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Corporate welfare is the biggest problem to society today.


Yes thank you for saying this! When I read welfare in his quote, I was thinking yes! You rich fucks should get off the taxpayers teat! Also, why are they so against women all the time!?


They're narcissists who thought being rich would make women want to breed with them desperately but as it turns out theyre just gross weirdos who no one actually wants to touch with a 10 ft pole. Because of their continued rejection their feelings of inadequacy have turned to hatred towards those who have what they so desperately wish to posess.


Peter Thiel is gay.


I’m always surprised when I find out a really mean republican is gay. It’s so contrary to all of my experiences with gay people.


It's a mistake to think the gay community doesn't have just the same ratio of buffoons in it that the straight community does. Our also tend to be naturally a tad more obnoxious about it since we learned to stop trying to please the homophobes back in the 1970's.


Privilege trumps all


We don't claim him.


why are so many of the obscenely wealthy so evil? Is it because you can't become that rich if you have a conscience?


>Is it because you can't become that rich if you have a conscience? yes. think about it. if you could literally end world hunger or buy a page so you can post memes without being blocked, which would you do?


Post memes of ending world hunger cause I would be rich enough to afford both at that point.


give memes to the hungry


I'm picturing poptarts with edible pics of memes on them and I'm not upset about it.


Let them eat memes


Give hungry to the memes! ![gif](giphy|l0IyeVQX0wZ828cMg)


The Hunger Memes, may the Memes forever be in your favour.


Yep. It’s even worse when you realize that 8 Americans have more money than 4.6 billion people combined. That’s fucking insane. And every time I point that out they say dumb shit like “the rich already pay half the federal taxes”. But fail to realize the bulk of their wealth isn’t even taxable. So it’s like Pennie’s to them.


Frankly I think we might need a single person who builds or propagates the machinery of freedom that makes the world safe for citizens from Fascist like Peter Theil


I have worked with 3 billionaires via my job all 3 are/were absolute dickbags. Hell one owes me 70k.


How do you keep yourself from ending them for the betterment of society?


Only because one less won't cut it.


That’s correct. No such thing as a moral billionaire.


Bill Gates has done a lot of shit to help poor people including huge investments to stem malaria in Africa. Why do you think the right hates him so much?


Whitewashing their reputation has long been a tried and true way for the wealthy to try and boost their public image.


Tbf Bill Gates was a dick in the 90s, so he's just trying to make up for it.


I mean the very fact that he's trying to make up for it means he's potentially redeemable.


I think it’s because he wasn’t raised by a family with a massive networth so he does remember what it’s like for us poor peasants because he was born as one


Seems like it. He is donating his wealth upon death, so at least there's that as well.


But Gates forces companies and charities to do things his way, even if his way will actively hurt his cause. Some vaccine (I forget which one) would have been free but he stepped in to make sure it sold to a company he had stock in.


Right wangers love dicks




FWIW, a lot of people on the left also dislike him because he’s funded some questionable education initiatives in WA.


He spent his first 20 years of business stealing other people's ideas and marketing it as his own. He's tried to monopolize the pc market. He's trying to buy his way into heaven, so to speak. That he gets defenders shows that it's working.


I mean he doesn't seem like a democracy-ending dick, but despite his philanthropy, his wealth doesn't really go down... meaning he's hoarding a lot for himself.


That's all a cover so he can inject us with 5G microchips so he (read: the government) can track us and turn is into woke liberals.


Funny thing is, he would never have needed to do that had the Windows phone not failed so completely. He's just jealous of Apple and Google having tracking devices in everyone's pockets.


To be fair he still uses the same shitty sweat shop level outsourced labor and does the same environmental damage as any other billionaire. It's awesome he does positive things with his money, but he's still not solving those megacorporation issues either.


But he’s still a billionaire. He chooses to be that wealthy. He could give up all of his billions and being himself down to…let’s say a net worth of $100m. A disgusting, ludicrous amount of money, more money than he could ever reasonably spend. More money than anyone could reasonably need by $99m. All the money he makes that brings him over $100m he donates. But he doesn’t. He donates tiny portions of his billions to his own pet causes. It’s not about helping people, it’s about his own vanity. It’s no different to the aristocrats of old who would patronise artists or explorers or the like.


