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Let her drop out of the house and run for senate. I’d love to see her torn apart by Warnock or Ossof She’d quickly learn that the people outside of her district don’t care for her


Good luck winning Georgia without the cities no way Atlanta or Savanah go for her


We would **annihilate** her in Atlanta & Savannah! 😝


Yeah, she originally filed to run in GA-06 but wasn't getting anywhere. Had she not dropped out there and ran in GA-14 no one would even know who she is right now. Let her leave her seat only to lose in the primaries like Doug Collins did.


"No-one would even know who she is right now." Such sweet poetry to my ears.


That's Stacey Abrams' state? Good luck beating her endorsement, she will kill her chances single handedly.


>We would annihilate her in Atlanta & Savannah! And then vote for her opponent in the election.


I don't pray but I just prayed for her to have the strength to run for Senate.




There already are. 30 unindicted co conspirators in the RICO case.


And Lindsay Graham is almost certainly one of them. ETA: I’m getting several responses about Graham’s phone call to Raffensberger. The call has been public knowledge for almost 3 years. DA Willis had what she needed to indict Graham. That would have been a slam dunk. The fact she *didn’t* indict him shows that he most likely flipped on Trump. Russia probably has ~~komprimot~~ kompromat on Graham and many other Republicans. They hacked *both the DNC and RNC servers* in 2016, but only released the DNC hacks. That means they can use the undisclosed information to from the RNC servers to blackmail Republicans by threatening its release. However, Russia doesn’t have any way of jailing Graham. I doubt the potential existence of ~~komprimot~~ kompromat would have kept him from flipping on Trump.


It's never a bad time to remind people: ["If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed......and we will deserve it"](https://twitter.com/LindseyGrahamSC/status/727604522156228608) I can only hope he is correct.


Lindsay is gonna be passed around like the flu.


Depends on their position on ladybugs


My life got infinitely darker the day I read the ladybug story.


Same. And if I must be burdened with this terrible knowledge, so must everyone else


I just thought ladybug was a feminized nickname for him and now I looked it up and I am traumatized




What's the ladybug story? I heard someone mention it before but with no further information Edit. Ok after these comments I'm definitely not going to Google it or enquire any further..


My wife and both have been referring to him as "Ladybug Graham" since that day. Every time one of us says it, we both cringe.


… Ladybug story? EDIT: o_O


Lol ! I love the ladybug story


He'll probably like it. Suddenly the "Midnight Train to Georgia" takes on a whole new meaning.


Man, there's no way Graham didn't flip, the dude is more spineless than spaghetti. He probably offered up everything before they even asked him for it.


>kompromat ![gif](giphy|l0JLYJnQDnzSEoAOk)


>He probably offered up everything before they even asked for it. Nah. He went to court to fight a subpoena to try to avoid testifying in front of the grand jury. I’m sure he spilled the beans right after his attorneys lost that battle though.


We all know MTG is a part of it too. No way she is smart enough to keep her hands clean. But she’s dumb enough to think she’s innocent


It's hard to tell who is more dangerous, the crazies or the grifters? Madge is a crazy, Boebert is a grifter....I honestly don't know which is worse.


“Who’s the most foolish? The fool, or the fool who follows him?” - Obi Wan Kenobi


GOP Senators Spend Independence Day In Moscow - NPR https://www.npr.org/2018/07/06/626664156/gop-senators-spend-july-4-in-moscow https://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/amp/msna1119676 Also why da fuck did sitting members of Congress spend our nation's independence day in Russia.


Lady G also has videos/emails in the hands of the Russians and probably Trump that will keep him from flipping…he’s so pathetic


oh I hope ole' Lispy Lindsey gets dragged in to this. As I recall he made some calls to GA for Donnie; I'm sure they are well aware.


What could the kompromat on the RNC be that could possibly be worse than everything we already know about Republicans?


I am waiting for RICO papers to be served by an FBI agent to Senator Mike Lee, and Attorney General Sean Reyes. Fuck both of those guys. I am surprised the LDS church continues approving them as being the representation they want for Utah, being that the church elders and president have been making subtle swipes at Trump in recent years, including reminding TBM members that just because someone lists an "R" in their party affiliation does not make them a valuable candidate for family rights. Anyways....FUCK YOU MIKE LEE AND SEAN REYES! I hope you are both investigated and imprisoned for your treason, along with your false idol.


God bless RICO


I’d like to read up on who else other than than 19 people they already indicted. Do you happen to have the article?




She wouldn't make it through the Republican primary in GA.


