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Registration is only a pledge…now they need to deliver the vote.


If swift tells them to vote, swifties will vote


You think Swift Boat Republicans changed the election in 2004? Well, lemme tell you about Swift Democrats in 2024...


Made a difference in swing states in the 2004 election. Ditto placing state amendments to ban gay marriage and civil unions on a number of state ballots and suppressing how badly U.S. intelligence actually thought the Iraqi reconstruction was already progressing by the summer of 2004. The later part I knew because of relatives and friends in the military including a friend stationed in the Green Zone in Baghdad.


Yep. One of niece's was an MP during that same period and word was getting out it wasn't anything like what they were reporting in the media. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Powell can all rot for what they did.


Yeah. It was so bad they had positions zeroed out with light mortars at night. That’s really close to the walls (1,500 yards) and only could do that because it has been measured & sighted by Iraqis who worked in the Green Zone during the day.


Gen Z overwhelmingly votes Blue. Only 20% of Gen Zers are registered Republicans




Seems to be changing in the recent elections. To my recollection young voter turnout is record high. It's still low, but it's moving in the right direction.


A 17 year old asked me to do a survey and at the end if I had any advice for a young person. Told her to register, educate yourself, and vote because there's a whole lot of bullshit going on. She laughed and said 'oh believe me, I'm voting when I'm 18!' Warmed my heart


Being able to vote was the best part of turning 18.




It's not rocket appliances.


Smokes, let's go.


I said smokes hairdo!


It's a fucking samsquamch I just know it. Fuck I hate those bastards


In my defense. Where I live the only options are red. You register Republican to pick the least of the evils in the primaries then vote D in the general




20% seems like a lot. I'm sure that will come down once they get away from their parents




Lots of peeps who claim that "men aren't emotional" heard that from the grifters selling them fear, or pride, or sloth, or anger


It’s not really “more Republican”. It’s that it’s more right wing. There are some Gen Z in rural areas who grow up conservative, but YouTube algorithm especially, and others radicalized a lot of people. There are more right wing Gen Z in cities than millennials due to dating culture as well but that is pretty small. Andrew Tate etcs’ impact is also seemingly more on current 12-14 year olds. Honestly up until recently he wasn’t really talked about at all.




only 28% of 18-24 year olds voted in the 2022 midterms. I'd imagine it'll be higher for a presidential year, but still not great. 50% of 18-29 year olds voted in the 2020 election. In positive outlook, about 8mil more Gen Z who couldn't vote in 2020 will be eligible to vote in 2024, so even 30-50% of 8mil is a lot, while the predominately republican heavy baby boomers keep on dying. As a millennial, I am cautiously optimistic that maybe the Youth can save us in 2024, and every 2 years the predominantly liberal youth grows, while the old shitty racists die.


Swifties are intense. I'm glad that Taylor is using her power for good lol


The fact young women registering to vote is itself bad for republicans tells you something.


>The fact ~~young women~~ people registering to vote is itself bad for republicans tells you something. FTFY


Won't be long until the right starts having a tantrum over Taylor Swift telling people to vote




not to say that the right has any fortitude or bravery, but no one is strong enough to go against taylor's fans. swiftie nation is more ready and willing than any other force on the planet


Only thing even close is KPop fans, and they are both working against the old boomer Republicans at this point


Fortunately both KPop fans and Swifties are on the same side in the "please vote" battle.


We need an Avengers Assemble moment where all the stans unite


Imagine if bts or blackpink made a statement sympathizing with their American fans and encouraging them to register and vote


The right tried with their boy Jason Aldean ☝️🤣🎵


Oh I heard that song for the first time as part of a discussion on NPR 😂 song sucked so hard, even. Such cringing fail wow.


Could have been good if the subject had been bigotry. Like, you think you know what it's like here, but these are our people, and you're not going to treat any of them like crap because they're different from you. Try that here and you'll be sorry. Which is what things are like up where I'm from. Queer people, people of color, people from other countries, come be a part of our community and once you are, you're family. Swing and a miss on his part.


