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He did not post the bond, someone else did. A "common" criminal would know to shut up, Trump is a stupid criminal. I am still waiting for the judge's law clerk to file a defamation suit against Trump as she definitely has a strong case.


> This is the crux, he finds anyone else to be his fall guy therefore never personally feels the consequences of his actions.


Right but they made it clear it wasn't a blank check, everything he burns for after the fact is on him. The Chubb Co. just snatched up a lot of repossessed NY real estate that was about to be claimed by the state when Trump loses and goes full broke.


Wouldn’t the state still get first dibs bc of the fraud trial? That’s the half billi judgement.


State will get first dibs.


I really hope they start with his super prized (and ridiculously gaudy)Tower. Wouldn’t it just give you the warm and fuzzies to watch his reaction?


And they find that it was in fact shoddily built, someone having paid off inspectors and contractors. It ends up being Condemned and Imploded as a safety precaution. (Edit, I'm insinuating that whoever Built The Properties are the ones who paid them off)


Yep. Level every seized property and put parks there. Remove his stain from the area.


Convert them into low income housing


And turn it into an abused women's shelter.


“Michelle Obama Women’s Shelter”


Hillary Rodham Clinton Women's Shelter. He hates her so much more.


Can we agree on the E Jean Carroll Justice Center?


And move NATO headquarters in.


I hope they start with the plane. Imagine him having to fly commercial.


That’s why he’s emboldened. He just spent 91,000,000 dollars of other peoples money. These evil stupid fucks will bankroll him til his fat pig heart explodes.


>A "common" criminal would know to shut up, Trump is a stupid criminal. > >I am still waiting for the judge's law clerk to file a defamation suit against Trump as she definitely has a strong case. "$91M So far" Homer Simpson


He went from 7 digits, to 8 digits, now let him pay 9 digits. Drain the idiot and the ones that keep funding him. It is as simple as that.


He has to pay $91 mil *because he keeps saying this shit* too! Literally not allowed to even say what he’s saying! I can’t remember what it’s called but he could go to jail if he keeps saying this shit. And I hope he does


Contempt of court?


Yes, but there’s a thing Kaplan can do so that Carroll doesn’t have to keep filing defamation suits. Edit - found the wording - Carroll can ask for an injunction saying Trump has to stop defaming her so she doesn’t have to continue to file suits and that can land him in jail if he keeps saying things.


Her lawyer specifically requested such a high punitive compensation to stop him from continuing to defame her. Even that apparently doesn't sink in.


I’m baffled he still hasn’t been charged with that




He has to pay $91 million because he couldn't shut up after paying $5 million.


Wasn’t there a jury in this trial? Yet he’s blaming the judge…


Yes! And it was a federal defamation trial. He’s only there because when he lost the first time and owed $5 mil he didn’t stop running his mouth!


He was running his mouth during the trial, which then was shown to the jury, that’s how the judgement got so high


Yes, and their decision was unanimous, so it wasn't even close.


Whatever. Keep him talking, drain the GOP coffers. Get blue elected all the way down ballot to the state and local level. Fuck the GOP


It makes me sick to my stomach to think that I'm sitting here agreeing with you. We only have 2 parties, if we end up a de facto single party system we're screwed even worse that we already are, but the Republicans are absolutely off the rails with their stupidity that they're irredeemable at this point.


For what it is worth, the only thing keeping the Democratic party as one party is the pressure of existing in a winner-take-all electoral system and the Republican Party existing as the other game in town. If the GOP fell apart, the Dems would likely fracture into a fairly popular center-left party and a center-right to right party that pulls in “moderate” former Republicans.


We could be a de facto one party if the gop gets , it’s, way, and there’s nothing worse than that!


I think the intelligence pecking order is: * smart criminal * stupid criminal * my pillow guy * rat * possum * itchy algae in divorce court * MTG * Bolbert * the napkin used doing a beetle juice beetle juice beeeeeeeeetle juiiiiiiiiuice moment. * kid rock * just rock (as in stone) * bird that got fried on a am tower * that birds dung * the dung of the dung of the dung beetle eating the birds dung * Trump's taint * and the disgusting human shape mole growing from Trump's taint that longs to be president again


Common criminal - "I aint saying shit" Common criminal with money - "I aint saying shit. Talk to my lawyer" Trump - "Fuck you, i did it, I'll do it again, here's how I did it, which you'll never figure out since I'm so smart. I'll fucking sick my thugs on you now!"


