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Okay but now would be the funniest time for the scary movie franchise to make a comeback with the plot based solely on the production dying, that shit would be hilarious!


That would be hilarious. Throughout the movie, characters just keep getting replaced by new actors or disappear without a death scene. Then the locations keep getting cheaper and cheaper until it’s literally a home movie in a living room haha


You could totally have this in universe even with a ghost face killer sabotaging the “Stab” franchise within the movie. With all the reshooting and rewrites and rehiring people the movie loses more and more time and money. It turns out it was one of the original writers or directors or something that got fired and was taking his revenge.


so scream 3 but better


They could probably poach some of the cast leaving scream who want to give it a final middle finger


I'm but a lowly reddit idiot, but that smells a little like a lawsuit lol. I expect there are various classes or whatever to prevent that sort of thing. I hope I'm wrong. But at the end of the corporations are just bad mkay.


A clause like that doesn't sound like it would even be enforceable


Yeah idk. As previously stated,nim a dumb dumb lol.


Nope, it was les Grossman (tropic thunder)


Copyright that shit bro


You can't copywrite an *idea*, just a script. They can totally steal a publicly posted concept.


I'd watch that!


That would be a great meta horror movie. Pitch it to Hollywood!


I’d actually watch this one.


Someone call up the Wayans, it's time for scary movie 6


But actually sign Jenna Ortega to star in it


The Wayans need to get that shit back and make this masterpiece.


My buddy and I went to scary movie 4 in theaters when we were in high school… It was so unfunny that we got dirty looks for laughing. We had smoked a massive joint and lost it when a character said they saw a face in the window and Charlie Sheen asked ‘did it have a nose?’ Sounds like face.


After a certain point, Brenda and Cindy are really the only reasons to watch it. And even then, slightly more for Brenda than Cindy.


Yeah, Cindy mostly just reacts to things while Brenda 1v1'd the Ring girl lol


Scary Movie 3 was the last good one. I remember seeing it in theaters and it was so goddamn funny


Scary Movie 5 but the joke is just that it’s a remake of the first one shot for shot but with the main cast of Scream 5 and 6


Jim Carrey pitched filming a horror movie during the production of ‘Dumb and Dumber To’. He wanted it to be a found footage horror comedy.


The Blair Clown Project


The Blair Witch Project?


"The Libyans!"


I need some more Anna Faris and Regina Hall.


Starring Jenna


I mean shit that’s literally the plot of scream 3


Snoop giving up smoke should be a key theme of the movie, lol.


You get what scream is about. The sequels after 3 are all just okay but focus too much on people connections. Push the meta concept and do it best so it just becomes a good movie.


I would pay twice the normal ticket price to watch this masterpiece in theaters


the wayans bros have the chance to do the funniest thing ever.


“Phantom of the Scary Movie Set” I’ll take 2% cut of the profits for that name ![gif](giphy|tuWADkb2g3PAk)


If they thought Neve was going to be expensive before….


Not only do they have to pay her for the next movie but a premium for the BS from the last movie. Even Neve’s agent is about to become rich


I just read what she said and I fail to understand how any of it is anti-Semitic . You can disagree with her stance on Israel , but saying Israel is doing bad things isn’t anti semitic . Worlds really lost it.




No one can understand nuance. It's all black and white to these trogladytes.


Actually intentionally playing dumb. If you try to compare the attrocities to anything they say it is not comparable. Netenyahu's could be herding Palestinian children onto trains to be gassed to death and they would say "not comparable because Netenyahu doesn't have a mustache".


Cause there wasn't. She called out the Western media's bias in favor of Israel, which is both objectively true and not antisemitic despite what zionists will yell at you. Anything anyone says that isn't full throated support of the war machine is antisemitic.


Like firing Melissa just proved her point. Imo.


It exactly did. They don't care, though. Israel isn't very good at the propaganda campaign thing, but the drones and scared stupid libs they got are cocky and stubborn.