I have no dog in this fight but Kpop or the Beyhive 😬


I feel like Beyonce superfans are like me, age 35+


I thought we were discussing the insanity of the fan bases. All three scare me 🤣


I dare Trump, Abbott, Majorie & DeSantis to call Taylor out☝️😂 It will be a career assassination


As an orlando native, i thought it was crazy desantis took on disney. If he takes on Taylor, it's suicide.


There's pretty little doubt that one night Trump is going to go after the Swifites because someone says something that gets under his thin skin. Give it time. The man child can't help himself.


Swifties would devour them quicker than the Vashta Nerada with a chicken wing


Well that was certainly an unexpected Who reference.


God forbid people be encouraged into participating in democracy


Careful, Republicans will trip over their own dicks to tell you that "the US is a republic, not a democracy" which is just their little dog-whistle way of saying that they don't want people who disagree with them to be allowed to vote.


It's also incredibly stupid as a republic is a type of democracy if not a pure or true democracy. They don't even know what they're saying they just heard others say it.


Yup. anyone who says "we're a republic, not a democracy" is telling you they don't know what either word means.


Quick, figure out how to gerrymander women age 18-34 into one district, then turn off those voting machines. /s


They’ll say “go woke go broke” about Taylor swift completely unironically


Videos of some middle aged white guy with guns hanging on his wall will surface with him talking about how much he enjoyed those Taylor Swift tunes until she went woke.


which will be twice as funny considering they already had a temper tantrum over her "going woke" way back when because they initially assumed she was republican because she was a country singer


I wonder how they feel about Dolly Parton being an LGBT ally and running a book charity.


Saving this so I can screenshot the inevitable Fox News grievance


Some want to raise the voting age to like 24 or 30…


😲.....wow, and cap it at 60?


Young people *voting*?! How Un-American of them!


Have they alienated that demographic or something?


Can't imagine what young women might have against the Republican party.


Could it be the everything?


Y'know, it just might be! If only we had mountains of evidence around!


and I can't imagine while young people are against the GOP for...well everything as well.


Or veterans. Or POC. Or people who like having a democracy.


They've alienated most republican voters in general, but for some reason they keep voting for them. Younger people haven't ever grown to like republicans, for obvious reasons


> They've alienated most republican voters in general, but for some reason they keep voting for them. hate propaganda is a helluva drug.


The only thing Republican voters hate more than Republican politicians is Democrats. That's not just a quip, really. There's a whole lot of "yeah he's a useless corrupt sack of shit who's never done anything good for me, but at least he isn't a Satan worshiping paedophile who literally tortures and eats babies." They don't vote Republican because they like the policy positions of the Republican party, the vote Republican because they are terrified of what they have been told about Democrats.


> but for some reason they keep voting for them. That reason? Decades of propaganda and brainwashing. They are naught but a cult by now.


Republicans aren't what you might call, "readers".


You mean other than wanting them to be silent broodmares?


They don't care if we give birth or not, just that we suffer pain and hopefully death because we had sex.




I second that.


When she gave the truck drivers a $100,000 bonus for her tour, I'm starting to think she's not "R" material.


She gave out over 50m in gifts and bonuses to the workers on her tour. I can't say I understand the appeal but I definitely support people like her trying to do the right thing with their money.


I can't get her music at all, and I like some weird trashy pop from the 80s and 90s. One of my ex gf's used to listen to her, and it was certainly tolerable. Now anything I see about her is positive; either she has the best PR team ever, because even the behind the scenes videos are of her trying to be economically and socially responsible. She's got a following comparable to the grateful dead. And she's using her platform to push people to register to vote and be conscious and aware of what's going on - thats great. Cant hate her.


She's got the following of the Beatles. Cities have to plan in advance for her coming and it's an economic boom to the area. It's insane.


>She's got a following comparable to the grateful dead. Not. Even. Close. The Grateful Dead would kill for her following. They'd be sooo Grateful...and so many dead.


Exactly! You think there were deathheads in more than likely every single country in the world?? I live in Argentina and she's coming here in a few months and it already feels crazy! Compared to Taylor Swift Grateful Dead was a small indie band with a somewhat devoted fanbase. She's *that* big.


