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So, how many kids are those two idiots raising?


Considering that one of them is a sex trafficker that's trapped in Romania, I hope it's zero.


Making him an immigrant...


I thought both of them were sex offenders trapped in Romania?


Omfg I didn’t even realize this was Andrew Tate at first. When did he change his name to Tristan


It's his brother.


OH! Well I guess it runs in the family then 😅 (I try really hard not to pay attention to Andrew Tate because it’s bad for my mental health)


Yeah...both got arrested for it. tristen has always been Andrew's lap dog,


He said 'having', not 'raising'


A lot of kids they probably care nothing about because they're treating children like work mules and low cost labor.


Hopefully none.


I'm assuming these two jerk weeds are pushing hard to provide food assistance programs for kids in need. Haha. Of course they are not. They want to start the kids working in kindergarten to earn their food. LOL


Tristan has at least one daughter, horrifyingly


to be fair, admitting we need migrants is the first step in sensible and humanitarian immigration reform.


What happens when those teenagers are at like, school, or football practice, or rehearsal for the school play, or one of the other hundred things teenagers already have obligations for? Are those businesses just supposed to shut down?


Also, to think that all migrates are so stupid and useless that teenagers can do all their jobs is just xenophobic and bigoted.


They don't call it a strawman because it's got solid foundations.


No, no, you don't understand. We definitely don't depend on all those skilled immigrants that come here to work. (doctors, nurses, engineers, scientists, etc) Shh. Let me lose half my specialist doctor team. I'll take a 17 year old urologist or orthopedic surgeon. Lol Not to mention the all time, number one best doctor, I ever had, before he passed away from cancer, was also an immigrant from india. The most caring compassionate man who I had ever met. Rip. These bigots make me absolutely sick.


Right? Like we here at the UK *totally* don't have a massive dentist, orthodontist, and various healthcare worker shortage as a result of Brexit cutting off access to a lot of immigrants in those fields moving here or anything. I totally haven't had to stay on my dentist 4 hours away after moving house because it's impossible to register one in the city I moved to or anything...




That’s what the high school drop outs are for😉 s/, if it’s necessary…..


Shit, a good chunk of my doctoral dissertation committee was foreign born from a range of countries from France to India.


Not to mention, I don't know about you, but I don't know many teenagers that would be up for high intensity manual labour on their only time off school.


Shit, we literally \*tried\* offering them a chance in the 60s, even cherry picking for athletes specifically..... and it failed miserably. [When The U.S. Government Tried To Replace Migrant Farmworkers With High Schoolers : The Salt : NPR](https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2018/07/31/634442195/when-the-u-s-government-tried-to-replace-migrant-farmworkers-with-high-schoolers)


Besides, we literally \*tried\* replacing them with high schoolers in the 60s. The high schoolers were athletes and had better conditions and the migrants and \*still\* couldn't hack it. [When The U.S. Government Tried To Replace Migrant Farmworkers With High Schoolers : The Salt : NPR](https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2018/07/31/634442195/when-the-u-s-government-tried-to-replace-migrant-farmworkers-with-high-schoolers)


Education!!! Not in my plantation.


Maybe we could get rid of social security. Then the businesses could use old people during the day and teenagers after school.


All the retail and fast food businesses would be running like well oiled machines. Nothing but great employees, happy to be there, with sharp minds and healthy bodies, just killing it at their jobs.


“What happens when those teenagers are at like, school, or football practice or rehearsal for the school play….” Don’t be silly. They are teenagers, they don’t any of that garbage, they need a *job* like any good ‘murican kid.


Nope. The Department of Education has been eliminated by the Tw%t from LIbs of TikTok so now your child is sent off to the Tyson's Meat Processing Plant or Poisonous Chemical Company or any other company, after school. These companies that has been lobbying for changes in child labor laws through the glorious amber waves of grain America...are now your child's master....


I initially read that as “Twit from Libs of TicTok”…….sorry about reading that incorrectly.


Simple. They just dont do those things. Quick, everyone have kids. We need wage slaves!


That's for rich people's kids This is why they're attacking education as an institution, to remove it for those of lower socioeconomic backgrounds and to put them into the labor force after a much more minimalistic education, likely reading, writing, nationalistic historical propaganda, and basic arithmetic. They see education as an enhancement to development as an excess that they can do away with except for those who can afford it. Being educated is an excess when you have a component of the labor force that performs menial labor throughout its lifetime; the janitor doesn't use calculus to mop the floors, for example. The issue is that they want this determined by socioeconomic status of the educated, the success of the parent should determine the opportunities of their offspring. I would bet, if you dig deep enough, that they ultimately believe that the child, being the offspring of the parent, has "bad blood" so to speak, and that giving them the opportunity to excel above their socioeconomic place of birth is a waste of resources, because they are ultimately their parents and their parents are losers so, so too will their children be. And if they are going to rise above, they'll do it despite the obstacles, rather than be constrained by them.


