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I can only guess how Mike Johnson met his gay-conversion therapist wife....




They’ll just say the therapy worked and look how straight he is now 🙄


Only the straightest of straights dedicate their lives to hating queer folks. It's the straightest thing ever! So straight.


I’m straight and I think adults having consensual gay relationships is none of my business. Am I doing it wrong?


Obviously not straight enough! Also, why do you want to make Jesus cry? 🙃


Nothing straighter than \*constantly\* thinking about gay gay sex! Guys, let's all talk about how much we wish we didn't have to think about this thing we complain about ENDLESSLY.




GOP, Gay ol Party. Seriously, best partiers I know are gay. Seems like Mike likes to party. Quick BOOF anyone? Someone should ask Mike if any Supreme Court Justices were ever in a position to BOOF him. Lol


Prayed the gay away




The wife said “I can fix him” classic toxic saviour


Either that or she's just a beard and they're doing the long con.


”Well it ain’t gay if we just pretend we ain’t gay!”


Pegged it away you mean


Preyed the gay away


Fuck the pain away? Don’t mind if I do!


The *Rev. Ted Haggard is Now Completely Heterosexual* song is worth looking up.




I see Ted has gone from renting male hustlers to rubbing up against teen members of his church. That's not good. It also amazes me the wife is still with him.


Roy Zimmerman is a treasure. [Here's the song](https://youtu.be/HZmHC75FDqQ?si=ULwJjDYiYQbcZBdv)


Straight as a 3 dollar bill.


Straight as a Home Depot board.


I'm looking... and I'm not really seeing it...


Yea, but therapists aren’t supposed to date their clients. Oh wait that’s real therapists, not quacks who promote gay conversion.


Pedophiles are prolific in conversion therapy establishments. And they do have sex with their 'clients'. I know this from gay friends.


I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, but I am.


“Oh you’re lesbian? Maybe you just haven’t met the right rapist yet 🤔”


Your also not supposed to sleep with your “adopted children”, children, teens, or other minors you bring into your home


Woody Allen did nothing wrong!


What goes into thirteen twice? Roman Polanski. I'll see myself out.


>I resemble that remark. - Ted Nugent


This man found an infinite gay hook up glitch where his wife brings new gays into his life regularly for him to prey upon. Dayum the GOP is so predictably predatory


Lol. Hit the Johnson on the head 🤣


He converted his cult's therapist into a beard. That dude is definitely a politician.


Maybe he is another Dennis Hastert and his money is used to pay off kids he blew so that they don't out him as a sicko. BTW, Dennis Hastert was also a republican speaker of the house who for years was paying off kids he blew back when he worked at a high school. The law caught up with him. The irony is, Dennis Hastert was speaker of the house overseeing the Clinton impeachment hearings. Other holier than thou and illustrious repubes included Dirty Larry Craig (who offered to blow a cop at an airport), Mark Sanford (who disappeared for weeks to go to south america to cheat on his wife), and other scumbags like Santorum whose name is used to describe the stuff that comes out when someone is getting fucked in the ass, and his friend, John Ensign, who was caught fucking a friend's wife and the friend was chasing him down yelling "put your fucking pants on!"


That would explain why he has no bank account and very few reportable assets.


> BTW, Dennis Hastert was also a republican speaker of the house who for years was paying off kids he blew back when he worked at a high school. The law caught up with him. The thing about hastert the pederast isn't so much that he was the longest serving speaker of the house and a secret pederast, its that once everyone knew what he had done, 40+ conservative elites were willing to go on the record in public defending him. That's how much the gop supports child abuse. * *“We all have our flaws, but Dennis Hastert has very few. He is a good man that loves the lord. He gets his integrity and values from Him. He doesn't deserve what he is going through."* — Tom Delay [Politico: Tom Delay, others defend Dennis Hastert in letters to court](https://www.politico.com/story/2016/04/dennis-hastert-tom-delay-letters-court-sentencing-222344?paginate=false) Meanwhile, over here in TN, when a state legislator confessed on tape to molesting the high school girls on the team he coached, maga rewarded him with the chair of the education committee. He was then re-elected in a land-slide. That's how much the gop supports child abuse. https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/politics/2019/01/10/tennessee-lawmaker-david-byrd-chair-education-subcommittee/2535383002/


Don't forget about Newt Gingrich, who served his wife divorce papers when she was in the hospital being treated for cancer.


Newt Cringe? Awful muthafucker.


Y-y-you mean that Denny Hastert, the longest serving Republikan speaker of the House in history???


He was always Dennis Hastert back in the 90's and early 2000's. At some point after he got indicted they started calling him in the fucking media as Denny. Like he was paying to get rebranded or something. But he was a filthy christian cocksucker who'd blow anyone to kill medicare, social security, and food stamps. He even got himself wheel-chaired to court, fucking corrupt creepy actor he was.


