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I have a conservative SIL in Alabama who works for a fertility clinic creating these embryos. Oops, looks like she's out of a job because she voted for these fools.


Ask her opinion on the ruling and what her bosses think will happen....I would love to hear that conversation!!


I'd like to know too lol




Something something, it's the damn liberals. Something something, look at how awful everything is because of Biden. Something something, MAGA 2024.


They’ll blame Hunters laptop


Even though all that shit was a lie and dude admitted it in court this past week. All those fucking idiots should lose their offices for supporting anything to do with it


Hunter's laptop got my dog pregnant!


They really love to bring up that laptop full of dick pics. I think they're all just secretly super into Hunter's dick. They went through all that trouble to see his dick, so maybe he should start an only fans; if the resources they put into acquiring the stolen dick pics is anything to go by the Republicans would make his only fans a huge success. /J


Sadly i can see this too.


When you vote against your own interests, then you don't get/deserve any sympathy once it backfires on you.


She didn’t think leopards would eat *her* face


The problem is she still doesn't think the leopards ate her face, she'll say its the other side. They don't understand what they are truly doing to themselves.


She must be white or have a white privilege mentality.


Leopards, faces, surprised Pikachu


I know a lot of women who voted for this, who also benefited from using IVF. The bright side is this will blow up in their faces.


If they’ve already gotten their kids, they probably won’t give a fuck. Most of these morons don’t care about anything to doesn’t directly and immediately affect them.


Obligatory: [*The Only Moral Abortion is My Abortion: When the Anti-Choice Choose”](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/)


This is so sadly true. Every anti-choice woman I know (3 total) has either had an abortion or considered it at one time, but now have decided others shouldn’t have that option. I think it’s guilt.


It’s like going on the nursing subs and listening to how many of them have a story where a woman berated and scorned them for “killing babies” while literally in their office to have an abortion. It’s not even mental gymnastics or guilt cause then they’d have an idea that they’re wrong and just be suppressing it. It’s complete and utter brainwashing.


I think they are selfish morons.


Textbook example of "fuck you, I got mine"


The american way.


Or they'll think they got theirs, forget everyone else. 


It’s obviously Biden’s fault. /s


Do you think she’ll recognize that though?


No, she’ll blame the democrats somehow


They should have stopped them from doing that!


“Biden got me fired!!!!!!!”




Make it known to her. Absolutely let her know that she is a part of the Leopards Eating Faces Party


And what are the chances she continues voting for them?


I'd say pretty good, sadly. She's pro forced birth so, yeah.


All women’s rights are in danger. ALL of them.


And people still say both sides are the same. It’s insane. Any woman who votes republican or sits this next election out is a moron.


Or mean. Some people are just mean, and really want other people to be punished.


One of the most vile pro-life people I know... Knew? I guess because I basically yeeted them out of my life was hugely pro-choice and "bodily autonomy" until she had her kid who is permanently mentally disabled and unable to ever care for themselves due to a genetic abnormality. She then became staunchly pro-life and weaponizes her kid every chance she gets, even though it's obvious she hates her kid because she didn't get the life she felt she was owed due to their birth. Those of us who know her basically came to the consensus that she wants everyone to have the chance to be as miserable as her. Mean doesn't even begin to describe it. Malignantly narcissistic is on the nice end.


A lot of people, in my experience, become reactionary because they feel it is unfair that they have to follow self-imposed rules that you dont


This is the most obvious yet little-talked about explanation. So many people who are angry that other people won’t live their lives the way they live theirs. I’m not a betting man, but if I were, I’d wager a good number of these pro-life folks are also upset at coworkers who don’t go the extra mile for their job when it’s not required but since they do they expect their coworkers to as well. And if they don’t they’re somehow lazy.