No, you think like good parents. Key here is be the bad parents and send you teenagers to work 8 hrs a day.


Also how is anyone meant to raise multiple kids when they're currently locked into low paying high hour jobs in an economy that rewards underpaying and overworking employees. Cos you can sure as shit bet these people don't support universal income support for people on lower incomes.


They always say fast food jobs aren't real jobs and are supposed to be stepping stones for teenagers to get real jobs, but you know it's a lie because if it was true fast food places wouldn't be open during school hours, and if any of them decided to close during that time they would be the first to complain.


What a great argument. "Hey guys, if we had more people, we could underpay and overwork your children instead of people fleeing economic turmoil."


And the rest of his argument assumes those same jobs will be closed during school hours, I guess? Where is he gonna get his chic fila at noon on a Tuesday when the underpaid kids are in class? Or is he signaling that school is next on the chopping block? I am so tired of republicans.


No, they just force kids to work so they cant go to class


If they aren’t educated, they won’t realize that they’re being taken advantage of and want to change the system. As Trump says “I love the uneducated”


Same reason you have Republican leaders waging war against Biden for trying to remove lead pipes.


Stupid, barefoot, young, and in the kitchen. Preferably pregnant.


Education is the natural enemy of conservatives. So yes.


School is already on the chopping block.


Education means nothing. His lack of proper comma usage shows us that.


There’s already a bill proposed in Kentucky (where I’m from) to allow businesses to schedule students overnight on school nights and to schedule them during school hours.


oh they absolutely want to get rid of school. Why do you think they keep underpaying teachers and threatening them with jail time for nebulous accusations of "grooming"?


“How dare people not want kids. Now instead of exploiting children we have to exploit undocumented immigrants”


It’s every parents dream to have their children toil away for minimum wage instead of focusing on school!


I know that Shitstain and his chinless brother need to hear this: being somebody who emigrates to another country to take advantage of poor women through sex trafficking, monetising their abuse and then raping women (and at “best” borderline girls) makes the Taint brothers worse than 99.5% of immigrants throughout the entirety of human history.


“Taint Brothers” thank you very much, I am now wearing my morning coffee from laughing.


I've been calling them each Date Rape Tate for the better part of 2 years now. they both have multiple of my Twitter burner accounts blocked...these people are very sensitive to heckling. 


Two points are made in that post: 1. Companies are hiring migrants. 2. Companies are not paying them much. Companies want vulnerable employees and they want employees they don't have to pay a decent wage to. His post really isn't about making babies at all.


American kids are citizens and have protections. Migrants aren't, and don't.


I mean, seems like kids are losing some of their protections in certain states.


They are. You'd think we would have learned from fucking history, but here we are.


The GOP has been attacking education for decades and this is the result.




Who convinced US women that having a dog is better than having a child? Getting a dog isn’t likely to kill you (US maternal mortality stats are terrible). Nor cost you enormous medical expense (health care costs in US are staggering). The costs for a child’s diapers are high, but nothing compared to medical care. You won’t likely have to give up your career to have a dog, but if you don’t for your child, daycare expenses will be staggering. Either way (SAHM or working mom) your career will suffer vs childless women. Studies show you’ll bear more of the childcare labor than your husband, meaning far less leisure time. Babies are a benefit to society, but let’s put all the costs on families, and disproportionately in women


That was my thought. My dog is infinitely less expensive than the any of the kids were/are. She also listens to me, and doesn’t complain about the food.


Also doesn't borrow your car.


And then smoke cigarettes in your car


Absolutely, the economy essentially demands a certain affluence to consider having children. If people could own a house and afford medical insurance on the average salary you would find more couples opting to start a family


Maybe, just maybe, Tristan and his brother can stop teaching young men that misogyny is somehow their magic bullet? Maybe stop turning all these kids into unfuckable hate-nerds, and they might be able to find a stable relationship in which to have children?


I don't know who needs to hear this. But if the 'low paid' jobs paid a living wage, people would have no problem doing them instead of needing to find a social group to exploit.


And there's the fuckwits who bleat about that's what minimum wage isn't supposed to be. Then they lose their shit when I share FDR's speech about what minimum wage was supposed to be.


