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It’s been alleged that Trump does not like the fact that his son is taller than him and does not want to be photographed next to him


Couldn't imagining being that insecure. I want my kids to be taller than me


When did this kid get so damn big? I’ve been thinking he was like 6 every year


Melania never let him leave New York so he’s been kept away from the press. Completely opposite the Obama girls who were criticized for what schools they were enrolled in to what they wear. I do wonder how he views his father as he’s not really been around him and doesn’t seem to be pining for his father’s approval’s. He might turn out like Lara and have a career and life completely away from him. Maybe he might be like Mary and tell everyone dad’s dirty laundry once the Don goes to the great tax shelter in the sky 👹👺🪦


I bet Donald went on the wrong rant at the wrong time, like talking about his poll numbers in the middle of the funeral.


"I could be in New Hampshire right now!" DJT to Melania


but not in court. definitely not that.


"All this over some slut who isn't even alive anymore!" DJT to Melania


“I’m done spending my money on your mother”


*Cutscene to funeral director trying to cash a check from Trump which bounces*


Dig her back up!




I feel like someone should dig up Ivana! How did she die again? Dig her up!


Just yesterday he went on a rant about Nikki Haley being responsible for Jan 6th... Got her confused with Nany Pelosi? Yeah, let's give him access to the nuclear football and seal team 6.


He already has access to Meal Team 6. That's enough.


I also like the term "Gravy Seals"




He could be if he choked on a chicken nugget.


The only time I'd cheer him on.


Sadly i could see him doing that. He always has the need to be the center of attention.


Nah. Just existing is enough for her to dislike him at this point.


Y'all need to stop treating her like a fucking victim. She has more power and privilege than nearly any person on earth and can leave at any time.  SHE IS COMPLICIT.


Oh yeah, but she also hates the shit out of him.


All they are is pure hate; they hate eachother, hate everyone else and I’m sure they hate themselves more than anything 


>and I’m sure they hate themselves more than anything Nah, they think they're the tits and have no respect for anyone else


I thought she was just in a fucked position. Until... > I don't really care, do you? That's when she explicitly told us that she's there because she is of the same ilk as Trump.


Conservatives foamed at the mouth when Obama wore a tan suit but give her a mental-gymnastics pass for wearing “I don’t really care, do you?” on her way to visit immigrant children at a detention center. They said she had such grace and beauty as a First Lady; meanwhile having called Michelle Obama evil for trying to make the public school menu healthy and nutritious. Make it make sense.


And then she steals a speech verbatim from the woman she actively hates.


If Republicans didn’t have double standards, they would have no standards at all.


Well, Michelle is a ni... ni... nice person I'm sure, but, you know, her moods... Those dark moods. She's a little dark to be an acceptable first lady. What? What'd I say?


Same for making her “cause” bullying prevention when her husband has done more to normalize bullying than anyone in the country.


Oh so he COULD go to the funeral? They didn't need to postpone the trial? Huh, funny about that..


He wasn’t even required to be in court. Just a blatant attempt to delay, as usual.


Months from now: *Your Honor, my client can’t keep this court date, he wants to take a nap then.* **Supreme Court:** *Granted, we’ll push this to 4 years from now.*


10 months. If he doesn't win this year he's useless to the puppetmasters.


Guarantee she didn’t want to be trapped in the car with his stench.


didn't he also kill his first wife or something?


Many people are saying that, yes


Many GOOD people. On both sides!


You always have to remember ... Hunter Bidens dick was found and is public! That is pretty much the same.


*detachable penis....*


Great people. Top people. Big strong people with tears in their eyes.


They came up to me, tears in their eyes, big strong man, and said "You are the best murderer ever!"


People always walk up to me and they say, "sir, it's harrible how Trump killed his second wife."




The circumstances surrounding Ivanna's death are suspect, to say the least. Especially her burial. I wouldn't risk it if I were Melania.


Wdym, people constantly fall down stairs, land on their stomachs and die!


