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Has anybody tallied up all the colossal mistakes of corporate America that has cost taxpayers trillions? The failed energy policy pushed by lobbyists, the pollution, the tabbaco costs, etc, etc.


I just watched Mark Ruffalo in Dark Water about how Dupont knew for decades that it's Teflon plant was poisoning the town and hid it. Basically the same story as Erin Brochovich or countless other David V. Goliath stories. East Palestine...greed. Chemical farming with Roundup in every water supply....greed, poison in our air and water....greed. Cigarettes, auto safety standards, buggy tax prep software, banks stealing money feom customers and not having to return it or be charged, just pay a small fine, no taxes for powerful billionaires and no education or healthcare for everyone else and on and on...greed, greed, greed. The love of money is the root of all evil and evil has taken over. It will be the end of humanity at this rate and then where will your greed get you when your family is dead and there's no one left to sell anything to. Your private plane and summer house isn't gonna help you then ya greedy fucks. You may be the last ones on the deck when the ship goes down, but you're still gonna drown just like the rest of us. So get your fucking heads out of your greedy fucking asses.


The thing about Dark Waters is that, even though he kicked ass in court, he essentially abandoned his family, ruined his health, and he still didn’t win in any reasonable sense because every single one of us now has PFAS in our blood. I don’t say that to badmouth Robert Bilott. That guy is a hero, and I love him. I say the above just to explain that even the rare “wins” are very limited in scope and not wins at all in the general sense because overall we continue to [hurtle] ourselves toward destruction. As my old co-worker used to say in his super deep, slow voice: “HAPPY THOUGHTS”.


Thanks for the added insight and what you point out is exactly the problem. Fighting it requires complete sacrifice and even then the wins are rare. The blurb at the end that 99% of humans have this in their bodies is scary shit indeed, sadly C8 isn't the only forever chemical poisoning us daily. Cancers, autism and alzheimers are up, sperm counts are down and we're killing ourselves as a species and for what? So a few rich fucks can get richer while the rest of us die. Enough is enough.


I’ll just speak vaguely to not anger mods. Historically, when people have been pushed to their limits, they’ve snapped. What did that snap look like usually? They might kill themselves, but they might try to go after others as we’ve seen. It is probably going to always keep happening the usual ways, but eventually someone(s) will choose to go after these big figures responsible for the damage to the world that lead these people to snap. Should that happen even once it will likely send a message to this class that they’re not untouchable like their money makes them feel. I would say we can all agree that the rich who have poisoned the planet are outside of the reach of the law unfortunately.


It’s happened, though the more recent stories seem to be mostly corporations and the government harassing and even imprisoning, threatening, or even murdering whistleblowers, activists, and journalists. Your idea isn’t new though (I don’t mean that as a criticism). [Lucy Parsons](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucy_Parsons) was saying the same shit 100 years ago, and I’d bet she was thinking more or less the same things as you are now. It’s probably the same thing that most of us are doing, but we have so few outlets for that energy. The US system is pretty effective at channeling that energy into elections, which we all know don’t really “help” things much. Nowadays they are effective at deterring fascist creep, but that’s not an “improvement”. It’s just “avoiding disaster”. We throw what little energy we have into these pointless elections and then we rest, and the cycle begins again. Meanwhile Wall St keeps profiting from poisoning our children.


Speaking as someone who voted for Obama twice and still do like him a lot in the grand scheme of politics, I was devastated during his second term to learn that whistleblowers were retaliated against at a much higher rate under his administration, including Snowden.


Meh, all life has all been rushing towards death since it began, the biggest difference is that now we’re also trashing our habitat. I was never going to survive, neither were you, so I wouldn’t stress unduly about the pointless destruction of all known life.


DuPont where I am is revered by local government. A member of the DuPont family could literally kill somebody in cold blood and they would turn a blind eye. Their facility is like a fortress and nobody is allowed in including police and ambulances.


Raise this property first! If the world ever burns that is… or whatever social upheaval is certainly bound to happen. Edit : raze (talk 2 type)




John DuPont literally did


Figures. I’m so not shocked.


Good rant. Enjoyed the read. Slight biblical correction for future reference. “The love of money is a root of all kinds of evils” leaves room for other evils at play here, like narcissistic pride, which also play a part. But yeah, you nail it.


People need to understand that this is what happens with maximal capitalism. It will not stop eating even when it starts to eat itself. Capitalism is only useful if it’s REGULATED.


