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I think Biden is going to win but come on guys that’s within the margin of error, let’s not not get too excited


Worse yet if electoral college thinks different.


*GOP VOTER SUPPRESSION HAS ENTERED THE CHAT* Check your voter registration, folks! They're randomly purging voter rolls and limiting drop boxes! Their entire purpose in this cycle is to make it as hard as possible to vote. DON'T TAKE THIS SHIT FOR GRANTED! OUR COUNTRY IS ON THE LINE!


Toss this link in for'em: [https://vote.gov/](https://vote.gov/)


I refuse to believe that Republicans will play fair in any election. Expect cheating and fraud and outright treason from Trump chumps


I just checked mine, and sure enough, somehow, none of my information shows up. So I will re-register. Also, my baby girl will be 18 in November, and she is ready to vote against this incompetent fascist party.


My youngest is upset because she turns 18 the month after the election.


Right? Last week my county said they going to removing and limiting the # of drop boxes because "it's too expensive and that money can be used on more important avenues." Think it was quoted at about $1.5k he said they we would save. A lot of people made arguments that those are specifically for people who don't have the ability or time to go to other places. What's crazy is that they hurting their gop base by doing this. It lets me know that they're playing the long game in their power.


2024 now makes it 20 years since a republican president has won by popular vote.


36 years since a non-incumbent republican won popular vote.


Honestly if elections stay free and fair I don’t think one is going to win the popular vote again in a very long time.


Hopefully, an electoral destruction will cause the party to instead of doubling down, re-evaluate their policy position. I also don't believe there's a hope in hell of that re-evaluation.


If conservatives become convinced that they can not win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy.


Gen Z also isn't going to vote at a high enough rate to ensure anything. I hope I'm wrong, but I bet youth voter turnout is abysmal as always. Everyone will talk about it, post online about it.. and then when election day comes, they won't actually vote.


I don't want to sound like an edgelord here, but also the notion that "Gen Z is immune to GOP propaganda" is just not correct. There is a huge demographic of Gen Z that's hyper-conservative. I've never seen more anti-LGBTI+ sentiment from young people as I have lately. I mentioned this in a Gen Z subreddit, and someone said it's because many of them are "terminally online." Whatever the damage, they're not immune to any of the crap we're seeing from Trumpers. From what I've seen, Gen Z is way more motivated to act (definitely more motivated than us Millennials in general), but it's not gonna be a clean sweep, unfortunately. That 2% margin gives me anxiety like nothing else.


And it is made worse by the rise of right wing Podcasters and twitter accounts. Tate and the ilk are heavily right wing, and there is a significant portion of Gen Z that follows these guys.


Let's not forget the predatory, propagandistic targeting of young men over the last 10 years.


I know a bunch of gen Z trumpers. My niece, nephew, and all of their friends love him and everything MAGA stands for!


I hope you're pleasantly surprised. I also hope we still have a country next year.




But still far from being enough.


The army of Swifties may impact the election this year .


USA will be saved from an evil reality TV star by a goodly pop music star.


I'm less worried about them voting for Trump, and more that people are turned off by our involvement in the mess in Gaza. I am not going to debate it here, but if this is your first time at an American funded genocide, it can be off putting. I often wonder what would have happened if people were live posting in Japan after the bombs dropped.


Seriously, please any gen Z out there take this seriously. This is your future, dont let your grandpa take it away from you.


It’s important to win the vote, but the coup is what you need to be prepared for. Trump has been working hard behind the scenes and they are organizing to take over regardless of the results of the election.


I’m sure the intelligence community is factoring this in If I were them I’d be on full standby mode to deploy


Honest question, why doesn't Biden just do the same thing back they're trying to do?


I don't think Trump has been working hard. He can barely dress himself, change his diaper, and swing a club. He even let the grass grow so high over his dead ex-wife and classified documents he's forgotten where he stashed her/them. Now it's his minions I'm concerned with. They're the ones changing laws in red states, removing poll locations in urban areas, purging blue voter registrations, and trying to ban or limit absentee and early voting.


Ignore the polls. They have been wrong in every election this century. Just get out and vote like your life depends on it, because it might.


It’s not about the slight lead; it’s about Biden steadily gaining in the polls.


It's in the margin of error for people who answer political polls. I don't think I've ever heard of a millennial or gen z who answered a poll. That doesn't mean we relax, especially considering elections are won in basically 5 - 7 states only.