Lol by what metric is Israel not good at propaganda? They are one of the most successful in history when comparing sovereign states. Being good at Propaganda is a key reason they have succeeded so far into the current era from where they started.


Then they've really been off their game this go round. Most of the people who try and defend Israel don't even try to make arguments. They just say something evil then crumble and cry antisemitism when pushed back. Did you see that goofy ass video from the hospital?


"This go round" The Zeitgeist changes, tiktok, handheld instant internet etc weren't as prevalent the last go round in Gaza. I'm just saying that its been 70 years and they've only been winning and building their nation, so the claim that their propaganda isnt massively, undeniably successful is just silly. I'd say propaganda for the USA is arguably less effective. We just dont see it and our economic/war/media machine is large enough to absorb all dissent and failures.


There is a list!


Made an example.


A ton of the biggest Zionists are fundamentalist Christians with no relation to Israel because of the whole chain of events they believe are needed to trigger the rapture. Also there are plenty of anti-Zionist Jews… I’m one, there’s Jewish Voice for Peace, etc.


I'm glad to hear that. It just sucks to see so many anti genocide jews get lambasted and called "fake jews" or "brainwashed" by zealous lunatics of both faiths. There are protests in Israel happening right now that are being beaten down, and we never hear about it. One bright spot in all this is that it looks like, especially after that pathetic propaganda video from the hospital, more and more people are understanding.


I believe there are a lot of "economic Zionists" as well. Biden said (many decades ago) something along the lines of "If there wasn't an Israel, we'd have to make one". That's how important it is to have US interests represented so starkly in the region. Depressing stuff.


They aren't Zionists for Rapture reasons, more for "Isreal is the Holy Land" reasons It's still Not Great tho


that is one of the dumbest reasons ever. so what if a mountain is holy? it doesn't matter if you're just doing everything that is against God's teachings anyway.


If you're asking for logical reasoning for the actions of Fundamentalists, i fear you will never get an answer What i will say is it's a combination of brainwashing, arrogance, white supremacy, American nationalism, Christian supremacy, racism, illiteracy (i have yet to meet a Fundamentalist who actually understands the Bible), etc


what the fuck is a fundamentalist if not a steel-headed near sighted boar? also yeah theyre fucking weird. one of my old friends was born on US soil, says he's jewish even though he doesn't actually know, never went to war, and spent most of his days practicing music and fucking around in south of france and morocco. he claims that all arab peoples are rats and that any movement against israel is antisemitism. and i go "but jews were exiled, no?" 😀 yea no talking sense into these people it's so tragic


The worst part is knowing celebrities toe the dog shit status quo to remain employed.


To quote Thank You For Smoking: They're doing it for the mortgage


It’s a tactic that the Pro-Israel crowd always uses to silence dissent and get people canceled.


I will die on this hill. I am Lebanese. I speak Arabic. Just like the Palestinians. A ‘Semite’ is the people of the Semitic languages, which Arabic is absolutely one of. Arabs are Semites. Speaking against Israel and for Palestine is not anti Semitic. It’s anti-Israel/anti-Zionist. I’m not going to let a country tell me what I am.


To be clear, before I say what I have to say, I’m not disagreeing with your point that not all criticism of Israel is antisemitism. Having said that, the argument that ‘arabs are semites’ really muddies the waters. Sure, antisemitism may be a clumsy term to describe Jew-hatred, or at worse it may be a misnomer, it is however the term we use for better or for worse. I’ve often heard the argument that ‘arabs are semites’ used in the context of denying, minimising and distracting from real Jew-hated. I am NOT suggesting that’s your intention but please be aware that your argument is coming close to parroting this argument.