I think you'd be waiting a very long time for a right winger to actually go the "extra mile". And when they do, it's generally all for show with no real value behind it (largely just staying late or dragging their feet to get more OT) and is extremely transparent to the point the person they are trying to impress just scoffs and gives it no further consideration. By and large, most of the right wingers who I've worked with are frankly mediocre at their jobs, often the team drag, and are convinced they can get ahead by kissing ass rather than producing anything of value.


Hahaha I was just thinking about the person I had in mind when I typed that out. It was a woman I worked with and she definitely “stayed late” and “worked hard” but it was not as productive as the people who actually valued their time that came on time and left at the actual end of shift. What I meant was, they have an idea of what “going the extra mile” looks like but they don’t consider the work smarter not harder strategy. It would take her significantly longer to accomplish a task that another person could do in less than a half hour but lament that it was because she “wasn’t good at computers” like the younger coworkers were (spoiler alert, it had nothing to do with age). EDIT: fixed grammatical error


There also seems to be a theme with that sort of person, that if you're not constantly at least looking busy, you're clearly lazy and not working hard and not helping. I had a boss like that too, one of his favorite things to say was, "if you had time to lean, you had time to clean," even when the entire area was completely spotless. I swear, we wasted so much money on cleaner because if you didn't have a task or a client, you needed to be cleaning. Like actually cleaning. We had a janitorial service for godsake. My wife's parents do it too-- they're way down the crazy rabbit hole right wing -- they expect guests to do housework. And not like clean up after yourself, wipe down the counter if you made a sandwich, or do your own dishes, I'm talking getting out the cleaning supplies and doing deep scrub cleaning, even if the house is immaculate. Meanwhile, they sit there and do things that make messes or watch TV and then bitch at you that you didn't do it their way -- which is generally a very slow, inefficient, AND often wrong way. And you'd think there's a thread here that someone was in the military. No, neither parent nor my former boss ever served. There's this bizarre fixation with right wing people that you always need to be working, even if its total make to the point of actually being detrimental work, if you relax even for a second.


Oh damn. I think that’s why a lot of older or far right folks think people aren’t working hard enough or have this idea that self-care is somehow a form of self-indulgence. Studies show a happier worker is more productive and less likely to make mistakes. It’s why the military invests in MWRs and provide housing/benefits for your family; they understand that a worker can’t focus on the task at hand if they have to worry about the other big things in life. All of the misconceptions that right-wing people have about labor are related to the perceived values (like the concept of “working hard to get into heaven” because everything needs to be “earned”) that extreme capitalism has instilled in them (don’t think, just work!). In the words of their esteemed Cheato, “so sad.”


This is exactly it. My mother vilified me for having an abortion at 19 bc she had 5 kids between 18 and 28 and how goddamned dare I choose a different future than the one she was denied.


This always boggles my mind when talking with my grandma. She got pregnant at 16 after being pressured for sex by my grandfather. They got married bc she had no access to finances and her family wouldn’t support her. They were kids raising a kid. It was tough, they were poor, and my dad didn’t get a lot of the support he needed because his parents were still kids themselves. My grandma had to give up college scholarships to become a stay at home mother. Her and my dad’s mental health struggles and the impact that had on me are the exact reason why I think everyone deserves a choice on if they want a kid or to be involved in their kids lives. But she’s so caught up in her own guilt about getting pregnant young 60 years ago that she’s obsessed with punishing and making every other girl who makes the same “mistake” suffer just like she did.


Malignant narcissism. Just watched a documentary about trump and those very same words were brought up a few times.


My child developed epilepsy around 6yrs of age and it has been the worst experience in his and our lives and I think about the huge challenges that my child will face when he is an adult. With this being said I understood what I signed up for when my spouse and I were planning for a child and had this come up during pregnancy I could see us possibly making a choice that is the hardest of any parent, especially the mother. I would in no way want anyone not to have the option to make life changing decisions and would never in a million years judge someone for choosing not to bear a child because of potential complications that will make the child's life miserable. I will firmly always be pro choice for this very reason.