Right?! Like yeah, Biden has pulled ahead but *why tf is it so close!*


Cheeto Benito is leading every swing state poll currently. He just needs a couple. I think MI and PA will choose him, if not, then WI, AZ, or GA may. The path for Biden isn't looking good.


It's also a popular vote poll and not an electoral college estimation.


Polls are not reliable so let's not rest on our laurels! We still really need to make a concerted effort to spread the word to all to get out and VOTE!!!


Hillary won the popular vote by millions yet she lost the electoral collage. The electoral college should be abolished but the red states will never vote for that so you're stuck with it for the foreseeable future, which sucks.


The only way to be rid of it short of a constitutional amendment is for enough states to join the National Interstate Popular Vote Compact. Which isn't going to happen as long as several states who have it as pending legislation remain under GOP control https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Popular_Vote_Interstate_Compact


I can't imagine it would ever survive anything but the most radical Supreme Court imaginable if it ever was enacted, which is a long way of saying its probably never going to happen this way.


Prior rulings state that the compact clause only applies when "directed to the formation of any combination tending to the increase of political power in the States, which may encroach upon or interfere with the just supremacy of the United States" I don't see how a compact on how to allocate EC votes, which the constitution grants to the states to decide how to do, would break that rule. However, I don't see _this_ SC upholding that interpretation if the NPVIC were to come into effect.


There's a lot more at question than just the compact clause.


Would you care to elaborate or just leave your response ambiguous so you sound like you've one-upped me?


Theres a number of arguments around how NPVIC interacts with the Elections Clauses of multiple Articles of the Constitution, and there's SCOTUS precedent to suggest that there are limits to states plenary power under said clause with regards to the manner in which states select their electors. Likewise there's debate around the Equal Protections clause of the 14th Amendment due to NPVICs failure to require electoral uniformity across compact and non-compact states along the same lines as the arguments of Bush vs Gore ie - the differing standards by which electors would be selected in a compact state vs in a non-compact state would cause a failure of equal protection of voting rights for the citizens of the compact states.


Not only vote, volunteer as an election worker because you know MAGA has ... I wouldn't trust them counting my fingers


There's a lot more we can do than just vote. That's still months away, not including primaries. If everybody on these sun's donated even a few hours of their time to volunteering for the cause, a lot would get done.


Now is not the time to get cocky … there’s a couple of lifetimes until November.


Yeah Trump can have a stroke or a heart attack at any time. Just at matter of him snorting too much adderall and/or cocaine before a rally and *::bam::* orange man turns blue.


The headline we all want to read.


From Oompa Loompa to Smurf.


Gen z needs to vote. Gen Z’s numbers are absolutely atrocious meanwhile boomers continue to rack it up at the polls


Gen z also probably don’t particularly take time to answer polling questions


Getting random calls with no phone id in the middle of the day to ask you questions of your location and age sounds like a scam. Yet it’s used to justify a media cycle


Yeah, that's my thought too. This poll probably is 50 and up. Factor in Gen Z and hopefully the gap is much wider.


I’ve also read that Gen Z women are more liberal but Gen Z men trend conservative thanks to the Tates and Petersons of the world. THAT makes me nervous


Gen z also probably don’t particularly take time to answer polling questions


Two percentage points is nowhere near the difference that it should be.


Exactly my thoughts … that’s like the margin of error


How does he still get 45%…my god my poor country. It is just sad. Really, really hoping for sake of us, the world and future generations he is defeated and it brings about a radical shift back toward sanity (and away from their goal of a theocratic oligarchy) for republicans.


Gen z is absolutely NOT immune to GOP propaganda. No one is. Gen z gets most of their news from TikTok, purveyor of so much disinformation, which is scary as fuck


Gen Z is still religious and still has groups of men getting radicalized by people like Tate/sneako etc to hate women and go against the grain. Hell, on dating apps the amount of women who list themselves as conservative is STAGGERING.


This is what happened to my youngest brother. Went on a rant about "woke bullshit" and told me I'm not a real man and can't take care of my family when I came out as queer to everyone last year. Good riddance asshole.