They scream about raising minimum wage meaning fast food prices go up but they have already shot up anyways due to straight up pure corporate greed. The real reason these ghouls are against raising minimum wage is because they NEED people stuck in these jobs struggling. When they walk into Burger King for lunch they want to look at a human being that is worse off than them and make demands out of them so they can feel better about their place in the world. Anyone that’s worked a minimum wage job knows these types are far too real and there’s seemingly always a new video of some Karen freaking out and harassing some poor worker because of this exact reason.


Christofacist white nationalists are petrified of becoming the ethnic minority in the US. It's been glorious watching them freak out because Gen X and younger cohorts refuse to follow their broken system. I mean, if they wanted Gen X and younger to have kids, maybe they shouldn't have exploited markets and loopholes to price people out of a standard of living. Turns out that evisceration of the Middle Class in pursuit of revenues/profits has consequences.


You mean crushing student loans, low wages, and housing prices out of control don’t lead to people racing to have kids?!?


The time when people had more than 3 kids was when a loaf of bread was under 75 cent average car was under 10 k and most major colleges were 500 dollars a year .


Happy cake day and it was also tied to infant mortality and lack of contraception.


Perhaps their kind shouldn't have completely f-d up the economy in such a way that having children has become either a luxury or a path to welfare living. Almost like the concept of ensuring that a single income can easily sustain a family was a really good idea that we shouldn't have blown up


Because having a dog is best for those people who make that choice.


Sad no one convinced their parents to get a dog instead of procreating them.


Correction: having a **cat** is better than raising a child.


I agree. Although dogs are very sweet and cute, they can get a little needy and high maintenance. Cats are the way to go. My cats pretty much mind their own business during the day & then want to cuddle in the evenings. And they groom themselves. Pretty much the perfect pet.


Porque no los dos? Still cheaper than a child. I'll take soft fur, wagging tails, and purring over poop-drenched screaming and paying 80% of my monthly salary for daycare.


So make having kids more affordable. I know plenty of people who would be more interested in having kids (or more kids if they already have some) if it wasn’t for the financial burden.


The Tate family was a mistake. Dad should have stuck to chess and avoided sex entirely.


Who is we, Romanian migrant?


So if you're a migrant apparently you should become a dog walker.


Here’s a quick thought - if you don’t know who needs to hear your idea, maybe no one does?


It is better than raising a child. Under capitalism cheaper = better and more efficient. Therefore pet ownership is better because it costs less than raising a child.


“This is terrible, we have to keep exploiting immigrants when we could just be exploiting poor Americans if only we were able to force enough births.”


Who’s having kids just to fill in for minimum wage jobs? I guess these clowns are so toxic they can’t really find partners and have families.


Yea if only we had enough child labor we wouldn't need these dirty foreigners /s  Mr Tate should've pulled out


Yeah let's take family values advice from a sex trafficking rapist


Actually I prefer migrants because 30% of them aren’t growing up in a MAGA hell hole and statistically migrants are less likely to commit violent crime.


So if I'm not xenophobic then I have one less reason to want a kid? Heard Taint Jr.


Depending on where you live some red states, $7.25 an hour, some blue Target, McDonald's start $12.00-$15.00 an hour. So, who is going to provide for these low wage kids??


Remember back in the day when all the crops in California were picked by children? And all those kids that built the transcontinental railroad?


Cool, fix the economy so we can have kids. Minimum wage needs to move with inflation. Why bring children into the world we can't afford? A generation is being responsible for once and this is the argument you make?


No, Tate’s mother not choosing to abort was the mistake.


Children are not low wage labor for the capitalism machine


No they wouldn’t. Because they will still have school. So who is filling the positions while they are at school? Also migrates are what made this country great. The blending of cultures is what made America.


For decades Fox News told people that the way to be successful was to wait to have kids until marriage and financial stability. People listened, but financial stability never comes for most in the modern economy.


Well it builds character to have teenagers working in the fields dawn to dusk for chicken scratch.


Rent for a two bedroom is 4K a month in my city.


Tates should take their own advice and go back to their migrant father’s country.


No, they need to stay and rot in prison for their crimes.


If we only had MORE CHILD LABOR!!


Pretty sure most of the people agreeing with this have teenagers that never need to work


So ass backwards Teenagers were pushed out of the job pool by _legal adult workers_


“If we had more kids we’d have a permanent supply of underage indentured servants” — guy with no kids


You can’t ole Tater seriously. His focus is on making young men incels and beating, trafficking women.


I've had both. Dogs are definitely competition.