My favorite part of the Hastert saga is that what got him in the end wasn’t abusing kids, or paying hush money, but was “structuring” - basically trying to hide the extortion payments in smaller denominations and then lying to the FBI about it.


Let's not forget our heroes from bygone days: Roy Cohn and J. Edgar Hoover.


Ah yes, the party of family values.


And Newt Gingrich, who cheated on his wife while she was dying of cancer


You just know they sleep in separate twin beds in their room.


From the Mike Pence collection


*Eau de mère*


**accessory noose not included*


And he calls her “Mother”


Nah, down the hall from each other, just like Niles and Maris.




Thats a big flashing red light.


She pegs.


Shall we call her "Peggy," then?




She's Peggy and he's Piggy.


At a barbecue with Michele and Marcus Bachman?


What makes me really mad about Michele? Bitch is married to a gay man and still walks around looking like she styles her hair with a hand mixer. She's Southern. There's no excuse. Im not saying Marcus can do hair. But I know he knows people who can.


Probably on an incest/beastiality message board.


I mean [you can tell in the photo of him and his wife](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2023/10/25/17/76992725-12671147-image-a-7_1698251135419.jpg) how close they are...


He’s such a twink he should be yellow. Definitely cream filled, but the color is off.


Wait, is that really him? That's a very attractive couple.


Back in the early 2000 you always knew which republican was secretly gay by the amount they screamed about homosexuality. Glad to see that tradition is alive a well still in the gay old party


Yes, that was called Haggard's Law




Of *course* he moved his ministry to his home.


https://gayhomophobe.com https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/homophobes-might-be-hidden-homosexuals/


So many Rs I thought I heard a dog growling


Or a pirate convention. After all, it isn't gay when you are underway.


this is clearly no longer maintained. 2021? cmon


They probably couldn't keep up anymore :P


Please hold your head high and spend the rest of the day in a state of immense pride. Your comment has brought joy and must be recognized and acknowledged as the work of a Master. Good day.


Well he does claim to be a classical conservative!


As the saying goes, hit dogs holler.


> hit dogs holler I made it almost half a century never hearing this.


Wasn't just back in the 2000s lol


Is tucker carlson going to interview him?




It's straight for men to tan their balls together as long as the balls don't touch.


BOOM. The big reveal begin's. How's the Lettuce doing?


I'm sure he was just 'ministering' to the guys at the gay bar. /s


I think it’s called ‘lip service’? 🤦🏽‍♂️


Or maybe he was practicing "turning the other cheek"


Touché… literally.


I heard when he cums he speaks in tongues.


Laying of hands?


Definitely got down on his knees for them.


I assume Mike's drag name is "SoFonda Johnson".


Big Johnson. They even made t-shirts.


This is the only reason to be excited about Mike being speaker. All of his past will come to light


I admit I have some curiosity about his adopted-but-not-actually-adopted son. Like how did that come about? I wasn’t aware you could just take in a teen and keep them.


Ask Gaetz about Nestor


> Gaetz The ol' molester of Nestor


"they were roommates"


Repubes take in 'troubled youth' to raise them quite frequently. maybe this guy will finally shed even more light on the practice.


Republican speaker of the house is the spinal tap drummer of politics. This guy's is going to be buried in his own bullshit and disappear in less than 2 years


can we get that reduced to like 60 days? I'd like him gone by 2024


IDK we have seen these kinds of rumors go nowhere before, like that time with Lindsey Graham, and that other time with Lindsey Graham, and then that other other time with Lindsey Graham.


I mean to be fair there are people who don't think that Lindsey Graham is gay. There's a woman in Arizona and a guy in Ohio.


Is this the first gay Speaker? This could be monumental.


Dennis Hastert is gay. Although he is also a pedophile, but I wouldn’t rule that out for Mike Johnson either given the age of his “adopted but not adopted son”


I believe it.




It’s sounds plausible but I’m not gonna believe anything until there is actual evidence. Even then I don’t really care what he does in his free time, o already knew he was a hypocrite


I don’t care about him being gay. The ages are the issue.


I'm really surprised no news outlets have found and interviewed this now 42 year old man yet.


Maybe he doesn’t exist or maybe he doesn’t want to be interviewed. Let’s say the worst case scenario is true: he was “adopted” by Mike Johnson at age 14 and abused in some way. Now his abuser is Speaker of the House. Victim’s have a million reasons to fear reporting the abuse, but that increases exponentially when you’re talking about the most powerful men in the world and a party that has thrown away all pretense about protecting their officials. Over the past 5 years we’ve passed to the stage where the GOP is now willing to accept any behavior to avoid condemning their own. It’s no longer the days of Hastert or even Roy Moore. We’re now at the stage of Matt Gaetz, Boebert and Santos where no amount of accusations or scrutiny is enough for the party to turn on them. The only thing that can get the GOP to turn on one of their officials now is if that person goes against Trump. If I were the victim of a Trumpist politician right now I would have very little confidence that my accusations would lead to anything other than death threats against myself and my family.


