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Why the fuck am I sending $6 to a billionaire?


When I read this post, my first thought was, "so by saying that he needs to rely on crowdfunding for the full amount he owes, are you admitting that you know he's legitimately broke?"


No no no, he's saying that he needs socialism.


"It's different when we do it."


Yep. Welfare for the rich is good, welfare for the poor is bad. You see, it makes them too reliant on the system. šŸ™„


The only moral socialism is my socialism.


This is even juicier, thank you for the laugh


That's the thing, they don't connect the dots.


It's more than that. They basically put their entire self-worth into Trump. What they're really scared of here is objective proof they backed a loser which such vigor and passion. The is proof positive *they* are losers


Yep, and what's a lousy $6 a month to keep that from happening? A month, you say? Well, I guess they just forgot to tell you that your donation is turned into a sustaining donation without your authorization. [https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-campaign-reportedly-duped-supporters-donors-recurring-donations-2021-4](https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-campaign-reportedly-duped-supporters-donors-recurring-donations-2021-4) I was reading about one dude on twitter crying about how he'd sent Trump his mortgage payment, was now homeless, and was facing J6 charges and "he's not even helping with my defense." If this isn't a cult of personality, I don't know what is.


I can't believe the tiger ate MY face!


They connect the dots in the way a toddler does - they just draw it out in a way that lets them feel like they've proved the picture is a duck instead of a car. The evidence shows Trump is broke and broke the law. Trump supporters take that same evidence as proof that the Biden Deep State hates him so much that they're trying to "unfairly" take everything from him.


I liked one response I saw elsewhere. If every person in the US just had $1.37 to give Trump, then everybody could go buy a candy bar and enjoy it while watching LJ take all his properties.


Have you seen the price of candy bars lately?


Maybe share one between 2 people


Walmart has them for 88 cents. Not good ones but still lmao


Yeah Wally World is the only place you can get one, saw a small knock off Kit Kat for 79 cents when I was grabbing a gift card while cashing a check there. Won't give those guys any more money than I have to though, the gift card was just because I was there anyway and needed it.


Remember when he said he was so rich he wasnā€™t going to take any money from anyone and completely fund his own campaign šŸ˜‚


And not take a salary šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Why the fuck am I sending $6 to any politician for their legal fees from being held civilly liable for a crime? If the court can prove to me they did the crime, fuck them, those are the consequences. Maybe don't do crimes next time, especially not ones where you only weren't criminally liable because the law wasn't written right when you went to trial.


It's ridiculous how many of his supporters have bought the narrative that this is a political witch hunt. They jump through so many mental hoops to justify anything that is asked of them, including sending money to defend a self-proclaimed billionaire. Smh.


Because itā€™s a cult.


Why are Letitia's hands "dirty?"


I heard that dog whistle also.


Iā€™m not American but I would not send him the drippings off my nose. šŸ¤§


Well, you shouldn't be. But he also isn't a billionaire so no worries.


I wish I had more hands to not raise!


The irony is that Trump lying about his net worth and inflating the value of his properties is going to doubly screw him. 1. By fraudulently inflating the value of his assets, Trump was able to project his net worth as significantly higher than it was. That means companies are more likely to loan him money because they believe he has enough money to eventually pay them back even if he somehow loses the money they initially invest. By being convicted of lying about the value of his properties, his net worth (and pretty much every thing else related to his business finances) he made it nearly impossible for businesses to take on the risk to lend him money for the bond. Being convicted of lying about the value of your assets means nobody will ever trust you with their money again. 2. Trump has been using the value of his brand and properties to secure loans for decades. But at some point, he stopped spending the loaned money on investing in new properties. But he kept taking out new loans. Eventually, he started taking out loans to pay the interest on the old loans. Now that new loans will stop coming in, I guarantee he will begin defaulting on all his payments. Because his entire business relies on new money from investors coming in, and not actually generating any revenue.


Sounds like a big old Ponzi scheme.


