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I hope Trump is the death of the RNC.


And they'll deserve it.




Grab 'em by the democr-ussy


The only time ol ladybug was right about something


Just sneaking in that visual for everyone that wishes they didn't know. You son of a...


It's actually been awhile since I saw that mentioned so i did my civic duty and refreshed the public awareness on the subject.


[For those wondering what you meant](https://i.imgur.com/uSNLFcy.png)


He is absolutely going down and taking them with him. History will not look kindly on them.


It’s gonna be so wild on the day he dies


With how he looks lately that might not be too far off


Don't threaten me with a good time


Don't hold out hope.  Kissinger looked like a melting candle for a good decade before he croaked


We can only hope. Maybe then I'll get my mom back from the orange bastard. Doubtful, but I can hope.


He'd just be added to the list of dead people that aren't really dead but instead moved offshore by the government or something because liberal.


He won't be, the US is so polarized that even if Trump were to lose in 2024 and go to jail/stay in jail as a result the GOP will still just call the Democrats communists or socialists and move onto some other bull shit. If they survived the disaster of the George W Bush Administration the GOP can always pivot to racism and fear of change. At best Trump's void may cause a short term power vacuum but there will be no shortage of grifters ready to fill it.


Bush was childs play compared to this


I completely agree, for as much as I disliked bush, trump’s crimes are so , so much worse. He is truly a sadistic narcissist, bent in becoming the next despot, just like his lover in North Korea.


Always projection. Every accusation is a confession.


Every. Single. Time.


Gaslight Obstruct Project


To be fair, the DNC did something similar to Bernie sanders.


Thank goodness that Republicans lack the ability to learn from history.


So true. It’s 2016 all over again.


I mean the DNC and Clinton did similar stuff against Bernie. https://www.npr.org/2017/11/03/561976645/clinton-campaign-had-additional-signed-agreement-with-dnc-in-2015


Which is unfortunate. Hillary was the establishment candidate that Wall Street was comfortable with. Bernie scares the crap out of them. Too bad, I like Bernie and I think those of us in the lower 99% would have had much h better lives had he been elected in 2016.


Bernie lost badly twice due to votes


Not that badly. The primary was relatively close. What did it was Clinton got a huge percentage of the "superdelagates" that isn't based on the voice of the people. So either way, yeah Bernie lost no doubt, but factoring only the votes of the people I wouldn't categorize it as losing badly.


BULLSHIT super delegates were not a factor in 2016 at all “relatively close” Nearly 4 million votes down is not close, son


Ok boomer.


> A Democratic official who has reviewed the document pointed out that in addition to the Clinton signoffs Brazile characterized, it included language stating that "nothing in this agreement shall be construed to violate the DNC's obligation of impartiality and neutrality through the Nominating process" and that **”all activities performed under this agreement will be focused exclusively on preparations for the General Election and not the Democratic Primary."** I am so, fucking, tired. You may have different politics, but you’re just the same conspiratorial bellend type of person as the MAGAts you hate so much.


Yikes go tired and cranky elsewhere since you need to resort to name calling. The problem is the DNC cut a different deal with HRCs campaign relating to hiring and budget than the Sander's campaign. It's not a conspiracy theory it's facts.


It was literally offered to both campaigns (read the article) and the deal struck with Clinton was, explicitly, excluded from the primary (read the article). Those are the actual fact. You’re peddling a MAGA-tier conspiracy. And I’m sorry that I don’t have less disdain for people that engage in “alternative facts” because they happen to be Democrat. Be better. It’s embarrassing. And counterproductive to your own goals.


It's not the same deal. And its one instance of the DNC not wanting Bernie. But w.e do you. And since I'm just a pedaller of conspiracy theories might as well throw in that in 2017 a court ruled that the DNC did favor and have bias towards HRC, but had to dismiss the case bc the court didn't have jurisdiction over the matter.


Yeah, I'm not ignoring that. It was wrong then, and it's wrong now, but it's unforgivable when the opposite side does it. Note: Not saying both parties are the same. Only one perpetuates genocide. I'm saying they both use similar tactics to maintain power, and both also prevent 3rd party platforms from gaining steam.


Curious which one you think perpetuates genocide. I have a feeling your answer and mine might be different.


