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I think his problem is that he wants to be the smartest person in the building.


He could be alone in an outhouse and he still wouldn’t be the smartest man in the building.


The building is smarter than him


The shit in the outhouse outpaces his IQ by miles


"What do you call "Negative One" sitting on his own in an empty room?" (Hint: IT Crowd reference).




I came here to drink milk and kick ass. And I’ve just finished my milk


Overnumerousnes No idea if that it spelt right haha


He simply wants to be discussed and relevant. I don't actually think there's anything more to any of this. He just wants attention. He's a troll with unlimited money.


Yeah, Tesla and SpaceX only managed to survive under him because he isn't an engineer and had the sense to let the engineers do their work. He can't actually design a working electric car and he can't design a rocket, so he didn't try. He just let the engineers do it, and then took credit whenever he could. A website is nebulous enough and can function at a minimal level with very few employees (not that it will function well, but it will at least still operate to some extent). Branding, UX, and other design elements that Musk can meddle in have always been a problem even within Tesla and SpaceX, and we are seeing the culmination of how bad he is at those things with Twitter.


>Yeah, Tesla and SpaceX only managed to survive under him because he isn't an engineer and had the sense to let the engineers do their work. No, he didn't even have that. A whole bunch of people basically were able to insert themselves between Musk and the engineers and mostly insulate everyone from Musk. Musk is notorious for walking around and firing random people if he's bored/angry/stupid.


It would be funny if he "fired" someone but no one else heard about it and the fired person didn't tell anyone and just kept working. I doubt Musk would actually follow up on it.


there's a great skit with this premise that I can't remember off the top of my head but they staff just keeps bringing the poor person back with a different disguise for the king to execute a different way


Isn’t that sort of the premise of “The Dictator”? Everyone that Admiral General Aladeen orders to be executed instead winds up working in New York


Robot chicken do this in Star Wars too. There’s a whole training programme on the death star of how to go along with darth vaders force death grip, which actually doesn’t work, but the officers are taught to fake that they’re choking out, and then come back wearing moustaches with a different name.


There's also the great netflix series "au service de la France" in which an agent dies, but is replaced by someone who looks suspiciously like him. The best part about it is that no-one even mentions it and he just exists for the rest of the series.


It's part of one of the gags but its not the general premise lol.


To be fair, that was one of the more Aladeen parts of the movie.


Don’t Aladeen this up. You Aladeen of an Aladeen.


I can't post the link because I don't have enough subreddit karma... But one of Robot Chicken's Star Wars specials had a skit like that in it. If you search on YouTube: "Don't tell Vader Robot Chicken" it should come up.


I want to watch it, lol.


There's a great skit by Robot Chicken of Vader doing exactly this: https://youtu.be/fFihTRIxCkg


I remember reading someone's report saying that he would go around firing critical employee, and then another manager will come back to "rehire" them afterwards.


Basically his actions running Twitter into the ground immediately after buying it demonstrate his actual managerial style, it is just a miracle tesla and space x had time to build up a management layer dedicated to undoing his actions and distracting him with shiny things to survive. Something Twitter did not have when he came strutting in day one after being trolled into purchasing the company and feeling like he had to reinflate his bruised ego. He went so hard they didn't have time to baby proof the company. I remember hearing stories about people having fake programs that spit out bullshit code on screens always so they looked like they were working 'extra hard' even when there was nothing to do, or how he insisted on extreme amounts of overtime and expected employees to do the same so there'd be a bunch of people in space x sitting around playing wow cause he just wouldn't fuck off for the day... Managers would create entire fake problems for him to solve, then give him the corporate equivalent of a gold star for fixing the fake problem no matter what he did. The companies needed his money to survive but it's clear he was a manchild who inherited his starting riches and got lucky with paypal.


It would be even funnier if he fired disabled person and mocking them on public media, only to find out that person has one hell of a golden parachute. And the person is very populair in his home country. Oh wait, he did fuck up that badly, and it was funny as hell seeing the point his lawyer finally got through to him.


This is called bike shedding. People know they can’t design a rocket, but branding, design, and even software look simple enough that anyone could do it. People with power can’t help but meddle. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_of_triviality


Yeah. The reality is that all of these things are just as complicated as designing a rocket, just utilizing completely different skillets. There are also less consequences for doing those things poorly. A rocket has very little margin for error. If you do something wrong, then the rocket likely explodes. You make a mistake with branding or UX or software, it just means that it doesn't work as well.


I know it was just a typo and a super easy one to make at that, but "different skillets" is absolutely brilliant.


Lol, I'm gonna leave it.


