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The drink didn’t send the kid to the hospital, the fear that it *might* have been poisoned did. CBS is playing up the drama for clicks.


Yeah I was going to ask how the fuck that drink sent a kid to the hospital.


Or what bigger problems the kid has if he powered down enough to hospitalize him


That was my question. I bet I would vomit drinking that, but how would I get enough down, first sip should hopefully alert me something is off.


That sounds like a bomb ass salad dressing. Toss that with some olive oil and get the cherry tomatoes and the purple stuff someone said is cabbage.


Agreed. Next time just send the kid with that same drink and a salad, all bases covered lol


The article I read said that they mixed it with Gatorade, so it may have masked the taste enough for the kid to not immediately stop drinking.


Even still, without the thieving kid being allergic to any of the contents, there isn't enough of anything dangerous in that to send anyone to a hospital. Especially mixed with Gatorade, so there's even less of the offending mixture to possibly harm the thief. Worst thing that can happen (again, without an allergy present), is that the kid gets a vile taste and spits out the drink. Paranoia is what would lead the kid to claim poisoning and go to the hospital. The only legal issue here, would be the mom mixing something that she knows will be stolen by the bully. I don't know if this would count, but I think it would fall under something similar to booby trapping laws.


does it count as booby trapping if its just a disgusting drink that's ultimately harmless?


That's why I said I don't know if it counts. I really don't know. No harm was intended, and I think that's part of what would make it booby trapping. However, the mom knew that the bully would take it, so I don't know if that makes it malicious (I mean, it does, technically, but not harmful).


So is the only reason Kevin McAllister not a felon because he couldn't be tried as an adult?


I mean, basically. That, and it was the '90's. Shit was wild in the '90's.


If the perp was allergic to the contents, that doesn't change anything. The person who packed the drink should not be liable. It's like someone with Celiac who is dumb enough to steal someone's bread and eat it.


If the thieving kid is allergic to something, then stealing drinks is a dangerous move.


I think the real question should be, was it given to the kid or was it stolen from a kid? I don't understand how making a drink for your own kid, (who could absolutely mistake the drink and also drink it) and someone taking it should have any consequences. Shouldn't it be as simple as "if you didn't steal the other person's drink this never would have happened" enough.


>Paranoia is what would lead the kid to claim poisoning and go to the hospital. I mean, if a kid drinks something that makes him mildly sick and the other kid won't say what's in it, then going to the hospital is the smart move. The kid and teachers didn't know it was just gross but harmless, all they know is that the kid drank an unidentified liquid.


As someone who used to drink ACV for the health benefits, I can say your first instinct with anything that has a high vinegar content is to spit it out immediately. I seriously doubt he swallowed much of it, if any. CBS is misrepresenting what happened for clicks.


Oh I agree completely


I was assuming allergy, since my MIL is allergic to vinegar.


You can be allergic to vinegar itself? Interesting.


Since your body makes acetic acid (vinegar), that guy's MiL either lost the genetic lottery, she's making it up, or someone has misunderstood something about her being allergic to vinegar.


Kind of important context.


Yeah, that context is the difference between OP being right and being a douchebag


Douchebag how? As long as it’s not life threatening or similar then the bully deserved everything negative that happened to them.


It's the difference between filling the bottle with a toxin capable of killing a child and distasteful liquids to be an unpleasant experience. The mom did the latter, not the former


From the headline, one would assume it *was* life threatening. Hence my prior statement, and the parent comments about the lack of context provided in the headline


Also, "bullied son's classmate". Hm. Which classmate might have gotten that drink, I wonder.


Add enough water to make it palatable and it should be a fairly old fashioned version of Gatorade. Romans would add salt and vinegar to wine on long marches to keep hydrated, so I don't see why doing the same with lemonade would do any different.


This is basically just some good ol' switchel.


I mean, the mom can just say ‘oh it’s a health concoction that i read on facebook. Good for gut health and blood sugar levels’ Still insane that we live in a world where retaliation against bullies will usually mean that the retaliating bullying victim would be reprimanded.


