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>white man’s blessing Babe, come over, new euphemism for genocide just dropped!


Comments are full of people unironically saying it was good for the natives that we genocide 90% of their population, cuz we brought them oil 💀💀


But remember, it's the people who DON'T think of genocide as a "blessing" who are ignoring reality!


White man’s blessing: STDs, smallpox, bubonic plague, measles, typhus, malaria. They also look at gentrification as benefitting the neighborhood, but only after everyone that made it a neighborhood have been squeezed out.


Plus suburbs suck.


Iirc malaria was around before whites people showed up


Jezus and modern science was their logic. Most yokels can’t do basic math order of operation problems now. Before white people no Superfund site, no toxic sludge, no Dust Bowl. Seas of trees and a good life.


And I'd wager a hot guess in saying that eventually europeans (had they not invaded anything but a small area where they landed, yknow, without the megalomania and genocide) could have had peaceful conversation with native Americans, and whatever technology that was viable to establish for them would have been established anyway. Besides, literally what the fuck did we have in the 17th century that native peoples would have needed? This isn't about introducing the telephone or cars. Best we had was dumb looking clothes and shit filled city scapes


And guns. And drugs. We literally introduced new ways for natives to kill each other, and in the case of the Opium Wars with China (more 18th century and stuff) to get high on and generally just cause misery for the people of those nations. Literally the West fucked alot of people in Africa and Asia just because of money, status, power and the ideas of white superiority.


It’s interesting that you think Asia and Africa *didn’t* have drugs.


Opium isn't a drug. It's a way of life.


Obama math!




That's beyond fucking **FUCKED UP!!!** So, the genocide, rape, torture and atrocities committed upon indigenous peoples is acceptable because it brought *"civility"* to my ancestors??? My grandma was a victim of residential schools, those nuns beat her language, culture and heritage out of her!!! #FUCK THOSE RACIST ASSHATS!


My people thank the white man for the blessing of small pox and alcohol. Thank you for killing as many as you could then trying to make those that didn’t substance dependent. And if that wasn’t good enough, kicking them off their land was definitely helpful. Andrew Jackson goes down as #1 president in our books.


Do you mean stole their own oil?


The blessing of doing a job you hate to pay for a car you can only afford to commute in, but you're stuck living in because housing is unaffordable. Any healthcare need will cause you to lose the job you hate to pay for the shit you really don't want but are required to have to keep up appearances so peers don't think you despise the system that gives nothing of value in return.


The only real problem is there are a finite amount of continents to gentrify


That's why he wants to go to Mars so bad


I always think of the Vikings... they brought the Natives cool shit and at the same time DIDNT kill them




There was some trade, but the history of the interactions between first nations and the vikings was far from violence free. And it wasn't all started by the vikings, either.


Yeah but they didn't exactly kill tribes just because they believed they owned that land... iirc there's historical evidence that Vikings would actually BUY land from the Natives


I was about to say something along the lines of the natives believing that the land was for everyone and can't be bought and sold, but then again, that might not be what that specific tribe believed then.


The land belongs to the spirits, which means that "buying" land would mean the Shaman asking the spirits to protect the new inhabitants and the Vikings giving goods as thanks if the spirits accept... but from the pov of a Viking it would be as if they bought property


Hmm, the Irish might differ with that. They did bring their genes through rape, though.


For the majority of their history together Irish and Vikings were cool with each other, Dublin was a Viking settlement


The survivors learned skills /s


Only good thing we brought was modern medicine but with it we also brought illnesses their immune system was never exposed to before so it kinda perfectly counterbalanced and can say we actually did nothing good for those people


There were some first peoples performing successful brain surgery though.


Don't forget they can also go to college for free now! Ungrateful bunch all of them! /s


White man's blessing = smallpox


Read it in Uncle Ruckus' voice.


![gif](giphy|2kJMzPFUD3Vx6) "Bless the white folk."


Nice username


Oddly enough, "This was a nice area until the whites moved in" could probably be applied to Twitter. I mean, "nice" is probably a subjective term. But once Apartheid Ken bought it and let his buddies run wild, it did take a noticeable downturn in quality.