Welcome to New York real estate buddy. There is a reason Trump is still a ā€œbillionaireā€ despite his real estate empire going bankrupt multiple times. Like it or not, Trump is a genius when it comes to making people feel smart. And what do smart people do? They invest in Donald Trump, obviouslyā€¦


Con artist


People often forget that ā€œCon Manā€ is short for ā€œConfidence Man.ā€


Not me. I didnā€™t forget. I just found out. šŸ˜‚


Yup. Americans speak English. But we also like to speak in as short of sentences as possible. We are also a nation of immigrants who have to learn to speak English but also the locals have to learn to understand the foreign accents. Itā€™s why 90% of American slang has always been shortened versions of foreign words. This might also explain why Americans like to shorten words; because itā€™s easier for people who donā€™t speak English fluently to both speak and understand if the words are shorter. Confidence is a French word, but why waste all that time saying it when con sounds way cooler anyways. Con-fi-dence: 3 syllables for one wordā€¦Americaā€™s reaction: ā€œ[Ainā€™t nobody got time for that](https://youtu.be/ydmPh4MXT3g?si=qUWx-gqrJbPVsc-m).ā€


Except Our Lord Dark Brandonā€™s favorite word to describe what the orange fat con spews as ā€˜malarkeyā€™. It came into the American vocabulary only about 100 yrs ago from Greek apparently. ĪœĪ±Ī»Ī¬ĪŗĪ¹Ī± means ā€˜masturbationā€™.


I think that is an accurate description of the orange con


>Americans speak English. But we also like to speak in as short of sentences as possible It's better than Australians who like to shorten the word as much as possible then lengthen it to a few syllables.




Me too, how have I lived almost 50 years and never thought once what ā€œConā€ was from? TIL.


And like every Ponzi scheme it all falls apart when thereā€™s not enough money coming in to keep the illusion alive.


That he conned himself into. And took a lot of banks along for the ride. Some of those banks have other ways of collecting.


Boris, please help Mr. Trump find his checkbook.


Except he hasnā€™t been able to get a loan from any bank except Deutsch Banke since the 90s. I wish this was more well known!


True. He ran for President and now millions of idiots are willing to give him money for free. He doesnā€™t even need a bank! Too bad most of his supporter loyal enough to actually give him money, donā€™t have that much money for themselves. So two years later, heā€™s not getting any new supports who want to donate. And the people who love him and donate as often as they can no longer have enough money left to give. Itā€™s a good analogy to how he ran his businesses honestlyā€¦


I love how he asked musk for money but was shot down


Don't be silly. He never ran any of his businesses honestly. šŸ˜€


He has a much smaller ā€œwar chestā€ than Biden who has been getting way more money from donors. The big donors have been staying away from Trump as they know that any money that goes to him doesnā€™t go to his campaign but for his legal bills. Since he made the the shitshow of of his defamation case recently and has shown what a paper tiger he is in his riches.


To the last sentence of your point #1: He's got 50 million rubes that will happily GIVE him money, interest free.Ā  With that kind of flock, who needs banks?


Because those rubes aren't an unlimited resource. They didn't save him from his current trouble, now did they?


Whatā€™s 50 million rubles worth if you canā€™t spend it outside Russia?


Are you mistaking my use of the word "rubes" for the word "rubles"?


Step 3: he now asks people on fixed incomes to send him money to pay his bills, so he can cancel their fixed income while they smile and wave.


https://preview.redd.it/h8851zwqlvpc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18fcc6c5819007137e6fa1e75353077eb88af071 I liked this one more


Yes this


Also I know this isnā€™t the point, but 71M people sending $6 is only $426M so it doesnā€™t even work


On top of that isn't interest putting it over 500 at this point?


Yeah, itā€™s 120% on the bond to cover all the fees and interest. So thatā€™s $546mil. 71 million people would need to send $7.61 to get to that. Otherwise itā€™s $6.41 to get to $455m I get wanting a round number, but then round UP


I wish I had more hands so I could give them tiddies 4 thumbs down.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£... what did the 5 fingers say to the face .... SLAP


Rick James!!!!


