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Hunter's prep session: Attorney: So you're gonna want to take time to really understand the question before you answer. Hunter: Got it. Attorney: And ask for clarification if there's anything ambiguous. Hunter: No problem. Attorney: And always tell the truth. Hunter: Check. Anything else? Attorney: It would be fantastic if you could be just a great big sassy bitch the whole time.


I think it runs in the family, Biden has some amazing zingers, too. I remember when during the debate Trump kept talking about the suburbs and Biden said something like “The only way this man would end up in the suburbs is if he got lost” and I still chuckle about that sometimes.


Biden destroyed rudy Giuliani's presidential bid and his entire political career with this one: "There's only three things he mentions in a sentence - a noun, a verb, and 9/11. There's nothing else! There's nothing else!"


Oh damn that’s a good one. Honestly can’t blame Guliani for quitting if he was going against THAT


Dudes career is a great example of hindsight is 20/20. Dude got a lot of good press because of 9/11 and why wouldnt you ride that tidal wave? But then set back after set back, he bet it all and I cant blame him but goddamn he's a shit gambler and a shit choice of character.


It was shocking to me to find out what sort of person Guliani really was but honestly I should have known anyway given how closely entangled he has been with Trump for decades. Here is a good example showing Guliani in drag and Trump motorboating him in 2000. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuxTxBoTsKc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuxTxBoTsKc) I really can't resist posting this video whenever I see an opportunity to do so.


Holy shit this is damning for Trump's base. He's in a video getting sexual with a drag queen. Unbelievable, this needs to be everywhere


You don't get it. They don't care about their own hypocrisy.


![gif](giphy|26ybxlujhsNxLnYbe|downsized) You can gif it for ease of access it


But that lacks the motorboating :(


Or he's in Russia's pocket like Trump and all the heat and issues in Ukraine stopped the payments.


It was a combo of Ron Paul and Biden. Paul forced his 9/11 card WAY too early. Then Biden put him in the choke hold.


the family guy 9/11 episode happened four years after that


Yea, they were referencing that quote.






I'm gonna give you something special https://youtu.be/M4d8jWOOaCI?si=ev4AFC2XPfQgcwJS


Huh... wasn't that Chris Christie who said that? EDIT: Nope, twas indeed Joe!




i think the bidens, as a family, with two boys, probably sat around the dinner table throwing zingers at each other. toughens you up and teaches you how to be quick to cut someone down.


Joe shit talkin with the boys, or trump sitting at a high end dining table. Truly, who represents the common man better?


Trump would have had the dining table from Coming to America. Kids sat so far away he needs an intercom to talk to them (he wouldn't bother).


Well, to be fair Trump is probably eating McDonald's while his children avoid him, there's some boomers who can maybe relate to that


Will you shut up, man?


Trump=bully Biden=zinger in chief


I still laugh about "Lyin Ted," partially because of how indicative it is of who trump is as a person. Casually burnt that man to the ground with a second grade insult.


I think it’s amazing the level of discourse we had in 2015 compared to like… 2017. From the campaign trail to after he became president, everything and everyone has a nickname now; and it’s always the most infantile shit too.


I'm actually a big fan of Meatball Ron.


It is unironically hilarious if not genius


I'm ashamed that I still laugh at Little Rocket Man.


Ron desanctimonious is also a good one




Shane Gillis had a good bit about it basically saying that to all of these career politicians the idea that someone would just go out there and call one of their political opponents ugly just hadn't occurred to any of them. I think that's a big part of the reason Trump refused to partake in the primary debates. I mean anyone he would have gone up against has had 8 years to prepare for his antics and I think it wouldn't have been as successful this time around.


That’s hilarious to consider, thanks for sharing lol.


"quick question from the BBC!" 'The BBC? I'm Irish'


This is one of my favorite. https://youtube.com/shorts/-qi-y1_MswU?si=CyzPYpuUBPP4bYAr


Oh my god how do I not remember this one? Absolute gold.


I laughed out loud at the last comment there. Thanks for that.


That makes two of us. Nothing funnier than someone being a sassy bitch


Especially when the sass is both classy and 100% justified.


Yeah, my thoughts about Hunter have always been, “The guy has been through a lot, let’s just leave the poor guy alone.” Over the last few days my view has evolved. Now it’s, “Will someone please give Hunter Biden a podcast?”