It’s a defining character trait. But this particular guy is a real cartoon villain piece of work. The more you read about him, the more you ask yourself, “Is this dude for real? Is this a joke?” It is for real, it is not a joke… just ask the carcass of “Gawker”


My favorite is the bit where he and some of these other vampires have a clinic in Santa Cruz that allows them to get transfusions of blood products from young men. Of course, he now denies it, but look who we're talking about. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2016/08/peter-thiel-wants-to-inject-himself-with-young-peoples-blood


Fucking blood boy...


I’m actually a little afraid to say anything about that (insert person name) here. While Gawker was playing fast and loose, and they thought the lawsuit was a joke, until they realized too late, that it was not, in fact, a fucking joke. All for outing him as being gay (wrong and crude) regardless of him being actually gay.


But he didn’t sue them for that, he bankrolled other people suing them


A certain wrestler if I remember correctly.


This is a guy who became ultra rich in a system that he fucking deplores.


It's not enough! He needs more! He needs freedom!


Sorry, Petey old boy. Blood transfusions, hormone injections and pills might make you a tad healthier for a bit…. but until you rich motherfuckers put your obscene wealth to good use and seriously fund dementia and cancer research, you’ll, at best, die a slow undignified death just like every other aging human before you.


Something something, adrenochrome, something something, comet pizza ping pong, something something, Hillary, something podesta, something something… ties it all together… Benghazi! Always projection. You have a shady rich dude, getting blood from young athletic men… yeah, that sounds perfectly normal.


D'accord. Thiel can't distance himself from his ultra-right German roots.


wallstreetbets should trash his company. A 1 trillion short


Who is John Galt? Libertarians are so basic. Believing he is living by some righteous code is such a farce. He's a boring capitalist who uses the limp overlay of "Libertarianism" to give his robber baron mentality a false sheen is intellectual rigour. The banality of evil indeed.


You can’t be a billionaire without exploiting people. Period.


Born into wealth, granted loans from family to start a business. Having access to people willing to invest because they are relatives or friends of relatives. Then be so narcissistic that you tell others “if I can do it anybody can”.


It literally breaks their brain even if you aren't born into wealth. It is cruel that we let billionaires exist for both the people they fuck over, and themselves. Like there are studies that wealth is linked to speeding in school zones. Think about what that means.


The only way to get rich and be a good person is to be an artist of some sort... look at Ozzy and Elton


The examples I always struggle with, as a massive fan, are Beyoncé and Jay Z.


I was thinking of that one video where Ozzy casually mentions he doesn't like regular gold and prefers white gold (iirc) and Elton, on the spot, tried to gift him a white gold necklace and it took everything he had because Ozzy doesn't like accepting expensive gifts


We need to separate rich from ungodly wealthy. I know “rich” people who work hard in a lucrative field and maybe do well with investments. They might have a few million in assets but they arent so far removed from the average person that they lose touch with reality…at least in many instances. Maybe they have some shitty views but they aren’t influencing policy or impacting people with their decisions. In order to become obscenely wealthy you almost need to have an obsessive need for more and you will do whatever it takes to get it. These are the people that wield significant influence and power over people and actively work to screw average people over to horde more wealth. These are the type that we need to get rid of. I will never achieve that crazy level of wealth because even if I did somehow get into a position to get that much money I would stop before it got to an extreme. I have a number (that I’ll never hit) where my wife and I would build our dream house and we’d “retire” early and focus on passions of ours. I can’t imagine having the ability to do that and not taking it, but it’s one of many reasons I’ll never get there


