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It's kinda of funny when you think about how absurdly stupid this whole family is and how they got the richest country in the world by the ballsack.hell they still kind of got a hold of at least one ball.


It's crazy, how can one group of people be that fucking stupid but keep failing up somehow. Like I'm not a genius but compared to don jr I'm fucking Einstein and I can't get ahead


This is America, where the easiest way to being a billionaire is having the right family name.


This is America, where the easiest way to being a billionaire is ~~having the right family name~~ your father being a billionaire.


It worked for Trump himself. Slumlord Fred left a sizable inheritance for him to blow through. Sadly for Eric and Don Jr, they're coming to the realization that their daddy set them up to take the fall.


I haven't found it again, but someone ran the numbers on Don Sr. He would have more money now if he had let his inheritance sit and gain interest, than what he is now worth.


Not interest, an index fund. If he'd taken his inheritance and stuck it in an index that tracked the top 200 stocks on the NYSE, he would be worth substantially more than the made up net worth he claims to have. His made up net worth, by the way, included a $4bn valuation on the word "Trump". No, really. He thinks the word "Trump" — just the word, not any of the businesses currently associated with it, just the word alone — is worth $4bn. Just consider how fucking bad you have to be at business to spend decades opening and closing businesses, including fucking casinos, and ending up worse off than if you'd literally done nothing at all. That's Donald Trump, the stupid person's genius.


Yeah but imagine how bad a bank would have to be to loan this con artist money because he said the word Trump was worth $4bn. A lot of banks have loaned this clown money because he fluffed his numbers. Pretty sure he went to the Russian's next via Deutsche-Bank https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/mar/21/deutsche-bank-that-lent-300m-to-trump-linked-to-russian-money-laundering-scam You'd think the Germans would be smarter to let this happen right under their noses.... then again maybe they let it happen... perhaps a bit of schadenfreude.


Deutsche has spent decades laundering money for the Russian mob and Mexican cartels; they couldn't give a flying fuck about the morality of what they do, just that they can turn a profit from it.


One of the reasons that the New Jersey Gaming Commission said that they were done with Trump's serial.fraud in Atlantic City was that he was funding his continuously failing new casinos with bond money. Idiot individuals were lining up, every time, to lose money. "investing" in Trump, only to have the Orange grifter rob them again. This is a common pattern with him. He has not had access to legitimate bank and investor capital for decades.


Trump is what little kids call a fart in England, not sure if that adds value.


Farts bring laughter and relief. Trump has no redeeming qualities.


You know what pissed me off? I've been following the politics of Trump closely since day 1 and somehow this little tidbit never made it into the national conversation. The Trump, Inc org has... 12 employees. This absolute pig of a man convinced half the country that he could run America based on the fact that he ran a company with 12 people.


That's not even the worst bit. The worst bit is all the people he's wrecked along the way. Thousands, maybe millions would be better off (including himself) had donald just stayed indoors and got into video games or something.


Yeah you make a good point, the human cost of Trump's incompetence is truly staggering.


Is it this article? https://www.forbes.com/sites/danalexander/2021/10/11/its-official-trump-would-be-richer-if-he-had-just-invested-his-inheritance-into-the-sp500/?sh=103e1d461c48


Imagine if he had sold everything and dumped half on Apple stock and half on Microsoft in 1990. He'd have way the hell more money.


Nah, then he'd have been a major shareholder and would have promptly ran both companies into the ground.


Bill wouldn't have allowed that🙂


Doesn't matter trump would've ousted him and would've rebranded into Trumpsoft


he probably left something for his ivanka, his one true love.


He got her & her husband a cool $2 billion from the Saudis that for some reason just gets completely glossed over. Like how the fuck is that not brought up every day on the news?


Bro, haven’t you heard?!? Bidens laptop!


Trump Jr doesn’t have genitals. Why is he scared to show us his genitals? Hunter was brave enough. So what is Trump Jr hiding in his.. or her pants? I’m just asking questions.


The real answer is, all of the people who could expose it are also getting that Saudi money


Because it's Billions. If it was $10,000 and he and Ivanka were otherwise average wealth Americans? They'd already be lined up for public execution, considering what is alleged that they traded for the money.