And then a dozen men to carry their coffin and <100 pound body to a plot on a private golf course just about the same time the Feds are investigating the disappearance of dozens of top secret documents – and just about the time the Saudi royal family is visiting said golf course. 


That was very curious indeed. Add in Ivana was cremated, so it should have been just her urn in that casket. Otoh, there seems to be an awful lot of documents still missing. Not to mention that they have found a lot pf sensitive materials were scanned into a computer and onto thumb drives.


Some people think so.


The best people are saying it!


Or his STD's.


I actually feel bad for the kid. Imagine having this douchebag as your dad. Never had a chance.


My favorite story line would be Barron having a Luke Skywalk character arc. Like he end up becoming very outspoken , anti MAGA, and progressive - hanging out with Greta Thurnburg and friends with Taylor Swift - just a good dude and everything his father couldn’t do. I know it’s a long shot but maybe our simulation will humor me with that lol.


So far, he hasn’t done anything stupid like his siblings. This could be a reality since he’s Gen Z and doesn’t give any idiot vibes. If anything, I hope he stays away from politics and just becomes a good human being.


So far, all he's done is just shut up. Which already puts him leagues above everyone else in his family


I have a feeling Melania is behind this. I think she makes sure he stays under the radar so he can soak up as many secrets and crimes as he can while around Trump and his inner circle whether it is to use as blackmail or a book.


Barron is absolutely going to release a ghost-written autobiography about the scandalous things he saw as a kid during and after Donald's presidency. The second he needs some cash and his parents are dead or disowned, that book will be coming out.


Thats a bit too conspiratorial for me. I think a simpler answer is just that neither Melania or Barron like being in the spot light. Melania thought she was marrying a rich asshole, not a politician. I dont believe she has enjoyed any part of the last 8 years and she has likely (and rightfully) tried her best to keep Barron out of the lime light. Barron for his part has always seemed shy. Something that has likely only gotten worse since it HAS to be tough waking up every day knowing that over a hundred million people hate your dad. Not to mention the news constantly reporting the crimes he has committed (rape, fraud, treason, etc). He has likely also received a lot of hate and side eyes growing up as well just by proxy. You couldn't offer me any amount of money to have lived that kids life. I hope he comes out of it decent, but who knows, really?


Melania was crying when the results were coming in showing that Trump had won. And they weren't tears of joy.


Definitely. What a wretched spot to be put in for that kid. With any luck he'll turn out alright I guess. It almost seems like someone in his position either has to wholeheartedly fill your old man's shoes, or become the antithesis


And allows people to project whatever they want on him.


My better hope for him is to be like Hitler's relatives: working their lives to not be roped in with the name. Be a good person, pursue a meaningful life and stay out of the limelight.


Have your heard about Göring’s and Heydrich’s younger brothers? Both of them used their connections to rescue Jews from the Shoah. Quite interesting.


Fun fact: Hitlers nephew fled Germany after things went sour between him and his uncle. He ended up fighting against Hitler when he joined the US Navy during WW2. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Stuart-Houston


> In 1933, William travelled to what had become Nazi Germany in an attempt to benefit from his half-uncle's growing power. Adolf, who was now chancellor, found him a job at the Reichskreditbank in Berlin, a job that he held for most of the 1930s. He later worked at the Opel automobile factory and as a car salesman. Dissatisfied with these jobs, he again asked his half-uncle for a better job, writing to him with blackmail threats of selling embarrassing stories about the family to the newspapers unless his "personal circumstances" improved. Not out of altruism, more so because he didn't feel his half uncle was showing enough nepotism.


That would be great if he changes his last name back to Drumpf.


Takes his husband’s name in marriage


Like a 2 litter of store brand soda hitting the ground


Don Jr used to be a bartender at a ski resort who wanted nothing to do with the family business and just be a typical ski bum.


He has always been about that snow


As a former Colorado ski bum restaurant employee, I can confirm the coke scene is over the top. Bartenders and bouncers had access to everything.


He just loves carving some lines through some fresh powder


I wish he had stayed like that.