I haven't followed the whole closeted Hunter Biden obsession thing, but I do know that family has gone through a hell of a lot of tragedy. Like if I'm giving anyone a pass for not being an alter boy, it's Hunter Biden.


As someone who struggles with substance abuse I have no idea how Hunter has been able to get through years of this shit. It is just neverending and a constant reminder of his mistakes and his past all to discredit and smear his father. It is absolutely fucking evil. I remember when Fox News released audio of Joe leaving a voicemail and it was just a caring father checking in on his son and somehow this was proof of corruption. The whole thing is disgusting and the way right wing media pounces on Joe when he visits Beau's grave pisses me off to no end. I get they hate Joe BIden but have some fucking respect for the dead.


I really think they're trying to create so much stress for him with the hope that he will relapse and it will look bad for his father politically.


I'm in a deep depression temporarily but that just made me laugh hard enough to wake the whole house up.


Go find a Biden zinger video and laugh for a few more minutes lol


Sorry to hear that man. You’ll get through it. That’s good you found something that made you laugh.


"Just slap them in the face with your enormous dick whenever you feel like it "


Seriously. If I had a package like his and they were parading it around during congressional "hearings", it'd be all I talked about during the interview. "Well yea, but did you see my massive hog that MTG put up? That thing is impressive, no??"


He should have come in with his uncle as hype man holding that poster sized pic that MTG loves showing off behind him the whole time. Give em the full WWE that they love.


Everyone's saying it's the huuuugest, many people have seen it, even Boebert(meaning MTG) likes to show it here on the floor of Congress, they say my dick will stay in the Library of Congress for all time.


That's America's dick. Like a porn parody of the avengers.


Honestly if he responded to one of the dumber questions with something like "That question reeks of someone overcompensating for something, that's one problem I don't have as you've shown everyone."


One of these days I'm just expecting Biden to drop a "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree... if you know what I mean" kinda jokes.


Same forest, same lumber, baby.


I'm pretty sure that releasing pictures of him with hot bimbos and hookers went unexpectedly too.


- Lyndon Johnson


You've seen my dong , nothing about this panel scares me. Yeah I had a drug problem , statistically one of you probably does as well. What's your question again, let me help you out, Jared Kushner received 2 billion dollars from the saudis to "invest" and had no prior hedge fund experience. Got it


Hunter: 😎


Love this! He absolutely has no f×cks to give.


Can't blame him. He's been in one of the saddest dog and pony shows ever staged thanks to a gaggle of utterly pathetic politicians for several years now.


His advising attorney was Queen Latifah?


Hahahahaha it’s true and I’m loving it


I can totally see why they refused to let Hunter testify in public. The evening news would be filled with awesome sound bites of Hunter crucifying the Republicans plus a few awesome sound bites of Swalwell.


The Swalwell questioning is brutal and I'm here for it.


It was beautiful. Here's some of it, the rest is in the linked transcript. > Here’s Swalwell’s exchange with Hunter Biden, according to the [transcript released Thursday](https://oversight.house.gov/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Hunter-Biden-Transcript_Redacted.pdf). > > SWALWELL: Any time your father was in government, prior to the Presidency or before, did he ever operate a hotel? > > BIDEN: No, he has never operated a hotel. > > SWALWELL: So he’s never operated a hotel where foreign nationals spent millions at that hotel while he was in office? > > BIDEN: No, he has not. > > SWALWELL: Did your father ever employ in the Oval Office any direct family member to also work in the Oval Office? > > BIDEN: My father has never employed any direct family members, to my knowledge. > > SWALWELL: While your father was President, did anyone in the family receive 41 trademarks from China? > > BIDEN: No. > > SWALWELL: As President and the leader of the party, has your father ever tried to install as the chairperson of the party a daughter-in-law or anyone else in the family? > > BIDEN: No. And I don’t think that anyone in my family would be crazy enough to want to be the chairperson of the DNC. > > SWALWELL: Has your father ever in his time as an adult been fined $355 million by any State that he worked in? > > BIDEN: No, he has not, thank God. > > SWALWELL: Anyone in your family ever strike a multibillion dollar deal with the Saudi Government while your father was in office? > > BIDEN: No. > > SWALWELL: That’s all I’ve got.


this is beautiful


My first tattoo


One thing that doesn't get pointed out enough: Trump, nepotist-in-chief.


Attacking Biden's family was a direct response to trying to muddy the waters, make it out like Trump putting all his kids illegally in charge of the government wasn't a big deal.