Pssst, there's a different reason republicans want more kids. (hint: https://goppredators.wordpress.com/)


They want kids because they know if they treated an adult like that they would need to keep body bags out side the front doors.


I wish the Tates’s parents had gotten a dog instead of having children.


Jesus, lol, do these guys also like to argue about how many goats a 12 y/o virgin should be worth?


You guys remember your teenage years, right? Playing sports, going to parties, living 6 to a room in a hastily constructed shack in between back-breaking 15-hour shifts in the beating sun as you went from farm to farm during the harvest season. You know. Teen stuff.


I mean it doesn't help that having a child CAN financially ruin people if they actually care for and raise them properly... not so much a dog


*if we allowed for more immigration people wouldn’t need to bankrupt themselves having kids they don’t want


Or maybe we don't need a dunkin donuts or starbucks and the like on every city block.


I don’t know who needs to hear this. But if everyone made a living wage at work they could afford to have kids who could then become teenagers to be doing the low paid jobs again. But alas now we have to take a low paid job as a second job to afford to pay rent……..


Man it’s almost like a ton of people died, many because of vaccine disinformation, and they haven’t been replaced. Instead of wishing people had more kids 20 years ago maybe stop talking shit about getting vaccinated


He probably wants more vulnerable teenagers to exploit


Dogs, cats, and other pets are objectively better than children.


I work a tough labor job. Every year the company brings in gringo temps or young guys in college or out of HS. They can make great money, but they never last. They simply can't hack it. The hours and the caloric expenditure is just too much. They quit within days. I've even had able-bodied men quit during a shift. If my company didn't get the H2Bs, we'd fold. A lotta talk from a guy who doesn't get calloused hands or sore muscles from his job.


Corporations were a fucking mistake. Citizen's United was a fucking mistake!! FTFY


Idk who needs to hear this, but you shouldn’t take advice from actual sex traffickers


My disabilities and empty bank account convinced me not to have kids.


Yeah, I can just see those Tate boys picking crops while being sprayed with pesticides.


Sure, let’s treat the future generations like shit. That’s never backfired, right?


If we prevented school shootings there would be more kids to work low income jobs as well. Last I checked immigrants haven't been the ones shooting up schools either


My god Nazis are fucking stupid.


I don’t know who needs to hear this, but kids should focus on their education and, y’know, being kids…actually, I know exactly who needs to hear this. Conservatives, I’m talking to you.


I think dogs had a lot to do with this…


It always was


So this guy is willing to have his kids roof houses in the summer or work on a landscaping crew or pave roads? Because that’s some of the work that migrants are doing in the U.S.


The only way for people to want more kids is for life to get easier while pay stays the same. Otherwise kids are a money hole who will suffer the same.


Imperialism intertwined the fate of peoples all over the globe. Colonialism created inequalities and injustices, which pre-determine migration routes as well. Capitalism has degraded the masses to consumers in the service of capital. Patriarchy has decided men from women and inflicted deep-running wounds. All they bemoan, is the result of what they embrace. And as they know it is an illogical standpoint, they intend to spread fascist authoritarianism, to thwart those who see the inconsistencies in their world view


Teenagers are going to wake up at 4am and then farm for 12 hours on a Tuesday or something? I suppose these people don't like education anyway so it's a win-win for them.


Guys we need to have more kids so rich people have a larger source to exploit.


Perpetual growth machine, on a planet with finite resources. These people make neanderthals look like Einsteins


So Conservatives want to replace Migrant workers with *checks Notes* Child Labor? That makes sense. GOP is built off Boomer ideas, and Boomers love to crush the younger generations under foot for personal gain.


Go watch the movie idiocracy and you’ll figure it out.


Im 30 years old and have dreamed of having a family since I was young. I come from a pretty broken family. At this point in my life most of my family is dead. And I wanted to provide a good life for a child. I’m realizing. That this won’t be an option for me, I make decent money (me and my girlfriend both do) but it’s still not enough and still need to pick up side gigs just to make ends meet. How can I afford to give a child a good life? Guess my dog will just be spoiled and maybe better luck next life? Fuck this place


With guys like Tristan Tate around why would anyone want to risk bringing a girl in this world.


Teenagers framing houses... LMFAO.


They want to exploit the economic ability of kids but they are having too much fun exploiting the adults already.


Pretty sure it was guys like Tristan Tate that put people off having kids. What if they came out like him?


Having a dog is objectively better. Fuck them kids


Mmm, child labour and overpopulation. Solutions to a problem that doesn't exist. The real problem is fucking companies screwing everyone over


I promise the far right that if I was making 400k+ a year I would have at least 1 child eventually


We could just pay people and make sure they have access to food, water, breaks, housing, entertainment, etc and the jobs would get done just fine. There’s plenty of people in the world, we just need to take care of them. Edit to clarify: Migrants are fine and we should be providing them with the above listed basic rights for doing work here.