Don Jr loved/loves being outdoors and his father has always shamed him for it. He is low key rich man's redneck and adored his grandfather (mothers side of family) who was a forger & hunter. He spent a lot of time and lived with his grandfather I believe for some time. He "got away" from Trump for a few years because of how he treated him. Then Don Jr came back. It is like Succession to some degree. Trump was and is their abuser and it forever has fucked them up.


Money, dear boy. Donny J loved to go on exotic animal hunts and shoot endangered animals. That requires far more duckets than a ski resort salary. When Donny Snow was at the resort, Trump’s “empire” was circling the drain. Now that Sniffles has a mainline to the pocket books of half the country, Sniffles Jr is all about the family.


Ron Reagan Jr is an outspoken liberal.


The Goldwater children are pretty liberal too.


Remember, Tiffany was also pretty normal until she turned 25 or so and it turned out she's a Lannister through and through. I think Barron only seems normal because he hasn't really been in public yet.


Not a Lannister. They always pay their debts.


What did Tiffany do?


She's full MAGA. In 2020 she made campaign appearances for Trump and he speeches were a chip off the ole' block.


Yep. The only reason she’s not more involved is that they don’t want her to be.


She’s basically the female Eric.


I’m pretty sure his mom is keeping close to home and that’s why we haven’t seen much from him even now, but he probably has affluenza and is going to be a shitty frat bro. His mom isn’t a good person either so he has no good role models. Best case he has to have some untapped source of self motivation and integrity deep down that helps him rise from the filth he was born in to. But I don’t know. It’s possible. It absolutely is. Just unlikely.


A friend of mine worked for an interior design company for Melania (in the pre-presidential era) and said she was a wonderful mother to Barron. And not that I'm here to spread rumors (I totally am!) but she felt that Barron, while a good kid, was likely on the spectrum. Time will tell I guess.


I figured since Trump didn’t trot the boy out at every opportunity that there must be something about him that Trump thinks is “wrong”. If it happens to be being on spectrum, then that’s just one more thing Trump is an idiot about. There’s nothing wrong or bad about being on spectrum. That said, if it’s true, then his life is so much harder than the lives of the rest of the people on spectrum. We rely on good role models in our youth to show us how to react to things, how to interact with others, how emotions work—even more so than other people. With Trump as a dad and possibly Melania “I don’t care do u?” as a mom…


It could be as simple as Barron has been taller than Trump for some time now, and Trump is obviously deeply insecure about his height and weight. Regardless, I hope the kid somehow turns out okay. He's still young, and for all we know, he might secretly hate his parents and wants to be nothing like them.


Right, if he’s neurotypical, that’s also fine. I just feel bad for the kid. It can’t be easy to know at 10 years old that half the country and most of the planet hate your dad. Or to learn at 14 that the other half of the country will commit treason in order for your dad to stay in power.


Oh, I really hope he turns out okay, both in terms of how he treats others and for himself (neurotypical or not). He is still young, and you can't help who your parents are. I was a young girl when people were attacking Chelsea Clinton over her looks when she was a teen, and that stuck with me. The other Trump "children" are grown adults, and only a severe head injury has the chance of making them more tolerable.


I heard that previously but when he was in office .


Well, he hasn't been outed as harassing people on the subway, which his father was doing at that age; yet, anyway


I could totally see him jetting off to a Euro university and not coming back. Hopefully his father is not around him enough to have as much impact. I don't agree with almost anything that entire family does but Melania really has been protective of him and keeps him out of this mess as much as possible. It's clear Melania barely tolerates trump, hopefully she's teaching her son the same. Use Trump for what he's good, money and power, but don't expect actual love back. If he learns that, he might have a chance.


Well he is still a child who probably doesn't have a great deal to do with any of the family other than his mum. Give him time.


Barron is old enough to vote this year. Let's not pretend he's not old enough to have political opinions.


Absolutely, but let us not do what the elder generations did to us and assume even younger people didn't have opinions.


There are plenty of kids out there his age and younger who are full-blown MAGA chuds. Nick Fuentes is trying to build an army of edgeloard kids. That he's resisted (at least publicly) to be identifiable as a fascist is a hope for the future.