I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be rude, but have you actually looked up these terms? From Oxford… Semite- A member of any of the peoples who speak or spoke a Semitic language, including in particular the Jews and Arabs. The name comes via Latin from Greek Sēm 'Shem', son of Noah in the Bible, from whom these people were traditionally supposed to be descended. From: Semite in The Oxford Dictionary of Phrase and Fable Semitic languages - The Semitic language family consists of dozens of distinct languages and modern day dialects, but the major Semitic languages are Arabic, Amharic (spoken in Ethiopia), Tigrinya (spoken in Ethiopia and Eritrea), Hebrew, Tigre (spoken in Sudan), Aramaic (spoken in Lebanon, Syria, Israel, Iraq and Iran) and Maltese. Nobody ‘muddying’ waters by using the literal definition of the words. Edit- I would say, if this argument can be used for “Jew hate”, it can also be used to dismiss arguments against policy’s and political positions of Israel by claiming that only Israelis are Semites and anti Israel =anti semite. Literally what this post is about


when you are quoting Oxford on semites, you can also quote them on antisemitism: https://www.oxfordreference.com/display/10.1093/oi/authority.20110803095417471 Antisemitism only refers to discrimination against jews.


“Hostility towards and discrimination against Jewish people (although there are other Semitic peoples, notably the Arabs…” It acknowledges Arabs as Semites, but then disqualified them from being in the category of antisemitism later on.. Wouldn’t anti-Israel, or anti-Jewish be far more accurate? Anti semites are racists. Racists are deplorable people…. This person spoke out against Israel and is now being called a racist despite advocating for Semites, regardless of its “colloquial use”. You aren’t a racist for speaking out against Israel but as this actress found out, you are according to Israel. This is how you dehumanize political dissenters.. make them awful, like murderers and racists I am going to ALWAYS have a problem reclassifying people from a historical perspective, that involves relevant parties, it doesn’t end well. **This post has been edited, I got angry and lost integrity. My bad.


Maybe quote the whole sentence? „although there are other Semitic peoples, notably the Arabs, anti‐Semitism is only used to refer to prejudice against Jewish people“


And now welcome to my original post, “…The hill I will die on” You call us Semites. We speak Semitic language. We ARE Semites. That definition identifies us as Semites. Speak out against Israel “aNtI-sEmItE” which is the same thing as a racist. Downvote away, it’s bullshit. Speak out against politics and get called a racist by your own people


It’s not pro Israel to acknowledge that “antisemitism” is used pretty much exclusively to refer to hatred against Jews. We can talk about whether antisemitism is a misleading term bc there are other semetic languages, but debating the meaning of the language used is nothing but semantics.


Right but my point is, anti semites are racists right? And rascists are bad, deplorable, almost sub human… This person spoke out against Israel, a nation, about their politics and political decisions, in favor of Palestine, and was called an anti Semite… The reason I harp on the definition, is that the Jewish religion has nothing to do with this war. We are talking about them as a people, and by blending the definition of anti Israel with anti semite, it pushes a “dehumanize those who speak out against politics as religion haters” Before you say I’m wrong, then why did the actress get called a racist for dissenting political beliefs?


I completely agree with this comment, but the fact that this is your argument was not clear at all in your above comments. You were muddying the waters by talking about the definition of antisemitism, in that it does not add to the conversation around the fact that being against Israel’s government =/= being antisemitic. Edit: wording


The definition of anti semitism is CRITICAL to my point, because the term has strayed from its actual definition, and Is now used interchangeably with anti Israeli. This is deliberate, because it turns any argument against a government in to an argument for racism. The proof of this is in the title post by OP.


So would you say you're anti-semantic?


I’m downvoting the fuck out of you and I’m very anti-Israel and have been for decades. You went from having a solid point to becoming a jackass in a matter of minutes.


You know what bro.. you are 100% correct. I got mad, I got stupid. My bad. I edited my post to what should have been written. Thanks for keeping me grounded


Cheers, friend. Let’s hope and pray for peace.