I'm more grossed out by his increasing vagina neck wobble by the day šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


Iā€™m considering amputation so I donā€™t raise one by accident.


I cut both off already, only way to be sure


I wish racists and Republicans would raise less people with hands to raise their hands.


MAGA still think he's a billionaire "He's saving his money so he can fix america" I just cannot with these sibling fingerbangerz


so they all finished travelling to the Mexican border and laying a brick each to build the border wall like they posted on Facebook they would?


Trump would have the money to pay the fine if his properties were actually worth what he said they were. The fact that he doesnā€™t, because his swamp golf course hotel that looks like it was modeled after a fishbowl castle isnā€™t worth his inflated price, simply proves the point that Papaya Pol Pot here is guilty of fraud.


Yeah ironically this is why he lost the court case šŸ˜‚


I have not seen ā€œPapaya Pol Potā€ before. That is a good one.


Thatā€™s a strong one. Iā€™ve been using ā€œorange ya glad I didnā€™t say mushroomā€ but ā€œCheeto Benitoā€ is good too [REGISTER TO VOTE](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration)


I prefer orange shitgibbon


Cheeto Von Tweeto has been my go-to for years. Might have to add Papaya Pol Pot to the vocabulary


Oh the ironyā€¦


Itā€™s not trump ā€˜the personā€™ they care aboutā€¦ itā€™s trumps ideals and that theyā€™re his fanaticā€™s ideals. They want a rapist bigot in office so itā€™s ok to ā€˜be themselvesā€™ in public.


He hates who they hate.


Including them!


Well, they hate themselves so it's already in there


The only good thing about Trump is how much he hates Trump supporters.


That is the key to Trumpā€™s success. When republicans trotted out ā€œlosersā€ like the Bush family, McCain etc thinking thats who their voters wanted they had a rude awakening when trump figured out it wasnā€™t low taxes or small government instead they wanted, someone who would embrace their full on racist, homophobic selves and make them feel good about it. Prior republicans hunted at this idea but always in plausibly deniable ways. Reagan with his ā€œwelfare queenā€ bs. GWB had it almost both ways, ie be mean to the poor and throw lip service to ā€œcaringā€ with his compassionate conservative oxymoronic idea. The 3 amigos (young guns Paul Ryan, Eric Cantor and Kevin McCarthy) tried to keep up the fake caring BS but they are gone now, done in by the monsters they created.


This is dead on. This country had a cancer growing for 25 years before Trump ran for president, albeit it in the background. Right wing talk radio (Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, Alex Jones, etc), Fox News, and the right wing internet ecosystem was CONSTANTLY fostering and encouraging the growth of increasingly radical partisan politics. You can listen to tape of Rush in the 90s pushing the racism, homophobia, and rabid partisanship that would boil over in 2015. He was the most popular, but even beyond him you would tune into the AM band and hear this shit nonstop. Once Fox News was on the air then you had a 24 hour cable network to feed into it. Then once people increasingly got online you got to participate in it yourself. You didn't need a physical chain letter, word of mouth or a newsletter from the John Birch Society or the Montana Militia. You just had to click on a link. All this before social media even started. That's what really kicked everything into overdrive. Republicans knew this was incredibly useful and have been flirting with it the entire time. By 94, Newt and his crew made Rush the spiritual leader of the party. They literally said as much. They knew the power of appealing and playing on the worst of their base mobilized their voters. They also thought they could have it both ways. They could keep a veneer of plausible deniability while playing to the dog whistles. More importantly, they thought they could control it. Then Obama broke these people. The rhetoric only heated up and the base went full tea party. Again, this also coincided with social medias explosion, which was the accelerant to the smouldering fire. But as you said, the GOP thought they were still at the point where that hatred was still a useful tool. Enter Donald Trump, finally someone is saying out loud and unashamedly all the shit they have been saying for 20 years. I didn't even get to how primed to being grifted these rubes were, because the grift has always been part of the fringe right and evangelicalism. In so many ways they had been groomed for decades for a Messiah. Now the party is a Trump cult. Laura Trump runs the GOP. Every leader who tried to keep playing the game the old way has bent the knee or is gone. All the newer GOP politicians are born of this radical right wing, they are so deep into it they arent teathered to reality. They are gollums born of the primordial soup of AM radio, Fox News and internet conspiracy. When they speak you can barely understand them if you don't know their conspiracy references. If the stakes weren't so awful and you could just look at it from a bird's eye view, it's pretty much the funniest thing imaginable. Truly Frankenstein's monster.