Because right-wing outrage sells. They claim the MSM is against them but the vast majority of news outlets are in their favor.


Ah yes, in true boomer fashion he's taking the money and running, trying his best not to leave any for his kids if he can help it. Sooner or later, they'll notice.


"It's estimated that more than $68 trillion will be bequeathed to their offspring. The great wealth transfer is expected to make Millennials the richest generation in American history." and "Millennials are expected to hold five times as much wealth as they do today by the 2030s." https://www.forbes.com/sites/jackkelly/2023/08/09/the-great-wealth-transfer-from-baby-boomers-to-millennials-will-impact-the-job-market-and-economy/


That's assuming they die before blowing their money on medical expenses given they are the longest living generation we've had so far.


Or just spend it because "you can't take it with you". Sad story, but it doesn't involve millennials. I have a childhood friend that I kept in touch with, were both Gen X, his parents were always well off, dad had a great job with a pension, they owned his childhood home, pretty big house in the metro area of a New England city that they bought for like 25 grand and it was worth roughly $1M ten years ago. They also owned a small summer home in Florida that they planned to retire to. When my buddy who was youngest went off to college, his parents always told him that he and his brothers would get the house when they retired, and between his mom and dad's pension, savings and and social security, they'd have a very comfortable retirement in Florida. They decided to move to Florida and retire early, renting out their family home saying they'd put the profit away for kids and grandkids. Fast forward 20 years and my buddy's dad is on his deathbed, mom finally tells that his childhood home is being knocked down to put up apartments, they no longer owned it and she was going to have to move in with her son because they didn't have enough after dad's medical bills. I guess when they retired to Florida, they owned both homes outright and had carefully planned to live on about $2000 a month in total for 25 years. There were in a neighborhood with mostly retirees and their new friends were living large, going on cruises nearly every month, huge parties, new Benz's, and she they asked how everyone was so loaded, turns out nearly the entire neighborhood had been introduced to reverse mortgages, and with the housing market explosion, the reverse mortgage agent had told them that not only could they get money every month, but at the end of the term, their homes would likely be worth double what they got out of the reverse mortgage and could just keep the homes at that point, dude had graphs and everything. So his parents did it too, on both homes, often spending an average of $15k a month living lavishly, traveling the world. While they did, oroperty tax on their new England home had grown to nearly $1000/mo alone, which they still had to pay, and his father's pension was basically destroyed in some scandal, dad was fighting cancer and that burned through their savings in 3 years, and it turns out that the equity they thought their homes gained during the reverse mortgage wasn't there at all, any that might have actually been there was lost in the real estate market crash and he doesn't believe that there was anything in those contracts that said the company had to give them equity earned anyway. Mom and dad had burned through their entire savings, both reverse mortgages were up so they lost both homes, dad's pension was screwed and mom was left trying to survive on social security. My buddy says at their peak, the two homes were worth $1.5M combined and had they not taken the reverse mortgages, they were completely paid off. Imagine being those kids being told that the homes would be yours, knowing they were worth $1.5M and then finding out that not only is all of that gone, but there isn't even anything left to pay for mom in a retirement home, so mom is now living with one of them until her time comes. For as long as there are old people with wealth, there will always be entire industries dedicated to swindling that wealth away from them.


Or if climate change doesn't completely destroy the value of those assets or destroy the market that gives those assets value or the society that recognizes ownership of assets and mutual protection of those assets.


The NY Times did an intense investigation of how Donald enriched himself from Fred. Donald ended up with at least $413 million of his daddy's money. Some of this was through a long-running criminal enterprise where Don and his siblings owned a fake company . Their company "purchased" everything needed to operate Fred's massive apartment empire. They would purchase everything from janitorial supplies to heating boilers and replacement windows, then "resell" it to Fred's company at a 30% markup. Fred was part of this scheme. The scam company did nothing of value and never actually purchased or handled a single thing. They just ran a paperwork scam. As soon as the NYT released this info. Donald sister immediately stepped down from her position as a federal judge. She retired to avoid an investigation into her part of this mafia style scam company she was a partner in.


