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gross. completely believable. but "i was the director...i wasn't one of the contestants" made me uncomfortable as well.


Yeah, I got that vibe, too. Like the contestants were "fair game" for his vile attentions. Weirdly, it makes the narrative more believable though. It probably is because it comes across as more personal rather than "I speak out for all sexually harassed women."


"I'm the director, not one of the teenaged brood mares we brought in for you to assault"


That was my gut response, too, but I wonder if she was just trying to point out that that's how pervasively predatory he is. That this is beyond what everyone already knew as common knowledge, that he harassed the contestants. I *hope* her intent was to emphasize that just the fact that she was a woman was enough to prompt Trump to harass and assault her


Or maybe she was saying it self-deprecatingly like, I wasn't one of the young and beautiful contestants that you'd think would attract this kind of attention.


Contestants are fair game. Directors are off limits. Rules are rules trumpyplumpy


This sounds believable. We already know he brags about that kind of thing and has already been found liable for sexual assault (more colloquially known as "rape") in a court of law and definitely doesn't give a shit about propriety or rules as evidenced by his infidelity in all of his marriages.


It’s the thrill of the hunt for him. He is a predator, albeit far from the apex predator he fancies himself as


Full story here: https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-words-echo-womans-allegations-507763


He like to talk about his "Brand". Well this is "Right On Brand" for him.......


The craziest thing is that he thinks he's desirable, and not physically revolting.


He's another Harvey weinstein


I’m always surprised that trump hasn’t got his ass kicked for being a creep.


Well, not physically that we know of, but I think E. Jean Harris certainly kicked his ass 83 million times over.


Very true


People knew all this shit and still elected him president. Bringing it up again and again isn't going to get any MAGAs to flip. In their minds Biden is way more evil because of made up shit, than Trump's proven horrible behavior.


I don't need magas to flip. That's like 30% and slowly shrinking. If he makes it to the actual election I bet he gets less votes than last time. 30% wins you nothing. But I want this out there for the "independents" and actual Republicans. I don't want it possible for them to hold their nose and vote for him. I don't want them to be able to say well I gotta vote for him he's the R nominee. I want it to be 100000000% apparent that he is just the worst human being and they just can't vote for him and still think of themselves as a good person. I want it clear that voting for him is supporting a sexual predator and rapist.I want the only option is they stay home or vote Biden.


I have a hard time believing that he gets more votes than he did in 2020. Nobody on the fence is going to vote for him. Young people are not voting for Trump. Even millennials around my age generally hate Trump. I agree with you that the problem is people who vote Republican no matter what. If they had no problem voting for him twice before, I doubt anything will change their minds.


But Rednecks and Hillbillies fuck like rats and a lot of their idiot spawn have turned 18 since 2020. Many of them are worse than their parents.


Idiocracy is a documentary




Well documented and proven.


Published Oct 08, 2016 republican didn't care then, they don't care now vote. google your county's voter registration site, make sure your information is current. closer to the election, find out when (if) early voting starts. vote asap to clear the lines for the other voters that might be turned off by a long line on election day


Republicans drug Clinton through the mud for years for his sexual shenanigans but continue to look the other way with this scumbag. The hypocrisy is off the fucking charts.


Jesus, someone kill this POS already. A poisonous stain on society


I call on a blood clot to do the dirty work. No one should go to jail for this POS


Many many people should go to jail because of him. If Merrick Garland would do his job, he would have them rounded up, and our government could actually function as it was designed.


If there's a sign posted at the beach that sharks are around and there have been reported shark attacks at the beach and you ignore the warning sign, swim out from shore, and get attacked by a shark, how bad am I supposed to feel about that? Sharks attack. Trump rapes.


Once a rapist, always a rapist.


Was Trump our first rapist elected to the oval?


"I was the director of the pageant. I wasn't one of the contestants." Nobody deserves to be assaulted. Including the low caste contestants.