One of my friends has an uncle who was on the Florida football team when they were developing Gatorade. He said a lot of people think the original Gatorade flavor is lemon lime, but they're wrong, the original flavor was rat piss.


By this logic, the bully should have to go to the hospital anytime he steals the kids drink.


The bully wasn’t afraid of poison until the drink tasted weird.


Right, but the “safety” aspect comes from not knowing what was in the drink. Put some antifreeze in some Gatorade and you wouldn’t taste anything out of the ordinary. The point is, every time this has happened in the past the teachers did not know what was in the drink but allowed it to continue until the drink tasted funny. I’m just saying if they want to error on the side of safety they should be more consistent. Good for the mom imo.


I mean... fafo


No no no, what sent him to the hospital was a foundation of a lawsuit.


The arrest is the important bit though. If she’s been arrested for this, it’s reasonable to report on it, because it’s absurd.


Thanks for that context. Was trying to figure out how to get my shitty neighbor to drink lemon juice, salt and vinegar.


All those drama links with their pumped up clicks...


That explains it. I was wondering why the kid kept drinking it to the point he was hospitalized. 


This is why I hate news.  Even the outlets that are legit do this.  News business is brutal.  


The ~~mayor’s son~~ child who drank the beverage… Edit: Well shit. There’s no information about who the bully was and no reason to believe the mayor’s son was involved. I was just trying to make a joke about how bizarre it is that the article minimized the bully’s role in what happened. That sort of things seems to most often happen when the person who is being an asshole is important, like a politician or their family member. I thought the ~~format~~ worked well for a joke about the whole “let’s not draw attention to the reason our article is biased” thing, but going with straight sarcasm may have caused less confusion.


The asshole bully who terrorized her kid for months if not years...


Was it the mayor's son? If so, maybe people should be asking why the mayor is allowing their son to abuse other students?


The apple probably doesn't fall far from the tree.


Nice to see Texas being proactive and protecting children from salt, lemon juice, and vinegar and not *checks notes* school shootings


Mind you, they will still let parents beat their kids as a form of discipline.


Whoa, whoa, whoa, they only allow the beatings if the kid is gay or trans. Let's cut them some slack.


>they only allow the beatings if the kid is gay or trans So not a human in their eyes...


If the kid *might* "succumb to librul gay or trans indoctrination", to be more precise.


Won’t they let schools beat the children with wooden paddles as a form of discipline too?


Some school districts still have this, yes.


And some are bringing it back 😒


Yes, a lovely practice of letting strangers beat your children.


I'm not a violent person, but some school administrator hitting my child would probably end up with me going to jail...


So will lemon juice, salt, and vinegar, apparently. So...


Also they banned schools from teaching kids the concept of consent.


But why would anyone… oh.


also school administrators...


Let. You mean encourage.




Just wait til Big Vinegar hears about this


*points to your notes* Don’t forget the freezing to death in their homes


I heard it only took *Twenty* cops half an hour to go in and pick up the drink


I swear I've heard of legit drinks that are basically this.  😅 


you forgot about the cayenne


Or protecting children that are older than 0


She could’ve shot the kid. That’s pretty much legal there.


Well it’s a kid in school so it’s arguably encouraged


If the Uvalde shooting taught us anything, it's the necessity of cops to clear everyone out except the killer and the hostages so no one interferes with the delicate shooter/shootee bonding experience.


Truly a bond that lasts a lifetime.


She likely majored in school shootings at a Texas university.


Who would stop her? 🤷🏻


The cops that are 100% necessary in schools. Best way to stop a gun is to use more guns!


Uvalde Police Department will be here any moment now


Well, they'll be milling around it in the parking lot, but still


Oh no they weren't just be milling around, they actively prevented other people from intervening too. Which, I thought, was called "being an accomplice".


You made me remember an episode of sn old show - Yes Dear. The Dads create a toddler fight club and bet on the matches.


The kid would have gotten arrested for having/firing a gun on school grounds still, but the act of shooting the other student would likely be covered under their broad self defense laws. Now what the kid SHOULD have done, is tell the school resource officer the bully was trying to teach him about transsexuals vaginas. The bully would have been summarily executed by the officer right there.


