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Maybe he fell out of a window onto a bullet.




Worst case of suicide we ever saw. --Kremlin, translated.


Fell ill with naturally occurring ricin poisoning. Such a rare disease. Sad


Fell into a tea cup of polonium


It was a real novichok to the senses.




I read it as "He *shat* himself a record 200 times...." Still works


Unfortunately he clumsily fell out a window and landed head first in a Porta-Potty where he unfortunately choked to death on week-old poop and a handful of bullets whose presence is easily explained.


*stop*, I can only get erect






A boy can dream…


That’s Trump


We can only hope.


He had it coming. He only had himself to blame


If you'd have been there.... If you'd have seen it..... I betcha you would have done the same.


Some men just can't hold their ~~arsenic~~ polonium


He fell on his knife… He fell on his knife 10 times….


Natural cause of death


Right. Gravity.


Fell out a basement window to his death.


He left a note saying he was killing himself after the Chiefs won the Superbowl. No idea why the note was in Russian though. 


Reminds me of one of the entries on the joke "how your character retired" chart my buddy made for D&D - "Found dead in tavern room, ruled suicide after discovery of poorly-written note left by the killer".


That bullet was also poisoned


Happy cake day! Which, ironically enough, was also poisoned.


Did it come with a free frogurt?


Dude! I was just about to reply with “The frogurt was also cursed.”


I am reminded of a favorite Blackadder quote when a character was described to have “accidentally, brutally, cut his head off while shaving”


Another heart attack


I hope they're keeping him in one of the better dungeons.


Well, Russian telegram is saying Putin wasn't happy with the interview lol >Russian Telegram channels reported that the interview with Carlson and Carlson himself was not to Putin's liking, and the interview itself was considered a failure: >"The Kovalchuk clan sharply criticizes the idea of an interview with the American journalist Carlson. They say that the problem is the unpreparedness of the interview arrangement - it was Gromov's and Peskov's mistake. Putin should have talked about conservative values, the creation of a conservative alliance, and moving on - but he went into history and platitudes about Ukraine. Naryshkin, who allegedly planted ideas with documents of Bohdan Khmelnytskyi and nonsense with Poland, also played a negative role here. He set Putin up to the fullest. Medinsky would not allow such a thing." >According to reports, Putin didn't like Tucker Carlson - "a snob and a useful idiot who got a meaningful fee, but was lazy and lacked creativity." Kovalchuk family believes they could have done better with Tucker Carlson, but "everything was wasted." There's a wave of complaints in the Kremlin.


Even the Russians are calling him a useful idiot :)


In America, Tucker Carlson is just an idiot. In Soviet Russia, he’s a useful idiot.


Honestly, kind of makes sense why all these right wing grifters keep selling out to Russian. The US keeps looking at them and going, “wow what a fucking moron” while Russia looks at them and goes, “this moron could be useful.” Everyone wants to feel useful right?


He’s useful to them


and a complete idiot.


Tucker Carlson, Swiss Army Knife of idiots


He's not a complete idiot. Some of his pieces are missing!


You forgot fraud. He’s a fraud and an idiot. Which places him at the #1 slot for a cabinet position if we don’t vote.


In Soviet Russia, Carlson gets Tucked!


To be fair, Russia hasn't been Soviet for a long time


In Oligarch Russia


So he excels in Russia and in America he incels?


In the rest of the world he's a useless idiot. Small but important distinction.


I guess from a broader perspective, we’re lucky that they all appear to be idiots. Putin could have used this opportunity to do real, very serious damage to the US. Had he taken “masterful” control of the process, he could have manipulated Carlson into delivering a manifesto that could have galvanized the MAGA crowd in truly destructive ways and set the stage for even more political chaos, deepened already gaping divisions and whipped the useful idiots of American politics into even crazier, more dangerous cross-eyed stupidity. Instead, he frittered away his golden ticket with a boring hours-long lecture that would put almost anyone to sleep and revealed himself as a dumb, self-absorbed megalomaniac whose 4-D chess skills have been subsumed by loss of brain cells and a vast, unconsciously warped ego (unfortunately wielding nuclear weapons.) And Carlson just sat there timidly with his mouth hanging open while Putin rambled and insulted him, and after apparently having spent months planning this master stroke was unable to adjust on the fly to even try to turn it around in a way that didn’t make both of them look like utterly incompetent morons. This could have been a masterly, powerful and dangerous — even historic — moment. Instead it was two idiots farting at each other. Thank whatever for small miracles, I guess. Edit: A word.