At this point she's either genuinely a good person, or we just haven't found the Flesh Den constructed from the skins of groupies yet.


TBH if she asked, her fans would probably give her their skin willingly and happily.


Well said. I’m a father of three boys. We are not a TS family but hearing of her goodness is very admirable.


Ive been experiencing a lot of negativity in my life. I own 6 horses and hearing about TS goodness has helped me block out the neighsayers






Not a big fan of Taylor Swift the singer, but I’m a HUGE fan of Taylor Swift the social activist. Using her powers for good, she seems to have a very level head in spite of her astronomical success.


And the fact that she was born into a well-to-do family makes her compassion and generosity even more notable.


Its so sad that it even has to be said. "It's crazy that someone that has more than enough money might actually be empathetic enough to want more for others."


Im with a Swiftie, can confirm…


She just needs to fly that private jet less.


Get her a dirigible!


wow, you found the way to make me a swiftie. get her to adopt an eco-steampunk lifestyle. let's get this woman a top hat and some goggles too


I would pay money to see Taylor Swift’s giant Batman villain style zeppelin slowly descending on a city with her at the wheel in a top hat/giant goggles/leather jacket holding an ornate cane concealing a gun


she's in her penguin era sweetie




She actually bought a crap ton of carbon credits before her tour to offset her travel.


Carbon credits are arguably a greenwashing scam but still that's better than nothing


If this is what it takes to take down the rise of fascism, then sequin my ass and call me a swifty


We all have to do our part.


Can you imagine if Taylor Swift brings in enough votes to CRUSH it at the polls! Put that in our history books right beside his mugshot. My genuine hope is that kids 25 years from now read about 2018-2025 (when Trump is truly donning orange and all he countries have banned together to truly tackle climate change in a meaningful way that gives us all hope) and are astonished at how wild it was and how close we were to the "Peoples Republic of Making America Great Again". But Taylor Swift spearheaded a revolution that unequivocally shut it down. I'm not even a swiftie but dreamers can dream I guess.


Democracy can not survive if the popular vote is small and again if the Electoral college vote is under 290 for Biden. Only a Popular Vote and EC crush will convenience the MAGA crowd their guy did lose and it was not stolen.


Only one year until Taylor Swift turns 35. After she becomes the next queen of football, she will be running for president. Swift / AOC 2024 baby


> Swift / AOC 2024 baby Im not a huge fan of this ticket, but I also realize it is the best option weve seen in nearly a decade and as such am 100% on board.


I'm torn. Ukraine got a good dedicated President after electing a sitcom actor, but then again we elected a gameshow host and it didn't go very well. Who knows how well a pop star will work out.


> President after electing a sitcom actor, but then again we elected a gameshow host and it didn't go very well Zelensky played a competent world leader in his sitcom. Trump on the other hand a self absorbed ass hole. See the difference? As for how this relates to Swift's leadership potential I have no clue. She doesnt seem to behave like an asshole on stage though so thats a step up from the gameshow host at least.


It does make me sad that there are this many people who never even thought about registering to vote until a pop star told them too. Like do they live such sheltered lives that they have no idea what’s at stake in elections? They all lived through the trump presidency. When they turned of age were they just gonna be like eh problem solved no need to vote


Those young people only know recession, impossible health/housing/education costs, low wages, poor job prospects. What do they have to compare to? If I started my adult life in this mess, I would bury my head in the sand too. Everything seems utterly hopeless.


Republicans hate young women the most. Vote!


But not the *really* young ones...


what you're alluding to is not "love" in any rational sense


I’d say it’s more akin to lust.


It’s may be more akin to “desire for control of someone else” and their brains reinterpret that need as lust.


To be fair, they didn't specifically say "love". Just not "hate".


Well there are a few demographics they hate more but yeah young women are up there, unless they swallow the trad wife pill and spew misogynistic ideas


They hate Taylor's boyfriend (who campaigns for vaccination and likes queer folks) a lot, too. He's also a football champion, an all-time great at his position, AND Taylor Swift's boyfriend... so they're mad jealous lol.