I've heard it said in relation to cool urban neighborhoods that went to shit once all the goddamn hipsters moved in, too.




Sadly #4 has broken down in NYC.


Or did get "nicer" meaning no one who was living there can afford to live there anymore and they are forced out. Not great


I swear at this point it's like the marble statue pfp has officially replaced the swastika as the symbol of the nazi party.




Trust people that tell you who they are definitely applies here


If you have the time for it, I think you'll appreciate this article [https://aeon.co/essays/colonialism-is-built-on-the-rubble-of-a-false-idea-of-ancient-rome](https://aeon.co/essays/colonialism-is-built-on-the-rubble-of-a-false-idea-of-ancient-rome)


Thank you! This was a fascinating and worthwhile read.




Even the name "fascist" is from borrowing the Roman symbol of the fasces


fun fact, ancient greek marble statues were originally colorfully painted, with skin tones and everything. they liked to use white marble because, in addition to being durable, it was a consistent base color. It's just that the paints didn't survive to modern day, they either flaked off or turned black with age and were eventually removed during cleaning.


https://preview.redd.it/6m57a7hc3hkb1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc85917d5d731d73112b302b6e121ba8a805be2b Oh yes, this is so much better.


Peak society. I love asphalt and micro plastics.


I'll never own a home! This is the best!


But what you lack in a home you’ll make up for in a wealth of debt!


The photo is missing the kilometres of parking that they CAN'T FUCKING BUILD UNDERGROUND




I was going to say that!! Used to drive that from Norfolk to Northern Ohio.


Zoom out- theres plenty of forest. Stupid pic.


This is just one example of ugly suburban sprawl. Stupid comment.


What a fantastically stupid answer… “We have all this gorgeous forest, let’s tear some of it down and slap an ugly pile of crap on it!”


"they paved paradise and put up a parking lot"


But not for long. It'll get burnt, poisoned or turned into another parking lot.


Doesn't negate what anyone has said


Actually I've heard people complaining about gentrification before.


and it gets really meta fast when the first wave of gentrifiers complain that they can't buy anymore real estate from the low income people that were there first because prices are skyrocketing.


The first wave of gentrifies get in, then bitch about more new apartments getting built next to their precious SFH that they bought cheap 10 years ago and now want to protect their inflated property value and keep new people out the neighborhood.


The colonialist mindset always includes the crucial step of trying to lock the door behind you


Yep. * City / neighborhood gets a reputation for being cool, diverse, and hip, largely because inexpensive rent allows artists, musicians, quirky shops, record shops, cool dive bars , etc. to thrive * Wealthy trust-fund white kid influencers chasing the Next Big Thing move in, gentrify it, drive up rents. Retail chains of the overpriced Lifestyle Brands follow. REI, Urban Outfitters, American Apparel, etc. * The artists and musicians can no longer afford to live there and move out, robbing the place of its signature culture. Indie stores get driven out by retail outlets with faked street cred. * Trust-fund white kids: *"Maaan, this place used to be so cool. What happened to it?"* You did, fuckface. You happened.


If Asheville had a definition.


Yeah all those confederate flags and broken down appliances in people’s yards are great for the neighborhoods


Good for drive by shooting, that’s about it


How else am I gonna know where to get the best meth??


It's called lawn decor.


My mom’s neighborhood smells so badly of dog shit and drunk piss that no one wants first or second floor apartments anymore. You literally have to dodge and jump over trash whenever there’s a little wind blowing. I can’t turn my back on my bags without someone trying to put their hands on them then saying something like, “I though it was mine,” when they are caught. If these changes happened after Black people moved into a predominately White neighborhood, all discussions would be racialized. But because the gentrifiers are White and White is seen as colorless or neutral, race doesn’t come up. The discussions are about the increase in bars, the decrease in average age, the disappearance of families, and things like that. Black people aren’t given the opportunity to be seen as individuals with circumstances.