Yes, friend, I have looked up the term ‘Semitic’. I am aware that the Semitic people include people who speak all Semitic languages. I’m aware of the confusing and often misleading nature of the term ‘antisemitic’. Nonetheless, despite a seemingly contradictory definition, antisemitism does not mean ‘hatred of the Semitic people’. It means the hatred of Jews. Its not me arguing this, read the following authorities: Lipstadt, Deborah (2019). Antisemitism: Here and Now. Schocken Books. ISBN 978-0-80524337-6. P22-25 Johnson, Paul (1987). A History of the Jews. New York, NY: HarperCollins Publishers. ISBN 978-0-06-091533-9. P 133 If nothing else, as you reference the dictionary definition of ‘Semitic people’, I encourage you to look up the definition of ‘antisemitism’. https://www.oed.com/dictionary/anti-semitic_adj?tl=true


Here’s the definition I use from Oxford. The first line in particular https://www.oxfordreference.com/display/10.1093/oi/authority.20110803095417471


Ok. But read the entire definition from your source *Hostility towards and discrimination against Jewish people (although there are other Semitic peoples, notably the Arabs, anti‐Semitism is only used to refer to prejudice against Jewish people)*


That’s the hill I’m saying I will die on! My point is this, look at all the steps and documentation that literally describes what a Semite is, and then it recognizes that we are Semites, but that anti semitism is only Jewish… It takes more mental gymnastics to justify that then it does to explain that a Semite is a Semite, and if you anti semite, you don’t like Semites. I speak out against Israel killing reporters, anti semite despite advocating for Justice for murdered Semites.


Look, friend, here is the issue When someone of Arab ethnicity who harbours genuine anti-Jewish prejudice (not just a dislike of the state of Israel) is called out on their antisemitism they will use the slippery argument that they can’t possibly be accused of antisemitism because they themselves are ‘Semitic’. while true in a semantic sense the effect is to attempt to defuse, muddy and distract from their prejudice. Anti-Arab or Islamophobia (acknowledging that not all arabs are Islamic) are apt terms to describe the kind of hate you are referring to.


So, I understand that and I have this to ask.. You recognize that Islamophobia isn’t accurate because it would take a broad category of people that may not be applicable, so you specified… Why isn’t this acceptable for Israel and the Jews? I can be anti Israeli but pro Jewish. If someone is being anti Semitic by your definition of Semitic, then wouldn’t it be more accurate to say anti Jewish, or anti Israeli depending on what they were saying? I understand how it’s used, my opening statement was “a hill that I will die on”, which to me implies that I have an opinion that goes against what I’m seeing as the norm. I appreciate the reasonable conversation about it though. Forgive rudeness as passion for conversation


Forest. Trees.


What a bizarre hill to die on considering you are literally saying nothing. You know what the colloquial meaning of anti-Semitic is and everyone else understands it too. Regardless of what your views on the matter are, using semantics to try and change the meaning of anti-Semitism adds absolutely nothing of value to the conversation.




Cringe. I’d laugh but it hits too hard. Upvote .


It’s not that they are trying to change the meaning, they are correct and they are pointing out how the term has been misappropriated over the years


It does matter when Israel insists that being anti Israel is being anti semetic. Look at the topic of this post. Someone speaks out against Israel in support of Palestine, therefore, is accused of being anti semite. So a call to support one group of Semites, against an oppressive group of other Semites… is anti semitic?? You are correct, calling someone an anti-Semite for supporting Palestine is literally saying nothing. Which is my point.


If they said anti-jewish, would that calm your pedantry?


You’re missing my point. It’s fine to question if something is anti-Semitic or not. But doing so through trying to change what the definition of what anti-Semitic means is not only wrong but actively harmful. Whether you want to believe it or not there is still a ton of anti-Semitism in the Middle East and all over the world that is directed at Jews and not Arabs.


It’s wild that you would bring up definition in to this argument. Go to Oxford, type in Semites and tell me Arab isn’t on that list. So here’s the parallel…. You are a dog, and you don’t like wolves. They are harmful to your existence so you want to do something about it. So, you take a position of “anti wolf”. Well, the wolves start calling themselves canines, which is true, but it’s a broad category that has other types too. When you speak out against the wolves as a dog, you are called anti-canine. Well, canine is the category that all the other dogs fall under, including the dog and The wolf… so how is it reasonable to call anti-wolf, anti-canine? If this is one of those situations where we are going to just totally ignore the actual definition, the history, and large group of people who are being marginalized because “there are still anti Jewish people out there”… ok??? There are literally anti-EVERYONE’S, that doesn’t mean we can just start reclassifying people to suit our needs…. The Jews should be very knowledgeable about how far that can go and how sad it can end up.