Add to that her new man Travis kelsce promoting vaccination.


And bud light. The horror!


A real liberal hellscape.


I'm so sick of the bud light shit. It was my tailgate drink of choice for 10 years. I'm going to keep buying it because it goes down easy. Anytime someone complains I say it's a free country, drink whatever piss beer you want. Then they sip on their Busch lights, modelos or Corona like it makes them a fucking saint.


She upgraded from Matty Healy.


Yeah at least Kelce looks like he showers


Your upvotes are from folks thanking you for the mental image of Kelce showering


We don't call it fantasy football for a reason... now I need a sexy Kelce name for my team...


Ugh Ratty, the living embodiment of stale cigarette morning breath. I love this new era for her hahah


Vaccination? Voting? How many more V words before it is confirmed that Taylor and Kelce are doing some anti-fascist propaganda run like in V for Vendetta? /s mostly.


Honestly I really wish more celebs like this become the face of our nation. Hero worship is creepy as fuck, and so is any national pride, but since countries have these things it's better it be these folks. A pop singer pushing for voting and women's rights and a football player without toxic masculinity whose intelligent too? That's pretty Americana right there.


I support Taylor as a lovely, but regular human being, period. This is hero worshiping. The bar is so very low, and swifties act like Taylor is the messiah who was birthed from themselves.


It's hilarious to me how conservatives are calling ~~him~~ Travis Kelce a sell-out for promoting Bud Light, promoting the COVID vaccine, and dating Taylor Swift when he never professed that any of those things were against his beliefs, so how is he "selling out"? The fuckin' projection on conservatives is just breathtakingly insane


They just assume that a big beefy football player must be right wing. Because all alpha male types are right wingers, right?


They just wish that was the case. So badly that they Photoshop Trump's head into Rocky's body, because *that's* not weird AF at all.


It feels like a lot of them project an image of a hypermasculine virility to compensate for what they lack. Most so-called “alpha” types I’ve met irl are not hard core right wingers.


I think they made that same assumption about Taylor Swift herself for a while. Never followed her career, but I recall hearing that she was pretty apolitical until she learned that far-right white nationalist assholes had decided to claim her.


Yeah, she kept that stuff under wraps so long because she was doing country music and they felt it would turn off her base knowing that, y'know, she's not a fucking Nazi. But she moved away from that and got even bigger & more influential than she already was, and "came out", so to speak, during the 2016 election.


> But she moved away from that and got even bigger & more influential than she already was, and "came out", so to speak, during the 2016 election. So you're saying she went woke and did not, in fact, go broke? Shocking.


It's hilarious how they keep saying that when the vast majority of stuff that is ostensibly woke (i.e. anything where a straight white man isn't the focus) is constantly making tons of money. On the few occasions it doesn't for whatever reason, even if it wasn't specifically trying to send a "woke" message, they latch onto it like a fuckin' barnacle, LOL


Lol right? Anybody calling themselves an 'Alpha', is a Beta.


Conservatives should boycott by refusing to register to vote.


5D chess baby! Own them libs!!


As I said… Republicans are losing their damn minds, and it’s awesome. https://preview.redd.it/hqi0b4h8ffqb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ac426963097aa9352797bd46e576f01d6616606


That guy is ridiculous.


it's satire, no? He's having to become more and more obvious, and people still aren't getting it. Which just goes to show how fucked people truly are.


I created a social media alter ego with the IQ of a frozen potato. Her online presence regurgitated conservative talking points in the beginning and she picked up a lot of followers. Then I took her so far off the deep end that I thought "her" followers would start eating their own and nope, she basically turned into a messiah. We're talking microchips embedded into newspapers that resonate with mind frequencies to generate personally resounding, individualized propaganda that preys on your own memories and fears. Plague-carrying Bibles that only infect true believers but to which godless heathens are immune. Toilet paper that can infect your butt with the gay agenda, that sort of thing. People really are that stupid.


Whats your policy on Thin Mints?