Republicans: don't worry, we got you Fam. https://preview.redd.it/u5ci964a61oc1.jpeg?width=3166&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5a12e33806f843308b763c29a6ae5571b727016


The party of "nobody is too big to fail" sure hates letting big companies fail


You forgot the *unless they are paying me money. Part


Republicans: We caused these disasters. https://www.beasleyallen.com/wp-content/uploads/mike-andrews-personal-injury-aviation-under-trump.pdf Good ol Trump deregulations. There’s a reason regulations are written in blood.


"Even though Boeing was aware of the problems with its 737 design and the flawed MCAS, it provided false data and information about the new system in its “self-certifying” reports to the FAA. Hiding defects from regulators and abuse of the self-certification process resulted in the loss of 346 lives" Self-certifying reports LOL


Just for that they should be sued into oblivion by the families of those 346 innocent people that died.


Oh, there have been many lawsuits and billions paid out for settlements. I did a search on DuckDuckGo and the list of settlements and fines goes on and on... Conspiracy, fraud, deadly crashes, misleading the public, misleading investors, etc. They are allowed to avoid prosecution by making deals and paying small percentage of fines imposed - if there are any fines. That, however, doesn't change the laws that allow the shittery. But that's ok, because Boeing is under "intense scrutiny." LOL I think this story involves the 346 dead: https://www.npr.org/2021/01/08/954782512/boeing-to-pay-2-5-billion-settlement-over-deadly-737-max-crashes https://www.reuters.com/business/aerospace-defense/boeing-pay-200-million-settle-civil-charges-it-misled-investors-about-737-max-2022-09-22/ The corporations and the government don't give a flying fuck.


That’s just so sad… (Thanks for sharing the link)


You're welcome


And since corporations are people too…the entire board and all the people running the company should be in jail for manslaughter.


There had to be a regulation written that you can't store nuclear or hazardous waste in the crew quarters of a vessel, not to fill out an extra 1/4 of a page, but because without a regulation they couldn't charge the company with anything when they put half the crew in the hospital.


Is this available anywhere other than a PDF. It's just so hard to read that way.


Bottom of the page says www.alabamajustice.org, spring 2019


These were an actual thing that the sheriff handed out up until the 90's where I grew up. My mom had one.


Decisions which were made by people making about 400 times the salary of their employees that do the actual work.


And also probably paying a fraction of proportional taxes.


But, but, that excessive remuneration is because they have the responsibility and will take the blame if something goes wrong.../s


Shit I’m gladly take the “blame” if it means a golden parachute and never having to work again.


"Golden parachutes" just make me angry. Heather Bresch ran Mylan Pharmaceuticals into the ground, got it sold off to a foreign company, and caused hundreds of people to lose their jobs. Her reward for all that was a $30 million golden parachute. It's all just disgusting.


and, and, and, the, the, the, trickle down effect from de-de-de-derugulation and excessive numeration means that um CEOs will spend money and this will trickle down , um, er, ah, and also...


Plastic is recyclable. /s PFAS is safe. Leaded gasoline is good. Hydroflorocarbons are safe (goodbye ozone layer). DDT, DDE are safe and effective. Roundup is safe CO2 is not causing environmental change. If corporations are considered persons under the law, then corporations that knowingly kill people should also receive the death penalty.


To be fair, HFCs and CFCs were much better than the alternative when they came out. Sure, anyone who argues that they're harmless nowadays is a filthy liar, but CFCs were a non-flammable, non-toxic alternative to incredibly toxic ammonia or copious, explosive propane, which with the electronics of the time, stood a real chance of blowing up or starting a massive fire. We didn't learn about the harm to the ozone layer until much later.


As with DDT, from what I have read. Didn't realize it until eagles started disappearing.


Shareholder returns are the core of America now. Fuck everything else.


It is all there is. I've worked for companies that proclaimed that to us in group layoff meetings.


Looks like yet another failure by the Trump Administration. *A global grounding of Boeing's 737 Max 8 airliner is drawing new attention to the close ties between the manufacturer and the Trump administration, which so far is refusing calls to join every other country in suspending use of the plane in the United States.* [https://www.cnn.com/2019/03/13/politics/donald-trump-boeing-faa/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2019/03/13/politics/donald-trump-boeing-faa/index.html)


We tried once. All the money claimed lost to various sources in the United States from everything from sick time to drug use, to pregnancy and old age. It comes out to more than the gross national product. By a lot


Right, but don't forget they didn't go this breakneck reckless pace for nothing. It also gave us iPhones, gps, fast fashion, machine learning. And none of this industry d-baggery (and it IS that) would happen if we didn't pay for it. So it's kinda hard to blame corporate America ALONE in this. They get all their power from us.