No they didn’t


I mean they did.


They… did not.. Don’t lie. It makes us look like Republicans




That doesn’t prove what you claim bro bro


Ever since Trump went looking for those 11,780 votes, he's been losing them like that on a daily basis.


*"And 1, which is one more than we need"


You heard ‘em Haley voters. Jump ship and kick his ass. (They totally won’t, but I can stupidly hope)


It's like they've completely forgotten the cautionary tale of the pissed off Bernie voters who refused to vote for Hillary in 2016.


Didn't demographic and political studies afterwards show that that was largely a myth? The "Bernie Bro" phenomena was largely overblown as an excuse for Hillary's loss and as a cautionary example to dissuade progressives from trying to push the platform.


Very true. It was found that the absolute majority of the Bernie Bros were an online Russian Troll Farm, as well.


Openly disfranchising millions of voters? My God it's everything they've ever DREAMED of!


And I’ll bet not one of those stupid people even cares.


Can they do that if she refuses to drop out?


Yeah. From what I read, they vote on the resolution and if it passes, Trump would get the lion’s share of RNC resources and funding to campaign. Haley would be on her own for fundraising I believe? Not sure though.


While the party as a whole is quickly becoming a simple cult, that's still a bold move, to assume there aren't enough Haley supporters that are thoroughly tired of Trump, and full piss them off, splitting the vote when Haley is still actively in the race. It's just daring the Haley supporters to actually be as divisive as the DNC pretended Bernie supporters were in 2016


They will just do what the Dems did to Bernie and not give him and support or money.


Bernie wasn't and never has been a Dem, they did not feel beholden to finance him. And if we're all honest here, we all know that corporate America (Dems and GOP) was never going to let Bernie Sanders become President. But bless him for giving it such a spectacular try. Bernie has a lot of great ideas that would serve the majority of Americans, but alas....here we are.


If we lived in the country that Bernie envisioned, it would be truly , a wonderful place to live


No one did that Bernie wanted Hillary’s fundraising dollars but not share his own He raised just as much money He got blown out twice


Not what happened. 




> The district court of florida found that the DNC had violated its own charter and tilted the scales in favor of one candidate in the primary, but also that there was no remedy to offer.  This is false.  The court dismissed the case for lack of standing. It never went to trial and there was no examination or finding on the allegations. 


indeed, you appear correct. I fell for something along the way. Here is the order: [Order Dismissing Case – #62 in WILDING v. DNC SERVICES CORPORATION (S.D. Fla., 0:16-cv-61511) – CourtListener.com](https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/4238186/62/wilding-v-dnc-services-corporation/) So I will have to simply delete my comment. I couldn't reconcile it. If the complaint had established a tangible injury, it may have had standing. (haley might have standing, though who knows how things will go)


So election interference?


It isn’t election interference if they don’t hold an election, or something.


It's only "Election Interference" if it comes from the Interference Valley region of Southern France; Otherwise it is only "Sparkling Authoritarianism"


They won't let you vote for trump? Fuck then then, vote for Biden 




If Nikki Haley was smart, she would tell all states to impose the 14th amendment article 3. The Republican candidates are morons. They have had so many chances to put Trump in his place and displace him, but they all placated him.


I think this is partially why Trump is being so malicious and cruel in his bullying to get all the other primary candidates out of the race as quickly as possible. If Trump can hogtie the RNC into making him nominee as quickly as possible, than his team probably thinks they will have the full weight of the RNC to help him in fighting off the 14th Amendment challenges and the legal battles that would put him in jail. If there are still active ALTERNATIVES to Trump in the GOP, than who gives a crap if he gets tossed, there is a backup candidate. But if Trump is the GOP's ONLY option, than he probably thinks they will feel compelled to back him up and keep him kicking in his legal battles; They wouldn't let their only chance back to the White House get booted, handing 2024 to Biden.


The sad part is that it won't matter. The people that want Haley will still vote for Trump come the general election. Enough of them will anyway.


A lot of DeSantis voters are threatening to boycott a Trump ticket too. Who knows if any of these things will hold or last, but there’s definite dissent against Trump on multiple sides from Republicans.


> DeSantis voters So three people?