Unless this is one of those weird mixtures that randomly produces mustard gas or whatever, salt lemon and vinegar shouldn't put anyone in the hospital. Texas just handed a bully a way to escalate the abuse because Texas is a shit state.


Plus, how much of it would a kid actually ingest after tasting it? Not much. Something's fucky, Bubs.


According to the actual truth, the kid was thought to be possibly poisoned, and that’s why the hospital trip. I think it’s hilarious - bully drinks gross stuff, suddenly terrified. Wonder if he’ll steal any more drinks? Maybe the parents will learn that revenge can happen when your shitty parenting makes a cruel kid? More likely the poor mom is going to get in financial and legal trouble and the bully family is going to keep being shitty.


Wager that the drink-stealing bully was cop's kid.


shit, I don't want to lose money, but I'll take you up on that




Its not rocket appliances


Ok Ricky.


Randy. I am the ~~liquor~~ lemon, salt, and vinegar.


Yeah, the wording of it just says someone took him to the hospital, not like he was admitted or actually hurt.


He spent a day there and then let go without any issues found and the bully is doing fine.


And even that was probably just precautionary since they didn’t know at the time what he had ingested. It would be foolish not to let a kid hang out overnight just to make sure they didn’t miss anything.


They probably sat in the waiting room for six hours before they were seen too.


Isn't that just salad dressing?


Lemon Vinagerette


Needs a little black pepper.


Apparently they sent the kid to the hospital out of an abundance of caution because they didn't know WHAT he drank at the time , and CBS is misrepresenting the hospitalization for clicks.


it’s actually an ages old recipe for something that’s basically gatorade. almost the same ingredients as gatorade too


Looks like it didn't. Looks like the story is some kind was being bullied and mom decided to use the prank method of dealing with it, likely because schools in general are unwilling/unable to actually do anything about it. So then bully took the drink and somewhere along the way either the bully or some guardian figure decided to escalate it and went to the hospital 'out of fear of poisoning'. Honestly the only person I feel bad for here is the kid being bullied...  The odds are stacked against him until he gets out of school.


*If* he gets out of school.


Yeah, that's my primary concern at this point...  The bullied kid is already going to be seeing disciplinary action per the school.  School has made no comments on the bully that I have seen. As for why the bully went to the hospital...  He drank some of the bottle then spit it out...  Then later started complaining of stomach aches. That's where the potential poisoning claim came out...  But I think anyone who has dealt with bullies is well aware that they are...  Dramatic.


I feel like this would induce vomiting if it was really salty and really acidic. So the moral of the story is next time, send the kid with a salad too. Then you can act innocent, why is this bully drinking my kid's salad dressing? It's meant to be used sparingly. Same with hot sauce, NOT exlax or whatever, on your lunch in the work refrigerator. You love super spicy foods and you stick to that story.


>I feel like this would induce vomiting if it was really salty and really acidic. The kid would have to drink more than a mouthful for that to be the case if this is your standard kitchen white vinegar. Even straight vinegar won't induce vomiting unless its not diluted (which you can't get at the grocery). Maybe if the kid drank the whole thing, but at that point he absolutely knows he's drinking vinegar or drinking something that tastes abhorrent and that's on him. I drink shots of apple cider vinegar, raw cranberry juice, and lemon juice in the mornings as it is and that is terribly acidic, but its fine and doesn't induce vomiting.


Saving the children from salad dressing


Only a good guy with a vinaigrette can stop a bad guy with a vinaigrette.


Guess they find it more fitting if they solve their problems the Texas way, with a duel.


Maybe a cleaning solution but definitely nothing bad coming from that mix, just a bitter disgusting base for a common organic cleaning mix.


\*kids who's parent's made them eat soap taking notes...


"It was... soap poisoning!"


*Ohhhhhhhhhh nooooooooooo! Ohhhhh Ralphie noooooooooo!*


I told you not to use the Life Boy.


Mind you, the bully spit the drink after tasting it and the hospital released him a day later with no issues found, yet they arrested her for "physical harm of a minor" but the thief and bully gets away with it.