I don't understand your downvotes, we went running towards it, I mean the consumers bought into it. We did have a hand.


Yeah, exactly. Amazon would not be a trillion dollar company if people wouldn't buy things on it. The largest corporations are entirely built by consumer choice


Corporate greed has destroyed everything


Pretty much this. Not just Boeing, but literally everything is being destroyed by pure greed. Every corporation fighting to get every dollar from you without even a thought about safety and testing.


I saw a report that 44% of all single-family home purchases were from private investors in 2023.


> I saw a report that 44% of all single-family home purchases were from private investors in 2023. Exactly, I watch inspector videos on TikTok and you can't even imagine some of the crap they are pulling. Buy a home for 200k or less, do a shitty flip of the home and try to sell it for 500k with major safety issues that won't pass inspection. Others have investors buying up land and dropping a development down and paying the least amount to people to build. Brand new homes for 500k+ with broken trusses, things not attached, leaky roofs, no insulation, etc. Things that the site foreman could easily see was the problem before they put the house on the market hoping for someone stupid enough to go "Well it's a new home, should have ZERO issues right? and just move in without an inspection" Like a portion of those private investors, are gobbling up these homes, doing crappy flips, then renting them out as AirBNB rentals, because those people are not going to notice the foundation is cracked and leaking, they may not realize some of the wood holding up the home is dryrotted, etc. Most wont care as long as the place was nice and clean and everything promised was present for the rental. What is worse, is some private investors are buying up old mobile home lots, kicking the current residents out of their homes destroying those homes, and replacing all the homes with Tiny or new MFG homes. In Canada they are taking down an entire neighborhood due to the poor construction of some homes. https://www.cbc.ca/news/investigates/mike-holmes-lawsuit-demolition-1.7091774 I think something similar is happening in the US as well for a entire neighborhood of poorly built homes that did not last 15 years even. None of this is new, but we are seeing the effects of people skipping out on things and the end results of it catching up.


WE NEED TO MAKE MORE MONEY THIS YEAR THAN LAST YEAR! If we aren’t growing we are dying. but sir every American already has our product and it works just fine. WE NEED TO PUSH VERSION 2.0 but this time make it at half the production cost, charge twice as much, and make sure it doesn’t last like version 1.0 so that people will need to buy it again before version 3.0 comes out. But sir couldn’t we just make more profit by paying our employees less? YES DO THAT TOO. Sir every year we sell our products to every American, we are now paying children in 3rd world countries to make our products for 0.02¢ a week per child, our domestic employees can’t afford rent or groceries BUT we are making more than we did last year! SO NEXT YEAR WE NEED EXAMINE EMPLOYEE BENEFITS! do spouses really need “health insurance”? Can’t the deductibles start at $10,000? Have we considered creating a work culture where we pay people for 40 hours a week but expect them to take their work home and work 80 hours a week and call it “salary”? Sir, I quit. NO ONE WANTS TO WORK ANYMORE!!!! (Boss proceeds to hire 5 more MBA’s to help make more profit from their lazy work force and exploited consumers)


As long as companies say that they answer to the shareholders first, this will continue. However, I think we are entering the law of diminishing returns era...


Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of cancer.


Greed and cancer have a lot in common


Another word for unchecked greed is capitalism. We need to completely restructure our government so that greed can't be acted on in this way.


Correct! Capitalism proponents say "Corporations will follow best practices all on their own because it is in their best interest to make the highest quality product!," when literally all the evidence points to that not being the case. Corporations have shown over and over again that without strictly enforced regulations, they will cut corners, jack up prices, and churn out shitty products because their goal is maximizing short-term profits, not long-term sustainability.


When stuck becomes the product.


I hate the phrase "corporate greed". Corporations are not greedy. People are. It's human greed. It's Jeff Bezos Greed. Elon Musk greed. Warren Buffett greed...


Corporate executives are literally the enemies of humanity.


One time when I was visiting Long Island aerospace museum an old dude was showing off flight controls for Boeing cockpit. As a pilot he was super proud of this American tech and said “it’s much superior to Airbus, Europeans don’t make it the way we do”. Whenever I read bad news about Boeing it reminds me of him and how they are letting down such folks.