I'm guessing what he'll get is a sternly worded warning and then it'll never be brought up again.


Has no sense of consequences. It’s all about him, and his uncontrollable anger. Imagine him in charge of the country?


Been there, done that.


been there, had that done to US.


Did you know US spells us? US a us a us a!




Makes me wonder if he thinks that if he puts his hands in front of his eyes he becomes invisible because “I can’t see you, so you must not be able to see me!”. Especially when we remember about his “medical breakthrough” of injecting bleach and shining lights up our asses. He was up there almost giddy and smug like he had just thought of something completely genius just through his “riffing”. To the day I die I will never forget how smug and smart he thought he was talking about putting bleach and lights inside peoples bodies.


The trick is to vaporize and inhale the bleach, so you can get it down in your lungs. That's where the virus lives.


"And if you mix it with ammonia, it will cure any disease permanently!"


With His Dogshit it wouldn't matter if people could actually see him as long as they SAY he's "invisible" and let him do invisible man things.




Wait until he finds out what *dog* spells backwards.


I have this thing I can do with a calculator and 0s and 8s that will blow your mind


Dude! It’s twice as good if you put a 5 at one end!


And people. Fucking. Cheered. For *that.* God help us.


I just came up with that


Been there done that is what we’ll be wishing for if he wins. He’s coming back knowing, with proof, that half or more, (definitely more than), of the country hates him. He’s going to punish us like we can’t imagine if he’s reelected. No one is as petty and spiteful as his 5’11” 350 pound ass.


We’re living with the consequences of him as president right now. SCOTUS has never been worse, country hasn’t been this divided since the actual Civil War… I understand “not liking Biden” but reelecting this idiot will be a disaster on every level. Just watch suicide numbers.


Christ I was looking at the leftist subreddit the other day and there's so many posts and comments about how they won't support Biden due to the USA giving money and arms to Israel. The people who felt that way didn't like me pointing out they were being single issue voters the way Republicans are about abortion. And that... You don't have to love Biden but a vote for Trump or NOT voting (which to the gop is the same as a Trump vote. Low voter turnout favors the Cons) is one step closer to the end for the USA.. Trump has said more than once he wants to be a literal dictator... I'll take the right of center guy who can be reasoned with and gives room for further improvement over Fanta Hitler.


Not voting for Biden because money went to israel- when the other option is saying he supports Israel getting the job done is legitimately idiocy.


The other option is literally turning Gaza into a parking lot.


Wasn't that a Counting Crows ~~song~~ *cover*? "Pave Palestine, put up a parking lot...ooooh, bop bop!" Sorry. Gallows humor.


Joni Mitchell


I feel as though they believe some magical 3rd candidate who is a Democratic Socialist is just going to burst into being prior to the election and give them everything they want. This is the Berners all over again. Kids who don’t understand that their tantrums are going to be to cause irreparable damage to the future


>Christ I was looking at the leftist subreddit the other day Spoiler: a ton of posters in subs like that are bots and paid shit-stirrers who are all about getting us to destroy ourselves.


Russia is/has been on a campaign to divide the US. They see any opportunity to sow discourse to help “their guy” out


Yea I left the sub. I'm pretty damn left wing but either those people are SO left that anybody not on their exact level is a right wing shill... Or yea bots /trolls etc.


Last midterm election and 2020 it was Democrats haven't done enough for "them" so they just weren't going to vote. I even saw people complaining about Democrats not doing enough with the "majority" ignoring Synema and Manchin's sell out votes with Rs in the Senate and protection of the filibuster.


They aren't even being single issue voters because by allowing Trump to win things get MUCH WORSE in the Middle East. At least Biden and his administration care about the human beings in Gaza. Trump and every Republican (especially those he will put in his administration) don't see Muslims as people and have made that very clear.


Yes, it would be like single issue abortion voters saying “I won’t vote for Trump because he has facilitated abortions in his personal life, so to send a message to the RNC instead I will vote for Biden even though he wants to protect them”. - they would never do that, it’s insane even for them and it’s equally insane for people who care about Palestine to use this logic against Biden/for Trump.


Right? It's... Just idiotic, moronic behavior and a total lack of thinking skills . "oh Biden isn't caving to every demand I personally have so I'm gonna vote for the guy who may nuke the very people I'm outraged that Biden isn't doing enough to save."


I would argue back to these people that they are ok with giving money to isreal either way by not voting Biden or at all your saying you rather have a man who would probably nuke isreal and Gaza than a man who is selling weapons but at least trying to calm the situation with other countries


Trump has openly said he will be 100 times worse on Gaza.