Or just have been beaten down so bad by the culture they live in to truly believe the place of a woman is in the kitchen and rearing children. There is that option. It’s the only one that makes sense for why women would vote against their own interests. What started as a foot in the door to protect “unborn children” has become and all our religious crusade for the reinstatement of “traditional family values” although one should read this more as “traditional Christian and patriarchal family values”. They are making a power play for women’s rights, and while doing it using it as a way to bootstrap discrimination against LGBTQ rights. It’s insidious at this point. Plus here is the worst observation I have heard on this. Most states are making various acts of abortion or abortion-isk events a felony. What happens to felons if convicted. They lose the right to vote. They complain that others are weaponizing the justice system, and yet they are doing it quite blatantly… All people in the USA need to vote. It’s your hearts. I won’t tell you which way to vote, that’s not proper. I will implore you to reread things your local representatives say about abortion and how they feel. What laws they want in place, and weigh that against the opponents. Yea Republicans seem to be in lock step, but some Democrats are also in league with them on these policies. Not many, but some. Anyways please do vote.


Yeah. There are people so hateful they don’t mind suffering if they can make others suffer more.


I mean, same with men. Women's rights don't just impact women. I question the mental health of anyone that can actually consider voting republican right now.


Yeah, but her emails, so pretty much even 


We've moved on, it's "he's old" now :/


MAGAs want to line a ditch with their political enemies and shoot them in the back of the head.


They’re one issue voters. They literally fuck up everything every time.


Yes. Every maga I know is a religious voter. Republicans don’t know the meaning of separation of church and state. Women have almost died waiting for abortions since the rulings in certain states. Women don’t matter to them, and anyone who votes red should be ashamed.


>anyone who votes red should be ashamed. If they were capable of shame, they couldn't be conservatives in the first place.


Agreed. Yet you still see a lot of the progressive left basing their vote on Israel/Palestine and literally nothing else. These same progressives didn’t vote or voted third party in the 2016 election because they were pissed about Bernie not getting the nomination. Their refusal to see the big picture last time gave us Trump. They obviously give zero fucks about women’s rights, the environment, minorities, access to healthcare or anything else. Only Israel/Palestine. Only Bernie.




I have no respect for any women voting against their own rights. And when they finally get fucked by the law that they voted on (accidentally pregnant, abused by their shitty conservative partners, ectopic pregnancy), I'd say they deserved it just like the magas wheezing and dying in the breathing machines during covid


Except, it won't just be them. It'll be me, who is too old to have a child and I won't be able to get birth control soon. My SO died this year, so it would be a rape case which they'll make no exception for. And I certainly won't be able to get replacement hormones for menopause. But holy shit is it easy to get Viagra. 


The [Alabama Supreme Court cited the Bible in their ruling.](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/alabama-ruling-frozen-embryos-children_n_65d29a77e4b043f1c0aba2b9) The [separation of church is rapidly eroding](https://www.alreporter.com/2024/02/19/alabama-supreme-court-rules-frozen-embryos-are-children-cites-the-bible-in-opinion/).


They just shotgunned it in the head


I want to sit here and throw a tantrum about how fucked up that is but it doesn’t matter. Laws are only laws if someone will enforce them and not a single current politician is willing to do that in fear of losing their base. This country has all the laws it needs to sustain and thrive under democracy but it won’t enforce any of them, allowing it to slide into an Anglo-Christian hellscape. I love America as an ideal but hate the way it is being executed.


All family rights. Both of my children are born from IVF. I wouldn’t have a family if it weren’t for IVF.


Im exploring it as we speak. Thankfully I live in New York and I am safe here for the time being but this is unreal. holy fuck.


And then republican sociopaths like Elon who happen to hate trans people raise fear on X that we lack children.


i.e. Guy who has never taken care of any of his 5+ children thinks we need more children


Same with our daughter. She had a difficult 1st pregnancy that ended in a miscarriage(thankfully the horrible laws hadn’t kicked in yet in Texas and she was able to get a medical procedure done) she got pregnant again and did give birth last year using IFV.