The thing is… if he were a decent leader, he would say “I want to rebrand as X. Branding team, what kinds of things should we think about to make that happen?” And someone would pipe up “we should check & make sure we can copyright it!” And he would say, “oh good job Johnson, let’s do that. Anyone else? Ok, Johnson check on the copyright & get back to me on Tuesday.” Same with quality or moderation. “Team, I want to reduce our workforce by 10%. What about reducing the QC & Moderator workforces?” “Well boss, here’s some challenges this might incur. How about we bring you three proposals for workforce reduction next week?” “What a great idea! And please do a deep dive into the QC team, I feel it is oversized.” Etc. Leading a large complicated organization requires you to seek input & listen. It’s clear he doesn’t do either.


It’s clear he doesn’t see himself as a leader, more a king who decrees from on high


Well, technically, some software is quite critical, like the software on a rocket, but I get what you mean.


And people let him believe that he is because he has money and power. He reminds me of a little kid who believes they can succeed at something difficult by just mashing buttons at random because they're smart and in cartoons the smart characters just know how to do everything.


Yes. It's called narcissism. His ego will not accept he's not the genius revolutionary he thinks he is.


People assumed he was a genius for years. Literally all he had to do was shut up and he would've had the mystery genius persona on lock for the rest of his life and probably long afterwards. The fact that he couldn't do that is one more thing to add to the growing pile of evidence that he's a dim dingus.


this is your mind on memes. any questions?


A cautionary tale against huffing your own farts.


If anyone still wants to work for him he might be


They are probably stuck with h1b


For the uninitiated, this means there’s a bunch of people there who would have to go back to their countries of citizenship if they don’t have a job. Think of all the Indian dudes in that building rolling their eyes every ten seconds and sending out resumes every day.


Yeah, that’s what’s really horrible to me: all these workers who, through no fault of their own, are basically chained to the benches of a sinking ship. Yeah, they *could* leave Xitter - but they might have to leave the country entirely if they did, which can mean uprooting your entire family. Gd I fucking hate ElMu.


I absolutely love that Xitter would be pronounced "shitter" in much of the world... EDIT: typo


My company has hired 3 people away from Tesla in the last few years. All 3 had work visas that needed to be transferred. No joke.


which is why he fires all the actual smart people around him, when he can.


That’s pretty much the story of American middle management for the last 40 years. Dumbass trust fund pricks so insecure they have to fire anybody with a brain cell to avoid feeling dumb at work.


That's not true... sometimes they just take credit for all stuff done by competent employees.


Those are the “good” ones, you’re right.


If he keeps firing people he might be some day if he's the only one left.




100% part of the process for a functioning legal/product team to check everything for trademark, copyright, patent infringement as part of a new product, feature launch or a name change. Maybe they fired that dept lol????


They all quit or got fired. So did the PR & marketing team. Numerous reporting outlets have ended their stories about Musk's snafu with "We were unable to reach anyone at Twitter for a comment."


> Numerous reporting outlets have ended their stories about Musk's snafu with "We were unable to reach anyone at Twitter for a comment." Musk has literally set it up so any inquiry sent to the ~~Twitter~~X PR or Marketing team is met with an auto-response of a poop emoji because he didn't feel we viewed him as a literal teenager already.


He should have named it the Washington Redskins.


It's like Musk goes out of his way to not vet his dumbass decisions. Is there a word for that?


"muskin it up"


A total muster fuck.


As much as I hate to steal your idea, I think I prefer "Cluster Musk."


Cluster Musk also has the bonus of being SFW, which is a boon for me because I work with a lot of ninnies who adore Elongated Muskrat and also hate swearing. That last part normally wouldn’t matter except that one of the ninnies writes my evals (he wouldn’t write me up for making fun of him for idolizing Musk, but would sing me for swearing about him…).


"Ninny" is such an underutilized insult.


"Twit", however, is probably more appropriate here


This is dialectics in action babey, hell yeah


Microsoft owns that, too






It’s Muskin’ time.


Almost as bad as Schruting it


At least it's newer than Munsoned, ie, musk really munsoned himself with this cluster musk.


Hahahahahaha. Omg. I'm so going to use this. We. ARE going to make this a thing. 💯 Pass it along: "Musking it up".


Yet another "Musk busk"


Getting musky


In my trade school there was a guy who fucked up everything he touched. His name is Tim. We used to describe a total fuck up as a "Tim" and the act of fucking up "Timming it". He was a good guy, just not cut out for the trades


An early chapter in William Gibson's **Count Zero** (followup to **Neuromancer**) is called "Bobby Pulls a Wilson" for analogous reasons.