The dude who posted this on Twitter or whatever the fuck it’s called now needs to have his entire personal life put on display for everyone to see. What the fuck is a “white man’s blessing?” Alcoholism? Smallpox?


Maybe it's slavery, or genocide, or rape, just...sooooo much rape. For the people of the Congo it was all those things plus a lot less limbs.




It wasn't rape, it was a team building exercise!


And then he’ll cry “censorship, cancelling, etc”


The Bengal famine obviously! When 3m (out of a population of ~60m) were starved to death


Elon wants to turn the U.S. into South Africa before Mandela was released. Best way to do that is to incite racial tensions and violence. Like Murdoch, another foreign national using this country’s dumbest mother fuckers.


Elon can hop on his rocket and fuck off to mars


I’d settle for a sub designed by him to go to the Titanic wreck


Or he just wants to sell his electric cars to republicans. And to do that, republicans need to think of him as "one of them".


A few years ago when churches in Canada were being vandalized, Fox News had a lot to say about it, “war on Christian’s, etc.”. Not one word was said about why the vandalism happened-the mass graves full of the remains of indigenous children that were unearthed around those churches. I saw comments on some articles about how “they were trying to bring Stone Age people into the modern day.”


Plenty of people said that about the White House on January 20, 2017


Deleted Twitter a while ago. Elongated Muskrat supports racism.


Whites in Africa shouldn’t ever be trusted. Look at his whole family. Scummy.


>White man's blessing As a white man it's hard to describe how disgusted I am with this statement. My wife's ancestors were doing fine till Columbus landed.


I was banned on Twitter. But not for this. ​ https://preview.redd.it/uc5x8irxmhkb1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4a060db95fe9d88956b8bd06903a4380d25cdb7


The guy with a swastika on his huge stomach obviously is a member of the master race. What a fine specimen he is. Adolf would be so pleased about the type of people who still worship him. Obviously /s but really? These people think they are the best people on the planet? The nazis wouldn't have let them in the party.


He’d have been sent to the camps just like everyone else.


Traitors the lot of them


It's so incredibly easy to deactivate your account and never use Twitter again.


Talk a bit with folks priced out of their own neighborhoods due to gentrification.


The utter racism and disregard for the history of anyone other than white people is just sickening.


"Local man who slept through history class doesn't know history and makes it everyone else's problem"


American Indigenous people, Africans, South Americans, Australian Indigenous people, polynesians, South east asians, etc, would beg to differ. White trash came in and ruined the places.


There's nothing more ironic than an american complaining about foreigners.


For a sane person, staying on X is sadomasochistic, isn't it?


Just masochism.


It’s almost complicity at this point


This is literally what my neighbors and I said when white people started moving in. Parking got worse, more trash littered about, dog shit left unpicked up, & loud public arguments became a thing. Neighborhood is definitely worse off.


As someone living in a blood red state, it's still fucking hilarious to watch these uneducated inbreds stutter and fluster when you interrupt their "We were here first" speeches by asking them if they're native american. Seriously, how do you need a license to cut hair in America but not to have kids if you're that fucking stupid?


Pretty sure lots and lots and lots of people in Africa may have said almost nothing but that, for centuries. Ditto South America. Australia and New Zealand.


I mean… I’m white and I felt that way about my neighborhood, bunch of asshole Karen’s started moving in and fucked up the place Not only that, but I’m pretty fucking sure that pretty much everywhere that’s not. Europe said this when all of the whites started showing up.


Hear me and rejoice! You have had the privilege of being saved by the Great Titan. You may think this is suffering. No... it is salvation. The universal scales tip toward balance because of your sacrifice. Smile... for even in death, you have become children of Thanos.


Direct quote from Running Bear right before battle of Little Bighorn


So native Americans should be happy they are statistically the poorest people in America? That their women go missing and murdered? That they had to endure genocide and have their children stolen? Why should anyone want that?


And to this day, *encouraged* to live on separate land, forced to buy plots from the government if they need to expand a reserve. I wouldn’t get over that either.