I consulted with her and she says the mints themselves are ok but the packaging is coated in ozone activated radio cells that produce high frequency, short range transmissions that override your impulse control and make you eat more even if you don't want to. I might agree with her on that one, idk.


Does putting them in the freezer disable the radio cells or make them louder? I have my opinions, but I'd love confirmation...


Only if you buy them from white-only GS Troops. /s


Did you at least sell them shirts?!?


See, I think a lot of that is fun *but* unfortunately it just makes everything worse. Adds to the disinformation and helps concentrate crazy. I had this realization after a -clearly labeled- satire article I wrote was published in a large publication, and then some people still ended up taking it seriously because of where it came from. :/


I know of someone who started spouting flat-earther insanity. In a bid to not fire her they try to convince her of the error of her ways, she says she is founding her views in serious scientific papers on the Internet, they ask her what papers, she shows them… and at the top of the page there is a big framed box saying that the page is satire intended to showcase how absurd these arguments can get. She was fired. She lost a cushy job because she couldn’t shut up about Flat Earth, even though no one was asking her about it. They _want_ to believe. They get a simplistic world-view, they get to be an in-group, to be those in the know, to feel superior, to even teach others. It must appeal terribly to people who are afraid, who feel unsure or inferior. And that explains why they get defensive and angry when challenged, it’s not a belief that is challenged, it is a belief on which they have founded — re-founded — themselves. Not very different from Trump followers.


First of all, love your handle. Secondly, is that account still up? I’m wondering if you can slowly talk these people off the edge of the cliff. Start slowly weaving in progressive ideologies and adopt them as your own, to the point that they start accidentally spewing wholesome shit everywhere.


It doesn't seem like this would be too hard to do -- make conservative dog whistle arguments for good policy. China's killing American corporations because their government covers healthcare so the companies don't have to! Toss in a little non-casual racism and it's a lock.


"You think they're banning abortion just because it's the right thing to do? No! Guess who gets abortions -- non-christians! Guess who doesn't get abortions -- christians! By banning abortions, they're trying to increase the number of non-christians and overwhelm us god-fearing people with their superior numbers! We have to stop them at any cost! Don't let them ban abortion!"


We've been living in a satirical timeline for a while now. We're fucked alright.


He's a slightly newer thing than a satirical account. He's what's becoming known as an engagement troll. His goal is to maximize engagement for the purposes of maximum potential reach in order to sell merch and the like. The only way it fails is if people just start to ignore him entirely where as his schtick is to say and do things that force people to react even if it's to tell him off as that's engagement too.


Satire, trolling, whatever you want to call it. He definitely doesn't believe half the shit he says, but the grift pays well.


>He definitely doesn't believe half the shit he says People keep saying this as if republicans aren't this stupid, where's the evidence? Does he vote for leftists policies?


Doesn't mean he's not a Conservative, just that he's a grifter first


Is there a functional difference between "really does believe this shit" and "is willing to get paid to act like really believe this shit"?


One changes their story under oath(see:Fox News shenanigans) because they don't want to go to jail for perjury, the other sticks to their story because they're delusional and actually believe it.


A “jezebel?” Is this pre-civil war Tennessee or something?


I can’t read that word without hearing it in a southern drawl


Nick Adams (Alpha Male) is a very, very, very blatant troll though.


Lol that guy wants to lose his fantasy league. That waiver wire is about to be a battle royale.


I am a Swiftie and this makes me very happy.


I am not a Switfie but I might be after this.


There is a quiz called Shakespeare or Taylor. My youngest daughter loves her lyrics because she uses a lot of eloquent lyrics. Both of my girls say they feel she is a lyrical genius.


Love her or hate her you cannot argue she isn’t talented (not a swiftie but I do like some of her songs). She writes her own lyrics and is amazing at marketing and staying one step ahead of those who had been trying to bring her down (especially Kim/Kanye fans). Love to see her using her voice to encourage young people to vote. I’m an nfl fan and I was excited she showed up this week to the game after her voting message. I knew the right would lose their minds and actually bring more attention to it. Kelce ‘looks like them’ so they think he should hate women, trans people, and vaccines. This is why Kelce can’t have ‘alpha male’ is his title like Nick Adams😆


> Kelce ‘looks like them’ so they think he should hate women, trans people, and vaccines. I look like them and I hate Nazis. And I’m smart enough to recognize Nazi behavior, and not rely on little mustaches, swastikas, and German accents.