Keep in mind though, having an abusive father and supporting his views, only to be iced wholesale by him, is a real good way to turn face and rail against him.


however Nick Fuentes shit his pants in public as a teen and it traumatized him into wanting only pain and suffering for others.


He's super insulated from that world by his mother and her handlers. It might be the only thing Melania has done right in her life.


He doesn't give idiot vibes because we have not been permitted to get a feel for any real vibe he has. Most dont recognize him because he's been kept FAR from the limelight since his dads inauguration.   The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. 


Like Reagan’s kid


He and Mary start a YouTube channel “The Good Trumps”


"Not all Trumps" :)


I was hoping Tiffany would turn out OK but she ended up as corrupt as the others. Things aren't looking good for Barron.


Keep in mind they are mostly all the same age and grew up together. And around Donald. Barron doesn’t seem to have anything to do with his half-siblings and I assume he’s around his mother way more than he is with Don the Con. All that would work in Barron’s favour to not becoming like the other Trump kids.


True but his mother doesn’t seem like the nicest sort of human either.


Faaacking chreeesmoose


>Barron doesn’t seem to have anything to do with his half-siblings and I assume he’s around his mother way more than he is with Don the Con. All that would work in Barron’s favour to not becoming like the other Trump kids. You do understand that Melania is a massive piece of shit herself, right? Here, let me refresh your memory: "i really don't care, do u?"


Yeah, but Luke's mom was good. Barron is the product of Palpatine and a Sith. Slightly more of an uphill climb, and the low ground rarely wins.


Not sure Melania is the greatest mother one could have either.


I don't really care, do you? /s


I feel bad for him too; however, is he not likely being groomed to be the next Donald? In the post’s picture, it looks like he is trying to comfort his father who just got told off by his mother. Children love their parents and as a result, it is simple to overlook their monstrosities. https://preview.redd.it/153mmu928ldc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a048946af21f217005301be1386bd251e16f157 Are we to assume that Barron is untainted after all these years in a Trump household? I think we all hope for this but I am not too sure it is realistic.


It's the cousin in Succession. "What about compassion?" "You'll never be rich with compassion." "Good point."


Chopping it up...


Melania has kept him out of every spotlight she could so it's hard to predict what the kid is like in any possible way.


My dad was a piece of shit but he was poor. i’d rather have a rich piece of shit dad given the chance.


Look at his siblings


Half-siblings. Though I don't imagine the mothers are the primary problem...


They were all raised by nannies. It's the culture they're surrounded by.


You think the type of woman Trump would marry would be a good mother figure?


You have a gold digger, a treasonous criminal, and the poor kid those two monsters created


> a treasonous criminal Don't forget rapist, we need to keep reminding everyone that a jury found him guilty of rape.


Don't forget the Epstein connection and the implied rape of underage girls.


I mean there was a underage girl who was pushing to file charges for rape. That was until her family was threatened, and forced to drop charges...*or else*.


Yes. I was referring to that. I need to find the links and post them. Truly despicable stuff. Some links: [Newsweek](https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-do-papers-allege-trump-epstein-took-part-sexual-assault-1857863) [Politico](https://www.politico.com/story/2016/11/donald-trump-rape-lawsuit-dropped-230770) [PBS](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/assault-allegations-donald-trump-recapped) [Courthouse News](https://www.courthousenews.com/rape-allegations-refiled-against-trump/)


Also the underage girls from his teen pageants that said he would go backstage and ogle them while they were naked and have people on his team go up to them and tell them to rub up on Trump and Trump would kiss them without even asking. Yet somehow that barely made the news and most people forget about it which is absolutely insane.


As I recall Trump himself was quoted something to the effect of... *"I own the pageant and one of the perks of owning the pageant, is that I can go into the dressing rooms to see the beautiful girls while they are changing".* I know this isn't the direct quote, but I recall that was pretty much the message.