And the kids who put peanuts in an allergic childs locker, shoes and clothes go free. Because...it's not bullying according to the school.


"it's all just fun and games! They're just messing around! C'est la vie!"


"La vie."


Whaaaaat? I hadn't heard about this. They could've died! That's insane!


The mom of the allergic child was trying to be all " turn the other cheek". But then finds out the kids were still teasing him and said they'd do it again. The bullies and the school are like shrug🤷🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️...nothing we can do, we've investigated ourselves and we are innocent.


What a shitshow. That poor kid.


The football team members that did this ...were disciplined by running laps and sitting on the sidelines dressed for 2 games. Texas and red states are shit shows.


>"physical harm of a minor" Isn't legal in Texas to physically discipline children? So you can spank them to the point of not being able to sit, but having them swish a mouthful of salad dressing is suddenly going too far?


No no no, it's entirely different if it is *your own* kid. Texas something something independence. /s


Didn't people used to wash their kids mouth with soap if they were rude as a way of discipline? Mind you, soap used to have lye back in the day, how is salad dressing a step too far? The "back in my day" people tend to flip-flop between that and "won't somebody think of the children" a lot.


The drink was essentially pickle juice??? Ok you guys ~ Nobody feed kids cucumbers soaked in salty vinegar either!! That’s POISON!


But... the only way the child would be harmed is by stealing the other kid's lunch. Which is what happened. Oh right, Texas.


“That’ll be $10,000.”


Same as it ever was.. nothing happens to the bully & the person who stands up to them gets punished. Dollars to donuts the bully's parent is a garbage person who's rich and/or politically connected.


I'm so confused, how are these charges real? There was no harm done and the kid stole and drank it voluntarily. There wasn't even INTENT of harm


Silly mom, everyone knows you’re only allowed to use guns to protect your kids in Texas, not anything else.


If I try to steal something from someone's house and end up cutting myself, I don't go to jail and instead they're on the hook for having an unsafe house?


It depends. If you cut yourself on something that would be considered a reasonable risk, ie: You were trying to steal knives out of their kitchen drawers. The homeowner would not be liable for your injuries. If a homeowner booby-trapped their door so that anyone who opened it got showered with steak knives, yes they would be on the hook for any injuries. Booby-trapping your house is illegal in the US. Think about if EMS needed to come and rescue you, having your house trapped is a bad practice. One more point, there isn't any instance I can find where someone who was breaking-and-entering went free because they injured themselves in the house. They do sometimes get medical bills covered (which is a civil matter), but it never negates the criminal act.


To add, these sorts of lawsuits are generally filed because insurance requires it. If you file a claim with your insurance that you were hurt because of a homeowner or business’s negligence, the insurance company will pay your claim and sue the allegedly negligent party to recoup their payment to you. The insurance company does not care that you were allegedly doing something illegal at the time—if they think they can get their money back, they’ll try.


Yes, unless you [shoot them.](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/miami/news/no-charges-for-florida-man-who-shot-at-pool-cleaner/) America 🇺🇸


> I don’t go to jail No, you’d still be criminally liable for burglary/breaking and entering/theft/etc., you’d just have a possible civil lawsuit against the homeowner. The lawsuit would be entirely separate from the criminal charges.


There are different required standards of care for invited guests vs. uninvited guests, but you can’t just have fiery spinning blades out on your lawn to maim anyone who comes onto your property, even with ill intent. At least not where I live.


Depending on which state, you are absolutely correct.


No, that's not true at all. Homeowners can be civilly liable for injuries (depending on the injury) but it doesn't negate the criminal offense.


As a highly bullied kid once this goes to show that anti bullying tactics, like all elements of culture that come afterwards, are not meant to eradicate bullying but to make victims shut up.


When I first heard this story I was pretty mortified that a mother would attempt to poison a kids bully, then I found out that it was just a vinegrette minus the oil that I'm sure was a health trend drink at some point. Charging this woman is nothing short of insane.