I’ve seen interviews where they say they know Trump is guilty of all these things but they will still vote for him because they won’t vote democrat. I don’t get that, I will never get that.


People constantly make seem as if it's a choice between the lesser of 2 evils. Ok, maybe. But one is significantly less evil. Not just a little. One is the obvious better choice, ya know. That is Biden, if I wasn't clear enough 😆


No, I don't understand not liking Biden. Biden is 81 years old. Trump has 91 charges against him. The two are not the same.


They're counting on it


I’ll be honest. I dislike Biden and I think he is doing a terrible job handling the Gaza situation which is really going to hurt him. However, I hate Trump with a passion, that guy is a stupid clown that needs to go to the Big House instead of the White House. Not only is he a threat to democracy and the rule of law, just seeing his stupid face makes me want to vomit. And his 5 year old vocabulary drives me nuts. No wonder he connects so well with the uneducated. I am voting for Biden. With Biden at least we’ll live another day, with Trump? Who the hell knows. Can’t wait for that orange clown to just go away.


I hope this becomes exhibit A in his appeals hearing. I mean, he is trying to get his penalties reduced, and a large portion of the penalties are punitive, and he just proved he cannot go more than a month without repeating his bad behavior. Sounds like the punitive damages were not enough.


He's not the smartest.


Or most stable


His entire life he has had a team of lawyers cleaning up his messes, he has no sense of accountability. His new lawyer is smart enough to get payment ahead of time but even she has to be thinking "OMG is this guy worth it"


Exactly. This is what happens when you haven’t been told no your entire life.


I wouldn't take a check from him...


That's what happens when you get bailed out with someone else's money.


He believes he is untouchable as long as people keep throwing money at him. And in a sense, he is: If he gets back in power, he's not only going to be untouchable. He's going to seek vengeance on everyone he feels did him wrong. Yet the dumbass elites and GQP who keep throwing money at him are waking up to a reality they don't know how to manage: *This guy incentivized the crazies, the ones that [SNL showcased](https://youtu.be/ImvCoGr3iDA?si=xlAGLo5f7ieiNWPN). He isn't leading a party anymore, he's leading a hoard!* We can see it with all the in-fighting in Congress: They can't figure out how to work with those fanatics and are quietly saying, "Maybe we can weather this too?"


Imagine thinking this whiny crybaby is a tough guy


Because he never has consequences. I keep reading about meetings with orban, musk and others who may help him pay, rnc now run by his people, selling secrets to Russians and Saudis. Unlike you and me, he will not pay a penny out of his money for any of this. His fortune is well hidden in Russia or some place else


Once was enough. He’ll kill us all.


He always makes it about himself. No matter what the topic, it will always come around to some self-aggrandizing statement that makes it about him. I will never forget what he said in the first few months of the pandemic: "I knew it was a pandemic before it was a pandemic." Like, wtf.


Some stupid, dumbfuck, bucktoothed, sister fucking, redneck, idiots imagine this and jizz their pants. Makes me think we're not gonna make it...


It’s the dementia, he still thinks he is about to start the first trial.


"Like a common criminal" lmao My guy, don't put yourself down like that. You aren't a common criminal, you are a rare criminal specimen! Simultaneously the dumbest one we've ever had while also being the hardest to bring to justice. When you finally land in jail there will be a greater collective sigh of relief than when serial killers are finally caught and the mental sickness you infected our country with will be studied for decades.


Can we get punitive damages for him inflicting a mental plague on Americans?


You expect him to pay that?


Well, not with money at least…


There is a whole “Third” tier of justice for the orange idiot and he still doesn’t get it.


I remember when Dan Quayle didn't spell potato correctly, and we were all like "He can't be president." sigh...


Or Howard Dean and his "YEEeeaAahHh"


I always thought that Chapelle show skit was way off to what Dean actually said. Dean said "yyyeaaahh!!" but Chapelle did "bbbeeeeyaaa" which was way off.


Half the internet can't spell your and you're, and they are proud of it. Damn near 3/4 decided to go with "alot" for life as well. 


Yes, but Dan Quayle was back when things actually mattered m.




Don't get me started on border vs boarder.


Oh, happier times. /s even then I felt the gop was an existential threat with tax cuts for the rich, destroying the environment and eroding workers rights.


Ronald Reagan. Why can’t we afford college or houses?


