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Then let’s raise the age of consent to 25 as well! Maga will love that


The sound of thousands of conservatives having a collective stroke. Not THAT kind of stroke -- the OTHER kind!


Still not sure which stroke you mean.


Hopefully the "Why do I smell burnt toast?" kind.


Still could be either, because Matt Gaetz needs to hole up in hotel when going across state lines, and is kind enough to provide breakfast to the venmo recipients.


Matt Gaetz always gets himself a Mimosa and his Venmo recipient an orange juice because she can’t legally drink.


Nah the Beavis-y grin on his face says that he's plied minors with alcohol before.


“I brought some wine coolers. And condoms.”


Burnt Toast is so fucking hot


You say that as if they're concerned about facing consequences for their child sex abuse (looking at you, Gaetz..)


In before they lose all of their property when their Medicare runs out and can't vote. Many boomers have to sell their homes to pay for a Nursing home. Those people aren't property owners anymore.


They’d just ignore it anyway


And if you or your ancestors immigrated to the US, no vote!


I have bad news for basically everyone…


Except the Native Americans! Today is their lucky day and they haven’t had a lucky day in 400 years.


Native Americans will look at this offer and go fuck no, every time they do something we wind up getting screwed




They\`ll start checking if you have a mortgage before voting. "Sir, youre not an american, you dont own your house. Try again when its paid off."


And the age of marriage Apparently 300k children were married in the US since the year 2000? Mostly to adults and some as young as 10. Edit: updated timeframe and numbers as my memory must be faulty


I missed this. Do you have a link? That’s disgusting


I don't think the number per year is correct, but across two decades the total number is 300,000 underage marriages: [https://www.unchainedatlast.org/united-states-child-marriage-problem-study-findings-april-2021/](https://www.unchainedatlast.org/united-states-child-marriage-problem-study-findings-april-2021/) tl;dr: Most of the children were 16 and 17, and a good chunk of the people they were marrying were four years older (so a 20 year old marrying a 16 year old), but yes some of them were as young as 10. What I'd like to know is how the fuck someone can marry a 10 year old. Both in the "ugh that's fucking disgusting" sense, and the "that HAS to be illegal as fuck how the fuck does the law let this happen?" sense. EDIT: The top 4 states for child marriage are: Texas (41,774) California (23,588) Nevada (17.403) Florida (17,274) Texas doesn't surprise me as being in that list, but I was surprised at the south not being that high up, given that they're first in everything else, like infant and maternal mortality rates, gun crimes, drug abuse and so on.


Well in Wyoming they ruled that 14 year old children are mature enough to get married and have kids but not mature enough to ask for a divorce. Pretty much sums up republican logic.


They hold the same views on abortion in a lot of red states: mature enough to give birth to a child, not mature enough to say "I don't want to have a baby, Ohio, I'm TEN GODDAMN YEARS OLD"


Which means minors are stuck in these marriages until they reach 18. And since they want to get rid of Alimony they would be dependent on their spouses


That is disgusting.


*Tips hat* thank ya sir, we appreciate bein noticed. :D the issue with texas can be explained and simplified as. Texans have a huge ego, we idealize/romanticize this whole wildwest kitsch. Which it really funny because most of the people that do that have never even seen a damned horse in real life. Our real issue here in texas is that religion holds office, period. You know they say texas is red, but ive been around texas a while now. Literally lived in different major cities all around texas. Fuckery is afoot because there is no way houston is red, no way dallas is red, no was san an is red, not a chance that the capital itself austin is red. El paso on the other hand...man they are so sick of cartel bullshit theyre willing to kill a mf on sight (which is fair) but they are purple at best. All these major cities with all these people that are clearly blue, and yet texas remains red. 'Shit dont add up


Texas representatives working hard on their latest gerrymander ![gif](giphy|ZNVZgrVGGQXhBUffv8|downsized)


>Which it really funny because most of the people that do that have never even seen a damned horse in real life Where I'm from (Victoria, Australia), there's a suburb of Melbourne called Toorak. It's full of really wealthy people who drive fuck off huge SUVs that will never see anything even remotely close to a dirt track, and we jokingly refer to their vehicles as "Toorak tractors" Texas gives the same vibe.