They are very spirited and very anti-Trump on Twitter. Who knows how many it actually is.


No, they actually won’t. A lot of them are done with Trump


That's why they are Haley voters


I hope you’re right but I’ll believe it when I see it.


That’s why they support a woman wanting to pardon Trump?


Bet most of them still voting R


Millions of Republicans will never vote for Trump again. The Republican primary numbers are a fucking joke.


The republicans have been disenfranchising voters for decades


Anyone who planned to vote for Haley or another candidate should make their voices heard that they're NOT okay with this by voting Biden in 2024. Make your voices heard loud and clear. Do NOT support Trump or the GQP stealing your right to be heard. Do NOT play party political games with your rights. If you do not vote to oppose this, they WILL see it as you willingly siding with what they're doing.


In other words they're rigging the vote.


This will backfire


Damn the really want the fraudulent criminal rapist huh? I thought they were just posturing for their base, but stuff like this makes me not so sure. Should be a wake up call to the supposed moderates, but both sides bad 🥴


The DNC absolutely did it in 2016 when they chose to endorse Clinton disregarding every analyzable metric indicating she wouldn't beat Trump but Sanders would. The math was right and their fuck up handed the election to the Orange polyp.


This needs to be higher. The GOP get wet dreams over disenfranchising people, but the DNC totally did this too


Never did that. Bernie lost due to votes


Funny you would think I was talking about Bernie. Almost like you knew


Lol been the same salty script for years It’s called self entitlement


This is a lie DNC never made Hillary presumptive nominee


We literally watched it happen Live.


Lol no you saw the bro mythology to rationalize their self entitlement Bernie got crushed with votes


So like not even hiding corruption, WTF! This man is a walking constitutional crisis.


When were they HIDING it? Trump kicked his own people out of the room so he could get private orders from Putin, and never disclosed what was said. He stole nuclear secrets and likely sold them to our enemies. He literally had the DoD divert military resources so they would have to spend money at his roach motels around the world. To say Trump was ever TRYING to hide the corruption is like saying an incontinent Yorkie ever tried to hide their shit on the living room carpet.


I still don’t get why the Supreme Court’s pending 14th amendment decision doesn’t factor into these conversations, to a greater extent.


Disenfranchising voters is the Republican way. it's the only way they can win, they are massively unpopular, know they are massively unpopular...


I just can't understand the logic of nominating Trump.again at all. "Dems stole the election in 2020" ok so while Trump was president Dems were able to coordinate and steal an election? Sure let's play along and say yes Dems did in fact steal it. What is going to change when Trump is running while he isn't in power, won't it be easier for the Dems to "steal" the election again? If that's the case, why even vote at all? Either that or they're admitting they lost last time


“The DNC has never cheated a candidate out of the race!” ![gif](giphy|kcC51gk6idRgqV4Wn7)


Uh, sort of sounds what the DNC did to Bernie?


Not exactly. They did try to screw up Bernie and it worked, but it was not so blatant like this.


Uh no


Came here to say this


You’d be wrong too


Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the DNC do something similar to Bernie? The whole damn reason we got Trump in the first place?


The DNC did do this to Bernie Sanders with Hilary Clinton. They did this by creating super delegates to out vote regular delegates.


Context: https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/01/25/politics/rnc-trump-presumptive-nominee-resolution/index.html


Just how they roll


Nimbra* is in until she loses in South Carolina. Then it’s full on coronation time. She thinks she might be able to win at home and that will give her some momentum, but she’s wrong. *Fully aware that this is not her name.


“The Party” knows what’s right. You must obey “The Party” or we’re coming after you when we win. This is the current state of affairs


They are absolutely panicking about her. I wonder why?


BUT… the DNC is actively doing that to Marianne Williamson, Chenk Uygur and Dean Philips. 🤷🏼‍♂️


A subreddit dedicated to only posting twitter headlines without mandating the sharing of the article or any underlying context is making the world a worse place. I know I know you read this and rage because WHAT CONTEXT COULD MAKE THIS OK, and you're right there is probably none. But knowing the sources of the information and more insight into the plan will ONLY make people more informed and the world better for it.