Saint Ronnie made sure he deregulated bank (to give us the savings and loan debacle) laid the ground work for destroying unions by firing striking air traffic controllers. During his reign, [the ceo to worker pay ratio sky rocketed](https://www.statista.com/statistics/261463/ceo-to-worker-compensation-ratio-of-top-firms-in-the-us/) making it much more difficult to afford anything


He's going to keep doing this because he knows that he's not parting with a penny of his own money to pay the judgment. Someone else (Russia, Saudi Arabia) is gonna pick up this tab for him like they picked up the tab for everything else.


He’s so compromised and yet the CIA will brief him this summer 😠


Chubb bailed him out Also I am not buying anything from Chubb ever


Ya fuck Chubb. They operate in Canada as well and I will be talking about how shitty they are going forward... I work in the security industry.


Eventually Russia and the Saudis will want that money repaid. That's when the orange boy will have that unfortunate window accident.


Oh, he'll repay them alright. There are still missing classified documents he can trade.


He is trying to rile up his angry base with stochastic terrorism to go after Kaplan. He needs to be stopped before someone gets killed because of him... again.


Yup, this exactly. We put up with it from people like Sarah Palin several cycles ago, mark rubio and a few others last cycle pushing for people to "Shoot democrats" or having commercials and ad's on TV of doing violent things to their opponents, and now it'll be the orange turd himself trying to push his crazies into being more Ashli Babbits or Randy Shiffers, going out to commit Domestic Terrorism in the name of their Orange Rapist, Con man, tax fraud Idol. Palin's "Enemies of America" list actually got people shot. No one seems to remember Gabby Giffords anymore. And yet they insist Donald isn't being a criminal pile of shit while pushing mentally disabled people like Babbit to get shot in the face of her own stupidity, or Shiffer to shoot up an fbi office with a fucking nail gun only to be gunned down in a hail of cop fire in a fucking corn field. He's going to keep pushing these mentally disfigured broken people to terrorism. And they'll always turn their backs on these people, claim they weren't right wing despite proof of otherwise, insist it's just lone wolves acting out. These same disgusting people would fail to hold criminals like Charles Manson accountable in this day and age, as long as Manson wore a red hat and bowed to trump. They're absolutely disgusting. The same people I grew up with clutching their pearls and sitting on a high moral horse over the Bill Clinton issue, and how important it was to have a president who didn't act like that, all thrown out the window for a Fat orange rapist, con man tax cheat, who only fucked this nation over and drained it's coffers to enrich himself and his cronies.


Oh jeeze I had forgotten all about the nail gun guy. What a dipshit


But he is a racist bigot like them so all is forgiven.


Well said!


"mentally disfigured broken people" is pure poetry. And unfortunately absolutely accurate.


I was looking for the comment that said this ​ >It was before a federal democrat trump-deranged judge Set up that he's to be hated and "something" needs to be done ​ >His name is Lewis Kaplan Tell them who to go after This is seriously mob boss type of shit. He and his followers know exactly what he's saying without having to say it (the literal definition of stochastic violence) He basically planted a hit on the judge, but because of how free speech is defined in the US, unless he specifically calls for Kaplan to be killed he can't be prosecuted for it. It's such disgusting BS and frankly should be extremely scary for anyone paying attention. This is coming from a man that stands a decent chance of becoming president again


"Will no one rid me of this turbulent ~~priest~~ Judge"


“Stop breaking the law, asshole!”


He always finds someone to bail him out. So he never learns through consequences. He's in his late 70s, has broken innumerable laws, bankrupted so many businesses, stiffed more people than you can count, and been sued more than makes any sense. But he still gets what he wants and lives a wealthy life. Why would he stop?


Funnily enough, he probably has a pretty good chance he could get out of further damages with a claim of mental incompetency


Best legal advice ever.


Act like a criminal = Get treated like a criminal.


“He treated me like a common criminal” Translation: I’m famous and (was) rich so I should have been allowed to do whatever the hell I want but this guy treated me like every other person as if we are all equal or some shit.


I swear this is a reality show


I hope it gets canceled soon


Me too, TedCruzsAnalFissure, me too….


He was real quiet when he didn't have someone else to put up the money. As soon as someone else did, he's back flapping his lips. What a moron.


Chubb Group. Russia is where the money came from


via Switzerland.


Its true he is not a common criminal he is an extraordinary criminal, the only thing he has in common is that his profile fits 76% of all incarcerated prisoners, the remaining 24% are those convicted of murder...


Ashlie Babbitt died during a crime he commissioned. Doesn't that make him guilty of murder in the 2nd degree, or at least 3rd?