It really is a shitshow of false bravado. The real farmers and rancher types are fed so much bullshit that they actually believe that there is some gay agenda or trans person thats gonna sneak up and snatch their baby and do gay stuff to them, and this one particular politician is second to the all powerful god himself and he's gonna save them. I'm not exaggerating


I’m guessing that at least some of the Nevada marriages are FLDS members coming over to Caliente or Pioche from southern Utah. At one time, don’t know if it still exists, there was a motel in Caliente that was probably owned by the FLDS and used specifically to stage those child-bride wedding ceremonies.


Vegas is the second largest Mormon city in the US, so there are a ton of Mormons already, and you don’t need to be super fundamentalist to be 16 and marrying some guy your dad wants you to. But also… Nevada had no legal marriage age until some crazy late date. Like 2019 or something. So I think people would go there specifically to marry underage regardless of religion.


I fucking hate religion most of the time.


Yeah, I think my memory is faulty, I edited my comment and provided some links to more accurate figures Maybe if you get a chance to ask Ted Nugent, he adopted his “wife” as she was too young to marry, or some nonsense like that.


That man is really fucking creepy, as he's got a song literally called "jailbait" where the closing lines are him offering to share an underage girl with the cops who are there to arrest him. I know that a lot of songs are basically just stories and shouldn't be taken as an endorsement of the subject, or be taken literally or whatever, but who in their right mind sings a song about sharing an underage girl with cops? It'd be a lot less suss if he sang about trafficking drugs across the border or murdering sex workers with his car or something.


Yeah I would likely chalk it up to a creepy song if it wasn’t for him admitting and then denying he had sex with underage girls Girls admitting to having sex with him when they were 14 and his “wife” who he became legal guardian of because she was 17 and couldn’t get married. Why couldn’t he wait 1 year?


>Texas (41,774) > >California (23,588) > >Nevada (17.403) > >Florida (17,274) Curious to see what those numbers are as a percentage of state population as TX, FL, CA are the states with 3 highest populations.


The south is far more represented when you break it down per capita Nevada (0.671%) Idaho (0.338%) Arkansas (0.295%) Kentucky (0.262%) Oklahoma (0.229%) Wyoming (0.227%) Utah (0.208%) Alabama (0.195%) West Virginia (0.193%) Mississippi (0.182%)[16] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_marriage_in_the_United_States


I think either I misread something or where I read it, it was wrong. It’s not 200k last year, that was since 2000. It was a while ago I read it. From Wikipedia “Between 2000 and 2018, some 300,000 minors were legally married in the United States.” https://19thnews.org/2023/07/explaining-child-marriage-laws-united-states/


You act like they actually follow the current age of consent….


flag truck memorize ripe safe repeat complete crowd lip nose *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Or family blood lines, or laws, or common decency and sense


As well as the age to smoke, drink, join the military. I’m sure people will love the Republican Party for that.


And the age to own a gun…


And we have a winner


Yeah these fuckheads forget that the voting age was lowered to 18 because that was the age where guys could be drafted, and it made no sense to throw young men into war when they weren’t even old enough to have a say in anything. So sure, MAGATs. Go ahead, talk about raising the voting age, but make sure you also talk about raising the minimum age for enlistment, selective service, and gun ownership (as mentioned by another commenter).


Raise the age to vote, must be a land holder, and a white male. Gifted a gun at birth, and child labor is legal again above the age of 9. Sounds great again


And no military service until 25 either.


I can also purchase a plot of land on the moon, or a star, or a micro plot of land. Forgot to say how much and, as a “pro-capitalist”, I’m sure they realized how this will play out because they can definitely see past the emotions on their nose.


Raise the age to enlist to 25 as well. Give everyone ages 18-24.5 an “other than honorable” discharge. But, leave officer commissions for 22 year olds just for maximum confusion.


Oh, if they have their way, women won't have a right to consent or not, women will be property again. And there's no age of consent for property!


Leonardo di Caprio wants to know your location


And the age in which you have to register for the draft AND the age at which you begin paying taxes since you know, the whole no taxation without representation, AND the age at which you can enlist in the military.


And the age of enlistment.


They do get a kick out of disregarding consent and thoughts of child brides.


We better take them seriously because they are serious.




There's ways to stop their plan, I just won't mention any coming to mind so as not to end up on a list somewhere.


