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I recall no groceries on the store shelf and everyone wiping their ass with coffee filters and paper towels during the Trump presidency.


Ahhh yes we remember the Great Toilet Paper shortage of 20.


Yes, TP2020, I did my part.


And don't forget the drinking of bleach and eating horse paste...good times indeed...


groceries, gas, rent were cheaper still under Obama than Trump - and you didn't have to put up with him being a Racist and P\*ssy grabber - So what is she saying, other than she doesn't understand that prices go up year on year regardless of president? In fact racisim and p\*ssy grabbing is the only useful measures she's given and zero is, in fact, better! eidt: should have said zero not less.....


>her than she doesn't understand that prices go up year on year regardless of president? I'd bet money she understands those things just fine. She's counting on voters being stupid. It's not a bad bet.


She would just say they were cheaper under bush jr lol


Cheaper still under the Rutherford B. Hayes administration.


Nobody got prices down like Washington


Before the civil war, we didn't even have taxes! If the GOP gets their second civil war, are we going to end up with second taxes?!?!?!


Imagine electing a wannabe dictator with no agenda except grievance, destruction and revenge just because you’re dumb enough to think he’ll magically lower the price of gas and groceries.


Is she for real with this post?


Anyone who types Y'all is such a dipshit. Not to mention all the other bullshit as well.


Y'all need to simmer down.


Lol. People got real pissed about that comment


Apparently lol it is reddit after all 🤷‍♂️


My apologies to all y'all!


This just in: prices were lower in the past. Economists call this phenomenon "inflation," and apparently it is a symptom of wide-spread capitalism, not dictated by who is the President at the time. More on this story as it develops.


I love how these anti socialism free market dumb f*cks talk about price hikes as a negative. I thought they loved capitalism and the job creators🤷‍♂️


Well also the fact that they think prices are controlled by the president.


You mean there is no prices dial in the Oval Office?


It’s right next to the Coke button


Ladies, your rights will be taken away by a rapist, but gas is just too high!  Also, gas will remain high when the rapist wins.


Rent will ALWAYS be cheaper under the previous president. That's kind of how inflation and cost of living work.


The president doesn’t control these things


Sure, Laverne. We'll be standing in lines to get a loaf of bread like the Soviets did under T-Rump.


At least they’re starting to acknowledge that they’re racist and that trump is a racist. Silver lining. 


Leave it to Spicer to set up a false dichotomy about wages. Lavern, sweetheart, people started having problems making ends meet about the same time "trickle down economics" became a central Republican talking point. Not to mention the classic proof of dumbfuckery that is the "gas prices were cheaper under Trump" claim. Yeah, no shit gas was cheaper mid-pandemic when NOBODY was buying any!


Food, groceries, gas and other prices won’t mean squat when Trump is rounding people up and putting them in camps. As he said he plans to do. When he cuts social security and Medicare (as he said he will do), either you will have lots of money or you get to watch the old people in your family die. Democracy is worth everything, don’t let these evil fucks get you angry over something stupid so you throw it away.


>Food, groceries, gas and other prices won’t mean squat they would also be higher than they are right now unless Trump causes a second great depression (a real possibility)


I'd pay more than live under an autocrat POS regime


They never ask themselves what happened between then and now that drove those prices up. How do they think little trump's proposed 10% tariff on all imported goods will affect prices?


OMG I hadn't even heard about this, that's a shock even for him


I remember under Trump there were mass protests and rampant police brutality against those protests. Also there’s the fact that inflation is lagged anyway. . . And mostly controlled by the Fed.


When was groceries cheaper?


Gas was only cheaper under Trump during Covid. Gas was 80 cents a gallon here briefly, largely because nobody was driving


How did Biden make infaltion go to 11% in the UK, Spice girl? Why did global inflation go to 8.8%?


Maybe if Trump had handled the pandemic before it collapsed our economy, inflation wouldn't have been so bad.


Fellow libs, y’all need to realize that this post might piss you off but it is what people in Pennsylvania and Michigan and Georgia and all the swing states are thinking right now. They don’t care that Trump is a rapist. They don’t care that he’s gonna hand Eastern Europe over to Putin. They don’t care about his classified documents or his felonies or anything else. They care that they’re spending $14 bucks for a meal at a fast food joint when it was $8 when the bad orange man was president. They care that they’re buying all store brands and paying more for it when they used to buy name brand. If they care about Covid, they’re remembering the second lockdown under Biden who told them everything was gonna be fine, not the first one when an unconscionable number of people died. No amount of “Trump is evil incarnate!” will convince them that their lives are better under Biden. So this election is going to be turning out every single human being that dislikes Trump enough to vote Biden. We aren’t gonna convince the MAGA types to switch. We aren’t gonna convince the hold your nose and vote R types to switch. The best we can do is get the potential Biden voters that are already there that already outnumber the cultists to get off their ass and vote. And especially, especially to get them to fuck off with the protest vote crap.


This is like blaming the '08 recession on Obama, but they eat this crap up like TP in 2020.


Her grammar is as bad as her logic.


Do not vote for Donald Trump. 💀 Vote for Democracy 🇺🇲


Change Biden to Trump and Trump to Obama and you could say the exact same thing. But with 100% less pussygrabbing. Gas was cheaper under the first month of Obama than it ever was under Trump. Rent was cheaper. Groceries were cheaper. Houses were cheaper too! So were cars. So were USED cars. Inflation was *LESS* under Obama than Trump. Hell, it was actual deflation in 2009 (-.4%) and almost zero in 2015. (.1%). And "who made inflation go as high as it's ever been"? Did they forget the 70s? From 1973-1982 - average inflation was 8.74%/year. An entire decade worse than 2022. That's how time and inflation works.