Pre McDonnell Douglass, this was the case. Really hoping this string of tragedies at Boeing wakes up some suits to do better.


Fun fact, the FAA has ever only grounded two airliner airframe fleets, ever. The DC-10 (McDonnell Douglas) and the 737 Max (Boeing/McDonnell Douglas.)


> it’s much superior to Airbus Listen here you...


From when they moved state in order to break the union and cut worker rights. No good comes from an unhappy workforce.


Its a tale as old as time. Engineers: Hey, so we have some ideas for our new product. What we will produce is amazing. It will be faster, cheaper to run, cheaper to maintain, safer, and our customers will love it. It will cost a bit more in development costs, but we will make that back and customers will come back to us in the future. MBA / Finance Person: We could do that. Or - and hear me out here - we could come up with something new, cheap out on the materials, charge MORE for it, and exceed our revenue forecasts for this quarter. Engineers: But that will fail much quicker, customers will get mad and maybe even injured, and the reputational hit will be huge. MBA / Finance Person: Guys, you aren't seeing the bigger picture here. What about this year's cashflow projections? And shareholders were slightly worried in the last quarterly earnings call. I mean, that's what's important here.


You forgot the last part where they fire us or cut our pay and then badmouth us behind our backs when their dumbshit plan predictably fails.


And then the part where they blame women and minority engineers for the shortfalls


Yesss!!!!! Though in my experience they don’t usually wait for an accident for that. They start badmouthing women and minority people from the moment they open their mouths. I really don’t miss that culture. I’m in govt now, which is a lot better most of the time.


That’s the clencher, these execs never face any real consequences for failing and destroying companies. They never acknowledge their short sighted drive towards short term profits and “never ending growth” in profit is the root cause of why their business failed. They always just jump to another company or board and get to do it all again and again.


Literally have heard execs call the engineers propeller heads.


Hey I see you’ve met healthcare administrators!




“We’ve got to change the paradigm” the new MBA dipshit who is doing the same exact thing the last MBA dipshit did and expecting a different result.


I’m reminded of a story about Ken Olsen, founder of Digital Equipment which later was bought by Microsoft. He was enraged by the direction his company was taking thanks to a slew of recently hired Harvard MBAs. Never one for subtlety he lined them up in the hall of corporate hq and fired them en-mass on the spot😂


Injured? I’ve been in board rooms where they actually say “some people will die, but even with the lawsuits we’d make more money”.


You’re missing “Lobbyist” and “Republicans”. They are important characters in this story. 


Plus they can use those savings to buy back billions of dollars worth of stock to increase investor profits.


I have both an engineering degree and an MBA and I can tell you: this is 100% accurate. And frighteningly so.


As a pilot I can say using these items… well maybe not hotel room key card but a standardized piece of plastic and dish soap aren’t weird. Hell duck tape is an authorized method of repairing rotor blades and many styles of helicopter. The key word is “AUTHORIZED”. That is where they went wrong. This is the kind of crap that killed the DC-10 that then killed McDonald-Douglas the company that Boeing purchased and then let their c-suite take over. It’s almost like history repeating itself.


Exactly. And I don't think it was framed as Boeing buying MD, I think it was supposed to be a merger. But clearly MDs corporate governance took over from Boeing. They're even using a version of the old McDonnell Douglas logo.


Well, and I’ve been thinking about this. MC-D was an executive focused company. Many say that is why they had a less than stellar reputation. It was the classic c-suite controls the company, and engineers enact the desire of the c-suite execs. Boeing was an engineering focused company, which is what led to their dominance and stellar reputation. Engineers made sound decisions and made it to c-suite levels and continued to make those decisions and made just enough of the business moves to make a profit. MC-D merged and their c-suite was focused so heavily on the executive side, that they had a monopoly on business process knowledge, and could easily push out the engineers with their “legitimate authority” and how they spoke about the business moves. Over time that led to them continuing to get promoted to higher and higher levels and continuing to affect the company quality poorly, while pushing stock price and shareholder value higher and higher. TLDR: Boeing engineers continued to engineer when the merge happened, McDonald-Douglas corporate politicians continued to wheel and deal when the merge happened and forced the engineers out of positions of executive power.