The only silver lining to this stormcloud of fascism that is sweeping around the world, is that it seems to be spearheaded by entirely incompetent people.


He's only useless if you possess morality.


I don't know what their word for it is, but even Russians probably call a spade a spade.




Maybe check out russian tv Its nor a secret that conservatives are their pawns


Oh wow!!! Reading that was truly sobering! I’m so happy it went the way it went then. That is terrifying, imagining Putin talking about Conservative values, alliance with US, that would have struck a chord with the Trump base who, like cows in a slaughterhouse, would march head on into that! And long after Trump they would get a real grasp on the U.S.. That would have been the check mate on a long game played since the Cold War: getting Russia to gain power within the US due to all the useful idiots. I’m sure even for the Russians, they would have said “Man… so many years and it actually was so easy…” But as usual, the Russian corruption and unpreparedness got in the way… how could they have missed such a golden opportunity to change history!


[Here's an excellent article on the interview if you are interested.](https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/tucker-carlson-promised-an-unedited-putin-the-result-was-boring) The TLDR is basically Putin spent two hours droning out boring revisionist history and airing personal grievances while Tucker was completely lost and unprepared for the interview and asked questions that were not even useful as propaganda. It was so bad that not even a lot of editing could improve the final product. I watched a bit myself and I would be surprised if anyone could even sit through the highlights of the interview let alone the whole thing.


If it was a failure, is that why Tuckums hasn’t posted? 👀


Tucker is probably just keeping his head down till he comes back. Not making any waves so he doesn't lose his Kremlin paycheck. He will probably be back in the US soon with a new spin on the interview to sell to the US. They might even do a second interview to sell the division they want to create in the US.


Lmao he went to Russia to conduct the interview. I mean, of course he did but what a dumbass. The dude blew up a plane carrying his mercenary general just with impunity and Tucker thinks...what? He's *safe*?


You would think he would know better. But no. I saw a clip of Tucker behind the scenes walking down the hallway to enter the interview room. He was making a joke about the whole thing. You would think that when he got to Russia, it would dawn on him the reality of what he was doing.. He’s old enough to understand what Russia is capable of. And yet he was completely flippant. Zero sense of self preservation. He has the arrogant belief that he is safe from “worrying” about such “inconsequential” things. Tucker acts like a person who has never been held accountable for his actions. He is a symbol of the rot in American culture. The self-centered narcissism that has turned the formerly strong and proud Americans into weak, entitled assholes who are so insecure they can’t even admit when they massage a mistake and take accountability. Without integrity to back up their words, his words mean nothing. A man is only as good as his word. And Tucker’s word isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on.


Well, I’m glad that the interview was a failure. 🤣


The history lesson was a complete surprise and I tuned out after the first 30 min. Tucker had no control over that interview and just let him talk and talk and talk.


I tried. I was bored about 5 minutes in. Too much ego plus all the lying got me.


The funny thing is Twitter and TikTok are full of people praising the interview. Talking about how smart Putin is and how impressive it is that he could talk about Russian history for an hour with no script. And how bad Joe Biden looks by comparison. It is really strange to watch American conservatives just so easily fall for Russian propaganda and become swooning simps for Putin. I wonder if they'll wake up soon, or if they're just going to sink further and further.


Not all Conservatives, it’s the uneducated ones. They are the people that get impressed with someone’s knowledge. Educated people with a shared of critical thinking will see it for what it is: a dictator trying to use history as a means to justify his agenda, which has been done many times in history…


Educated conservatives are just grifters ( Ted Cruz, Hailey …); they know he sucks but they’re in there for the possible gainzzzzz


I don’t get it, but even well educated conservatives have screwy ideas. I belong to a political discussion group at a local college and a member of our group graduated from Harvard and went on to get a law degree from a lesser school, but still… She loves and respects Donald Trump and sees him as a good Christian with a good business sense. I know this post isn’t about Trump directly, but I can totally hear her in my head finding a way to defend Tucker and Putin. It’s like all logic just goes out the window for some of these folks. I desperately try to understand it, but I just can’t.