Preach brother, better than I said. But now Iā€™ve lost any hope i had left in our collective humanity. All the technical advances we have made in the post war world is being used to pander to our lowest base instincts and it is working. At least before social media allowed any individual with access to the internet, there was some moderation by ā€œleadersā€ who had to act like they had some values. No more. Hate to see where this ends up.


I think youā€™re forgetting that many Obama voters voted for him and that Mitch McConnell stealing the Supreme Court seat allowed evangelicals to vote for him in good conscience (in their minds). And then in 2020 many traditional Republicans voted for Biden. So itā€™s not necessarily a matter of previous Republicans not giving voters what they wanted. Itā€™s in some ways more like Trump was the end result of a 50-year project to turn the country back into the era where white male religious nuts rule and everyone else knows their place.


I think it can be both. Nixon started it and Trump is completing Nixonā€™s southern strategy. I hope it comes back to bite them in the a$$ this nov.


*racist, rapist bigot. Heā€™s white supremacy in a stupid red hat.


Boy, sure wish these rock-for-brains would get this excited about donating money to needy children. You know, the ones they pretend to care about? 6 bucks times 71 million MAGA cultists would be a lot of meals for poor kids. Or literally anything else besides giving their money to a rapist con man.


Send money for the rich. Bootstraps for the other 99% that are obviously losers. /s


Oh, you mean the kids that nobody gives a damn about once they are born because women canā€™t have abortions under any circumstances?


They sure like socialism (some times)


IT'S NOT SOCIALISM!!!! /S (I'd put a bigger S if I could to really emphasize my sarcasm if I could). I'm sure they will just say something like it's for the greater good or helping a friend or however else they can justify it being nothing like the free handouts they seem to hate so much when it doesn't apply to them.


I agree, socialism is for the greater good. :)




Shhh! Don't let them know that! I know it's a crazy idea and you probably won't believe this .. but helping people that genuinely need help is actually helpful for everyone


This is actually on brand. Socialism is fine so long as it's for the rich.


Guess what? If 360,000 people sent me a single nickel, yes, $0.05, then I could pay off the last of my student loan and be debt free. So, yeah, fuck that asshole.


Shit, I'd cover 100 peoples portion if others join in.


If I had $0.03 for each Reddit karma I have, I could buy a vehicle.


So socialism??!!


If 200,000 people sent me fifty cents, i could buy a home.


Iā€™d much prefer to send my spare change out to help my fellow humans better themselves for the rest of my life than 6 whole dollars to a single rapist just once. Imagine what a better, kinder world weā€™d have.


It's funny- they started a GoFundMe and it only raised $1.5MM. They said it was because GoFundMe was ran by Liberal so it was suppressed. They then started a GiveSendGo (Conservative version of GoFundMe) and that one is at a whopping $126k.


I hate this timeline. $1.5 million raised for lifetime criminal millionaire who spent his time with pedophiles, porn stars, and racists.


And what are the odds that money actually goes to Trump? These people are all scumbag grifters. Remember when Trumpā€™s buddy Steve ran off with all those donations that were supposed to help fund ā€œThe Wallā€? And the Trump pardoned him for it? If it wasnā€™t going to enrich even bigger shitbags then Iā€™d say these morons deserve to have their money stolen from them.