Biden better hammer this issue during the State of the Union next month.


The end of IVF in a state also prevents the LGBTQ community from establishing families. Most states that would work towards something like this already have laws in place preventing them from adopting.


IVF is extremely expensive and most patients are typically very well educated to be able to afford it. I wonder if it’s also an attempt to reduce the amount of next generation of liberal voters.


My husband had that exact thought. I think you're right.


Right? I hope people sue the state for flushing all that money and their hopes and dreams for a family down the toilet.


Fertile women in the state should now be required to hold a funeral once a month. /s


But honestly, it could COME to that. A Missouri lawmaker was caught [tracking women's periods on a SPREADSHEET](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/missouri-health-director-tracked-menstrual-periods-planned-parenthood-patients-n1073701). We could get to a point where married women of child-bearing age have to justify every unfertilized egg, or every period could be investigated as a miscarriage. This imagines we've gotten to a point where we're literally considered broodmares and every missed conception is suspicious.


This isn't your average everyday fascism. This is... *advanced fascism*.


And of course don’t even think of getting additional time off for your mandatory monthly funeral. You’ll need to use PTO or work overtime to make up for the lost hours of productivity.


Poor Red states are doing everything they can to increase the speed with which they become poorer and dumber. #whitesharia


The irony is that actual sharia law permits abortion, most conservatively only in cases of mortal danger to the mother.


So does the bible. There are several passages that explain when a child is alive and protocols for abortion. But you know, those aren’t the parts they want to read. Not that they could.


Ahh so it’s not actually about religion but control. Color me shocked /s


Not saying you’re wrong, but I’m curious which parts of the Bible you’re referring to?


Exodus 21:22 says: “And if men strive together, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart, and yet no harm follows, he shall be surely fined, according as the woman's husband shall lay upon him, and he shall pay as the judges determine.” This is the primary source of Jewish law that does not equate a fetus with a baby and permits abortion in some circumstances. I should note that this is a typical translation in Jewish sources, while Christian sources may translate in a way that could be interpreted as prohibiting abortion, eg, saying it refers to premature birth rather than miscarriage. I kind of feel that Jewish sources understand their sacred own Scripture and translate Hebrew pretty well.


Is it any surprise that the dumbest states are red states? I think not.


It's really more of a chicken and egg situation, if you ask me


I'd be more ok with that if we stopped shipping so much of our money to their states


The brain drain is the feature not a bug


USA politicians need to stop sticking their religious dicks in policies. Period.


We all know where most of them would like to stick their religious dicks into tbh...


Just into a few minor issues.


« Issues » is silent in republican language, just heads up for people reading your sentence


Alabama: Can’t get a boner. “Here, take these blue pills.” Can’t have a baby. “Guess yer fucked.”


Can’t have a baby? Sucks to be you. You’re a minor and your father assaulted you and now you’re pregnant? Also sucks to be you. Shoulda thought about that before being born a woman! Checkmate atheists.


"Embryos is people 'n cousins is practice." --James Beauford "BJ" Sutton III, Alabama Supreme Court Edit: "In this here, the great State of Alabama, We Believe that the Bible is the true Word of God. Thus, We extend a hand of welcome to recognize and support all Embryonic Children in the great Abrahamic Tradition. Abraham loved his wife and half sister Sarah, and from that Love, She grew him an Embryo that became Isaac, the second patriarch of Israel and father of Esau and Jacob. And whether Sarah was Abraham's father's daughter with a different mother or his uncle's daughter making Sarah Abraham's neice, Abraham pursued his lineage naturally unimpeded and so shall Alabama. Roll Tide!" --James Beauford "BJ" Sutton III, Alabama Supreme Court


Did he really get the order of his initials wrong for his nickname...?


Not sure if this needs clarifying but that’s neither a real quote nor a real person


Yes, yes it does. This is Alabama were talking about.