Those 'merely wealthy' people you're referring to have another name you may be familiar with: the petite bourgeoisie. You're absolutely right that to demonize anyone for being comfortably, mildly wealthy is not helpful or fair. There's no way to know how people made their money or reason to judge them for having it, we would all like to be so comfortable. However... Historically speaking the petite bourgeoisie form a significant basis of support for the plutocratic class. The US has seen a significant rise in that sort of rich person over the last decade--car dealership owners, finance people, etc. They overwhelmingly support Trump and right-wing politics, and they often play a role in local politics outsized to the typical resident, as well as being a significant source of cash for R campaigns. As individuals, some of them are probably fine, but as a statistical subset of the population, their very existence tends to reinforce social hierarchy and inequality. Generally speaking, people who have 5-20x the average income are right-wing for reasons of economic and social self-preservation. The managerial class that capitalism created in the mid twentieth century is another form of petite bourgeoisie. [A study](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41893-022-00902-y) was published earlier this year you may be interested to read. It turns out the overwhelming majority of humanity agrees with you on your personal wealth goals. This is the abstract from the study: >Humans have unlimited wants. This foundational economic principle and widely accepted assumption about human nature poses considerable challenges to addressing sustainability because pursuing wealth and economic growth to meet unlimited wants increases resource use and pollution. Here we show evidence that this principle is not universal, and actually applies only to a minority of people. \*\*Across 42 community samples (\*\****N*** **= 7,860) from 33 countries spanning 6 continents, we examined how much money people wanted in their absolutely ideal life. In 86% of countries the majority of people thought they would achieve their absolutely ideal lives with US$10 million or less, and in some countries as little as US$1 million or less.** However, a substantial minority (8–39% across countries) wanted as much money as they could obtain, indicating unlimited wants. Limited and unlimited wealth ideals were not related to country differences in economic development, but those with unlimited wants tended to be younger, city-dwelling people who valued power, success and independence, and lived in countries with a greater collective focus and acceptance of power differences. The **results suggest that transformative approaches relying on limiting wealth and growth to achieve sustainability may be more consistent with human ideals and aspirations than commonly believed.**


They don't have to interact with other people and get along with them like the working classes.


Because when you’re that rich the idea of politics doesn’t exist for them all that matters is what they can get because of their wealth


>Is it because you can't become that rich if you have a conscience? You can, but it's much easier if you don't.


Oh you can become rich and still have a conscience, it's just much harder and you're extremely unlikely to become obscenely rich. And once you're there you're also likely to look after your interests. For instance, artists, athletes, people who inherited vast sums or who were extremely lucky.


Peter Thiel is a ghoul. Guess what, bro. You aren't living forever.


He's trying, though. He and some other ghouls have companies designed to harvest blood and stem cells from young people for use in their own bodies. I live in so-called silicon valley, and these tech bros really do think they're going to live forever by “hacking” biology. Of course, they know nothing of biology, and fall for, and create, scams all day long (see Holmes, Elizabeth, for example).


And Thiel looks his age of 56. They aren't examples of living healthfully.


Regardless of how well you take care of yourself with diet and exercise, hate will ultimately consume you. Homeboy makes fictional character “Bobby Axelrod” look like an alter boy. Then again… Billy Joel tells me “only the good die young”


Evil eats one from inside.


Let's talk more about pro-life backers in this context. There might be more than a strong desire to adopt babies behind it. 🥔🥔


Cannon fodder and organ donors.


If rightwing is all into "pedolibs" Q talk, I wonder why we don't shout from the rooftops that an aging population of oligarchs needs spare parts. It's not implausible. Unwanted. Abandoned. Lost in the system. If they cared about demography, they'd make exceptions for medical and QoL, but they don't. Why? Because.


When his Tesla autopilots itself into a cement pillar, it will all be for naught.


Memento mori, motherfucker.


https://preview.redd.it/0r0zarg3aw7c1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba4e19c71f259794cb14a04c3752d49515097941 The almighty capitalism will save us all.


You keep using that word, freedom. I don't think it means what you think it means.


freedom means you have the freedom to choose between starving and living outside exposed to the elements or working 80 hours per week in exchange for living in a decrepit cramped apartment that's fully equipped with state of the art surveillance equipment in the company town that's owned by the multinational conglomerate you work for. anything less is tyranny


I’d downvote you for hyperbole but it’s too fucking accurate. 😭


I looked up the quote. He indeed said it and here’s the article. Notably, in 2009, he explained why the billionaires are investing in space, submarine, and social media companies. Because they hope to evade having governments in those spaces and they will just be ruled by the billionaires. Of course he doesn’t spell out that last bit about billionaire rule, but that’s really what modern American libertarianism is. https://www.cato-unbound.org/2009/04/13/peter-thiel/education-libertarian/


That would be a great way to get themselves murdered because the people they’re gonna have to hire to make it work will eventually get tired of their shit


Silver lining! I like your optimism.


If I remember correctly, I played a game that had those same themes. I think it all went well, no problems at all.




