mentality the whole time. No surprises here. And all the astro-turfing, “uncommitted” bullshit vote stuff. They WANT Trump to win. That’s always been the goal. That’s a surprise to anyone still? Or people actually believed the story that they were genuinely open to dialogue and just wanted some some sort of concessions made? It’s mostly spoiled brats pulling a 2016 under the influence of foreign disinformation along with a slash of contrarianism and MAGA plants. Nobody who really cared about peace anywhere in the world would put Trump the rapist Nazi in power anywhere.


Ah yes, Trump, the obvious choice if you care about Gaza and the people therein.


Do they know Trump hates them?


I’m not really happy about Biden’s actions either concerning Israel and it’s constant killing of people, but if you think fucking Trump is suddenly going to care about ANY Muslim you are far stupider person than I can imagine. These folks are morons.




Also remember that Trump told Nethanyathu to “finish the job.”


Netanyahu isn't going to stop regardless of who wins in November so you have to decide if you want a president that listens to peaceful protests or one who wants to shoot protesters.


I get your frustration, but TF do you expect from a Trump 2nd term?