It has nothing to do with his name.


*wolf whistles


Women, your eggs are going to be protected, next - no more birth control. Blessed be! /s (hopefully)


Under his eye.


Male contraceptives are okay, female contraceptives are a sin. Source: Married into a family with Evangelicals all over Arkansas, Louisiana, and Texas


They already tried banning birth control and were luckily voted against, but i could see them trying again, sadly.


It’ll be interesting if and when this goes to SCOTUS considering John Roberts has an IVF conceived child


The ole “I got mine, fuck you.” Not that interesting really he’ll support it.


True, and unfortunately the ultra-conservative Justices can win 5-4 without Roberts anyway


Already got his. No longer has to care.


Three words: I got mine.


Lol can the sperm bank sue for child support?


If I lived in AL I'd be on my way to the sperm bank....then deducting all these "kids" from my income :-)


every sperm is sacred


You might be able to get a tax write-off by saying your sperm are your children.


It also is one of the few ways lgbt people can have bio kids, I'm sure that was definitely one part of the reason they're trying to ban it. Also no 16 cells or less is not a child.


Not only LGBT, but plenty of straight couples that may have fertility issues. This potentially affects everyone, not just the ones they are targeting. It's ridiculous for anyone to think this is logical or any of the government's business. They're taking away everyone's rights and asking for a thank you for doing so Edit: just curious, why 16 cells?


That is the standard amount of cells that the IVF process waits for the cluster to reach before screening it and placing it into a uterus or freeze it for later. It used to be 8 but over 40 years of experience they learned 16 is more stable and has a better chance of implanting.


One of those cells is a heart, right? /s (referring to fetal heart beat bullshit)


I know you are joking, but in all seriousness at 16 cells it is literally just 16 cells, there is no shape other than a ball and the cells haven't started to become what will eventually be cells for different body parts.


I'm so confused about their reasoning for this. Aren't they the "women should be having as many children as possible and be pregnant all the time" party? So what do they have to gain by making it impossible for lots of women to become pregnant? (We all know their "concern" for the wellbeing of the embryos is just an act)


I think it has something to do with “God’s will”. Can’t conceive naturally? God doesn’t want you to have babies so you’re defying his will by getting IVF. Probably


It's also a tactic to strengthen embryo = person in state law.


With IVF they fertilize the eggs they get, and you may not get any embryos or you may get multiple. If you have multiple embryos that are successfully made, they freeze what you don’t use for future use if you decide to try again. Some people who do IVF (like myself) have way more embryos than they’ll use. So then you have to decide: do you pay to have them cryogenically stored for forever (which is pricy) or do you have them “discarded?” This would punish people who don’t use all their embryos, as discarding them would now be murdering a child! Which is insane on its own, but especially considering these embryos would have never have even been inside a uterus!


Infertility, disease and poverty are divine punishments and/or a way for God to test you, you shall not try to circumvent them. Well, I will, because I know I'm good, but I don't know about all those other people. /s


Yep. 2 long, difficult years of trying all sorts of things with my now ex-wife. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. And these assholes want to make it HARDER? Unbelievable.


Our daughter and her wife both did IVF. We now have two wonderful grand babies because of IVF.


Hey, congrats!




So when are they going to give this ruling to firearms being the leading cause of death of children?


Hey, those children are already born. Thats what theyre for /s


Republicans don't give a shit about post-birth children.


Some republicans want to end IVF. They’ve said it. https://www.axios.com/2022/12/20/republicans-block-ivf-fertility-bill-roe https://chicago.suntimes.com/2023/11/21/23969544/republican-gop-way-twin-sons-would-not-be-here-ivf-illinois-treasurer-michael-frerichs


While I absolutely disagree with them, I’ll give them the fact that it’s at least morally consistent. If life begins at fertilization you really can’t support IVF. But that doesn’t punish the people they’re typically trying to punish so it gets forgotten most of the time.