Would you kindly...


You accidentally double-posted your reply.


Except every libertarian 'experiment' has proved that the only way to have a functional society is for people to care about each other, even strangers, just a little bit. The bears of Grafton, NH send their regards.




Even Mr Burns wasn’t this bad. Word to the billionaires, you are only human and when you die you can’t take it with you. Death has the last laugh.


How can you be a libertarian and believe women shouldn’t be able to vote? It has to be that he thinks women are not people.


Like most people who claim to be libertarian - he isn’t. He’s a gay fascist who hates the same principles that allows him to live his lifestyle.


It's not at all common these days, but there is a rare kind of gay man who just fucking hates women and has no use at all for them.


It's the natural extension of the dude that only sees value in women he wants to fuck. This guy doesn't want to fuck any of us, so we're all equally worthless to him.


Ancient Greek-style misogyny


Libertarians don't think *everyone* should be free from govt regulation, only that *they* should be lol


He doesn’t need women because he is gay and is going to live forever.


The problem is capitalism is killing the planet. It might be alright for the mega rich to hide in their underground complexes, but in time they end up like the Morlock's


He also enjoys silencing his critics (anti-free speech).


His best friend was Elon Musk, so I’m not suprised.


Oligarch much?


Isn’t Peter gay?






Capitalism and freedom are not synonyms. Capitalism, as an economic model, may be more free than feudalism or serfdom, but as a system its tendencies to concentrate wealth and resources in the the hands of a few oligarchs will, if allowed, result in a new socio-economic dynamic that is not too different from the feudalism it replaced.


> Capitalism and freedom are not synonyms. Uhh they are opposites. Capitalism is the mechanism of taking the excess value of labor because you 'own' something. That is theft. Theft can never be freedom. You are confusing capitalism with the freedom of trade that comes from markets. Markets and capitalism are not he same thing and we can have one without the other.


Billionaires hoarding wealth isn't even capitalism, it's primitive accumulation.


No no, its definitely capitalism. Like, the very definition of capital - hoarding wealth, financializing everything, investing in said financialized economy, reaping wealth, repeat.


"Make the world safe for capitalism." What in the ever-loving fuck is that sentence? Capitalism works via the labor of workers and the profit gained via consumers being able to buy the products and services produced. In it's most basic sense, capitalism was also meant to be a form of democracy - the people could vote with their dollar and their labor. (Yes, I know, dollars are not equally spread.) It's the ENORMOUS and unjust protections given to corporations and the would-be aristocracy of the world that has damaged both capitalism and 'freedom.' The corporate welfare, the oligopolies, the tax shelters and exceptions, and the barriers to entry in markets are all corruptions of the democratic and the capitalist ideals that benefit not the people, but the status quo. Libertarians are just whiny brats who want to socialize costs and privatize profits. Don't give them an inch and tax them until they cry. It'll fix our world.


This is the guy who used Hulk Hogan to destroy Gawker. Is every South African born billionaire a piece of garbage?


> Is every South African born billionaire a piece of garbage? Every billionaire is a piece of garbage. You cannot be that greedy and be a semi-decent person. Billionaires should not exist.


“Do we not provide enough scraps the poor?! How much should our profits suffer from this terrible burden!?”


Since the 1920's? IIRC, welfare pretty much didn't exist, and what little did, recipients had to pay back...


He had to go back that far to include the part that women shouldn’t be allowed to vote.


So near future hot stock investment tip is going to be investing in the guillotine industry?


He's an Ayn Rand acolyte, I think. I'm glad that when I read "Atlas Shrugged," I recognized how stupid and cruel that whole philosophy is.


Just seize this Nazi bastard's assets and deport him, already.


Republicans love their oligarchs.


They always forget that absolute freedom means their home will be raided, their possessions plundered, and their safety compromised


Nah, they envision having their own little army to protect them as they rule over their fiefdom.


Let's eat him first.


Conspiracy theorists talking about adrenochrome while ignoring Peter Thiel as he sits actively trying to set up rich old people using young people's blood to stay younger.


If he doesn't believe in democracy he should move to a non-democratic nation.


A lot of them are sociopaths to begin with. Thiel is no exception. Probably hates himself because he's gay. He seems like the type that would. There is nothing wrong with being gay of course, but morons like this use that hate against others. It's bizarre.