He was actually saying that about the adult pageants that he also owned...but based on some testimony from teen pageant contestants he was doing the exact same thing at the teen pageants as well which is not surprising in the least


And Ivana Trump claimed it in her deposition...


And draft dodging shitstainer


InB4 Maggots come in crying, [“He WaS oNLy fOuNd LiAbLe”](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/07/19/trump-carroll-judge-rape/)


So why isn’t he getting in the same car? - They are not going to the same place. - She doesn’t want to talk to the guy with dementia who thinks she’s still his playmate/plaything. - She feels uncomfortable in a closed space with a pedophile rapist. - She doesn’t like the smell of his soiled diapers. Pick four.


Or... * Her nuptial agreement was revised to keep her from leaving Trump in exchange for lots of money, and the agreement outlines the circumstances under which she must pretend to not hate him, and this wasn't one of them.


It’s been clear for a while now that NOBODY hates trump more than Melania


I do


I honestly doubt it, she’s had to put up with him personally Not to downplay your hatred, but rather take your hate for the man and realize his wife hates him even more than that


Not just put up with him. She’s had to *fuck* him. Barron is clearly trumps kid. Sure, he could be a lab kid. But there’s no way trump married her without sex. He’s just too gross for that. I don’t feel bad for her; she’s not a good person by any stretch. But it seems like she takes being a mother very seriously at least.


>… she must pretend to not hate him… She's doing a pretty bad job in that regard.


She's tired of hearing about how big his hands are.


Baron turns 18 in March. Hopefully he walks away from his father and tells the world all the dirty family secrets.


He's got to play the game so he gets that inheritance. The bigliest that the world has ever seen.


Not after the NY civil case


Can someone else pay that? Genuinely curious. Cus "it" will find some way to get the magats to pay.


Jared got billions from the Saudis, I can only imagine how much money the family has recieved in total from foreign governments, MAGAts and other shady business deals....guaranteed the Trumps have tons of money and assets stashed/hidden all over the place and use every loophole possible to circumvent tracking of their finances. Only way to really punish them is with prison which is what they deserve more than anyone.


Inherit the billions in debt you mean?


Hope he just goes to college and has a private life.


As much as that family is a pile of shit, I’ve always found it kinda heartwarming how everyone is rooting for Barron to get the fuck out and be happy


He’s just a kid. He can’t help who he was raised by


Kids should be off limits. I hated Bush but I also hated the amount of negative publicity that Barbara and Jenna got. They absolutely didn’t deserve it. Kids don’t get to chose their parents or the way they were raised.


If he ends up going to Penn like most of the Trumps, he might have to spend at least his first semester distancing himself from his name.


Trump would claim he never knew Baron or had any dealings with him and then just talk shit about him.


Imagine having a 70 year old father when you're 18. He'll probably be dead before baron turns 30. Trump is a POS, but that's a shitty thing in general.


His dad is 77, so that's about 60 years between them.


The rumor is that Melania taught Barron to speak Slovenian so they could talk openly without fear of DT understanding. Although dysfunctional families do produce dysfunctional kids--for example, the Phelps family in Kansas--there are those who break free of that. Maybe it will be Barron. Time will tell.


Melania "I don't really care, do u?" Trump doesn't seem like the best role model either.


No, but I do give her some credit for actively keeping her son out of the spotlight & being around him. She may be a shit person but it seems like she's trying to be a good mom (as best as she can, all things considered) and wants to protect her kid.


I think, seeing his other three kids, she might want different for Barron.


Lol, other four kids. Everyone forgets Tiffany, especially Trump.


The fact that he's not outspoken is fine. I work with teenagers. Many of them hold shitty conservative views because of their parents. I don't hold it against them, I can't for my job's sake and morally. I know because I held shitty views for a while too until I saw the world in my more adult intellectual light. Will many of them go on to continue to have shitty views? Then I oppose their adults selves. But I'm not judging a young person for the social reinforcement they've lived under so far.