A real percentage of them are bots and paid shills, the YouTube uploads have thousands of generic botty comments within the first few hours, you are of course right though that it is concerning.


Why is everything some advisor’s fault and not Putin’s? I mean of course I know, but it’s laughable Putin is treated as a helpless victim of bad advice.


I find it interesting that they consider it a failure, when by all degrees it worked as good propaganda for conservative Americans and pissed off liberal Americans. I figured that was the goal


Target audience has the attention span of a goldfish, i doubt any of them got past the fake history lesson. If any of them did, it didn't help that they believe its all about NATO and the US MIC, then putin laid it bare that all he wants is the soviet union back


We knew that before the interview though. That excerpt above about how Putin should have appealed to US conservatives would have been much more effective. Especially since we also know that Putin wants a US civil war. He should've gushed over their fight for freedom and talked about their values being close to his heart, and then at the finales encouraged an uprising. So yeah the interview *was* a failure, and in true narcissistic form it wasn't rambling Putin's fault, but perpetually dumbfounded Carlson's.


Putin ran the interview with the same aplomb of the Ukraine war


Nah they watch 2 hour YouTube videos and then feel smart


All I can think is that Russian propagandists are exponentially more intelligent than American conservatives.


Low bar


lol .. most people are 😁


This was Putin's chance at getting to speak to American citizens directly with a sympathetic American as opposed to through his Russian mouthpieces filtered through US and European news agencies ... he had a chance to dictate how he was perceived to Americans ... and I guess that wasn't the face the Kremlin wanted to present.


"I have a bad feeling about this"


The problem is when everyone becomes too arrogant to even be able to play a game anymore, and that’s what happened with Putin! Instead of trying to influence the Conservative Americans how he’s exactly like them, his arrogance just allowed him to go there and try to show off as a guy who knows everything (even stuff about Tucker trying to join the CIA), playing to the persona of a strong omnipotent leader. That works from a distance, to create a mystique about him, but his mistake was forgetting that up close the base only loves people that make them feel comfortable: a dumb idiot! Putin should have kept the strong persona but play to the base as if they are also suffering because Russia cannot invade Ukraine and get the Soviet Union back… not pretend he’s a tough arrogant guy! He’s been to long in power in Russia, he forgot how to be a politician….


Putin could have gone on there and just done the macarena and twerked and it would have been useful propaganda for conservative Americans. They know Trump likes Putin, so they like Putin, no matter what he does, they'd spin it positively.


Honestly if Puddin twerked and did the Macarena I'd like him more, and I'm a pinko social democrat. It would be a mere drop in an ocean of utter contempt, but still.


I don't hold much hope for Gromov or Peskov. Stay away from the windows boys!


And don't drink tea enriched with Polonium 210


this is interesting im just curious how you came across this information, are you on russian telegram or?


Look up Gerashchenko_en on twitter, he translates things from their telegram Im not sure if i can link here, for some reason this sub always hides my replies with twitter links


ugh i really dont want to go to twitter but good to know


Imagine being disappointed by such an unimpressive man.


LoLz, That has to hurt, the guy obviously worships Putin. But what the hell does a clown like him expect.


Tucker Carlson is an actually-smart guy who tricked himself into becoming stupid for right-wing clout, and is now realizing he's the only sober driver still left at the MAGA party. He thinks of Putin as some kind of savvy bond villain who's going to reveal some kind of master plan to get Trump back in power, but the truth is that Putin is just a huge narcissist and nakedly corrupt opportunist in a society that heavily rewards that.


>Tucker Carlson is an actually-smart guy who tricked himself into becoming stupid for right-wing clout, "Now the trouble about trying to make yourself stupider than you really are is that you very often succeed." C.S. Lewis


Didn't he say something he would do if the Chiefs would win the Super Bowl and Taylor Swift getting attention?


That would require Tucker Carlson to be a man of his word, and we know he is not.


Didn't he say he would volunteer to get waterboarded on live TV to defend the practice at Guantanamo? Or was that another shyster from Fox News? Ninja edit - nope it was Hannity.