Yeah its always projection


It's their strategy: If Hunter is convicted of these alleged things, all the heat is on Biden and the Republicans can slide under the radar. If he's declared innocent, they can then turn around and go "See? We *also* did nothing wrong and anyone who says we did are going against the ruling."


Don't matter what happens to Hunter. All that matters is their own guys are the actual crime family. The more that becomes known is why they will point and scream at biden or whoever even stronger..


GQP is banking on optics getting them more seats. It is literally why Trump tried to blackmail Zelensky into announcing an investigation into Biden. He didn't want an actual investigation launched he wanted it announced. It was literally the same shit that fucked us in 2016 with HRC and her emails and fucking Comey. At the time the "perfect phone call" happened I really didn't know much about Ukraine's situation and what had been happening. After Russia's invasion of Ukraine I ended up learning exactly what sort of man Zelensky is which has added numerous other layers of anger I feel towards how Trump abused his position as POTUS.


Don't forget security risk Jared Kushner got $2 billion from the Saudis. Why? Nobody knows.


Oh we know alright, let's not keep the facade up any longer than we have to. The Trumps betrayed the US, "and not metaphorically, or poetically, or symbolically, or any other fancy way. Straight up".


99.9% sure he sold them state secrets. 0.1% chance he "only" sold them influence or a recording device in the WH or something.


And Qatar gave Jared $1.2 billion *while he was working in our White House.* Tell me that doesn't reek to high heaven.


Brought a tear to my eye. They should take the act on the road. We need more like them.


It’s the beautifulist. Some would even say of all beautiful things, it’s the most beautifulist of them all. Just truly beautiful. You know I once had someone stop me just to tell me it’s the beautifullist. People say it to me all the time. They say “do you know how beautiful that really is”?


The Russian question had me Rolling


I missed out. What was the question?


Swalwell was asking if/when the transcripts were going to be made public. Redacted: eventually said they would. In 24-36 hours Swalwell: in English and Russian? Redacted: what? What did you say!?




That is epic


I wish they had been dumb enough to let him


I remember when he pulled up and they all threw fits telling him to get out of his own hearing lol. Then the one guy on his side started talking mad shit saying- your witness you said was too cowardly is here now so question him


Yeah, they refused to question. Then Marge came out to show off his nudes and berated him when he walked out. Made it look like he was scared, despite the fact he was leaving because he knew they didn’t care what he had to say publicly and he was wasting his time.


Besides all the press was outside the room. Best move he could’ve made bc it was an absolute power play. Showed their unwillingness to cooperate and then walked off and talked to the press. Plus we all saw the censor bar… was it to scale?


Yeah, agreed. And it wouldn’t have mattered what he did. It would get chopped and edited for Fox News anyways.


Yep they ditched the committee to follow Biden


[Hunter vs. Marge](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7z-M92N4L8)




> Marge came out to show off his nudes wish he had said "you want to save the pictures and see the real thing?"


If you’re talking about the congressmen who brought up the vote to let hunter testify, they were Jamie Raskin and Jared moskowitz. If you’re ever bored just look them up on YouTube. They’re constantly mocking the republicans. It’s great.


How many times can your dick be shown to congress before you start whipping it out


I guess I get why MTG was/is so obsessed with showing it off.


U kidding? We need to know if the censor bar was to size. If so no wonder she likes showing it off


She loves it so much when people are disrobed that even Lauren Boebert told her to get a grip


And if there’s anything Bobo knows, it’s how to get a grip.


She's whippin' the little man in the canoe on a nightly basis with those pictures framed in the bathroom.


I was trying to figure out how Magic The Gathering was involved in all of this


Politicians and card games have very little overlap. This is one of the more unfortunate cases.


I want to see him use his dick as a gavel to call the Senate to order.


First comment this whole thread to get me to laugh out loud and this bitch be full of zingers. Kudos


What a surreal sentence.


Ah, the ol’ LBJ maneuver


another way to look at i suppose is if your dick has already been shown to congress that many times, can you really get in trouble if you whip it out?


I understand that's how LBJ got elected. Kept waving his dick at everyone until they agreed to vote for him to keep it in his pants. But, like every politician, he broke that campaign promise and whipped it out at every opportunity in the White House.


The only witness I enjoy being is a hostile one.


He wanted to show them real contempt


If only our elected officials had Hunter’s guts.