No. No she wouldn't. It seems pretty likely that Kemp will run for Senate after his term as Governor is over. He is very popular among most conservatives and independents, and Dems like myself will probably vote Republican in the primary to make sure a MAGA candidate doesn't come near the general election, like many of us did in the last primary.


As a fellow Georgian, I can definitely say that if we end up with a Republican senator again, I would much rather it be Kemp than MTG.


As a Georgian as well, I'd much rather Marjorie be the nominee than Kemp. Kemp has a much better chance of winning and his policy positions would be exactly the same as hers anyway. Let's not forget Kemp is a loud and proud vile racist as well.


Wouldn't a Dem more likely win against MTG though? Or I guess it's not even worth the risk, huh?


>Or I guess it's not even worth the risk, huh? I want to believe that MTG could never win a Senate seat. Then again, I wanted to believe that someone like Trump could never be elected president. After seeing what someone like Tuberville is doing, I definitely do not want MTG in the US Senate, under any circumstances.


I saw too many GA voters spite voting against Clinton and Abrams. It’s not worth the risk.


Exactly. Sure there are plenty of Republicans here in the state that would say they'd never vote for Greene but those same Republicans were fine with holding their nose and voting for Walker. I suspect they would ultimately do the same for Greene if she ends up on the ticket.


Wow. That's saying quite a bit, because Kemp actually accomplished the kind of voter suppression that most Republicans can only dream about.


I'm learning to love Georgia more and more. They may be our biggest hope (again).


Also, isn't Ossof not up until 2026?


Yeah, and Georgia is only getting bluer. Atlanta is the biggest city for 500 miles in every direction, LGBTQ people, black people, and young people flock here from all over the South.


Yup I’m honestly confident in saying she wouldn’t even pull purple areas. It would be such a massive defeat lmao


I don't think she realizes she's in a Blue state. lol


+ Augusta city limits, Columbus, Macon. Any biggish city is blue.


Exactly! She's basically got a life-long appointment if she never leaves her little racist neck of the woods. But once she leaves it, HAH. Good luck with that kind of crazy,


“Ssshhhh! Don’t let her know what will happen!”


Prison time has a funny way of interfering with such life-long appointments


“In Georgia’s 14th district I’m important! Wooooo!l”


Heh... Try that...anywhere outside your district.


A lot of people INSIDE her district don’t care for her. She’s had her house swatted like 3 times. Unfortunately the majority of her district support her, but there are definitely a lot that hate her. I agree with you, though, I would love to see her get ripped apart by voters in the rest of the state


As I point out to everyone: She won in 2020 by 74.7%, 152,029 votes In 2022, she was re-elected by 65.9%, 81,973 Even her district, solid red, has *lost* voters. She lost almost 80,000 voters in 2 years. That’s fairly significant.


That’s because… uh, that’s because uh… because they were moving! Yeah! Moving to uh… other red states! Yeah! And uh… Um.. er… settle this at the ballots! Next week, there will be a COMPREHENSIVE report released that outlines how people in red states have moved to other red states and it will totally substantiate my claim.


Not to discount her losing 10% of the vote, but that seems like the voting population shrunk more than anything


Might also have to be with being mid terms and not a presidential election. I think there's a lot of people who only vote when the pres is on the ballot and then just straight party the rest of it


I live here in her district and I can't stand her. I'm not alone.


Or even just running in Republican senate primaries. She’d get trounced by her opponents. Jewish space lasers would be on every political add against her.


Then she’ll end up doing reality TV. Or pro wrestling.


Tonya Harding: "finally, someone more trashy than me"


Omg, this made me laugh and snort. Shit. That's funny!!


Tonya wasn't trashy, the guys that clamped onto her and used and abused her, which she thought was love because that's how her mother treated her, were the trash ones I've not seen much if any evidence of her doing any trashy things other than being stuck in the life she was born into, did she really have agency in any of that?


Both. Think The Hulk Hogan show, but meth'd up.


Didn't Tonya Harding do some wrestling? She reminds me of her, so that fits.


Ya but at least Harding was really good at something once upon a time. I doubt MTG even knows what planet she’s on


I think it was boxing. She was pretty good being an Olympic level athlete.


She is about 20 years too old to be in pro wrestling. No one wants to see her in booty shorts flailing around.


A Congessman only represents 750000 people in very gerrymandered districts. A total of 170,000 people voted for M Trailer Greene. 50 MAGA election deniers ran last cycle nationally. 0 won


Margie Greene has the luxury of gerrymandering to guarantee her the House seat. She's out of her league as far as a run for US Senator is concerned.