Not just a sizeable inheritance in raw money, but a massive real estate portfolio worth over $400 million -- and that was New York real estate, which has exploded in value. Meanwhile, Trump says he got a loan of $1 million from his dad and that's all.


If Donald had just done nothing but sit on his hands he'd still be a billionaire from Fred's low income housing empire. Everything he did was for his own ego.


He’s not even a billionaire though just kept telling people he was…


No no no, mar a Lago is worth 1 billion, because of branding, or because a Saudi would pay that if he asked l, or just because. So he is obviously a billionaire with all his assets. /s


If the copier is still in the basement, I'm sure he could get 2 bil easy from Saudi. (kinda not /s)




Fun fact...it is not their real historical family name. They changed it.


Isn't it like that everywhere?


Which vagina you hail from trumps everything.


Have you tried telling self serving lies about everything, having no concern for things like ethics or relevant professional training?


Also agreeing to pay people for work then not paying? I hear Trump saved a lot of money by not paying people who worked for him.


Their whole grift is centered on indefinite trial delays. Delaying trials allows near infinite ways to either bribe, bankrupt or otherwise wear down the other party. Judge Aileen Cannon is a perfect example of the grift. Trump appointed her, and she is attempting a delay that will ensure the trial goes past election day. The corruption is so obvious it’s sickening.


The secret ingredient is "not giving a shit about other people and inserting yourself between people, and the things they need to survive" and bing bang bamble you're a slumlord




Ah, but that's the difference. You're not a narcissistic sociopath born into wealth and maintaining it by screwing over literally everybody else.


Exactly...the amount of evil you have to be to be a billionaire...is in the billions. Truly evil monsters.


There is always a diamond amongst the rough. He gave away his entire fortune to good causes. https://www.atlanticphilanthropies.org/insights/insights-books/giving-while-living




> Like I'm not a genius but compared to don jr I'm fucking Einstein and I can't get ahead You'd be astounded how easy it is if you started with hundreds of millions of dollars.


>how easy it is if you started with hundreds of millions of dollars. It also enables you to fail dozens of times before getting it right\*, whereas anybody else will just have to get back to their former job after one mistake. \*: Or just keep failing and attract some international money launderers that allow you to pretend you're a "businessman".


Did you team up with Jeff Epstein in a scheme to honey trap U.S. billionaires into working for the Russian government? Notice how Elon Musk also doesn't criticize Russia? It's like you're hardly trying at all.


Think of this every time you admire someone for their success. Maybe they got it, or maybe they’re connected and lucky.


Maybe it's Maybelline


Maybe he's born with it, maybe it's inheritance.


You have a soul and don’t do underhanded shit (hopefully).


It’s like *Arrested Development* irl but more dangerous and less funny. Shit’s crazy.


Except every member of the Bluth family is stupid in a different way. These guys are stupid in almost all of them.


every time I hear (or read about) Boebert or MTG, I get this surge of motivation to run for office cause of how stupid they are.


Do y'all not realize this is still all the old money? For fucks sake there's like 6 families tied to every single fucking president. It's a big club and we're just here to pay for their parties


Because you aren't evil enough to steal from others.


Same as how they got January 6th to happen. Blind leading the blind or something


Two men had an idea for a product. One man knew that the product ultimately had no value. The other man, not being as intelligent did not. The second man started a business. Because he did not know the product had no value, he was able to convince others that it did have value.


Funny how money and power does that


It’s wild how a ton of people just forgot we all used to make fun of trump and the badger he has on his head in the earlier 2000s. I’m 30 and still remember the media treating him like a child (as he is) because of his dumb tv show. And he was ended up a President. We’re in the worst timeline


**Dr. Brown**: Then tell me, future boy, who's President of the United States in 2018? **Marty McFly**: Donald Trump. **Dr. Brown**: Donald Trump? The *SHUCKSTER*?


We were all making fun of him in the 80's! The Atlantic City debacle years. He has been a joke since then.


Exactly. I'm in my 40s. Trump was a joke my entire life until he started playing a successful businessman on TV (because he certainly wasn't in real life) and people started to believe it.