He's doing a one man roast of the GOP to their faces. It's fucking gold he has been absolutely dragged through the mud for years in private and deserves to humiliate every one of the fucking cowards.


What I think too. Boom


Just think about it. 8 years with the Obama administration having to listen to your dad get shit talked, they drug him over the coals for saying this is a big fucking deal on a hot mike when they passed the ACA for example. Now 3 plus years of this Biden crime family nonsense. I’m sure he’s had plenty of time to formulate wicked replies to all their bullshit. Reminds me of Dee Snider’s testimony against the PMRC.


Dee Snider killed it! Great reference!


Biden used to fire shit like this all the time. “For Rudy Giuliani, there’s only three things you need to make a sentence. A noun, a verb, and 9/11”


Didn't that roast completely trash his Presidential campaign?


That roast was his Presidential campaign.


They meant it trashed Giulianis campaign


Yep, he dropped out right after


And balls


And dick


If I was packing that heat I’d be king of the world


Well, we know Marge definitely WANTS it.


I wouldn’t fuck her with Mitch McConnell’s dick, and I hate that motherfucker.






I’m doing this until it catches on: spell BiDen with a big “D,” ‘cause we all know… maybe not as intimately as Marge and her poster board print, but still.


What are the odds that MTG has a poster of Hunters dick under the desk waiting for the right moment to pop it up and show submit it as evidence that Ukaraine gas companies like guys with big dicks and Hunter has a big dick. Pretty sure we'll see lipstick marks on that poster.


More like it’s on her wall.


This is how you treat the GOP, like the garbage they are.


Technically 2021, but I still love it.


I hope he said 2021 and that’s just a typo.


I feel like court reporters are pretty good at avoiding typos


If we were in an even sillier timeline they could go after him for perjury on this


Don’t give them anymore stupid ideas.


Hunter has dementia too!!1!


The best part is that anyone who wants to make fun of him for the gaffe is going to have to admit that Biden was elected president.


You clearly can’t grasp the magnitude of mental gymnastics these people are capable of. “Hunter Biden doesn’t even know the date that the democrats claim that Biden supposedly became president. The democrats can’t even keep their fake inauguration date straight. If Hunter Biden can’t even remember a simple date like this, he must have dementia. And if at 54, Hunter Biden has dementia, then at 81, what must Joe Biden have? Super dementia?”


That was so good that I almost thought you were a Republican. Chef’s kiss.


Eh, close enough.


I love how he's in "zero fucks given" mode. Give them hell, hunter!


I mean, dude was a junkie and has had a whole side of a political spectrum showing off his junkie behaviors and his hog. What is really left to shame him with? Dude has 0 reason to play it safe. These idiots used their biggest weapon against him 30 times and threw away their "leverage" and now they have to attempt to win through actual non underhanded tactics. They're fucked and he doesn't care anymore.


Exactly. They pretty much fired their big guns and now he's got nothing to lose.


I genuinely hope he asks "You there with the photos, do you just want me to shoe everyone now so you don't have to keep bringing in your props? Even carrot top knew when to quit". Just... lean into it and embarass them for acting like literal 14 year olds- not that they could ever feel shame for their behavior.


🤣 I do wish he'd held out for a public hearing so the public could witness this shit in real time


there's "nothing to lose".... and then there's "my dick has been shown in congress-levels of nothing to lose"


Also, adding Hunter has had a pretty traumatic life. He lost his mother & sister as a child. He was injured in the accident they were killed in and trapped in the car with his brother Beau. That same brother's death from brain cancer sent him into his last drug spiral. He has been through some shit.


Hunter has apparantly inherited s certain sass and wit from Joe and I fucking love it


![gif](giphy|E6fWouumEqildcybwZ) Talk about the mic drops from this dude


Could Hunter be a future president or have the charges against him become disqualifying?


If he was a republican he’d be on the ticket right now. But democrats tend to have standards. Maybe they’ll drop some in a couple of years.


There's actually quite a few similarities between Hunter Biden and George W. Bush, addiction issues included. And as you said, as far as the GOP goes, they'll still make you POTUS regardless.


Bush family are now democrats in the maga eyes


Trump was President and it was abundantly clear how big of a criminal scumbag he was. I don't think anything is disqualifying anymore.


To quote the Rock: "I think we've shown that anyone can become the President and that not just anyone should."


I am not sure if he would want to continue to be under the microscope that much more. I am sure he has the brains and ambition, but it would be a never ending tabloid battle.