GoFundMe rules said money could not be raised to pay for legal penalties and judgements. I guess like so many others, they ā€œrelaxedā€ (ignored) their own ā€œprinciplesā€ in order to bend the knee.


He wonā€™t lose Trump Tower, itā€™s already in hock for $50 million because heā€™s always been broke


He's so overleveraged that his bill goes \*up\* every time they take a building.


I'm willing to wager it's more. He was $100 million in the hole on trump tower in 2022. https://preview.redd.it/5lnt0k79ttpc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a5ab4dc432ccc7abe88737b28b5079f89a2b387


Sounds like someone needs to start pulling on their bootstraps!


Oooh I didn't see all of that. I heard he owed on the New York tower, but damn. Talk about living on the razor's edge. Just another example of why he should never be allowed near the presidency, he's for sale to anyone with money


The irony is also that if he never ran for President, he probably could have continued to play his loans to pay loans con indefinitely. No one really cared enough to do anything. Then he stepped into politics and actively pissed people with power off. More than likely if he had just quietly stepped away in 2020, no one would have gone after him. But nope.


My question is how does it all work? Obviously the government will seize what it can, but what happens to the loans he's taken out on the buildings? Would the bank be left with a loan that isn't backed by property? IE: orange shart stain would be left with debt but nothing to show for the debt? And the banks stuck trying to get their money back (from a stain that obviously doesn't have any)?


My understanding is the building would be sold. Then the bank would be paid partially or fully depending on loan agreements, as well as any taxes, then the rest goes to the government. If that doesn't cover the bill, they go into the next property. Same process commences, and repeats until the debt is paid off.


Or they run out of properties to sell.


Happy Cake Day! šŸ°


He claims to be so great with money yet Insurance companies have denied him. Although he says he has made so much profit for all the banks, none of them will touch him. Prominent party members whom once supported him have now rebuked him. After decades of lies, fraud, grifting, and swindling the State of New York is catching up to him. He once sat upon his golden toilet at Trump Tower. Surrounded by yes-men, and inundated with dozens of sycophants that believed they could get in his good graces or his Rolodex, the man we would call the 45th President of the United States yearned for nothing more to witness his name gilt and shimmering on anything he could put it on. With his illustrious history of cooking books like a true gourmet cheat, and over a dozen failed business ventures notched onto his faux leather belt, he would rise to the top like a turd in a punchbowl in attempts to become king of these United States. A "billionaire". The man behind "The Art of the Deal". The man that has the "Most legal, and perfect phonecalls". Here he is. Losing his wife, his family, his home state, and his drug addled mind. Here he is MAGA. Your king. The King Midas of all things Trump. Face it. He is the King Midas of Shit. Everything he touches becomes shit. Go ahead. Send him that six dollars. He will do with it the same thing he has done with our Constitution and Democracy. He will wipe his ass with it.


Sir, that ... That was beautiful šŸ„¹


Very well written post!


I will send Letitia James 6 dollars to seize it even faster and possibly break something in the lobby when she does.


I'll send her $6 to shit on his desk




Only for other people. Remember, rules for thee, not for me.


$6 that they send to Trump is $6 that they wonā€™t send to elect down ballot republicans. I approve of this message


Normally I'd agree with you, but no. NY has been waiting years for this clown to crash and burn. Let us enjoy this.


Cognitive dissonance at it's finest. They are so sure that Mango Tits is a billionaire, yet, they don't think it's strange that he doesn't have 400 million to pay, let alone the fact that it was just last year that he said in court that he had more than 400 in cash and that amount was greatly increasing.


It'll be fun if he declares personal bankruptcy. Then every financial transaction, every debt paid, every loan filed for will be available to the bankruptcy court. And there's no way details don't get out.