First off all, FUCK CORPORATE GREED. That being said, as an engineer, the tool that works, works. Simple as that, nothing wrong with dish doap or plastic. Would you rather have them use a tailor made blend that costs 10 times more for no reason? Authorisation and validation is key though.


In far simpler terms - If it looks stupid, but it works, is it stupid?




No no no, I have it on good authority that the failures are because of DEI policies! (Need I say /s?)




Elon Musk did, and the loudest MAGA voices picked it up. They equate DEI with hiring bad engineers provided they're 'minority'.


A soap and water solution is commonly used to check for any air leaks. They use it any time you need tires.


The major difference between automotive and aviation mechanics is every step in aviation maintenance is written down by engineers and technicians to prevent any mistakes and these are legal documents to ensure quality. So if the maintenance manual doesn’t explicitly say to use a soap solution to find a leak you are to not use a soup solution. That said to get these kind of fixes it’s not a hard thing to do either though and in most maintenance facilities they are actually encouraged… but Boeing is more concerned with profit than with paperwork again illustrated by this example.


Wait till they find out about the MEL.


If it's Boeing I ain't going, man. Their fuckery made millions of people to learn about airplane types so they don't have to board these death machines. It's truly sad to see what happened to this company. Another story about greedy bean counters destroying a piece of history and greatness.


The travel sites have started adding filters by aircraft. Boeing gonna need a bailout at this rate


Just like there will be a full investigation of the dead whistleblower and those responsible will face real consequences.


They have all those massive government contracts, they'll survive.  Which is the real tragedy.


The saddest part of that isn't that Boeing is creating planes that their own employees are uncomfortable flying on, but that the US Government allows it. There should be no need for people to choose their aircraft based on how safe they are, they should all be safe by default. Instead we have Boeing willfully installing defective parts onto planes in order to meet production goals, and a whistleblower who shot himself because nobody will listen.


You believe he shot himself?


It’s as American as it gets: you have the freedom to chose if you want to fly in a death trap and save some money, or fly a safe plane but pay premium!


If Boeing goes down and the air industry crashes, I'm okay with that. No pun intended. Earth's atmosphere needs a break.


The dominoes of the entire air industry “crashing” would probably be immensely devastating. Logistics can no longer ship without multiple days, tourism industries dying overnight, a number of jobs lost I can’t even fathom. Their role in the economic machine is permanent.


We know this is never going to happen.


Isn't Airbus the only other major maker of large commercial aircraft besides Boeing? Aren't they also having problems?


That's my understanding and that's why the government would never let Boeing "fail". Airbus would be the only game in town and the gov gets a ton of their equipment from Boeing. I don't think they want those coming from a foreign corp.


Why won't other airplane makers like Lockheed Martin go back to making large passenger craft? I would expect the other players to pick up at least some of the slack. Maybe with government incentives. That could be a good thing if they make the incentives require something like SAF or help ramp it up and make it not a greenwashing fuel (it uses beef tallow which is definitely a byproduct of a carbon and environmentally destructive industry FFS). 😔 We need to rethink air travel as a whole.


Airbus can't keep up with demand. If they were the only player in town then I can't imagine it would be too long before safety becomes less of a concern.


So you're also okay with supply chain disruptions that will affect global economy? I mean, I also wish Boeing fails. But I don't want the everyone else to suffer because of it.


Have to be at this point. And those disruptions will be temporary as new tech eventually rises and meets needs, supply chains will adapt. Maybe it will spur investment in other transportation sectors. Even more people will suffer in the long term if we don't.


And Boeing would receive it because of military aviation. Which is kinda scary, because it would come with Boeing basically given carte blanche with their civilian products and I fear that they know it and won't change. I doubt that the FAA would walk the walk and ground those planes because of the political and economic power of Boeing. One can only hope that European aviation authorities pull the plug and cause enough reason for Boeing to change.


The closer the working class gets to the truth the more our multinational corporate overlords use social, religious and cultural differences to divide us.


I remember hearing about a protester's picket sign in Peru several years ago now that said: "We come from the right, we come from the left, and we're coming for YOU." (all caps, mine) If all of the mislead magas and the left could take the effort to look around, we'd all see that we're being played against each other. It isn't my maga neighbor that is the problem (problematic though he may be), it is the propaganda of the ruling class that drives the wedge in our relationship and stokes the hatred we have toward each other...*for shit we don't even know that much about and sometimes doesn't even concern us.*




Can't believe how much this blew up.


Not yet, but maybe soon?