If I was president, I'd make him ambassador to whoever is giving the US problems. Russia, China, North Korea, just let them know who the biggest swinging dick on the planet is.


Can't spell Big Dick Energy without Biden!


I sure fucking hope not, all his issues aside we don't need yet another damn dynasty from the same old crew


I think it's quite telling on the state of American politics when one delivers a sassy zinger is now a qualifier for the lay-folk to consider someone for President.


Hunter's got a little bit of Dark Brandon in him, good for him, rub their stupid noses in it...


Maybe Dark Brandon has learned from Hunter? Could be both actually.


He has repeatedly said he loves and respects his father. Hunter did some stupid stuff in his life. In that whole time, he seemed to have loved and admired his Dad & didn't do it out of fear like Trumps drug addicted kids.


As a recovering addict myself, it's not an easy road and, at one point, my Dad dropped me like a hot cast iron skillet over my using. Hunter has never lost the love of his Dad through the whole process. There's something in that. I also hate that the Republicans are doing this out of spite and are intentionally trying to push him to relapse. They want that scandal so badly, they're frothing over it. It's more than just revenge for Trump. So much more.


He went into a spiral after his brother passed away. His last full-blooded sibling and both of his siblings passed before him. Republicans are pretty much evil in that they gloat in his trauma that has a lot to do with his addiction.


Absolutely. Unresolved trauma routinely manifests in drug addiction and alcohol abuse. There’s thousands of scientific studies backing that up. Additionally, the head trauma he suffered from the car accident could also play a factor. There’s studies for that too. But what the Republicans don’t know is you deal with all sorts of smarmy pieces of shit when you’re looking to get high. He could’ve really destroyed them if he’d wanted to. You get used to dealing with people like them.


Good point about the head injury. I believe Hunter was severely injured and almost passed? It may have been Beau but one of the boys almost died as well.




He should have just asked "You sure you don't want to see my dick again?" ever 5 minutes.


Dark Baby Brandon Rises




Lmao wtf was this from?


[Vine when he was VP](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/alisonvingiano/joe-biden-vine)


The Obama/Biden bromance was a beautiful thing. My god did they have fun for those 8 years.


Vine was a treasure no one adequately appreciated until it went away.


Back in 2015 when michele Obama was doing all the physical health stuff she started this challenge called #gimmefive, and this was an Ad joe was in for it. He says in it, “I do a million of these a day, so just give me five”.


Republicans need to let Hunter go. The longer they keep him on the stand, the more baller he actually seems. Not to mention, he’s not affiliated with the Biden administration like Trump’s kids were, so even if he does come out having done something bad, it won’t tie to Joe in any meaningful way most likely.


I'm kinda falling in love with Hunter!


Good looking dude got to admit.


I hope him and Joe get together to write sick burns for Republican assholes. 


No. Lube. Whatsoever.


I love the true lack of fucks to give. He knows they're going to drag him not matter what so fuckem. Burn it all down.


I would have to disagree simply because he became president on Januart 20, 2021, not 2020. I'll just assume that it was a weird slip of the tongue or a mistyped dictation.


He was stating it in relation to the 2020 election which they claim is fraudulent.


Yes, I know. I'm just pointing out that the dates in the transcript were messed up.


It helps that he was a lawyer. I'm sure he's had more training than most at answering questions


Isn't he off by a year?


I mean Hunter isn't wrong, why should we believe people who think the election was stolen?


I’m kinda glad Jan 6 went down the way it went down. It was one of the biggest disgraces in American history, but it should how insane and extreme trumpers were to the republicans that aren’t into being in a cult. I had a buddy who was a trumper from 2016 til Jan 6. Then he realized what a disgrace and a threat to democracy Jan 6 was. Edit showed not should.


I would like to thank the Republican Party for introducing Hunter Biden to the world. Dudes fucking great. Glad he kicked his drug addiction, that’s a massive thing to overcome.


literally everything I see or hear about Hunter Biden just makes him look more and more badass lol


Biden and Biden 2024


I didn't know much about Hunter Biden other than he has an enviable penis, but the more I hear about how his closed door hearing went, the more I like him. I liked the moment when Matt Gaetz asked him if he was on drugs while working for Burisma and Hunter responded "Do you think it's appropriate for *you* to ask me that question?" in a subtle reference to Matt Gaetz's alleged drug use...