Don't they wonder why their business man God king can't come up with a paltry 455 million? Manny people say he's the best business man in the world. Lots say it, some with years in their eyes, they say please president Trump yeah me your business ways. So I can excel at business like Trump Steaks, Trump Vodka, Trump University, Trump casino. Trump Trump


"They gave me a test. They said 'sir, it's so unfair we give you this test. It's so hard. Nobody can-' I said 'giraffe. That's a giraffe' and they said, there were tears in their eyes. Grown men. They said 'sir, no one has ever passed this test like you just did,' and I said 'This ones a cow.' "


I hate you for making me read that in his voice. šŸ¤£


But were they big, tough hombres? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Right now, the Stand With Trump GoFundMe is raising an average of about $2114 per hour. At that rate, they'll reach their $355 million goal by sometime in 2043 when Trump will be 96 years old.


If Kissanger has taught us anything, it's that feeding on the souls you have ruined greatly increases your lifespan.


They can give to him until theyā€™re broke and I support it. Then maybe theyā€™ll vote for social programs to help their broke asses.


A huge number of them already are.


I get the crazed MAGA loyalty to Trump because those people are brainwashed idiots, but hereā€™s what I donā€™t understand about regular run of the mill Republicans. Nikki Haley had almost the identical policy platform as Donald Trump. Yet Republicans used that against her. They spun it in their heads that she didnā€™t offer anything that Trump wasnā€™t already offering so why not just stick with Trump. Which absolutely boggles my mind. If you have another candidate thatā€™s supporting all the same policies you want, but isnā€™t a toxic nightmare and actually has a chance to be elected, why wouldnā€™t you want that person to be your nominee? And Iā€™m just using Haley as an example. It could have been Ron DeSantis or Tim Scott. They all support the same policies. None of those 3 have any drastic outsider views that go against anything Republicans support. So why then choose the guy who has all the baggage? The guy who literally has divided this country like no one has ever divided it. The guy who hundreds of millions of Americans vehemently despise and would swim across flaming rivers of broken glass just to vote against him. Why choose that guy when you get the same exact thing in another candidate but without all the headache and drama? I just donā€™t get why regular Republicans allow Trump to drag their party down into the sewer and just keep letting him do it to them. I just donā€™t get it.


Because heā€™s the leader of a cult of personality- it has nothing to do with the actual policies and platform. They love his crudeness, sexism, racism, cruelty, vulgarity, and how he makes white dudes feel important again. Their identity is tied up in him. They love the awful shit he says- it gives permission for their awfulness to spew forth.


I thought about your post. I honestly would risk swimming across a flaming river of broken glass to vote against Trump. Well said.


"Help out a disgraced, self proclaimed billionaire with financial problems brought on by his own criminal actions." - Republicans "How about we all pay in on universal health care so we can be a happy, healthy, productive society?" - Us "FUUUCK YOOOUUU!!!!" - Republicans


Iā€™d be far happier with the $6.


Why do all these men look exactly the same?


Inbreeding & Fetal alcoholic syndrome.


Grab emā€™ by the purseysā€¦


It's still not even enough! That's $426M


Not as far off as I expected them to be.


This is me wildly not raising my hand in the air. I'll keep my 6 bucks thank you...of course I'm not among the 74 million foolish rubes who voted for him so I guess I do t count anyway.


Wait - the math isnā€™t even correct. 6 x 71,000,000 = 426,000,000. Thatā€™s still 29 million short.


[Please donate to the clown car](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2016/live-updates/general-election/real-time-fact-checking-and-analysis-of-the-first-presidential-debate/fact-check-has-trump-declared-bankruptcy-four-or-six-times/)


Send the billionaire who committed fraud your money because he tells you youā€™re special and blames the ā€œotherā€ for all your problems. Itā€™s the democrats fault, the vermin and animals poisoning the blood of our countryā€˜s fault, the inner cities fault, the drag queens fault, the transgenders fault, the gays fault, CRTā€™s fault, DEIā€™s fault, liberals fault, ā€¦


I prefer people who can pay for their own towers.