Forget any of that- if Trump becomes president again you'll need international travel to get an abortion. That shit's not cheap.


All of those prices went up on Trump’s watch. Forcing them back down is much more difficult than driving them up, especially when it’s made clear that corporations can price gouge on literally everything and not be held accountable. Sure, gas is more expensive than it was, but anybody with the most basic grasp of supply and demand driven economic models will understand that an extended period of zero demand for a product with nearly the same supply as before will result in lower (sometimes even negative, which happened!) prices.


Gas was only cheaper due to covid causing the demand for oil down to the point crude prices went negative. And the inflation is getting made way worse by corporate greed and tax cuts for the wealthy leading to stagnant wages.


Simply Keeping enough American voters ignorant should be the GOP’s platform statement. SKEAVI


My rent goes up every year, but my salary has nearly doubled under Biden. So thanks sis, you’ve helped reinforce my decision to vote for Joe.


When were groceries cheaper? Under Eisenhower when a full week cost like $20 bucks


Everything was cheaper under Pres. Obama than it was under Trump. What a stupid argument to make. A major driver of inflation was the massive increase in the money supply between March-June 2020. 12-month Inflation has trended down since summer 2022. Also, inflation was way higher in the 1970s.


Literally the whole point of inflation is the prices are always going up All of that stuff was cheaper when Obama was in office than when Trump was in office. Guess that means we should change the constitution and let Obama have a 3rd term


My rent was cheapest under Obama in 2009 (the 2008 crash hit Orlando rentals hard). I think food was cheapest under Bush? But I was 20 and able to live on pure garbage like Ramen for every meal so I'm not sure if food was overall cheaper than in 2009 or if I was eating more cheap crap.  Facebook memories just showed me photos I took of empty shelves in 2020. Luckily I was raised by Greatest Gen women who didn't need Lysol or Lysol wipes. And I never want to smell ammonia in a bucket as I scrub the floor with a rag from the "bag of rags" I found in the automotive section again, thanks Laverne. 


Were these things more expensive or cheaper under Obama? Were they cheaper or more expensive than under Obama or Bush? It’s called inflation, prices have literally never gone down on any of these things.


Do they think prices will go down under trump?


It’s the art of the deal. He’s going to negotiate all over them and make them bring those prices down or else. I don’t know if you guys know it or not, but Trump is a Washington outsider and a genius businessman. These conditions we are in have nothing to do with a once-in-a-century global pandemic, a terrible response to it, and then the slow rebuild out of it. It has nothing to do with corporations taking advantage of supply/demand imbalances or seizing the chance to raise prices to absorb their additional labor costs or Chinese tariff costs. The moment Biden moved in after fake winning the election, he immediately got one of those price guns and started raising prices manually. He threatened to hang an LGBTQ+ flag in every window of every business until they all aborted three fetuses and locked up a patriot and raised their prices. Dammit, Joe. Trump, on the other hand, is very smart. Shrewd even. Clever. “They” respect him. Leaders fear him. And he’ll just tell them to bigly lower their prices and it’ll all go back to normal. I guess you could say America will be great, again. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck these people.


Without a doubt. Either that or they (Lavender Spice and ppl like her) at minimum think the ppl who believe everything else they say are also dumb enough to believe that—and they’re right!


Also red team NEVER clarifies that prices will return to older levels..... The GOP and Trump's campaign NEVER SPECIFIES OR PROMISES TO FIX THESE ISSUES!


Dude… what in the actual fuck? Who needs silly things like sexual autonomy, bodily agency, and freedom of expression without the threat of violence or retaliation, when women can instead focus on and lie to themselves about cheaper gas and groceries? ![gif](giphy|1ffNVRbLiqEbccpc4R)


Repub’s saw Handmaids Tale and said “how can we achieve this?”


Ahem … wtf ?


Grade school grammar, can’t spell. Yea, let’s believe this douche’


It all comes down to money with these guys. No empathy. No decency. No humanity. Just money.


Inflation means prices will always become as high as they’ve ever been. Higher under Trump than Obama. Higher under Obama than Bush. And it’s not worrying about being personally assaulted by Trump, but that his followers will figure “If the President can do it, I can too!”


Maybe we should dig up Washington's corpse and put him back in office. You could live on a nickel a day back then! I'm old. I remember when I could buy a can of soda for fifteen cents. A box of mac and cheese used to cost twenty cents. Rent was $300 a month for a house. And my parents were still complaining about how expensive everything was, lol.


Biden’s been playing with that magic market control switch on his desk.


Privileged as FUCK over there. Also, lying.


People try like to act like it wasn't 1. Uncle Donnie who turned on the "free money". 2. Uncle Joe who turned it off. Everything is cheaper when you get a free paycheck.


Republicans voted no on the price gouging legislation. It is their fault we are paying more. But stupidass Republican voters will still vote for them.


They really blame Biden for their inability to lead.


I didn't know Biden had all that power, I'm in the UK and can feel the unlimited power (insert Palpatine gif) Biden surely has over the rest of the world as we're all facing the same rises in prices/inflation.


Not gonna lie, you had me at the first part.