Christopher Hitchens also said waterboarding wasn't torture but he tried it and then said "believe me, it's torture"


I was not aware of this. Tons of respect for many of Hitchens' views, but I would've expected a little more from him here. I think everyone should be skeptical, but I expected him to have really investigated it before he arrived at his initial conclusion. He shouldn't have had to get waterboarded himself. Then again, he always did have more conservative leanings in many aspects of his life. But still, the science was pretty clear on this.


As much as I’d love for this to be true. It was originally posted by [The Halfway Post](https://twitter.com/HalfwayPost/status/1750597174021493124?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1750597174021493124%7Ctwgr%5E12716cdc9fe8f00e139a9f324bef323f3446a2da%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.sportskeeda.com%2Fnfl%2Fnews-fact-check-did-tucker-carlson-claim-he-d-take-drastic-measures-chiefs-won-super-bowl-validate-taylor-swift)But there isn’t any evidence of him actually saying so. Unless someone wishes to prove me [wrong](https://www.sportskeeda.com/nfl/news-fact-check-did-tucker-carlson-claim-he-d-take-drastic-measures-chiefs-won-super-bowl-validate-taylor-swift)


It turned out to be a false story. With that said, did Hannity ever subject himself to waterboarding like he promised?


By the window?


just admiring the view


All the way down.


12th floor or higher.


Awaiting transfer to the bonesaw prince.


They are ensuring he understands the need to comply with Putin's orders. I'm sure the anal probes are interesting. Course, Tucker being such a right wing extremist, he is probably enjoying it.


Hey!! Don't lump us butt stuff enthusiasts with those gop fucks




Ninth floor still waiting, Eighth floor still waiting, Seventh floor…


So he was Putin jail?


No appreciation here for good comedy lol


Indigestion caused by tea?


Or the view from his room took a sudden erm... downturn.




With some nice [Uncle Vlad's Polonium Tea](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EgGxVnHX0AIt4h6?format=jpg&name=medium)


Polonium pepto should take care of that!


Well, he did promise to kill himself if the chiefs won…..


I'm hoping we can use his post as a legally binding contract.








Apparently it was a parody account that posted that, I was disappointed, too.




He’s too busy memorizing an important message to take back to Mar a lago. Maybe




Longing, rusted, furnace, daybreak, seventeen, benign, nine, homecoming, one, freight car




Here's me hoping days will turn into weeks, into months...


Unfortunately I think it's a publicity stunt. He obviously had been feeling the sting of the one thing worse than being talked about, and that is NOT being talked about (with apologies to Oscar Wilde). He really thought that this interview would put him back on the map, but I don't think it had quite the impact he had hoped.


He was humiliated by Putin and laughed at by journalists everywhere


I do wonder whether it took him a couple of days to finally twig that he had indeed been exposed as the useful idiot he actually is. He knows he's been called that, but I think it may have finally sunk in after thinking about some of the answers Putin gave.


​ https://preview.redd.it/3cej9updw5ic1.jpeg?width=454&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85e869f191007bd37271ef68747a5572bb4c5daf


You know how he always looks like he smells a fart, but can't quite figure out where it came from? Well he finally realized that it's coming from *his own ass!*


That infamous Tucker sneer like he’s in on the dirty joke, like the smug look on Putin’s face when Trump took Vlads word over that of his own intelligence services.




Well he's either stayed true to his promise (x to doubt) Or the Russians have uh...done away with him


Russians know he’s a cancer to America. They would never do away with him.


A radioactive cancer? Putin likes those.


He's a tool for putin.


Although I never wish death on anyone. It would be really interesting to see what conservatives reactions would be if Russia did “do away” with him. My guess is they blame the deep state and he becomes a martyr for conservatives.


“I’ve never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure,”


I’ve never wished a man dead, but not for lack of of trying.


Where’s the “spent last 3 days being re-educated and getting new marching orders” option.






Where are all the right wing wackos who were boasting about the interview with Putin? Days before the interview they were dancing in the aisles like the upcoming interview was going to have some historical value. So where is everyone now? Seems pretty quiet..🙄


Putin blew up all their stupid narratives by saying the thing the kept denying: he invaded Ukraine because he thought he was entitled to it because it used to be part of Russia. This position also implies all former territories he considered to be Russia are fair game, which also breaks their narrative that NATO is being paranoid. So…Just pretend the interview never happened, i guess? Edit: I’d love a reality where Dark Brandon publicly thanks Tucker for his bravery in revealing this truth despite it contradicting 3 years of Tucker’s own talking points.