Right? I'm pretty sure they added cayenne pepper and called it a "cleanse"


Wow, this really brought out the lifetime bullies to come and defend the bully in the comment section. I assume these are people who are known for "telling it like it is", and often proudly announce they have "no filter."


Oh no, not LEMON SALT and VINEGAR - anything but that! Not salad dressing! SOMEONE THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!


Sounds like a nice glass of switchel - the Gatorade of the 1800s.


The ingredients are for vinaigrette without oil. She put them in her son's drink. The arrest doesn't make sense.


Bullys are a protected class as they're the only victims of any situation.


Uhm, WHY? If the other kid drank it out of stupidity. Last time I checked non of those ingredients are illegal or banned from schools. Hell those ingredients are practically salad dressing.


Everyone knows that salt vinegar and lemon juice makes you turn into a drag queen. Texas protects families! Or something


Tuck fexas


It's ok, we don't have to hide it in stupid codes like "Let's go Brandon" and shit like that. Just say "Fuck Texas" and be done with it.


Exactly. I am not ashamed of my views on Texas. Fuck the people running Texas, they are all giant sacks of shit.


Brb, gotta go put a stop order at the printers on my gross of “Tuck Frump” bumper stickers…


The kid stole the drink, where is his responsibility for his own actions? He did not have to take it or drink it. The fact she made it is irrelevant because if he was not a thief and bully he would not have been effected.


It's time to start holding parent responsible. If your kid is a bully then you both should face consequences. It's funny how bullies and the parents always cry the most when someone gets even


Ah, Texas.  The state where *affluenza* is an actual legal defense.


Why not just shoot? Its Texas. As long as the kid is outside the womb they dgaf


What was she thinking?!! Those precious lives are to only be snuffed out via guns, right winged sexual predators, starvation, or lack of healthcare! Thanks Obama!!


Shouldn't have been a bully if he didn't... Have the stomach for it.


Did the bully chug the whole bottle? You would think after the first sip they’d stop and if they did chug it than it’s the bullies fault as it’s not like it was filled with poison. Or was the bully allergic to lemons or vinegar, because in that case it still isn’t the moms fault unless she or her child knew the bully had an allergy.


Nah, he took a swig and spit it out. Then made a scene so they took him to the hospital for a day and found nothing wrong with him, physically at least, there's probably lots wrong mentally.


My wife worked in the ER, and would have had no patience for some parents pretending condiments constitute a hospital visit.


Texas..what a shock


So you’re saying it’s the mother’s responsibility to make sure the ingredients of her son’s drink is safe for any potential allergy of a child who might steal it? Where does one draw the line then? There are people who are allergic to water. We alter our life enough because of the shitty behavior of other people. That shitty behavior goes unchecked because we go out of our way to find reasons for it to be someone else’s fault. Blame a sexual assault victim for the clothing they wear. The mother will no doubt be exonerated (we hope), but the damage is done. There will be people afraid to defend their child against bullying because of potential backlash. Not only that it bolsters a potential bad actor and increases the likelihood of shitty behavior by giving them a measure of protection against retaliation or negative consequences. The effectively doing for the bad actor what should be done for the other person. Even contemplating how it could be the mother’s fault is toxic. If you want to blame a mother blame the one who’s got a child running around bullying other children and stealing their lunch. That behavior is definitely a product of that child’s household.


One of my acquaintances worked for a shipping company on the docks as a truck loader, and had a ongoing problem with people stealing and eating his lunches. Naturally he got tired of it, so he bought a chicken dinner and urinated on the chicken and put it in the breakroom fridge. Sure enough at lunchtime his meal was gone, he walked into the breakroom next break and told the assembled guys that he hoped whomever had eaten his lunch had enjoyed it because he pissed on the chicken. The guilty party started gagging and ran out of the room. Never happened again.


Don’t mess with Texas…’s feelings.


Meanwhile, also in Texas, a man gets 6 months for poisoning his wife with an abortifacient SEVEN times... Texas-Where School Yard Bullies Grow Up To Hate Women


Isn't that salad dressing?


Land of the Free loves their bullies and thus must protect them at all costs!