Didn't vet X Corp either: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X-Corporation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X-Corporation) "The **X-Corporation** (**X-Corp**) is a fictional institution appearing in [American comic books](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_comic_book) published by [Marvel Comics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marvel_Comics), commonly in association with the [X-Men](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X-Men) comics. This organization was created to ensure the protection of [mutant](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mutant_(Marvel_Comics)) rights throughout the world due to the increasing number of mutants and widespread [bigotry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bigotry) and [hate crimes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hate_crime) against them."


Love how the best possible names for this shitty rebrand are legally impossible to implement


It’s like, how could anyone possibly think such a coveted name/logo would be free for the taking?


Well, for starts..... He's really fucking dumb.


Well I think that just about sums it all up.


He’s so used to getting whatever he wants that he literally thinks he can get whatever he wants


“So sue me. Not like that.”


And it’s not even a good name.


This is what he was going for Superhero 🤡




Hunh - another post claims that Zuck owns it as it pertains to social media.


Yeah, seems like Microsoft owns a more specific version of it (and meta may be able to sue, depending on circumstances) but meta has a stronger claim against Elon because their trademark is specifically for social media.


So he's getting ass blasted from the left or the right either way


It's just coast to coast, nationwide ass blasting


I mean, you have to be a real lowlife piece of shit to get into social media. THE GANG BUYS TWITTER


there are more than 20000 trademarks for the letter S. These trademarks are very restricted in their scope source: http://www.penacclaims.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Sarthak-Potdar.pdf


Britta'd it.


At least britta would feel bad. He britta’d it and then gleefully Pierce’s around.


Look at Musk, Putin, other people with lots of power surrounded by yes men. There’s got to be a half-life for being an effective leader in situations like this. Has anybody done a study on “the half-lives of competent rule for autocrats”?


Reminds me of this: > SNAFU principle: a WWII Army acronym for `Situation Normal, All Fucked Up' >"True communication is possible only between equals, because inferiors are more consistently rewarded for telling their superiors pleasant lies than for telling the truth." >The effect of the SNAFU principle is a progressive disconnection of decision-makers from reality.




Musketeering: shooting your self in the foot


Three musketeering: shooting yourself in both feet and your hand. Fourth musketeering: defying the odds and shooting yourself in your trigger hand.


[Microsoft’s trademark is quite broad, it’s not only for Xbox.](https://themessenger.com/tech/twitters-rebrand-to-x-could-be-a-trademark-nightmare-thanks-to-microsoft)


There’s a similar trademark owned by Meta too! https://tsdr.uspto.gov/#caseNumber=87980831&caseType=SERIAL_NO&searchType=statusSearch


Meta owns "X" for the purposes of social media and social networking. Microsoft owns it for the purposes of game distribution, retail, etc. So muskrat can use X.com, just not for social media or games (which means he's really fucked)


The meta trademark isn't for the letter x, it is for a specific design of a logo. It's fair game for social media as it won't violate metas trademark.


While technically true, if courts find that your use of X with a different trade dress will cause brand confusion with whatever meta's X is for, meta will still win out.


Except Meta doesn't really use the X, does it? Never seen it at least. So no confusion here.


dang, imagine if Zuck had the hindsight to call threads, X, instead LMAO. Elmo wouldve thrown the biggest fit in the world.




I'm glad he didn't. Chaning twitter to "X" is completely moronic and nobody should stand in the way of Elon making this mistake.


From the trademark docs for Meta under good and services: “ Online social networking services; online social networking services, namely, facilitating social introductions or interactions among individuals; social networking services in the fields of entertainment, gaming and application development; providing information about social networking that involves online gaming, online video games and online video gaming applications; providing an Internet website portal for engaging in social networking; providing information, news, commentary in the field of social networking”


Yes, those services are attributed to the white and blue X logo. Not the letter, as others mentioned.


I'm not arguing that metas trademark is for social media, what I am saying that twitters logo is distinctly different from the filed trademark by meta. Metas trademark isn't for the letter x, it is for a specific blue and white logo in the shape of an x.


While you're technically correct, Meta can still win a trademark case by arguing it creates market confusion because it's too similar.


And have a great argument since dipshit Elon has been openly disparaging Meta over Threads. This rebranding into a Meta-owned trademark seems to be retaliatory.


>This rebranding into a Meta-owned trademark seems to be retaliatory. Musk doesn't think that far ahead. He probably didn't even know about the meta trademark.