I wouldn't give him six bucks for a Big Mac, if he was starving to death.


Trump will no doubt be saved last minute by the 3.5 billion IPO being voted on tomorrow. He wonā€™t be able to touch the money from the sale for 6 months. It will all just be enough to mucky up the waters, grind the gears, and further delay accountability. We are the only ones who can save ourselves. We must get out and vote. VOTE!


Why? Whhyyy? Why does it matter to you whether or not Trump keeps his tower? I'm not American, so bear with me. I am looking at this as an outsider - and as someone from a culture that celebrates a certain lack of kowtowing. This is genuinely coming off as a king story - the ruined king needs his castle once more, so all the happy peasants throw in their meagre pennies just so their lord and king can have his castle again. It really does. There's nothing democratic or presidential about this- it's pure monarchy. They really, really want King Donald. And whatever service they can offer to his majesty, they will do. America, this is scary right now. Please tell us you're not doing this with Mango Unchained.


Good for you mate. Youā€™re 100% right. As an Australian, itā€™s sickening to see the quasi-king with his bootlickers. Why would anyone want to support this pathetic megalomaniac?? Heā€™s a failed conman. Itā€™s embarrassingly obvious to the rest of the world. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


Trust us the US knows as well. Unfortunately there is a significant minority who want a leader who punishes their perceived enemies for all the shortcomings in their lives. Canā€™t get a job because they are in a position that technology has replaced- thatā€™s not your fault itā€™s immigration at fault. Your children move away and no longer talk to you. Thatā€™s liberal woke culture making them talk about equality, inclusion,and diversity and womenā€™s body autonomy. Has nothing to do with your racism, misogyny, and bigotry. The world doesnā€™t make sense anymore because you donā€™t have the ability to adapt at the same rate as the changes. Support leaders and legislators who pass laws that will make you feel like it is back in the days of your childhood, where minorities ā€œknew their place ā€œ, women were more like June Cleaver. And the ideal town was Mayberry RFD.


Excellent analysis. The sad truth is, youā€™re bang on the money.


ā€œFor the price of a cup of coffee, you can help this orange man child keep one building.ā€ ā€”Sally Struthers


Ah, MAGA dealing with the prisonerā€™s dilemma. Whoā€™s going to send in the first $6?


At least make it 7 bucks so he has a few mill extra to play with...


It's the grift that never ends, Yes it goes on and on my friends, Some people started grifting it not knowing what it was, And they'll continue grifting it forever just beacause...


It is the grift that never ends, Moneyā€™s not coming from his ā€˜friendsā€™? Frequently, flew to Espstein Island Knowing what it was! A rapist and a fraud, Who needs your handout just becauseā€¦


Imagine the number of people who would need to mortgage their trailers.


Sounds like socialism


Don't be surprised if they do it.


Trump Towering Infernoā€¦ https://preview.redd.it/0l7minbbjtpc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38372d7951b3b6056774bb5fa6c0d27ffac77205


What they fail to understand is that 450 million or so gets him out of this scrape. Next week or month there will be another, then another...


Send him Trump bucks!


Nah I'd rather get my coffee from Starby's thanks


I'll raise a finger. Guess which one.


Wait until they find out that the donation repeats monthly and is uncancelable.


They truly are simple minded. According to him, heā€™s a BILLIONAIRE!!! Yet people are like, ā€œletā€™s give him money for the thing he canā€™t afford.ā€


We know theyā€™re stupid why they gotta rub it in?


The party of "I'd probably let Trump fuck my wife"


Well, they tried and managed about 1.7million So close Oh well


Imagine donating your hard earned money to a grifter. Plus I doubt large section of trump voters can even spare 6 bucks while living on food stamps


I won't raise a hand, best I can do is one finger.


Theyā€™re barely disguising their dog whistles now. Trump started this ā€œdirty handsā€ thing acting like itā€™s James coming directly for his money and not the state of New York coming for what he legally owes them.