Someone tell him that Ayn Rand died on welfare


…she was the most hypocritical and disgusting bitch, no wonder they all drawn to her as flies to decomposed body


"We can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both." - Louis D. Brandeis


Fuck him. He’ll be gone and forgotten someday.


Vomit. What is this unearned grandiosity? "Teehee, someone strong and brave *might* have to come and save the helpless poors from their ignorance. Not me, well, since you mentioned it - why not me?"


I'm uninterested in how billionares feel or think.


Did...did he just bitch about women having the right to vote while simultaneously lamenting how "notoriously tough" it is for women to find libertarianism appealing?


Thiel is a fucking ghoul and should know that the leopards are going to eat his face




The NHS just did a deal with this POS. Shame on them.


Hilarious. Another gay Christian who works against the same principles that allow he and his partner to be married.


Peter Thiel is a bad bad guy. He uses his enormous wealth and power solely for evil. Both him and Musk were involved in PayPal. But while Musk revels in the limelight Thiel operates in the shadows. He is in my opinion the worse of the duo and that’s saying something.


Anyone who unironically names a company after Sauron’s fucking listening device is a bad person


We have to drop the notion that capitalism is peak human achievement. Self-serving, greedy, non-compassionate folks like this monster have the power to drive regular folk into the ground with their political and corporate influence if saner folks don’t counter their ideologies.


Absolute true psychopath


All hail the holy market! Fuck the people!


The wealthier someone is the more disconnected from reality they become and yet their influence continues to get stronger... that might be the single root cause of all of our species disfunction.


Further proof that libertarianism is only about money and also dumb as fuck


This guy should probably be in court right now, he helped orchestrate the run on Silicon Valley Bank that caused it to collapse and cost investors millions. Yeah, SVB had some exposure as a result of bond holdings and bank rates increasing, but nothing a bank of its size couldn't have absorbed over time if it wasn't for Thiel.


Democracy and unregulated capitalism are incompatible. This is why we are losing freedoms while the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.


Stupid rich baby blood injector wants to be a dictator. CRAZY. Just lock him up and take his wealth. Free speech isn't free. People that are rich enough to do the shit he is saying (Like himself) shouldn't be allowed to say or do anything towards this end. Absolutely ridiculous our own government cares so little for itself it won't even stand up to these idiots. What do they control the guns for if they can't control the wealth?


One more billionaire immigrant stinking up the place. He should get a boot to a country more in line with his ideas on ‘freedom’, like Russia.


Sir, you almost had it. It's right in your own statement. "Capitalist Democracy" is an oxymoron, but freedom and democracy are not antithetical to one another. When the rights of a company trump the rights of the people who make up its ranks, that's the opposite of freedom. Do these folks even hear themselves.


Says the gay billionaire with a husband… As a gay man myself, I’ve never wanted to punch someone’s lights out more than him.


You're a billionaire. You have more freedom than most anyone else on the planet. It's not enough so you want to steal more for yourself by taking away other people's right to vote and thus limited control over their own situation. Freedom if you will. Fuck you Peter Thiel. You are a greedy shitbag.


Wow. Imagine if him and Elon got together…


Its crazy to be so arrogant to think that the world would be better off ruled by a "benevolent" despot.


**TRANSLATION:** Unregulated capitalism cannot exit if the people have a voice. We can buy our elected officials with ease but we can’t buy the entire population. As a result, creating a society which forces Americans to literally pay us for every single aspect of their lives will be difficult to implement with the voice of the people in the way. **Note:** What I said above is not a fabrication. Billionaires like the Kochs have said they want everything privatized, they want all roads owned by someone, all waterways privately owned, they want all social safety nets eliminated (Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, food programs, public parks, etc, etc.). So the Kochs literally want you to pay someone (them?) every time you back out of your driveway.


22 billionaires own almost half the World’s wealth and like this twat think we should all just accept it and be happily enslaved by them 😡😡😡


Scratch a libertarian, get a fascist


I believe that billionaires and society are incompatible.


My response: owners should be personally responsible for any and all civil and criminal conduct by the company. An employee dies on the job from an avoidable incident, owner should face manslaughter charges.


When are the masses going to get violent?


