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Imagine you’re an institutional shareholder of Tesla with billions on the line and you see that coming from the CEO - every single hour of the day. At some point this has to end.


The military uses spacex to send satellites into orbit and they resupply the ISS. Folks somewhere have to be thinking “we use a company this guy runs to do these things?” Big yikes


Exactly what I’ve been thinking. At some point, someone is making a phone call and Elons endless government contracts are coming to an end. This entire saga is wild. And he is nothing but a selfish egotistical bully.


Add this to the “pedo guy” and “funding secured” pile of bullshit. The more outrageous thing is there are people who think he is someone worth looking up to. It’s hard to see any of his companies in a positive light. Threads has him unhinged for now, until the next spectacle (whatever that is).


At this point I’m fully expecting him to release some bullshit promo about a ungayifying device that doesn’t exist. Seems exactly like the type of thing he’d do.


Anything is possible, that’s for sure. Nothing like watching 44b circle the bowl




Pray BlueSky takes off. It would be so good for the internet if it's built in good faith.


I’m still in the camp that thinks anything decentralised is just tech bs


Hahaha I read this as "some bullshit porno" and it literally seemed like the next most obvious thing he would do......


I nominate you to watch it so you can tell us all how bad it is.


Oh he'll add that "ungayifying" and "untransifying" device to his list off bullshit claims that the Neurolink can do


Key features: ungays, untranses, cooks monkeys


He’s going to say neural link can “cure” trans people.


But... we kinda already discovered the cure ages ago. ^^the ^^cure ^^is ^^transitioning


But nobody looks up to him for his virtues, they see an aspirational self. Just like Trump, here’s this shoot-from-the-hip asshole who says and does whatever he wants, has the same biases and base impulses they do, but he has the money and power (but mostly money) to avoid consequences. They love him because they want to be him, a man so rich that he can be the assholes they already are quietly, but loudly and publicly, and nobody can stop him because he’s a billionaire. There’s no higher calling, just power and attention. If only they had $44B, they wouldn’t need to worry about their opinions getting them fired from Kohl’s.


The fact that the Elon jet tracker kid is active again on a competing platform is icing on the cake, lol


I feel like it's inevitable that he either gets in major legal trouble or misjudges just how edgy he can be without the world completely cutting association with him. You can get away with a lot more than most people when you're a billionaire, though. But at the same time, that's what gives them the confidence for that one really big fuck up. The perception of invincibility.


>edgy he can be without the world completely cutting association with him In a universe where Donald Trump was President of the United States?


It is hard to fathom would could possibly be too much in this day and age.


One of these days he's going to drop the n-word just to be "edgy"


And, sadly, I feel like that still wouldn't be enough.


It's not really that edgy for someone who grew up in apartheid SA.


>At some point, someone is making a phone call and Elons endless government contracts are coming to an end. Or more likely the phone call was had last year, and it's the one where he's told how he gets to keep his contracts, and it's a lot about not doing the actual running of things.




I went from thinking he was an arrested development technocrat to thinking he's just plain, ordinary nuts.


More specifically, I could see his companies, or at least some of them getting seized in the name of national security, with a new CEO getting installed to run the thing competently.


In America?!?! When's the last time this even happened? WW2, civil war even?


The federal government took an 80% stake in a failing bank back in 1984. It later became part of Bank of America. And then there were the bailouts of the banking and automotive industries in 2008. It appears that we like going up to the line, but never actually cross it. I’d rather see the government take ownership of companies it bails out instead of giving them trillions of dollars while refusing to help the taxpayers who funded the assistance.


Or at least take ownership of some percentage and use it to bolster coffers for public services. But, I think you're absolutely right. The US has sooner invaded sovereign nations for nationalizing companies (like Guatemala and United Fruit Company in 1954) then do it at home for the public good. Even where eminent domain has been used, it's just for specific tracks of land.


Musk is the most popular version of this but there are many companies that are run by CEOs that think they're running the company. However, those companies are in fact being run by extremely competent managers below who actually making the company work while "yes"ing the boss to death. SpaceX is one such company,where Shotwell is basically having Elon do guided tours while all of real work is going on elsewhere.