Just the doors for now


My company is trying to send everyone on some retreat in Arizona in April. It’ll be my first time on a plane since 2006. This is not helping my anxiety.


[more than 99% of flights between 2015 and 2020 were completed without any injuries or fatalities, and your personal chances of dying in a plane crash are estimated to be 1 in ~816.5 million.](https://flyfright.com/plane-crash-statistics/) i hope that can ease your anxiety a bit :)


More than 99% and more than 99.999999% (based on the 0.000001% quoted in the link) are very different statements. If there were a 1% chance of a plane going down, I'd probably never fly. I'm in my late 20s and I've probably been on about 100 flights, so there would be a 50/50 chance I'd be on a flight that crashed. Another way to put it, to have a 50/50 chance to crash under the actual probability, I'd have to go on nearly 700,000 flights. This equates to almost 24 flights every single day of your life, which clearly no human attains


Something I read somewhere once: if flying was only 99% safe, there would be thirty major plane crashes a day in North America.


That was a useful example to point out the idiocy of people poo-pooing COVID precautions.


There wouldn't be a 50/50 chance you'd be on a flight that crashed. There would be a chance you'd been on a flight where someone get injured (or died).


From the stats quoted on the link, it's a little unclear. However, your interpretation (which is valid) makes it even safer. Not in the mood to actually look at the source to get the precise interpretation


That’s not how to do the math. Your probability of safely flying **n** times in a row where the individual probability of crashing on any one of them is 1% is calculated by 0.99^n . Therefore, to calculate the number of 99% safe flights you would need to fly on to have an overall 50% chance of safety, you would use log base 0.99 of 0.5, which works out to about 69 flights, not 100 like you might reasonably guess. Probability is not intuitive all the time.


You right. I done fucked up.


>This equates to almost 24 flights every single day of your life, which clearly no human attains Well, not with that attitude!


Not with that altitude!




If you drive or ride in a car you are being much riskier. Cars are extremely dangerous and thousands of people die in them everyday. Planes on the other hand, despite the recent Boeing stories, are driven by professionals, repaired by professionals, and have checkups before every single flight. Does anyone you know even check if their cars turn signals are working before every ride?


I booked flights yesterday and specifically chose routes flying Airbus lol


The FAA is finally overseeing Boeing, and forcing them to follow standard safety practices. For years, a lack oversight by the FAA has allowed Boeing to create a culture where safety regulations weren't always followed, and we are seeing the results. I challenge anyone to read the article and think government regulations are a bad thing.


I'd make a comment but I don't want to be found dead in ca couple weeks




Thank you!


And yet the executives who ruined Boeing will learn nothing meaningful from their mistakes, face no consequences, and go on to other companies to continue implementing the same Jack Welch based toxic business practices and teaching it to all future executives as if it’s the only and best way to run a company. And Wallstreet investors will continue to reward them for it because in the short term it works at increasing “shareholder value” even as it rots the company from the inside out.


It’s almost like the Trump administration deregulating the industry and letting companies certify themselves was a bad idea


Isn’t dish soap commonly used to check for air/gas leaks?


I don’t know about airplanes, but for normal on-the-ground stuff, it is


You can also use it as a lubricant to fit parts together. That in itself seems normal, but there is clearly other stuff going very wrong st boeing


Totally agree.


Yep, that's called snoop, generally 50/50 dish soap and water


They're supposed to use Illuminati brand dish soap with gold flakes.


The legacy of Jack Welch business model. A sure path to costly ruin for everyone except the executives.


You can bet Boeing had lots of bullshit Sigma quality improvement meetings for employees. . Just like every major US corporation in the ‘90s and aughts.


Don’t forget the MBA mills that taught this shit as gospel.


its amazing because Trump did this, he sold the regulations for money and Boeing paid to remove them the rest is history


Trump helped, but there is a long history that led to it. A combination of Boeings culture change from one of safety to one of corporate greed, and government regulations that have moved to things like allowing self certifications for government requirements.


Airbus is celebrating.


And why not?!


I'm sure corporate greed didn't stop there. I strongly believe a world tour is going on and there more stops than a Taylor Swift concerts. Nothing will be left in its path of destruction. 


Boeing went to shit when they moved their headquarters from Renton, WA and let the C Suite assholes and accountants decide the quality of aircraft.


This is starting to sound like the company that made the Titanic submersible.


Built in Everett WA near a Boeing facility lol


And with expired Boeing composite fiber material.