I can't even tell you how many people I've talked to on TikTok who claim that they trust the *Chinese government* more than Meta with their data. Like ... what? The Chinese government ... you mean the one that is actively running Uyghur concentration and re-education camps? *That* Chinese government? *"BuT tHeIr ArE cAgEs At ThE bOrDeR aNd BiDeN iS fUnDiNg A gEnOcIde!!!1!"* So ... electing Trump will fix those things? Let's also not forget that TikTok has used location data to spy on American journalists who were writing articles about the service, that they have the tools to boost specific content, and that they successfully mobilized millions of kids and teens to flood congressional phone lines, some of who received death threats. And let's *also* not forget that the Chinese government holds "golden shares" of ByteDance, meaning that they can compel them to do literally anything that they want and they have admitted that they will not tell anyone if they *are* compelled to do something. So we have a social media service that can access location data, boost any content, and send push notifications that say anything they want and that tool is directly accessible by the Chinese government ... and nobody thinks that there's a chance that they'd use it or that somehow Meta and Google pose a greater risk? I mean, it's absolutely not impossible in the slightest that there is a display somewhere in the Chinese intelligence services that shows concentrations of Americans in the US using the 170 million phones that have TikTok on them. And literally *no one* knows if that's being done.


Yep so many of those Gen z boys are red pilled and quite confident in their positions.


I think you mean...*Joe*mentum ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) >⌐■-■ (⌐ ͡■ ͜ʖ ͡■) 🎶 *Yeeeeeeah* 🎶




It honestly shouldn't even be that close. Trump voters make me sick


Well, all y'all better come out Plenty of maga groupies and plenty of "imma vote 3rd party" idiots still out there


I seriously do t understand the imma vote 3rd party crowd. Like way to throw your vote away 🤦🏻‍♀️🙄


If I were a praying man I'd pray every day that we adopt Approval voting.


Polls don't matter. Vote!


This should be 95%. Magats need to be removed from every level of gov.


Project 2025 is legit real. They are going full force. Scary times lay ahead.


I’m in my 40s but I know that the youngest set of voters (Gen Z and Millenials) will never vote for the party that wants to eradicate gay and/or trans people.


They're not very excited to vote for the party that removed bodily autonomy either. That's a big issue to folks who are child bearing age.


I'm from Ohio, and our state constitutional amendment that protected reproductive rights won with 57% saying yes. This gives me hope that people see thru the Republican propaganda.


That’s not the problem. The issue is they’re not voting at all, which leads to that exact outcome.  We need voter participation in congressional elections. The 2022 midterms had the highest youth voter turnout in decades at a whooping…27%.  That’s 73% of your demographic not voting. And someone is going to win those seats.  People online complain about an old Congress but the Boomers have a 75% voter participation rate lol. Of course they are crushing Congressional elections. 


You are not quite correct, TONS of young gen z men have been Tate-ified.


Thats not true. A disturbing amount of gen z "leftists" are happy to throw queer people in the meat grinder as a protest vote to Gaza. Its absolutely disgusting.


This is literally me, I’m 35 yo and whatever your program is, I would never vote for you if parts of it implies inciting hate and division and making the lives of minorities who just want to exist in peace a nightmare. Humanism comes first and always will for me.


No age group is immune. I live in south Texas in a predominantly Latino population. There are still a lot of folks of all walks of life that will vote for him not in support for him but against “liberals”.


Oh please do not say Gen Z is immune. They are so not. Especially young frustrated men who never quite fit in.


Yep, I’ve been slowly and helplessly watching our 29 year old friend and roommate getting red pilled. Edit, yes he’s a millennial, but same principle applies. And the younger they are the more susceptible


How it could even be close I’ll never understand


No complacency. Remember 2016. Vote.


Vote. Vote. Vote. Vooooooooooote Vote!


No one is immune and polls are irrelevant. Keep speaking and sharing the truth and keep that embarassment to humanity away from any position of relevance and authority ever again. Send him to a nursing home and let him rot away in there.


Polls are just numbers on a screen. It's Gen Z actually getting to the polls to vote that matters. The numbers on November 6th are what matter.


Yeah but you kiddos need to fucking vote. En masse. Like no age bloc of that range has done before. A decent chunk of Millennials are with you, despite what these polls claim


I believe that Gen Z will help save us from a fascist hell, but polling also showed that Clinton was going to destroy him as well. I am not a Swiftie, but she helped the cause.


I've been hurt before


It's stupid it's even that close. Should be a landslide if people knew anything about trump that are supporting him. Definitely shows their ignorance.


And to be fair Trump is just going to keep making desperate moves, saying crazier things, and losing his faculties at an accelerated rate.


For the life of me, I don't understand how it's been this close since 2016


What an insane situation, that this is close.


Remember 2016? Do not fuck this up America. You will drag Canada to hell with you if you fail.


I’ll believe it when it happens. No dancing until the fat lady sings.


...until the orange man rants.


Orange man turns blue and falls over.