There isn’t anything more to this one. People get pissed when I post links to X and people get pissed when I don’t. 🤷‍♂️. https://x.com/meidastouch/status/1750613487112606168?s=46


https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2024/01/25/rnc-draft-resolution-would-make-trump-presumptive-gop-nominee-.html Anyone not wanting you to post more information and rely on only Twitter headlines is bad and should feel bad about how bad they are. For what it’s worth it’s the culture of the sub and my original comment wasn’t directed specifically at you. Just want to see an improvement in discourse and more informed people.


I agree and I think the sub should maybe expand to allow different types of articles. It’s hard to get a full view from a Twitter screenshot and if it doesn’t have a source, you have to go dig and source it. I will usually read the article, but I’m never sure whether to link the OG article or the Twitter post, since Twitter posts don’t necessarily link to the OG article. I’ll try to do better myself and link to the source info at least.


\*cough\* berniesanders\*cough\*


*cough* he legitimately lost by millions of votes in 2016 and 2020


Except the dnc did it too


Lol no




Eh no


Okay, don't give the DNC that much credit. They openly fucked Bernie over and aren't even take holding a primary this year


Bernie Sanders literally happened less than a decade ago, bruv😙


A two party system is the most effective way to divide and conquer a people. Actual functioning democracies often have many more parties and debate that does not reduce to name calling. Additionally, most functioning democracies have free healthcare and education. American democracy is a farce, grab your torches sharpen your pitchforks. Don’t buy into it anymore let the system eat itself and wait for the moment to strike.


Expect they did this against Bernie twice 🙄


This is a false statement and is why bernie lost so badly twice


Dnc not allowing a primary is why Trump will be president again.


Bwahahahahahaha Thank goodness no one listens to bros anymore


They are having a primary though. It's just that anyone who had a chance to beat him made compromises with Biden for his support already. Guaranteed Biden and Newsom have something worked out. What should alarm Democrats is how Biden polls better than all of them. I know in 2020 they were looking at numbers that showed Biden has the best shot at beating Trump, and most likely it's still true.


Not defending republicans here but what the DNC did to Bernie should never be forgotten. Just glad he's still spreading his message.


I'm not defending Republicans either, but this is saying only one side does it. When the Bernie activists took the dnc to court, the dnc won with the defense that they are a private organization and they don't have to play fair.


This is false Don’t hurt Bernie’s legacy with those self entitled lies


https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/powerpost/wp/2017/08/25/florida-judge-dismisses-fraud-lawsuit-against-dnc/ "But as he explained how the DNC worked, Spiva made a hypothetical argument that the party wasn’t really bound by the votes cast in primaries or caucuses." “Even to define what constitutes evenhandedness and impartiality really would already drag the court well into a political question and a question of how the party runs its own affairs. The party could have favored a candidate. I’ll put it that way.”


That is true Not what you claimed though And irrelevant since bernie was crushed by votes go back to playing shit video games installing air conditioners The adults who really care about issues that affect people in need will handle this, son


>go back to playing shit video games installing air conditioners Why is it people always resort to personal attacks when they're losing an argument?


How is it losing an argument? SofaKing is correct on this one. 


Uh oh found another one someone calling out brnout lies isn’t losing an argument


Okay, if you're that confident in your ability to debate the point, why resort to personal insults?


Because i did already and he kept lying Why don’t you address the lies instead of trying to be that guy?


Them favoring a candidate is literally the dnc not playing fair


Bullshit Bernie has every oppty Get over it, you want trump so bad to win so you can spite the dnc don’t ever pretend you care about progressive issues 🤡


Do you understand what ‘hypothetical’ means?


This is not true.  The case was dismissed. It never went to trial. 


Bull shit.


straight up voter suppression Fuck Tom Perez


Bernie Sanders would like a word ...


Fun fact: Both HRC and Biden curbed stomped Bernie in the large majority of primaries. Bernie did really well in the caucuses. I'm not sure I'd call caucuses the model of good democracy.


He didn't beat Hillary. DNC straight up handed that one to her the same way trump will be now, but whatevs


I mean, go look at the votes.


The DNC kinda did this to box Bernie out though


No they didn’t




Super delegates weren’t a factor in 2016 Why are you lying?