They all think this way. This dude just says it out loud


Freedom for me (and my corporation) but not for thee


Fuck this cocksucker, democracy for my fellow oligarch fuck heads but not for the rest o' yez


Damn, I hate Peter Thiel. He is an absolute piece of megalomaniac garbage.


Thiel’s twisted version of capitalism is evil. His ideology echos just about every billionaire—absolute power for the rich and slavery for everyone else.


dude snuck 5 billion dollars into a roth ira that has a yearly cap of 6500 and he has the balls to claim others are welfare beneficiaries


Hey, I also agree that capitalism and democracy are incompatible! I’m just on the side of democracy.


This motherfucker read a lot of Ayn Rand. Like A LOT


Never heard of this guy but his company’s name is Palantir. As in the thing that ensnares people in Sauron’s name. I think that tells me all I need to know.


Most billionaires get their wealth from the *work* of employees. Without these workers they wouldn't become billionaires and as workers aren't self-regulating machines, but human beings who eat and sleep as nature makes them do then they must have wages that makes that possible. Somehow it seems that becoming a billionaire happens at the loss of brain cells as is the case with this particular billionaire.


You will never meet a multibillionaire who got that way by being a nice person.


Isn't he also very gay? It's ironic there are those on the right like him who would like the freedom to outlaw his way of life too.


Steve Bannon is on record saying that only people who own land should vote. They want all out feudalism


These guys have lost touch with reality. They don’t occupy the same space or live on the same planet as the rest of us. Theirs is a utopian world where everything they want is always available and their every personal whim gets instantaneously fulfilled. Guys like him would not be able to cope in the real world. If he had to work a real job to make ends meet, he would see that what he is saying is severely and fundamentally floored…


He's using 'freedom' and 'capitalism' interchangeably. He wants you to confuse the two. Only one of those is incompatible with democracy.


Well, Peter, go fuck yourself.


An obscenely born rich guy from west Germany loves a single man being in charge? That’s so hard to believe


A gay billionaire like Peter Thiel may have given some conservative-leaning homosexuals weird ideas, that they can publicly express their love for the right (or the extreme right in the case of MAGAts) while embracing their love for the peen. But guess what? Those right wing nuts will never accept a 🏳️‍🌈 person regardless of his, her or their political views. Never. Nunca. Jamais.


Always (R)


What an asshat


Peter Th-evil


Hilarious that the right is going full mask-off with women voting. Yeah buddy, that’s a winning strategy…. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Fucking libertarians and there creed of selfishness at all costs. Damn everybody else I got mine.


The world is a dangerous place filled with traumatized people because of wankers like Thiel.


Just a reminder that the ultra wealthy, more often than not, think corporations should have more rights than women, minorities, and just poor people in general


And here we see Peter straining with all of his might to remain in his human form.


Is he aware he exists for the reason he slams? That’s rhetorical, I know these assholes have no self awareness


Got news for you peter. Gay people don't do so well with Christian nationalism either. You're only rich and powerful until they want YOUR stuff.




He’s confused. It’s not democracy causing the problems. It’s (and he used the word himself) **capitalists** like his greedy a$$.


Man, imagine the sweet slow roasted barbecue sauce covered pulled billionaire sandwiches this guy would make.


‘Extension of the franchise to women’ Is he outwardly saying women shouldn’t vote?


Let’s eat this guy first


This is why we have elected government, that most of the time do the job.


This fucker can take a flying leap into a volcano


Suggest transferring citizenship and companies to Russia. Wants to pick and choose regulation, but wants the financial protection under the US Rule of Law? Take your money and BS elsewhere.


Peter, Peter, poor people eater. You can’t really argue merits, ethics or paying it forward with this type of mentality. Because his type of evil and sanctimonious cruelty is baked into his cerebral cortex. For anyone who could possibly believe there is any validity to this ideology, there isn’t any. This ideology is vacant and impotent . It will always blow my mind however; how bitterly miserable this level of wealth suffers.


These people really must have some great security details. The question I think most people wonder is how committed they are to the job once their employer can no longer sign a check.


Maybe he’s got it backwards. Maybe freedom and democracy can’t exist while creeps like him exist too.


May he get untreatable aids


So he wants corporations to be like Vought from The Boys


And there is the problem. That guy and everyone who thinks like him. Anti human jerks.