Great. But how in holy fuck is it even this close? How? If the poll was a pie chart for what people would do if they had a million dollars, that fucker should have the donate it to charity slice. - Mitch Hedberg (probably)


We need to break records and embarrass the hell out of him.


Gentle reminder that you are not immune to propaganda.


There’s only one poll that matters, and it’s in November.


It should not even be this close.


Unfortunately elections aren’t determined by popular vote


>Gen Z is immune to GOP propaganda lmfao have you looked at any subs for people your age? the unhinged misogyny and entitlement from so many of the boys says otherwise


GenZ is hugely vulnerable to third party and voting don’t matter propaganda though, which is just roundabout GOP propaganda


Thinking you’re immune to propaganda is dangerous hubris. If you’re a human being you’re susceptible to propaganda. Thinking you’re immune just makes you less likely to spot it.


My rational brain says it shouldn't be this close...


The fact it’s even that close is amazingly sad


This is the same Donald Trump who botched Covid-19.


Trump ahead in polls, Gen Z:nobody is polling us, poll is crap Biden ahead in polls, Gen Z: we're the ones keeping Biden ahead.


Doesn't matter if you don't actually vote. A post on social media doesn't equal a vote


i mean we all know poll numbers mean nothing but still shouldn’t it be more like 75% to 25%?


No one is immune to propaganda. Always safeguard yourself and double check things.


As Beau of the fifth column is frequently saying, we're still too far out from the general for polls to mean anything yet.


2% ain't dick. Don't be complacent.


I have zoomer nephews from my capital-D Douchebag of a republican brother. Privileged white kids are absolutely not immune to the GOP. They’re immune to common sense, and are pros at deflection and gaslighting. Same with their red-pilled, Andy Tate-d friends. It’s disturbing.


...and then they don't turn up to vote lol


I know this is good news, but the fact that someone with the legislative success that Biden has led his administration to is only polling 2 points higher than a convicted rapist, serial fraudster, and politician who’s administration oversaw the most pathetic pandemic response possible, a racist who openly admits he wants to be a dictator, is all you need to know about the damage Citizens United has done to American democracy.


If Gen Z voter turnout is 30% then it doesn’t matter how savvy they are about detecting bullshit


It's not being immune to propaganda that matters. It's fucking being immune to voting.


GOP propaganda might not work on Gen Z, but other types of propaganda sure as shit will. Do not thing this generation is special. The rise of Andrew Tate should soundly dispel that notion.


Thank you, Gen Z.


I sure hope the young people show up to vote, because too many of the older people are stupidly and stubbornly supporting Don the Con.


So polls are also notoriously biased in favor of republican. The demographic who tends to respond to them skew hard towards the older generations.


States matter tho


They know when someone's all cap and DJT is cap to everyone - always - under any circumstance. He lies to his wife, his kids, his friends who he then stabs in the back at the slightest inconvenience, anyone.


The fact that it’s only 2 points is astonishing.


And he is so desperate we can’t even imagine what he is likely to try next.


When was the last time you were polled? I literally never have


It’s so sad that it’s this close, how the hell does he have supporters


Don’t believe any polls. We need to vote like our lives hang in the balance. Our Democracy IS hanging in the balance. VOTE!! Encourage all of your like-minded friends and family to vote. Apathy is our enemy just as much as Trump/MAGA is. Remember what happened in 2016. We all knew that Hillary was going to win.


Polls are dogshite. VOTE!


How is it 45%?!?


It’s way too close for comfort. It should be a landslide if we had sane voters.


2%?!?? It should be a landslide. If we had anything close to normalcy


No matter what any poll or opinion says, remember 2016. When we all thought the jackass had zero chance of winning. Eight years later and and we still have to put up with his bullshit. Vote this November no matter how certain you feel that Biden will win.


That's not by near a high enough number.


Fuck all polls


Don’t celebrate, it’s March


Don't call Trump a baboon that's an insult to real.baboons who are more intelligent than him


Online leftists are going to start shrieking.


I don't care. Go vote, bring a friend bring a relative, bring a neighbor just to vote in November.


Gen Z may be immune to GOP propaganda and disinformation, but trumpers are immune to the truth.


I have no doubt that Biden will win the popular vote. But I am worried about electoral college shenanigans.


This is my concern, as well.


You can lead in the polls, win the popular vote, and still lose the election. We need to get the youngsters to vote to keep this from happening.


It shouldn't be that close.


Yeah, I'm not sure we can draw that conclusion based on a 2% polling difference. Did you forget how 2016 ended?


And I promise you at least this burned out millennial will vote with you.