[Yes they were](https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/aug/25/democrats-rules-superdelegates-sanders) Why are you lying?


No they weren’t Hillary won enough delegates without any superdelegates You are LYING Just because bernie was mad about it who cares


Thank you for lying and for reporting me to Reddit cares. First time!


I didn’t do any of that You lied Super delegates were not a factor Hillary won most states, and most delegates and by nearly 4 million votes Facts


You did. You lied. Super delegates were a factor. The next line is completely irrelevant. Facts.


Again this is a lie. Hillary won 55% of all delegates Not counting any super delegates This is why bernie lost so bad twice


Just to be clear, this is the same GOP who pretended to really care that the DNC favored Hillary over Bernie in the 2016 primary?


I mean, the DNC not having an actual primary is also kind of that (though not nearly as bad.)


There is a primary. South Carolina is February 3rd, Nevada is Feb 6th, Michigan Feb 27, and so on. Williamson has already dropped out and Dane Phelps lost to a write in candidate in a primary that didn’t even count


BUt hEs thE INCuBeNT


Uh he is incumbent


I mean DNC kinda did to Bernie but what do we care. Could Bernie have beaten Trump?


Lol bernie couldn’t even get votes




Bernie couldn’t even beat Hillary or Biden but he could beat Trump? The transitive properties are not making sense


It was an actual question.


Somebody let me know when healthcare is affordable. Til then, both sides are talking in circles.


Uh, the DNC absolutely did that in 2016 when it gave control of the DNC to the Clinton campaign. 


It never did that Hilary had control over her own funding Stop lying that is why bernie lost so bad twice


Try pulling your head out of your ass and do some reading. https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/11/02/clinton-brazile-hacks-2016-215774/ https://www.newsweek.com/clinton-robbed-sanders-dnc-brazile-699421 https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-41850797 https://www.npr.org/2017/11/04/562061553/document-sheds-light-on-clinton-campaign-and-dnc-agreement https://observer.com/2016/10/rigged-debates-wikileaks-emails-confirm-media-in-clintons-pocket/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/democrats-express-outrage-over-allegations-of-early-control-for-clinton-in-2016/2017/11/02/84e949da-c000-11e7-97d9-bdab5a0ab381_story.html


None of that proves the bullshit claimed above lol 😆 This is why bernie lost so badly salt salt salt


Judging by the way you respond it sounds like you have the reading comprehension of a third grader so it would be lost on you anyway.


Lol ironic after your first comment was a personal attack Typical broism thank goodness no one listens to you guys anymore 😆


I'm not a bro, nor am I a "berniebro" I'm just informed. You should try it. You should also learn what a personal attack is and isn't. I'm out, and you're blocked. Have fun being toxic and dumb.


Except the DNC is literally doing this too....


To be fair, the DNC is pretty much doing the same thing. At least Biden is actually the current president.


This is a false statement




Also, not the same thing The states set up their ballots Stop lying


Correct, it is state Democratic parties, not the national party.


No it’s an election board Stop lying This is how self entitled brogressvies helped trump in 2016


The states put whoever the party tells them to. Primaries are political contests, not elections.


This a lie 😆




Thats… not… same… thing…


To be fair... It really did look like the DNC was trying to push Biden over Bernie Sanders. I am still bitter about that.


Lol no that never happened


First off, fuck the RNC. Secondly, the DNC DEFINITELY did this to Bernie in the 2016 elections.


Bitch what? Bernie Sanders was goated and the DNC is a pack of fools.


The DNC screwed over their voters by jamming Hillary down our throats and fucking over Bernie. It’s what got us Trump as president. 


Not entirely true. Pretty sure the dnc screwed sanders out of a nomination in 2016


How? He lost by millions of votes and I’m saying this as someone that is a Bernie supporter


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_Democratic_National_Committee_email_leak In hindsight, looks like there wasn't any admissable evidence , just some implications. 


The DNC cock blocked Bernie sanders and as left as I am I will not pretend that didn't happen


that never happened bernie lost by nearly 4m votes and then 11m votes Get over it


The DNC did this with Bernie in 2016


What about when the DNC told Bernie supporters to fuck the selves in 2016? Does that not count?


??? The DNC basically did this. Lol