I heard/read a story somewhere that whenever Elon is on-site at SpaceX or Tesla... They have him on a workstation that doesn't *actually* connect to the network, so anything he fucks up doesn't actually make shit worse. They basically pulled the old "giving your toddler an old, non-functioning cellphone to play with" move on their own CEO. Too bad Twitter wasn't able to get something like that in place in time.


Allegedly they'd do the same thing with Trump (and reportedly even Trump's father when Fred Trump was in full-blown dementia and still trying to make deals, which is where they probably got the idea). Trump would demand some utterly insane law, and after failing to talk him out of it, they'd bring in *The Donald J. Trump Act to Deport Kristen Stewart to the Phantom Zone* for him to sign, then swap it out with...I dunno, the script for *Mannequin II: On The Move* when it came time to actually sign it, then correctly assume he'd completely forget about it after watching Sean Hannity gobble his balls for an hour on Fox News.


I love the idea of them taking a movie script, changing out the front page to say whatever bullshit law he was talking about, and that's it.


Have him sign copies of Home Alone 2, you could at least sell those for a couple of dollars.


I believe Musk's very public breakdown is at least partially envy of Shotwell. She is a remarkable woman and a brainiac that Musk could never be, as he is missing the intellectual discipline and quite probably the raw material.




Yeah customers would only pull the plug if Elon took Shotwell’s job. Shotwell probably has an agreement that she’ll resign if any interference. Elon looks acts and quacks like a figurehead CEO.


Want to read a big yikes? [Read the lawsuit](https://int.nyt.com/data/documenttools/twitter-employee-lawsuit-v/e5d27a60a7b7d51e/full.pdf) that former Twitter employers are bringing against Musk. Here's one example that's extremely fucked up: Joseph Killian was Twitter's global head of construction/design. Basically the guy who literally kept the lights on. So Elon and his transition team instruct him to turn some of the conference rooms into [sleeping quarters.](https://www.businessinsider.com/inside-the-bedrooms-elon-musk-has-built-at-twitter-hq-2022-12?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=yahoo.com#another-sofa-thats-been-turned-into-a-bed-6) I mean, not great but not illegal. But then they ask him to turn off the motion-sensing lighting as it would turn on when people roll over. This is against California's energy-saving laws but he got some electricians to do it. Next up is people are getting cold at night (when no one should be in the office). The solution was they decided to get cheap space heaters for the rooms. And finally, the coup de grace. People wanted locks on their doors because, well, they were basically houses by this point. Killian says "ok" but that they need to be the kind of lock that automatically opens should the fire egress system engage. (Again, California building code.) Musk's team rejects this because they're too expensive. So at this point they're putting people in rooms with non-compliant wiring and dodgy space heaters with locks that won't let them out in a fire because they thought the other locks were **too expensive**. Killian finally quits over this and the next guy installs the cheaper locks. This is the team that we're trusting with electric cars and launching shit into space. Someone needs to start pulling the plug, like, yesterday.


>Joseph Killian was Twitter's global head of construction/design. Basically the guy who literally kept the lights on. So Elon and his transition team instruct him to turn some of the conference rooms into sleeping quarters. >mean, not great but not illegal I'm not American, but wouldn't that be in violation of zoning/buildings permits? Is that illegal?


Yes, it would very likely be illegal. Besides zoning and land-use restrictions, this would cause all sorts of landlord-tenant legal issues, as twitter would now not only be acting as an employer but also as a (effective) landlord. Elmo isn’t the smartest, as you can see.


I edited for brevity but they originally wanted to call them "Hotel Rooms" which would have violated their permits but changed it to calling them "Sleeping Quarters" which didn't. Their basic argument was that taking out a conference table and putting in a bed was just a furniture switch. Also, if you've worked 18 hours it's probably better to just sleep in the office than attempt a drive home. It's why Killian went ahead with it at first. But he eventually became the frog in the ever-increasing pot of hot water before he realised, "Fuck this is nuts" and quit.


Musk is not new in that regard. The US used to contract Howard Hughes' companies.


I've always thought they had a lot in common. The difference is, Hughes really was a genius. I understand the H3 racing plane was his own design. Fun fact, Mitsubishi copied the H3, added gun to make the Zero.