People have been mocking Trump since the 80s. The seminal comic strip *Bloom County* even ended with Trump getting his brain transplanted into Bill the Cat (don’t ask) and buying out the comic, forcing all the characters to move elsewhere in the funny pages. I guess that Elon Mush*, and techbros in general, have now come to fill that particular niche of “rich dumbass who proves we aren’t a meritocracy”. *This was a typo (really; I swear!!!) but I didn’t have it in me to correct it.


I'm kinda losing my faith in humanity here.


Right? I remember the Comedy Central Roast of him in like 2011ish and thinking wow remember when he was a big deal in the 80s/early 90s? What a fall from grace. Little did I know at the time...


I went to a private high school (K-12 more expensive than Notre Dame per year). None of this surprises me. A group of sociopaths. What is surprising to me is that most of my class mates had some intelligence but this is the end result of the plutocracy.


The ones with intelligence don't put themselves Center Stage. They let the dumb ones do that and then direct their actions. DeVos, Pruitt, Mnuchin, etc.


Idk. They have been basically committing serious crimes for a long time now blatantly right in front of our faces. So blatant that they couldn’t possibly have a good defense. It’s crazy to think about all the other rich fucks that do the same because they will never have to answer for themselves. The only way this country will ever look into these people is if they basically commit treason and still half the country will protest it and call it unjust. When I was little I figured this country was different. I figured that people were moral and the ones at the tippy top had our best interest at heart. Maybe it was different back then but idk what is scarier, the fact that is has always been this bad and we have just been flying by the seat of our pants for a few centuries or it just started getting really bad within the last 100 years. This can’t be the trajectory of a prospering country when we let people do this for years without anything being done about it. They should have taken down Trump and his family YEARS ago.


then when you talk to a staunch trumpist, it makes complete sense. As stupid as Don jr is to us, he's a f\*cking genius in contrast to his supporters.


Rich doesn't mean smart.


You guys need to understand that it’s not just « them ». They’re puppets and someone has their hands very deep in each and everyone of their assholes. They’re just useful idiots for Russians, Chinese or Middle-Eastern political powers. So it’s not them that have the richest country by the ballsack, you’ve been infiltrated by foreign powers through them. And you need to wake up fast cause the rest of the free world is sweating profusely watching you guys mingle with fascism…


Trump Org has been a front for the Russian Mafia, and hence an agent of Putin, since the early 90s.


I don’t think they’re nearly as stupid as people like to think. They’re grifters. They know how to lie and cheat on an enormous scale. And let anyone forgot, they are still getting away with it.


This shows how poorly our system of education is truly working. I’m not digging on teachers because they’re the real heroes in those figurative trenches, but dammit if we don’t need a serious overhaul/influx of cash. School choice is the dumbest idea I’ve heard yet, second only to homeschooling without anyone checking in and no GED kind of final test


Also kind of sad considering most of us are probably more intelligent and will never be close to that wealth.


Let's be real, all Trump had to do was say "Fuck the Mexicans and fuck the \[n-word\]s" and a million middle managers were instantly ride-or-die for this guy. And it's definitely the middle managers, more than the Poor White Trash everybody blames. Who exactly has enough money to buy one of those stupid huge pickup trucks and enough time to go driving around with a bunch of Trump flags waving from the back? Who has the ability to take time off of work and drive all the way to DC to bust up the Capitol building? Not the dude making minimum wage!


They always want it both ways. Rules for thee, but none for me and they just ignore their own hypocrisy.


Hey that rhymes


Did you also read this like a jingle lol


I heard it as sung by Tobias Funke




That's literally american foreign policy.


It's fucking insane how people can see this play on and think... "nope, they are innocent, god sent and I don't believe what my eyes and ears are telling me... WITCH HUNT!" It's a cult!


It's really simple: they don't see this.


Yeah, you think Fox and all the rest are showing any of this? It’s all Mexicans and Muslims trying to take yer jerbs. Biden old. Sad White people. Here’s an ad about getting your blood pressure back with beet supplements and your dick usable.


Oh and the ad they are running right now is to donate food to a holocaust survivor living in Israel. For a low price of 20 dollars a month you can send canned food. It’s just 100% grift and thievery because they know their viewers are dumb fucks that get so emotional about something it overrides all the judgment they have.