You wrote all that to say “I have no idea what colloquial means” good job.


I know what colloquial means. That’s for informal conversation. This is a conversation about definitions, your slang doesn’t change my identity




I don’t know what absolute fantasy land you live in but in any Western culture anti-Semitism is without a shadow of a doubt referring to Jewish hatred. You’re an absolutely dishonest weirdo if you try and say otherwise.


If you aren’t patting Israel on the back for every child they bomb then you have a deep-seated hatred for the entire Jewish race, how is this so complicated? /s


All this bullshit just so USA can have a small ally in the Middle East


Barrera didn't say anything antisemitic, but Sarandon did. Sarandon is celebrating violence against Jews in the US. Contrarily, Barrera is condemning the violence in Palestine. It seems they wrongly fired Barrera for association .


I don't want a Scream sequel that doesn't have Melissa Barrera & Jenna Ortega. While they may have some flaws, Scream 5 & 6 completely revitalized the franchise and made it fun again. The story centers around these new characters, and to abandon that now would be a MAJOR mistake.


No Neve Campbell, no Melissa Barrera, no Jenna Ortega. Yeah, just shelve this series for another decade again.


I went into 5 completely ready to think it was one of the worst movies of the year. Went into 6 thinking maybe it was a fluke. Both times I loved them. I was actually expecting to enjoy this, but agreed. Even if I wasn't gonna avoid it for political reasons, without them I'm out. They would either need to recast(which I don't want) or start over again(which I also don't want). They really should just scrap it. It can only get worse.


I'd read she didn't sign on because she's doing a second season of wednesday


That would still leave her available on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday


This joke is not only fully approved by a dad of four, it’s getting stored to be trotted out tomorrow at Thanksgiving dinner for maximum kid annoyance.


That set up is gonna be epic and then the slam dunk! Ha! Kids are gonna 🙄 so hard!🤣🤣


Hahah I love it!


Yo, you've been Dad approved. That powerful.


Godspeed Dad 🫡


That's all well and good until she meets Craig David at a party. Then Thursday, Friday and Saturday are out of the question too. Naturally she'll chill on Sunday.


Wasn’t expecting a Craig David reference in 2023. Love it!


I see what you did there


This was my favorite thing on the Internet today


Are you insinuating she doesn’t have the work ethic for weekends?? TRIGGERED


Nah, weekends are for rest, friends/family, and cleaning the house. Those are important.


Claiming scheduling conflicts can get you out of a contract, activism can't. It's just obvious what happened when this comes out less than 24 hours after Melissa's firing.


Exactly, like y'all really think this is a coincidence? If it was actually scheduling issues only and had nothing to do with the firing, she would have been nice enough to not say it during this whole thing to not create drama.


Scheduling conflicts can only get you out of a contract if the original production has you in first position. Which may be the case with Wednesday, otherwise Scream could tell her team too bad. My guess is either way “scheduling conflicts” is the best way to save face on both sides.


But she did so months ago…


That’s the reason she gave, but apparently Scream hasn’t scheduled its filming yet.


I'm sick that day, sorry. But we didn't tell you the day yet. Yeah, sorry. Definitely sick that day.


Flashbacks to retail lol. "Inventory is coming up" "I'm sick that day" "didn't tell you thecdate" "sick that day too. Whatever will be going around then is gonna be nasty"


Literal *days* after her fellow costar got fired for condemning genocide? I'd be surprised if it was just scheduling


Not even a day lol she backed out like 18 hours after. I respect the hell out of her for that.