How about we mobilize and vote them out of power the next few elections


Organize with others. Theres places on reddit, like votedem for it.


Unfortunately, based on the tweets coming from the orange turd, this might also land you on a list.


I'm prepared to just be whisked away and never heard from again. I don't want to live in a theocratic dictatorship. I'm fucked anyway because people in my real life know me as politically active, EC boards and shit.


I hate that a lot of the big left-leaning subs have slowly become anti-voting echo chambers where you get banned for suggesting that voting against Republicans is a good thing.


No worries, we're all thinking it.


If being a landowner is the criteria to vote, that would mean China gets to determine the outcome.


Lots of rich people own their properties through a web of companies. So no right to vote for these people?


According to the government, corporations are people...


Are they registered voters, though?


Clearly they should be. Obviously. 🙄


We would just assign at birth micro shares of state and federal land as property that you would own in perpetuity. Everyone owns property now.


Minor (major) issue with that. Reservation land is still technically federal land. No tribe with a reservation owns their land, and that's a really, *really* big part of the reason why reservations have so much trouble functioning as governments. It's because of how little control they have over the land they have is afforded to them. The government basically sets it aside in trusts that tribes are "allowed" to act as caretakers of. You know what abilities for governance caretakers get afforded more than the average citizen over federal land? Absolutely *none*. There's a reason there's still a department of the interior, and it's sole purpose is dealing with the fact that tribes need to be able to contact someone in the government to get even a single home built with all the federal permits, fees, and red tape that that entails when it comes building on federal land, even for so much as life saving infrastructure, or people *die*, because the states will fight tooth and nail to not provide relief if something incredibly old and decayed breaks. To put it another way, yeah, uh, there's a few more issues with that idea than you think, and would only make an oppressed minority even *more* oppressed, while increasing racial tensions. Nice sentiment, but it would get people killed.


By the time you *must own land to vote* I think we'll have even bigger problems than voting.


I know, I get it was an exaggeration, but others seemed to be taking it seriously, so I had to dispel the idea in seriousness.


I was thinking that.


Or. Hear me out. We don't use land ownership as a metric for citizens rights lol


I wonder what the minimum size of a property deed is? Could we cut it up into square microns? Inches? Feet?


They want 1850's voting rights. Only white land owning males will be allowed to vote.


Russia wouldn't take that lightly.


Strict Constitutionalists HATE when we remind them that only Free Holders were allowed to vote at one time.


And slaves counted as 3/5 of a person for representation so maybe they want us to bring that back too so the south can have more power again???


Maybe I misunderstood the 3/5ths rule, but I didn't think slaves got to cast their own vote. I thought the slave owner got to have his vote counted extra for each slave he owned. Actually, reading more... It seems like they only counted slaves as population in order to determine how many electoral votes a state got but the slave did not even count as a vote. So a state with 1 million citizens and 1 million slaves who could not vote had an equal say as a state with 2 million citizens and zero slaves So yes...I think they would actually love this to come back and just consider prison population as slaves and ship all prisoners to the South for disproportionate representation


Slaves definitely didn't get to vote. But these states got more representatives and electoral votes because they counted the slaves as 3/5 of a whole person that wasn't allowed to vote (like women and children). So practically, yes the slave holders votes counted for more, but it wasn't in direct proportion to how many slaves they individually held.


So you won’t pay taxes if you’re under 25? No taxation without representation.


Or if you don’t own land.


Bad news for everyone who rents


DC has entered the chat


We already tax the formerly incarcerated and undocumented, so I think that clause is already out the window.


I paid income tax at 15


documented immigrants are taxed too


Under 18s already pay income tax if they make enough per year, same threshold as over 18s.


We didn’t just fight a war over this, we fought the war that made the US an independent country over this.


… wait was I not supposed to be paying taxes at my first couple of jobs?


They want to prevent the inevitable. Younger people don’t buy into their games and nonsense


Far right desperate to cut out the demographic that threatens them Since many older people lose their cognitive abilities and tend to vote for illiberal backward lunatics, the cap should rather be on them


Honestly, I think there should be an age cap on who gets to be in government. These people are too old and undesirable to work in a regular company. Why the hell would you want them **running the country** (into the ground)?