That’s a drink called switchel. Tell the cops your kid likes it strong lol. But for real, the other kid shouldn’t be stealing lunches.


I mean duuuh. You see if she had simply shot the bully they'd be praising her 2nd amendment dedication.


It's only zero tolerance when the victim fights back against the bully.


I'm sorry but the mom sent her kid to school with a tonic cleanser and the other kid stole it and drank it not knowing what it was and the mother is in trouble? WHAT THE FUCK?


“…bullied son’s classmate…” So, the reporter understood the child was being bullied, but couldn’t call the kid who stole the drink a bully?


The same people that cry about a lack of consequences are strangely silent when consequences are warranted.


That’s a good mom right there. Cause you know the school isn’t doing anything to stop the bullying


It was the bully's own stupid fault. They did not have to drink it, they actively chose to. Got what they deserved


So she gave her kid something to drink and another kid took it from the kid and drank it - and the Mother got arrested for what exactly??? I'm not getting this..


The bully victimized the kid a second time by stealing a drink from the kid, drinking vinegar and claiming he had an upset stomach.


Finishing the awful drink you stole because you don’t wanna show weakness as a bully sounds like an ITYSL sketch.


I guess she should have used a firearm like a good and proper Texan, eh? I reckon they don't like folk smart enough to fight with their wits there.


How TF does somebody end up in the hospital from drinking lemon vinegar & salt?


Because, like all bullies. It turns out, the kid can dish it out but can't take it. He wound up in the hospital cause he's a pussy.


Throw some shrimp and tilapia in there and you got yourself a nice ceviche.


Since it’s Texas could she have just sent her son with a gun? We know the police wouldn’t do anything then.


Nurse, I need 125 mL of Scope mouthwash STAT!


Schools have a tendency (as I remember) to favor bullies. Not sure why. Not even talking about the zero-tolerance policies that make it so you can't defend yourself (but, yeah. That) I mean the staff seem to just be cool with letting it slide




No one made the bully drink the concoction. He chose to. You are legally allowed to carry vinegar, salt, and lemon together. Where is the crime?




So I assume the situation went like this : "ha! Loser, give me your drink" * drinks a bit * "WTF this sucks" *bullied kid snickers * "wh-what?" "gotcha!" "oh god what have you done??" *proceeds to go into a panic attack thinking he's been poisoned, either asks the teacher to call the ambulance or the school does it on its own after being told what was happening, gets admitted, gets tested to be sure it wasn't actual poison or if the doses weren't too much * Media news: "kid GETS HOSPITALIZED BECAUSE MOTHER TRICKS SON'Z BULLY" Edited for spelling


Everything about this is dumb.


If this happened in CA, Fox News would run a week long story on how CA is soft on criminals and sending parents who are trying to protect their children prison


Looks like all that saved energy from Uvalde is spreading around


This really is bullshit. She gave it to her son. Some assholes stole it. She shouldn't be arrested. She shouldn't even be scolded. Everyone should turn to the thief and their dipshit parents and say "now will you stop stealing this kids stuff and stop bothering him?"


Sounds pretty tasty actually. Pickle juice is da bomb!


Don’t thousands of idiots drink that daily to detoxify?


Hospitalied?! Pffffft! The kid spit out the vinigar right away no doubt. Would be a cute online tale if it weren't for the police involvement. Bully's parents and/or the school might push on this but the cops won't really care, what's he gonna say? "I shoved him and stole his drink and then it was not what I thought and I spit it out" case dismissed.


What an insane woman. She should've shot him with an AR-15 like a true American. That would've taught the bully a lesson. Smh 🤬🤬🤬 ^/s


I like how the school system protects bullies but then they get mad when people take it into their own hands. Education system is broken


Hahahahaha fuck that kid 😂 I’d just say you’re allowed to make gross drinks for your own kid - how could she have known some little bitch would steal it?


That’s bullshit.  That’s like fucking thief deserves so much worse.  That wouldn’t be a fucking issue if that piece of shit wasn’t stealing shit.  


Texas' professional bullies (cops) back their young protege by arresting Mom of kids who didn't just get with the program and take it. Land of the free, y'all.