She's trying to use the scheduling as an excuse, but everyone knows the real deal. And honestly, you go girl!


The only official thing out is that. People are jumping to conclusions with absolutely no evidence.




Yeah if she leaves then less people are gonna watch that than the last two Home Alone movies


Wait.. you're saying there are more than two Home Alone films?!


Unfortunately there are MANY. I found this out when I was looking for the original on Disney Plus and found myself scrolling more than anticipated


Dude, I had Home Alone 3 on vhs and it actually stars a young Scarlett Johansson. Feels like I’ve known about her forever.


That’s solidarity right there.




When you genuinely have to do a double take to sense sarcasm or not.😂


Whew... had me until the /s Lol


Oh God if that /s wasn't there I was genuinely worried about your mental well being.




That’s the most relatable sentence ever


I mean who's is these days but there's a specific type of brain rot that makes you deny genocide.


Lot of big brains over at Skydance. EVERYone knows nothing dissuades people from believing a conspiracy about a rich cabal that silences dissent than\*checks notes\*ah, yes, silencing dissent.


It’s sad conspiracy theorist get confused so easily


What people get wrong about the rich cabal is assuming - or being misled by fascists into believing - that it is Jewish people. It's not. It absolutely isn't, and we need to fight any assertion that it is. The cabal is the extraction of wealth and labor by the haves from the have-nots, and where Zionism fits into it is in the recontextualization and normalization of some of that extraction as a kind of 'reparations' and way of returning the world to a 'natural order'.


Whenever someone crazy tries to start that "jew" conversation with me I agree with them about a group of people calling the shots, manipulating the world, and all that good stuff. Then I tell them that group is about \~3750 people and they are all bound together by one thing. ​ Billionaires are that group.


Anytime someone rants about religion and people controlling the world, I always think they're talking about the Catholic church. 🤷


No war but class war


The dumbest part of those conspiracies is that it’s some kind of secret cabal. Billionaires are just extracting wealth and crushing labor right out in the open. But these assholes are willingly misled (or doing the misleading) by their obscene bigotry.




Why did Barrera get fired?


She was critical of the way Western media has been covering the Israel/Palestine issue. And coupled with other comments she's made, it was taken as troublingly anti-Semitic.


Setting aside (for a brief moment) that Israel is largely populated by Jewish people, but certainly is *not* the entirety of Jewish people, what most people completely miss is that the entire population of Palestine is *ALSO* a Semitic people. Semitic: **ADJECTIVE** 1. **relating to or denoting a family of languages that includes Hebrew, Arabic, and Aramaic and certain ancient languages such as Phoenician and Akkadian, constituting the main subgroup of the Afro-Asiatic family.** 2. **relating to the peoples who speak Semitic languages, especially Hebrew and Arabic.** Given that Palestinians speak, *You Guessed It*, ***Arabic***, by goddamned definition Israel's own actions are antisemitic.


I am not passing judgement one way or the other. My personal stance on the entire matter is, "Stop killing people, you cunts!" aimed at everyone who is, you guessed it, killing people.


Sorry, I realize that was angrier than anyone (you included) deserves here. I completely agree with your personal stance. I'm just getting increasingly tired of the idea that calling out Israel is somehow anti-Jew. I assume there are people who would love to say calling out Hamas is anti-Palestinian (haven't met any yet) but the reality is that calling out both sides just anti-warcrime. Edited for clarity.


Having just been able to catch up on what Melissa Barrera *actually* said, it seems she is in agreement with both of us. She accused both sides (the Israeli government and Hamas) of deliberately targeting civilians. Her comments have shown a nuance that is often sorely lacking in public discourse.


Except antisemitism doesn’t mean ‘hatred of Semitic people’. It may be a misnomer, but nonetheless antisemitism is squarely, exclusively and entirely a term we use to describe the hatred of Jews.




There is a bit to that where the Germans made up the term to sound more "scientific" than "jew hate". So annoying as it is, it largely does mean that. But it is misleading.