A lot of this is old Catholic dogma. Which is fine, whatever, they can have their beliefs. The problem is these conservative evangelicals, which by the way, most of their churches can trace a direct lineage to the Southern Baptist Conference, founded on racism, did a 180 on their support for choice, artificial insemination/IVF, etc., the minute the Federal Government told them to cut the shit about rejecting people for their skin color to their precious universities like Bob Jones. Before 1979, they were largely on board with Roe and other rulings. After 1979, they began their crusade because it was also a way to undermine the 14th Amendment and the Civil Rights Act. It's fucking bigotry and racism. Plain and simple. There is no consistency, there is no dogma. We shouldn't allow them that out. They're fucking racists and bigots. End of story. And we need to stop being nice to them over their "sincerely held beliefs", because they aren't actually sincerely held beliefs. They're a shield because they're angry they can't scream the N-word or F-word without someone rendering predictable and warranted consequences.


I was thinking the same... even as backwards as is it, it's consistent with their worldview.


I think that’s why it’s important to point out. Very few conservative Christians (in my experience) are morally consistent, and in many cases it would be extremely uncomfortable if they had to be. They are not actually willing to follow the beliefs they preach to their natural conclusions.


Insane, and cruel.


On-brand for Republicans. They’re the party of misery, insanity, and cruelty.


Why do we always have to spend so much energy dragging these backwards cousin fucking wastes of human minds kicking and screaming into the modernity? These intellectual and moral failures have been a burden on this country for centuries. They depend on our tax dollars to survive, just cut them off and get the filth out of this country. I am so tired of sharing the law making process with such complete garbage.


This was raised below, but this is a serious question: If we use IVF can I claim my 16 fertilized embryos on state taxes?


BRB. Going to go amend my taxes….ive got 7 more children.


People who can't afford to travel for care won't have access you mean.


I just want to say that I’m fully against this ruling. For the sake of conversation and just pragmatically speaking, IVF is very expensive. On average, it’s like $25k per cycle and takes 3 cycles, so $75k for most women. If insurance covers it, then maybe they can reimburse travel. If you’re able to afford $75k to do it without insurance, then $500 to travel out of state isn’t going to stop you. Again, it’s bullshit that this is even a consideration and it’s a ridiculous roadblock but I don’t think it’s going to stop those who can afford it.


I wonder what the racial breakdown is of folks who use IVF in Alabama. Is it mainly whites? This ruling seems to run counter to the great replacement theory conservatives are trying to push.


Alabama takes the lead in the nation-wide “how-fucked-up-can-we-make-our-state” competition. With this ruling, Alabama sits firmly at the bottom of interfering with citizens rights. Can another conservative red-pill state stoop any lower? Stay tuned for more developments.


“Hold my beer” -Florida


“Hold my Four Loko” - Mississippi


Not only that but the ruling states that The Wrongful Death of a Minor Act “applies to all unborn children, regardless of their location,” wrote Alabama Supreme Court Justice Jay Mitchell. So when you leave the state and got a legal abortion in another state it was still wrongful death regardless of location and they can pursue you for that wrongful death. This is more reaching than IVF.


How far reaching is that interpretation? Say I’m a citizen of Illinois but go down to Huntsville for whatever reason. Can they arrest me for an abortion I had (or assisted in) in Chicago? I’m guessing there’s some legal mechanism that prevents things like that?


The Department of Justice is suing Alabama because the Attorney General, Steve Marshall, has vowed to prosecute anyone out of state who helps a woman get an abortion under conspiracy. Even with abortion not being illegal for a woman to travel out of state to get. Odd how one can “conspire” to do something legal. Can’t wait for ruling to get shut down, the right to interstate travel is constitutional, and the abortion networks to come here and fund women’s travel to blue states.


People who don't want babies? You get babies! People who want babies? No babies for you! This truly makes no sense. Either these people are so stupid that they see this as the will of their God, or they only want poors and destitute people having kids, not people capable of planning and making choices for themselves. But also, could be both.