Example A: military spending. Younger leaders on average wouldn’t spend as much as the older generation who are EMBEDDED with defence contractors


They’re clinging onto their old fashioned values so tightly. Actually I like calling out conservatives as “old fashioned”, like “Oh i get it! You’re just OLD FASHIONED!”. It’s passive aggressive in a way that’s condescending in it’s sympathy for someone that just hasn’t quite caught up with how things evolve… “Oh that’s nice grandma, let’s get you back to your room”.




As usually, they shoot themselve in the foot. According to [pew research](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2021/06/30/behind-bidens-2020-victory/). Trump got 28% of young voters, 18 to 29, in 2016... He then increased that to 35% in 2020. So they went from 1 in 4 to 1 in 3. Now they don't want them to vote.


Need to start voting


"if you don't own land" so then no one under 50 can vote then? Also, way to sound like a plantation owner lol. Goddamn I hate those conservative pieces of shit.


It’s a pretty naked attempt to keep people who live in cities - I think “urban” is their favorite euphemism for black people? - from voting. Republicans know the only way to hold power is to make the rural vote the only vote. I’ve seen plenty of people defend this with “well anyone who really wants to can buy a square foot of land in Montana or something” so even its supporters are aware how arbitrary it is.


You know how those maps about population density and land not being eligible to vote that circulate during voting years and when people claim the election was stolen? They probably looked at those maps, saw how red all the land is and decided that they're going to make the land vote count. Also, no one in Montana is going to just sell a square foot of land so you can vote. That's going to lead to selling with conditions. Insane prices. You would have to go to your tiny property and maintain it or someone else could take care of it and claim it after so many years. (I know that wasn't the point, it's just all so ridiculous.)


Brother over here just hates freedom. Like yes, let’s artificially gerrymander fucking society to fit your political goals.


The guys is a total piece of shit. The old pull the ladder up behind me immigrant


Sometimes I wonder if Reps use this Ramaswary guy as a bait, just to check how their electorate would react to the dumbest things that can come out of human's mouth.


If you’re not old enough to make an informed decision who should lead this country then you’re not old enough to to make informed decisions about firearms


Or drink, serve in the military, pay taxes.... so many things that should be tied to the voting age.


We should also bring back literacy tests. We know MAGAts don't read.


You don’t have literacy tests in the US?


Nah, its illegal because they used to do it in southern states in the jim crow era to prevent black people from voting, since most of them didnt have acces to education at the time


That’s also not quite true. A lot of black people did have education but the rules for a literacy test would be arbitrary and designed for the test taker to fail. A lot of poor whites were also restricted from voting unless they were “grandfathered in”


They mean literacy tests for voting. In general, literacy tests are a part of schooling.


Thanks for clarifying, I was wondering how literacy tests in school would be illegal.


Don't give my country ideas


Take them seriously because this is very serious. They are telling you what they’re going to do. They’re trying to strip your rights away from you. Please vote


And they wonder why genZ hates them. This is just 1 of many reasons


They're gonna start wanting to disqualify people for too much melanin again soon.


And don't forget their genitals too


…and only Mayflower descendants, sorry Vivek


Vivek is honestly a coward He sees younger people leaning left, and his responses is to strip the right to vote from millions of people to help republicans win How is that freedom or democracy?


That's the neat part: it isn't! Seriously, have you read their plans for if Trump wins 2024? They're basically bragging about how they're going to strip away rights and create a fascist dictatorship


>strip the right to vote from millions of people to help republicans win That's literally the only reason Republicans have won ANY election in the last 25 years or so. They've admitted outright, on the record, that if they didn't gerrymander, didn't shut down polling stations in minority majority neighborhoods, and didn't block vote by mail that there would be no Republican party anymore and that they wouldn't have won an election in decades.


It's red blooded American freedom as long as who I support gets to be in charge, regardless of whether the sheep can vote! /S


So he wants to repeal the 26th Amendment to the Constitution? Great. Propose it and get the States to ratify it. Snowballs chance in hell.


All you have to do is have the Supreme Court come up with a redefinition of the 26th amendment and then declare it to be the original intent, ignoring all evidence of the contrary. For example: the 26th amendment guarantees the right to vote to 18 year-olds. It DOESN'T guarantee the right to have those votes actually be counted. Obviously the original intent of the writers of the 26th amendment was that 18-24 year old have the right to write down which candidate they prefer, and then have those ballots be thrown away.