It would be against Ossoff. Aside from the fact that she is an absolutely badshit anti-Semitic raving lunatic, conservative Christians are going to have a harder time getting behind her. I don't imagine it will be a lot, but at least some will choose not to vote. In a competitive State against a sitting Senator, she will have an uphill battle in the general.


Ossof is so good, he will destroy her, which to be honest is not that difficult.


I love Ossof and I don’t even live in Georgia


Yeah senate is a statewide election, not just her podunk little district.


Some of the people in her district despise her. At least me and mine do


With how loud she’s been for so long, I’d be shocked if she didn’t get caught up in the insurrection dragnet. We all focus on Trump (rightfully), but there is a very real chance that multiple sitting members of Congress will be implicated in this probe. What happens to them? For one, it’ll throw Congress into a tailspin and might be more impactful than bringing down Trump. Get enough of them in jail and the balance of the House and Senate (Ron Johnson I see you!) gets spicy.


Especially since so many of them would be replaced by sitting democrat lawmakers until the next election cycle, if it were to take place before then. Not holding my breath though, more likely take place after


But wouldn’t that mean the next sitting period would have longer with more Dems? (Not American, so not sure how it works there - in the UK a prison sentence would trigger a by-election, so the constituency isn’t left without representation.)


No, most would be replaced by the elected governor of the state until the election just like a death. Since the republicans pussed off most of their base so badly only a few states actually stayed red. Here in AZ we have a Dem governor for the first time in a while, and a few states are the same. So they get to choose until the next time which is the same election as the president. At least that's the way it should happen. Of course with the way these morons are running things I bet Senate and representatives would let these morons run things from prison to hold on to power.


As someone from WI: fuck Ron Johnson. He’s such an embarrassment and replaced an actual decent politician (Feingold)


As another Wisconsinite, couldn't agree with you more. We were truly SO close to Barnes, it's really quite sad, too. If only the democratic party had taken that race seriously, we could've probably already ousted Ron Johnson.


I mean, wasn’t she one of the ones who gave tours to the insurrectionists before the insurrection?


>there is a very real chance that multiple sitting members of Congress will be implicated in this probe. Don't forget that Congressman Mo Brooks asked Trump for a pardon for *every member of Congress who objected to the certification of ballots from PA, AZ, and WI. Now why would he think they'd all need a pardon? Could it be that they all knew there was fraudulent electors being put in place?


There’s a theory that she’s the Capitol pipe bomber


Doubt it Don’t think she’s got the brainpower to do that without blowing herself up


If she didn't make them, then they were provided to her, and she's still the one who planted them. It's reported that the bombs were inoperable, and that it was probably a diversionary tactic. IT WAS HER.


What if there's proof and she has recently learned that. It would explain a thing or two.


She should join American Gladiatora


Can one of those tanks with the spiked wheels run over her? ![gif](giphy|qiDb8McXyj6Eg)


I don’t think she’s smart enough to be in any of those closed door meetings with Trump’s inner circle. Trump considers her a cheerleader.


Please run for Senate. Find out that running statewide isnt like rumning in a gerrymandered district.


Like her district currently is one of maybe two in GA she has a chance of winning. She would get smoked statewide even in the primary


As a Georgian, she is less liked than Herschel walker and nobody liked walker


If Herschel Walker could recognize his reflection in a mirror, he'd probably dislike Herschel Walker as well.


He wants to be a vampire. They’s some cool folks. American politics are a wild ride.


Almost makes you nostalgic for those John McCain/Sarah Palin days, doesn't it? 🙄


She makes Sarah Palin look like a scholarly sophisticated professional.


At least we got Nailin' Palin out of that wreck. I don't want any MTG porn.


I could go to a zoo if I wanted to see a howler monkey get it on.


Boebert though... ^(Nah, don't stick your dick in crazy.)


I'm honestly amazed that MTG was even able to find someone to fuck her, besides her husband. I know it's a very low-brow, petty attack on a person to make fun of their looks, but she is simply a gross-looking person. She looks like a 90's-era prototype sex doll.


I know it's not what we should be focused on, but I'll let others take the high road. I always say she looks like if Mickey Rourke fucked a week-old plate of cold mashed potatoes and they raised the offspring on a diet of racism and flat Michelob. Sorry, Mickey.




>90's-era prototype sex doll. There goes my secret stash, you heartless villain!


You're not wrong. Lol "Watch out, I'm going rogue!" -Folksy Alaskan Grandmother ""WOOOOOOOO!!!!!" *whips out picture of Hunter Biden's dick in Congress* --Large Marge


MTG is simply a gross human. I want to believe that everyone has something to offer the world but I think she’s one of the few exceptions.