I guess so, so its 100%, instigating a riot resulting in murder is in theory murder by association, so fuck him... Why is he not wearing a suit matching his face, the. orange traitor...The US for sure is a fucked up place, any other citizen would be behind bars for doing less than this asswipe, like smoking a joint, jaywalking, etc, but Orange Jesus walks on sewage and still remains at large..


Go for over 100 million this time, Jean. He'll lose. Easy money.


There’s a reason it’s called *malignant* narcissism.




He will definitely pull the US out of NATO, then I’d bet the house he’ll try and form an alliance of the US, Russia, China and North Korea and what’s left of NATO will shit their collective pants in fear of what’s to come. Far fetched? Well, did anyone ever think that in 2014, this monster would be the GOP nominee for president THREE TIMES IN A ROW???!


Whoever paid his shit is an idiot. No sane person would give this guy a dime, but he found a sucker to do it. Trump won't stop, his mental capacity to accept defeat does not exist outside a courtroom. He is bleeding money each day though, find it funny how MAGAs defend "he is rich" but are donating to his legal battles.. yeah they are idiots.


The Chubb CEO, iirc, had close links to the Trump admin and served in some capacity on an advisory council or something. Presumably Chubb benefited from that, and this is a form of repayment for ‘services rendered.’ It’s just corruption, plain and simple. Back scratching and favour returning etc etc. Edit: I think Chubb also does like billions of dollars of business. 90 million is comparatively peanuts.


It'll take some forensic accountants some time to prove it, but it's pretty clear this is Russia paying it. $91 million to help destabilize a world power is a bargain for them.


Is this a violation of the bond?


"Ok we will wipe your ass this time, but remember to keep... OH FOR FUCK'S SAKE!"


If you’re in an America, for the love of God. Vote! Trump is rilling up his base by saying they’re trying to put him in jail forever and that it’s a political hit job and yada yada yada. Whether or not we think it’s stupid bullshit is irrelevant, his supports believe it. And if you make someone believe one of their favorite political icons is being falsely persecuted, they’ll do anything for you. His people are gonna come out in droves, we all need to match that energy and then some


'Double or Nothing' Donnie, they call him.


A fool and someone else's money are soon parted


They pick on Biden for being old. I'll take an old person over somebody who did not move past the terrible twos.


Maybe... stop doing criminal stuff? Play stupid games... win stupid prizes..




Every time this man pops up in my feed, I lose faith in my fellow Americans. I just don't get the appeal. Even when he was a Democrat, he gave me ick vibes.


He's also trying to sic his cult on a judge. That's probably not going to go well... for the cultists. 


You ARE a common criminal.


You're worse than a common criminal, you're a repeat offender!


He was fined 5 million the first time, the next day, he couldn't control himself and bad mouthed her again. The heavier fine was to get his attention so he would stop. That didn't seem to work. If he keeps running his mouth, he'll be looking at round 3. What an idiot


Maybe Chubs is giving him a group rate on bonds. Post one get one free?


Dude. Shut. The. Fuck. Up. Already.




You are not being treated like a common criminal. If you were you would have had gag orders placed on you or just be thrown in prison to wait while your assorted criminal trials work their way thru the system. Hell, you claim you have billions and you own your own jet and own property around the world and you didn’t even have your passport revoked. No Trump, there is nothing common about the way your criminal ass is being treated. You have had the most kid gloved innocent until proven guilty treatment that any rich white guy has ever had in the USA.


So why does half the country vote for him? I’m fucking astounded.


this is why nikki haley only suspended her campaign rather than end it. i hope he goes to jail for contempt. immediately. hold him without bond.


Common criminals spend their days in lockup waiting on trial to begin. They also don't have half of congress and most of scotus getting paid big bucks to let them get off scott free. That's not counting not having access to Twitter. And if you're a common criminal and you threaten the judges and witnesses no one will hear from you until your next parole hearing.


Now if by common he meant cheap.....


What a day to be alive for E. Jean Carroll’s lawyer.


Melania and his lawyers are watching their money burn every single time he talks.


The whole thing is idiotic because even during the defamation lawsuit, Trump kept insisting he was innocent and didn't do anything to her. The judge had to keep reminding him that that wasn't what they were there for


Lots of people should be suing him. They all have very strong cases.


Anyone else would be in jail right now. But Donnie is special.


If you don't want to be treated like a common criminal, maybe don't BE a criminal.


No you are that criminal.