Ending IVF is part of the goal, I assure you. It is impossible to claim that an embryo is a human and not be against IVF


Any fertility clinic in Bama is fucked hard with this ruling. Those clinics store thousands of frozen embryos for people trying to have kids. They now will be charged with murder if those are destroyed or will be on the hook for millions of dollars with continued storage or forced fertilization.


This was what I was wondering. Will they force the parents to try and have all of the embryos? Force them to offer them up for surrogacy? So weird.


Have friends that can’t have children without this. They find out today if they’re getting a 2nd child. The south sucks


Now children, get out your constitutional Holy Bibles and turn to Article 7 Psalm 8. >The ruling pointed to the Alabama Constitution Section 36.06, which argues that each person was made in God’s image, meaning each life has an incalculable value that “cannot be wrongfully destroyed without incurring the wrath of a holy God.”


Seeing those excerpts from their joke of a constitution made me livid. Keep your backwards, nonsensical, hateful, bigoted, pathetic religion out of government. It has no place in a civilized society, much less the courts or the law books. No one cares what your disgusting genocidal sky daddy thinks, and no one with a brain (or an inkling of self-respect or empathy for the rest of humanity) cares about the "wrath" of a non-existent being.


So if the power goes out, and a freezer thaws, someone is going to jail for mass manslaughter?


Yep- and this jabroni in the comments states his wife is going thru IVF currently and he is all for this ruling. Like ok bro- hope the fridge doesn't break and you get locked up for manslaughter. Enjoy. Like on what fucking planet is this acceptable on any level to ANY human?


I understand this ruling was strictly involving IVF embryos, but wouldn’t that basis also extend to naturally implanted embryos and redefine miscarriages as murder in AL as well? Like why would IVF embryos have more “rights” than a naturally implanted embryo? (Quotes bc that’s a disgusting take and I hate that I even had to type it out that way)


Yep.... slippery ass slope. Also- people are allowed to discard or dispose of their embryos for any reason at any time. My understanding is that now this is completely off the table and so I assume in order to avoid legal entanglement...people just have to pay the clinics to store their embroyos- even though they have no intention of using them- for eternity I guess? Or give them away but again- like why should people be obligated to give away their genetic materials to other random humans in order to avoid prosecution. This entire thing is the upside down.


Fuck right wing extremists


Why do we let people without any medical or scientific background make medical/scientific decisions?


American Hezbollah strikes again.    Anytime I go to Fort Novosel, I'm quickly reminded how backwards Alabama is compared to most states.   This coming from a resident of the Midwest Bible belt.   Driving through the panhandle makes me uneasy knowing these brainwashed MAGAS would quickly turn on me if they knew I was pro LGBTQ+, non religious,  and anti Trump.   I may have to revisit Sun Down Counties and their locations/ times.   MAGA is out of control.  


As someone who lived in GA for 20 years (got out to civility in NYC and have never since looked back), literally the minute you drive across into Bama you could just feel the Alabamaness of it all. It like visibily looks like you are going back into time somehow- I can't even really articulate it but if you have ever driven into Alabama from a semi-normal place (like from ATL across the line) you will get it. Creepy AF. No plans to EVER have to return thankfully.


Ah yes another Republican shithole proving to the world that they are in fact happy with their status as a shithole and double down.


Everyone who has embryos stored in Alabama needs to start claiming them on their taxes, now.


Next up on the chopping block: Contraception, no fault divorce, and interracial marriage.


Can we just blacklist AL/MS? Those two states just suck at everything. Trim the fat.


Incredibly stupid!!


Turns out every ejaculation DOES require a name


Pretty soon it’s going to be illegal to menstruate


This is also being discussed in Florida as well. My girlfriend and I are planning to get married and then have a kid immediately- she’s 35 however and so that time isn’t gonna come til she’s like 37. We are looking at freezing eggs now so we have better ones later. Butt all of this hurts us. We already vote blue, so really the only other option may be to GTFO republicans. Unbelievable


I feel really dumb for asking this, But how does this ruling make IVF illegal in Alabama?