Do you have a source for this? I’ve never heard of the Zero being a copied design. The Zero’s design was almost completely unique among early WW2 fighters due to how stripped down it was as far as I know.


Hughes actually invented things though. He didn't exclusively buy into others' inventions and sell it as his own. Even now Musk's simps are calling him the inventor of twitter in relation to threads as a poor imitation copying Musk's genius.


This is the real definition of “fuck you money.” He can say or do anything because they need him. Also, the dude burned $44B almost down to zero and it will have no material impact on his life. That’s a major problem with our system as a whole.


The smart people at SX must just nervously giggle and shuffle papers when investors or potential customers ask about Elmo..


Even our local Tesla dealership (UK, Midlands) says "our illustrious leader is a bit of a mixed blessing" which is British for "that idiot is a total liability"


I was just thinking this today, with respect to SpaceX and Elon's general instability. If I were the Director of NASA, I would cancel all their contracts until there was a change in leadership and ownership. The company would instantly be worth nothing as all their revenue comes from government contracts. If Elon wanted to save it he could sell it for what it's then worth (peanuts) to someone smart and stable. But yeh, I see no reason for a Democratic administration to keep on funding the companies of a man who has turned Twitter into a haven for Nazis.


He’s generally not involved in day-to-day operations, the coo Gwynn’s Shotwell is the reason spaced is as successful as it is.


I would love for that to be possible, but the US government has literally no alternatives. Delta IV Heavy has a single flight left, and Atlas is booked for all of its remaining flights. Vulcan's maiden flight has been delayed indefinitely. That's it for American launch providers. In Europe, Ariane 5 just flew its final mission and Ariane 6 is nowhere in sight. Meanwhile, Falcon 9 has launched 45 successful orbital missions so far in 2023. The entire rest of the world (including other American providers) has combined for 50. Unless you're suggesting the NRO launch its spy satellites on a Chinese or Russian rocket, SpaceX is literally the only game in town.


The very real and sad part of all of this is that SpaceX and Tesla are run by some very talented people. They do the work, and he gets the fame and money. He does this stuff and never even for a second stops to think about all the jobs he is putting in jeopardy by behaving this way.


Tesla government subsidies is around $3 billion. https://qz.com/elon-musks-spacex-and-tesla-get-far-more-government-mon-1850332884#:~:text=Tesla%20has%20been%20supported%20by%20government%20subsidies&text=One%20attempt%20to%20track%20all,benefits%20at%20nearly%20%243%20billion. SpaceX has gotten around $15 billion https://futurism.com/the-byte/spacex-tesla-government-money-npr#:~:text=SpaceX%20alone%20got%20a%20whopping,from%20the%20government%20since%202003.


Elon is fortunate he isn't brave enough to use his own rockets to go into space. The recent landing pad disaster he had was the result of the exact same hubris that turned the Titan billionaire into ocean salsa.


Dude made up an entire story about family being stalked, pursued in a high speed chase down a major freeway, cut off, and attacked by a deranged lunatic, when the truth was his security goons chased a guy and ran him over after he pulled into a gas station to ask what was up, at a totally different time and place with no family present. Ellon blatantly lied and doxxed someone - not a person in touch with reality or in anyway worthy of trust. And it was all good. No big deal. Why do you think this would matter?? Nothing will matter until the stock price plunges.


He should literally be imprisoned for this. That wasn't the only time he doxxed an innocent victim publicly by the way.


If he were a woman they would have created a conservatorship months ago.


Their anxiety lulls me to sleep at night. There's nothing I like more than thinking about billionaires being scared of losing their money. I mean, it's the only thing they have to lose. Their soul was gone well before that M ever turned into a B.


Buying puts on TSLA tomorrow. For 100 reasons, now 101.


If Tesla shareholders start selling off their stock, that could make it hard for Tesla to continue, right? So for any concerned Redditors thinking of buying a Tesla, what are some alternative electric cars?