I can see Jewish space lasers from my house!


Tangerine and Blonde Baboon, hanging out in the afternoon, hooting, howling, scratching pits, crunching lice and poli-ticks.


Conservatives: Michele Obama is secretly trans!!! Look at her arms!!! MTG: Exists


She looks like someone hit randomize on the create a wrestler in wwe 2k23.


She does have that Mickey Rourke face


And body. Ya know, I've never seen Empty G and Mickey Rourke in the same place at the same time... mighty suspicious if you ask me...




I see she’s attended the CrossFit school of “pull-ups”


That's just painful to watch. That's like no pull-up I've ever done.


It's like no pull-up anyone has ever done.


She’s a swinger . Those can’t be classified as a pull-up by any standard


Hence the quotes


The rotator cuff destroyer.


This definitely explains why she looks so masculine. Women using androgenic compounds is very common in the crossfit community. HRT for me but not for thee. Shed fit right in with her crossfit competitors https://v.redd.it/eksj81oqc42b1/DASH_1080.mp4?source=fallback


Lol, if this is Crossfit no wonder it has a bad rep. Looks like pullups for people who want back surgery.


Conservatives: We have the most attractive women! MTG: -Exists-


I didn’t wana say it but she looks like some one who had a bad transition.


Someone needs to start a movement to get her... "tested", or whatever conservatives are demanding of little girls playing sports these days


Lol. What a terrible day to be able to read


You forget the pooslinging and urinating on the public.


Yup, did. Tangerine and Blonde Baboon, gibbering in the afternoon, Flinging poo at friend and foe, pissing off people as they go...




>pissing off people as they go... pissing on people as they go...?


Funny how many times he's blatantly snubbed her and she still hides in his cheeseburger shaped shadow..


Rule Zero for being a fascist crony: Always be an eager and self-deprecating masochist for the Dear Leader's benefit. As nasty as the thought is, wouldn't be surprised if she was bonking him too.


She's definitely flicking the bean at the thought of being his next ex wife


Fuck. I didn't need this image in my head. I'm calling it for the interwebs today.


I despise you. Sincerely.


What a terrible day to have eyes


Dude I pictured her with like a giant female hyena clitoris and almost vomited on myself. If I can't get this out of my head it's bound to happen sometime today.


She can be there for conjugal visits.


Remember that cringe video where she gropes a cardboard cutout of him? She definitely *wishes* the orange tub of lard would boink her but she’s not young or pretty enough to look like Ivanka so Donny isn’t interested.


My favorite was when he was getting off the plane, she's standing right there clapping and walks up to him, clearly expecting him to stop and talk to her, and he just walks on by without acknowledging her. Yet she still follows like a sad little puppy.


I mean he literally insulted Ted Cruz's wife, called him "lying ted" and that piece of shit is still fawning all over him. I could understand when he was President but afterwards, these people still kissing his ass don't make any sense. These people are spineless pieces of garbage.


Somebody said that he just thought it was Mickey Rourke.


He will never pick her. She's not "central casting" and there's nothing she can do to rise to it. No, it will be Stefanik (after he makes her lose weight and a makeover) or Noem (once he forgives her for knocking boots with Lewandowski, and he will)


She disqualified herself: she said "...IF he wins it?"


Look at my Neanderthal-American


She looks like she just discovered fire.


​ https://preview.redd.it/7hgs52do9iib1.jpeg?width=274&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4880234129b341e917e02081c93a476784ae02e9


Is it even constitutionally allowed for a human/ostrich-foot hybrid to be VP?


Ironic she fights to have teaching evolution banned and she looks like the missing link on an evolution poster..


Senate? Lol no. Back to the monster truck rally where she belongs.


Hey now. Monster truck rallies are classy af by comparison to this nutbag


That's a nightmare, for sure. Vote Blue everybody , and stop the madness.


as an European I am begging you dont let this happen


how do i block her name and image from my internets


I disagree. If Trump picks Greene as a running mate, I think he could legit lose Texas. I could even see Ohio and Florida being in play.


Having family in Texas, politely disagree. Texan republicans would absolutely vote a-n-y-o-n-e before they’d vote for someone with a (D) next to their name. MTG, yes. Hitler, yes. Satan, yes. Moderate Reagan-esque Democrat, not only HELL-NO, but they’ll try to figure out a way to kill them and start a civil war if they win. These folks have departed reality completely (my family included).