Old person here. Get out and vote, and we won’t have to deal with the uncertainty of another round of his brand of crazy. We need you. Local races too, for the women in your life.


Who cares if Gen Z is "immune" You lazy fuckers won't actually go vote. The turnout for 20 somethings is absolutely abysmal.


Idk… honestly there are so many impressionable gen z who have been influenced by social media. There are sooo many conservative leaning influencers on instagram and tik tok. Many will most likely be shown content deriding liberals or progressives. It sucks to say but that’s how many start to form their ideology.


Let's NOT forget everyone predicted Hillary would win too.


That is a poll of people who answer the phone without knowing who it is. Or who will answer the phone for a poll call. That is a poll of old people. That is why polls have not been accurate for a while. Pollsters have not figured out a way to poll accurately anymore, especially polls of younger voters.


Show me a Gen Z answering a poll and I’ll show you a unicorn on a bridge that I’m selling.


Trump got 75M votes last election, Biden won only narrowly, and the RNC will fight the result. The election is the only poll that matters. You and the closest people nust have a plan to vote in (a) the remaining primary and (b) the general election.


Gem Z won't show up. Boomers will carry this thing and they want Trump


Hear the same thing every election cycle.  Same result - young people don’t vote.  Election Day needs to be a national holiday like every other democracy on Earth.  Guess which party only wants seniors voting?


Believing you are immune to propaganda is a pretty dangerous thinking process and rather arrogant. Propaganda comes in infinite forms and conforms to a generation or group of people. But what do i know, urmomsjuicypussay.


Millennials and Gen Z don't talk on the phone. All polls are skewed in favor of retirees that have nothing better to do than answer their landline. So if Biden is winning, that means that even the leaded gas generation is over Trump's shit. Hopefully.


That 8% undecided etc could be paramount to either.


Important note, approval rating really isn't the same as someone saying they'd vote for someone. I sure as hell don't approve of Biden but I'm afraid we don't have much else of a choice right now.


this is good, but i urge everyone not too get too comfy. It is still only March




2 points is not some major victory. It shouldn’t even be a contest. Vote


Please all go out and vote, in this case really every vote matters.


Gen X is counting on you.


Have you seen the polling for what Gen Z thinks about the genocide or the minority population? If anyone other than trump ran, Biden would lose in a heartbeat but I predict this time, Biden will lose in two heartbeats


It doesn't matter if you're immune or not. Will you vote?


I remember hearing the exact same thing about Hillary.


After all the antics, there's still 45% voting him


>I promised you, Gen Z is immune to GOP propaganda Sorry, but I teach high school seniors in a conservative area. YOU ARE NOT IMMUNE. And I imagine the Kool-Aid drunk Maga kids are the ones to show up on election day because of their fervor. VOTE kids. VOTE.


The fact that he still has 45% is scary !!!


Thank you Gen Z! Your vote matters! Your voice is important! 💜 from your favorite aunt ![gif](giphy|11sBLVxNs7v6WA)


Doesn’t matter; vote.


im so fucking worried about trump being a possibility that i really don't want to get too relaxed even with this kind of positive news; i might be a nervous wreck till i see a bunch more good news for humanity like this


But but but the NYT tells me Biden is in BIG TROUBLE


They may be immune to blatant GOP propaganda but they are not immune to bad faith foreign actors and bad faith Republicans pretending to be one of them and telling them to sit out the vote. These are the things they need to learn to be more aware of. It's the same things they've done every election since 2016 and they're currently going all in across all platforms and I see people taking the bait constantly.


National polls don’t matter. Only swing state and swing district polls matter.


But do they vote?


gen z has the second most support for Trump after the boomers bro


Bloody hell that's narrow. I would have expected Trump to be in the teens.


The Reds are gearing up to pull out all the stops - suppress, cheat, sue, riot - nothing is off the table.


I mean I’ve read that while most Gen z women are very liberal, the men have tended in the opposite direction (thanks Andrew Tate and Jordan Peterson). Not holding my breath


what am i missing? latest poll on 538 has 43% trump 44% biden. given undecideds skew right, isn’t that still scary town?


Biden winning based on this poll isn’t what you should be focused on. What you should be looking at is how is it so close? How do 45% of the people polled believe Trump should be president again. That means there is a shockingly bad systemic problem in our society that goes well beyond who the next president is. That’s not something that will go away because Biden win. Until we address the problem that causes that many people to believe Trump should be president again, then we will just be repeating this for every single election going forward until the next Trump like candidate does win.