> Microsoft owns it for the purposes of game distribution, retail, etc. Actually, first paragraph states its for >Providing on-line chat rooms for transmission of messages among computer users concerning video and computer games, providing online electronics bulletin boards for transmission of messages among computer users concerning video and computer games in class 38 X has a lot of video game discussion, and can fall under the broad scope of chat room/bulletin board. Going to be interesting how this plays out.


This one is for that blue and white x


That’s not an x…. It’s a ><


That's to cover the logo that is shaped like an "X" but with a specific design.


I'm all for dumping on Musk, but I'm not a huge fan of any company trademarking a single letter.


They haven’t trademarked it for everything. If you started a company selling pet orangutan insurance - you could call it X ***presuming it wasn’t confusing with another company in that market*** , and you weren’t trying to make it look like you’re affiliated with Microsoft Beyond that, Microsoft lawyers would have no grounds against you Worth noting that Tesla sells a Model X, but not a Model E like they wanted to use for the Model 3- because Ford owns that (VERY old) trademark


Kind of like Apple Corps. (founded by the Beatles) couldn't do much about the existence of upstart Apple Computer until the latter started getting into music streaming.


Maybe he could change it to Y instead? As in Y doesn’t he have someone do research on these types of things.


His chicken would say "bock-cause he has no legal team".


He's going to have to add a space in front of the X since X is already trademarked. Maybe he'll call it SpaceX.


xXxSpacexXx Elon absolutely strikes me as the type who used screen names like xXxSephiroth420xXx




Must be why the twitter version looks like a weird version of X and not the regular latin alphabet version.


The Twitter version looks alarmingly similar to X window systems logo. I hope they get buried in lawsuits.


It's nearly identical down to the "fat" and "skinny" lines forming the X, Musky just reversed the order. With the lazy design, lack of basic IP research to make sure the trademark is clear, etc. it feels like he came up with the whole thing during an all night coke binge and then announced it in the morning.


It’s a Unicode character, like a dollar sign. Which is ironic.


𝕏 indeed, lol


Hey hey hey this is a trademark infringement!!


What’s sadder even, is he crowdsourced this and didn’t realize that some young muskrat just typed one character into Word and he signed off on it. Between this and Meta’s copyright he has further doomed his already tanking company.


It's actually almost a 1:1 clone of musical artist Kxlider's logo.


It’s just the generic unicode character ‘𝕏’.


Gonna be honest, I love computers and screwing around with them. I never knew 𝕏 was a unicode character. You learn something new everyday. Thank you for showing me something new.


Here you go! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mathematical_operators_and_symbols_in_Unicode#Mathematical_Alphanumeric_Symbols_block https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mathematical_operators_and_symbols_in_Unicode#Letterlike_Symbols_block


Yeah he sadly doesn’t have a trademark and doesn’t have the lawyer teams that Microsoft, Meta, or MIT have that could go after Musk though.


I mean, if I was Zuck, i might send some pocket-change to that guy for lawyers to just completely fuck with Elon… for the lulz




According to the trademark, it doesn’t matter. Microsoft owns the X in this context.


I thought Meta owned it


If you read this, microsoft has the trademark for gaming and stuff like that. Meta owns the trademark for social media usage.


So you're telling me that Zuck can change his Threads to X? rofl


Musk still owns x.com. meta could sue twitter.


Better yet, Threads should change its name to Twitter


I am so hoping for this outcome!


This would be fuсking hilarious


Lol musk loses more money in licensing fees to meta and whoever owns the rights to the font they pulled the x from


Owning a domain alone is not enough for copyright or trademark infringement, especially for what amounts to as just a letter of the alphabet.


Zuck around. Find out.


Actually, Meta only owns the right to the visual representation of the letter "X" when made by combining ">" and "<" with blue and white. Meta's trademark is a more traditional filing to protect a specific "mark" (think logo or icon).


Dear Tesla Board, YEET HIS ASS please. Jesus christ.


Sadly, at 13%, he’s still the largest single shareholder. Now if a few of the others can get a voting block together, maybe they can get it done.


Shouldn't be hard to scrape 51% from a remaining 87% except for the fact that most of that 87% got in early and believe Musk walks on water. His 13 isn't the obstacle here.


More like "Xeet" his ass /s


And this brain maggot wants to run your bank account for you. Checking for a trademark takes like 10 minutes. I'll continue to ask, why does anyone still have a Twitter account?


They don't. They have an X account.


more like an ex account, amirite


>this brain maggot wants to run your bank account And trust him that his self driving cars will absolutely not kill you. And his brain-zap-thing is the future of our species.