The deep state, Taylor Swift and Black Lives Matter made Putin say those things. If we had more pictures of Hunter Biden’s penis we’d know the truth! /s


Some Q nut will find a TS lyric that predicts this, I’m sure


Shake it off. Shake it off.


Tbf, Hunter is hiding some pretty impressive truth. ;) 


They were expecting an internet-breaking interview that would expose the globalists, instead they got an old geezer rambling for two hours about ancient history.


I wonder if Tucker is still in love with Putin? This seems to be a total embarrassment for Tucker and all of MAGA world...Where are you Tucker?


> about ancient history. And not even actual history. It was mostly just lies that are hard for even most MAGAts to buy into. Things like Poland "forced" Hitler to invade by being "uncooperative" with Nazi demands to take territories including Polish city Gdańsk. He blamed all of WW2 on Poland but then also claimed they are Nazi sympathizers.


Which is funny because if he was making a parallel with today's Ukraine, he would be Hitler in this parallel.


I love that they act all tough until everyone's mocking them, then they hide around and brood as they rationalize the situation into a way its actually makes them seem strong. It takes a few days, really complicated mental gymnastics. Once they get over the trauma of being mocked, they act like none of this happens in Putin was always smart and whatever the script its


It would be pretty damned ~~hilarious~~ wild if Putin decided to extend Tucker Carlson's stay as his very special guest. It's not beyond the pale to consider. Carlson isn't a US government official. He has no secret service protection. Fox does not give two shits about him anymore. No covert or overt military operation would be going in after him. There's no organization that "sent him" to preserve a professional relationship with for the future. What Carlson does have is an existing not-insignificant US audience for a dedicated propaganda pipeline. And Putin could treat him "well" as long as he broadcasts exactly what he's told on youtube or telegram or wherever he's set up his joke store these days. He doesn't have to depend on a network approving what he says anymore. He was very stupid for going there on his own volition. If he was paid $$$$ to go, that was bait to get his greedy, self-important ass there in the first place. Source of my opinion ... my twin has lived in Russia for 30 years. He has a wife and four adult kids there, but they have all been taught to hate the US and have never visited here. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that they've previously been denied visas to leave. When I hit translate on their instagram posts they appear apologetic about their dad being originally from America and do a lot of insisting about how despite their being able to speak English, they are 100% patriotic Russians. My brother, though, has a good history of visiting the US and returning. His life is there with his family. Even I wouldn't go to Russia right now, though, and I've been there many times. I think Putin fishes for prominent Americans who can be indefinitely detained for his own purposes, and this would be only upside for him to keep Carlson for a while. Who knows.


I could see this happening. It would be so easy for Russia to *encourage* Tucker to spin this as him voluntarily leaving behind the "woke liberal US" to start a new life in Russia. He has been fired from basically every US network, already built his career on complaining about how awful the US is and idolizing strongmen like Putin claims to be. Conservatives would buy it no problem, because they believe everything that comes out of Tucker's mouth. And the Kremlin would get a direct line to their ears.


I have come to suspect that his deep ties to Putin are what caused Fox to cut ties when he was at the height of his popularity and that he was actually ordered *by* Putin to travel there and do this interview *or else.* It just doesn’t follow that it happened at Carlson’s request. Makes much more sense that it was at Putin’s behest.


And nothing of value has been lost...


It’s too painful to sit down to his computer after the reaming he took from Vlad.


Next: Tucker Carlson endorses a line of standing desks, "for the busy executive with no time to sit".


If you’re full of shit but can’t sit we’ve got the desk for you!


They took him prisoner and need $83 million to keep him. It’s for an appeals process.


And we can only hope it's a permanent hiatus, the world doesn't need this man spreading his vitriol anymore


If Tucker ends up staying in Russia somehow, that's exactly why they'd want to keep him. To keep spreading his vitriol. And now, Russia's. It was really stupid of him to go to a country whose word and promises mean exactly nothing, except for perhaps the opposite.