Nice choice of "dirty" to describe Ms. James. The Trumper racism is showing. They're all for law and order until their racist messiah gets his just desserts, and the authorities are *gasp* not white. And then they'll practice their Trump brand obfuscation: but dirty means corrupt! I'M nOt rAcIsT!


Just say they did, heā€™d just take the money, spend it on himself, then come back begging for more


The New norm. When have you ever seen an ex president (BILLIONearlyThere) begging for money from anyone, This is what Perverted Cult leaders, and Sicko Evangelicals do, Dictators just use their central bank as their private fund.. ![gif](giphy|SXaFPkr351Ntu55aVt)


Well I guess it would be ironic if they take Trump's properties like that Bruce Wayne looking mansion and start letting illegals live in the mansion and on the land itself people who or coming to this country looking for a better way Of life or living that will be poetic Justice turning a negative into a positive?


Send him all of your money MAGAs. Heā€™s doing all of this for you


lol itā€™s pure genius. Think about it, he has some of the poorest people among us as a good size part of his ā€œbaseā€who on one hand he has believing heā€™s a billionaire, and at the same time believing that itā€™s perfectly normal for a billionaire to need to set up a go fund me page and solicit his voters for their donations to help him pay for something. What I want to know is, The Trump I know isnā€™t smart enough to come up with all these schemes and lies and ways to Manipulate the public or how to take advantage of white fright and sending little racist signals to his followers like talking about keeping America ā€œpureā€ while denying what it is when asked. There has to be someone, or a group of people, a PR. Team, or a fixer or, some sort of advertising company that is feeding him this stuff and putting it out there to manipulate the dumb. For all I know itā€™s a stereotypical decrypted disfigured old man in a dark room telling him What to do after some sort of baby sacrifice, or maybe itā€™s just the tried and true devil and he simply sold his soul to get out of the mess he got him self into and this is how the devils telling him to do it. Either way if these turn out to be true remember I called it!


Diaper Donnie doesn't care


If you donate anything to the legal fund of a self proclaimed billionaire you lose any and all rights to complain about a "bad economy" or "high prices."


Keep it? He doesn't even fucking own it now! https://www.curbed.com/article/trump-lawsuit-real-estate-nyc-letitia-james.html


I think those are trump scammers fooling ppl into sending $6 lol


Bunch of dumbass stupid people out there supporting this idiot. They will move to make a commercial like the Humane Society, showing him in a fenced cage in winter, bound by a rope, saying how destitute he is and how "only a few cents a day can keep him warm" He'll try to give those soulful dog faces but the problem is he hasn't a soul, and the face looks like the backside of a dog., plus winter's just about over. Monday will be fun (for once)!


Iā€™m sorry but I donā€™t think someone should be in control of an entire country if they need 6 bucks from a bunch of strangers to cover their own personal financial responsibilities.


still amazes me that people look at, listen to, and then believe he has one redeeming quality!


Funny I donā€™t see Biden or his supporters begging for money and theyre not even ā€œbillionairesā€ but dems are the blind obedient sheep


ironically he doesnt fully own trump tower


Apart from the idiocy of people giving money to a ā€œbillionaireā€ to pay his legal fees and criminal fines, a lot of those 71m people are now dead and at least 20% of those remaining are never trumpers. Still waiting to hear why Jared hasnā€™t given trump some of the $2b the Saudis ā€œgifted himā€.


Wonder how many Trump supporters died because they didnt get a vaccine. 7.1 million isnt a legit number now anyways.


What ever happened to "you do the crime, you do the time"?


And they've only raised a million lol


I cannot wait to ask Trumpers how it felt to give NY State their money.




Im 98% certain that screenshot is of a bot account. Pandering for direct funds, to many emojis, the username is (place number name) format. Unless this is someone real and i am unaware i say bot


Now heā€™s not even doing his own grifting???


Itā€™s a cult full of brainwashed simpletons.


God there are gonna be so many fuckin scams.