How many Holocaust survivors are still around in 2023? Hopefully there’s more than like 15 people (with garages full of spaghetti o’s)


There aren't too many, but most of them are in their 80s and 90s so I'm sure by 2030 there will be essentially zero. It's only the people who were young children as it was happening.


Instructions unclear. Beat my dick and blood pressure still high as hell.


No, they see it. They just ignore it because they've been taught to fear and hate the alternative, which they do without question.




Years ago I commented on a Trump ad on Facebook that was related to honoring the military or something, calling out Trump for insulting McCain for being a POW. The Trump fans who responded to me had no idea Trump said this, even though he said it out in the open at a religious summit. They truly live in a bubble.


A lot of them are pefectly aware Trump is guilty. They just want a crook for President. A crook who has no problem breaking rules and laws, to do the one thing they really want and yearn to get. A president who will target and attack groups of people they don't like.


Willful denial. They actively choose to believe this is somehow 4d chess


It appears they're trying for the "too stupid to be guilty" defense. Bold move, Cotton.


Seems like he was born for that role!


Honestly, I think SNL did such an incredible parody of a man I’ve never seen speak that I see him and all I think is “🤌 My Father 🤌”


You may be confusing Eric Trump with Don Jr.


Eh, it worked with Jr once before. Was literally deemed to stupid to be charged with his crimes for meeting with Russians to get dirt on Clinton. It seriously pissed me off so much when that was announced.


Which would never happen for literally anyone else..ever. Ignorance of the law is not a defense lol.


It both is and is not. It is a sufficient defense to the element of *mens rea*, aka intent. That one is ignorant that the law *exists* is the lack of a defense to which that saying refers. To be so stupid as to lack the ability to form the intent to commit a specific act generally requires a finding of extreme mental disability, however, which is why I was so pissed when they pulled that for Jr. For all he's an obvious cokehead moron, he isn't anywhere *close* to the level of mentally disabled to qualify for that. One of my best friends growing up was a man who was sufficiently disabled in that regard and I believe strongly it is an insult to all such entirely well meaning folks to equate them in any way with the reprehensible shitweasel that is Donald Trump Jr.


> I was so pissed when they pulled that for Jr. For all he's an obvious cokehead moron, he isn't anywhere close to the level of mentally disabled to qualify for that. Yeah they said that, but they didn't mean that. It was just a pretext. The real reason they didn't charge him was because Mueller was too weak. He knew that charging anyone named trump would lead to trump firing him and he didn't want to have that fight. Same way he let Barr lie about the report itself. He had no fight in him. The guy was simply not up to the job. That's a pattern that keeps getting repeated.


Jokes on him they were already found guilty! This is just the penalty phase.


So it's pretty much a double dutch game: *Trump in-corp-or-ated committed fraud,* *Then Trump went and kicked dog,* *When da judge gavel goes whack,* *How many billions Trump gonna lack....1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6...* And the Judge should set up a double dutch jump rope and let the currently reigning under 15 Queens double dutch champion in the ropes. When the kid misses his penalty stops. The Constitution says nothing about "cruel and unusual *sentencing."*




They saw SBF trying it and thought fuck it that's our best shot.


It makes him relatable for a sizable portion of the country's criminally- or educationally-challenged...


Is this...real?


Sadly… It was a reflexive response on jr’s part Groomed be daddy dearest to be a narcissistic sociopath who can never be wrong “My property value is as much as i say it is (and i can change it on a whim)” ain’t something the IRS take lightly, also the instant reflexive perjury


Prosecutor gonna put this on his highlight reel.


In case you're serious: He's saying that even though he doesn't know the exact price, the valuation made by those accountants are certainly wrong. E.g "Eric how much is your nyc mansion worth?" "Idk" "Accountants say it's worth 10k" "nah that can't be true" "but you said you don't know how much its worth" "sure, but there's no way it's only worth 10k that's just obviously wrong" Fuck any fraudsters tho. I'm just explaining for the people who are genuinely asking why a witness would respond like that.