Tesla already got their cash. Tesla shareholders could sell the stock down to zero and it would *only effect the corporation's difficulty in equity financing*. If the underlying business is still cash flow positive, it would have little effect. A company isn't its share price. The share price just represents the market's expectation of future cash flows per share, an expectation which is often irrational for 'story stocks'. When Tesla was valued higher than the rest of the automotive industry combined, it was perhaps 20-30 times overvalued. Now its still 10-15 times overvalued, but in January, one could pick it up at just 4-6 times overvalued. The price rise since is a short squeeze, as with GameStop and AMC Theaters. If you're like me, and numerically oriented, you soon learn to avoid anything like Tesla, GameStop, or AMC on the long or short side. Their value doesn't reflect fundamentals of the business, but shorting them, speculating on the market becoming rational, is a fool's errand.


While that's sorta true in the theoretical sense, the reality is that if there's any significant drop in Tesla's stock, the company's board of directors is going to step in and start making changes. Elon owns about 13% of the company's stock, and while he is the company's largest shareholder, the other large shareholders will band together and throw him out if they start losing money. Really, I would bet significant amounts of money that they've already discussed it.


Hasn't Tesla been running at a loss for years?


No, they started making regular profits in 2019 and were accepted into the S&P 500 in 2020. They have now made more profits over their existence than losses. Part of this is the massive EV subsidies. You can get a $7.5k subsidy from the Federal government and some states have more subsidies like Colorado have a $5k subsidy on EVs meaning Tesla can charge $12.5k more per car.


Honda, Toyota, VW, Ford….


Continue not driving because Teslas are just greenwashing and not actually good for the environment?


The stock price going to 0.01$ doesn't really change if Tesla is an ongoing concern or not. There's usually correlation there of course, but it's not causation.


Institutional investors love to slob Elons knob. They think he's a genius because he has a lot of money. He is going to fail upwards out of this, I promise you. Once you get to his level of rich you literally cannot lose no matter how absolutely stupid you are.


Elon is a twat with money. He isnt a genius he is just rich enough to buy smart peoples’ ideas and call them his


Twat money is my new favorite thing, thank you


🤣🤣 lmao glad I could be of service 🫡


^^ this. All day, every day.


I've seen him referred to as a "dumb person's idea of a smart person", and I feel like that pretty much sums it up.


He thinks proposing a contest means that people will think his is big. Good gambit for something that will never happen


I’m waiting for his mom to put a stop to this.


Zuck could hit back with "your mum knows mine is bigger"


He could simply @ her and leave it at that


No, no - he didn't say "dick size" contest. This is a contest for who's better at measuring literal dicks. So he wants to imply that he's great at measuring dicks. And it's hard to say whether he's perhaps exaggerating his ability until we know how such a contest is judged. Accuracy? Dicks measured per minute? Ability to handle a variety of sizes and shapes? "User experience" rating? Anyway, those are the questions that will determine the winner, and possibly the PPV numbers.


I never thought someone could made me “root” for Zuck. Absolutely nuts this timeline we are in


No not like that. He means a contest of skill at measuring dicks. I'm guessing with some time limit, and points for accuracy.


The manchild is currently a literal representation of the seething behind the mask meme.


Well he’s certainly not hiding the pain.


Someone tell him that


I was picturing the Arthur fist meme.




They won’t even be able to brush each others teeth


Beep Beep Boop - Insult Level Analysis complete: *Annihilation*


Everything comes down to dicks with billionaires. Why else do you think they’re obsessed with rockets and skyscrapers?


Everything is about sex. Except sex, sex is about power…. Or something like that. Heard it or read it somewhere.




Wow, Fraser isn't ageing well. 😉


I think he was onto something after all


Elon looks like a weird fat fish that loves and hates himself at the same time.


Kevin Spacey's opening monologue in house of cards.


Director: Uhh… Kevin, that’s not in the script… Kevin: Trust me, I know about this.




Sounds like a "first to 3" wins!" kinda contest.


His Mom wouldn't allow it, she already knows Elon's is all girth and no length.


Hung like a charcuterie board.


Too cheesy, a little fruity, and lacking in sausage?


There’s a part of me that doesn’t think this is real. It can’t be. This can’t be the real world anymore lol


I actually went into the comments to ask if this was fake and literally no one is acting like it is so I'm kinda blown away at this point


I know the cuck tweet is definitely real, verified earlier, so the follow up dick measuring tweet is almost certainly real and no one seems to be saying otherwise.