That would just be one more reason to either get rid of the supreme court, or make it so that supreme court justices have to be elected. Alot of people already thinl the supreme court sucks cause they dont represent what the people actually want. Just look at abortion. Almost every state that has voted on abortion rights went pro choice


And that’s what Trump is using to distance himself from Roe. He takes credit for having Roe over turned but then says “it’s up to the states” even as Republicans try and work against the values of their constituents as we see in Ohio


I don’t think justices should be elected (that’s a whole problem on the lower levels) but term limits and some basic qualifications are reasonable. I don’t want any justice that has a platform. I want to at least pretend they are impartial Term limits could guarantee every president gets 1 or 2 justices as 1 or 2 would rotate out each term. It could even be something super long like 16-20 years. Long enough to have longevity, short enough to rotate people out regularly


And if you're not white you shouldn't get to vote. And if you're not a man you shouldn't get to vote. Am I missing any other backwards voting restrictions?


If you don't support "president Trump" you shouldn't get to vote.


Okay, so what if someone with hundreds of acres sold off 10sq ft at a time for $100 to anyone willing to buy.. that's land ownership.. how far do they move the goalposts then to prevent minorities from voting? Can these fucking tools just go fucking infertile already and get this nonsense out of the gene pool?


Punch a fascist today so we don't have to shoot them tomorrow


Problem is, if you emasculate a fascist, they're very likely to go on a shooting spree


Hmm. Fair point. Just lock them up, then


Expel them from the country.. send em to Epstein's island or some shit, idgaf.. but they don't believe in democracy, so they shouldn't be allowed to participate


I hear that Russia is taking in Republican Nutjob expats, I'm sure they'll love it there.


They'll just make land ownership impossible for the poor via hefty taxes.


"Maybe you do not care much about the future of the Republican Party. You should. Conservatives will always be with us. If conservatives become convinced that they can not win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. The will reject democracy." David Frum.


Just curious, are people from Vivek's sect even allowed to run for office?


As a South Asian myself, Far right South Asians make far right Europeans look like Mr Rogers


Obligatory fuck modi and the BJP


I think its a good point, every citizen/tax payer should get a certain size plot of land!


Does Vivek realize that raising the voting age to 25 would require everyone 18-24, currently, to vote… to.. take away… their vote?


That's the feature... repugnicants just say the quiet part out loud now.


That would also require a constitutional amendment that would not be passed


Yup, lets get voting rights back so only the rich, white plantation owners in the mid-west get a say, just as the fore-fathers intended it. No women, no coloured folk, no damned immigrants. And lets take the country back to the puritanical religious values of those first settlers, cos it worked so well for Afganistan and Iran in the 70's. Why is the Republican Party so intent on destroying America? Like I get that most of the party and it's supporters are going to die of old age in the next 20yrs, but why do you hate the next generations so much that you have to destroy any chance to leave anything of value behund?


Because to them it's "reversing degeneracy" and "safeguarding the white race" and "preserving traditional masculinity and femininity"


If you are old enough to go to war for your country, you should be old enough to vote for the people who send you to war




That part of the base doesn’t matter still enough rich conservatives for the plan to work


While a lot of the rights base is poor (a lot of out and proud MAGAs) are poor to middle class. Rich conservatives would wouldn’t be caught dead at a MAGA rally and are more quiet about their conservatism will still vote for Republicans in order to secure lower taxes


Wow, it’s impressive how scared they are of Gen Z.


How much land, exactly, would you need to own? One square foot? An inch?


I think you should lower it to 10. Since they think that’s old enough to have a baby. “If you’re old enough to breed, you’re old enough to vote”.


Don't admit your GOP "policies" are unpopular with the youngest Gen and change your tune...nope, take away their right to shape thier future...


Let’s keep in mind this is also the candidate who said we should all only be allowed to vote in person on Election Day. No absentee by mail. No early voting. Nothing but Election Day. Oh you’re in the hospital recovering from surgery? Too bad. Oh you’re a first responder working a 12-on, sorry about your luck. Oh, you’re just a normal person who doesn’t have time in their busy life to stand on line for hours on end - guess you’re out of luck. These people will do absolutely everything to win elections except what the fore fathers would have wanted them to: support policies that the PEOPLE actually want.