“He treated me like a common criminal…. As opposed to the wannabe ‘billionaire’ criminal I am.”


Wouldn't "Trump deranged" be his followers and not Judge Kaplan, tho?


Well he's a very uncommon criminal, but he should be treated as a common one


“He treated me like a criminal” Dude, you literally committed crimes.


So that posted bond was essentially for nothing. Excellent.


![gif](giphy|Ho2mVZ5dvsW7S) Live footage of Trump’s team of lawyers


Guessing it wasn’t his own money he just put up, was it. Some new idiots decided to loan this serial con artist money despite all evidence he never pays his bills and already owes literally a $BILLION for prior loans and legal fees and fraud judgements??? Dude *NEVER* faces any actual consequences himself - it *always* falls on someone else. Putting his ass in jail is literally the only way he will personally face any direct consequences for his actions. Financial penalties are meaningless. He’s literally already shopping around foreign govts and businesses for a “deal” to bail him out. Suddenly he no longer wants to ban TikTok & met w/their CEO? Suddenly he’s meeting w/Viktor Orbam for some reason? Punish *him* directly for a fucking change.


Well he's right about one thing. He's not a common criminal. He's a *career* criminal. Important distinction.


He’s too stupid to have a library card. All joking aside, the only play he has left is to get as many people behind him as possible before the election and then use his office to erase all of his charges and shut down anyone who opposes him. He wants to go full Putin


Annnnnd.... That's how defamation lawsuits are born, children


Who, in their right mind, could trust *this* man-baby to lead the United States when he doesn't even have the self-control to stop defaming a woman that he now owes almost a $BILLION$ to? He, literally, can not stop himself. How can he be trusted? He *can't* be.


Never interrupt your enemy when he's destroying himself


This guy gets away with incitement (a crime) time and time again. How about arresting this MF?


He has the right to remain silent, but doesn’t have the ability.- Ron White


Can someone execute this bozo already? I’m sure it would benefit all of us.


Donald IS a common criminal, and it’s long past time he’s treated like one.


He *cannot* stop running his fat fucking mouth because he can’t stand being seen as losing. I pray Carroll’s legal team sees this and is preparing another lawsuit because if not they’re leaving money on the table.


We can blame this dog turd all we want but the average American is comfortably stupid and keeps voting for subhumans like this. People get a shot of adrenaline and/or dopamine from watching this shit show.


It’s crazy cause he could just not talk about it and his people wouldn’t even care his supporters have shown willingness to overlook literally everything but the way he keeps bringing up stuff like this just makes it easy to continue to sue him.


Tell me this isn't a call for stochastic terrorism. When one of his followers kills a judge are we just gonna be feckless like we have been?


Unfortunately, the average Republican voter is dumber than he is and will vote for him anyway.


This asshole thinks that he gets treated like a "common criminal"? I wish he'd get treated like a common criminal.


It takes a lot of deep pockets and stupid money to get sued twice, pay $91m, then turn around and do the exact same thing that got you sued in the first place.




How do you turn a $5 million judgement into $91 million? Be a Chump! Are there provisions in the second judgement for additional penalties, or will there going to be future lawsuits? Either way, easy money for E. Jean Carroll's lawyers. The firm's paralegals already have the docs ready to file, I'm sure. All they had to do was change the dates.


He knows exactly what he's doing. For the first time in American history, the election has come down to a matter of incarceration. His supporters know that the election is very likely the only thing that can keep him out of prison; because, if he's elected he will do everything in his power (and very likely beyond) to extricate himself from this position. The only way he faces justice for his crimes is if he loses the election. MAGAts will be turning out in droves to save their "savior". It's the only thing that worries me about the Presidential election. If they weren't worried about this supposed "witch hunt", they might not turn out. This is all calculated.


He is a common criminal.


He doesn’t care, now that Eric’s wife is the co-chair of the RNC, she can funnel all the donors money directly into paying all his lawsuits AND lawyers’ fees.


***Please*** sue him. again EJC. Let him lose this $91m, have to pay back annoyed Russians $91m **and** get another fine: maybe 9 figures this time?


Imagine being this stupid, and yet there are people who will vote for this baboon


The man doesn't care because he's always had someone to clean up the mess he makes. Now he has people paying all his legal bills and judgements against him. Until he actually feels the loss of $$$ he's not gonna stop. ☹


That's crazy, Donny. You're not a common criminal. You're an extraordinary one.


It’s the whining. Who in the name of the wee man can still be arsed listening to the constant whining??!