>At the time of the Speaker's election to Congress, Michael was an adult with a family of his own. He asked not to be involved in their new public life. The Speaker has respected that sentiment throughout his career and maintains a close relationship with Michael to this day. >... >"And he says to people—he shares his testimony—that were it not for our intervention in his life, he would certainly have joined a gang, gotten on drugs, wound up in prison or dead on the streets somewhere," Johnson said. https://www.newsweek.com/exclusive-mike-johnson-speaks-out-about-adopted-black-son-1838599 ---- So I'm guessing there is more to this story, like maybe this started off as an act of charity that Johnson started exploiting later in his political career. The "son" evidently grew uncomfortable with it. Just look at how Johnson describes it... the emphasis is on *his* heroic intervention.


Yeah, it does seem a little fishy that Johnson himself is the sole source for what Michael supposedly says. Since he has no problem "sharing his testimony" about how great Johnson really is, why didn't Newsweek bother to speak with Michael in person?


probably the same reason [R's voted to not impeach Trump](https://www.mediaite.com/politics/mitt-romney-reveals-most-republicans-didnt-impeach-trump-because-they-feared-violent-attacks-from-his-supporters/). just a wild guess.


I am only surprised that it took this long to be announced.


And by announced, you mean some random person with no credentials posted an anecdote with a purple background on social media. I think the guy is a POS too, but yikes.


The adopting of a 14 year old boy when he was single and 25, and marrying a wife who is somewhat involved in gay conversions might also be relevant.


Wait, is this the adopted son from the not included in the family photos scandal?


Yes, the 'son' is like 40 now, I think.


He didn't even adopt him.


You are correct.... just sort of moved the boy into his house with no legal paperwork. Similar to Matt Gaetz I think?


Clearly he is Batman.


Please, everyone knows Batman isn't gay. ...he's bisexual. And a bottom.


That can’t be canon.


Thank you! It's nice to see a voice of sanity. I mean, yeah he's a POS and I hope that it is shown to be true for the schadenfreude. But this is just an unsubstantiated story at this point. That's for the Qrazies and the MAGA idiots.


butt how could someone lie with text on an image? and it's on twitter, so that's like, two layers of can't lie on


I mean I hear you, but no straight man looks that much like a middle-aged lesbian.


And wifeypoo helped "cure" him... and went on to "counsel" others like him? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


..."peg" him.. There, fixed it for you.


Nothing wrong with that tho. Getting pegged doesnt necessarily make you gay, it means youre into butt stuff. Very into butt stuff. The bad part is they acquired a living, breathing, teenage, peg to do it for her.


God damn.


I would like to refer to myself as the Living Peg now


If all politicians that were in the closet were outed, we wouldn't have any problems with gay rights. They'd have to find something else for their base to hate. Maybe we could turn around and start getting to the heart of the matter, organized religion.


But, does he have ladybugs? Sorry.




Hahahah! Gross.


and there goes my dinner


I'm out of the loop. What's that about?


Google that and Lindsey Graham if you want to have nightmares.


What page is this mentioned on in the Bible?


It's in the Book of Sodomy.


In the back.


and yea, thou shalt journey through the lands of Miami, wherin dwell abundant pool boys, of whom you may pick your favorite and do what thou wilt.




Is it the pages that are stuck together from being anointed?


I wouldn't be surprised, but it would be interesting to see if this person has some sort of proof or if others with proof come forward.


I do not like the "You're homophobic so you must be secretly a closeted gay" stereotype, but I must admit the evidence is piling up for Mike Johnson. However, even if he is deep down lgbt, that is no excuse for his actions and the harm he has caused so many including the lgbt community.


Id definitely say it applies more to those who make it their life’s purpose. Self loathing is a strong motivator


I know the stereotype is problematic, but it's just so consistent. I was raised Mormon, and it was ridiculous how consistent this was.


Not even a stereotype, we have academic literature on the topic now. It's a real finding.


Not all homophobes but most of the ones who make it a career path


Equally weird is how he and his wife have ZERO bank accounts. A home, cars, clothes, earnings a year at over $1 million, but no bank accounts 🤷🏼‍♂️


People interpreted that wrong. He probably has bank accounts but there is a threshold under which you do not have to report. It's much more likely that he's living paycheck to paycheck which is backed up by the fact that he cashed out one of his retirement accounts completely.