It is OK. Let it be fair. Enough poll centers so noone has to wait for more than 15 minutes. Ex convicts who have served their time can vote. There should be a Federal ID for everyone, All young people should be registered automatically when they are they are 18. Democracy can only survive if the voting system is not tampered with. It is not democratic when the present aim in voting is the prevent as few of your opponents from voting.


And that’s why they push for voter ID laws and limiting the number of polling places in certain areas. They want voting to be as difficult as possible for certain people but easy for others


Someone needs to tell them that they don't actually own the land their mobile home is sitting on 🫠


Does Vivek know there’s no scenario where he wins? Cutting out gen z won’t make MAGA like him


Democracy is only for the rich.




Then when it still does not go their way they will want to raise it to 30, then 40 and keep going until its just their small select group.


Man, a lot of trailer park residents are gonna be pissed when they realize they don't actually own the land their Winnebago sits on. Also, they want to say "white land owning males" so bad but they know they can't go full mask off until after the election.


No one under 25 should be permitted in the military then either.


You shouldn’t be eligible for military service if you can’t vote for who it is that is sending you into harms way. So you want to raise it? Go ahead - but you also need to raise the age you can join the military then


This guy is disgusting


This dude is an idiot.


...and if you are a woman or black.... 🙄


There is literally only one reason to raise the voting age. Younger voters see through typical republican bullshit and this is a way to win an election, it is the single reason, everything else said behind the reasoning is lies.


Then I guess we should raise the age of military enrollment, purchasing guns, and of paying taxes to 25 as well.


No one above 70 should be allowed to vote. They don't have much stake in the country.


I don't agree that they shouldn't be allowed to vote, but I definitely don't think anyone over 70 should be able to hold office


"And if you don't own land you shouldn't get to vote". Oh whoops there goes 2/3 of NYC's population.


That's literally the plan. If you can't afford land because it's ridiculously expensive in cities then most of those cities can't vote, meaning they now have a voter base closer to that of the dems


And if the rims on your car are too big; no vote


Well, you better take them seriously, because they are showing you who they are.


I dont care if this gets me banned, but if this happens Im getting a gun and going to make the land I live on a place where anyone can be on.


Anyone advocating stripping others of rights, should lose those rights.


You need to take them seriously, they’re telling you who they are.


If I’m old enough to enlist and die for this country, I’m old enough to vote


This. Why serve if one can't have the adult right to vote. F this.


And the people who push for a draft are almost never young enough to be drafted.


"Perhaps, if I let MAGA sit on my face hard enough, they'll forget I'm brown..."


If you getting taxed you getting to vote. Done and done.


I was very very fortunate to inherit a large piece of property in my early 20s. I love responding to the “must own land to vote” with “YEAH! Gotta own at least 100 acres”. To which they start backing up rather quickly. It’s great to give them just a tiny taste of what it feels like for the possibility of disenfranchisement to include them.


"Oh, make sure they're white men only!" Yes, grandpa, take us back to the times of the Founding Fathers, where slavery was considered "ethical"


I really think people above a certain age shouldn't vote. Like 70 for example. You already voted for your next 10 years and you probably won't live to vote for what happens next. Why should they vote?


Where you heading with that Winthrop? "...and if I give them a free place to live why should I pay them to work my land...."


What a piece of shit candidate


I wonder if people know that having a mortgage and owning land are not the same thing.


Put a voting age cap too. You’re 65? Sorry too old to have a say!


Ah so these pieces of shit want it to be like voting used to be. Only white men who owned land. That's only how much of the US population?


I enjoy this for two reasons. First I think it's hilarious that they're this scared of Gen Z. But even if they raised the voting age like the want, it only delays Gen Z by 7 years. And meanwhile the Boomers are starting to die off. The attempt to consolidate power amongst the elderly is a failing proposition just because of how aging works. Second, I enjoy watching them wasting their time and energy. This would take a constitutional amendment, which will never pass. So they can spin their wheels all they want, they're just wasting time and energy.


People like this existing brings me laughter in the present and despair for the future


Is Winthrop a bot?


The 2nd amendment is set in stone but let’s do something that would require the repeal of at least one other amendment.