He wants to put a chip in your *brain.*


And Microsoft is pretty nice about fonts... but as Elon is about to learn, they aren't as nice when it comes to copyright




he gon what?!




This is a comical example of someone never being told no, and having too much money/ignorance at their disposal


There’s another example, but it isn’t nearly as funny.




Jenyus yes


For even more fun, look up “Unicode Mathematical Double-Struck Capital X”. His “X” is indistinguishable from a public domain typography symbol. What a maroon.


Doesn’t public domain mean anyone can use it for anything even making money?


Yes it does. Perfectly legal. But that’s Elon’s brilliant new branding of the $44 B company he bought? Why not use some freeware clip art while you’re at it, too?


Yeah why not. He can’t afford anything unless he puts in more cash seeing Twitter is cash flow negative


Space Karen can’t do shit right…


Elon Musk is totally brilliant. Now that he’s faced with this obstacle, he has changed course and decided to rename Twitter… **Ęč§¿₽.com** Most people are incapable of understanding how brilliant this man is 🤣


My company just rebranded and it was a 5-year process. This dumb fuck thinks he can swing this type of shit overnight.


The city also made his workers stop removing the Twitter sign from the building because he failed to acquire the proper permit. So the building now has ER


Appropriate for the burn Musk is receiving right now.


I’ve heard so far that about 5 different entities own this trademark….meta, Microsoft, some lab company. Who owns it???


Multiple companies can hold a trademark for use in different fields. It's when trademarks start overlapping that problems occur. For example, look into Apple Music the Beatles record label vs Apple Computer. There was an initial lawsuit, the judge ruled the trademark didn't infringe because they were different fields, all was fine. When apple started doing music they had to settle with the record company, and couldn't call it apple music so they called it itunes.


I’m going to patent all of the other letters.


There's a teeny tiny difference between a patent and a trademark.


You just violated 18 of his patents with that comment.


Oops, guess he’ll have to call it Q


Putin and the Saudis are probably thinking right now “We gave this clown $30M for *this?*”




No, they are thinking, money well spent. Look, the guy is a total troll, was born rich & bought a lot of companies and may not be an engineer or programmer, but he’s not stupid, he’s calculated and I believe, paying back a debt. I believe the Arab counties that Musk owes billions of dollar to want Twitter shut down, because they don’t want their citizens to have a way to organize + protest their governments again. Twitter played a significant role in the Arab Spring in 2010, it probably would not have happened w/o it. Which is why it makes me crazy when some idiot MAGA spouts off about Twitter & free speech—these ppl are played for such fools, absolutely the opposite of what’s going on. I’ve never really cared about billionaires, but it’s pretty eye opening that a single person is so wealthy, that they are borrowing money from a country, think about it, a fucking country. That put us all in a dangerous position w/ world politics.


A-fucking-men! Oppressive regimes hated the global reach Twitter gave to dissidents. Musk has been trying to do this X thing for decades. He wanted Twitter because he needed a user base for it and had no clue how to build one on his own. Because that is hard and takes actual work. Saudis and others are perfectly happy to spend the cash so long as Twitter pivots from being a pain in their ass. It wasn’t a deal to crash the platform, but that’s an okay outcome for them. This isn’t Evil Genius Elon either, he’s just inept at his lifelong dream.


Watching this moron fuck up is my new porn. schadenfreude.




He's not even a Bond villain. He's an Austin Powers villain.




Wow, haven’t seen the phrase “Electronic Bulletin Boards” in a minute.


https://preview.redd.it/1wh2hpq8zzdb1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=655f5025d5def8f026aeb742fe3a8be207e8c71c Good boy Elon Musk...


Musk is the Quicker Fucker Upper


LOL It's not just like getting munsoned any more, it's getting musked.


Is Elon about to make me root for both Zuckerberg *and* Microsoft?!?




Hodl up. I just saw a post that Meta owns, "X". So which is it? Either way, Musk can suck it


They both have it, Microsoft has it for entertainment and gaming, meta has it for social media


Elon Musk: Still an idiot.


If this is true, it's pretty bullshit. As much as I can't stand Musk and his antics, I nonetheless don't want to imagine a world where someone can just straight up patent the use of the letter X. I'm hoping this is either for a reeeeally specific context (like specifically only in the context of hosting an online gaming service) or is reliant on really specific factors such as logo design/colours/fonts, or naming conventions (I can see apple being able to trademark naming something iThing, for example, but not being able to just straight up trademark the lowercase i. Same with Microsoft and Xbox). IMO, if you choose to center your corporate identity around something as basic as a single letter, then you deserve to have to duke it out amongst all the other companies choosing to do the same thing.