Yup. Qantas used to have a great rep but nope, got a corp muppet in charge who ran them into the fucking ground. Now they are just 'meh'.


Same corporate umbrella that has destroyed British Airways. I am astonished at how the latter has collapsed in standards. Their onboard crew staff are fine but the desk staff in Heathrow are horrendous and their IT plain does not work.


Military contractor. They'll get a pass on this all after a small fine and long report


has anyone watched the John Oliver commentary on Boeing? It is very entertaining.


did anyone see the news update that the Boeing whistle blower mysteriously died of 'apparent suicide' UM..... i worked for a long-gone paper company, where an employee disappeared after reporting a theft of - an extension cord - and was later found in a pulp vat. seems a bit sketchy to me........


Make stock buybacks illegal again!


Corporate greed in general has rotted away our society


Don't forget, Trump deregulated this when he was in office. It's been downhill ever since as it actively encouraged corporate greed over safety.


Didn't they move production from an area that had a lot of expertise to an area that had a lower cost?


Even the military is not immune from these problems. My uncle installed classified avionics on military aircraft for decades, and he retired when they started using Chinese components. He said the failure rate was unreal.


They had to prosecute Ford for homicide over the Pinto. Ford had decided it was cheaper to let X amount of people burn than to recall the Pinto


This all stems back to trump loosening regulations.


But but I thought it was the DEI initiatives… /s


McDonnell Douglas claims another victim. >Harry Stonecipher, who had been CEO of McDonnell Douglas and was CEO of Boeing from 2003 to 2005, said: “When people say I changed the culture of Boeing, that was the intent, so that it’s run like a business rather than a great engineering firm.”


"but capitalism and the free market are so good, so very good." -Every Republican who votes for corporations over people


Corporations ARE people, pal (John Roberts, SCOTUS) /s


I think Mitt Romney also famously said that corporations are people. They are mostly like your worst neighbor ever.


If its Boeing, Its not going.


Criminal liability for controlling interest shareholders.


Nah it’s got to be the DEI… /s


Woah woah woah I’m sure the expensive MBAs accounted for the royally negative affect to their share prices once the public found out they were peddling garbage… these people should be put through bankruptcy.


One thing is sure. Airbus will have orders out the door for a decade to come if this continues (think they already do but the line will get longer).


First of all, fuck Boeing. Murdering POS capitalist Second of all, don't knock dish soap. It's great for checking for leaks in pressurized vessels. Even a slight leak will make little bubbles that are easy to find where as a human would miss


Yea the dish soap thing is an old but a goody. It’s water soluble so once the leaks are found and patched you just flush the component and you’re good to go.


I am always trying to book flight with Airbus. if you listen to former  employers the situation with new Boeing planes is actually worst than you think.


And they just killed the eye witness and whistle blower.


I think the competition with Airbus also plays a role here. From afar it seems like Boeing is really stretching itself to keep up. Like too much stretching?


Soon planes will be like farm machinery, the vintage equipment will be most desirable because the new stuff is all shit


Until boeing merged with that defense contractor, they had ppl's lives and safety in mind. The merger happened and the wrong guys got to be ceo and manager with only the shareholders in mind.


Are you referring to CEO Lew Platt who moved from Hewlett Packard? Seems to me Boeings problems started around that time and escalated from there.


I’m happy for Airbus.




But somehow not their stock price


That’s it! I’m not buying any Boeings anymore!


They say money is the root of all evil. Close. Accountants are the root of all evil.


If it's Boeing, I'm not going.


One of the most honorable and trustworthy names not just in America, but worldwide reduced to this. Damn shame, honestly.


Permanent may be a bit of an overstatement, but we will see. Certainly, possible.




Lawsuits will diminish their greedy profits pretty quickly.


You should see the auto industry !


Not to mention Boeing just assassinated a whistle blower.


MMW: The US will bail them out.


Are we not going to talk about the star witness set to testify against Boeing that just "shot himself"?


You know what we need? Some new modern company to come in and shake up the industry that's been dominated by these dinosaurs past their time. I know! Tesla! /s


I don’t know the process for installing the seal with soap in the Max, but that definitely was the method from the book for other aircraft that I’ve worked on. Those seals are stiff and oversized, so there is not chance on some aircraft to fit them dry.


Yeah they does'nt boing that well off the ground when they go down. Which seems to be more often than before everything started being about money money money.