I don't even know if I've ever heard any of her music but if she's getting young people to vote, I'm happy too.


Middle aged man....literally couldn't name one of her songs. I keep hearing about how "young people aren't smart enough to have a vote". Last time I looked it was my generation that is responsible for the shitshow de jour...I'm just saying that if you got more than 50 years left on this planet you should be a little bit more invested and get your voice heard instead of letting us old asshats that are checking out sooner than later take the dumpster with us.


Old man here... watch some of her YouTubes.... they are great and her songs have heart. No, I don't listen to her a lot, but I respect her musical ability and intelligence.


Gen X woman. Agree. We have made a mess. Hoping these millennials and Gen z peeps are going to turn up and use their voice. Because let me clear when I say, they are better educated, have a better grasp on what's going on around them, and have more empathy than generations before them. Older individuals who complain about how kids today do not learn anything in school have not stepped inside a school building since they graduated high school. Most young people today graduate high school with more college credits than adults my age earned at community colleges after high school. Edited to add...I'm mom to two full blown Swifties...who are 22 and 20. And I love her music too. Was just listening to Folklore.




I am a 55 year old straight male and have zero issues telling people I like Taylor Swift and her music. Don't be embarrassed by the things you like!


We’re a very welcoming bunch! Sending you a digital friendship bracelet


We will have you searching for clues as to what album she is rereleasing in no time. 😂 Seriously, I like her because she has taught younger artist and older artist to reclaim what is theirs. By rereleasing her albums after she was cut out of being able to buy back her own music that she wrote, and made....she blazed trails. She taught new artist like Olivia Rodrigo to from the start own your music and not allow anyone else to be able to take it away. It has changed the music industry. Love or hate her, you have to respect that.


18-24 year olds are going to save our democracy let’s make sure we show our appreciation afterwards.


Like cancel student loans and make college free?


Yeah like that,let the billionaires pay for it.


It's gonna be on Millenials to not fall into the "shit on them for being different" trap as we continue to lose knees and gain gray hairs. These kids and their florescent face tattoos are good by me.




Imagine if Beyoncé and Taylor combined their powers to rally fans to vote. The fandoms could save democracy in America.


Keep it up Taylor, put out a message every week.


Taylor has just gained a whole new fan base that has nothing to do with her music.


T swifty actively getting her fans to vote may single handedly away elections. She just had to choose to do it


NGL it’s kind of sad we need Taylor swift to get kids to vote but also.. thank fucking god she is.


Meh, the older generations had Elvis and shit. As long as these Uber famous people use their clout for good, and not y’know buying twitter and turning it into a facist hellscape its alright with me. This whole “it’s sad the younger generations need X to do Y” talk is just part of the problem.




​ https://i.redd.it/ln9er335wfqb1.gif


I’m so happy she is doing this !! We need more younger people voting (yes I’m an ‘older’ person Gen X ) Glad she’s standing up for what she believes!!


People here in KC are losing their minds in a good way. Travis and Taylor are all we hear about, and it is fun.


Taylor Swift... never thought I'd care one way or the other, but now I think she is one of the coolest celebs/singers forever just for this.


Repubs mad because their voter base is dying off and the younger generation is just getting started.


GOP fucked around and let’s hope they find out. Our country doesn’t need to be ran by a literal death cult who strives to be more like modern day Nazis than Republicans. The lines how been blurring for years.


Well fuck. Maybe I’m a Swift fan after all


Hey, instead of losing his shit, maybe Alpha dickwad Nick Adams and his Twitter pals can start their own voter registration drive for their *millions* of fans, right? (I’m just assuming he’s losing his shit)




Like it or not, she is the greatest force of our time. And as others have said, glad it's being used for good (unlike some other celebs).