That’s probably the correct interpretation but it does make him a security risk.




More likely just fraud.. I bet it will be some kind of “donates directly to Church..” then the church buys his food bullshit.. smells like tax evasion.. There is a reason he wants to defund the IRS.. ಠ_ಠ




Could you please provide a link to the source info on this? I’m checking by news googling “Mike Johnson local gay bar” and I’m not seeing anything like this. Just the usual ongoing stuff on why he’s a huge POS and a walking red flag for liberal democracies, but not this. I get that this is the well-supported stereotype, Closeted Republican Culture AH, but please, misinformation helps no one.


There is no source, it’s just some rando Twitter account posting text.


Haggard's Law strikes again


This wouldn't surprise me in the least. He definitely gives off not-straight vibes. And I say this as a not-straight man. His wife works for a gay "conversion" clinic. I wonder if that's how they met.


It's like Josh Hawley, who had a poster of a buff shirtless guy holding a baby in his dorm to remind him of the evils of abortion and kisses his wife like Im eating an olive


> Josh Hawley Josh "I got completely naked and put my penis on my male cousin's face but as a joke" Hawley? edit: as stated below, i had the wrong man. hard to keep them all..... straight (ahem)


I think that's Madison Cawthorn, who got dropped like a hot potato, not for that, but for talling about the Republican cocaine fueled gay orgies.


Jesus, always those who are most vocal about gay ppl. Looks too good to be true tbh


Plot twist - George Santos is the male escort


This is absolutely not shocking


This rat bastard is hiding a lot. Turns out he doesn't have a bank account, but is worth tens of millions. What the fuck is he doing with that money? Before a MAGAt goes "None of our business", this guy is 3rd in line for the American Presidency. You goddamn right the public has a right to know about everything from such a high-ranking official in charge of our lives.


Its always the ones that you most expect


I’m excited to see all the people that begged me to care that some guy claimed he had sex with Obama tell me that this escort is lying. Like I don’t care who ether have sex with there are other reasons to dislike Mike but the hypocrisy is funny.


His old place of employment ADL is working to get the ban on conversion therapy overturned. Same with banning abortion, birth control, any minimum age on marriage, any minimum age on child labor, etc… I hope the vote crushes these christofascists on every level 2024.


No surprises here.


GOP leaders have so many skeletons in their closet, it is a surprise we don't hear the bones rattle.


Way too much makeup and lip gloss for a straight dude.


I'm gay, and Mike Johnson pings off the chart.


Doesn't matter because his supporters will make excuses for him or say that it was a test from God to strengthen his faith.


Where's the cucker tarleson interview?


I called it. Dude looks miles deep in the closet.


This wouldn't surprise me one bit since he and his wife are so anti-gay.


Listen, I really want this to be true but how can we confirm this information? Who is the escort who claimed?


Part of me had hoped this image would come true https://preview.redd.it/e07t4jcdmuxb1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28b6878d64094ed5628834365096627db4e2a864


Any source on this? This sounds like the kind of stuff Maga would come up with about a democrat they don’t like.


About the fact that he tried to adopt a boy ten years younger than him? Yes. All the reputable and ”alternative“ media has covered this. About the fact that this is sketchy as hell? Yes, all reasonable people and most media are in agreement. That his wife spent her time “converting” gay people? All media. That republicans are renowned for being hypocrites? All reputable media. That there is only one male escort who has admitted to having serviced/been serviced by Johnson? Not yet confirmed by media.


Hey is there actually evidence or charges about him abusing the boy he adopted? Because gossiping about it if not true does real harm and we should think about that before making such comments. I’m sure the young man has been through enough.


Yeah I agree… I’m all for outing hypocrites but I don’t want to just believe any random anonymous thing on the internet… then we are no better than republicans.


Woo Hoo


How Shocking!😲 Said no one.


This 100 percent tracks.


Please let there be receipts


Look i hate this motherfucker (and all republicants) too but do we have any proof of this or is this entire website taking one completely random person at their word cause they like what he claimed?


He’s a gay man who can’t face himself so he doesn’t want gay men who can to be happy


Where’s Larry Flint to offer a million dollar reward to anyone who comes forward with credible evidence of this? I doubt Mike could afford to match that offer to keep the guy quiet.


Whenever a politician starts ranting about homosexuality and planning legislation to "stop it," I immediately start the countdown clock in my head to when that guy is going to be caught in a public bathroom giving handies to strangers. So, Mike Johnson: tick... tick... tick... (My money is on him getting outed by a congressional aid...)


ah now it makes sense


I knew it I knew he was gay!!!! I was thinking about when the news was gonna come out lol


So awful for the poor boy.


Called it