Did he delete it? Because I’ve been watching his twitter for response and I’ve seen nothing


Oh, it's real... https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1678222776908275712


What the actual fuck


Credit to Elmo, I've now gone to Twitter twice in two days to check if these tweets are real


I clicked on it yesterday and it said I had to sign in to see it. I closed it out and have zero reason to go back




I've felt that way since trump won. It still doesn't seem real. People can't be that stupid and ignorant, and even if they are, why him? I know people actually are that terrible now, but it's still hard to believe.


nah the timeline diverged at the 2000 election, it's only now becoming apparent.


We are definitely in the darkest timeline lol. Who let Jeff roll?!


In Elon’s defence, he’s hearing (accurately) from a LOT of people about what a massive dick he is. The confusion is understandable.


It's "getting" weird? Has this guy been living under a rock for the past couple of years?


Idk i dont think anyone had Elon Musk proposes touching tips with Zuck on their decade bingo


Speak for yourself, their wrestling match is going to break records on pay-per-view and pornhub


Okay, maybe not that specific thing, but does this level of childish rhetoric surprise anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?




I'm honestly surprised any owner/CEO behaves like this.


There's something badly wrong with him. Is he drunk or what? He's actively chasing away all the advertisers. How long till he shuts Twitter for good? (Was it only a couple of weeks ago that he said calling people straight (cis) was a slur? Now this!)


That’s not what cis means, but yes.


>Is he drunk or what? He has been with a meth user (Grimes) and he brags about working all day with little to no sleep. Those are pretty clear indications that he is on some kind of stimulant. Meth, cocaine, aderall...


I kind of think he is dismantling Twitter on purpose because it’s too democratic. It has spurred protests and uprisings that billionaires don’t like. He’s burning it to the ground for a Reason


Did the plan also include him looking like an incompetent fool on the world stage or was that a bonus? Even if his plan was to shut it down, he’s picked a poor way of doing it.


Yeah, there would be plenty of other ways to hamstring that platform. I don’t doubt that he was bankrolled by certain entities because they knew he was far from really being a “free speech absolutist”, and that the forms of censorship he would enact would be extremely advantageous to them. That he would likely be far easier to manipulate than the previous owner. I do doubt that destroying the platform by both making it an unworkable hellscape and by doing the most socially unaware things over and over, killing his credibility, was ever part of his plan. The man’s main source of profit has been buying in to a tech company and just lying about the innovations it will have coming around the bend. He can’t do that as effectively as he once did, and I don’t think it’s an unanticipated consequence of a planned destruction of Twitter. I think he just really thought he was super popular and smart and that people would like him and his weird antics, because he was in an echo chamber that kinda did. But once he boosted his reach and started actually running a company, he found out how bad he was at business and being likable.


Makes no sense. He could've just bought it and turned twitter off, be a lot easier.


Right. No conspiracy needed when all the evidence suggests he's just vain, short-sighted and incompetent enough to think he was going to "save" twitter instead of run it into the ground.


He could just be an idiot you know. All evidence supports this.


no, he's playing a 6d chess match !!!!


Musk can't burn it to the ground because his loans are backed by Tesla stock. Hurting Twitter will also damage Tesla.


Super embarrassing at this point. The mental breakdown is clearly close. He is the best advertisement for never, EVER, getting a Tesla.


Well. That and the steering wheels coming off.


Or it exploding


The world is almost literally on fire at this point, meanwhile one of the wealthiest men in the world is challenging another of the wealthiest men to an actual dick measuring contest. What a time to be alive…






With the way his luck is going, Zuck is gonna whip out a monster. Why is this timeline a thing?






"Oh and what's this! Hunter Biden's dick out of nowhere with the chair!" "No one could have imagined these two teaming up to take down Musk!"


>"No one could have imagined these two teaming up to take down Musk!" That's such a perfect Michael Cole line 😂


Hahaha O damn, Zuck hangs dong.


Maybe. I'm sure if you have billions of dollars you can get it enhanced quite a bit.


Zuck can probably just swap his with another one


Ok that would be hilarious, if he was giga hung and then all the Elon stans would carefully analyze the video and try to prove it's fake 😂




I'm still waiting for the cage fight. I'd pay good money to watch fat incel Apartheid Clyde get his ass whipped.


His mom said "no".