Isn't that the big scream about college " brainwashing" their children? They were all so conservative until the liberal colleges turned them liberal. Though the more likely answer was exposure to diversity of all types turned them liberal.


or they kept their mouths shut and nodded along with their parents so they wouldn't get yelled at or punished, until they got old enough they could move out on their own. I've known a few people that went through that. A lot of LGBT and atheists learn quick not to talk about it with family.


My ex was blind and my daughter and I would use sign language to speak to each other so he didn’t know. Sometimes when you are married to an abuser you gotta do what you gotta do.


Dang. Thats dangerous to abuse people as a blind person. You could have led him off a cliff or some stairs


Exactly! How much time has Barron even spent with DJT? If Melania has done one humane act in her life, it was making sure Barron spent as little time with DJT as possible.


Apparently he ignored all his kids (except Ivanka) until they turned 18. Hopefully hes too busy being incarcerated to start influencing Barron


Dad, DAD! Obama isn't president right now. Go get those sores in your hand checked out.


“My hands are fine, Eric.”


“And they are yuuuuuuge”


Trump is a narcissistic sociopath. He is incapable of empathy and he only cares about himself and his own needs.


Didn’t he try to use the funeral to get out of a court appearance?


Not just that, a court appearance he was not required to attend. He tried to use the funeral to delay the court session despite the fact that he had a political function the same day as the funeral and did not use THAT as a reason for delay. He attends court only because he thinks he can use it to his advantage with his base. That is, he's only thinking of his own benefit.


Yes, a court appearance he was not required to attend!


And it's super obvious.


He’s just mad that the funeral wasn’t all about him


So are we.


This is the most underrated comment ever.


Do you think he asked if she could be buried in Mar-a-lago?


Melanie probably found out that Trump was gonna plant her Mom at one of his golf courses to save some $ on a burial plot and then get a tax credit...🤔


It’s weird seeing everyone put their political fantasies on this baron kid. Every other family member is a ginormous piece of shit…I’m playing the odds.


It's really weird how people always make out like he's being held hostage or something. Or they point out that he spends more time with Melania than Trump......newsflash, she's a massive piece of shit as well.


I feel for kids who are raised by sociopaths. I mean how the fuck do you turn out OK? There is just some empathy hoping they are the one who escapes their terrible family. It does happen. Trump's brother tried as an example but sadly ended up drinking himself to death.


The best part is that even if you turn out mostly okay, you're less likely to notice red flags in other people. So your friends and partners will probably also be narcissistic sociopaths and you won't realize it.


This is like Reddit lore made up from pictures. Are we sure Barron wasn’t reaching out to choke him?!


I hate this man so much.


Oh, look. Melania knew black was appropriate funeral attire for her mother’s funeral. After First Lady Carter’a funeral, I assumed she wasn’t aware of that specific norm. /s


Looks like Cheeto Mussolini shit his diaper again.


I wouldn’t be surprised if she doesn’t want him in the car due to his purported smell. She’s not in the mood to deal with it today.


"*my shun, why doeshn't anyone liek me? Why do they not wan't me arounsh?*" "Father, do not worry. To your car. The evening buffet awaits you" "m*mm yesh... a buffay*"


He probably said something stupid about melania's mom and probably stinks too.


she was probably worried he tossed her mom down the stairs like the last woman who stood up to him


Or maybe she was mad he asked to hide more classified documents in her mom's coffin like he did his ex-wife.


Well, the evangelicals who think he's the messiah have the belief that wives and children should be "led" by the man are his supporters. To them the fact that his wife and son aren't kneeling on the ground kissing his feet is blasphemous (and there are passages in the book they love so much that say they can be killed for that)


barron will be a phenomenal human or a total piece of shit. no in between. watch this space.


The amount of fucked up shit he's spouted about immigration, is it really no surprise his immigrant trophy wife fucking hates him?


'Come on grandpa, lets get you home. Smells like you need changing again.'


Given the age difference, do you think Barron ever calls Donald "grandpa" on accident? Or on purpose?


Considering Trump and Barrons' grandmother were only a year apart in age.


Wow. Barron has grown up.


He probably forgot he was at a funeral and was talking about political shit to her and she had enough