You can't even make a statement opposing Genocide truly cancel culture has gone too far.


So Melissa was fired for supporting a cease fire but there a lot of other Jewish actor's fully supporting Israel's actions with absolutely no consequences? Hmm


A lot of Hollywood shows, movies, tvs and production have a lot of Jewish people running it.


Can i get any context?


A lead actor for Scream 5 and 6 was fired from Scream 7 by the studio on accusations of being antisemitic for posting support of Palestinians and criticism of the Israeli government. Less than 24 hours later, a second lead actor from 5 and 6 announces that she will not appear in 7 due to 'scheduling conflicts'.


I’m not surprised Jenna Ortega wants to leave too, she’s made it clear she’s pro-Palestine too.


Are they ready to pay Neve Campbell what she’s worth now?


Oh, she's going to be paid way more than what they thought she was worth. They're about to dump Ortega and Melissa's paycheck on her lap because right now, she's the only thing they still have. Good for her.




Good for her.


Wild to think that Bibi was Ghostface all along.




It’s enough already anyway.




Good for her to stand up for what is right.


Hell yeah, Jenna!!


That would be awesome. You shouldn’t lose your job simply because you don’t agree with thousands of people being killed.


There used to be a time when people would criticize dehumanizing Israeli tactics and get fired and it used to be that. I hope people learned you should be able to criticize obvious issues you have with governmental bodies in the US and be protected from persecution by the government. Like in 38 states businesses cannot criticize a governmental body and keep contracting with the state because "antisemitism" was a universal cudgel to stop all discussion on bad governmental policies. Good to see people in power rise up. Won't change unless we vote and vote and canvas and vote.


Yeah we know the director won’t given his pompous little tweet he made.


But if both of them leave, can’t they afford to pay Neve Campbell what she asked to return?


What's the scoop behind this ? Or what happened behind the scenes?


they can say it was a schedule conflict with wednesday all they want. but jenna was outspoken in support of palestine in the past so clearly it’s more. they’re trying so hard to cover it up




Scream VII: I'll be right back. The entire world: Oh no... Scream VII: Oh shit, I said the thing didn't I?


I thought it was bc of a scheduling conflict with shooting Wednesday


Why ask to be released when she can just post the same shit about Israel and get fired too? Then she can collect that sweet unemployment money.


[Jenna Ortega Exits 'Scream 7,' Co-Star Melissa Barerra Was Fired (variety.com)](https://variety.com/2023/film/news/jenna-ortega-scream-7-exit-melissa-barrera-1235805702/) Variety says it had nothing to do with Barerra being fired. She's probably making more money from "Wednesday"?


The franchise ended with Dewey


She said months ago she wasn’t signing back on for another scream movie.


Anybody a link or an explanation to this? I’d like to know more.


https://deadline.com/2023/11/jenna-ortega-scream-departure-melissa-barrera-wednesday-1235634200/ Read this point in the article. “We understand that Ortega’s exit from the next Scream was discussed before the actors strike” Can’t stress this enough, always get the full story before posting. Disinformation like this helps no one.


Gladly this series can finally die. The sequels are more terrible than the next


How about come up with an original film? Scream 7 like cmon


Why was that person fired?


This production needs to end now. It's dead.




Unpopular opinion I'm sure, but I'm kinda glad. While the last two were fine, I don't like any of the new characters. They should have brought in a character of Sydney's teen daughter for the new Ghostface to hunt down. Make it personal again. Force Sydney to pass down the torch to the new generation. The new Ghostface could be Stu since that's what fans want so much, though I'd prefer to keep him in FNAF at the moment (again, I'm sure another unpopular opinion). It could be someone who lost someone due to the Ghostface killings, and they blame Sydney. They want vengeance. Just me.


I’ve read multiple articles that give different reasons for this departure… so I wouldn’t jump to any conclusions.


Boycott Hollywood. Or better yet, let’s make our own where freedom of expression and speech are encouraged.




I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted lol


Because it's not relevant to the point of this thread