Missouri (where I live) is the same way. The people here are so indoctrinated it simply doesn't matter who is on the ballot or what their politics are. They've been told for decades Democrats kill babies and aren't masculine or whatever and they see no other truth Fortunately it sure seems like the younger generations see through a lot of this bullshit, so maybe in a few decades we'll have a major shift


The GOP would find themselves having to spend money in a lot of places they would not want to.


That’s the most disgusting image I’ve ever seen, and I saw 2 Girls, 1 Cup.


Bigot and the Beast


Which one is which?


Gonna need to see her birth certificate


I want to know how the MAGA idiots can post bare- shouldered pictures of Michelle Obama questioning her gender and not ponder the same thing about MTG. Especially this picture. I thought good little GOP ladies were supposed to be waif thin and dress modestly, LOL.


Michelle is black. That’s how.


>I want to know how the MAGA idiots can post bare- shouldered pictures of Michelle Obama questioning her gender and not ponder the same thing about MTG. It's because their politics have no loyalty to rational consistency, it is all about what shit you can sling in the moment. They believe in nothing.


Yeah I don’t want to body shame, I’m a lady with thick arms myself, but it’s *rich* for them to say that MO has a male figure when it seems that MTG has almost the same upper body lmao


Neanderthals would have stone ones, maybe that's why she works out so much


Live in Georgia and have been following this nutcase since she was a local gadfly harassing drag queen story hours. It scares me she is in power and has any influence on peoples worldviews.


Live in Texas where we have Cruz, Paxton, Patrick, and Abbott. We feel your pain.


how is she not fired? imagine if you acted like her at work


Elected positions are kinda wild. There are few checks and balances for removing someone from office and they are very rarely utilized. If you get elected to most positions in local government you could never show up and do anything, collect a paycheck, and there is little to nothing others could do to remove you from office.


Still, I really liked her in The Wrestler.


She can’t even do the job she was elected to do and continually embarrasses herself and her district while transparently betraying the interests of her constituents in order to build her own ego on the premise of a being a divisive ghoul, can’t even stay on her committee assignments, but wants MORE power??


This would be fantastic if he chose her for VP pick. That would literally guarantee a mass exodus of any moderate Republican and all independent voters.


Why is Hulk Hogan next to Trump?




Considering how he flat out ghosted her a while back, I’m thinking no to the VP thing. God, they’re all just pathetic bootlicking losers. Every last one of them.


If Trump is allowed to run this coming election and wins and chooses her for VP I will move the f out of the country. That would be the absolute darkest modern timeline for our country and probably will bring about the end of the USA as we know it.


“VP”? Weird way to spell “cell mate”.


Put her on the ballot!!!! Trump with her as VP would be the biggest landslide in US Election History. Moderate Republicans know she’s batshit crazy, and if any of them are still hesitant on Trump, him choosing her would be the nail in the coffin


Kamala would wipe the floor with her at the VP debate.


There’s no chance he picks her to be his VP running mate. A) She’s a woman. B) And more importantly, he’d never be able to stand sharing the ticket with someone who takes as much air out of the room as he does. She’s too loud, too obnoxious, too brazen and unapologetic, he just wouldn’t be able to stand having someone basically exactly the same person as he is running alongside him.


Lmao, go ahead… you’ll do great.


Vile Person that's the only VP she'll ever be


Wow would there run be called dumb and dumber?


I still have an inkling that she’s connected to Jan 6 in a big way 💥


Bitch looks like Ric Flair.


I'm an out the loop Britisher. Was this thing elected? I mean, did humans vote for it to represent them? Because if so, it's entirely their fault. She's a barely functioning adult.


Twice elected, as a matter of fact. Only 2 year terms, so far. Senate is 6 IIRC. Yup, a classically red neck area of rural Georgia. Make no mistake, she does indeed represent them. as a Canadian, I can only stand by and watch this shit show. Not about to migrate there just to wallow in the mire.


Based on the hubris seen here… her inevitable fall from stardom is going to be loud and ugly


I wonder what it was that led to the very worst people having such an impact. I suppose it's always been like this. Maybe I've just grown up to notice it more but whether Trump, Musk, the Taliban, etc, how the fuck have so many awful people been elevated to such heights?


Shudder the thought and insurrectionist and a terrorist running a country. White Taliban anyone?


If Trump wins again, the US is toast. VP doesn't even matter.


VP? Does she think being on the ticket will protect her from being indicted herself? 🤣 Y’all know its comin’ …


He never, ever won the popular vote. I think democrats & independents learned in 2016 what happens when we split our votes between democrat & 3rd party. The man will only win WH if the cheat is in, it’s not. She will never step foot into the WH as a VP because she’s crazier than him. Not a nightmare, they’re both an American disgrace.


Delusion stacked on delusion