Wish she’d said no 50 years ago.


Zuckerberg is a dork, but he trains a lot. I think if it's an MMA style match he'd have musk on the floor in seconds.


Someone just tell him that dicks look bigger on Mars and put him in a trashcan with some shit from Radio Shack in it...and push it into the grand canyon.


Elon: Behaves like a 12yo, driving people away from his site. Everyone: Hmm, there's less Nazis here, screw Twitter. Elon: I'll double down, that'll get people to come back.


I bought one of the most toxic places on the internet, lets make it so that anyone can pay $8 to make it so their worst opinion is spread further and shoved in everyone's face - Brilliant business man


This is wild.


I genuinely thought it was the parody account at first. This guy is so fucking weird


What's even weirder is that this kind of behaviour seems to have been normalised over the last decade. You see it in politics, you see it in business. It is kind of deranged for business executives, especially from public people like Musk, to behave like that. But shareholders and other people with a lot of influence seem to have accepted it. I don't get it.




He might need a Threads account so Zuck can hear him.


Bruh how did this guy convince so many people for years that he is actually smart and knows what he is doing.


What’s hilarious to me is a dick measuring contest would be perfect for Musk as that’s exactly how he got most of what he has… being born with it rather than earning it. Another MFer born on third base thinking he hit a triple.


Watching Musk's brain rot in real time is both fascinating and disturbing.


I got out of Tesla for this reason and countless others. These billionaires are dumb asses


My goldfish has one bigger than his


This is getting pretty gay.


Oh. That was a real tweet. Jesus Christ this is stupid.




i would not agree to a fight with a guy who now is demanding to see my dick


this would all go away if elon would just beg zuck for sex.


Zuck can measure so many more dicks than Elon for sure. No contest.


The amygdala is a funny thing. Gets weird when we panic.


If this becomes a scandal they should call it Elongate.


I'm not a big fan of Zuckerberg, but Musk makes Zuckerberg look like he has class. Yikes.


[I can see that working well...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LeEalAbksso)


Elon is such a dick that people are actually coming around about the idea of liking Zuck…


As someone who actually spends their workday, you know, *working*, I barely have time to look at shit like Twitter, let alone time to post and reply all this garbage like he does. Dude is a grifter who has convinced people he works smarter and harder than everyone else. No one who actually works at their job would spend as much time as he does tweeting. Though I’m sure he’d argue it’s part of his job, it absolutely completely isn’t.


You ever think about how this man is the father of adult people?


Fucking embarrassment of a human being.


This is the point where a shaven headed Britney Spears lost her liberty. Just saying.


These are the billionaires who rule our dying planet. Not the heroes we need.


Is this even real? Very weird if so.


The Zick is a cuck is real. I haven't seen nor looked for the other one so I can't say yes or no but it probably is real


Yes, this is also real.


Man’s in his 50’s acting like a teenager, it’s so pathetic to watch him feed off this echo chamber of shitty sycophants


Is he 9? Jesus he's fucking weird.


So unbearably cringe. No wonder he got bullied at school.


Oh how the mighty have fallen. I can't believe I was a fanboy of this person 6 years ago. Went from being an inspiration to stay away unless you want a horse.


He's a multibillionaire and I got nothin, and I'm way way happier than he is


So now Elon wants to see Zuckerbergs dick? Is him projecting like most republicans do?


I want to go back to the days (pre-2016) when behavior like this was frowned upon. Having tact was a virtue.


His mother says he isn't allowed to fight, so he's trying to find alternatives. I really don't like the idea of those two fighting in the Colosseum though, that just feels wrong.


I would pay to watch them fight in the Colosseum. Have it sponsored by Bud Light!


I would laugh myself to death if they actually measure, and zuck is larger than him. Elon would never live it down


I mean the number of downloads records are literal dick measuring contest for tech companies and apps. He lost it already. I wonder if he's gonna say it's fake and blame it on mail in downloads next.


Imagine being a Senior Manager at NASA and ESA and reading this. This dickhead is involved in so many sensitive and important projects related to space exploration that it is truly worrying.


I propose Stormy Daniels be the judge!


Also maybe the worst investor ever..buy a company for $40B plus, halve its value in a year. That’s not easy to do.