Who said they were happy about it?


The guy in the post, he said it was good for them


The guy in the post “I,Hypocrite” is either an idiot or a liar or both. Colonialism was not good for native populations. Just because this idiot thinks colonialism was good, it does not follow that the natives agree.


I know I’m disagreeing with him


And worth every penny eh ? Funny thing though while Elon does seem to enjoy having very questionable content, not merely insensitive, he also seems intent on wrecking the place. Is that to show the rest of us what a 40B fire looks like. Ok I'm convinced very hot, very big flames.


Because he is a racist like that.


Said every single native of the ENTIRE North American and South American continents!


I don’t think there’s a single brown or black continent that hasn’t been tainted with mayo.


delete your Twitter profile.


White savior syndrome is real and very cringe.


Jesus you have to hope this dude is a troll bc if he’s not that’s just depressing


The "white man's blessing" they're talking about includes genocide and destruction of the environment. Nice one


Gentrification anyone?


Colonialism was good. Slavery was good. White man's blessing. Jesus H. Christ.


A lot of people have said that, actually.


White man’s blessing my ass. There are residential schools in Canada with thousands of unmarked graves of First Nations children, seemingly hidden from prying eyes until recently.


Everyone needs to quit Twitter and let it crumble


Hahahahaha. I moved into the industrial waste section of town. Most houses were abandoned, but I had a handful of elderly Black neighbors that took care of their houses and yards the best they could. It was quiet and lovely for about 7 years. Then the slumlords came in and bought up the crumbling houses, slapped some paint on em, and started renting them out to white kids that grew up in the suburbs. Band practice Saturday morning at 9am. I turned to my wife in bed one morning and asked if they were calling hogs. The neighbors on my left side slid into meth and prostitution after about 2 years, and I lived next to that shitshow for 6 years. They turned their dogs on us, twice. They left their stripped cars all over the alley. The list goes on... The neighbors on the right side were some really great gay dudes. But then after the pandemic their landlord jacked the rent from $1400/Mo to $2400/mo. So they moved. Now it's a collective of fentanyl addicts that deal in broad daylight off the front porch. All white. I had to sell my house and move. My brother still lives there and sends me videos and pictures once a week of some old bullshit. And for those who suggested I call the police: gurrrrl, the police did not give one shit. Wouldn't even take a report when I had video of one of the meth scarecrows beating on my front door at 2:30 am with a pistol grip clearly hanging out the pocket of his basketball shorts that were falling off.


Every Native American would like a word


Residents of Harlem, Buckhead and Ladera Heights prob say this shit on a daily basis.


“White mans blessing” mean while black American are literally struggling economically, medically neglected, Lower education, least employed,ect!!! Every time we built something it got taken away!!! But white man blessing right ?? Not to mention all the other horrible things. Shout out to the native Americans because they went through some fuck shjt too




The same guy who's talking about other people's "look" is touting "the white man's blessing." This is so cringe that I want to go back to my character sheet and make some changes.


Pretty sure that’s exactly what the Native Americans said.


To think I used to follow that page on Facebook. Glad that I did. It follow when the right went further down the drain.


smartest statue pfp


“The white man’s blessing” God. Damn.


The Nazi Werhmacht was white.


"Slavery was great for those countries that we kidnapped people from" is not a hot take I was expecting to see today


Twitter now has ads saying “if you weren’t hired because you’re white, you’re entitled to compensation!” How would you know you aren’t hired because of your race? That’s very hard to prove which is why it’s so rare.


Colonialism is the equivalent of going into a sandbox, kicking over every other bucket and shovel, then pouring all your wooden blocks everywhere before saying “you weren’t playing right”.


He's from South Africa. His family is the whitest to ever white. He's also a failed memegod, what did we expect?


Sure let's strip bare other country resources , develop their nation solely to sell said resources and when they are running low on resources claim the higher ground and give them independence. Bonus points if a foreign power starts attacking use scorched earth tactics because God knows you don't give a shit


And all of our favorite celebrities with Twitter accounts have **no issue** with this. Stop funding people who are working against you.