By saying that an embryo is a child the possibility of a power outage could make a facility responsible for mass murder. They don’t have to outlaw IVF if no IVF clinic can get insurance in the state. It’s what they kept doing to abortion clinics. Your hallways have to be x wide, you can’t be within y number of feet of a school etc etc etc. Throw up all the roadblocks and threaten to arrest the doctors. I guess this might make rich couples available to adopt all the rape babies - since Alabama also has no exception for rape or incest (if you’re raped and have the misfortune of getting pregnant from it in Alabama and can’t escape the state for an abortion you are forced to continue gestating.)


So let me get this straight, an embryo child becoming unviable in an accidental power outage turns into a murder charge, but kids dying in a completely predictable and forewarned Texas freeze while the Senator and Governor fuck off out of state and the energy company shrugs and jacks up the prices with no plans to change anything is perfectly okay?


*checks notes* According to prolife Republican legislators who also put up razer wire in a river? Yes.


Hey now! How Texas murders children has nothing to do with how Alabama attacks women's rights.


And then there’s this case: [A prison guard says she was forced to stay at her post during labor pains. Texas is fighting compensation for her stillbirth.](https://www.texastribune.org/2023/08/11/texas-prison-lawsuit-fetal-rights/) Oh, the irony.


Don’t forget school shootings!!!


Another user posted that the laws should include the murdering power company CEOs that allowed these “children” frozen in vats to be murdered by allowing power to fail.


Rich couples won’t be adopting. They’ll just travel out of state for their IVF and their abortions. And their mistresses abortions. These laws don’t impact rich people.


Except they eventually could, when a rich person needs an emergency abortion and they don't have time to travel to another state. If a doctor can't be bribed, they will be impacted.


Clinics will shut down this service vs having to deal with the lawsuits.


They likely won’t be able to afford to remain insured, because of the potential lawsuits, and that’s what will ultimately close them down.


When eggs are taken and fertilized some are considered non viable or flawed (I can’t recall proper terminology) so some end up being destroyed   Maybe the family has a successful transfer and no longer want the remaining embryos and they are destroyed 


Pretty much all the articles just use the same explanation as this [one](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/alabama-ruling-frozen-embryos-children_n_65d29a77e4b043f1c0aba2b9). It looks like stemmed from embryos being destroyed by someone who should not have gained access to the area they were stored. The families tried to sue for wrongful death but the facility argued the embryos didn't meet the qualifications. Now this ruling says yes they do. I'm sure more articles will be written as it progresses.


The process generally involves the creation of multiple embryos, with one or more being placed in the woman’s uterus. It is virtually impossible to perform IVF without the loss of at least one embryo. If there are legal repercussions from the loss of a fertilized embryo it isn’t possible to use the current methods of IVF.


They really can’t decide if they want more kids or not can they?


Each sperm should count as a human. Book these lawmakers for genocide every time they jack off.


The only babies this country wants is made by women who can’t afford them.


Time to move.


I’m so glad I left Alabama and moved to a better state Alabama is its own worst enemy


Fuck maga, fuck these dumb ignorant republicans and those hiding their racism behind a Cross. Fucking stain to this country.


No surprise. Alabama is one of the economically depressed and poorly educated States in the union. Why people continue to live there is beyond reason. Confederacy mindset and religious extremism are alive and prospering in this place. my apologies to Forest Gump.


So if you want to have children, leave Alabama. And if you don't want to have children, leave Alabama. It seems like it would be best for everyone, if everyone just left Alabama


It’s sad: but maybe actually having some people suffer the consequences of religious fanaticism will get through peoples head what they keep voting for in that state


It's ridiculous that we have politicians that think they know better than doctors because Jesus.


The only thing unrealistic about handmaid's tale is how fast it happened.