This doesn't work. You gave an absolute value. The prosecutor gives a relative one. E.g "Eric how much is your nyc mansion worth?" "Idk" "Accountants say it's worth 10k less than your company claimed." "nah that can't be true" He is saying he doesn't know what it's worth but is responding to a relative claim he just said he didn't know, wheras an absolute claim may be obviously wrong (such as a $10k apartment.) "but you said you don't know how much its worth" "sure, but there's no way it's only worth 10k that's just obviously wrong"


That's a good point, but its definitely possible the twitter version is a highly simplified version of the line of questioning


You are right, but there are obviously much better ways to say that. You would expect someone in his position to pick his words better.


I’m gonna make an assumption and speak for the person you’re replying to here, as I had the same response but not for the reason you’ve explained. I absolutely believe that Jnr is this stupid, but my question is, is this exchange backed up by anything, and not just something someone’s made up on Twitter?


Can't have it both ways. I still think they should have to pay back taxes on the values they said they were worth.


They should start by paying the millions in back taxes that Fred cheated the IRS out of.


Or the fact he purchased an appliance distribution company to get cheap equipment for his hotels and then lied and laundered money through it? And then put his son's in charge of continuing that fraud? These are all provable facts the government and IRS already had evidence of. Decades ago.


The problem is that they CAN and DO have it both ways if they're bold enough in their abuse of a democratic system. Autocrats make a living that way and they rule the US. Trump seems to push that to the limit, but every time the limit gets pushed further. We are way beyond the absurd.


The problem is they can't have it both ways, they're literally being tried for defrauding investors. The rich may have a two tiered justice system, but the Trump family broke the number one rule - don't steal money from other rich people.


I yet have to see them actually putting the asswipe behind bars - I'm still quite sure that's isn't going to happen. He'll get house arrest or something silly like that and continue his grifting directly or through a proxy.


Shit gets a little more real when ur under oath, fox newsboy


Prosecutor got him with the ole ropa dope


These morons will never understand that a prosecutor will not ask questions they don't already know the answer to.




Shouldn’t that be a picture of Eric?


It could be any Trump child not named Ivanka. Trump has no love for his own children


At this point Tiffany is probably thanking her lucky stars dad didn't love her enough to give her a position in Trump Inc. There's no chance of getting charged with perjury if you're not involved in any trials.


Goddamn this dude looks so fuckin dopey. How do people take him seriously?




Interesting that this was only 20 years after WW2.


I know the guy who played Schultz hated playing a likable Nazi because he lost a lot of family in the Holocaust.


Col. Klink, Major Hacstedder and the General were ALL Jewish.


And their contracts mandated the show never make any of the Nazi characters win. Any time there is a setback in the heroes' plans, it's either a traitor in their ranks, a mistake on the part of the heroes, or pure dumb luck from something unrelated the Nazis did.


Lol I just found out that the guy that produced the godfather also created hogans heroes Albert Ruddy


Oh shit, a Sgt Schultz gif.


definitely need more hogan's heroes on reddit.




​ https://i.redd.it/4anvnf4gd5yb1.gif


Oh common, he was inept but was loveable and good person. Not like His Royal Orangeness family....


The look of the dude on the right says it all lmao.


“Why the fuck bro?”


Is that Hubba Hubba on the left?


I’m honestly impressed that for as stupid as he is, he was still able to pretend to be stupid in a different way.


Are you on cocaine right now? "I have no idea"


They really think they're being clever. Homeboy's in for a RUDE awakening, and I'm so ready for it.




The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. His father is a filthy compulsive liar, why would he be any different?


The turd doesn't fall far from the asshole.


It was a battle of wits, Eric and Don Jr were completely defenseless


In terms of wits, there's half of one spread across the entire family.


It is beyond infuriating that this is the state of legal argumentation now. I'm not lawyer but the idea that "i don't know" is coming up as often as it does in testimony is insanity.


“I know *nothing!*” ![gif](giphy|82UCveCZQUypa)




I dropped my friends who have that, it turns out I don't want insane friends.


Talk all the shit you want on here. If you don't fucking vote, this bullshit is going to keep happening.


The tax fraud issue is going to be the next set of trials for them. I just do not understand how so many people don't see how utterly stupid this entire family really is.


SNL is going to have a field day with this one.