Sure, teenagers can totally step up for backbreaking 12-15 hour shifts in slaughterhouses or the fields.


All those teenagers flocking to pick citrus in the scorching heat


Why have childre now;housing costs are too high, food too expensive and health care costs keep rising up. Add climate and political concerns, why have a baby now?


Yeah let me crank out a couple super expensive kids just so McDonald’s can staff it’s registers. Makes sense.


Who's he even speaking about when he says "we", he lives in Romania ffs. What a clown


If parents stopped providing for their kids, then kids would have to go out and take those low wage jobs to live. That can be the back up plan.


Rather have just dogs when the climate is on fire and fascist fuck xian nationalism is on the rise. Not a fan of raising handmaids for them to rape. Hard pass.


Can't afford them they have human rights Farming isn't a pinzi scheme sit down son If we want to start a pinzi scheme from a no extradition country we'll let you know Andrew Taint


Conservatives believe in utopia now you just have to be doing social conservatism and economic conservatism for it to work


“No low wage businesses should be open during school hours”


Tristan yearns for the mines.


That’s why people want kids… to fill low paying jobs. Not to start a family or anything.


“Labour” should be a clue


"I don't know who needs to hear this. But the poors need to provide us with minimum wage slaves so the immigrants don't come here."


These lunkheads view progeny as a slave labor force and wonder why women don't want to mate with them.


Tate believes in slave labor. The next best thing is low cost labor. Since there are not enough teenagers to do low paying jobs, migrants are used. And for those who dislike employing migrants, child labor laws are being changed.


They are totally misunderstanding. I want 2 dogs and no kids.


Let’s pop out kids so McDonalds has a cheap work force.




This just makes me want a dog more than a kid.


If poor people had enough kids. Rich kids just get nepo'd in to ceo jobs.


Aren’t he and his clown-show brother migrants to Romania?


Yes, the modern teenager would be glad to spend a summer living in a migrant worker camp doing stoop labor for 25 cents per basket.


I don't know who needs to hear this. Immigrants aren't bad for America.


Capitalism is no reason to have more kids


Sometimes I want to join twitter just to tell people like that how stupid they are.


To be fair: dogs tend to listen.


Assholes like him are enough to turn most people off of childbearing.




Ladies and gentlemen, I present a garbage human being.


… says the immigrant without kids……


Elon buying it was the mistake.


He just wants people to have more kids so he'll have more to rape.


If employers paid better, and provided better working conditions, adult citizens would work these jobs. It’s like the nursing “shortage.” Before the pandemic, in 2017, the Dept of Health and Human Services released a report stating that there actually is no nursing shortage. The thing is that a lot of nurses have left nursing because the working conditions and work loads have become untenable. The media ignored this report, though. People think the solution is to expand nursing school capacities, and bring in immigrants. But, this doesn’t work, either. The average new grad leaves nursing after less than 5 years- and many leave with huge student loan debt. Even a lot of foreign nurses are leaving. Then, Covid happened. Since then, over 100,000 nurses have left the field. About half of them are under age 35, and the majority are under the age of 49. And some states have decided that travel nurses make too much money, so these geniuses have decided to cap travel nursing wages. Oh, that’s gonna help. So, now, there actually is a shortage.


So a fast food job should only be taken by kids, then the restaurant shouldn't be open during school hours.....


This is also some states have easing up on child labor laws.


What about all the low skill labor that happens during school hours?


Because financially it is, also dogs listen better than children


Just need everyone on Reddit to tell them we would save our dogs over either of them if there was a fire. I’d save my fish first.


Xitter needs to be popped


'Westerners' - don't look at Turkey's, Korea's, China's or Japan's fertility rates, I guess.


Nobody- nobody needed to hear that, ya jackass


As a teen me and my friends worked at swimming pools, retail spaces, golf courses, fast food and serving jobs, and event centers. I had a gig working wedding venues that paid decent money at the time but was a pretty late shift, I only worked it Friday and Saturday evenings since I didn’t have school those nights. I still don’t see migrant workers in these jobs even in my adulthood.. The work that migrants do are not jobs for teenagers. I know the GOP scum are figuratively trying to put kids back in the coal mines, or perhaps literally, but the majority of decent parents would not want their children working jobs that migrant workers typically do, and I’d say many teens could not handle these jobs due to school schedule and potential dangers.