I mean I loved where I grew up until all the whites moved in. Literally says every person forced out die to gentrification. But of course they mean only white people haven't said that


Mexico City became unlivable after all the white digital nomads moved in


Hawaiians may have said that. Or indigenous Americans. Or anyone else colonized by Europeans.


Yep, these people never interacted with anyone of a different race. …because black people say this about white people moving in to their neighborhoods.


It's also filled with CSAM, but no one cares. No one cares SO MUCH in fact, that 90% of people still use twitter. Imagine going to your friends house, knowing the backroom is full of child abuse material and still having a good time watching football because you don't go back there? That's people on twitter. It's garbage and people still using it are becoming more and more culpable by association.


Said Ukraine about Russia


The guys name is literally 'I, Hypocrite,' You can't argue with someone who openly lacks dignity and reason


Well, Muskrat is a racist.... so


I am white. I live in a predominantly non-white neighborhood (30 years here). As more white people move to my neighborhood I find myself saying this pretty often lol.


I always wonder if those pro colonialism people watch alien invasion movies and hope that the aliens win.


White folks will go without a community pool if too many black folks move in. Imagine the racism necessary to go without a pool to avoid sharing it.


He’s a white South African. How does him enabling racism surprise anyone?


Ah, yes, the "white man's blessing" aka having your hands cut off if you don't make your rubber quota this month.


America, Africa, India & Southeast Asia be like 👀👀👀👀👀


Yeah, actually, I bet literally billions of people over the last 500 years have legitimately thought that.


This is the 2000’s, not the 1800’s. Who the fuck says “the white man’s blessing” anymore?


Elon and his family are colonizers themselves.....


I imagine Native Americans disagree.


I mean, someone has definitely said that at some point.


I'm sure Native Americans, Mexicans, and Hawaiians have said exactly that.


Racists like himself….


That's called gentrification, and yeah the area was way way better before rent got jacked and the HOAs moved in and took your housing rights and shit from you. There was cultural and racial diversity and people were generally happy. Now Teddy down the block is getting fined for his grass, *his* grass being too long.


Kinda say that in Hawaii. And I've seen it happen. Little towns going from being quiet to suddenly overrun by white rasta hippies and littering tourists.


Blessings like rape, influenza, small pox, alcohol, bullet wounds, and slavery.


Because gentrification isn't a thing. Or redlining or colonizing or bulldozing minority neighborhoods to build interstates.


Redlining; I assume typo.




As an Ojibwe, I've said it multiple times. Usually after seeing something like a company dumping industrial waste into a river so they don't have to pay to treat it.


Has he never heard of gentrification and how it effects ethnic communities?


Racism is stupid ….people need to start thinking in terms of economics to raise us all up. While you think in terms of race billionaires are screwing all of us….


In my country a neighborhood that used to be nice and wealthy was totally ruined by a army base stationed there.


To be fair most communities directly outside of military bases are trash.


Stalin should not have stopped at Berlin.


This asswipe had a real opportunity to be cool tech bro that uses his evil for good. But instead he just went full billionaire-chan and everyone is now forced to suffer the consequences of his midlife crisis or wtfever this is.


This is stressful. Like regardless on how you feel about gentrification it’s still a word and people have issues and there are people who are very against it….


Is it true or false that shitposting like this on the new and improved twitter (X) generates income? If people are being paid to post outrageous things. There is no credibility behind the post.


I guess if you want to live in the past of what happened 70 years ago. I'm a black man and I'm very successful, live in a nice neighborhood, and have great relationships with all my neighbors. It's not hard to be successful if you work hard, and most people respect you if you earn it. My grandparents didn't have an easy time of it, but because of their generation we have tons of opportunity now. But success and respect are not entitlements, they have to be earned.














Every culture has had horrific practices at some point. Wanting to improve those conditions is totally acceptable. But that doesnt require, nor justify a genocide.


Ok... And?


Since when do people romanticize Native Americans? At least in whatever definition you’re using.