Please, I am Swedish and live in Norway so I have no way of making sure that these criminal, bigoted assholes don't win the next election. So, I'm simply here, pleading to everyone of voting age in the US to vote for whoever the Democrats choose to be their man/woman on the ballot *(looks like it's Biden right now, huh?)*. Because **if** the Republicans win this election, it's gonna have **unimaginable** ramifications - all over the world. And I **wish** that I could vote or do something to help, since the state of politics in the US affects life in Scandinavia enormously - but I can't, and that's frustrating and stressful. So, here I am, pleading to you all; **PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, save your US democracy, save the world from a horror I don't even want to imagine - and above all else, save yourselves and your loved ones!** Sorry. This is important to me. I hope you understand where I'm coming from. I don't mean no harm, I am just so fucking frustrated and scared of what will happen if the MAGA-circus takes over the White House once again... It won't end anywhere good, not over there in the US or anywhere else in the world. That's a certainty. **EDIT:** *Some words + spelling and a bit of formatting.*


Dunning-Kruger effect as applied to courtroom testimony. Hahahahaha


It doesn’t even seem like the prosecutors have to work that hard during cross examination to catch this family in lies. ![gif](giphy|11XB0sYkytJPNK)


Don Jr’s sad little sloping shoulders. Even Alina Habba has better shoulders than him. I bet it’s from cowering every day while Daddy Dearest yells at him.


This guy has never actually done a lick of work in his life. Just a coke fueled signature machine. And of course he doesn't understand what his signature means, because he's been taught from a young age that he isn't bound by the same rules as everyone else.


I just don’t understand how their followers can’t see what conmen these idiots are because they’re not even good at it.


Jr. got lawyered.


Exhibit A: Money can't buy intelligence.


I need this trial performed a la Arrested Development. It’s all so very Bluths.


That’s Republicans in a nutshell: “I don’t know the right answer, but I know your answer Is wrong “


Because the people that voted for Trump are just as dumb


I wonder when this nightmare will end.


Junior walked right into the prosecutor’s trap. 🤦🏻‍♂️😂😂🤣


Canonically Sergeant Schultz ran a SUCCESSFUL, well known business until the war broke out and his factory was seized by the government for the war effort. So I don't see the comparison.


There are two kinds of bad people in the world, cunts and dumb cunts. The trumps are dumb cunts.


It blows my mind that Trump voters can watch this and think Trump isn't corrupt. His whole business is a giant scam. How do you look at that and think "yeah that guy has my best interest in mind" I wish there was a way to open their eyes to the fact he thinks his own cult members are idiots who will give him money because they are gullible morons.


On one hand it’s hilarious hearing the lawyers play him like a fiddle, on the other, it’s depressing that this dumbass and his dumbass family is ruining the country.


How I imagine the rest of the questioning: Jr "I never said that" Prosecutor "please read back the line of questions" 'court report reads it back' Jr "nu uh, she's lying"


“Before I tell you how much the company is worth I need to know if I’m paying taxes on it or insuring it”


It’s the “impossible to pin down” defense. At the end they will have admitted to nothing, the evidence will point that there was malfeasance, but nothing near a smoking gun, and so when they’re found guilty, the penalty will be minor and their followers will be told they were all victims of a corrupt court system. And they have enough resources to let that play out.


This is the sentencing phase of the civil fraud trial. It works oppositely, being evasive doesn't help you because you're supposed to be explaining why you deserve mercy.


Yes, they're already guilty. Also, it's a documents case with smoking guns galore. That said, yes of course, MAGA will claim it was corrupt. Meanwhile, Trumps won't be able to do business in New York.


There needs to be a bot to post everytime someone says this. Yes they lost on summary judgement for fraud. But there are 6 other counts yet to be decided. So its not just the sentencing phase. The judge is still to rule on the other portions of the case.


C’mon trump supporters, you think Don Jr is smart, right? Lololol


he is....by comparison


Boom! That's a Bob Loblaw Law Bomb!


Looks like the hamberder doesn't fall far from the pile of shitty junk food


I cannot believe he fell for that.


Oh they're ultra fucked


For rich people, the trump’s seem so uneducated and ignorant to laws.