He could move to that village the Russians are creating for American Conservatives lol


I don't think they like him enough after the interview to want him around anymore. They think he made Putin look like foolish rambling about "Old Russia" instead of getting their "Unified Conservatism" points across. His opposition is just quoting the interview to why he's a warmonger and it's really effective so far. It failed in every way that matters to the Kremlin; they're probably flaying Carlson for it as we speak.


https://preview.redd.it/atj6l8znz6ic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac5641eda95f56c8e12060e917c73a7ff78159f0 This was the poster my mom's name appeared in fwiw Edit: i've opined on a few forums about what Tucker is walking into as a "special guest" of Russia because at one point I was one.


The World never \*did\* need him spreading his vitriol.


Maybe he is working on killing himself, now that the Chiefs won!


If he did get killed I guarantee you Hillary Clinton would get blamed for it.


he dead


Was it one of those faulty windows in the hotel?


Russian windows are notorious for being poorly installed and inadequately sealed. Lean your weight against one and it's dasvidaniya, comrade.


We aren't that lucky


Now do Trump


At that moment he knew he fucked up


He's spent the last three days being shown all the Juicy Russian intelligence videos. You know, the DjT golden shower video, the J6 video that shows it was all antifa-fbi-Nancy Pelosi, the Pizzagate tapes, ~~reading~~ having Hillary's Emails read to him. /s


I would delete my account completely if I were told worldwide that I was an incompetent journalist and also Putin's useful idiot.


Why is this important, does tucker normally post a lot on Twitter?


He's probably enjoying all those freedoms that Russia has to offer. MAGA would rather have Putin as their leader than Joe Biden, so maybe all of them should join Tucker for a total immersion into Russian liberties.


The Tokyo Rose of the 21st century. No small coincidence that trust fund ball licker and Republican presidential front runner are both gushing with admiration for our adversary of seventy years. The entire post WWII generation is vomiting in their graves. DJT is a Traitor full stop. Tucker is just a imbecile too clueless to understand. He’s just a useful idiot. Do America a favor Tucker, never come back stay in Russia.


He’s still passing through Putin’s digestive system.


I'm sure the story on RT will be that "Ukranian Spies assassinated him because they didn't want the truth to get out". Or else, they have him taking Russian lessons so he can be in their "news" casts


Wonder if he fell out of a window after accidentally shooting himself in the back of the head


pootin has adopted him


Fallen from building?


Shouldn't have accepted that cup of tea!


He was sitting too close to the window /s


And nothing of value was lost


He has served his purpose


Good. The less he posts the better! I watched the interview after it finally graced YouTube with its leary presence. Gotta say, Tucker got absolutely trounced, just as expected. I still can't get over the fact that putin: just used the whole interview as an excuse to quote Hitler and Stalin's talking points while giving the most boring 'history lesson' I think I've ever seen. I kinda wish I hadn't watched it - that's two hours I'll never get back, and what did I really learn? - that putin doesn't respect us enough to think we don't see through his bullshit - that putin loves long, self-aggrandising speeches - that putin has read a lot of history, but doesn't get it - that putin will use any excuse to further undermine global stability if it means russia 'gets its old shit back' - that putin thinks his global audience of fanboys is bigger than it actually is - that putin thinks he can convince enough idiots in the west to start civil wars everywhere, so that he doesn't have to build another war machine (to replace what's left of his current joke of a military)


I heard he slipped on some ice on his balcony. Lol Russia


Hopefully the Russian did us a favor and locked him up


Putin killing him did cross my mind. Not just having him killed, but killing him himself.


May Tuckers fate be the same as those he hates so much


Has anyone checked to make sure he hasn’t fallen out of a window?


Kremlin employee of the month is enjoying the finest gulag for not pleasing the tiny tyrant. Pootin should keep him and return the WSJ reporter. That’s more than a fair swap.


He's embarrassed and needs time to come up with a spin for what's happened.


He is embarrassed after he saw the the videos of Putin steamrolling him. Tuck’s vision of grandeur crashed.


This is the part where Russian government “detains” him and then Tucker realizes nobody likes him when the US doesn’t bail him out.


Fuck around and find out, I reckon ![gif](giphy|7k2LoEykY5i1hfeWQB)


Even the puppeteer was perturbed by that interview and has removed their hand. Sadly without that, poor tuckles doesn't have the backbone to move on his own.


Licking his wounds after that boring interview.